Binance Square
Muhammad Traders
Let's Enter crypto world with me 🌍
#IOInternetofGPUs $IO ⚠️Binance トークン削除通知: 🔥 スポット取引ペア削除のお知らせ - 2024-07 😱😱😱🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 ✍️これは一般的なお知らせです。ここで言及されている製品とサービスは、お住まいの地域ではご利用いただけない場合があります。 Binancian の皆さん、 ユーザーを保護し、高品質の取引市場を維持するために、Binance はリストされているすべてのスポット取引ペアを定期的にレビューし、流動性や取引量の低さなど、複数の要因により、選択されたスポット取引ペアをリストから削除する場合があります。 最新の調査に基づき、Binance は以下のスポット取引ペアを削除し、取引を停止します: • 2024-07-06 03:00 (UTC): AMB/BTC、IOST/BTC、LINA/BTC 注意: • スポット取引ペアの上場廃止は、Binance Spot でのトークンの利用可能性には影響しません。ユーザーは、Binance で利用可能な他の取引ペアで、スポット取引ペアのベース資産とクォート資産を引き続き取引できます。 • Binance は、該当する場合、2024-07-06 03:00 (UTC) に、上記のスポット取引ペアのスポット取引ボット サービスを終了します。ユーザーは、潜在的な損失を回避するために、スポット取引ボット サービスの停止前に、スポット取引ボットを更新および/またはキャンセルすることを強くお勧めします。 • この元の記事の英語版の翻訳版には矛盾がある可能性があります。矛盾が発生する可能性がある場合は、最新または最も正確な情報については、この元のバージョンを参照してください。 📺 Io トークン エコシステム: IO トークン エコシステムは、次の機能を備えた DeFi プラットフォームです: ガバナンスとステーキング用の IO トークン (IO)、 資産の保管と管理用の IO ウォレット、 トラストレス トレーディング用の IO DEX、 分散型の借入と貸出用の IO レンディング。 🔥価格は 2025 年に 10 ドルになります。 #BinanceTournament #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike #US_Job_Market_Slowdown $BTC $NOT
#IOInternetofGPUs $IO

⚠️Binance トークン削除通知:

🔥 スポット取引ペア削除のお知らせ - 2024-07 😱😱😱🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨


Binancian の皆さん、

ユーザーを保護し、高品質の取引市場を維持するために、Binance はリストされているすべてのスポット取引ペアを定期的にレビューし、流動性や取引量の低さなど、複数の要因により、選択されたスポット取引ペアをリストから削除する場合があります。

最新の調査に基づき、Binance は以下のスポット取引ペアを削除し、取引を停止します:

• 2024-07-06 03:00 (UTC): AMB/BTC、IOST/BTC、LINA/BTC


• スポット取引ペアの上場廃止は、Binance Spot でのトークンの利用可能性には影響しません。ユーザーは、Binance で利用可能な他の取引ペアで、スポット取引ペアのベース資産とクォート資産を引き続き取引できます。

• Binance は、該当する場合、2024-07-06 03:00 (UTC) に、上記のスポット取引ペアのスポット取引ボット サービスを終了します。ユーザーは、潜在的な損失を回避するために、スポット取引ボット サービスの停止前に、スポット取引ボットを更新および/またはキャンセルすることを強くお勧めします。

• この元の記事の英語版の翻訳版には矛盾がある可能性があります。矛盾が発生する可能性がある場合は、最新または最も正確な情報については、この元のバージョンを参照してください。

📺 Io トークン エコシステム:

IO トークン エコシステムは、次の機能を備えた DeFi プラットフォームです:

ガバナンスとステーキング用の IO トークン (IO)、

資産の保管と管理用の IO ウォレット、

トラストレス トレーディング用の IO DEX、

分散型の借入と貸出用の IO レンディング。
🔥価格は 2025 年に 10 ドルになります。

#BinanceTournament #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike #US_Job_Market_Slowdown $BTC $NOT
$IO $BTC $PEPE #IOInternetofGPUs ⚠️ 緊急アラート! 🔥Binanceが主要な暗号通貨ペアの上場廃止を発表、市場への影響は差し迫っている: 📌 Binanceは、BTCやETHを含むいくつかの暗号通貨取引ペアの上場廃止を予定しており、投資家の間で懸念が生じています。 🔥大手暗号通貨取引所のBinanceは、取引サービスの大幅な見直し計画を発表しました。意外なことに、同プラットフォームは、市場の巨人であるビットコイン(BTC)とイーサリアム(ETH)を含むいくつかの暗号通貨取引ペアを廃止します。また、AI、CHR、GAS、LQTYなどのあまり知られていないアルトコインのペアも削除する予定です。 この決定は暗号通貨コミュニティに波紋を広げ、その潜在的な影響について幅広い憶測を引き起こしました。投資家とトレーダーは現在、この変更が暗号通貨の価格と市場全体の動向にどのような影響を与えるかを綿密に分析しています。 📍上場廃止とその影響の詳細 Binanceは上場廃止プロセスの詳細を発表しました。プラットフォームは、AI / TUSD、BTC / AEUR、CHR / BNB、ETH / AEUR、GAS / FDUSD、およびLQTY / FDUSDなどのスポット取引ペアを上場廃止します。各契約には、終了日と自動決済日が設定されています。Binanceは、トレーダーにポジションとレバレッジを調整するよう強く勧めており、そうしないと清算につながる可能性があると警告しています。 取引所はまた、市場状況が不安定になった場合に追加の保護措置を実施する権利を留保しています。これらの措置には、最大レバレッジ、ポジション値、および資金調達率の変更が含まれる可能性があります。 📺Io。ネットトークン価格予測: 価格予測 2024 2024年1月の第1週に、 は 2021年1月以来初めて 0.00 を下回り、0.00 に達しました。投資家と市場エクスポートによると、 は今年末までに 4.53 ドルの水準を超えようとしています。4.53 ドルに達する前に、6.45 ドルの水準を突破して到達する可能性があります。 #BinanceTournament #IntroToCopytrading #BinanceTurns7 #US_Job_Market_Slowdown
$IO $BTC $PEPE #IOInternetofGPUs

⚠️ 緊急アラート!


