Binance Square
Kacie Chavies oQJM
🚨 $SAGA Believers の皆様へ!🚨 $SAGA の支持者の皆様へ – よく聞いてください!今後の見通しについて楽観的な気持ちになっているなら、貴重な洞察を共有したいと思います。要点は次のとおりです。 私の個人的な意見ですが、戦略的にストップロスを 5.6 ~ 5.7 ドルの範囲に設定するのは賢明な動きかもしれません。なぜかとお思いですか?私の分析によると、$SAGA は 5.8 ドル程度まで下落してから、かつてないほど力強く回復する可能性が高いです。 しかし、恐怖に左右されてはいけません。一時的な下降トレンドを示唆する弱気シグナルがあるにもかかわらず、パニックになる必要はありません。油断せず、資金を準備しておいてください。これは、SAGA をもっと安く手に入れられる絶好の機会かもしれません。 しっかりと構えて、賞金に目を向けましょう。 一緒に、新たな高み、さらにその先へ飛躍しましょう! 🌕✨#SAGASuccess#BinanceBullRun #StrategicInvesting🚀🔥
🚨 $SAGA Believers の皆様へ!🚨
$SAGA の支持者の皆様へ – よく聞いてください!今後の見通しについて楽観的な気持ちになっているなら、貴重な洞察を共有したいと思います。要点は次のとおりです。
私の個人的な意見ですが、戦略的にストップロスを 5.6 ~ 5.7 ドルの範囲に設定するのは賢明な動きかもしれません。なぜかとお思いですか?私の分析によると、$SAGA は 5.8 ドル程度まで下落してから、かつてないほど力強く回復する可能性が高いです。
しかし、恐怖に左右されてはいけません。一時的な下降トレンドを示唆する弱気シグナルがあるにもかかわらず、パニックになる必要はありません。油断せず、資金を準備しておいてください。これは、SAGA をもっと安く手に入れられる絶好の機会かもしれません。
🌕✨#SAGASuccess#BinanceBullRun #StrategicInvesting🚀🔥
テキストを簡略化して言い換えたものは次のとおりです。 2024 年の価格予測: - PEPE: 12 ドル - SHIB: 25 ドル - ENA: 40 ドル 多くのオンライン投稿では、これらの価格が 2024 年に到達すると主張しています。これらの予測は多くの注目を集め、新しい投資家を誤解させて、賢明でない投資を迅速に行うように誘導する可能性があります。特に、リスクを理解せずにこれらの予測に従うと、損失につながる可能性があります。 私は過去に、このような投稿に基づいて PEPE と SHIB に投資して間違いを犯しました。私の投資は急速に下落し、暗号通貨市場をよりよく理解することの重要性を学びました。 暗号通貨投資の初心者にとって、独自の調査を行い、少額の投資から始めることが重要です。ランダムなオンライン予測に基づいて急いで購入しないでください。 #BullorBear #BinanceLaunchpool

2024 年の価格予測:

- PEPE: 12 ドル
- SHIB: 25 ドル
- ENA: 40 ドル

多くのオンライン投稿では、これらの価格が 2024 年に到達すると主張しています。これらの予測は多くの注目を集め、新しい投資家を誤解させて、賢明でない投資を迅速に行うように誘導する可能性があります。特に、リスクを理解せずにこれらの予測に従うと、損失につながる可能性があります。

