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PEPE コイン価格、バイナンスへの大量送金後 20% 下落。 PEPE コインの価格は、バイナンスへの 6,607 億コインの大量送金後、ピークから 20% 下落しました。匿名のトレーダーが 1 か月前にトークンを購入し、901 万ドルで売却し、52% の投資収益を実現しました。この送金は、PEPE 価格が過去 24 時間ですでに 14% 下落した後に発生しました。 アナリストの @spotonchain によると、トークンはバイナンスと MEXC の両方の取引所で購入され、総支出額は約 457 万ドルでした。PEPE は、5 月 27 日に史上最高値の 0.00001718 ドルに達して以来、21% 以上下落しており、これは SEC が最近イーサリアム スポット ETF を承認したことが原因と考えられます。現在、PEPE は 0.00001374 ドルで取引されています。 #pepe #Megadrop #MtGox #FIT21
PEPE コイン価格、バイナンスへの大量送金後 20% 下落。

PEPE コインの価格は、バイナンスへの 6,607 億コインの大量送金後、ピークから 20% 下落しました。匿名のトレーダーが 1 か月前にトークンを購入し、901 万ドルで売却し、52% の投資収益を実現しました。この送金は、PEPE 価格が過去 24 時間ですでに 14% 下落した後に発生しました。

アナリストの @spotonchain によると、トークンはバイナンスと MEXC の両方の取引所で購入され、総支出額は約 457 万ドルでした。PEPE は、5 月 27 日に史上最高値の 0.00001718 ドルに達して以来、21% 以上下落しており、これは SEC が最近イーサリアム スポット ETF を承認したことが原因と考えられます。現在、PEPE は 0.00001374 ドルで取引されています。

#pepe #Megadrop #MtGox #FIT21
主要投資アラート: 史上最高値の $PEPE を 800 万ドルで取得 「仮想通貨クジラ」と呼ばれる著名な投資家が、約 820 万ドル相当の 5,920 億 PEPE トークンを取得したという重大な展開が仮想通貨界を揺るがしています。この大規模な購入は、過去 2 日間の著しい価格上昇の最中に行われ、仮想通貨コミュニティ内で激しい憶測が巻き起こりました。 一部のアナリストは、この大胆な動きは、特にコインが最近史上最高値に達したことを考えると、投資家が PEPE の継続的な成長に自信を持っていることを示していると考えています。しかし、他のアナリストはより慎重で、購入者が大きな損失につながる可能性のある危険な賭けに出ている可能性があると示唆しています。 仮想通貨コミュニティが息をひそめる中、このクジラの決定が利益をもたらすのか、それとも仮想通貨市場の予測不可能性に関する高くつく教訓となるのかは、時が経てば明らかになるでしょう。この劇的な投資が PEPE の将来の軌道にどのような影響を与えるかはまだ分からない。 #pizzaday #ETHETFS #ETHETFS #PEPE‏
主要投資アラート: 史上最高値の $PEPE を 800 万ドルで取得

「仮想通貨クジラ」と呼ばれる著名な投資家が、約 820 万ドル相当の 5,920 億 PEPE トークンを取得したという重大な展開が仮想通貨界を揺るがしています。この大規模な購入は、過去 2 日間の著しい価格上昇の最中に行われ、仮想通貨コミュニティ内で激しい憶測が巻き起こりました。

一部のアナリストは、この大胆な動きは、特にコインが最近史上最高値に達したことを考えると、投資家が PEPE の継続的な成長に自信を持っていることを示していると考えています。しかし、他のアナリストはより慎重で、購入者が大きな損失につながる可能性のある危険な賭けに出ている可能性があると示唆しています。

仮想通貨コミュニティが息をひそめる中、このクジラの決定が利益をもたらすのか、それとも仮想通貨市場の予測不可能性に関する高くつく教訓となるのかは、時が経てば明らかになるでしょう。この劇的な投資が PEPE の将来の軌道にどのような影響を与えるかはまだ分からない。