📌 Binanceは、BTCやETHを含むいくつかの暗号通貨取引ペアの上場廃止を予定しており、投資家の間で懸念が生じています。




Binanceは上場廃止プロセスの詳細を発表しました。プラットフォームは、AI / TUSD、BTC / AEUR、CHR / BNB、ETH / AEUR、GAS / FDUSD、およびLQTY / FDUSDなどのスポット取引ペアを上場廃止します。各契約には、終了日と自動決済日が設定されています。Binanceは、トレーダーにポジションとレバレッジを調整するよう強く勧めており、そうしないと清算につながる可能性があると警告しています。


📺Io。ネットトークン価格予測: 価格予測 2024

2024年1月の第1週に、 は 2021年1月以来初めて 0.00 を下回り、0.00 に達しました。投資家と市場エクスポートによると、 は今年末までに 4.53 ドルの水準を超えようとしています。4.53 ドルに達する前に、6.45 ドルの水準を突破して到達する可能性があります。
#IntroToCopytrading #BinanceTurns7 #US_Job_Market_Slowdown
Muhammad Traders
$ETH $BTC $PEPE 🔥🔥🔥 インド最大の暗号通貨取引プラットフォームがハッキングされました!😱😱😱😱 📌 WazirX ハッキング最新情報: 創設者が資金の回収と引き出しに関する新たな詳細を発表WazirX 創設者の Nischal Shetty 氏は、7 月 18 日のハッキングで盗まれた暗号通貨資金の回収に関する予備的な詳細を明らかにしました。さらに、引き出しの再開に関する最新情報も提供しました。 📢 ハイライト: • インドの WazirX 取引所は、7 月 18 日に大規模なセキュリティ侵害を経験しました。 • 取引所は、2 億 3,000 万ドルのサイバー攻撃の後、引き出しを一時停止しました。 • WazirX 創設者の Nischal Shetty 氏は、引き出しと資金の回収に関する重要な詳細を明らかにしました。 📌 2億3000万ドルのWazirXハッキングを受けて、取引所の創設者であるNischal Shetty氏が重要な質問に答えました。彼は、プラットフォームの回復努力と引き出しの再開に関する重要な最新情報を明らかにしました。Liminalというサードパーティの保管プロバイダーを通じて発生したハッキン​​グは、取引所の顧客のデジタル資産に影響を与えましたが、INR資金には影響しませんでした。 ✍️ WazirXハッキング資金の回復と引き出しに関する最新情報 Xに関する一連の投稿で、Nischal Shetty氏は安心感を与え、取引所が影響に対処するために講じている次のステップの概要を説明しました。彼は、「回復を支援するためのいくつかのオプションが浮上しており、現在検討中である」と強調しました。Shetty氏は次のように付け加えました。 「回復オプションにはさらに時間がかかりますが、引き出し/入金/取引のためにプラットフォームをすぐにオープンしてほしいとお客様が望んでいることは理解しています。プラットフォームをオープンするためのアプローチをお客様が決定できるように、アンケートを実施します。チームは、誰もが参加できる投票フローの構築に取り組んでいます。」 彼は、WazirX のハッキングが深刻であったにもかかわらず、同社の製品プラットフォームとインフラストラクチャは安全であると強調しました。シェティ氏は、「追記: INR 資金はこのサイバー攻撃の影響を受けません。攻撃は当社の保管プロバイダー Liminal のフロー中に発生しました。WazirX の製品プラットフォームとインフラストラクチャは侵害されていません。」と付け加えました。 #ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024 #BinanceHODLerBANANA #HamsterKombat ​​#BinanceTurns7

🔥🔥🔥 インド最大の暗号通貨取引プラットフォームがハッキングされました!😱😱😱😱

📌 WazirX ハッキング最新情報:

創設者が資金の回収と引き出しに関する新たな詳細を発表WazirX 創設者の Nischal Shetty 氏は、7 月 18 日のハッキングで盗まれた暗号通貨資金の回収に関する予備的な詳細を明らかにしました。さらに、引き出しの再開に関する最新情報も提供しました。

📢 ハイライト:

• インドの WazirX 取引所は、7 月 18 日に大規模なセキュリティ侵害を経験しました。

• 取引所は、2 億 3,000 万ドルのサイバー攻撃の後、引き出しを一時停止しました。

• WazirX 創設者の Nischal Shetty 氏は、引き出しと資金の回収に関する重要な詳細を明らかにしました。

📌 2億3000万ドルのWazirXハッキングを受けて、取引所の創設者であるNischal Shetty氏が重要な質問に答えました。彼は、プラットフォームの回復努力と引き出しの再開に関する重要な最新情報を明らかにしました。Liminalというサードパーティの保管プロバイダーを通じて発生したハッキン​​グは、取引所の顧客のデジタル資産に影響を与えましたが、INR資金には影響しませんでした。

✍️ WazirXハッキング資金の回復と引き出しに関する最新情報
Xに関する一連の投稿で、Nischal Shetty氏は安心感を与え、取引所が影響に対処するために講じている次のステップの概要を説明しました。彼は、「回復を支援するためのいくつかのオプションが浮上しており、現在検討中である」と強調しました。Shetty氏は次のように付け加えました。


彼は、WazirX のハッキングが深刻であったにもかかわらず、同社の製品プラットフォームとインフラストラクチャは安全であると強調しました。シェティ氏は、「追記: INR 資金はこのサイバー攻撃の影響を受けません。攻撃は当社の保管プロバイダー Liminal のフロー中に発生しました。WazirX の製品プラットフォームとインフラストラクチャは侵害されていません。」と付け加えました。
#ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024 #BinanceHODLerBANANA #HamsterKombat ​​#BinanceTurns7
Muhammad Traders
$BTC $PEPE $XRP ⚠️ Token Removal Notice ! 🔥🔥🔥 Notice of Removal of Spot Trading Pairs - 2024-07-26 This is a general announcement. Products and services referred to here may not be available in your region. 📢 Fellow Binancians, To protect users and maintain a high quality trading market, Binance conducts periodic reviews of all listed spot trading pairs, and may delist selected spot trading pairs due to multiple factors, such as poor liquidity and trading volume. Based on our most recent reviews, Binance will remove and cease trading on the following spot trading pairs: • At 2024-07-26 03:00 (UTC): AVAX/TUSD, MATIC/TUSD, VOXEL/BTC Please note: • The delisting of a spot trading pair does not affect the availability of the tokens on Binance Spot. Users can still trade the spot trading pair's base and quote assets on other trading pair(s) that are available on Binance. • Binance will terminate Spot Trading Bots services for the aforementioned spot trading pairs at 2024-07-26 03:00 (UTC) where applicable. Users are strongly advised to update and/or cancel their Spot Trading Bots prior to the cessation of Spot Trading Bots services to avoid any potential losses. #ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024 #BinanceHODLerBANANA #HamsterKombat #BinanceTurns7

⚠️ Token Removal Notice !