私は過去に、このような投稿に基づいて PEPE と SHIB に投資して間違いを犯しました。私の投資は急速に下落し、暗号通貨市場をよりよく理解することの重要性を学びました。
#BullorBear #BinanceLaunchpool
SAGA。まずすべてのイスラム教徒と非イスラム教徒にイード・ムバラクを唱え、次にSAGAの銘柄が最近上場されたというメイントピックに移ります。買い手と売り手の誰もが疑問に思うのは、この銘柄を買っているのか売っているのかということです。間違ったタイミングでこの銘柄を買ってしまった人にはお勧めします。損失を出しているのは誰ですか。そういう人たちにとっては損失を取り戻す良い時期です。この銘柄は再び10ドルから9ドルになるでしょう。私が自分で言っているのではありません。しかし専門家はこの銘柄が上がると言っています。しかし私はあなたの取引での損失の責任は負いません。あなたは市場を分析してから決めます。 よりリアルなニュース🗞️をもっと知りたい方はフォローボタンをお見逃しなく。よりリアルなニュースを知りたい方は私をフォローしてください #write2earn🌐💹
昨日、#ENA で大きなレバレッジをかけたために 10 ドルを失いました...昨日は初心者でしたが...今日は注意深い観察者です... 今日、#ENA が 1.4 ドルになっているのを見て、15 倍のレバレッジで残りの 8 ドルを空売りしました...ENA は確実に下がると思うので... #ENA が今 1.3 ドルになれば、7~8 ドルの利益が出るでしょう.....
昨日、#ENA で大きなレバレッジをかけたために 10 ドルを失いました...昨日は初心者でしたが...今日は注意深い観察者です...
今日、#ENA が 1.4 ドルになっているのを見て、15 倍のレバレッジで残りの 8 ドルを空売りしました...ENA は確実に下がると思うので...
#ENA が今 1.3 ドルになれば、7~8 ドルの利益が出るでしょう.....
$ENA にとって良いニュース: パンプ アンド ダンプ インジケーターの最大値に応じて、$1.526 まで強気になる余地がまだあります。 $ENA にとって悪いニュース: 長い白い線は、資産が 4D スケールで大幅にポンピングされていることを示しています。弱気のブレイクアウトが発生し、トークンが $1 に戻るまで、それほど時間はかからないでしょう。それには注意し、約 $1.1 でストップロスを用意することをお勧めします。 赤い線 (短期): 資産はポンピングに向かっています。60/70 は移行フェーズです。 白い線 (長期): 資産はポンピングされています。67/70 は、ポンプしきい値をほぼ突破していることを意味し、これは、ENA が近い将来に数日間弱気トレンドを経験する可能性があることを示しています。 今すぐにそうなることはないでしょうが、ヒントは以下の画像にあります。 3、4日後にENAが再び1.1ドルに戻ったとしても、私はそうならないことを願っていますが、感心しないでください。
$ENA にとって良いニュース: パンプ アンド ダンプ インジケーターの最大値に応じて、$1.526 まで強気になる余地がまだあります。
$ENA にとって悪いニュース: 長い白い線は、資産が 4D スケールで大幅にポンピングされていることを示しています。弱気のブレイクアウトが発生し、トークンが $1 に戻るまで、それほど時間はかからないでしょう。それには注意し、約 $1.1 でストップロスを用意することをお勧めします。

赤い線 (短期): 資産はポンピングに向かっています。60/70 は移行フェーズです。

白い線 (長期): 資産はポンピングされています。67/70 は、ポンプしきい値をほぼ突破していることを意味し、これは、ENA が近い将来に数日間弱気トレンドを経験する可能性があることを示しています。

