Binance Square
Virgie Mcquade wSj4
大きな取引損失から回復する方法市場は時として急激に変動することがあります。そして、ボラティリティは大きな利益を得るチャンスを数多く提供する一方で、大きな損失をもたらすこともあります。多くの投資家と同様に、私は特に痛烈な挫折の後に自信を取り戻すことがいかに難しいかを身をもって知っています。過去の厳しい市場状況で不安を感じたことがあるなら、取引を再開するのに役立つこの 6 点の計画を検討してください。 失敗から学びましょう。トレーダーは自分の長所と短所を認識し、それに基づいて計画を立てる必要があります。


市場は時として急激に変動することがあります。そして、ボラティリティは大きな利益を得るチャンスを数多く提供する一方で、大きな損失をもたらすこともあります。多くの投資家と同様に、私は特に痛烈な挫折の後に自信を取り戻すことがいかに難しいかを身をもって知っています。過去の厳しい市場状況で不安を感じたことがあるなら、取引を再開するのに役立つこの 6 点の計画を検討してください。
ビットコイン(BTC)スポットETFのフローデータと市場動向 世界的な緊張が緩和したとはいえ、月曜日のBTCスポットETFへの純流入額は、半減期イベント後の需要状況を理解する上で不可欠です。新しいデータによると、4月12日までの週に8,280万ドルがビットコイン市場から流出しました。これは、ビットコインの短期的な需要に即座に影響を及ぼす可能性があります。 日経アジアは、香港が暗号通貨を投資の主流の選択肢として受け入れる大きな一歩を踏み出したと報じています。香港証券先物委員会(SFC)は、初のスポットビットコインおよびイーサリアム上場投資信託を承認しました。 有名な金融機関であるBosera Asset ManagementとChina Asset Managementは、規制当局の許可を得た後、ETFを発売できると述べました。これは、この地域の暗号通貨投資にとって大きな転換点です。 #Developmentactivity #bitcoinhalving #BinanceLaunchpool $BTC $ETH

有名な金融機関であるBosera Asset ManagementとChina Asset Managementは、規制当局の許可を得た後、ETFを発売できると述べました。これは、この地域の暗号通貨投資にとって大きな転換点です。

#Developmentactivity #bitcoinhalving #BinanceLaunchpool $BTC $ETH
ビットコイン(BTC)恐怖と強欲指数シグナル ビットコイン恐怖と強欲指数は、半減期が近づくにつれて極度の強欲ゾーンに近づきました。これは、価格が現在の水準から下落する可能性があることを示唆しています。 月曜日、ビットコイン恐怖と強欲指数は72から74に上昇し、極度の強欲ゾーンに入りました。これは下落を意味する可能性がありますが、BTCスポットETF市場フローデータは短期的な傾向を把握するために非常に重要です。指数の変化は投資家の感情を示し、売買の決定に影響を与える可能性があります。 この記事の執筆時点で、ビットコインは米ドルに対して66,392ドルで取引されており、時価総額は13億700万ドルです。この最新の2.5%の上昇は、アジア初のビットコインETFの採用が見られた香港からの好材料によって促進されました。 #bitcoinhalving #BinanceLaunchpool #UpdateAlert $BTC $ETH




#bitcoinhalving #BinanceLaunchpool #UpdateAlert $BTC $ETH
地政学:投資家は事前警告のニュースに安堵 日曜日のビットコイン価格はわずかに上昇し、土曜日の3.78%の下落を部分的に反転させ、3日間の下落が終わった。投資家は、イランがイスラエルに攻撃を事前に警告していたことを聞いて喜んだ。これにより、この地域の状況が悪化しないという希望が生まれた。 しかし、ビットコインは土曜日の下落を克服できなかった。中東での敵対行為の拡大の脅威により、ビットコインの半減期が迫っていることへの懸念がさらに高まった。 #UpdateAlert #bitcoinhalving $BTC


