Binance Square
24 hours trading support and investment 📊📊📊
‼️ パニックにならないでください。今起きていることはごく普通のことです‼️‼️‼️ 💲皆さん、こんにちは。 💲ご覧のとおり、市場全体、特に BTC が下落しており、ほぼすべての市場がそれに追随しています。 今日、このことに関係する理由は 2 つしかありません。 💲まず、イランとイスラエルの間の緊張により、特に中東地域で多くの人が資産を売却するようになりました。さらに、ビットコインの半減期イベントが市場のボラティリティに寄与しています。 歴史的に、ビットコインは半減期前に 25 ~ 40% の下落を経験し、その後急上昇し、半減期後に史上最高値に達しました。したがって、すでにコインを保有している場合は、BELL#FET を鳴らさないでください。代わりに、急上昇を待ちましょう。半減期後はすべてが正常に戻り、すべてのコインが急騰すると予想されます(もちろん例外はありますが)。ですから、慌てずに待ってください。 💲投資を検討している場合は、今が適切なタイミングです。ただし、スポット取引では忍耐が鍵であり、決して損失で売ってはいけないことを忘れないでください。ホールドして待ち、安値で買い、利益で売ります。スポット取引ではすべてがこのように機能します。 💲強く、安全に。 💲詳細情報とシグナルについてはフォローしてください @Prime_Crypto_Outlet #TwinsTulip #BullorBear $BTC #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving
‼️ パニックにならないでください。今起きていることはごく普通のことです‼️‼️‼️
💲ご覧のとおり、市場全体、特に BTC が下落しており、ほぼすべての市場がそれに追随しています。
今日、このことに関係する理由は 2 つしかありません。
歴史的に、ビットコインは半減期前に 25 ~ 40% の下落を経験し、その後急上昇し、半減期後に史上最高値に達しました。したがって、すでにコインを保有している場合は、BELL#FET を鳴らさないでください。代わりに、急上昇を待ちましょう。半減期後はすべてが正常に戻り、すべてのコインが急騰すると予想されます(もちろん例外はありますが)。ですから、慌てずに待ってください。
@TWINS_TULIP #TwinsTulip #BullorBear
$BTC #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving
$BTC 私は偶然、非常に重要なことに気付きました: 2024 年の半減期の 14 日前のサイクルは「同じ」で、2020 年のサイクルの 99% です (下の写真を参照)。 2024 年の半減期前に BTC は最高値に達したため、2024 年が 2020 年と同じで 2 週間早い場合、=> つまり、私が間違っていなければ、私たちは強気相場に入り、半減期前に 85,000 に到達しました まったく同じで、約 2 週間だけ少し早いだけです #BinanceSquareVietnam #BullorBear #BinanceLaunchpool $BNB #SHIB $XRP #Memecoins 投稿が役に立った場合は、ヒントをください
2024 年の半減期の 14 日前のサイクルは「同じ」で、2020 年のサイクルの 99% です (下の写真を参照)。
2024 年の半減期前に BTC は最高値に達したため、2024 年が 2020 年と同じで 2 週間早い場合、=> つまり、私が間違っていなければ、私たちは強気相場に入り、半減期前に 85,000 に到達しました
まったく同じで、約 2 週間だけ少し早いだけです
#BinanceSquareVietnam #BullorBear #BinanceLaunchpool $BNB #SHIB $XRP #Memecoins
ALTCOINS THAT ARE ACCUMULATING THEIR STRENGTH AFTER SLEEPING: WHAT’S NEXT? ALTCOINS THAT ARE ACCUMULATING THEIR STRENGTH AFTER SLEEPING: WHAT’S NEXT? #XLM SLEEPING FOR 855 DAYS WHEN WILL ITS NEXT BIG MOVE BE?    XLM has been showing more signs of trading within its usual ranging market structure from 0.0725-0.1525. This market movement has been ongoing for 855 days, this goes to show that the stability of this token has provided opportunities for day traders who are into secure daily open and closes. Right now, we're still validating the possibility that it might continue with its usual ranging market albeit the fact that it has stayed dormant for a very long time will be considered as an extreme factor for a possible massive movement in the near future. If you want to join the day traders who are doing the same thing for 855 days, you may do so and continue observing the market while taking some profits from this kind of market structure for your setups. $BTC THIS PATTERN SHOWS #COMP'S INTENTION TO DO THIS NEXT PRICE ACTION!    COMP has been moving below its major support since the decline that happened from 2020-2022. It continues to move in a ranging market structure below these major supports that once held it. Now, it's accumulating strength and can possibly breakout after some minor and major tests. More demands will continue to show up once the acknowledgement of other traders will pop up within these zones. The more this token experiences its downward strides, it would potentially cause a high bounce to happen. As of the moment the major resistance that was created is still at 100. Anytime soon, this would be broken and will potentially cause another major resistance to be tested. $COMP #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #moonbix #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC COMPUSDT -0.64% #OM HAS BEEN STAYING ON TOP OF THESE SUPPORTS: BREAK POSSIBLE?    We have reviewed the current market scenario for OM and it's still showing more signs of it being on its markup phase. The price is still sitting on top of the previous resistances broken from 0.63-0.87. {spot}(BTCUSDT) #