今すぐにそうなることはないでしょうが、ヒントは以下の画像にあります。 3、4日後にENAが再び1.1ドルに戻ったとしても、私はそうならないことを願っていますが、感心しないでください。
$ENA は、変動する急騰チャートによって、日々のお金を稼ぐのに非常に良い方法のようです。 覚えておいていただきたいのは、特に専門家でない場合は、最高価格で売ることは決してないということです。ですから、公平だと感じたら利益を得てください。後で価格が上がっても、利益を得られないと後悔するよりはましです。なぜなら、再び下がるからです。 基本的に、価格が売値より下がっている限り、売るのに適切な場所です。1 週間後でも前回の売値より下がっていると思うなら、すぐに売るべきです。 資産を常に保持し続ければ、1 か月かかっても 1 ドルから 2 ドルになったとしても、2 倍以上の金額を稼ぐことはできません。一方、変動する通貨で売買を続けると、下がることなく上がり続けることはないので、より多くの利益を得ることができます。 ♦ 以前に売った価格より低い価格で買う = 利益 新しい価格が何であれ。#ENA#スカルピー #playSafe
$ENA は、変動する急騰チャートによって、日々のお金を稼ぐのに非常に良い方法のようです。
基本的に、価格が売値より下がっている限り、売るのに適切な場所です。1 週間後でも前回の売値より下がっていると思うなら、すぐに売るべきです。
資産を常に保持し続ければ、1 か月かかっても 1 ドルから 2 ドルになったとしても、2 倍以上の金額を稼ぐことはできません。一方、変動する通貨で売買を続けると、下がることなく上がり続けることはないので、より多くの利益を得ることができます。
♦ 以前に売った価格より低い価格で買う = 利益
新しい価格が何であれ。#ENA#スカルピー #playSafe
dear friends it's a critical moment , we have to think . I'm telling u what did & what is the strategy I'm following with #ENA now $ENA reach 1.455 ✅, sold all $ENA I have on 1.425 Wich already bought on 1.1_1.2 . then bought now again on 1.39_1.38_1.37.1.2. also I'm waiting it to decrease & become Red to buy more . the key point here guys is to buy always lower than you sell in price , for example if u sell with 1.4 so buy next lower than the 1.4 as much as possible by monitoring & Patience . however sometime the price never go down lower than your last sell price so in that case you have to wait to be red & monitoring the graph & value to understand if it will keep going so u can ride the wave now or it will decrease again & repeate the frequently loop appears in graph during your monitoring . so overall it's not guaranteed 100% but in all situation just behave to guarantee that we are doing the necessary steps to get profit then leave it to some luck points to get the decent profit . as usual it's not afainancial advice , it's just my personal trails & field experience . hope it was a helpful tip for u my friends & share in comments your short term experience in crypto world it I'll be so helpful for both of us . $ENA #BullorBear
dear friends
it's a critical moment , we have to think .
I'm telling u what did & what is the strategy I'm following with #ENA
now $ENA reach 1.455 ✅, sold all $ENA I have on 1.425 Wich already bought on 1.1_1.2 .
then bought now again on 1.39_1.38_1.37.1.2. also I'm waiting it to decrease & become Red to buy more .
the key point here guys is to buy always lower than you sell in price , for example if u sell with 1.4 so buy next lower than the 1.4 as much as possible by monitoring & Patience .
however sometime the price never go down lower than your last sell price so in that case you have to wait to be red & monitoring the graph & value to understand if it will keep going so u can ride the wave now or it will decrease again & repeate the frequently loop appears in graph during your monitoring .
so overall it's not guaranteed 100% but in all situation just behave to guarantee that we are doing the necessary steps to get profit then leave it to some luck points to get the decent profit .
as usual it's not afainancial advice , it's just my personal trails & field experience .
hope it was a helpful tip for u my friends & share in comments your short term experience in crypto world it I'll be so helpful for both of us .
#BTCUSDT こんにちは。 皆さんの多くは私を信じず、BTC は下がらない、あるいは一時的な下降トレンドに過ぎないという私の予測を笑っていましたが、弱気の嵐が始まった今、徐々に 35K かそれに近いところまで下がるでしょう。皆さん、待って見守ってください。 皆さんが利益のある取引をすることを祈っています。 ありがとうございます。
皆さんの多くは私を信じず、BTC は下がらない、あるいは一時的な下降トレンドに過ぎないという私の予測を笑っていましたが、弱気の嵐が始まった今、徐々に 35K かそれに近いところまで下がるでしょう。皆さん、待って見守ってください。
$ENA 飛び出そう、みんな、買ってあげて…
$ENA 飛び出そう、みんな、買ってあげて…
🚀 $SAGA 更新 🚀 上昇に向けて準備を整えてください。SAGA はブレイクアウトに向けて準備を整えています。💪🏻 私たちの目標は高く設定されており、6.6000 ドル以上を維持できる限り、強気の解決が見込まれる 9.1 ドルを目指しています。🌟✅ 🎁 今が参入のタイミングです。予防策として 6.5290 ドルにストップロスを設定しています。⚠️ 利益を確定させたい場合は、早期の利益のために 6.9700 ドルでキャッシュアウトするか、波に乗って 7.4 ドル、さらには 9.1 ドルまで行くことを検討してください。💲📈 📶 この勢いを支えているのは、RMO (「売られすぎ」に傾いている)、MACD ダイバージェンス (弱い強気シグナルを示している)、およびポジティブな TSI モメンタム インジケーターなどのインジケーターです。 🌱 指標は有望に見えますが、暗号通貨の世界は予測不可能であることを忘れないでください。そのため、クジラの動きには目を光らせておいてください。🐋 油断せず、チャートを注意深く見守ってください。 取引が順調に進み、先行きが明るいことを祈っています。☘️💰#SAGA#Nonfarm#BullorBear#Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool
🚀 $SAGA 更新 🚀
上昇に向けて準備を整えてください。SAGA はブレイクアウトに向けて準備を整えています。💪🏻 私たちの目標は高く設定されており、6.6000 ドル以上を維持できる限り、強気の解決が見込まれる 9.1 ドルを目指しています。🌟✅