🔥🔥🔥 Notice of Removal of Spot Trading Pairs - 2024-07-26

This is a general announcement. Products and services referred to here may not be available in your region.

📢 Fellow Binancians,

To protect users and maintain a high quality trading market, Binance conducts periodic reviews of all listed spot trading pairs, and may delist selected spot trading pairs due to multiple factors, such as poor liquidity and trading volume.

Based on our most recent reviews, Binance will remove and cease trading on the following spot trading pairs:

• At 2024-07-26 03:00 (UTC): AVAX/TUSD, MATIC/TUSD, VOXEL/BTC

Please note:

• The delisting of a spot trading pair does not affect the availability of the tokens on Binance Spot. Users can still trade the spot trading pair's base and quote assets on other trading pair(s) that are available on Binance.

• Binance will terminate Spot Trading Bots services for the aforementioned spot trading pairs at 2024-07-26 03:00 (UTC) where applicable. Users are strongly advised to update and/or cancel their Spot Trading Bots prior to the cessation of Spot Trading Bots services to avoid any potential losses.
#ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024 #BinanceHODLerBANANA #HamsterKombat #BinanceTurns7
$BTC $XRP $ETH 📢 米国の資産アドバイザー、XRP を購入するのに遅すぎることはないと発言: 😱😱😱😱😱 🚀 著名な米国拠点の資産アドバイザー、ミクル氏は、XRP を購入するのに遅すぎることはないと考えており、XRP の最近の上昇は、今後もたらされる利益に比べれば取るに足らないものだと主張しています。 XRP は最近、月初安値から 65% 以上上昇し、0.63 ドルを超える数か月ぶりの高値を回復しました。この回復は、XRP の低調なパフォーマンスからの大きな転換を示し、コミュニティ全体で賞賛を呼び起こしました。 この大幅な反発により、野心的な市場ウォッチャーは、XRP がさらに爆発的な価格上昇に向かっていると確信しました。一方、今月初めにチャンスが訪れた際、XRPを0.385ドルで購入できる一生に一度のチャンスを逃したかもしれないと後悔している暗号通貨コミュニティのメンバーもいる。 しかし、ミクル氏はXRPへの投資はまだ遅くないと考えている。記事執筆時点で、XRPは0.6033ドルで取引されており、短いリトレースメントの後、本日2.2%上昇している。 このアメリカ人資産アドバイザーは、特にこの資産が今後大きな利益を得ると予測していることを考えると、0.6ドル前後でXRPを購入することは依然として有利な機会であると考えている。 #ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024 #BinanceHODLerBANANA #HamsterKombat #BinanceTurns7

📢 米国の資産アドバイザー、XRP を購入するのに遅すぎることはないと発言: 😱😱😱😱😱

🚀 著名な米国拠点の資産アドバイザー、ミクル氏は、XRP を購入するのに遅すぎることはないと考えており、XRP の最近の上昇は、今後もたらされる利益に比べれば取るに足らないものだと主張しています。

XRP は最近、月初安値から 65% 以上上昇し、0.63 ドルを超える数か月ぶりの高値を回復しました。この回復は、XRP の低調なパフォーマンスからの大きな転換を示し、コミュニティ全体で賞賛を呼び起こしました。

この大幅な反発により、野心的な市場ウォッチャーは、XRP がさらに爆発的な価格上昇に向かっていると確信しました。一方、今月初めにチャンスが訪れた際、XRPを0.385ドルで購入できる一生に一度のチャンスを逃したかもしれないと後悔している暗号通貨コミュニティのメンバーもいる。



#ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024 #BinanceHODLerBANANA #HamsterKombat #BinanceTurns7
$XRP $BTC $BANANA 📢 Top 3 Cryptocurrencies To Buy Before Its Too Late: 😱😱😱😱😱 🔥🔥🔥 The cryptocurrency market witnessed recovery over the weekend. Even though most assets started July 2024 on a bad note, they might be trying to end it on a rather good one. Bitcoin [BTC] was seen trying to hike above the $60,000 level. At press time, the king coin was trading at $59,880 with a 3% surge over the day. Amidst this volatility, a prominent cryptocurrency analyst Sheldon The Sniper urged the market to purchase three specific cryptocurrencies before it is too late. 📌 Cryptocurrencies To Buy This Altcoin Season: 🔥 Dogecoin [DOGE] – Elon Musk’s favorite cryptocurrency recorded a major dip throughout the month. But the meme coin was turning things around with a 5% daily surge. At press time, DOGE was trading at $0.1137. Sheldon noted that the goal of DOGE is to retest previous highs, having recently broken out. 🔥 Ripple [XRP] – Sheldon said that XRP is displaying excellent strength, indicating that the altcoin’s price may rise sharply from where it is now. Following a roughly 3% daily rise, XRP was trading at $0.527 at the time of writing. 🔥 Solana [SOL] – Last but not least, the analyst talked about Solana’s potential and how, after Bitcoin’s July 10 rally, it broke a notable resistance. He talked about how Solana fell from as high as $154 to about $120, but it rebounded strongly and is now back in the $140 region. Currently, SOL trades at $144.92 with a 4% increase in the last 24 hours. He thinks the cryptocurrency may soon make a comeback to the $150 region, wiping off all of the losses from the most recent market decline. On Solana’s chart, he also noted a bullish pattern that suggested a long-term hold. #Biden_Out_BTC_Up #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024 #BinanceHODLerBANANA #HamsterKombat #BinanceTurns7

📢 Top 3 Cryptocurrencies To Buy Before Its Too Late: 😱😱😱😱😱

🔥🔥🔥 The cryptocurrency market witnessed recovery over the weekend. Even though most assets started July 2024 on a bad note, they might be trying to end it on a rather good one. Bitcoin [BTC] was seen trying to hike above the $60,000 level. At press time, the king coin was trading at $59,880 with a 3% surge over the day. Amidst this volatility, a prominent cryptocurrency analyst Sheldon The Sniper urged the market to purchase three specific cryptocurrencies before it is too late.