   XLM has been showing more signs of trading within its usual ranging market structure from 0.0725-0.1525. This market movement has been ongoing for 855 days, this goes to show that the stability of this token has provided opportunities for day traders who are into secure daily open and closes. Right now, we're still validating the possibility that it might continue with its usual ranging market albeit the fact that it has stayed dormant for a very long time will be considered as an extreme factor for a possible massive movement in the near future. If you want to join the day traders who are doing the same thing for 855 days, you may do so and continue observing the market while taking some profits from this kind of market structure for your setups.
   COMP has been moving below its major support since the decline that happened from 2020-2022. It continues to move in a ranging market structure below these major supports that once held it. Now, it's accumulating strength and can possibly breakout after some minor and major tests. More demands will continue to show up once the acknowledgement of other traders will pop up within these zones. The more this token experiences its downward strides, it would potentially cause a high bounce to happen. As of the moment the major resistance that was created is still at 100. Anytime soon, this would be broken and will potentially cause another major resistance to be tested.
$COMP #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #moonbix #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC
   We have reviewed the current market scenario for OM and it's still showing more signs of it being on its markup phase. The price is still sitting on top of the previous resistances broken from 0.63-0.87.
Date: 29-09-2024 RSI Heatmap The Crypto Market RSI Heatmap you've shared offers an in-depth view of the market's relative strength across various cryptocurrencies. This visualization is incredibly useful for identifying overbought or oversold conditions, helping traders gauge whether the market is trending towards bullishness or bearishness. Let’s dive into the detailed analysis of the heatmap and break down the important aspects, predictions, and necessary precautions for trading in this environment. 1. General Overview: Heatmap Interpretation🌡️ The heatmap provides an RSI-based assessment across multiple timeframes (the image shows a 1-week view). Here's a breakdown of how RSI levels are categorized: 0-30 RSI (Oversold): Cryptos in this zone could indicate potential buying opportunities. Prices have dropped significantly, and an upward reversal may be on the horizon. 30-40 RSI (Weak): Markets in this zone are still bearish but may begin to consolidate or recover soon. 40-50 RSI (Neutral): Neither strongly bullish nor bearish; cryptos are in a period of indecision. 50-60 RSI (Strong): Indicators are bullish, suggesting that buying momentum is starting to take hold. 70+ RSI (Overbought): Markets are likely due for a correction. Overbought conditions signal potential profit-taking and upcoming price declines. 2. Key Observations: Standout Cryptocurrencies 🚨 Overbought Cryptos (>70 RSI): REEF (80+): Sitting at the top of the chart, REEF is deep into overbought territory, signalling an imminent correction. Traders should be cautious here. SUI, TRX, AAVE: Close behind, these assets are also entering overbought zones, indicating that buyers might be exhausting their strength soon. Neutral Cryptos (45-55 RSI): BTC, SOL, AVAX, DOT, LINK, ETH: The major players like Bitcoin and Ethereum are in the neutral zone, meaning the market is indecisive. This could be a period of consolidation before a breakout in either direction. {future}(REEFUSDT) {future}(BTCUSDT)
Date: 29-09-2024
RSI Heatmap
The Crypto Market RSI Heatmap you've shared offers an in-depth view of the market's relative strength across various cryptocurrencies. This visualization is incredibly useful for identifying overbought or oversold conditions, helping traders gauge whether the market is trending towards bullishness or bearishness.