🎁 今が参入のタイミングです。予防策として 6.5290 ドルにストップロスを設定しています。⚠️ 利益を確定させたい場合は、早期の利益のために 6.9700 ドルでキャッシュアウトするか、波に乗って 7.4 ドル、さらには 9.1 ドルまで行くことを検討してください。💲📈
📶 この勢いを支えているのは、RMO (「売られすぎ」に傾いている)、MACD ダイバージェンス (弱い強気シグナルを示している)、およびポジティブな TSI モメンタム インジケーターなどのインジケーターです。 🌱
指標は有望に見えますが、暗号通貨の世界は予測不可能であることを忘れないでください。そのため、クジラの動きには目を光らせておいてください。🐋 油断せず、チャートを注意深く見守ってください。
取引が順調に進み、先行きが明るいことを祈っています。☘️💰#SAGA#Nonfarm#BullorBear#Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool
$SAGA 予測 SAGA は 10 分後に発売されます。いつ買うべきかについて話しましょう。確かに簡単な質問です。価格が下がったら買うことです。コインが発売されると、発売から 3 ~ 4 時間の間は売却が行われ、価格が下がります。適切なタイミングで購入し、24 時間または 48 時間後に売却します。SAGA の予想価格は、発売時に約 2 ~ 4 ドルです。 発売直後に購入するのではなく、良いポジションを待つか、発売後 2 時間ほど待ってから購入し、利益が出るまで保持してください。私の見解では、Ena コインと同じように、将来 10 ドルを超える可能性があります。launchpool で受け取った SAGA コインは売却せず、価格が上がるまで待ってから売却してください。 $ENA
$SAGA 予測
SAGA は 10 分後に発売されます。いつ買うべきかについて話しましょう。確かに簡単な質問です。価格が下がったら買うことです。コインが発売されると、発売から 3 ~ 4 時間の間は売却が行われ、価格が下がります。適切なタイミングで購入し、24 時間または 48 時間後に売却します。SAGA の予想価格は、発売時に約 2 ~ 4 ドルです。
発売直後に購入するのではなく、良いポジションを待つか、発売後 2 時間ほど待ってから購入し、利益が出るまで保持してください。私の見解では、Ena コインと同じように、将来 10 ドルを超える可能性があります。launchpool で受け取った SAGA コインは売却せず、価格が上がるまで待ってから売却してください。
#earn2win As of my last update, Binance has listed Saga (SGA) on its platform. Saga is a cryptocurrency project aimed at creating a stable and scalable digital currency for global use. Its native token, SGA, is designed to maintain a stable value against a basket of fiat currencies through a reserve mechanism. Users can trade SGA on Binance, providing them with access to a diverse range of trading pairs and liquidity. As always, it's advisable to conduct your own research before trading any cryptocurrency and to stay updated on the latest news and developments regarding the project.
#earn2win As of my last update, Binance has listed Saga (SGA) on its platform. Saga is a cryptocurrency project aimed at creating a stable and scalable digital currency for global use. Its native token, SGA, is designed to maintain a stable value against a basket of fiat currencies through a reserve mechanism. Users can trade SGA on Binance, providing them with access to a diverse range of trading pairs and liquidity. As always, it's advisable to conduct your own research before trading any cryptocurrency and to stay updated on the latest news and developments regarding the project.
⚠️ $SAGA UPDATE AND APOLOGY ⚠️ Unfortunately, things went the other way and we got a reversal to the downside. Since this post gathered a lot of attention, I will apologize to everyone who bought at the $6.7 position, and I hope most of you hopped out the moment $6.52 stop loss has been reached. To those who stayed, and especially to those who bought using spot, you can afford to wait and I recommend you do wait, because SAGA is no meme, SAGA is not only a serious project, SAGA is an entire Token Ecosystem. With a market cap of 90 Million, I am sure this token will get to shine a lot in the future, and surely we will all live to witness it reaching heights of $10, $25, even $100. So, once again, my apologizes for my own post, and I will do my best to be more careful the next time I flag a strong signal 🙇 P.S. As for now, my indicators still keep telling me this coin is oversold. We might see a reversal towards $7 again, but let's see. I am still keeping my positions and will only sell once it goes up again. Stay safe! ~ Green ☘️ The Green Investor 🚀 $SAGA UPDATE 🚀 It looks like we got a breakout towards the upside! 💪🏻 With this, the expected outcome is a bullish resolution for SAGA, with an expected top at $9.1 . ✅ Everything is safe while above $6.6000 I'll keep you posted in case this reverts. 🎁 Recommended time to buy: Now ⚠️ Recommended Stop Loss: $6.5290 (if price falls below this, likely is able to fall more) 💲Early Take-Profit: $6.9700 💲Take-Profit: $7.4 (2:1 on Stop Loss) 💲Late Take-Profit: $9.1 📶 Other Signals Supporting this Trend I. RMO (currently towards the "oversold" side. II. MACD Divergences, 1 minute scale (Weak Bullish Signal) III. TSI Momentum Indicator (Is Positive) 🌱 These are not my personal thoughts, I'm simply showing what my indicators are telling me! The World is not perfect, sometimes a whale could come and massively sell, pushing the trend towards the other side. ~ SAGA $6.1766 +15341.50% Share with friends now