📌 Cryptocurrencies To Buy This Altcoin Season:

🔥 Dogecoin [DOGE] – Elon Musk’s favorite cryptocurrency recorded a major dip throughout the month. But the meme coin was turning things around with a 5% daily surge. At press time, DOGE was trading at $0.1137. Sheldon noted that the goal of DOGE is to retest previous highs, having recently broken out.

🔥 Ripple [XRP] – Sheldon said that XRP is displaying excellent strength, indicating that the altcoin’s price may rise sharply from where it is now. Following a roughly 3% daily rise, XRP was trading at $0.527 at the time of writing.

🔥 Solana [SOL] – Last but not least, the analyst talked about Solana’s potential and how, after Bitcoin’s July 10 rally, it broke a notable resistance. He talked about how Solana fell from as high as $154 to about $120, but it rebounded strongly and is now back in the $140 region. Currently, SOL trades at $144.92 with a 4% increase in the last 24 hours. He thinks the cryptocurrency may soon make a comeback to the $150 region, wiping off all of the losses from the most recent market decline. On Solana’s chart, he also noted a bullish pattern that suggested a long-term hold.
#Biden_Out_BTC_Up #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024 #BinanceHODLerBANANA #HamsterKombat #BinanceTurns7
$PEPE $XRP $BTC 📢 Bitcoin Price Set To Skyrocket To $750,000, Says Expert 🚀🚀🚀🚀 🔥In a forecast shared via a YouTube video, Joe Burnett, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Unchained Capital, articulates a strong case for Bitcoin reaching a valuation of $750,000. According to Burnett, the market may be substantially underestimating Bitcoin’s potential this cycle, often losing sight of its broader context within the global financial ecosystem. 📌 Why Bitcoin Could Soar To $750,000 Burnett begins by addressing a common oversight in market analysis, which typically juxtaposes Bitcoin’s current cycle against historical performances without accounting for its evolving market context. “I think it’s possible that many people are underestimating Bitcoin this cycle,” Burnett stated, emphasizing the necessity to perceive Bitcoin through the lens of its relative position in the total global wealth. A key component of Burnett’s argument is the HODL model created by the Rational Root, which he discussed extensively on the podcast “What Bitcoin Did.” The model pinpoints a critical inflection in 2020, coinciding with Bitcoin’s third halving—an event that reduces the number of new bitcoins generated and thus awarded to miners for verifying transactions. #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #BinanceHODLerBANANA #BinanceHODLerBANANA #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #BinanceTurns7

📢 Bitcoin Price Set To Skyrocket To $750,000, Says Expert 🚀🚀🚀🚀

🔥In a forecast shared via a YouTube video, Joe Burnett, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Unchained Capital, articulates a strong case for Bitcoin reaching a valuation of $750,000. According to Burnett, the market may be substantially underestimating Bitcoin’s potential this cycle, often losing sight of its broader context within the global financial ecosystem.

📌 Why Bitcoin Could Soar To $750,000
Burnett begins by addressing a common oversight in market analysis, which typically juxtaposes Bitcoin’s current cycle against historical performances without accounting for its evolving market context. “I think it’s possible that many people are underestimating Bitcoin this cycle,” Burnett stated, emphasizing the necessity to perceive Bitcoin through the lens of its relative position in the total global wealth.

A key component of Burnett’s argument is the HODL model created by the Rational Root, which he discussed extensively on the podcast “What Bitcoin Did.” The model pinpoints a critical inflection in 2020, coinciding with Bitcoin’s third halving—an event that reduces the number of new bitcoins generated and thus awarded to miners for verifying transactions.
#ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #BinanceHODLerBANANA #BinanceHODLerBANANA #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #BinanceTurns7
Muhammad Traders
🔥🔥🔥Dogecoin (DOGE) to Reach 5.24 Billion Level: Dogecoin regaining some crucial price ground, getting closer to important on-chain threshold. Dogecoin is on the verge of the 5.4 billion level of Active Addresses by Profitability. When crossed, this level will most likely make DOGE a much more attractive asset for potential investors, as its profitability will surge substantially. #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #BinanceHODLerBANANA #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike $DOGE $XRP $BTC
🔥🔥🔥Dogecoin (DOGE) to Reach 5.24 Billion Level:

Dogecoin regaining some crucial price ground, getting closer to important on-chain threshold.

Dogecoin is on the verge of the 5.4 billion level of Active Addresses by Profitability. When crossed, this level will most likely make DOGE a much more attractive asset for potential investors, as its profitability will surge substantially.
#ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #BinanceHODLerBANANA #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike $DOGE $XRP $BTC
$PIXEL $XRP $BTC 🔥🔥🔥 2025 年に起こる次の強気相場における PIXEL トークンの価格予測: 😱😱🚀 📌 Pixel トークン (PXL) は比較的新しい暗号通貨であり、次の強気相場での価格を予測するのは困難です。ただし、現在のトレンドと市場センチメントに基づくと、2025 年の次の強気相場のシナリオとして考えられるのは以下のとおりです。 1. 保守的な見積もり: 0.10 ~ 0.50 ドル 2. 中程度の見積もり: 1.00 ~ 3.00 ドル 3. 楽観的な見積もり: 5.00 ~ 10.00 ドル 🚀 次の強気相場で Pixel Token の価格に影響を与える可能性のある要因には、次のものがあります。 • Pixel Token エコシステムの採用と成長 • ユースケースとパートナーシップの増加 • 世界的な経済状況の改善 • 規制の明確化と承認 他の暗号通貨との競争 技術の進歩とスケーラビリティ ソリューション ⚠️ これらの予測は仮説であり、投資アドバイスとして受け取られるべきではないことに注意してください。暗号通貨市場は非常に不安定で、価格が急激に変動する可能性があります。投資の決定を行う前に、常に徹底的な調査を行い、市場の動向を常に把握してください。 #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #BinanceHODLerBANANA #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike

🔥🔥🔥 2025 年に起こる次の強気相場における PIXEL トークンの価格予測: 😱😱🚀

📌 Pixel トークン (PXL) は比較的新しい暗号通貨であり、次の強気相場での価格を予測するのは困難です。ただし、現在のトレンドと市場センチメントに基づくと、2025 年の次の強気相場のシナリオとして考えられるのは以下のとおりです。

1. 保守的な見積もり: 0.10 ~ 0.50 ドル

2. 中程度の見積もり: 1.00 ~ 3.00 ドル

3. 楽観的な見積もり: 5.00 ~ 10.00 ドル

🚀 次の強気相場で Pixel Token の価格に影響を与える可能性のある要因には、次のものがあります。

• Pixel Token エコシステムの採用と成長

• ユースケースとパートナーシップの増加

• 世界的な経済状況の改善

• 規制の明確化と承認 他の暗号通貨との競争

技術の進歩とスケーラビリティ ソリューション

⚠️ これらの予測は仮説であり、投資アドバイスとして受け取られるべきではないことに注意してください。暗号通貨市場は非常に不安定で、価格が急激に変動する可能性があります。投資の決定を行う前に、常に徹底的な調査を行い、市場の動向を常に把握してください。

#ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #BinanceHODLerBANANA #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike
$XRP $ETH $WLD 📢 Ethereum (ETH) price prediction for next Upcoming Bull Run in 2025: 😱😱😱🚀🚀 🔥🔥 Ethereum (ETH) price predictions for the next bull run in 2025 vary widely, but here are some estimates based on current trends and market sentiment: 1. Conservative estimate: $2,000 - $3,000 2. Moderate estimate: $4,000 - $6,000 3. Optimistic estimate: $8,000 - $10,000 4. Some experts even predict: $12,000 - $15,000 ✍️ Factors that could contribute to a bull run include: • Successful transition to Proof of Stake (POS) • Increased adoption of Ethereum layer 2 scaling solutions. • Growing demand for decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) • Improving global economic conditions • Regulatory clarity and acceptance • Increased institutional investment 🔥🔥Please note that these predictions are hypothetical and should not be taken as investment advice. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and prices can fluctuate rapidly. Always conduct thorough research and stay up-to-date with market developments before making any investment decisions. Remember, Ethereum's price can be affected by a wide range of factors, and predictions are subject to a high degree of uncertainty. #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike #US_Job_Market_Slowdown

📢 Ethereum (ETH) price prediction for next Upcoming Bull Run in 2025: 😱😱😱🚀🚀

🔥🔥 Ethereum (ETH) price predictions for the next bull run in 2025 vary widely, but here are some estimates based on current trends and market sentiment:

1. Conservative estimate: $2,000 - $3,000

2. Moderate estimate: $4,000 - $6,000

3. Optimistic estimate: $8,000 - $10,000

4. Some experts even predict: $12,000 - $15,000

✍️ Factors that could contribute to a bull run include:

• Successful transition to Proof of Stake (POS)

• Increased adoption of Ethereum layer

2 scaling solutions.

• Growing demand for decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs)

• Improving global economic conditions

• Regulatory clarity and acceptance

• Increased institutional investment

🔥🔥Please note that these predictions are hypothetical and should not be taken as investment advice. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and prices can fluctuate rapidly. Always conduct thorough research and stay up-to-date with market developments before making any investment decisions.

Remember, Ethereum's price can be affected by a wide range of factors, and predictions are subject to a high degree of uncertainty.
#ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike #US_Job_Market_Slowdown
$SHIB $XRP $WLD 🔥🔥🔥 Shiba Inu (SHIB) Predicted To Hit $0.00004: Here’s When? 🚀🚀🚀 📢 Shiba Inu (SHIB) is following the larger market rebound, rallying 3.3% in the daily charts, 14% in the weekly charts, and 9.3% in the 14-day charts. SHIB continues to glow red in the monthly chart, down 9.6% over the last 30 days. The latest rebound could be due to increased open interest in major crypto projects and due to the increased chances of Donald Trump winning the US Presidential race. Trump is a vocal crypto supporter and has enabled crypto donations for his campaigns. 🔥🔥Shiba Inu to hit $0.0004 According to the researchers at CoinCodex, SHIB will break out over the next few days. The platform anticipates the dog-themed crypto to hit $0.00004171 on July 21, 2024. Hitting $0.00004171 from current price levels would lead to a rally of nearly 123%. CoinCodex analysts do not anticipate SHIB’s price to hold at $0.00004, predicting a correction to around current levels by early August. Changelly also anticipates Shiba Inu to rally over the next few days, hitting $0.00003990 on July 20, 2024. Like CoinCodex, Changelly also predicts SHIB to face a correction after the rally. The platform anticipates SHIB to fall to $0.00001817 on Aug. 1, 2024. There is a possibility that SHIB will continue its rally in August, given certain developments take place. If an Ethereum ETF is launched this month, we may witness a market-wide rally, similar to when the Bitcoin ETFs were launched earlier this year. Bloomberg analysts expect an Ethereum ETF to make a debut by July 18, 2024. The Shiba Inu team is also reportedly working on a new burn mechanism, rumored to burn trillions of tokens every year. We do not have a launch date for the new burn mechanism, but its launch could significantly propel SHIB’s price. #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike #BinanceTournament

🔥🔥🔥 Shiba Inu (SHIB) Predicted To Hit $0.00004: Here’s When? 🚀🚀🚀

📢 Shiba Inu (SHIB) is following the larger market rebound, rallying 3.3% in the daily charts, 14% in the weekly charts, and 9.3% in the 14-day charts. SHIB continues to glow red in the monthly chart, down 9.6% over the last 30 days.

The latest rebound could be due to increased open interest in major crypto projects and due to the increased chances of Donald Trump winning the US Presidential race. Trump is a vocal crypto supporter and has enabled crypto donations for his campaigns.

🔥🔥Shiba Inu to hit $0.0004

According to the researchers at CoinCodex, SHIB will break out over the next few days. The platform anticipates the dog-themed crypto to hit $0.00004171 on July 21, 2024. Hitting $0.00004171 from current price levels would lead to a rally of nearly 123%. CoinCodex analysts do not anticipate SHIB’s price to hold at $0.00004, predicting a correction to around current levels by early August.