Let’s dive into the detailed analysis of the heatmap and break down the important aspects, predictions, and necessary precautions for trading in this environment.
1. General Overview: Heatmap Interpretation🌡️
The heatmap provides an RSI-based assessment across multiple timeframes (the image shows a 1-week view). Here's a breakdown of how RSI levels are categorized:
0-30 RSI (Oversold): Cryptos in this zone could indicate potential buying opportunities. Prices have dropped significantly, and an upward reversal may be on the horizon.
30-40 RSI (Weak): Markets in this zone are still bearish but may begin to consolidate or recover soon.
40-50 RSI (Neutral): Neither strongly bullish nor bearish; cryptos are in a period of indecision.
50-60 RSI (Strong): Indicators are bullish, suggesting that buying momentum is starting to take hold.
70+ RSI (Overbought): Markets are likely due for a correction. Overbought conditions signal potential profit-taking and upcoming price declines.
2. Key Observations: Standout Cryptocurrencies 🚨
Overbought Cryptos (>70 RSI):
REEF (80+): Sitting at the top of the chart, REEF is deep into overbought territory, signalling an imminent correction. Traders should be cautious here.
SUI, TRX, AAVE: Close behind, these assets are also entering overbought zones, indicating that buyers might be exhausting their strength soon.
Neutral Cryptos (45-55 RSI):
BTC, SOL, AVAX, DOT, LINK, ETH: The major players like Bitcoin and Ethereum are in the neutral zone, meaning the market is indecisive. This could be a period of consolidation before a breakout in either direction.
$BTC #BTC low volumes and price consolidation, we were able to catch a good move from 56.8k and then with another long from 64k, there are still two tp left for the last open long scalp, the next one will be around 67k. It is essential that BTC closes this month at least above 65.5k this would mean new ATH in October, and would also make my target by the end of the year of 90k (announced in January) extremely probable. For now, therefore, no short, we will wait at least 67-68k before flipping short. {spot}(BTCUSDT) #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #moonbix #FTXSolanaRedemption #NeiroOnBinance #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC
$BTC #BTC low volumes and price consolidation, we were able to catch a good move from 56.8k and then with another long from 64k, there are still two tp left for the last open long scalp, the next one will be around 67k. It is essential that BTC closes this month at least above 65.5k this would mean new ATH in October, and would also make my target by the end of the year of 90k (announced in January) extremely probable. For now, therefore, no short, we will wait at least 67-68k before flipping short.
#BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #moonbix #FTXSolanaRedemption #NeiroOnBinance #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC
AVAXUSD Bottom formed, now going for the absolute bullish break-out. Avalanche (AVAXUSD) has just touched this week the top of the 6-month Channel Down. In cyclical terms, this is just a big Bull Flag half-way through the Bull Cycle, similar to those of the previous one, in August - November 2020 and March - June 2021. The Cycle's 2nd bottom is in being doubt as the RSI held and rebounded on the 40.00 Symmetrical Support, which held and kick started the post June 2021 bottom rally. The only confirmation left to give us is to break above the 1W MA50 (blue trend-line) for the first time since late July. As you can see both of 2020 - 2021 Bull Flags rebounded aggressively reaching the 2.0 Fibonacci extension. As a result once the 1W MA50 breaks, we expect a similar rally on AVAX, whether more aggressive like 2020 or marginally less like 2021, but our Target is at $250.00 (Fib 2.0 and above the All Time High). {future}(BTCUSDT) #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #CATIonBinance #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #moonbix #NeiroOnBinance
AVAXUSD Bottom formed, now going for the absolute bullish break-out.