#UpdateAlert #bitcoinhalving $BTC
仮想通貨市場は流動的 仮想通貨市場にとって、退屈ではない週末だった。金曜の午後、市場心理はドル買いと株、金、仮想通貨の売却に急激に傾いた。また、週末に取引された仮想通貨市場は、土曜日に下落を加速し、時価総額は2.2兆ドル(月曜のピークから-18%)に落ち込んだが、日曜日には回復し始め、執筆時点では2.42兆ドル(7日間で-7%)に上昇している。 CryptoQuantは、現在の仮想通貨市場の暴落は、トレーダーの未実現利益をゼロにリセットするために必要であり、通常は強気相場の底値シグナルであると述べた。MicroStrategyの創設者マイケル・セイラーは、「混乱はビットコインにとって良いことだ」と強調した。 香港でスポットビットコインETFが発売されれば、中国本土の投資家からの需要は250億ドルに達する可能性があると、マトリックスポートは予想している。ブルームバーグによると、香港は早ければ4月15日に、最初の仮想通貨とイーサリアムに基づくETFを承認する可能性がある。 #UpdateAlert #CryptocurrencyAlert #bitcoinhalving $BTC


#UpdateAlert #CryptocurrencyAlert #bitcoinhalving $BTC
ビットコインがイランとイスラエルの緊張から回復し、暗号通貨市場が回復 過去数日間、暗号通貨市場はイランとイスラエルの緊張の高まりにより大幅な下落を経験しました。中東での潜在的なエスカレーションに対する懸念が金融市場を不安定にし、投資家はより安全な投資手段を求めています。 暗号通貨市場はまた、インフレが米国中央銀行の今年第1四半期の目標である2%を大きく上回って停滞し、最近のデータが役に立たなかったため下落しました。 しかし、ビットコインは日曜日に62,000ドルを下回った後、月曜日の取引で2%上昇して65,466ドルとなりました。 #BinanceLaunchpool #Latestcryptonews #bitcoinhalving $BTC


#BinanceLaunchpool #Latestcryptonews #bitcoinhalving $BTC
イスラエルとイランの戦争の恐れが突然、ビットコインと暗号通貨の価格を5000億ドル暴落させ、イーサリアム、BNB、XRP、ソラナ、ドージコインに打撃を与える イスラエル軍が報復攻撃としてイランが「数十機」のドローンをイスラエルに向けて発射したと発表した後、ビットコインBTCは急落した。 イラン革命防衛隊がイスラエル領土に「数十機のドローンとミサイル」を発射したと発表した後、ビットコインの価格は今週初めの1ビットコインあたり7万ドル以上から6万ドルに下落した。 ビットコインの価格暴落は暗号通貨市場全体を下落させ、イーサリアム、BNBBNB、XRPXRP、ソラナ、ドージコインのトップ10コインに打撃を与え、暗号通貨市場全体で5000億ドルを失わせた。 #toptranding #bitcoinhalving #BinanceLaunchpool #SolanaStruggles #ETH🔥🔥🔥 $BTC $ETH $BNB




#toptranding #bitcoinhalving #BinanceLaunchpool #SolanaStruggles #ETH🔥🔥🔥 $BTC $ETH $BNB
ETH Slides Below $3.5K But Bullish Presence Remains Strong Ethereum’s price has undergone an extensive phase of sideways consolidation subsequent to a decline toward the critical support level of $3K. Despite this, the cryptocurrency seems confined within a range between $3K and $3.7K, and it’s unlikely that volatility will pick up unless it manages to break out in either direction. #ETH🔥🔥🔥 #EthereumRival $ETH
ETH Slides Below $3.5K But Bullish Presence Remains Strong

Ethereum’s price has undergone an extensive phase of sideways consolidation subsequent to a decline toward the critical support level of $3K.

Despite this, the cryptocurrency seems confined within a range between $3K and $3.7K, and it’s unlikely that volatility will pick up unless it manages to break out in either direction.

#ETH🔥🔥🔥 #EthereumRival $ETH
Putting The Current State of Crypto Into Perspective Crypto markets heat up about every four years. This is no coincidence as it aligns with an event called ‘Bitcoin Halving,’ which occurs every four years. The Bitcoin Halving is a pivotal shift where Bitcoin miners are rewarded with only half the Bitcoin they were awarded prior to the event. This reduction was pre-programmed into Bitcoin's design, halving the pace of new supply creation going forward. Bitcoin miners are individuals who provide computing power to verify transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain. In return for their services in verifying transactions and supporting the blockchain, they are compensated with Bitcoin, similar to earning transaction fees. This setup ensured that most of the Bitcoin supply was issued early on, and rewards will continue to decrease towards zero. New supply will continue being added until around the year 2140. For reference, there are 19.6 million Bitcoins in circulation, with the total supply capped at 21 million. #UpdateAlert #bitcoinhalving #BitcoinAwareness $BTC
Putting The Current State of Crypto Into Perspective

