Binance Square
Crypto Revolution Masters
通常 - RWA の革命
1. 普通とは何か?
USUAL は、$USUAL トークンを通じて所有権とガバナンスを再分配する、安全で分散化された合法的なステーブルコイン発行者です。
Usual は、BlackRock、Ondo、Mountain Protocol、M0、Hashnote などの組織からのトークン化された現実世界の資産 (RWA) の供給の増加を集約し、許可のない、オンチェーンで検証可能で構成可能なステーブルコイン (USD0) に変換するマルチチェーン インフラストラクチャです。
多くの場合、Tether の TVL プロバイダーが会社とそれに関連する収益を所有するシナリオと同様に、ユーザーと第三者に権力と所有権を再分配することを中心に構築されます。
Crypto Revolution Masters
dappOS はどのようにして主要な Web3 プロジェクトになるのでしょうか? 現在の DappOS エアドロップ キャンペーンのホットな情報!
メタディスクリプション: dappOS は、インタラクションを合理化して、よりシームレスで迅速な Web3 エクスペリエンスを実現するインテント実行ネットワークです。
Web3 エコシステムの急速な拡大により、ユーザーエンパワーメントのためのさまざまな分散型システムやサービスが生まれましたが、これらのプラットフォームは扱いが面倒な場合が多くあります。DeFi、NFT、分散型アプリの複雑な概念を理解できない人は多く、多くの手作業とブロックチェーン技術の詳細な知識が必要です。そこで登場したのが、このインタラクションを最もスムーズかつ合理化し、よりシームレスで迅速なエクスペリエンスを実現するインテント実行ネットワークである dappOS です。
Crypto Revolution Masters

逆ヘッド&ショルダーの可能性のある目標: 66,600 ドル 🎯
Crypto Revolution Masters
$USDT の発行元である#Tetherは、UAE ディルハムに連動するステーブルコインの発行を計画しています 🇦🇪
Crypto Revolution Masters
📌 市場の予想 #FedRate#FED :

9 月 18 日の会合での Fed 利下げの確率 = 100% (投資家の 67.5% が 25 bp の利下げを予想、32.5% が 50 bp の利下げを予想)

- 9 月 18 日: 25 bp 引き下げて 5.00-5.25%
- 11 月 7 日: 25 bp 引き下げて 4.75-5.00%。
- 12 月 18 日: 50 bp 引き下げて 4.25-4.50%。
- 2025 年 1 月 29 日: 25 bp 引き下げて 4.00-4.25%。
- 2025 年 3 月 19 日: 25 bp 引き下げて 3.75-4.00%。
カーヴ 🚀🚀🚀
カーヴ 🚀🚀🚀
Crypto Revolution Masters
CARV プロトコルは、ユーザーがデジタル資産を取引および交換するための安全で信頼できないプラットフォームを提供することを目的とした分散型金融 (DeFi) プロジェクトです。Ethereum ブロックチェーン上で動作し、スマート コントラクトを利用して仲介者を必要とせずに取引を自動化します。
分散型取引所 (DEX): CARV プロトコルは、ユーザーがさまざまな暗号通貨やトークンを安全に取引できる DEX を提供します。
流動性プール: ユーザーは流動性プールに資産を預けることでプラットフォームに流動性を提供し、その見返りとして報酬を得ることができます。
Q8Three - غازي
この投稿に返信して情報を共有し、200 USDT の抽選に参加してください