Avalanche (AVAXUSD) has just touched this week the top of the 6-month Channel Down. In cyclical terms, this is just a big Bull Flag half-way through the Bull Cycle, similar to those of the previous one, in August - November 2020 and March - June 2021.
The Cycle's 2nd bottom is in being doubt as the RSI held and rebounded on the 40.00 Symmetrical Support, which held and kick started the post June 2021 bottom rally. The only confirmation left to give us is to break above the 1W MA50 (blue trend-line) for the first time since late July.
As you can see both of 2020 - 2021 Bull Flags rebounded aggressively reaching the 2.0 Fibonacci extension. As a result once the 1W MA50 breaks, we expect a similar rally on AVAX, whether more aggressive like 2020 or marginally less like 2021, but our Target is at $250.00 (Fib 2.0 and above the All Time High).
#BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #CATIonBinance #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #moonbix #NeiroOnBinance
$BTC 👀👀 BTC Daily Close Below the Last High! Still here around the Tension Point! Now a lot of people are Bullish with majority of the coins are Surging. This time can be different, because FED have lower the Interest rate? Will it be? Objective now is 67222$ let see what will happen. Bearish Scenario: Lost of 65k mean a lot of late Bulls will suffer and we can end up as engulfing of this last Daily candle. Which will make effect on the Weekly candle. Possible Shooting Star candle incoming if we lost 65k! {spot}(BTCUSDT) #FTXSolanaRedemption #NeiroOnBinance #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #FTXSolanaRedemption
$BTC 👀👀
BTC Daily Close Below the Last High!
Still here around the Tension Point!
Now a lot of people are Bullish with majority of the coins are Surging.
This time can be different, because FED have lower the Interest rate? Will it be?
Objective now is 67222$ let see what will happen.
Bearish Scenario: Lost of 65k mean a lot of late Bulls will suffer and we can end up as engulfing of this last Daily candle. Which will make effect on the Weekly candle.
Possible Shooting Star candle incoming if we lost 65k!
#FTXSolanaRedemption #NeiroOnBinance #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #FTXSolanaRedemption
**Trump Pulls Out of Third Debate, Harris Takes Lead Former US President Donald Trump has shut down any possibility of another presidential d {spot}(BTCUSDT) ebate against Kamala Harris before the November election. He claims Harris only wants a rematch because he “clearly” won the first showdown. Several instant polls show voters felt Harris performed better than her Republican rival. Prediction markets show major crash as the news with traders were paring back bets on a third debate. The chances of the third debate dropped to 28% on Polymarket. However, if Trump and Harris opt not to go for another round of debate then it would mark the lowest number of debates in an election year since 2020 and 1996.#DOGSONBINANCE Https:// #LowestCPI2021 Trump says ‘No’ to third debate Donald Trump in a TRUTH post declared “NO THIRD DEBATE!” after their recent face-off and his June debate with President Biden. However, Harris fired back at a North Carolina rally, saying voters deserve another debate because what’s at stake could not be more important. The former President suggested that polls clearly show that he won the first debate and the vice president immediately called for a Second Debate. Trump advised the other candidate to focus on what she should have done during the last four years. An Ipsos poll revealed that 53% of voters felt Harris won the debate, compared to just 24% for Trump. Meanwhile, other polls show voters are split over expecting the third debate. 54% said one debate was enough and 46% wanted more.
**Trump Pulls Out of Third Debate, Harris Takes Lead
Former US President Donald Trump has shut down any possibility of another presidential d
ebate against Kamala Harris before the November election. He claims Harris only wants a rematch because he “clearly” won the first showdown. Several instant polls show voters felt Harris performed better than her Republican rival.