緊急アップデート: $PEPE 新たな高みへ ペペは著しい価値の急上昇を見せ、市場全体を上回り、ビットコインやイーサリアムに対しても大幅な利益を上げています。この並外れたパフォーマンスは、個人投資家の間で新たなFOMO(取り残される恐怖)を引き起こし、ペペは止められない存在に見えています。しかし、ペペコインがまたも史上最高値を更新し、小規模な引き戻しが差し迫っている可能性があることに注意することが重要です。そのため、それに応じて投資戦略を調整することが重要です。 #pizzaday #ETHETFS #PEPE‏ #btc70k
緊急アップデート: $PEPE 新たな高みへ


#pizzaday #ETHETFS #PEPE‏ #btc70k
🚨📉 マーケットアラート: 仮想通貨の混乱が広がる! 📉🚨 仮想通貨市場が私たちをワイルドな方向に導いてくれるので、しっかりと待っていてください! 🎢 価格は急落していますが、心配する必要はありません。この混乱の原因を私はスクープしました! 📉💥 取引内容は次のとおりです。 📉🔍 価格は急騰しましたが、現在はストップロスが左右に叩かれており、下降スパイラルを引き起こしています。 💔🛑 このサイクルにより、価格はさらに下がっています。 😱💸 しかし、希望はあります! 🙅‍♂️📈 取引高を注意深く観察してください。下落後に急騰した場合は、反発の兆候となる可能性がある。 📈💼 適切な時期に行動する準備をしてください。 💪🚀
🚨📉 マーケットアラート: 仮想通貨の混乱が広がる! 📉🚨

🎢 価格は急落していますが、心配する必要はありません。この混乱の原因を私はスクープしました! 📉💥

📉🔍 価格は急騰しましたが、現在はストップロスが左右に叩かれており、下降スパイラルを引き起こしています。 💔🛑 このサイクルにより、価格はさらに下がっています。 😱💸

しかし、希望はあります! 🙅‍♂️📈 取引高を注意深く観察してください。下落後に急騰した場合は、反発の兆候となる可能性がある。 📈💼 適切な時期に行動する準備をしてください。 💪🚀
📢 Binance Airdrops: 暗号通貨で最初の 10 ドルを受け取ります


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#TrendingTopic #Portal #Write2Earn
速報アラート: 市場の暴落の狂気! 📉🚨 皆さん、気をつけてください。暗号通貨市場が私たちをワイルドな体験に導いています! 🎢 ご存知のとおり、状況は急降下していますが、心配しないでください。この混乱のジェットコースターを引き起こしている原因について、内部情報を入手しました! 📉💥 要点は次のとおりです: 📉🔍 プレベスは空高くまで上昇しましたが、残念ながら、市場の神々は、ストップロスを左から右、そして中央から引き下げることで、私たちにカーブボールを投げることに決めました! 💔🛑 損失を回避しようとするこの悪循環により、市場は下降スパイラルに陥り、価格も同様に急落しています。😱💸 しかし、まだ悲観しないでください! 🙅‍♂️📈 市場が下降を続ける間、取引量に注意してください。 騒ぎが収まり、取引量が急増し始めたら、それがあなたの合図です! 📈💼 取引量の急増は、市場が回復する可能性を示しています。そのため、機会を捉えて行動を起こす準備をしてください。 💪🚀 #HotTrends
速報アラート: 市場の暴落の狂気! 📉🚨


🎢 ご存知のとおり、状況は急降下していますが、心配しないでください。この混乱のジェットコースターを引き起こしている原因について、内部情報を入手しました! 📉💥

要点は次のとおりです: 📉🔍 プレベスは空高くまで上昇しましたが、残念ながら、市場の神々は、ストップロスを左から右、そして中央から引き下げることで、私たちにカーブボールを投げることに決めました!

💔🛑 損失を回避しようとするこの悪循環により、市場は下降スパイラルに陥り、価格も同様に急落しています。😱💸

しかし、まだ悲観しないでください! 🙅‍♂️📈 市場が下降を続ける間、取引量に注意してください。

騒ぎが収まり、取引量が急増し始めたら、それがあなたの合図です! 📈💼 取引量の急増は、市場が回復する可能性を示しています。そのため、機会を捉えて行動を起こす準備をしてください。 💪🚀