Unfortunately, things went the other way and we got a reversal to the downside.
Since this post gathered a lot of attention, I will apologize to everyone who bought at the $6.7 position, and I hope most of you hopped out the moment $6.52 stop loss has been reached.
To those who stayed, and especially to those who bought using spot, you can afford to wait and I recommend you do wait, because SAGA is no meme, SAGA is not only a serious project, SAGA is an entire Token Ecosystem.
With a market cap of 90 Million, I am sure this token will get to shine a lot in the future, and surely we will all live to witness it reaching heights of $10, $25, even $100.
So, once again, my apologizes for my own post, and I will do my best to be more careful the next time I flag a strong signal 🙇
P.S. As for now, my indicators still keep telling me this coin is oversold. We might see a reversal towards $7 again, but let's see. I am still keeping my positions and will only sell once it goes up again.
Stay safe!
~ Green ☘️
The Green Investor
🚀 $SAGA UPDATE 🚀 It looks like we got a breakout towards the upside! 💪🏻 With this, the expected outcome is a bullish resolution for SAGA, with an expected top at $9.1 . ✅ Everything is safe while above $6.6000 I'll keep you posted in case this reverts. 🎁 Recommended time to buy: Now ⚠️ Recommended Stop Loss: $6.5290 (if price falls below this, likely is able to fall more) 💲Early Take-Profit: $6.9700 💲Take-Profit: $7.4 (2:1 on Stop Loss) 💲Late Take-Profit: $9.1 📶 Other Signals Supporting this Trend I. RMO (currently towards the "oversold" side. II. MACD Divergences, 1 minute scale (Weak Bullish Signal) III. TSI Momentum Indicator (Is Positive) 🌱 These are not my personal thoughts, I'm simply showing what my indicators are telling me! The World is not perfect, sometimes a whale could come and massively sell, pushing the trend towards the other side. ~
Share with friends now
Heres a post direction information. After $BTC rebounded from 69.2k and sideways traded for a while, it proceeded to bleed again as low as 68.2k. The initial drop of price from 72k to 70k is already due to 2 things. 1 is profit taking from short term traders (indicated by low volumes, not high like when whales cause massive sells). 2 is risk aversion ahead of tomorrows CPI report. The drop from 70k to 68.2k however was driven by the released ETF reports. GBTC had 620,000 BTC at the time of the ETF conversion and has lost 300,742 BTC since. On the flip side, the new ETFs bought 520,544 Bitcoin in 3 months, for a net increase of ~220,000 BTC. The dynamics of capital flows within the cryptocurrency ETF landscape have been subject to fluctuations in recent days. Monday, April 8th, saw a collective outflow of $224 million from eleven newly launched spot Bitcoin ETFs, as per preliminary data from Farside Investors. This reversal in trend follows four consecutive days of inflows, during which institutional investment products accumulated a total net of $570 million. Grayscale’s GBTC, in particular, has been under scrutiny, with its largest outflow since March 25, 2024, shedding $303 million in a single day, equivalent to around 4,300 BTC. Notably, the total outflow from GBTC since its conversion to a spot ETF in January has reached $15.8 billion, representing 48% of the BTC held before the conversion. Despite the outflows from GBTC, newly launched ETFs collectively acquired 520,544 BTC over three months, resulting in a net increase of approximately 220,000 BTC, as observed by HODL15Capital. However, traditional investment giants like BlackRock and Fidelity experienced subdued inflow days, with $21.3 million and $6.3 million, respectively.
Heres a post direction information. After $BTC rebounded from 69.2k and sideways traded for a while, it proceeded to bleed again as low as 68.2k.
The initial drop of price from 72k to 70k is already due to 2 things. 1 is profit taking from short term traders (indicated by low volumes, not high like when whales cause massive sells). 2 is risk aversion ahead of tomorrows CPI report.
The drop from 70k to 68.2k however was driven by the released ETF reports.
GBTC had 620,000 BTC at the time of the ETF conversion and has lost 300,742 BTC since.