Prediction markets show major crash as the news with traders were paring back bets on a third debate. The chances of the third debate dropped to 28% on Polymarket. However, if Trump and Harris opt not to go for another round of debate then it would mark the lowest number of debates in an election year since 2020 and 1996.#DOGSONBINANCE
Https:// #LowestCPI2021
Trump says ‘No’ to third debate
Donald Trump in a TRUTH post declared “NO THIRD DEBATE!” after their recent face-off and his June debate with President Biden. However, Harris fired back at a North Carolina rally, saying voters deserve another debate because what’s at stake could not be more important.
The former President suggested that polls clearly show that he won the first debate and the vice president immediately called for a Second Debate. Trump advised the other candidate to focus on what she should have done during the last four years.
An Ipsos poll revealed that 53% of voters felt Harris won the debate, compared to just 24% for Trump. Meanwhile, other polls show voters are split over expecting the third debate. 54% said one debate was enough and 46% wanted more.
JOIN APPEXINDEX.PRO TODAY AND START EARNING 📣📣📣** CZ's Permanent Ban: What Does It Mean for Binance? In a landmark decision, Binance's founder @cz_binance has been permanently banned from managing the company as part of a $4.3B settlement with U.S. authorities. This represents a major shift for the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange. 👇 2/ Legal Trouble & Ban: In 2023, CZ faced serious allegations of violating the U.S. Bank Secrecy Act. After pleading guilty, he accepted a hefty fine and a permanent ban from Binance management. Initially, a 3-year ban was anticipated, but CEO @_RichardTeng has confirmed it’s permanent. 🚫 3/ New Leadership at Binance: With CZ stepping down, Richard Teng has assumed the role of Binance’s CEO. Teng’s primary task is to steer Binance through regulatory challenges and ensure the exchange adheres to global compliance standards. Despite the ban, CZ retains his position as the majority shareholder but can no longer engage in day-to-day operations. 4/ What’s Next for Binance?: The permanent ban raises questions about Binance's future strategies and regulatory interactions. With new leadership, Binance must navigate a complex legal landscape while maintaining its global presence. The focus will be on rebuilding trust and ensuring robust compliance measures. 5/ Fear and Sacrifice: CZ’s ban underscores the intense regulatory scrutiny facing cryptocurrency exchanges. It’s a stark reminder of the regulatory challenges in the industry. CZ’s sacrifice highlights his commitment to Binance’s mission, but it also signals a new era of regulatory vigilance for the crypto space. 6/ Advice to Binance: As Binance moves forward, prioritizing transparency and proactive engagement with regulators will be crucial. Building a strong compliance framework and focusing on user protection can help restore confidence. Leadership stability and clear communication will be key in navigating this transition. 7/ Standing with CZ: Despite the ban, it's important to recognize CZ’s role in pioneering the cryptocurrency revolution. His vision has driven significant industry advancements. The challenges faced highlight the need for ongoing dialogue between crypto innovators and regulatory bodies. $BNB


** CZ's Permanent Ban: What Does It Mean for Binance?
In a landmark decision, Binance's founder @cz_binance has been permanently banned from managing the company as part of a $4.3B settlement with U.S. authorities. This represents a major shift for the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange. 👇
2/ Legal Trouble & Ban: In 2023, CZ faced serious allegations of violating the U.S. Bank Secrecy Act. After pleading guilty, he accepted a hefty fine and a permanent ban from Binance management. Initially, a 3-year ban was anticipated, but CEO @_RichardTeng has confirmed it’s permanent. 🚫
3/ New Leadership at Binance: With CZ stepping down, Richard Teng has assumed the role of Binance’s CEO. Teng’s primary task is to steer Binance through regulatory challenges and ensure the exchange adheres to global compliance standards. Despite the ban, CZ retains his position as the majority shareholder but can no longer engage in day-to-day operations.