Crypto markets heat up about every four years. This is no coincidence as it aligns with an event called ‘Bitcoin Halving,’ which occurs every four years. The Bitcoin Halving is a pivotal shift where Bitcoin miners are rewarded with only half the Bitcoin they were awarded prior to the event. This reduction was pre-programmed into Bitcoin's design, halving the pace of new supply creation going forward. Bitcoin miners are individuals who provide computing power to verify transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain. In return for their services in verifying transactions and supporting the blockchain, they are compensated with Bitcoin, similar to earning transaction fees. This setup ensured that most of the Bitcoin supply was issued early on, and rewards will continue to decrease towards zero. New supply will continue being added until around the year 2140. For reference, there are 19.6 million Bitcoins in circulation, with the total supply capped at 21 million.

#UpdateAlert #bitcoinhalving #BitcoinAwareness $BTC
4月20日にビットコインの半減期が予想されていますが、その意味は?投資すべきでしょうか? ビットコインは4月20日頃に待望の「半減期」を迎える予定です。ブルームバーグによると、このイベントは暗号通貨市場で最も待ち望まれているイベントの1つと考えられており、最近デジタル資産の価格が上昇しています。 デジタル資産は、3月14日に記録した史上最高値の73,798ドルから下落したにもかかわらず、今年約50%の価値上昇を記録しています。今年の急騰は、1月に米国証券取引委員会がビットコインETFを承認したことと、米国連邦準備制度理事会による金利引き下げの予想によるものです。 2024年のビットコイン半減期が近づくにつれ、市場内で歴史が繰り返される可能性があるという憶測が生まれています。 #bitcoinhalving $BTC


#bitcoinhalving $BTC
Hong Kong set to approve its first spot bitcoin ETFs in April The Hong Kong units of China Asset Management, Harvest Fund Management and Bosera Asset Management are among the applicants, according to the two people and a third source. The sources were not authorised to speak to media and declined to be identified. Hong China Asset Management and Harvest Fund Management's Hong Kong units obtained approval this month to manage portfolios that invest more than 10% in virtual assets, according to the SFC's website. Their parent companies are among the biggest mutual fund firms in China, with each managing over 1 trillion yuan ($138 billion) in assets. Although cryptocurrency trading is banned in mainland China, offshore Chinese financial institutions have been keen to participate in crypto asset development in Hong Kong. #bitcoinhalving #latestupdate $BTC
Hong Kong set to approve its first spot bitcoin ETFs in April

The Hong Kong units of China Asset Management, Harvest Fund Management and Bosera Asset Management are among the applicants, according to the two people and a third source.

The sources were not authorised to speak to media and declined to be identified.

China Asset Management and Harvest Fund Management's Hong Kong units obtained approval this month to manage portfolios that invest more than 10% in virtual assets, according to the SFC's website.

Their parent companies are among the biggest mutual fund firms in China, with each managing over 1 trillion yuan ($138 billion) in assets.

Although cryptocurrency trading is banned in mainland China, offshore Chinese financial institutions have been keen to participate in crypto asset development in Hong Kong.

#bitcoinhalving #latestupdate
暗号通貨の価格に影響を与えるものは何ですか?考慮すべき主な要因市場の力と外部要因が暗号通貨の価格にどのように影響するかを理解することは、暗号通貨の価格予測を可能な限り正確にするための鍵となります。これらの要因は、暗号通貨固有のものでもマクロ経済的なものでもかまいません。 1. トークノミクス トークノミクスは、「トークン」と「経​​済学」という言葉に由来しています。これは、暗号通貨の需要と供給、およびそれらが暗号通貨の評価に与える影響を研究する分野です。 各暗号通貨プロジェクトは、その価値提案に最も適したトークンエコノミクスを設計します。たとえば、ビットコイン (BTC) は供給量が制限されており、インフレ率が低下しているため、インフレヘッジや価値保存資産を求める人々からの需要を集めています。


