Binance Square
duvajte mi shabana lagano
ただ思い出してほしかったのですが、先物市場で自信過剰になりすぎないでください。いつあなたを無価値な存在のように排除するかはわかりません。 このユーザーはその一例です - キャプションを読んでください 💀 $BTC $ETH $TIA

このユーザーはその一例です - キャプションを読んでください 💀

9 月前半は終わり、すべてが計画通りに進んでいます。今は、高揚感を抑え、利益確定を開始し、45,000 ~ 50,000 ドルの範囲に下落する前に最後のフェイクアウトを待つ時です。よろしければ、丘の頂上からショートしてください。少なくともそうしてください。 HF がうまくいきますように。10 月にお会いしましょう 🤘🏼 $BTC [Why believe me? 👈🏼]( {future}(BTCUSDT)
9 月前半は終わり、すべてが計画通りに進んでいます。今は、高揚感を抑え、利益確定を開始し、45,000 ~ 50,000 ドルの範囲に下落する前に最後のフェイクアウトを待つ時です。よろしければ、丘の頂上からショートしてください。少なくともそうしてください。 HF がうまくいきますように。10 月にお会いしましょう 🤘🏼


Why believe me? 👈🏼
上司はあなたを金持ちにできない - (R.K)
私の友人は会社を売却し、売却当日に1500万ドル以上を自分の銀行口座に入金しました。一方、従業員たちは新しい仕事を探さなければなりませんでした。涙で満たされた送別会では、極度の怒りと恨みの底流もありました。何年もの間、従業員たちに十分な給料を支払ってきたにもかかわらず、ほとんどの従業員にとって、最後の勤務日も最初の勤務日と経済的に同じ状況でした。多くの人々は、自分たちが長年給料を受け取ったり請求書を支払ったりしていた間に、会社のオーナーが裕福になったことに気付きました。現実には、上司の仕事はあなたを裕福にすることではありません。上司の仕事は、あなたが給料を確実に受け取れるようにすることです。裕福になりたいと思うなら、それがあなたの仕事です。そして、その仕事は給料を受け取った瞬間から始まるのです。お金の管理能力が低ければ、世界中のお金をすべて使っても救われません。お金を賢く予算化し、B 象限または I 象限のいずれかについて学べば、あなたは大きな個人的な富、そして最も重要な自由への道を歩んでいることになります。#CryptoForEveryone #TelegramCEO #TON #BinanceBlockchainWeek
here's what you're getting in a couple days, get them short positions ready soon. ideally another fakeout to 60k+ from now (or whatever price is on that day + 2k) and a good dump. $BTC #CPI_BTC_Watch
here's what you're getting in a couple days, get them short positions ready soon.

ideally another fakeout to 60k+ from now (or whatever price is on that day + 2k) and a good dump.

今日の CPI データが予測値を下回れば市場が急騰するだろうと大多数が考えているのはおかしい。 文字通り過去 4 か月間は CPI が予測を下回っていたのに、それでも 4 か月間は継続的に下落した。 $BTC $ETH
今日の CPI データが予測値を下回れば市場が急騰するだろうと大多数が考えているのはおかしい。

文字通り過去 4 か月間は CPI が予測を下回っていたのに、それでも 4 か月間は継続的に下落した。

$BTC bullish until 3AM European time (fixed) then dump, trump-kamala debate. Whatever happens they'll dump on you, be careful.
$BTC bullish until 3AM European time (fixed) then dump, trump-kamala debate. Whatever happens they'll dump on you, be careful.
Just a quick reminder - Blackrock weren't buying BTC at 60k to sell it at 40k. Be realistic. 3rd largest holder after Satoshi (1.1M) and Binance (600k). $BTC
Just a quick reminder - Blackrock weren't buying BTC at 60k to sell it at 40k. Be realistic.
3rd largest holder after Satoshi (1.1M) and Binance (600k).

reason why price slightly pumps after a dump is to collect more gullible long positions. After a drop to 57.2k there was only 150M left to liquidate until 55k. Only 5-6 hours later, it's at 470M again 🤭 do what you think is best.
reason why price slightly pumps after a dump is to collect more gullible long positions. After a drop to 57.2k there was only 150M left to liquidate until 55k.
Only 5-6 hours later, it's at 470M again 🤭

do what you think is best.
Justin Sun resorts to creating a memecoin to stay relevant, counting his last days before jail. Don't get rugpulled. Do Kwon from Terra Luna has done similar action and you know where he ended up 🤭
Justin Sun resorts to creating a memecoin to stay relevant, counting his last days before jail. Don't get rugpulled. Do Kwon from Terra Luna has done similar action and you know where he ended up 🤭
‏ارقام صادمة للحالمين بالثراء من الميم كوين
‏عندما تسمع : هذه الميمز ستصل لـ 1000X ↓