On the flip side, the new ETFs bought 520,544 Bitcoin in 3 months, for a net increase of ~220,000 BTC.
The dynamics of capital flows within the cryptocurrency ETF landscape have been subject to fluctuations in recent days. Monday, April 8th, saw a collective outflow of $224 million from eleven newly launched spot Bitcoin ETFs, as per preliminary data from Farside Investors. This reversal in trend follows four consecutive days of inflows, during which institutional investment products accumulated a total net of $570 million.
Grayscale’s GBTC, in particular, has been under scrutiny, with its largest outflow since March 25, 2024, shedding $303 million in a single day, equivalent to around 4,300 BTC. Notably, the total outflow from GBTC since its conversion to a spot ETF in January has reached $15.8 billion, representing 48% of the BTC held before the conversion.
Despite the outflows from GBTC, newly launched ETFs collectively acquired 520,544 BTC over three months, resulting in a net increase of approximately 220,000 BTC, as observed by HODL15Capital. However, traditional investment giants like BlackRock and Fidelity experienced subdued inflow days, with $21.3 million and $6.3 million, respectively.
I first saw $SAGA at $4.8 but i didn't buy it because i was listening to people on here who say " you shouldn't buy in on a coin that has just been launched because those who got it from airdrop/ staking pool will dump hard, but a few minutes later $SAGA was $6, it didn't drop. guys, what are you all not telling me. #Write2Earn
I first saw $SAGA at $4.8 but i didn't buy it because i was listening to people on here who say " you shouldn't buy in on a coin that has just been launched because those who got it from airdrop/ staking pool will dump hard, but a few minutes later $SAGA was $6, it didn't drop. guys, what are you all not telling me. #Write2Earn
[Saga price surges 30%, trading volume hits $1 billion as Binance expands support] With Saga’s price rising 25% and trading volume surpassing $1 billion, Binance is introducing Saga as the 51st project in its Launchpool, symbolizing its continued efforts to provide innovative opportunities for users. On April 9, Binance officially announced that it plans to add support for Saga to its multiple products and services to provide users with early investment opportunities. Among them, Saga has been added to Simple Earn, and starting from April 11, users can purchase SAGA through Binance Auto-Invest. Additionally, users can trade SAGA with zero fees on Binance Convert. Saga has also added Cross and Isolated Margin as loanable assets in Binance Margin, and the SAGA/USDT pair will be tradable starting April 9. Binance also launched the USD-M SAGA perpetual contract with a maximum leverage of 50 times, and the settlement asset is USDT. Saga’s price quickly surged to $7.89 after first listing at $5.71, with trading volume surging to over $1 billion. According to data from CoinGlass, SAGA’s total open interest surged over 400,000% in 4 hours and increased by over 350% in an hour. Currently, the price is trading around $6.66.
[Saga price surges 30%, trading volume hits $1 billion as Binance expands support]
With Saga’s price rising 25% and trading volume surpassing $1 billion, Binance is introducing Saga as the 51st project in its Launchpool, symbolizing its continued efforts to provide innovative opportunities for users.
On April 9, Binance officially announced that it plans to add support for Saga to its multiple products and services to provide users with early investment opportunities. Among them, Saga has been added to Simple Earn, and starting from April 11, users can purchase SAGA through Binance Auto-Invest. Additionally, users can trade SAGA with zero fees on Binance Convert.
Saga has also added Cross and Isolated Margin as loanable assets in Binance Margin, and the SAGA/USDT pair will be tradable starting April 9. Binance also launched the USD-M SAGA perpetual contract with a maximum leverage of 50 times, and the settlement asset is USDT.
Saga’s price quickly surged to $7.89 after first listing at $5.71, with trading volume surging to over $1 billion. According to data from CoinGlass, SAGA’s total open interest surged over 400,000% in 4 hours and increased by over 350% in an hour. Currently, the price is trading around $6.66.
Why I'm against Futures, Or Buying and Selling Everyday For Short Term Gains! Few Years Ago, I have done an Experiment with my Brother! Me and my Brother, We both into Crypto! We Used to Argue ALOT About, Long Term VS Short Term! The Experiment was This! He was Trading everyday, Futures, Spot. Following Big Names on YouTube, He was "Learning and Studying" Charts etc ... Me on The Other Hand, I was comfortably sitting in the Spot. without Movement, And For me, not to be able take any Action with my Funds, I staked it All. Everything was like dat for 2 Years! Straight up! both of us. Fast Forward ... When we had started to drop conclusions, on our Experiment! We have Discovered The interesting Hidden Truth! 1. Trading Daily or Moving ur Funds from place to place are waste of TIME, n MONEY Itself. 2. Because He was moving his Funds from coin to coin, he lost huge pumps opportunities, While I gained the most of it. 3. 2 Years Straight up, He was Damaged Mentally and Emotionally, Relaying on himself to much, to a degree He Couldn't Sleep at nights, Because of the Stress. 4. He the one who told me "Charts are results of actions that r already being taken" You can't Predict or Analyzing Anything" "The actions are made in different rooms, People buying, Selling, And You see it on the Charts After A Minute Or Two, There's a "Delay". 5. We Both Agree, Sitting In Spot, paying less Attention to it, it's much rewarding! Without "Studying" without Stress, Just Invest and Forget! From that Experiment! We Both Learnt Alot!. We Understood, What We need to! From There, My Brother is acting same like me! He is sitting Comfortably in Spot, And Deposit Weekly. Just Buying and Holding for Long Term! Long Term VS Short Term. You Decide!
Why I'm against Futures, Or Buying and