投資戦略を変更し、AI 通貨から少し離れ、代わりに他の通貨に焦点を当てることにしました。理由は単純です。実際のプロジェクトと実際のユーザーです。

$BNB : 明確で成功し、収益性の高い製品。
$TON : 毎日何億人もが使用するアプリケーションに基づいています。

私の言葉は、AI の未来が終わったことを意味するものではありませんが、メタバース分野には教訓があります。

LFG 🔥🔥🔥
LFG 🔥🔥🔥
Crypto Revolution Masters
TON - Binance Launchpool の 56 番目のプロジェクト。Binance Super Earn レビュー! LFG 🔥
大手暗号通貨取引所バイナンスは、バイナンス ローンチプール ステーキング プラットフォームで次に取り上げるプロジェクトとして、Toncoin を発表しました。同取引所はまた、ステーカーが期間限定で特別 APR を獲得できる、バイナンス スーパー アーンと呼ばれる新機能も導入しました。
8月15日から9月3日までの間に、Binance LaunchpoolでTONを獲得できます。獲得できるトークン報酬の額は、ステークするコインの数によって異なります。
Thank you for your information.
Thank you for your information.
Crypto Revolution Masters
Crypto Conceptとは何ですか?
メタディスクリプション: 暗号通貨は、単に暗号と呼ばれることが多く、取引の安全性を確保するために暗号化を使用するすべての形式のデジタル通貨または仮想通貨を網羅しています。
Crypto Revolution Masters
バナナガン上場とBinance HODLerエアドロップ - 知っておくべきことすべて!
大手暗号通貨取引所バイナンスは、バイナンス HODLer エアドロップの最初のプロジェクトを発表しました。同取引所は、テレグラムベースの取引アシスタント バナナ ガン ボットのエコシステム トークンであるバナナ ガン (BANANA) をポータルに上場します。
Binance HODLer Airdrops Portal に Banana Gun がリストされると、BANANA トークンは 26% 急騰し、市場の強い熱狂を示しています。
Binance HODLer エアドロップとは何ですか?
Binance HODLer Airdrops は、BNB 保有者の BNB 残高の履歴スナップショットに基づいてトークン エアドロップを報酬として提供するプログラムです。BNB を Simple Earn にサブスクライブすると、ユーザーは自動的に HODLer Airdrops (および Launchpool と Megadrop の報酬) の対象となります。
Yeah looking forward this projects
Yeah looking forward this projects
Crypto Revolution Masters
Xai Foundation が待望の Xai Vanguard: Genesis アクティベーションを発表
ゲーム中心のブロックチェーン ネットワーク Xai の主要貢献者である Xai Foundation は、待望のプレミア ゲーム アクティベーション Xai Vanguard: Genesis の近々開始を発表しました。11 月まで実施されるこの Vanguard キャンペーンでは、Xai コミュニティ向けの一連の新しいゲーム リリース、クエスト、実績、報酬が提供されます。
Xai Vanguard: Genesis は、Xai ロードマップの次の大きなマイルストーンであり、50 万以上の接続ウォレット、1 日あたり 500 万件のトランザクション、合計 1 億 7,500 万ドルのプレイヤー報酬の配布など、ブロックチェーン分野で記録破りの成果を上げた Xai Odyssey キャンペーンの後継です。Xai Odyssey は完全に Xai テストネットで実施されましたが、Xai Vanguard のリリースは Xai メインネットでの最初のキャンペーンとなります。
Crypto Revolution Masters
Lista Megadrop on Binance - few more days to participate. Don't miss the juicy Rewards
Binance announce the 2nd project on Binance Megadrop - Lista (LISTA), a liquid staking and decentralized stablecoin protocol. Users can start participating in the Lista Megadrop from 2024-05-30 00:00:00 (UTC).
Binance will then list Lista (LISTA) at 2024-06-20 10:00 (UTC) and open trading with LISTA/BTC, LISTA/USDT, LISTA/BNB, LISTA/FDUSD, and LISTA/TRY trading pairs. The Seed Tag will be applied to LISTA. Read about Lista (LISTA) in our research report.
Lista Megadrop period
2024-05-30 00:00:00 (UTC) to 2024-06-19 23:59:59 (UTC)
BNB Locked Products Snapshot Period: To maximize Locked BNB Scores, users may start locking their BNB in BNB Locked Products before 2024-05-30 00:00:00 (UTC), as hourly snapshots of users’ subscription amounts will be taken during this period. For more information on BNB Locked Products, refer to the FAQ.
Web3 Quest Period: Users may complete Web3 Quest(s) during the Quest Period. Web3 Quest 1: “Stake 0.01 BNB in the ListaDAO DApp” (Tutorial)
2024-06-20 06:00:00 (UTC)
Rewards Distribution: Users may view their Megadrop rewards in Binance Spot Wallet.
Lista Megadrop details
👉Token name: Lista (LISTA)
👉Max token supply: 1,000,000,000 LISTA
👉Megadrop token rewards: 100,000,000 LISTA (10% of max. token supply)
👉Initial circulating supply: 230,000,000 LISTA (23% of max. token supply)
👉Hard Cap per user: 800,000 LISTA
Rewards Calculation: Total Score = (Locked BNB Score * Web3 Quest Multiplier) + Web3 Quest Bonus
Locked BNB Score (based on hourly snapshots during the BNB Locked Products Snapshot Period) = (Average 120-day BNB Locked Amount * 130) + (Average 90-day BNB Locked Amount * 120) + (Average 60-day BNB Locked Amount * 110) + (Average 30-day BNB Locked Amount * 100)
Web3 Quest Multiplier: 1.5
Web3 Quest Bonus: 1,000
Guide to joining Lista Megadrop
To participate in Megadrop, users need to lock BNB tokens in Binance Simple Earn and/or complete Web3 Quests on Binance Web3 Wallet. Binance notes that registration for BNB Locked Products is not mandatory. Users can participate in Megadrop without registering for any BNB Locked Products. However, when participating in BNB Locked Products, users can optimize their rewards.
When registering for BNB Locked Products, users receive different points based on the registration time. The longer the duration, the higher the BNB points. Participants should choose a 120-day period to receive an APR of up to 1.69%. Additionally, users can receive both Megadrop rewards and launchpool simultaneously (if available).
Locking BNB Locked Products
👉Access the Binance app on your phone, select More, then choose Megadrop.