‏ضع في اعتبارك الاتي : 👇🏻

‏- معظم عناوين PNL الرابحة هم موزعين العملات
‏- 3% فقط من العناوين ربحوا أكثر من 1000$
‏- 0.8% حققوا أكثر من 10 آلاف دولار (اقل من 1%)
‏- أكثر من 60% من الأموال " مفقودة "

‏السوق للاسف اصبح اسوء بعد هذه المنصات ↓
‏Punp Fun و Sun Pump و Moonshot وغيرها

‏وبسبب هذه المنصات تم تشتيت السيولة و ايضا
‏امست طريقة سهلة لسرقة الاموال من جيوب الناس

‏انا اعلم بأن السوق مخاطرة عالية جداً وربح وخسارة
‏و وارد جداً مشروع يطلع سكام او عملة تفشل ولكن
‏الذي يحدث الان هو ضربة قوية لسوق الكريبتو .

‏قد يقول البعض : الميم كوين اثبت نفسة في هذه
‏الدورة ولكن تذكر 👈🏻 ليس كل ما يلمع ذهباً 👎🏻

‏الذي يحدث الان هو قيام بعض الاطفال بصناعة
‏ميم كوين عبر هذه المنصات والاتفاق مع حسابات
‏كبيرة وبعدها يتم سحب الاموال ( Rug Pull )

‏وبعد كل ما قلت اذا كنت لا تزال تريد المغامرة
‏يمكنك وضع 1% من المحفظة كحد اقصى في
‏هذه العملات وتأكد بأن اموالك غالبا ستذهب للصفر

#BinanceBlockchainWeek #elaouzi #nft
crypto markets hide more than this, it wouldn't be unusual that they sell the data to highest payers.
crypto markets hide more than this, it wouldn't be unusual that they sell the data to highest payers.
Crypto Economy
Crypto Exchanges Are Hiding the Truth About Liquidations—Here’s How

Vetle Lunde claims that liquidation data reported by cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance, Bybit and OKX is underestimated.

Platforms have modified their APIs to limit reporting to one settlement per second, distorting the true magnitude of settlements.

Lunde suggests that these changes could be motivated by public relations reasons and to maintain a competitive advantage in the market.

Vetle Lunde, a senior analyst at K33 Research, has made an alarming revelation regarding the authenticity of liquidation data reported by major cryptocurrency exchanges.

In his analysis, Lunde details how Binance, Bybit, and OKX have modified their liquidation reporting processes, resulting in a significant underestimation of the true magnitudes of liquidations in the market.

Did you know?

Liquidation data from exchanges are bogus and a vast underrepresentation of actual liquidation volumes in the market.

To provide a “fair trading environment” (Bybit, Sep 2021) and to “optimize user data stream” (Binance, Apr 2021), Binance and Bybit changed their…

— Vetle Lunde (@VetleLunde) August 29, 2024

These changes have affected the ability of traders and analysts to get an accurate picture of the health of the cryptocurrency market.

Starting in mid-2021, Binance and Bybit adjusted their WebSocket APIs to report only one settlement per second, rather than reflecting all settlements that occurred.

Binance justified this change as a measure to provide a “fairer trading environment,” while Bybit presented it as an optimization of data flow.

OKX, for its part, also limited reporting to one order per second per contract.

These changes have led to a serious underestimation of settlement data over the last three years, creating a scenario in which the available data do not reflect market reality.

The value of settlement data lies in its ability to provide clear insight into risk appetite and leverage ratios across exchanges.

Historically, this data has been crucial to understanding the impact of volatility on markets and whether price declines have eliminated excessive leverage.

With data now understated, analysts and traders are faced with great difficulty in assessing the true dynamics of the market.

Lunde suggests the changes could be motivated by a desire to control the narrative about market stability and attract more traders.

During the first half of 2021, high-profile liquidations were widely covered in the media and on social media, reflecting a picture of high volatility and risk in cryptocurrency markets.

By limiting the visibility of these events, exchanges may be attempting to create a more stable image to attract and retain users.

Additionally, Lunde speculates that exchanges could be retaining settlement data to maintain a competitive advantage.

Some exchanges have interests in investment firms that may be trading on information that is not available to the broader market.

Despite the difficulties in obtaining reliable data, Lunde suggests alternative methods for estimating current settlement volumes, although these methods also have limitations and may not accurately reflect changes in the behavior of market participants.

Transparency and the Future of Exchange Settlement Data

Lunde concludes that current settlement data is largely inaccurate and of little use for market analysis.