Selling Everyday For Short Term Gains!
Few Years Ago, I have done an Experiment with my Brother!

Me and my Brother, We both into Crypto!
We Used to Argue ALOT About,
Long Term VS Short Term!
The Experiment was This!

He was Trading everyday, Futures, Spot.
Following Big Names on YouTube, He was "Learning and Studying" Charts etc ...
Me on The Other Hand, I was comfortably sitting in the Spot. without Movement, And For me, not to be able take any Action with my Funds, I staked it All.

Everything was like dat for 2 Years! Straight up! both of us.
Fast Forward ...

When we had started to drop conclusions, on our Experiment!
We have Discovered The interesting Hidden Truth!

1. Trading Daily or Moving ur Funds from place to place are waste of TIME, n MONEY Itself.

2. Because He was moving his Funds from coin to coin, he lost huge pumps opportunities, While I gained the most of it.

3. 2 Years Straight up, He was Damaged Mentally and Emotionally, Relaying on himself to much,
to a degree He Couldn't Sleep at nights, Because of the Stress.

4. He the one who told me "Charts are results of actions that r already being taken" You can't Predict or Analyzing Anything" "The actions are made in different rooms, People buying, Selling, And You see it on the Charts After A Minute Or Two, There's a "Delay".
5. We Both Agree, Sitting In Spot, paying less Attention to it, it's much rewarding! Without "Studying"

without Stress, Just Invest and Forget!
From that Experiment! We Both Learnt Alot!.
We Understood, What We need to!
From There, My Brother is acting same like me!