1. トークノミクス
各暗号通貨プロジェクトは、その価値提案に最も適したトークンエコノミクスを設計します。たとえば、ビットコイン (BTC) は供給量が制限されており、インフレ率が低下しているため、インフレヘッジや価値保存資産を求める人々からの需要を集めています。
Highest Paying Crypto & Blockchain JobsThe rise of digital assets and the market’s growing popularity have brought about many new job opportunities. This has created a demand for a new group of professionals with specialized skills in blockchain technology. Here is a list of the top 16 highest paying crypto jobs. 1.Community Manager Crypto community manager is largely a non-technical job that falls under marketing and customer services. An individual in this role will be responsible for the management and development of the crypto firm’s online community. It is worth noting that crypto companies generally use Telegram, Twitter, YouTube, Discord, and Reddit to connect with their audience. In most cases, having a degree in marketing, some experience in technology-related marketing, and a general understanding of the crypto market is sufficient. 2. Crypto UI/UX Designer Crypto companies are looking for user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) designers to create intuitive and visually appealing cryptocurrency platforms and wallets. These individuals also ensure that the crypto platform is user-friendly and everything works as intended. Along with designing interfaces, UI/UX designers engage with customers to learn more about their needs and preferences. A bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, such as graphic design, interaction design, psychology, or computer science, is usually required. 3. Cryptocurrency Marketing Manager Marketing managers organize and manage marketing campaigns to raise awareness of and generate demand for products and services. They are a key part of each industry, as they are the ones that introduce and promote a company’s products. 4.Blockchain Quality Engineer Quality crypto engineers must ensure that the blockchain unit meets the highest quality standards. These individuals run tests for all the newly developed projects to avoid bugs and glitches. They also report their findings to development teams, helping make the end product free from all issues. Blockchain quality engineers should deeply understand the blockchain realm and its workings. They should be good at communication, possess analytical skills and problem-solving skills, and be quick thinkers. 5.Crypto Risk Analyst Risk analysts play a key role in helping companies estimate the risk associated with certain activities or decisions. In order to do so, they review existing procedures and systems, assess upcoming projects for viability, and make sure that risk is factored into the decision-making equation. In most cases, risk analysts working in crypto have strong technical backgrounds and an overall understanding of the market trends. Additionally, they’re well-informed regarding relevant regulations. 6.Blockchain Engineers Blockchain engineers are responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining blockchain systems. They create the blockchain architecture and integrate it with other systems, ensuring it is secure and efficient. They also resolve technical issues that arise in the blockchain, update the blockchain codebase, and implement blockchain technology. These individuals often have a degree in a related field, such as computer science or information systems. 7.Data Analyst One key attribute of the blockchain technology is its transparency. Since information is freely and readily available, many companies hire data analysts to find opportunities they can leverage. In most cases, the role involves examining data for patterns and trends, allowing companies to remain ahead of the curve. 8.Blockchain Consultant A blockchain consultant helps new crypto firms develop growth strategies. They analyze blockchain’s impact on a company to develop and implement strategies that can increase business efficiency. This role requires a deep understanding of blockchain technology and the current market trends, as well as a bachelor’s degree or higher. 9.Crypto Security Consultant Security is a critical aspect of the crypto industry, which has become a hotbed for hackers and scammers. Crypto companies rely on security consultants to identify vulnerabilities, develop security protocols, and implement robust measures to protect digital assets. A bachelor’s degree and some certifications are necessary to start as an entry-level security consultant. 10.Crypto Researchers Crypto researchers delve into the technical aspects, market trends, and potential use cases of cryptocurrencies. They then use this information to trade on behalf of companies or direct their company’s or clients’ investments toward the most profitable cryptocurrency markets. These individuals often earn substantial salaries, particularly in research-focused organizations or think tanks. 11.Blockchain Software Engineer Software engineers are programming experts with a background in software design, computer science, and related technical fields. These engineers are expected to use their knowledge to develop blockchain applications, wallets, or cryptocurrency platforms in blockchain. Software engineers often receive competitive salaries due to the demand for their technical expertise. 12.Blockchain Product Manager Product managers in the crypto industry oversee the development and launching of new digital assets or blockchain-based products. Their roles often involve strategic planning and coordination across various teams. To become a product developer in crypto, having vast experience working in the industry is essential. In general, a degree in computer science engineering plus some blockchain certificates could be sufficient. 13.Crypto Legal Expert Crypto companies need lawyers specializing in cryptocurrency and blockchain law in order to help them navigate the complex legal landscape surrounding digital assets. This role is increasingly important, given that the crypto regulatory landscape is a fast-changing domain. Some of the key responsibilities of a crypto legal consultant are to review and draft contracts and agreements related to blockchain technology, advise on compliance with data protection regulations, and provide support on dispute resolution related to blockchain transactions. 14.Blockchain Developer A blockchain developer develops decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts based on blockchain technology. These individuals are responsible for designing the infrastructure for a blockchain project, establishing security protocols, creating codes, and more. The minimum qualification expected of a blockchain developer is a bachelor’s degree clubbed with some experience in programming in multiple languages. Developers need to know about the architecture of a blockchain channel, its working, cryptography, and web development, among others. 15.Cryptocurrency Investment Fund Manager Investment funds are increasingly getting involved in the digital asset sector. With their eyes locked on huge gains, these funds need a manager who can spearhead their digital asset section and develop effective investment strategies. Managing a cryptocurrency investment fund requires deep market knowledge and investment strategies. 16.Crypto Executive Roles In general, executive roles, including chief executive officer (CEO), chief financial officer (CFO), chief operating officer (COO), and others, earn substantial salaries due to the high responsibility and critical decision-making involved in running these platforms. This is also true in the crypto space. The Bottom Line The crypto market is filled with new opportunities and exciting career options, and while a crystal ball in crypto is not possible, we look to have escaped the bear market of the last few years, with 2024 and beyond being an exciting time to find jobs in crypto. #bitcoinhalving #LearnBeforeInvesting #earningskills #job #research $BTC $ETH $BNB