The ability of settlement engines to handle large volumes of orders during cascading events is vital, but currently, transparency into this data is almost non-existent.

Although Lunde advocates a return to past levels of transparency, he admits that the current trend is unlikely to be reversed.

The impact of a lack of transparency in settlement data not only affects individual traders, but also has broader implications for the stability and analysis of the cryptocurrency market.

As exchanges continue to operate with limited visibility into liquidations, the ability to understand and manage risk in these markets is severely compromised.

The cryptocurrency community will need to find new ways to address these challenges and advocate for greater transparency to ensure accurate market assessments in the future.
The US government BTC transfer is just a political move to cancel Trump's promises but long-term it only undermines Kamala's chance to win. They hold around 14B USD worth of Bitcoin. If you compare it with stock market loss in the last 14 days (1.6T) it's only a drop in the ocean. Stock market investors might just be moving into crypto more than ever. It's your time to act, stock up your crypto wallets and hold on, don't be a paper hand. #btc #eth #ai
The US government BTC transfer is just a political move to cancel Trump's promises but long-term it only undermines Kamala's chance to win. They hold around 14B USD worth of Bitcoin. If you compare it with stock market loss in the last 14 days (1.6T) it's only a drop in the ocean. Stock market investors might just be moving into crypto more than ever. It's your time to act, stock up your crypto wallets and hold on, don't be a paper hand.

#btc #eth #ai
ready set go
ready set go

In each market cycle, the altcoin market cap experiences several corrections of 20-30% before reaching its peak.

During the last cycle, there were four such corrections. Each time, the price recovered quickly, followed by a strong upward move before topping out.

So far in this cycle, we've already seen three similar corrections.

These corrections offer opportunities to accumulate altcoins at lower prices.

$BOND is it okay to hope for Barnbridge project?

Binance, the leading Crypto CEX has sold out and emptied their liquidity token of BOND after opening SHORT position in Future Trading and announcing that BOND token will be delisted in the EXCHANGE.

Only the remaining holders who were left behind are hoping for the Bond token price to recover.

If you would investigate deeper

Check the Barnbridge official Twitter account and discord community and the official webpage/website, you will find out that the founders and creators behind Barnbridge has abandoned the project since December 2023 in an arranged agreement with the lawsuit filed by the SEC for selling securities;

The official discord has locked its account several months ago and the twitter was no longer active or posting too. The official website was locked with the SEC notice.

In the coming days BarnBridge will fall to $1 each token and will continue to do so.

For those who are still hoping and doesn't want to sell...

If you dont get out now, loses will be great in the coming days and there is no chance of recovering at all. Whales are just preparing for a big dump.

all of the sudden if you want to LONG BTC binance doesn't allow you 😉 weird cuz it allowed me at 67k range. no open positions or orders. well played binance! if try to report it to customer service, I'm pretty sure they will tell me it's just me 😉 $BTC $ETH #BinanceManipulation
all of the sudden if you want to LONG BTC binance doesn't allow you 😉 weird cuz it allowed me at 67k range. no open positions or orders.

well played binance! if try to report it to customer service, I'm pretty sure they will tell me it's just me 😉

$BTC $ETH #BinanceManipulation
fun fact
fun fact
Number of billionaires.

1. 🇺🇸 New York: 119
2. 🇬🇧 London: 97
3. 🇮🇳 Mumbai: 92
4. 🇨🇳 Beijing: 91
5. 🇨🇳 Shanghai: 87
6. 🇨🇳 Shenzhen: 84
7. 🇭🇰 Hong Kong: 65
8. 🇷🇺 Moscow: 59
9. 🇮🇳 New Delhi: 57
10. 🇺🇸 San Francisco: 52

#BinanceTournament #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July
1.6k short profit locked. solid day. $BTC $ETH
1.6k short profit locked. solid day. $BTC $ETH
1 push of a button by someone in Microsoft can bring the world to a complete halt 😎 this shows the power of crypto being decentralized ✅
1 push of a button by someone in Microsoft can bring the world to a complete halt 😎 this shows the power of crypto being decentralized ✅
The dominoes are starting to fall in place for crypto.

Here's how:

Bitcoin inflows are back, with $1.9 billion in inflows in the last 8 days.

Altcoins are up 11% this week.

Memecoins are up 22% in the past 7 days.

$ETH ETF is coming next week.

Trump is speaking at the Bitcoin 2024 conference next week.

Rate cuts are imminent - 84% chances of rate cuts by September, as per @Polymarket.

A pro-crypto US president and vice president is coming.

$16 billion in cash will be redistributed to FTX creditors in Q4.

Most of it is probably getting straight back into crypto.

The next 6-12 months are going to be absolutely insane.

Imagine being bearish right now.
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