📢 Binance Airdrops: 暗号通貨で最初の 10 ドルを受け取ります


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#TrendingTopic #Portal #Write2Earn
🚨🚨🚨 Urgent Bitcoin Update 🚨🚨🚨 Last week, I mentioned that the situation would clarify after the weekly closing, expressing a bearish sentiment if Bitcoin fell below 64k. As predicted, it rallied to 69k. However, yesterday, I highlighted resistance near 69k, noting a potential double top formation, signaling a bearish reversal despite bullish indicators. Currently, Bitcoin is undergoing a significant downturn. Technical analysis reveals a break below a rising channel, followed by failed attempts to re-enter it, leading to the current crash. I anticipate it to drop below 60k, with strong support at 58k, a level previously tested during a similar downturn. Considering these factors, I advise caution in opening long positions on Bitcoin, as any rallies may be short-lived and deceptive. $BTC #HotTrends #xrp
🚨🚨🚨 Urgent Bitcoin Update 🚨🚨🚨

Last week, I mentioned that the situation would clarify after the weekly closing, expressing a bearish sentiment if Bitcoin fell below 64k. As predicted, it rallied to 69k. However, yesterday, I highlighted resistance near 69k, noting a potential double top formation, signaling a bearish reversal despite bullish indicators.

Currently, Bitcoin is undergoing a significant downturn. Technical analysis reveals a break below a rising channel, followed by failed attempts to re-enter it, leading to the current crash. I anticipate it to drop below 60k, with strong support at 58k, a level previously tested during a similar downturn.

Considering these factors, I advise caution in opening long positions on Bitcoin, as any rallies may be short-lived and deceptive.


#HotTrends #xrp
📢 Binance Airdrops: 暗号通貨で最初の 10 ドルを受け取ります


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#TrendingTopic #Portal #Write2Earn
🛑🛑🛑 Bitcoin urgent pressing very pressing replace 👉So guys on weekly last i informed you that scene turns into clean after weekly final and i'm bearish on btc i assume that it'll come under 60k but told you it's miles handiest viable if location of 64k did not support i advised you it's going to pump quickly if it 64k aid equal occurred it goes to 69k 👉Then the previous day i advised you that btc is feeling resistance close to 69k and it shaped double top and double pinnacle is bearish pattren furthur informed you that its searching quite bullish however still the probabilities of reversal and dumping are present although they're less 👉because 2 clear cut sign were there doji candle on weekly time body and double top on 1h time body each bearish sign 🛑 cutting-edge replace 👉So btc is now crashing here techinal evaluation is vital it became in growing channel but on Saturday dumping it damaged channel downward aspect then rested to go in cahnnel and failed to go and now crashing 👉I do not assume so it's going to forestall here it will cross underneath 60k robust support is 58k now as it additionally support btc price whilst it crashed from 69k to 58k So men strong probabilities of happening 60k robust help 58k, failed to go in channel avoid to take long on btc because there may be small pumps however these are fake so dont open lengthy 🛑Sorry for updating overdue because there has been no wifi cell turned into out of electricity so people who had been asking questions on specific posts please ask all hose questions here now i'm unfastened to reply all
🛑🛑🛑 Bitcoin urgent pressing very pressing replace
👉So guys on weekly last i informed you that scene turns into clean after

weekly final and i'm bearish on btc i assume that it'll come under 60k but told you it's miles handiest viable if location of 64k did not support i advised you it's going to pump quickly if it 64k aid equal occurred it goes to 69k

👉Then the previous day i advised you that btc is feeling resistance close to 69k and it shaped double top and double pinnacle is bearish pattren furthur informed you that its searching quite bullish however still the probabilities of reversal and dumping are present although they're less

👉because 2 clear cut sign were there doji candle on weekly time body and double top on 1h time body each bearish sign

🛑 cutting-edge replace
👉So btc is now crashing
here techinal evaluation is vital it became in growing channel but on Saturday dumping it damaged channel downward aspect then rested to go in cahnnel and failed to go and now crashing
👉I do not assume so it's going to forestall here it will cross underneath 60k robust support is 58k now as it additionally support btc price whilst it crashed from 69k to 58k
So men strong probabilities of happening 60k robust help 58k, failed to go in channel avoid to take long on btc because there may be small pumps however these are fake so dont open lengthy