Changelly also anticipates Shiba Inu to rally over the next few days, hitting $0.00003990 on July 20, 2024. Like CoinCodex, Changelly also predicts SHIB to face a correction after the rally. The platform anticipates SHIB to fall to $0.00001817 on Aug. 1, 2024.

There is a possibility that SHIB will continue its rally in August, given certain developments take place. If an Ethereum ETF is launched this month, we may witness a market-wide rally, similar to when the Bitcoin ETFs were launched earlier this year. Bloomberg analysts expect an Ethereum ETF to make a debut by July 18, 2024.

The Shiba Inu team is also reportedly working on a new burn mechanism, rumored to burn trillions of tokens every year. We do not have a launch date for the new burn mechanism, but its launch could significantly propel SHIB’s price.

#ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike #BinanceTournament
$WLD $PEPE $XRP 🔥🔥🔥 Shiba Inu or Pepe Coin: Which Cryptocurrency Can Reach $0.01 First? 📌After Dogecoin, Shiba Inu and Pepe Coin are the top contenders in the meme currency segment in 2024. The two cryptocurrencies command a larger-than-life fan following with a huge community presence on social media. They have the backing of more than a million investors who are rooting for the success of SHIB and PEPE tokens. The support comes after SHIB and PEPE delivered life-changing gains to early investors during the token’s inception days. 📢 Which Cryptocurrency Will Reach $0.01? Shiba Inu or Pepe Coin Shiba Inu is trading around the $0.000017 level while Pepe Coin is hovering at the $0.0000095 price range. While SHIB is up 115% a year, Pepe Coin is up 470% during the same period. Both the tokens have delivered stellar returns in a year and doubled investor’s money. Since both the cryptocurrencies delivered positive returns, which among them will hit the $0.01 mark first? In this article, we will highlight which cryptocurrency could breach the 1-Cent mark first, will it be SHIB or Pepe Coin? Shiba Inu needs to rise 60,000% from its current price of $0.000017 to reach the $0.01 mark. On the other hand, Pepe Coin needs to spike 120,000% from its present price of $0.0000095 to hit the $0.01 milestone. Therefore, SHIB is much closer to the $0.01 mark than Pepe Coin currently to reach the $0.01 mark. If the cryptocurrency market kick-starts a bull run, Shiba Inu and Pepe Coin could reach new highs. However, both cryptocurrencies tend to drop drastically after a dramatic price surge. This makes the possibility of both cryptocurrencies reaching the $0.01 milestone more difficult. The development makes Shiba Inu and Pepe Coin’s $0.01 tentative timeline head backward. Whether SHIB or Pepe Coin will reach $0.01 first, only time will tell. #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #BinanceTurns7 #BinanceTournament #SOFR_Spike

🔥🔥🔥 Shiba Inu or Pepe Coin: Which Cryptocurrency Can Reach $0.01 First?

📌After Dogecoin, Shiba Inu and Pepe Coin are the top contenders in the meme currency segment in 2024. The two cryptocurrencies command a larger-than-life fan following with a huge community presence on social media. They have the backing of more than a million investors who are rooting for the success of SHIB and PEPE tokens. The support comes after SHIB and PEPE delivered life-changing gains to early investors during the token’s inception days.

📢 Which Cryptocurrency Will Reach $0.01? Shiba Inu or Pepe Coin

Shiba Inu is trading around the $0.000017 level while Pepe Coin is hovering at the $0.0000095 price range. While SHIB is up 115% a year, Pepe Coin is up 470% during the same period. Both the tokens have delivered stellar returns in a year and doubled investor’s money. Since both the cryptocurrencies delivered positive returns, which among them will hit the $0.01 mark first?
In this article, we will highlight which cryptocurrency could breach the 1-Cent mark first, will it be SHIB or Pepe Coin? Shiba Inu needs to rise 60,000% from its current price of $0.000017 to reach the $0.01 mark. On the other hand, Pepe Coin needs to spike 120,000% from its present price of $0.0000095 to hit the $0.01 milestone.

Therefore, SHIB is much closer to the $0.01 mark than Pepe Coin currently to reach the $0.01 mark. If the cryptocurrency market kick-starts a bull run, Shiba Inu and Pepe Coin could reach new highs. However, both cryptocurrencies tend to drop drastically after a dramatic price surge.

This makes the possibility of both cryptocurrencies reaching the $0.01 milestone more difficult. The development makes Shiba Inu and Pepe Coin’s $0.01 tentative timeline head backward. Whether SHIB or Pepe Coin will reach $0.01 first, only time will tell.

#ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #BinanceTurns7 #BinanceTournament #SOFR_Spike
$PEPE $BTC $ETH 🔥🔥🔥 Is crypto Bull Run started ! 🤔🤔 🚀🚀🚀 The crypto bull run has potentially begun, with Bitcoin surpassing $60,000 and other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Solana, and Dogecoin experiencing significant gains. Market sentiment has shifted from fear to greed, indicating a bullish trend. The total crypto market capitalization has also seen a substantial increase, signaling a broad market upswing. While some experts predict a continued bull run, others remain cautious, citing potential regulatory hurdles and market volatility. As the crypto market continues to evolve, investors and traders are advised to exercise caution and stay informed about market developments. The next few weeks will be crucial in determining the sustainability of this bull run. #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #BinanceTurns7 #BinanceTournament #SOFR_Spike

🔥🔥🔥 Is crypto Bull Run started ! 🤔🤔

🚀🚀🚀 The crypto bull run has potentially begun, with Bitcoin surpassing $60,000 and other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Solana, and Dogecoin experiencing significant gains. Market sentiment has shifted from fear to greed, indicating a bullish trend. The total crypto market capitalization has also seen a substantial increase, signaling a broad market upswing. While some experts predict a continued bull run, others remain cautious, citing potential regulatory hurdles and market volatility. As the crypto market continues to evolve, investors and traders are advised to exercise caution and stay informed about market developments. The next few weeks will be crucial in determining the sustainability of this bull run.
#ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #Mt_Gox_BTC_Dip #BinanceTurns7 #BinanceTournament #SOFR_Spike
$XRP $BTC $NOT 📢 Today Puzzle News ! 🔥 Donald trump's Attack 🔥 📌 Here are some things being said about today's attack on Donald Trump and its effect on crypto: Bitcoin rose above $60,000 and other cryptocurrencies gained in market value. Bitcoin rose as much as 2.7% to $60,160.71 in New York 1. Dogecoin, Solana, XRP and other notable cryptocurrencies also gained around 5% or more. Donald Trump, known for being pro-crypto, was campaigning at the Butler Farm Show in Butler, Pennsylvania, when an assailant opened fire. The former president was shot in the ear, and his campaign said that he was "fine" afterward. #CPI_BTC_Watch #Ethereum_ETFs_Expected_Date #BinanceTurns7 #BinanceTournament #SOFR_Spike

📢 Today Puzzle News !