👉Review the list of Web3 projects launched and select Lista.
👉After accessing the detailed information page, carefully read the project's requirements and rules.
👉Scroll down to the Lock BNB section.
👉Register for locking BNB according to the suitable term.

Completing Web3 Quests
Users need to:
Have a Binance Web3 Wallet account. Note that only backup wallets created within the new Binance Web3 wallet are eligible to participate in Megadrop; external wallets (such as Metamask) are not counted.
Prepare BNB to cover gas fees within the Binance Web3 Wallet.
The steps are as follows:
👉Log in to the Binance app and go to "Exchange."
👉Switch to the "Web3" tab.

👉On the wallet's main screen, select "Transfer."
👉Choose BNB and the "BNB Chain (BEP20)" network.
👉Select the amount of BNB to transfer and click "Transfer."

Note: To be eligible for campaign participation, a minimum of 0.01 BNB is required for staking liquidity into slisBNB.
Once the wallet receives the funds, users need to convert BNB to slisBNB on the Lista DAO.
👉Go to the "Discover" section and search for "Lista DAO."

👉Connect the Binance Web3 wallet and click "Stake."
👉Enter the quantity of 0.01 BNB.

👉Confirm the transaction and wait for the successful staking notification.
👉After receiving the completion notification, switch to your web3 wallet
👉Select Lista DAO in the Megadrop section.
👉Scroll down to the Web3 Quest section and click "Start Now."
👉Wait for the system to connect, then click "Verify" to confirm completion
What is Lista DAO?
Lista DAO is a DeFi platform providing staking, liquidity staking, safe stablecoin lending solutions, simple, and license-free. The goal of Lista DAO is to become the most widely used protocol by leveraging Proof-of-Stake (PoS) rewards and profit-generating assets.
Lista DAO operates as an open-source liquidity protocol, earning profits from collateralized crypto assets (BNB, ETH, stablecoins, etc.). The project utilizes and expands the MakerDAO model proven for lisUSD - referred to as decentralized, unbiased destablecoin, supported by collateral assets.
LISTA is a utility and governance token widely used on Lista DAO. It is a means of safe exchange and payment among participants on Lista DAO in a decentralized, third-party-independent manner. Users can receive LISTA by participating and interacting with the protocol such as depositing funds, staking, trading, and/or governance participation.
The project notes that LISTA does not represent any equity, ownership, participation, ownership rights, or interests in Lista DAO. The platform does not offer any promises regarding fees, dividends, revenue, profits, or investment returns and is not intended to constitute securities in relevant jurisdictions.
#ListaMegadrop #Megadrop
Don't Miss it guys
Don't Miss it guys
Crypto Revolution Masters
MANTA - All you need to know and why I am bullish on it!
In 2023, Manta Network experienced explosive growth, characterized by remarkable advancements, groundbreaking product launches, and an unwavering commitment to innovation in the realm of zero-knowledge (ZK) technology. Serving as a revolutionary modular ecosystem tailored for ZK applications, Manta Network has achieved a significant milestone as the first EVM-equivalent ZK application platform. The ecosystem offers an unmatched experience for developing and adopting advanced web3 applications, thanks to its effective use of ZK cryptography. We’ll take a look at the Manta Network ecosystem today, exploring its journey to success and what lies ahead for the network in the future.
With a Series A valuation of $500 million, Manta Network has raised over $60 million across pre-seed, seed, community, and Series A funding stages. Notable investors such as Polychain Capital, DeFiance Capital, and Qiming Venture Partners have contributed to its growth. The strategic backing from Binance Labs underscores the network’s significance in the industry. Founded in 2020 by Victor Ji and Kenny Li, the founding team, operating under p0x Labs, Manta Network received initial support from a Web3 Foundation grant, marking the beginning of its journey.
Arising from a visionary initiative to surpass the constraints of current blockchain solutions, Manta Network introduces a multi-modular ecosystem consisting of two blockchain networks. These networks provide advanced ZK tooling, streamlining the deployment of ZK-applications — Manta Pacific and Manta Atlantic.

