Binance Square
伝説のアナリスト、イル・カポがビットコインとアルトコインの週末予想を共有: 伝説のアナリスト、イル・カポがビットコインとアルトコインの週末予想を共有 暗号通貨アナリストのイル・カポは、新しい分析でビットコインと一般的な暗号通貨市場の状況について論じました。 一般的に弱気派のアナリストとして知られるイル・カポは、最近この姿勢を捨て、BTC は大幅な上昇を経験するだろうと語りました。アナリストはアルトコインについても同様の考えを持っています。 最新の投稿で、イル・カポは市場の現状について論じました。アナリストによると、ビットコインの価格が 60,000 ドルを回復したという事実は、強気派に有利であるようです。イル・カポは、69,000 ドルを回復し、さらにチャートの下降チャネルを上抜けることで、現在の強気派の確認が可能になると考えています。アナリストによると、これが起こった場合、低ピークによって形成された構造も破壊されるだろう。 il Capo 氏によると、BTC 価格がこのレベルからさらに高い安値を作り続ける限り、アルトコインは好調なパフォーマンスを発揮する可能性がある。 il Capo 氏は、流動性ゾーンを 74,000 ドルから 79,000 ドルと定義している。以前の発言では、流動性ゾーンを 58,000 ドルから 60,000 ドルと定義し、ここで下落した後に上昇が始まる可能性があると予測していた。しかし、下落中に BTC 価格は 49,000 ドルまで下落した。 *これは投資アドバイスではありません。 $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)


一般的に弱気派のアナリストとして知られるイル・カポは、最近この姿勢を捨て、BTC は大幅な上昇を経験するだろうと語りました。アナリストはアルトコインについても同様の考えを持っています。

最新の投稿で、イル・カポは市場の現状について論じました。アナリストによると、ビットコインの価格が 60,000 ドルを回復したという事実は、強気派に有利であるようです。イル・カポは、69,000 ドルを回復し、さらにチャートの下降チャネルを上抜けることで、現在の強気派の確認が可能になると考えています。アナリストによると、これが起こった場合、低ピークによって形成された構造も破壊されるだろう。

il Capo 氏によると、BTC 価格がこのレベルからさらに高い安値を作り続ける限り、アルトコインは好調なパフォーマンスを発揮する可能性がある。

il Capo 氏は、流動性ゾーンを 74,000 ドルから 79,000 ドルと定義している。以前の発言では、流動性ゾーンを 58,000 ドルから 60,000 ドルと定義し、ここで下落した後に上昇が始まる可能性があると予測していた。しかし、下落中に BTC 価格は 49,000 ドルまで下落した。

連邦判事は、昨年リップル社によるXRPの機関投資家向け販売が連邦証券法に違反していると判断し、リップル社に1億2500万ドルの罰金を科した。 判事は、リップル社が取引所を通じて個人顧客にXRPをプログラム的に販売したことは連邦証券法に違反していないとの見解を繰り返した。 連邦判事は水曜日、リップル社に1億2500万ドルの民事罰金の支払いを命じ、将来の証券法違反に対する差し止め命令を科した。 $XRP



$NOT コイン弱気。損失を避けるためにトークンを売却してください。
$NOT コイン弱気。損失を避けるためにトークンを売却してください。
$BTC 以外に何を買うべきでしょうか?

私は 1000 種類の異なるアルトコインを保有することに 100% 反対です。それにはいくつかの理由があります。最も重要なのは、それらすべてを同時に効果的に監視できないことです。それらのほとんどは、当たり外れがあり、さらに悪いことに、ポンプ アンド ダンプ スキームになります。

私が好むのは、分析により価格が少なくとも 30 ~ 50% 上昇する可能性があると示唆される 2 つか 3 つのアルトコインを保有することです。

たとえば、私は主に $ETH 、$HBAR 、SOL、そしてもちろん王様である BTC を保有しています。コインの数が少ないと、かなり簡単に管理できます。

昨日の投稿で、BTC は 69,000 ドルに達すると述べましたが、これまで何度もそうであったように、それは完璧に起こりました。自分で確認したい場合は、私の以前の投稿をご覧ください。したがって、テクニカル分析は役に立たないと言う人は、テクニカル分析が何であるかを知らず、それをどのように使用するか決して知らないからです。

#Megadrop #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #btc70k
$NOT To the Moon
$NOT To the Moon
$NOT 強気
$NOT 強気
$NOT まもなく0.02になります
$NOT まもなく0.02になります
Is this true Binance is gonna banned in Pakistan? #Binance​ $BTC
Is this true Binance is gonna banned in Pakistan?
原文参照 IQトークンはIQ.wikiに不可欠です。HiIQステーキングシステムでトークンをステークするIQトークン保有者は、プラットフォームとIQトークン自体の両方に関係するガバナンスの決定に投票します。 2024年に、IQ.wikiはIQステーカー向けにHiIQ BrainPass NFTを導入する予定です。これにより、IQ.wikiでの編集機能など、いくつかのメリットが提供されます。BrainPassの加入者は、IQ GPT、、近日登場のIQ Codeなど、さまざまなサービスの拡張機能にアクセスできます。 だから、IQでいっぱいにしようと思います。 $IQ