🛑Sorry for updating overdue because there has been no wifi cell turned into out of electricity so people who had been asking questions on specific posts please ask all hose questions here now i'm unfastened to reply all
📢 Binance Airdrops: 暗号通貨で最初の 10 ドルを受け取ります


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#TrendingTopic #Portal #Write2Earn
This message appears to be sharing information about Chainswap (CSWAP), a cryptocurrency project focused on cross-chain swaps and privacy solutions. The author highlights the project's unique features, such as its use of ChainLink CCIP and Circle's CCTP for secure cross-chain transactions and the development of next-generation privacy swap and mixer technologies. They also mention a recent partnership with a leading blockchain company and the current price of CSWAP. As with any cryptocurrency-related content, it's crucial to remember that investing in digital assets comes with risks, and users should always do their research and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions. It's essential to stay informed about the project's developments and understand the market before deciding to invest in any cryptocurrency. #HotTrends #BOME #WIF #sol #RNDR
This message appears to be sharing information about Chainswap (CSWAP), a cryptocurrency project focused on cross-chain swaps and privacy solutions.

The author highlights the project's unique features, such as its use of ChainLink CCIP and Circle's CCTP for secure cross-chain transactions and the development of next-generation privacy swap and mixer technologies.

They also mention a recent partnership with a leading blockchain company and the current price of CSWAP.

As with any cryptocurrency-related content, it's crucial to remember that investing in digital assets comes with risks, and users should always do their research and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

It's essential to stay informed about the project's developments and understand the market before deciding to invest in any cryptocurrency.

#HotTrends #BOME #WIF #sol #RNDR
📢 Binance Airdrops: 暗号通貨で最初の 10 ドルを受け取ります


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#TrendingTopic #Portal #Write2Earn
Hey there! It seems like you're sharing some trading strategies and experiences related to and Binance Launchpad projects. While your enthusiasm is appreciated, it's essential to remember that investing in cryptocurrencies involves risks, and not everyone may have the same level of understanding or experience in trading. Please be cautious while sharing such information, as it may not be suitable for everyone. Always encourage people to do their research and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions. In general, it's crucial to stay informed, understand the market, and follow a well-thought-out strategy when investing in cryptocurrencies. #HotTrends #BOME #sol #RNDR
Hey there! It seems like you're sharing some trading strategies and experiences related to and Binance Launchpad projects. While your enthusiasm is appreciated, it's essential to remember that investing in cryptocurrencies involves risks, and not everyone may have the same level of understanding or experience in trading.

Please be cautious while sharing such information, as it may not be suitable for everyone. Always encourage people to do their research and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

In general, it's crucial to stay informed, understand the market, and follow a well-thought-out strategy when investing in cryptocurrencies.

#HotTrends #BOME #sol #RNDR
📢 Binance Airdrops: 暗号通貨で最初の 10 ドルを受け取ります


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#TrendingTopic #Portal #Write2Earn
🚨🚨2030年の暗号通貨の予測🚨: - $Chib: $5 - $Pepe: $39 - XRP: $2000 - $LUNC: $732 - $DOGE: $2502 ソーシャルメディアプラットフォームでは、これらの暗号通貨が2024年までにこれらの評価額を達成すると主張する多数のビデオが流通しているのを見てきました。しかし、詳しく調べてみると、作成者は十分な知識を欠いており、10歳の子供から期待されるような成果に似ていることが明らかになります。 投資家候補者への警告: このような大胆な予測には懐疑的になってください。2024年までにこれらの価格ポイントを達成することは非常にありそうにありません。投資決定を行う前に、包括的な調査を行うことが最も重要です。 暗号通貨の分野に新しく参入する人の多くは、廃止されたコインに投資することから始め、その後コミュニティからの承認を求めます。このアプローチは、通常、理解不足から生じます。暗号通貨市場に踏み込む前に、知識を習得し、徹底的な調査を行うことが不可欠です。 最初に同様の課題に遭遇した個人的な経験から、 このアドバイスに耳を傾けるようお願いします。 私の目的は、新しい投資家を一般的な落とし穴から遠ざけることです。 同様の投機的なコンテンツに遭遇したことがある場合は、さらに議論する機会を歓迎します。 #HotTrends #CryptoNews🚀🔥 #cryptoanalysis #Write2Earn