4/ What’s Next for Binance?: The permanent ban raises questions about Binance's future strategies and regulatory interactions. With new leadership, Binance must navigate a complex legal landscape while maintaining its global presence. The focus will be on rebuilding trust and ensuring robust compliance measures.
5/ Fear and Sacrifice: CZ’s ban underscores the intense regulatory scrutiny facing cryptocurrency exchanges. It’s a stark reminder of the regulatory challenges in the industry. CZ’s sacrifice highlights his commitment to Binance’s mission, but it also signals a new era of regulatory vigilance for the crypto space.
6/ Advice to Binance: As Binance moves forward, prioritizing transparency and proactive engagement with regulators will be crucial. Building a strong compliance framework and focusing on user protection can help restore confidence. Leadership stability and clear communication will be key in navigating this transition.
7/ Standing with CZ: Despite the ban, it's important to recognize CZ’s role in pioneering the cryptocurrency revolution. His vision has driven significant industry advancements. The challenges faced highlight the need for ongoing dialogue between crypto innovators and regulatory bodies.
#MarketSentimentToday US stocks extend losses, led by the Nasdaq Anxiety around Powell's speech tomorrow has crept into equity markets, particularly in light of the comments from the Fed's Schmid earlier today. He indicated that the Fed had time to evaluate before cutting rates and that was seen as a hawkish view. But I just watched the full interview and it's not as hawkish as the headlines read. He said he was sympathetic to moving before inflation reached 2% and didn't make a hawkish push. I understand the worry about Powell and pricing in aggressive rate cuts. There is also some anxiety about the August 28 earnings report from NVDA, which could upend the whole AI trade if there's one hint of weakness. {spot}(BTCUSDT) #BinanceHODLerBANANA #Babylon_Mainnet_Launch #BlackRockETHOptions #CryptoMarketMoves
US stocks extend losses, led by the Nasdaq
Anxiety around Powell's speech tomorrow has crept into equity markets, particularly in light of the comments from the Fed's Schmid earlier today. He indicated that the Fed had time to evaluate before cutting rates and that was seen as a hawkish view.
But I just watched the full interview and it's not as hawkish as the headlines read. He said he was sympathetic to moving before inflation reached 2% and didn't make a hawkish push.
I understand the worry about Powell and pricing in aggressive rate cuts. There is also some anxiety about the August 28 earnings report from NVDA, which could upend the whole AI trade if there's one hint of weakness.
#BinanceHODLerBANANA #Babylon_Mainnet_Launch #BlackRockETHOptions #CryptoMarketMoves
𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐁𝐀 𝐈𝐍𝐔 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐂𝐑𝐘𝐏𝐓𝐎 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐔𝐒 𝐆𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓'𝐒 𝐃𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓 {spot}(BTCUSDT) #BinanceTurns7 #MtGoxJulyRepayments #BlackRockETHOptions #MarketDownturn #BinanceLaunchpoolTON US government holds 54.897 billion SHIB tokens, worth approx $729,581. SHIB ranks as a major asset in US govt's $12.43 billion crypto wallet. US as a crypto 'whale' could impact market dynamics with SHIB sales. According to Arkham Intelligence, the US government now has roughly 54.897 billion Shiba Inu (SHIB) tokens. These tokens, confiscated via various law enforcement proceedings instead of being acquired, are now part of a digital asset portfolio that includes Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.  The value of these SHIB holdings is estimated at around $729,581, based on the current market price of $0.00001329 per token. This revelation places SHIB as one of the substantial holdings within the government's crypto wallet, although it ranks lower in value than other assets like Bitcoin.
#BinanceTurns7 #MtGoxJulyRepayments #BlackRockETHOptions #MarketDownturn #BinanceLaunchpoolTON
US government holds 54.897 billion SHIB tokens, worth approx $729,581.
SHIB ranks as a major asset in US govt's $12.43 billion crypto wallet.
US as a crypto 'whale' could impact market dynamics with SHIB sales.