Highest Paying Crypto & Blockchain Jobs

The rise of digital assets and the market’s growing popularity have brought about many new job opportunities. This has created a demand for a new group of professionals with specialized skills in blockchain technology. Here is a list of the top 16 highest paying crypto jobs.
1.Community Manager
Crypto community manager is largely a non-technical job that falls under marketing and customer services. An individual in this role will be responsible for the management and development of the crypto firm’s online community. It is worth noting that crypto companies generally use Telegram, Twitter, YouTube, Discord, and Reddit to connect with their audience.
In most cases, having a degree in marketing, some experience in technology-related marketing, and a general understanding of the crypto market is sufficient.
2. Crypto UI/UX Designer
Crypto companies are looking for user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) designers to create intuitive and visually appealing cryptocurrency platforms and wallets. These individuals also ensure that the crypto platform is user-friendly and everything works as intended.
Along with designing interfaces, UI/UX designers engage with customers to learn more about their needs and preferences. A bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, such as graphic design, interaction design, psychology, or computer science, is usually required.
3. Cryptocurrency Marketing Manager
Marketing managers organize and manage marketing campaigns to raise awareness of and generate demand for products and services. They are a key part of each industry, as they are the ones that introduce and promote a company’s products.
4.Blockchain Quality Engineer
Quality crypto engineers must ensure that the blockchain unit meets the highest quality standards. These individuals run tests for all the newly developed projects to avoid bugs and glitches. They also report their findings to development teams, helping make the end product free from all issues.
Blockchain quality engineers should deeply understand the blockchain realm and its workings. They should be good at communication, possess analytical skills and problem-solving skills, and be quick thinkers.
5.Crypto Risk Analyst
Risk analysts play a key role in helping companies estimate the risk associated with certain activities or decisions. In order to do so, they review existing procedures and systems, assess upcoming projects for viability, and make sure that risk is factored into the decision-making equation.
In most cases, risk analysts working in crypto have strong technical backgrounds and an overall understanding of the market trends. Additionally, they’re well-informed regarding relevant regulations.
6.Blockchain Engineers
Blockchain engineers are responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining blockchain systems. They create the blockchain architecture and integrate it with other systems, ensuring it is secure and efficient.
They also resolve technical issues that arise in the blockchain, update the blockchain codebase, and implement blockchain technology. These individuals often have a degree in a related field, such as computer science or information systems.
7.Data Analyst
One key attribute of the blockchain technology is its transparency. Since information is freely and readily available, many companies hire data analysts to find opportunities they can leverage.
In most cases, the role involves examining data for patterns and trends, allowing companies to remain ahead of the curve.
8.Blockchain Consultant
A blockchain consultant helps new crypto firms develop growth strategies. They analyze blockchain’s impact on a company to develop and implement strategies that can increase business efficiency.
This role requires a deep understanding of blockchain technology and the current market trends, as well as a bachelor’s degree or higher.
9.Crypto Security Consultant
Security is a critical aspect of the crypto industry, which has become a hotbed for hackers and scammers. Crypto companies rely on security consultants to identify vulnerabilities, develop security protocols, and implement robust measures to protect digital assets.
A bachelor’s degree and some certifications are necessary to start as an entry-level security consultant.
10.Crypto Researchers
Crypto researchers delve into the technical aspects, market trends, and potential use cases of cryptocurrencies. They then use this information to trade on behalf of companies or direct their company’s or clients’ investments toward the most profitable cryptocurrency markets.