- $Chib: $5
- $Pepe: $39
- XRP: $2000
- $LUNC: $732
- $DOGE: $2502


投資家候補者への警告: このような大胆な予測には懐疑的になってください。2024年までにこれらの価格ポイントを達成することは非常にありそうにありません。投資決定を行う前に、包括的な調査を行うことが最も重要です。



私の目的は、新しい投資家を一般的な落とし穴から遠ざけることです。 同様の投機的なコンテンツに遭遇したことがある場合は、さらに議論する機会を歓迎します。

#HotTrends #CryptoNews🚀🔥 #cryptoanalysis #Write2Earn
📢 Binance Airdrops: 暗号通貨で最初の 10 ドルを受け取ります


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#TrendingTopic #Portal #Write2Earn
Four years ago on this day, the cryptocurrency market experienced its largest crash in history. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and countless altcoins plummeted a staggering 50-70% within a single day, sending shockwaves through the investor community. Fear and panic were palpable as many worried about losing their entire investments. However, a small group of investors held onto their assets with steely resolve despite the chaos. Their patience has been richly rewarded. Since the crash, Bitcoin has soared over 20 times in value while many altcoins have skyrocketed 50-100 times. This anniversary serves as a powerful reminder that the crypto market is resilient and holding onto investments through tough times can yield great rewards. Kudos to those steadfast investors back then who stayed the course and reaped the benefits. Here's to the past, present, and future success of the crypto market!
Four years ago on this day, the cryptocurrency market experienced its largest crash in history.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, and countless altcoins plummeted a staggering 50-70% within a single day, sending shockwaves through the investor community.

Fear and panic were palpable as many worried about losing their entire investments.

However, a small group of investors held onto their assets with steely resolve despite the chaos.

Their patience has been richly rewarded. Since the crash, Bitcoin has soared over 20 times in value while many altcoins have skyrocketed 50-100 times.

This anniversary serves as a powerful reminder that the crypto market is resilient and holding onto investments through tough times can yield great rewards.

Kudos to those steadfast investors back then who stayed the course and reaped the benefits. Here's to the past, present, and future success of the crypto market!
📢 Binance Airdrops: 暗号通貨で最初の 10 ドルを受け取ります


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#TrendingTopic #Portal #Write2Earn
🚨🚨 Alert ‼️🚨🚨 Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity from Elon Musk himself! 💰 ✨ Say "Hi" to Elon Musk and stand a chance to win $1,000,000! 💬 💡 An offer like this doesn't come around every day! 👀 Imagine the excitement of a simple greeting turning into a life-changing windfall! 🔍 Remember to verify the legitimacy of any offer before participating. Stay safe and informed! #HotTrends #BTC #ETH
🚨🚨 Alert ‼️🚨🚨

Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity from Elon Musk himself! 💰

✨ Say "Hi" to Elon Musk and stand a chance to win $1,000,000! 💬

💡 An offer like this doesn't come around every day!

👀 Imagine the excitement of a simple greeting turning into a life-changing windfall!

🔍 Remember to verify the legitimacy of any offer before participating. Stay safe and informed!

#HotTrends #BTC #ETH
📢 Binance Airdrops: 暗号通貨で最初の 10 ドルを受け取ります


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#TrendingTopic #Portal #Write2Earn
Please stop mining of Pi Network if you cannot even tap once on screen after 24 hours a day. I have seen there are many who install the App and join Pi Network with enthusiasm but their motivation comes down in a day or a week and they do not restart mining on the platform. The real Pioneers are those guys who regularly restart mining process increase their network and wait patiently for the best. Tomorrow is Pi Day which will be celebrated by the Pi community and Pioneers may receive a big surprise tomorrow. I myself started mining of Pi in January 2020 when nobody knows about the project and after some time people called it a scam but the Core team believes in hard work, honestly and transparency that made belief strong of the People and communities globally. The people who did not contribute consistently and waited with patience will be looking on the launch date of Pi Network on top and famous exchanges. Pioneers Keep Happily Mining! Believe in yourself,Core Team and the Project. All the best 👍 #HotTrends #sol #DOGE #BTC
Please stop mining of Pi Network if you cannot even tap once on screen after 24 hours a day.