2024年に、IQ.wikiはIQステーカー向けにHiIQ BrainPass NFTを導入する予定です。これにより、IQ.wikiでの編集機能など、いくつかのメリットが提供されます。BrainPassの加入者は、IQ GPT、、近日登場のIQ Codeなど、さまざまなサービスの拡張機能にアクセスできます。


BTCはさらに下落するでしょう。58Kに達するか、あるいは56Kまで下がるかもしれません。しかし、58K付近には強い抵抗があります。BTCがこのレベルを維持すれば、再び上昇するでしょう。 DYOR $BTC
What is market correction? How we started to misused the word! Price correction doesn’t mean that price will go down. But we see in crypto world people commonly mention correction when price going down. Which is a wrong practice! We know there are multiple exchanges, brokers and financial institutions. Trade happens everywhere. Now one coin may get 5% up in one exchange and 5% down in another exchange for a short period of time. It’s due to liquidity difference between two platform. Lemme give more real life example. Imagine you want to buy chocolate. You went to a market where people selling purest dark chocolate for 1$ a gram. On another market people selling chocolate for 0.8$. Now a news reporter went to the first market and found chocolate is trading at 1$. So he wrote a Facebook post that today chocolate price went 1$ a gram which is ATH. Another reporter commented there that he saw it’s trading 0.8$ a gram. Now the first reporter will correct the price and tell chocolate price is 0.9$ (after averaging). I know the example is not realistic, but as long as you understand the concept, it’s fine. If you check when STRK, the potential scam coin, launched on Binance, it went to near 7.9$, at the same time it was trading on Dex for 2.4$ and within a second it went to 5$ and then 4$ and then 3$ and then 2.4$. Then kept going down. Now when usually price correction happens? Ans. it keeps happening between platforms in every seconds, days and weeks. But we see much impact during week. Let’s give another example, let’s say my company bought 500 BTC from a miner at a average price of 65k. The deal took 7 days to happen. When the deal got realised the market price is already 70k. Once we announced the deal, the correction start to happen and the price fall dramatically within a day. So market correction is not necessary means a coin losing its value. But due to common aggressive behaviour of market, the price gets higher than the actual valuation, it’s hard to find a example, where the price increased after the correction. #Salid $BTC
What is market correction? How we started to misused the word!
Price correction doesn’t mean that price will go down. But we see in crypto world people commonly mention correction when price going down. Which is a wrong practice!
We know there are multiple exchanges, brokers and financial institutions. Trade happens everywhere. Now one coin may get 5% up in one exchange and 5% down in another exchange for a short period of time.
It’s due to liquidity difference between two platform.
Lemme give more real life example. Imagine you want to buy chocolate. You went to a market where people selling purest dark chocolate for 1$ a gram. On another market people selling chocolate for 0.8$. Now a news reporter went to the first market and found chocolate is trading at 1$. So he wrote a Facebook post that today chocolate price went 1$ a gram which is ATH. Another reporter commented there that he saw it’s trading 0.8$ a gram. Now the first reporter will correct the price and tell chocolate price is 0.9$ (after averaging).
I know the example is not realistic, but as long as you understand the concept, it’s fine.
If you check when STRK, the potential scam coin, launched on Binance, it went to near 7.9$, at the same time it was trading on Dex for 2.4$ and within a second it went to 5$ and then 4$ and then 3$ and then 2.4$. Then kept going down.
Now when usually price correction happens? Ans. it keeps happening between platforms in every seconds, days and weeks. But we see much impact during week.
Let’s give another example, let’s say my company bought 500 BTC from a miner at a average price of 65k. The deal took 7 days to happen. When the deal got realised the market price is already 70k. Once we announced the deal, the correction start to happen and the price fall dramatically within a day.
So market correction is not necessary means a coin losing its value. But due to common aggressive behaviour of market, the price gets higher than the actual valuation, it’s hard to find a example, where the price increased after the correction.
As we know the whole crypto market is crashed due to BTC dump. But Solana is making resistenec against BTC dip.Why? This why cz Solana is attracting companies to make cooperation with it.And the interest is building .Companies are moving towards Solana thas the good sign.So the trend is Bullish soon you will ATH on Solana..Buy Some Solana at every dip. DYOR $SOL $BTC
As we know the whole crypto market is crashed due to BTC dump.
But Solana is making resistenec against BTC dip.Why? This why cz Solana is attracting companies to make cooperation with it.And the interest is building .Companies are moving towards Solana thas the good sign.So the trend is Bullish soon you will ATH on Solana..Buy Some Solana at every dip.
Part 2 So, while the whales dumping their holdings could have an adverse effect on the price, the performance of BTC in response to this flash crash shows that there is enough demand to meet this supply. In the case of Tuesday, the price would recover quickly to reach a new all-time high of $73,600. At this time of this writing, the BTC price is still maintaining its hold on $73,000 with a 7-day increase of 10.49%.Resistence is across 65K. So be careful for your decisions. $BTC
Part 2