These individuals often earn substantial salaries, particularly in research-focused organizations or think tanks.
11.Blockchain Software Engineer
Software engineers are programming experts with a background in software design, computer science, and related technical fields. These engineers are expected to use their knowledge to develop blockchain applications, wallets, or cryptocurrency platforms in blockchain.
Software engineers often receive competitive salaries due to the demand for their technical expertise.
12.Blockchain Product Manager
Product managers in the crypto industry oversee the development and launching of new digital assets or blockchain-based products. Their roles often involve strategic planning and coordination across various teams.
To become a product developer in crypto, having vast experience working in the industry is essential. In general, a degree in computer science engineering plus some blockchain certificates could be sufficient.
13.Crypto Legal Expert
Crypto companies need lawyers specializing in cryptocurrency and blockchain law in order to help them navigate the complex legal landscape surrounding digital assets. This role is increasingly important, given that the crypto regulatory landscape is a fast-changing domain.
Some of the key responsibilities of a crypto legal consultant are to review and draft contracts and agreements related to blockchain technology, advise on compliance with data protection regulations, and provide support on dispute resolution related to blockchain transactions.
14.Blockchain Developer
A blockchain developer develops decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts based on blockchain technology. These individuals are responsible for designing the infrastructure for a blockchain project, establishing security protocols, creating codes, and more.
The minimum qualification expected of a blockchain developer is a bachelor’s degree clubbed with some experience in programming in multiple languages. Developers need to know about the architecture of a blockchain channel, its working, cryptography, and web development, among others.
15.Cryptocurrency Investment Fund Manager
Investment funds are increasingly getting involved in the digital asset sector. With their eyes locked on huge gains, these funds need a manager who can spearhead their digital asset section and develop effective investment strategies.
Managing a cryptocurrency investment fund requires deep market knowledge and investment strategies.
16.Crypto Executive Roles
In general, executive roles, including chief executive officer (CEO), chief financial officer (CFO), chief operating officer (COO), and others, earn substantial salaries due to the high responsibility and critical decision-making involved in running these platforms. This is also true in the crypto space.
The Bottom Line
The crypto market is filled with new opportunities and exciting career options, and while a crystal ball in crypto is not possible, we look to have escaped the bear market of the last few years, with 2024 and beyond being an exciting time to find jobs in crypto.
#bitcoinhalving #LearnBeforeInvesting #earningskills #job #research $BTC $ETH $BNB
ビットコイン史上最大の暴落5回最新かつ最大のビットコイン暴落の概要 1. 2024年3月: 16.5% ビットコイン暴落トップ5リストの最後は、暗号通貨の最新の暴落です。この暴落では、2024年3月14日の史上最高値73,750ドルから、2024年3月20日の61,538ドルまで資産が下落しました。 しかし、なぜビットコインはこれほど好調な推移を見せた後に暴落したのでしょうか? 最近のビットコインの暴落は、ブロックチェーンの最新のDencunアップグレード後のイーサリアムの市場動向への悪影響や、2023年5月までにイーサスポットETFがリリースされる可能性の低下など、いくつかの要因に起因すると考えられています。



1. 2024年3月: 16.5%
Best Place to Buy BitcoinThe overall best place to buy Bitcoin is Binance—the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in terms of trading volume. As of 2024, more than 180 million people use the Binance crypto exchange. Creating a new account takes only a few minutes—after investors enter their personal information and verify their identity. With as little as $50 (in the USA), investors can start buying and selling Bitcoin. Outside of Bitcoin, Binance also allows you to trade over 400 other digital assets. The fees on crypto trading start from just 0.1% on Binance—which is one of the lowest in the cryptocurrency space. On Binance, one can make a deposit using several payment methods such as: Credit/Debit cardsWire transfersACH Transfers However, a 4.5% additional fee is levied when using credit cards. Binance offers 24/7 customer service and implements two-factor authentication to secure investors funds. #bitcoinhalving $BTC To create account tap here [Create binance account](