I have seen there are many who install the App and join Pi Network with enthusiasm but their motivation comes down in a day or a week and they do not restart mining on the platform.
The real Pioneers are those guys who regularly restart mining process increase their network and wait patiently for the best.

Tomorrow is Pi Day which will be celebrated by the Pi community and Pioneers may receive a big surprise tomorrow.

I myself started mining of Pi in January 2020 when nobody knows about the project and after some time people called it a scam but the Core team believes in hard work, honestly and transparency that made belief strong of the People and communities globally.

The people who did not contribute consistently and waited with patience will be looking on the launch date of Pi Network on top and famous exchanges.

Pioneers Keep Happily Mining!
Believe in yourself,Core Team and the Project.
All the best 👍
#HotTrends #sol #DOGE #BTC
📢 Binance Airdrops: 暗号通貨で最初の 10 ドルを受け取ります


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#TrendingTopic #Portal #Write2Earn
🚀 **Maximize AEVO's Potential on Binance Launchpool!** 🌐 ✨ **Why AEVO Investment is Worth Considering:** - **Amplified Exposure:** Engaging in Binance Launchpool enhances AEVO's visibility, potentially sparking adoption and trading momentum post-listing. - **Early Access & Perks:** Secure AEVO ahead of public trading by staking BNB or FDUSD now, offering early adopters potential rewards and a favorable entry point. 🔍 **Backed by Binance** - **Increased Credibility:** AEVO's integration into Binance Launchpool bolsters credibility, leveraging Binance's reputation for identifying promising projects. 💡 **Potential Impact on the Crypto Landscape** - **Pioneering Options Trading:** AEVO's focus on high-performance options trading could redefine the crypto realm, providing a faster, more efficient platform. - **Advancing Layer-2 Adoption:** Extensive AEVO usage may drive broader acceptance of layer-2 solutions, addressing Ethereum's scalability hurdles. - **Shaping DEX Competition:** AEVO's success could disrupt decentralized exchanges, particularly in derivatives trading, stimulating innovation and competition. ⚠️ **Crucial Reminder:** - Cryptocurrency markets are volatile. While AEVO holds promise, its success relies on factors such as development execution, market reception, and overall crypto market conditions. Stay informed! 💼📈 #TrendingTopic #Aevo
🚀 **Maximize AEVO's Potential on Binance Launchpool!** 🌐
✨ **Why AEVO Investment is Worth Considering:**
- **Amplified Exposure:** Engaging in Binance Launchpool enhances AEVO's visibility, potentially sparking adoption and trading momentum post-listing.
- **Early Access & Perks:** Secure AEVO ahead of public trading by staking BNB or FDUSD now, offering early adopters potential rewards and a favorable entry point.
🔍 **Backed by Binance**
- **Increased Credibility:** AEVO's integration into Binance Launchpool bolsters credibility, leveraging Binance's reputation for identifying promising projects.
💡 **Potential Impact on the Crypto Landscape**
- **Pioneering Options Trading:** AEVO's focus on high-performance options trading could redefine the crypto realm, providing a faster, more efficient platform.
- **Advancing Layer-2 Adoption:** Extensive AEVO usage may drive broader acceptance of layer-2 solutions, addressing Ethereum's scalability hurdles.
- **Shaping DEX Competition:** AEVO's success could disrupt decentralized exchanges, particularly in derivatives trading, stimulating innovation and competition.
⚠️ **Crucial Reminder:**
- Cryptocurrency markets are volatile. While AEVO holds promise, its success relies on factors such as development execution, market reception, and overall crypto market conditions. Stay informed! 💼📈
#TrendingTopic #Aevo
📢 Binance Airdrops: 暗号通貨で最初の 10 ドルを受け取ります


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#TrendingTopic #Portal #Write2Earn
📢 Binance Airdrops: 暗号通貨で最初の 10 ドルを受け取ります