Manta Pacific
Manta Pacific introduces an EVM-native Layer 2 solution with versatile ZK capabilities, enabling the exclusive creation of ZK applications through Solidity with Universal Circuits. Leveraging Celestia for DA and the OP Stack for Solidity-based ZK application development ensures not only efficient scalability but also a significant reduction in transaction fees.
The shift from Ethereum for DA to Celestia’s specialized DA solution significantly reduces L2 network transaction fees, resulting in savings exceeding $1.5 million in gas fees. The upcoming developmental phase targets the establishment of a fully modular zkEVM rollup using the Polygon CDK, promising further amplification of Manta Pacific’s capabilities. The transition into zkEVM utilizing Polygon CDK is set for early 2024.
Manta Atlantic
In contrast, Manta Atlantic emerges as the fastest and most decentralized ZK Layer 1 chain designed, strategically crafted to facilitate modular on-chain compliance identities through zkSBTs. Officially launched in January 2024, its primary focus lies in the ZK compliance credential layer, emphasizing practical application and seamless interoperability. This unique approach empowers projects to attain interoperable identities without necessitating direct cryptographic involvement.
Manta Atlantic establishes a composable execution environment tailored for ZK applications and seamlessly integrates Manta Network’s ZK tooling infrastructure. Built upon the Substrate framework, it operates as a parachain within the Polkadot ecosystem, placing a significant emphasis on interoperable identity verification and the deployment of ZK applications.
ZK Toolings
Universal Circuits
Manta Network’s Universal Circuits revolutionize the landscape of ZK application development by addressing inherent complexities. Traditionally, developers face daunting learning curves, requiring deep expertise in cryptographic techniques and the manual creation of intricate ZK circuits using languages such as Circom.
To overcome these obstacles, Universal Circuits offer a comprehensive library of pre-built ZK circuits for seamless integration into applications, particularly those developed using Solidity for Ethereum. This approach simplifies the development process, empowering developers to incorporate ZK functionalities effortlessly, without the need for extensive cryptographic knowledge.
Functioning as ZK-as-a-Service, Universal Circuits enable Solidity developers to interact with Manta Pacific contracts via APIs, facilitating the integration of ZK features with minimal adjustments to existing codebases. Noteworthy circuit designs within Universal Circuits encompass zkContracts like zkShuffle and Semaphore-based circuits, developed by the Privacy Scaling and Exploration (PSE) Labs at the Ethereum Foundation.
Manta Network’s upcoming initiatives involve enhancing Manta Atlantic’s capabilities, expanding the adoption of zkSBT and MantaPay for Rust developers, and rolling out the Manta Pacific Testnet to engage a wider community of developers and applications. The aim is to broaden the network’s impact and offer comprehensive solutions across both Web3 and Web2 domains.
zkSBTs and Manta NPO
zkSBTs, known as ZK-enabled SoulBound Tokens, are non-transferable NFTs anchored to individual user identities on the blockchain. Harnessing ZKPs for heightened user security, these tokens excel in on-chain gaming items, identity authentication, and asset verification. Moreover, developers can seamlessly integrate zkSBTs into ZK applications without requiring advanced cryptographic skills or expertise in ZKP.
Key functionalities of zkSBTs:
👉On-chain Data Verification: zkSBT acts as a streamlined solution for on-chain data verification, especially beneficial for mobile applications. Despite having user-friendly wallets like Particle and Unipass, validating data such as KYC details, credentials, and assets still poses challenges on mobile platforms
👉Decentralized Compliance: KYC, valued at around $1.6 trillion, is crucial for web platforms, necessitating the distinction between real users and bots. Tools like zkBAB and zkGalxe allow users to authenticate their legitimacy without disclosing personal data or linking to a wallet. Many applications leverage zkSBT for this verification purpose.
👉Credential Verification for On-chain Activities: Galxe and Cyberconnect process substantial on-chain activities but struggle with privacy concerns. zkSBT provides a solution, enabling private credential verification without the need for constant wallet connections. It also supports multi-chain verification.
👉Game/Social Items: zkSBTs can serve as in-game items or assets in social platforms. Notable examples include Ultiverse and ReadON zkSBTs, minted on the Manta chain and utilized across diverse applications.
👉Asset Verification: zkSBTs play a crucial role in asset verification applications. Tools like POMP enable users to create zkSBTs, offering a confidential on-chain statement to verify their asset holdings. This functionality proves valuable in both traditional and decentralized financial contexts.
Manta Network’s Robust Ecosystem