He is sitting Comfortably in Spot, And Deposit Weekly. Just Buying and Holding for Long Term!
Long Term VS Short Term.
You Decide!
Short ⚡️⚡️ #NEO/USDT ⚡️⚡️ Leverage: Cross (50х) Entry Targets: 19.678 Take-Profit Targets: 1) 19.38283 2) 19.18605 3) 18.98927 4) 18.69410 5) 18.49732 6) 18.20215 7) 🚀🚀🚀 Stop Targets: 5-10% ⚡️⚡️ #NEAR/USDT ⚡️⚡️ Leverage: Cross (50х) Entry Targets: 7.4015 Take-Profit Targets: 1) 7.29048 2) 7.21646 3) 7.14245 4) 7.03143 5) 6.95741 6) 6.84639 7) 🚀🚀🚀 Stop Targets: 5-10% ⚡️⚡️ #NFP/USDT ⚡️⚡️ Leverage: Cross (50х) Entry Targets: 0.689 Take-Profit Targets: 1) 0.67867 2) 0.67178 3) 0.66489 4) 0.65455 5) 0.64766 6) 0.63733 7) 🚀🚀🚀 Stop Targets: 5-10% ⚡️⚡️ #NMR/USDT ⚡️⚡️ Leverage: Cross (20х) Entry Targets: 33.26 Take-Profit Targets: 1) 32.76110 2) 32.42850 3) 32.09590 4) 31.59700 5) 31.26440 6) 30.76550 7) 🚀🚀🚀 Stop Targets: 5-10%
⚡️⚡️ #NEO/USDT ⚡️⚡️
Leverage: Cross (50х)
Entry Targets:
Take-Profit Targets:
1) 19.38283
2) 19.18605
3) 18.98927
4) 18.69410
5) 18.49732
6) 18.20215
7) 🚀🚀🚀
Stop Targets:
⚡️⚡️ #NEAR/USDT ⚡️⚡️
Leverage: Cross (50х)
Entry Targets:
Take-Profit Targets:
1) 7.29048
2) 7.21646
3) 7.14245
4) 7.03143
5) 6.95741
6) 6.84639
7) 🚀🚀🚀
Stop Targets:
⚡️⚡️ #NFP/USDT ⚡️⚡️
Leverage: Cross (50х)
Entry Targets:
Take-Profit Targets:
1) 0.67867
2) 0.67178
3) 0.66489
4) 0.65455
5) 0.64766
6) 0.63733
7) 🚀🚀🚀
Stop Targets:
⚡️⚡️ #NMR/USDT ⚡️⚡️
Leverage: Cross (20х)
Entry Targets:
Take-Profit Targets:
1) 32.76110
2) 32.42850
3) 32.09590
4) 31.59700
5) 31.26440
6) 30.76550
7) 🚀🚀🚀
Stop Targets:
📈💥 HUGE PUMP ALERT: THIS CRYPTO IS SET TO X100! 💥📈 As the bull market heats up, you'll encounter headlines like this everywhere. But beware: 🛑 END OF BULL RUN: SELL EVERYTHING! 🛑 The crypto market is fueled by emotion, and during this bull market, you'll see a flood of conflicting information from countless influencers. But here's the truth: Most of these influencers are new to the market, just like you. They may have ulterior motives, pushing certain cryptos for personal gain. Don't fall for the hype. Seek out rational, analytical voices amidst the chaos. Look for creators who prioritize facts over sensationalism. And don't underestimate smaller creators—they often offer more honest insights without the pressure of partnerships. This advice comes from experience. I've seen it happen in past bull markets, and it will happen again. Spread the word by hitting that share button & stay awesome.
As the bull market heats up, you'll encounter headlines like this everywhere.
But beware:


The crypto market is fueled by emotion, and during this bull market, you'll see a flood of conflicting information from countless influencers. But here's the truth:
Most of these influencers are new to the market, just like you. They may have ulterior motives, pushing certain cryptos for personal gain.

Don't fall for the hype. Seek out rational, analytical voices amidst the chaos. Look for creators who prioritize facts over sensationalism.

And don't underestimate smaller creators—they often offer more honest insights without the pressure of partnerships.
This advice comes from experience. I've seen it happen in past bull markets, and it will happen again.

Spread the word by hitting that share button & stay awesome.
Hi Guys 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 Alert 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 About $SAGA As Early I Say that the #Whales Will soon Start to book their Profits and now you can see the Crash 📉. In #Futures_Trading chart the #sagacoin has break it's low and going to Make a New lower. So Don't buy just wait and watch. Follow Me 🎯 For More Profits 💵.
Hi Guys 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

Alert 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 About $SAGA
As Early I Say that the #Whales Will soon Start to book their Profits and now you can see the Crash 📉.

In #Futures_Trading chart the #sagacoin has break it's low and going to Make a New lower.
So Don't buy just wait and watch.

Follow Me 🎯 For More Profits 💵.


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