Best Place to Buy Bitcoin

The overall best place to buy Bitcoin is Binance—the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in terms of trading volume.
As of 2024, more than 180 million people use the Binance crypto exchange. Creating a new account takes only a few minutes—after investors enter their personal information and verify their identity.
With as little as $50 (in the USA), investors can start buying and selling Bitcoin. Outside of Bitcoin, Binance also allows you to trade over 400 other digital assets.
The fees on crypto trading start from just 0.1% on Binance—which is one of the lowest in the cryptocurrency space.
On Binance, one can make a deposit using several payment methods such as:
Credit/Debit cardsWire transfersACH Transfers
However, a 4.5% additional fee is levied when using credit cards. Binance offers 24/7 customer service and implements two-factor authentication to secure investors funds.
#bitcoinhalving $BTC
To create account tap here
Create binance account
Why Have a Bitcoin Halving? Bitcoin has a finite supply. There can only ever be a maximum of 21 million Bitcoins, and there are currently ~19.66m in circulation. The value of a Bitcoin, as with other assets, is determined by supply and demand. Controlling the releases of the yet-to-be-mined coins helps to balance the supply and demand, as it prevents the market from being flooded by supply, instead providing a known supply constraint as demand increases over time. Three elements can be said to be at play with the Bitcoin Halving mechanism: Avoids high levels of inflation by steadily reducing the quantity of new Bitcoins released over time. Makes Bitcoin more scarce as time continues, because eventually, all the Bitcoin in existence will be in existence. This preserves its long-term value and further protects against inflation, a problem seen with fiat currencies throughout the world. Maintains a supply of rewards, i.e., incentives, for miners to continue operating over a much longer period. Until around 2140. Bitcoin Halving events will continue to happen approximately every four years until the last of Bitcoin’s maximum supply of 21 million has been mined. It’s estimated that all available BTC will be mined by 2140. #bitcoinhalving $BTC
Why Have a Bitcoin Halving?

Bitcoin has a finite supply. There can only ever be a maximum of 21 million Bitcoins, and there are currently ~19.66m in circulation. The value of a Bitcoin, as with other assets, is determined by supply and demand.

Controlling the releases of the yet-to-be-mined coins helps to balance the supply and demand, as it prevents the market from being flooded by supply, instead providing a known supply constraint as demand increases over time. Three elements can be said to be at play with the Bitcoin Halving mechanism:

Avoids high levels of inflation by steadily reducing the quantity of new Bitcoins released over time.
Makes Bitcoin more scarce as time continues, because eventually, all the Bitcoin in existence will be in existence. This preserves its long-term value and further protects against inflation, a problem seen with fiat currencies throughout the world.
Maintains a supply of rewards, i.e., incentives, for miners to continue operating over a much longer period. Until around 2140.
Bitcoin Halving events will continue to happen approximately every four years until the last of Bitcoin’s maximum supply of 21 million has been mined. It’s estimated that all available BTC will be mined by 2140.

#bitcoinhalving $BTC
RIGHT TIME TO BUY AND SELL CRYPTO There are many methods that equity investors use to decide when to execute a trade in the stock markets, but the same rules and trading patterns don’t always apply to cryptocurrency. It’s true that cryptocurrency buyers can make purchases within certain windows to get the best possible price. Still, the volatility of the cryptocurrency market makes it very difficult to identify reliable patterns and choose positions accordingly. 1. Cryptocurrencies are most active during the work week, with prices starting low on Monday morning and steadily rising until they drop over the weekend. 2. Pay attention to stock market trading hours as they have an effect on cryptocurrency trading, even though you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies 24/7. 3. Be aware of your risk tolerance by forecasting your cash flow and watching cryptocurrency market trends. #bitcoinhalving #BTCHalvingApril2024 $BTC

There are many methods that equity investors use to decide when to execute a trade in the stock markets, but the same rules and trading patterns don’t always apply to cryptocurrency. It’s true that cryptocurrency buyers can make purchases within certain windows to get the best possible price. Still, the volatility of the cryptocurrency market makes it very difficult to identify reliable patterns and choose positions accordingly.

1. Cryptocurrencies are most active during the work week, with prices starting low on Monday morning and steadily rising until they drop over the weekend.
2. Pay attention to stock market trading hours as they have an effect on cryptocurrency trading, even though you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies 24/7.
3. Be aware of your risk tolerance by forecasting your cash flow and watching cryptocurrency market trends.