Manta Network’s focus on cost efficiency and enhanced throughput for ZK applications, and has swiftly become a favored choice among decentralized applications (dApps). Since its launch in September 2023, Manta Pacific’s L2 network has seamlessly integrated more than 150 dApps, with nearly 15 of them being native ZK applications.
Manta Pacific’s mainnet has facilitated the processing of more than 10 million transactions since its initial debut. Despite its recent entry into the L2 scene, the network has amassed an impressive Total Value Locked (TVL) of over $1.5 billion, securing a prominent position among L2s according to L2 Beat. The significant increase in TVL can be attributed to the success of the New Paradigm bridge launch in December 2023, which brought in over 200,000 new users. Barely two months after the launch, users had bridged over $750 million in assets to the L2 network.
Manta Pacific’s rollout strategy kicked off with MantaFest, a dynamic 5-week promotional campaign launched alongside its mainnet debut. This initiative aimed to invigorate network activity by introducing users to a diverse array of newly integrated dApps spanning Bridging, DeFi, SocialFi, and GameFi. Participants in MantaFest had the opportunity to accrue points, which could be exchanged for MANTA rewards during the Token Generation Event (TGE). Additionally, in October 2023, just one month following Manta Pacific’s mainnet alpha launch, Manta Network unveiled the Uncharted Grants program, further fueling the ecosystem’s growth and fostering innovation.
Looking Forward To The Future Of Manta Network
Following its mainnet debut, Manta Pacific has unveiled a comprehensive four-phase roadmap to guide its developmental trajectory following the mainnet debut. The team aims to collaboratively achieve each milestone in tandem with the broader Manta Network ecosystem and community. At present, Manta Pacific has successfully concluded the second phase, operating as an OP Stack rollup with Celestia for DA. The imminent full transition to a zkEVM validium using the Polygon CDK stands as a pivotal objective for 2024.

If Manta Network effectively executes its roadmap, it is primed to become a preferred choice for developers entering the dApp ecosystem. The ongoing evolution of Manta Network underscores a commitment to refining its offerings, expanding its influence, and bridging the web2 and web3 domains while upholding user privacy and data security.
Pretty Bullish on $MANTA and everything coming 🔥🔥
Crypto Revolution Masters
Lista Dao - 2nd Project on Binance Megadrop! Bullish Insights and how to participate
Hey Folks, Lista Dao is the 2nd Project on Binance Megadrop. Let's dive in what's exactly Lista Dao and how to get maximum Rewards from the Megadrop Campaign!
Lista DAO is a BNB liquid staking protocol and decentralized stablecoin platform that enables users to stake their BNB in exchange for the LS token slisBNB. The slisBNB, along with other LSTs, can not only be used in the LPs of various DeFi applications but also as collateral for borrowing the lisUSD stablecoin by providing LSTs as collateral on its platform.
It is powered by the native $LISTA governance token, designed to serve as a main criteria for granting access to the DAO votings.
The platform’s contribution to the BNB chain network ecosystem was recognized by Binance Labs, which invested over $10M into the project on August 11th, 2023.
Lista DAO, previously known as Helio protocol, is a BNB liquid staking protocol and decentralized stablecoin, which allows users to earn yield from BNB staking in exchange for the slisBNB token. The slisBNB token is a liquid staking token of the Lista DAO protocol, which can be used in other DeFi LPs across the BNB chain network to earn additional APR, as well as may be used as collateral for lending lisUSD, Lista’s decentralized stablecoin.
The minting mechanism of the Lista stablecoin is quite similar to that of MakerDAO’s, but unlike the MakerDAO platform, Lista protocol enables depositing collaterals in the form of LSTs such as slisBNB, WBETH, ezETH, and others. This provides the BNB chain with an additional level of liquidity while adding more features to the BNB network’s liquid staking tokens.
After the merge of Helio Money and Synclub on February 6th, 2024, the platform rebranded itself into the List DAO.
🪙$LISTA token: The entire liquid staking protocol is powered by the governance token $LISTA. Its main role is enabling users to vote on various governance proposals and granting weight to each community member's vote, which directly depends on the amount of tokens staked on the platform.
I'm super hyped about Lista Dao for the following reasons:
🔥The concept and design of the product aligns with the current “liquid staking and staking” trends. It is also of the few startups focused on BNB liquid staking and adding more features to such LSTs;
🔥The platform was audited multiple times by the top tier security companies;
🔥Strong PR and Growth Marketing performance;
🔥Above the average Marketing Infrastructure, SMM and Influencer Marketing score;
🔥Binance Labs invested into the project;
🔥Presence of the strong network of partners supporting the project;
🔥Upcoming Listing of the $LISTA token on the Binance exchange;
🔥Experienced leadership team: the BD lead and COO previously worked for Binance.
Take a look also at the bullish Roadmap

The current price on $Lista OTC is around $1! I am expecting multiple X on it's listing on #Binance
Lista Megadrop Details:
👉Token Name: Lista (LISTA)
👉Max Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 LISTA
👉Megadrop Token Rewards: 100,000,000 LISTA (10% of max token supply)
👉Initial Circulating Supply: 230,000,000 LISTA (23% of max token supply)
🔥Start farming $Lista here:
How to participate in the Megadrop. Full Instructions
Step 1: Go to Earn section