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#TrendingTopic #Portal #Write2Earn
☆☆☆ BIG OPPORTUNITY ALERT ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ATTENTION☆☆☆ - TIME to BUY & GAIN The price of SHIBA INU coin has fallen for several reasons. Recently, there was a significant price drop of 50% on Coinbase, [👉 Get Your Complimentary Free FDUSD Reward Here]( which often happens when a sell order exceeds the available market depth. This decline is seen in the context of a volatile cryptocurrency market and a Bitcoin-led sell-off among the main tokens. Another reason for the price drop could be a correction after a very aggressive rise last week, as investors might be taking profits. However, in the long term, there are indications that the SHIBA INU coin continues to have potential due to improvements in the Shiba Inu ecosystem and the introduction of the Shibarium Layer-two network, which makes transactions with SHIB faster and cheaper. $SHIB #TrendingTopic: #Aevo #pepe #HalvingHorizons #WIF

The price of SHIBA INU coin has fallen for several reasons. Recently, there was a significant price drop of 50% on Coinbase,
👉 Get Your Complimentary Free FDUSD Reward Here
which often happens when a sell order exceeds the available market depth. This decline is seen in the context of a volatile cryptocurrency market and a Bitcoin-led sell-off among the main tokens.
Another reason for the price drop could be a correction after a very aggressive rise last week, as investors might be taking profits. However, in the long term, there are indications that the SHIBA INU coin continues to have potential due to improvements in the Shiba Inu ecosystem and the introduction of the Shibarium Layer-two network, which makes transactions with SHIB faster and cheaper.

$SHIB #TrendingTopic: #Aevo #pepe #HalvingHorizons #WIF
📢 Binance Airdrops: 暗号通貨で最初の 10 ドルを受け取ります


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#TrendingTopic #Portal #Write2Earn
XCAD Network ($XCAD) is a rising star in the crypto space, silently growing amidst the chaos of pumping coins. With influential figures like KSI and Mr Beast backing it, this decentralized finance (DeFi) platform strives to connect content creators and audiences. The $XCAD token fuels engagement and content creation, having seen success since the last bull run. [First Get Your FDUSD Here]( Excitingly, a recent announcement reveals a new feature spotlight in their main product launch – a user-friendly payment gateway. This gateway facilitates easy onboarding for Web2 users into the crypto space, featuring low minimum payments, no initial KYC, and support for Apple Pay, Google Pay, and other local payment methods. Notably, the XCAD Network's active community on Twitter passionately discusses the $XCAD token and its growth potential. Remember $XCAD – a potential sleeping giant with strong fundamentals and influential backers. 🚀 If you found this update interesting, give it a like and share for more early insights on top tokens and crypto news. Follow me for continuous updates! #XCADNetwork #CryptoGrowth #TrendingTopic #pepe #BTC
XCAD Network ($XCAD) is a rising star in the crypto space, silently growing amidst the chaos of pumping coins.

With influential figures like KSI and Mr Beast backing it, this decentralized finance (DeFi) platform strives to connect content creators and audiences. The $XCAD token fuels engagement and content creation, having seen success since the last bull run.

First Get Your FDUSD Here

Excitingly, a recent announcement reveals a new feature spotlight in their main product launch – a user-friendly payment gateway. This gateway facilitates easy onboarding for Web2 users into the crypto space, featuring low minimum payments, no initial KYC, and support for Apple Pay, Google Pay, and other local payment methods.

Notably, the XCAD Network's active community on Twitter passionately discusses the $XCAD token and its growth potential.

Remember $XCAD – a potential sleeping giant with strong fundamentals and influential backers. 🚀 If you found this update interesting, give it a like and share for more early insights on top tokens and crypto news. Follow me for continuous updates! #XCADNetwork #CryptoGrowth #TrendingTopic #pepe #BTC
📢 Binance Airdrops: 暗号通貨で最初の 10 ドルを受け取ります


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#TrendingTopic #Portal #Write2Earn
📣 STOP SCROLLING ‼️ I found a secret crypto gem. Binance is listing a coin next week and no one is talking about it. [First Get Your Complimentary FDUSD Here]( We’ve seen a LOT of success with tokens with strong fundamentals listed by Binance in the past, such as $PORTAL, $SEI, and many more. On Wednesday 13th, Binance is launching a hot new token on their launchpool called $AEVO. What is it? $AEVO is a decentralised trading platform with all the features and efficiency of a centralised exchange: - offers all the products a trade needs: options, perps, yield and structured products in a single place. - they already processed $10 billion of options trading volume since 2020 and proven itself for trust and security. - team consists of players from reputable companies such as Coinbase, Kraken and Goldman Sachs, and institutions such as Stanford, MIT and Cornell. Backed by BIG names such as Paradigm, Coinbase, Dragonfly, Nascent, Scalar Capital, Ethereal Ventures, Robot Ventures, Alliance It easy to buy just register on Binance and go to their launch pool. ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳 ⌨️ COMMENT #TrendingTopic #AEVO

I found a secret crypto gem.
Binance is listing a coin next week and no one is talking about it.