#bitcoinhalving #BTCHalvingApril2024 $BTC
BTC Stopped at $69K Bitcoin’s price actions this week have been quite unfavorable for the asset. It all started on Monday with a price slump that drove the cryptocurrency from over $70,000 to under $66,000. That was just the beginning, as the bears initiated another leg down on Tuesday and Wednesday. This time, the largest digital asset fell to a 10-day low of around $64,500. The bulls finally intercepted the moves at this point and began a slow recovery that saw Bitcoin reclaim some ground on Thursday morning. Hours later, the cryptocurrency went on the offensive once again and soared by several grand. As a result, it jumped above $69,000 amid the growing ETF inflows, but that turned out to be a false breakout. #BTCHalvingApril2024 $BTC
BTC Stopped at $69K

Bitcoin’s price actions this week have been quite unfavorable for the asset. It all started on Monday with a price slump that drove the cryptocurrency from over $70,000 to under $66,000.

That was just the beginning, as the bears initiated another leg down on Tuesday and Wednesday. This time, the largest digital asset fell to a 10-day low of around $64,500. The bulls finally intercepted the moves at this point and began a slow recovery that saw Bitcoin reclaim some ground on Thursday morning.

Hours later, the cryptocurrency went on the offensive once again and soared by several grand. As a result, it jumped above $69,000 amid the growing ETF inflows, but that turned out to be a false breakout.

#BTCHalvingApril2024 $BTC
FLOKI FLOKI is the utility token of the Floki ecosystem. It was built on the Ethereum blockchain but is also BEP-20 compliant. This means users can swap FLOKI tokens at a 1:1 ratio on the ETH-BSC bridge. FLOKI is self-described as “The People’s Crypto,” highlighting its vision as a movement dedicated to the Web3 space and more than just a dog-themed coin. Unlike other meme coins, FLOKI puts emphasis on becoming a hub for web3 enthusiasts. FLOKI has several main projects that provide practical applications for the FLOKI token: Valhalla for gaming metaverse, FlokiFi for decentralized finance, FlokiPlaces for NFTs and merchandise, and the University of Floki for education, and more. #FlokiRoadmap2024 $FLOKI
FLOKI is the utility token of the Floki ecosystem. It was built on the Ethereum blockchain but is also BEP-20 compliant. This means users can swap FLOKI tokens at a 1:1 ratio on the ETH-BSC bridge.

FLOKI is self-described as “The People’s Crypto,” highlighting its vision as a movement dedicated to the Web3 space and more than just a dog-themed coin.

Unlike other meme coins, FLOKI puts emphasis on becoming a hub for web3 enthusiasts.

FLOKI has several main projects that provide practical applications for the FLOKI token: Valhalla for gaming metaverse, FlokiFi for decentralized finance, FlokiPlaces for NFTs and merchandise, and the University of Floki for education, and more.

#FlokiRoadmap2024 $FLOKI
Shiba Inu (SHIB) is one of the most popular meme coins both in the cryptocurrency world and the mainstream. It’s the second-largest meme coin by market capitalization, only behind the beloved Dogecoin (DOGE). As this segment of the market continues to expand with an influx of never-ending participants, it’s worth looking at some of the best-known alternatives to SHIB. This task is challenging because the meme coin market is filled with hundreds of tokens that may have no purpose outside of entertainment/speculation. However, some of these have a strong user base or plan to become a hub for Web3 projects, giving meme coins a level of utility for users and traders on decentralized applications (dApps). We have boiled down the most popular meme coins for 2024 based on several factors, such as roadmaps, utility, or just the pure strength of their communities. #SHIB🔥🔥
Shiba Inu (SHIB) is one of the most popular meme coins both in the cryptocurrency world and the mainstream.

It’s the second-largest meme coin by market capitalization, only behind the beloved Dogecoin (DOGE). As this segment of the market continues to expand with an influx of never-ending participants, it’s worth looking at some of the best-known alternatives to SHIB.

This task is challenging because the meme coin market is filled with hundreds of tokens that may have no purpose outside of entertainment/speculation. However, some of these have a strong user base or plan to become a hub for Web3 projects, giving meme coins a level of utility for users and traders on decentralized applications (dApps).

We have boiled down the most popular meme coins for 2024 based on several factors, such as roadmaps, utility, or just the pure strength of their communities.

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