Step 2: Search for BNB. Select 15-120 days

You can choose a fixed lock from 15 to 120 days, the longer the lock, the higher the score coefficient. Of course saying that 120 days will be the best option to maximize your Earnings!
Step 3: Select quantity and click "Confirm" to complete the step of locking BNB on the exchange

👉You can keep your BNB and BTC on Spot and participate.
Reward Mechanism Based on Points
Total Points = (Locked BNB Score * Web3 Quest Multiplier) + Web3 Quest Bonus
Locked BNB Score is based on the amount of BNB locked and the lock duration. The Web3 Quest Multiplier is applied to the Locked BNB Score when all Web3 Quests are completed.
The higher your total points, the greater your rewards.
How is Megadrop Different from Launchpool?
Some key differences between Megadrop and Launchpool include:
👉Participation Method: Megadrop allows users to participate by subscribing to BNB and/or completing Web3 tasks. Binance Launchpool only allows users to participate by subscribing to BNB or designated tokens.
👉Token Subscription: Megadrop only utilizes BNB Locked Products for token subscription. Binance Launchpool offers more diversity by allowing users to subscribe to tokens through BNB Locked Products, BNB Vault, or direct staking in Launchpool.
👉Reward Calculation: Megadrop rewards are based on the amount of BNB locked by users and the duration of lock, combined with the completion of Web3 Quests. Binance Launchpool rewards are based on the volume of subscriptions to Launchpool.
👉Reward Enhancement: Megadrop allows users to enhance their rewards by completing tasks within the Binance Web3 Wallet. Binance Launchpool does not offer this feature.

#ListaMegadrop #Megadrop
Crypto Revolution Masters
Lista Dao - 2nd Project on Binance Megadrop! Bullish Insights and how to participate
Hey Folks, Lista Dao is the 2nd Project on Binance Megadrop. Let's dive in what's exactly Lista Dao and how to get maximum Rewards from the Megadrop Campaign!
Lista DAO is a BNB liquid staking protocol and decentralized stablecoin platform that enables users to stake their BNB in exchange for the LS token slisBNB. The slisBNB, along with other LSTs, can not only be used in the LPs of various DeFi applications but also as collateral for borrowing the lisUSD stablecoin by providing LSTs as collateral on its platform.
It is powered by the native $LISTA governance token, designed to serve as a main criteria for granting access to the DAO votings.
The platform’s contribution to the BNB chain network ecosystem was recognized by Binance Labs, which invested over $10M into the project on August 11th, 2023.
Lista DAO, previously known as Helio protocol, is a BNB liquid staking protocol and decentralized stablecoin, which allows users to earn yield from BNB staking in exchange for the slisBNB token. The slisBNB token is a liquid staking token of the Lista DAO protocol, which can be used in other DeFi LPs across the BNB chain network to earn additional APR, as well as may be used as collateral for lending lisUSD, Lista’s decentralized stablecoin.
The minting mechanism of the Lista stablecoin is quite similar to that of MakerDAO’s, but unlike the MakerDAO platform, Lista protocol enables depositing collaterals in the form of LSTs such as slisBNB, WBETH, ezETH, and others. This provides the BNB chain with an additional level of liquidity while adding more features to the BNB network’s liquid staking tokens.
After the merge of Helio Money and Synclub on February 6th, 2024, the platform rebranded itself into the List DAO.
🪙$LISTA token: The entire liquid staking protocol is powered by the governance token $LISTA. Its main role is enabling users to vote on various governance proposals and granting weight to each community member's vote, which directly depends on the amount of tokens staked on the platform.
I'm super hyped about Lista Dao for the following reasons:
🔥The concept and design of the product aligns with the current “liquid staking and staking” trends. It is also of the few startups focused on BNB liquid staking and adding more features to such LSTs;
🔥The platform was audited multiple times by the top tier security companies;
🔥Strong PR and Growth Marketing performance;
🔥Above the average Marketing Infrastructure, SMM and Influencer Marketing score;
🔥Binance Labs invested into the project;
🔥Presence of the strong network of partners supporting the project;
🔥Upcoming Listing of the $LISTA token on the Binance exchange;
🔥Experienced leadership team: the BD lead and COO previously worked for Binance.
Take a look also at the bullish Roadmap

The current price on $Lista OTC is around $1! I am expecting multiple X on it's listing on #Binance
Lista Megadrop Details:
👉Token Name: Lista (LISTA)
👉Max Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 LISTA
👉Megadrop Token Rewards: 100,000,000 LISTA (10% of max token supply)
👉Initial Circulating Supply: 230,000,000 LISTA (23% of max token supply)
🔥Start farming $Lista here:
How to participate in the Megadrop. Full Instructions
Step 1: Go to Earn section