So, while the whales dumping their holdings could have an adverse effect on the price, the performance of BTC in response to this flash crash shows that there is enough demand to meet this supply. In the case of Tuesday, the price would recover quickly to reach a new all-time high of $73,600.

At this time of this writing, the BTC price is still maintaining its hold on $73,000 with a 7-day increase of 10.49%.Resistence is across 65K.
So be careful for your decisions.

Paet A As the Bitcoin price continues on an upward trajectory that has sent it toward new all-time highs, breaking above $73,000 this week. With this increase, the vast majority of BTC holders are currently seeing a profit, and large whales are taking advantage of this to cash out some profit. Large Bitcoin Whales Sell-Off Coins Crypto analyst Ali Martinez took to X (formerly Twitter) to share a chart that showed that large Bitcoin whales were selling off some of their coins. These large whales are those that hold at least 1,000 BTC in their wallet, which means on the lower end, these whales are holding at least $73 million worth of Bitcoin on their balances. As the chart shows, there has been a decline in the total number of BTC held by these large wallets and this signifies that they have been selling their coins. After the price first ran toward its 2021 all-time high of $69,000, these whales began reducing their allocation. The selling began in the month of February and has continued on into the month of March. Over this time, their total balances have reduced, leading to a decrease in the number of wallets that hold more than 1,000 BTC. As of February, there were around 2,150 wallets holding more than 1,000 BTC. However, in March, this figure has dropped toward 2,040 as the whales shave off their balances to secure some profit during the rally. Impact Of Whale Selling On BTC Price Given the size of these wallets, a decision to sell from them can have a notable impact on the BTC price. This is because they are able to dump a large amount of supply on the market in a short time and if there is not enough demand to soak it up, then it leads to a crash in the price. The whale selling could be behind the flash dips that have plagued Bitcoin as it has surged to new all-time highs. One example of this was on Tuesday, March 12, when the price of Bitcoin touched $73,000. What followed was a flash crash that sent the price toward $68,000 before it recovered. $BTC
Paet A
As the Bitcoin price continues on an upward trajectory that has sent it toward new all-time highs, breaking above $73,000 this week. With this increase, the vast majority of BTC holders are currently seeing a profit, and large whales are taking advantage of this to cash out some profit.

Large Bitcoin Whales Sell-Off Coins

Crypto analyst Ali Martinez took to X (formerly Twitter) to share a chart that showed that large Bitcoin whales were selling off some of their coins. These large whales are those that hold at least 1,000 BTC in their wallet, which means on the lower end, these whales are holding at least $73 million worth of Bitcoin on their balances.

As the chart shows, there has been a decline in the total number of BTC held by these large wallets and this signifies that they have been selling their coins. After the price first ran toward its 2021 all-time high of $69,000, these whales began reducing their allocation.

The selling began in the month of February and has continued on into the month of March. Over this time, their total balances have reduced, leading to a decrease in the number of wallets that hold more than 1,000 BTC.

As of February, there were around 2,150 wallets holding more than 1,000 BTC. However, in March, this figure has dropped toward 2,040 as the whales shave off their balances to secure some profit during the rally.

Impact Of Whale Selling On BTC Price

Given the size of these wallets, a decision to sell from them can have a notable impact on the BTC price. This is because they are able to dump a large amount of supply on the market in a short time and if there is not enough demand to soak it up, then it leads to a crash in the price.

The whale selling could be behind the flash dips that have plagued Bitcoin as it has surged to new all-time highs. One example of this was on Tuesday, March 12, when the price of Bitcoin touched $73,000. What followed was a flash crash that sent the price toward $68,000 before it recovered.

#sol #BTC Solana resistence againsg BTC is positive sign.It shows reliability and trust on Sol.And Solana will never ever disappoint. $SOL $BTC
#sol #BTC Solana resistence againsg BTC is positive sign.It shows reliability and trust on Sol.And Solana will never ever disappoint.
BTC is dumping to rise again AtH. $BTC long positions are lost.
BTC is dumping to rise again AtH.
long positions are lost.
Its time to use some #IQ/USDT . Fill your bags with some IQ if you have some IQ. Don't say later, you were not informed. $IQ
Its time to use some #IQ/USDT .
Fill your bags with some IQ if you have some IQ.
Don't say later, you were not informed.
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