🔥 Donald trump's Attack 🔥

📌 Here are some things being said about today's attack on Donald Trump and its effect on crypto:

Bitcoin rose above $60,000 and other cryptocurrencies gained in market value.

Bitcoin rose as much as 2.7% to $60,160.71 in New York 1.

Dogecoin, Solana, XRP and other notable cryptocurrencies also gained around 5% or more.

Donald Trump, known for being pro-crypto, was campaigning at the Butler Farm Show in Butler, Pennsylvania, when an assailant opened fire.

The former president was shot in the ear, and his campaign said that he was "fine" afterward.

#CPI_BTC_Watch #Ethereum_ETFs_Expected_Date #BinanceTurns7 #BinanceTournament #SOFR_Spike
$XRP $NOT $BTC 📢 Top 5 Cryptocurrencies to Buy Under $1: 📌The world of cryptocurrency is one of enormousness and continuous evolution. While headlines are taken over by giants like Bitcoin and Ethereum, there is an entire section of the market dedicated to other unknown tokens, some of them even trading for less than $1. This article curates top 5 cryptocurrencies to buy under $1, along with the inherent risks and possible benefits: 🔥 1. TRON (TRX) Current Price: $0.1342 30-Day Surge: 14% TRON is a blockchain-based entertainment industry decentralization platform. Its vision is to accomplish a global content amusement system where consumers have the ability and freedom to create, store, disseminate, and receive digital content without any kind of borders. 2. Kaspa (KAS) Current Price: $0.1699 30-Day Surge: 7% KAS is a privacy-centric blockchain platform intended to provide secure and anonymous transactions to end-users. In contrast to Bitcoin, which has all of the transactions public, Kaspa implements zk-SNARKS in such a way that users' needs for transactions are met at all times while the integrity of the blockchain is not compromised. 3. SafePal (SFP) Current Price: $0.7884 30-Day Gain: 2% SafePal supplies hardware wallets for digital cryptocurrencies, providing a secure storage method. It developed its hardware wallet in-house, which is user-friendly and easy to apply while integrating into advanced security. 4. Mog Coin (MOG) Current Price: $0.000001688 30-Day Surge: 69% Mog Coin is the very first culture coin to ever have a place in the crypto space, uplifted from a meme to an empowered digital icon of self-expression and driven by a community that is passionate about creation and positivity. 5. PayPal USD (PYUSD) Current Price: $0.9995 30-Day Surge: 0.28% The PayPal USD is a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar. In itself, that would mean the value would be around $1 regardless of how the broader markets of digital currencies behave. #CPI_BTC_Watch #BinanceTurns7 #Ethereum_ETFs_Expected_Date #BinanceTournament

📢 Top 5 Cryptocurrencies to Buy Under $1:

📌The world of cryptocurrency is one of enormousness and continuous evolution. While headlines are taken over by giants like Bitcoin and Ethereum, there is an entire section of the market dedicated to other unknown tokens, some of them even trading for less than $1.

This article curates top 5 cryptocurrencies to buy under $1, along with the inherent risks and possible benefits:

🔥 1. TRON (TRX)
Current Price: $0.1342

30-Day Surge: 14%

TRON is a blockchain-based entertainment industry decentralization platform. Its vision is to accomplish a global content amusement system where consumers have the ability and freedom to create, store, disseminate, and receive digital content without any kind of borders.

2. Kaspa (KAS)
Current Price: $0.1699

30-Day Surge: 7%

KAS is a privacy-centric blockchain platform intended to provide secure and anonymous transactions to end-users. In contrast to Bitcoin, which has all of the transactions public, Kaspa implements zk-SNARKS in such a way that users' needs for transactions are met at all times while the integrity of the blockchain is not compromised.

3. SafePal (SFP)
Current Price: $0.7884

30-Day Gain: 2%

SafePal supplies hardware wallets for digital cryptocurrencies, providing a secure storage method. It developed its hardware wallet in-house, which is user-friendly and easy to apply while integrating into advanced security.

4. Mog Coin (MOG)
Current Price: $0.000001688

30-Day Surge: 69%

Mog Coin is the very first culture coin to ever have a place in the crypto space, uplifted from a meme to an empowered digital icon of self-expression and driven by a community that is passionate about creation and positivity.

5. PayPal USD (PYUSD)
Current Price: $0.9995

30-Day Surge: 0.28%

The PayPal USD is a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar. In itself, that would mean the value would be around $1 regardless of how the broader markets of digital currencies behave.
#CPI_BTC_Watch #BinanceTurns7 #Ethereum_ETFs_Expected_Date #BinanceTournament
#IOInternetofGPUs $IO ⚠️ General P2P Scam Alert! 🛑🛑🛑 📌 Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Scam Alert: Beware of Fraudulent Traders What is a P2P Scam? A P2P scam occurs when a fraudulent individual exploits the trust and anonymity of peer-to-peer transactions to deceive and steal from unsuspecting victims. How Does it Work? Scammers typically create fake profiles on P2P trading platforms, social media, or messaging apps, posing as legitimate traders. They may use convincing profiles, fake photos, and stolen credentials to gain trust. 📌 Common Tactics Used by Scammers: 1. Fake Investment Opportunities: Scammers promise unusually high returns on investments, luring victims into sending cryptocurrencies or funds. 2. Phishing: Scammers trick victims into revealing sensitive information, such as private keys, passwords, or credit card details. 3. Fake Middlemen: Scammers offer to act as intermediaries, promising to facilitate trades or transactions, but ultimately disappearing with the funds. 4. Ponzi Schemes: Scammers create fake investment opportunities. Warning Signs: 1. Unrealistic Promises: Be wary of guaranteed high returns or pressure to invest quickly. 2. Lack of Transparency: Be cautious of traders who refuse to provide clear information or proof of identity. 3. Urgency: Be suspicious of traders who create a sense of urgency or scarcity. Protect Yourself: 1. Verify Profiles: Research and authenticate traders' profiles and credentials. 2. Use Secure Platforms: Stick to reputable P2P trading platforms and exchanges. 3. Set Boundaries: Never share sensitive information or send funds without proper verification. Remember, vigilance and caution are key to avoiding P2P scams. Always prioritize safety and never rush into investments or transactions that seem too good to be true. 🔥🔥🔥Net Token Future and Price Prediction: Price Prediction: Short-term (2024): $6 - $8 Mid-term (2025-2026): $10-$15 #BinanceTurns7 #BinanceTournament #CPI_BTC_Watch $NOT $PEPE
#IOInternetofGPUs $IO