Step 2: Search for BNB. Select 15-120 days

You can choose a fixed lock from 15 to 120 days, the longer the lock, the higher the score coefficient. Of course saying that 120 days will be the best option to maximize your Earnings!
Step 3: Select quantity and click "Confirm" to complete the step of locking BNB on the exchange

👉You can keep your BNB and BTC on Spot and participate.
Reward Mechanism Based on Points
Total Points = (Locked BNB Score * Web3 Quest Multiplier) + Web3 Quest Bonus
Locked BNB Score is based on the amount of BNB locked and the lock duration. The Web3 Quest Multiplier is applied to the Locked BNB Score when all Web3 Quests are completed.
The higher your total points, the greater your rewards.
How is Megadrop Different from Launchpool?
Some key differences between Megadrop and Launchpool include:
👉Participation Method: Megadrop allows users to participate by subscribing to BNB and/or completing Web3 tasks. Binance Launchpool only allows users to participate by subscribing to BNB or designated tokens.
👉Token Subscription: Megadrop only utilizes BNB Locked Products for token subscription. Binance Launchpool offers more diversity by allowing users to subscribe to tokens through BNB Locked Products, BNB Vault, or direct staking in Launchpool.
👉Reward Calculation: Megadrop rewards are based on the amount of BNB locked by users and the duration of lock, combined with the completion of Web3 Quests. Binance Launchpool rewards are based on the volume of subscriptions to Launchpool.
👉Reward Enhancement: Megadrop allows users to enhance their rewards by completing tasks within the Binance Web3 Wallet. Binance Launchpool does not offer this feature.

#ListaMegadrop #Megadrop
LFG 🔥🚀
LFG 🔥🚀
Crypto Revolution Masters
MANTA - All you need to know and why I am bullish on it!
In 2023, Manta Network experienced explosive growth, characterized by remarkable advancements, groundbreaking product launches, and an unwavering commitment to innovation in the realm of zero-knowledge (ZK) technology. Serving as a revolutionary modular ecosystem tailored for ZK applications, Manta Network has achieved a significant milestone as the first EVM-equivalent ZK application platform. The ecosystem offers an unmatched experience for developing and adopting advanced web3 applications, thanks to its effective use of ZK cryptography. We’ll take a look at the Manta Network ecosystem today, exploring its journey to success and what lies ahead for the network in the future.
With a Series A valuation of $500 million, Manta Network has raised over $60 million across pre-seed, seed, community, and Series A funding stages. Notable investors such as Polychain Capital, DeFiance Capital, and Qiming Venture Partners have contributed to its growth. The strategic backing from Binance Labs underscores the network’s significance in the industry. Founded in 2020 by Victor Ji and Kenny Li, the founding team, operating under p0x Labs, Manta Network received initial support from a Web3 Foundation grant, marking the beginning of its journey.
Arising from a visionary initiative to surpass the constraints of current blockchain solutions, Manta Network introduces a multi-modular ecosystem consisting of two blockchain networks. These networks provide advanced ZK tooling, streamlining the deployment of ZK-applications — Manta Pacific and Manta Atlantic.