First Get Your Complimentary FDUSD Here

We’ve seen a LOT of success with tokens with strong fundamentals listed by Binance in the past, such as $PORTAL, $SEI, and many more.
On Wednesday 13th, Binance is launching a hot new token on their launchpool called $AEVO .
What is it?

$AEVO is a decentralised trading platform with all the features and efficiency of a centralised exchange:

- offers all the products a trade needs: options, perps, yield and structured products in a single place.

- they already processed $10 billion of options trading volume since 2020 and proven itself for trust and security.

- team consists of players from reputable companies such as Coinbase, Kraken and Goldman Sachs, and institutions such as Stanford, MIT and Cornell.

Backed by BIG names such as Paradigm, Coinbase, Dragonfly, Nascent, Scalar Capital, Ethereal Ventures, Robot Ventures, Alliance
It easy to buy just register on Binance and go to their launch pool.


#TrendingTopic #AEVO
📢 Binance Airdrops: 暗号通貨で最初の 10 ドルを受け取ります


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#TrendingTopic #Portal #Write2Earn
Shiba Inu's Journey to $1: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Possibilities" Examining the Possibility of Shiba Inu Reaching $1: A Detailed Analysis First Get Your Complimentary FDUSD Here In this analysis conducted on March 5, 2024, Shiba Inu (SHIB) is currently ranked 10th with a market cap of $25.34 billion and a circulation supply of 589.29 trillion. [First Get Your FDUSD Here]( Notably, its maximum supply is undisclosed, posing a negative aspect. The theoretical price per Shiba is approximately $0.000043, derived from the current market cap and supply. To reach $1, Shiba's market cap would need to be an astronomical $589.29 trillion, an unattainable figure considering the entire crypto market's total cap is $2.52 trillion. Reducing the supply to match the current market cap is equally implausible. Despite aggressive coin burning efforts by the Shiba Inu team, evidenced by the monthly burn of 9.9 billion Shib, reaching $1 seems unachievable. The calculations suggest that burning 589.26465 trillion Shiba would take an impractical timeframe of 4,960 years. In conclusion, while a $1 valuation appears impossible, holding Shiba may still prove beneficial due to the team's committed coin burning strategy. Stay informed for updates and consider long-term growth opportunities. Thank you for your attention. ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW ⌨️ COMMENT #ShibaInu #CryptocurrencyAnalysis #AEVO
Shiba Inu's Journey to $1: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Possibilities"

Examining the Possibility of Shiba Inu Reaching $1: A Detailed Analysis

First Get Your Complimentary FDUSD Here
In this analysis conducted on March 5, 2024, Shiba Inu (SHIB) is currently ranked 10th with a market cap of $25.34 billion and a circulation supply of 589.29 trillion.

First Get Your FDUSD Here

Notably, its maximum supply is undisclosed, posing a negative aspect. The theoretical price per Shiba is approximately $0.000043, derived from the current market cap and supply.

To reach $1, Shiba's market cap would need to be an astronomical $589.29 trillion, an unattainable figure considering the entire crypto market's total cap is $2.52 trillion.

Reducing the supply to match the current market cap is equally implausible.
Despite aggressive coin burning efforts by the Shiba Inu team, evidenced by the monthly burn of 9.9 billion Shib, reaching $1 seems unachievable.

The calculations suggest that burning 589.26465 trillion Shiba would take an impractical timeframe of 4,960 years.

In conclusion, while a $1 valuation appears impossible, holding Shiba may still prove beneficial due to the team's committed coin burning strategy.

Stay informed for updates and consider long-term growth opportunities.

Thank you for your attention.


#ShibaInu #CryptocurrencyAnalysis #AEVO
📢 Binance Airdrops: 暗号通貨で最初の 10 ドルを受け取ります


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