⚠️ General P2P Scam Alert! 🛑🛑🛑

📌 Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Scam Alert: Beware of Fraudulent Traders

What is a P2P Scam?

A P2P scam occurs when a fraudulent individual exploits the trust and anonymity of peer-to-peer transactions to deceive and steal from unsuspecting victims.

How Does it Work?

Scammers typically create fake profiles on P2P trading platforms, social media, or messaging apps, posing as legitimate traders. They may use convincing profiles, fake photos, and stolen credentials to gain trust.

📌 Common Tactics Used by Scammers:

1. Fake Investment Opportunities:

Scammers promise unusually high returns on investments, luring victims into sending cryptocurrencies or funds.

2. Phishing: Scammers trick victims into revealing sensitive information, such as private keys, passwords, or credit card details.

3. Fake Middlemen: Scammers offer to act as intermediaries, promising to facilitate trades or transactions, but ultimately disappearing with the funds.

4. Ponzi Schemes: Scammers create fake investment opportunities.

Warning Signs:

1. Unrealistic Promises: Be wary of guaranteed high returns or pressure to invest quickly.

2. Lack of Transparency: Be cautious of traders who refuse to provide clear information or proof of identity.

3. Urgency: Be suspicious of traders who create a sense of urgency or scarcity.

Protect Yourself:

1. Verify Profiles: Research and authenticate traders' profiles and credentials.

2. Use Secure Platforms: Stick to

reputable P2P trading platforms and exchanges.

3. Set Boundaries: Never share sensitive information or send funds without proper verification.

Remember, vigilance and caution are key to avoiding P2P scams. Always prioritize safety and never rush into investments or transactions that seem too good to be true.

🔥🔥🔥Net Token Future and Price Prediction:

Price Prediction:

Short-term (2024): $6 - $8

Mid-term (2025-2026): $10-$15
#BinanceTurns7 #BinanceTournament #CPI_BTC_Watch
#IOInternetofGPUs $IO $DOGE 🔥🔥🔥 Chances of Dogecoin Hitting $1 Before 2030: 😱😱😱😱😱😱 📌 The chances of Dogecoin hitting $1 have become an important debate topic in the crypto market. As of July 10, 2024, the coin’s market cap is $16 billion, and a price of $0.11. This value is a lot lower than its peak of $0.74 in May 2021. Investors are right to be interested in Dogecoin price predictions for 2030, and ask a relevant question: Can this meme-inspired crypto achieve the $1 milestone? 🔥Factors Influencing Dogecoin’s Path to $1 Current Market Position Investors and market analysts are paying attention to Dogecoin, which has become the 10th most used crypto. A 91% value loss has been experienced since its peak, mirroring the situation of the broader crypto market trends. Dogecoin is utilized as a peer-to-peer payment network, and its acceptance is growing by the day. DOGE payments are not accepted by 2058 merchants. The crypto’s visibility was also improved by having high-profile adopters like Tesla and the Dallas Mavericks. 🔥🔥🔥 io Token price prediction 10. Net Token Future and Price Prediction: 10. Net token, the native cryptocurrency of the 10. Net ecosystem, has a promising future ahead. With the growing adoption of decentralized Al computing and the increasing demand for cryptocurrency, 10. Net token is poised for significant growth. Price Prediction: Short-term (2024): $6 - $8 Mid-term (2025-2026): $10-$15 Long-term (2027-2030): $20-$30 Speculative (2035): $50 - $100 #BinanceTurns7 #BinanceTournament #CPI_BTC_Watch #Ethereum_ETFs_Expected_Date $NOT
#IOInternetofGPUs $IO $DOGE

🔥🔥🔥 Chances of Dogecoin Hitting $1 Before 2030: 😱😱😱😱😱😱

📌 The chances of Dogecoin hitting $1 have become an important debate topic in the crypto market. As of July 10, 2024, the coin’s market cap is $16 billion, and a price of $0.11.

This value is a lot lower than its peak of $0.74 in May 2021. Investors are right to be interested in Dogecoin price predictions for 2030, and ask a relevant question: Can this meme-inspired crypto achieve the $1 milestone?

🔥Factors Influencing Dogecoin’s Path to $1

Current Market Position
Investors and market analysts are paying attention to Dogecoin, which has become the 10th most used crypto. A 91% value loss has been experienced since its peak, mirroring the situation of the broader crypto market trends.
Dogecoin is utilized as a peer-to-peer payment network, and its acceptance is growing by the day. DOGE payments are not accepted by 2058 merchants. The crypto’s visibility was also improved by having high-profile adopters like Tesla and the Dallas Mavericks.

🔥🔥🔥 io Token price prediction

10. Net Token Future and Price Prediction:

10. Net token, the native cryptocurrency of the 10. Net ecosystem, has a promising future ahead. With the growing adoption of decentralized Al computing and the increasing demand for cryptocurrency, 10. Net token is poised for significant growth.

Price Prediction:

Short-term (2024): $6 - $8

Mid-term (2025-2026): $10-$15

Long-term (2027-2030): $20-$30

Speculative (2035): $50 - $100
#BinanceTurns7 #BinanceTournament #CPI_BTC_Watch #Ethereum_ETFs_Expected_Date
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