According to Arkham Intelligence, the US government now has roughly 54.897 billion Shiba Inu (SHIB) tokens. These tokens, confiscated via various law enforcement proceedings instead of being acquired, are now part of a digital asset portfolio that includes Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. 
The value of these SHIB holdings is estimated at around $729,581, based on the current market price of $0.00001329 per token. This revelation places SHIB as one of the substantial holdings within the government's crypto wallet, although it ranks lower in value than other assets like Bitcoin.
🚀 Bitcoin Cash Targets $400 Amid Bitcoin 2024 Conference Buzz 🚀** Bitcoin Cash (BCH) has seen a price surge, reflecting the upward movement of Bitcoin (BTC). The bullish sentiment surrounding the Bitcoin 2024 conference is pushing BCH towards the $400 mark. 🔹 Bitcoin 2024 Conference Fuels Optimism BTC is trading at $68,201 on July 27, while BCH hovers near $383, marking a 2.3% increase in 24 hours. The Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville, featuring speakers like MicroStrategy's Michael Saylor and presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is boosting market confidence. Former US President Donald Trump is also set to speak, adding to the excitement. 🔹 Mt. Gox Repayments: Minimal Impact on BTC and BCH Despite initial concerns, the Mt. Gox repayments haven't negatively impacted BTC or BCH prices significantly. Over 350,000 BTC have left exchanges as whales accumulate, and the Bitcoin ETF market has seen substantial inflows. Exchanges like Kraken and Bitstamp have completed their distributions of BTC and BCH assets from Mt. Gox to creditors. 🔹 BCH Price Analysis On the 4-hour chart, BCH shows a bullish outlook. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicates strong buyer interest, and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) also suggests an upward trend. A breakout above $400 could see BCH targeting $500 and possibly year-to-date highs near $700. Key support zones are at $370-$350 and $297. Stay tuned for more crypto insights! 👍 📢 Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Always do your own research before investing. $BTC $BCH $MTL 📢 Remember: A lot of hard work goes into providing top-notch investment articles. Your generous tips empower our mission and help us work even harder to give you the best investment advice. #bitcoincash #BinanceHODLerBANANA #BinanceTurns7 #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #US_Job_Market_Slowdown
🚀 Bitcoin Cash Targets $400 Amid Bitcoin 2024 Conference Buzz 🚀**
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) has seen a price surge, reflecting the upward movement of Bitcoin (BTC). The bullish sentiment surrounding the Bitcoin 2024 conference is pushing BCH towards the $400 mark.
🔹 Bitcoin 2024 Conference Fuels Optimism
BTC is trading at $68,201 on July 27, while BCH hovers near $383, marking a 2.3% increase in 24 hours. The Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville, featuring speakers like MicroStrategy's Michael Saylor and presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is boosting market confidence. Former US President Donald Trump is also set to speak, adding to the excitement.
🔹 Mt. Gox Repayments: Minimal Impact on BTC and BCH
Despite initial concerns, the Mt. Gox repayments haven't negatively impacted BTC or BCH prices significantly. Over 350,000 BTC have left exchanges as whales accumulate, and the Bitcoin ETF market has seen substantial inflows. Exchanges like Kraken and Bitstamp have completed their distributions of BTC and BCH assets from Mt. Gox to creditors.
🔹 BCH Price Analysis
On the 4-hour chart, BCH shows a bullish outlook. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicates strong buyer interest, and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) also suggests an upward trend. A breakout above $400 could see BCH targeting $500 and possibly year-to-date highs near $700. Key support zones are at $370-$350 and $297.
Stay tuned for more crypto insights! 👍
📢 Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Always do your own research before investing. $BTC $BCH $MTL
📢 Remember: A lot of hard work goes into providing top-notch investment articles. Your generous tips empower our mission and help us work even harder to give you the best investment advice. #bitcoincash #BinanceHODLerBANANA #BinanceTurns7 #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #US_Job_Market_Slowdown
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