Manta Pacific
Manta Pacific introduces an EVM-native Layer 2 solution with versatile ZK capabilities, enabling the exclusive creation of ZK applications through Solidity with Universal Circuits. Leveraging Celestia for DA and the OP Stack for Solidity-based ZK application development ensures not only efficient scalability but also a significant reduction in transaction fees.
The shift from Ethereum for DA to Celestia’s specialized DA solution significantly reduces L2 network transaction fees, resulting in savings exceeding $1.5 million in gas fees. The upcoming developmental phase targets the establishment of a fully modular zkEVM rollup using the Polygon CDK, promising further amplification of Manta Pacific’s capabilities. The transition into zkEVM utilizing Polygon CDK is set for early 2024.
Manta Atlantic
In contrast, Manta Atlantic emerges as the fastest and most decentralized ZK Layer 1 chain designed, strategically crafted to facilitate modular on-chain compliance identities through zkSBTs. Officially launched in January 2024, its primary focus lies in the ZK compliance credential layer, emphasizing practical application and seamless interoperability. This unique approach empowers projects to attain interoperable identities without necessitating direct cryptographic involvement.
Manta Atlantic establishes a composable execution environment tailored for ZK applications and seamlessly integrates Manta Network’s ZK tooling infrastructure. Built upon the Substrate framework, it operates as a parachain within the Polkadot ecosystem, placing a significant emphasis on interoperable identity verification and the deployment of ZK applications.
ZK Toolings
Universal Circuits
Manta Network’s Universal Circuits revolutionize the landscape of ZK application development by addressing inherent complexities. Traditionally, developers face daunting learning curves, requiring deep expertise in cryptographic techniques and the manual creation of intricate ZK circuits using languages such as Circom.
To overcome these obstacles, Universal Circuits offer a comprehensive library of pre-built ZK circuits for seamless integration into applications, particularly those developed using Solidity for Ethereum. This approach simplifies the development process, empowering developers to incorporate ZK functionalities effortlessly, without the need for extensive cryptographic knowledge.
Functioning as ZK-as-a-Service, Universal Circuits enable Solidity developers to interact with Manta Pacific contracts via APIs, facilitating the integration of ZK features with minimal adjustments to existing codebases. Noteworthy circuit designs within Universal Circuits encompass zkContracts like zkShuffle and Semaphore-based circuits, developed by the Privacy Scaling and Exploration (PSE) Labs at the Ethereum Foundation.
Manta Network’s upcoming initiatives involve enhancing Manta Atlantic’s capabilities, expanding the adoption of zkSBT and MantaPay for Rust developers, and rolling out the Manta Pacific Testnet to engage a wider community of developers and applications. The aim is to broaden the network’s impact and offer comprehensive solutions across both Web3 and Web2 domains.
zkSBTs and Manta NPO
zkSBTs, known as ZK-enabled SoulBound Tokens, are non-transferable NFTs anchored to individual user identities on the blockchain. Harnessing ZKPs for heightened user security, these tokens excel in on-chain gaming items, identity authentication, and asset verification. Moreover, developers can seamlessly integrate zkSBTs into ZK applications without requiring advanced cryptographic skills or expertise in ZKP.
Key functionalities of zkSBTs:
👉On-chain Data Verification: zkSBT acts as a streamlined solution for on-chain data verification, especially beneficial for mobile applications. Despite having user-friendly wallets like Particle and Unipass, validating data such as KYC details, credentials, and assets still poses challenges on mobile platforms
👉Decentralized Compliance: KYC, valued at around $1.6 trillion, is crucial for web platforms, necessitating the distinction between real users and bots. Tools like zkBAB and zkGalxe allow users to authenticate their legitimacy without disclosing personal data or linking to a wallet. Many applications leverage zkSBT for this verification purpose.
👉Credential Verification for On-chain Activities: Galxe and Cyberconnect process substantial on-chain activities but struggle with privacy concerns. zkSBT provides a solution, enabling private credential verification without the need for constant wallet connections. It also supports multi-chain verification.
👉Game/Social Items: zkSBTs can serve as in-game items or assets in social platforms. Notable examples include Ultiverse and ReadON zkSBTs, minted on the Manta chain and utilized across diverse applications.
👉Asset Verification: zkSBTs play a crucial role in asset verification applications. Tools like POMP enable users to create zkSBTs, offering a confidential on-chain statement to verify their asset holdings. This functionality proves valuable in both traditional and decentralized financial contexts.
Manta Network’s Robust Ecosystem

Manta Network’s focus on cost efficiency and enhanced throughput for ZK applications, and has swiftly become a favored choice among decentralized applications (dApps). Since its launch in September 2023, Manta Pacific’s L2 network has seamlessly integrated more than 150 dApps, with nearly 15 of them being native ZK applications.
Manta Pacific’s mainnet has facilitated the processing of more than 10 million transactions since its initial debut. Despite its recent entry into the L2 scene, the network has amassed an impressive Total Value Locked (TVL) of over $1.5 billion, securing a prominent position among L2s according to L2 Beat. The significant increase in TVL can be attributed to the success of the New Paradigm bridge launch in December 2023, which brought in over 200,000 new users. Barely two months after the launch, users had bridged over $750 million in assets to the L2 network.
Manta Pacific’s rollout strategy kicked off with MantaFest, a dynamic 5-week promotional campaign launched alongside its mainnet debut. This initiative aimed to invigorate network activity by introducing users to a diverse array of newly integrated dApps spanning Bridging, DeFi, SocialFi, and GameFi. Participants in MantaFest had the opportunity to accrue points, which could be exchanged for MANTA rewards during the Token Generation Event (TGE). Additionally, in October 2023, just one month following Manta Pacific’s mainnet alpha launch, Manta Network unveiled the Uncharted Grants program, further fueling the ecosystem’s growth and fostering innovation.
Looking Forward To The Future Of Manta Network
Following its mainnet debut, Manta Pacific has unveiled a comprehensive four-phase roadmap to guide its developmental trajectory following the mainnet debut. The team aims to collaboratively achieve each milestone in tandem with the broader Manta Network ecosystem and community. At present, Manta Pacific has successfully concluded the second phase, operating as an OP Stack rollup with Celestia for DA. The imminent full transition to a zkEVM validium using the Polygon CDK stands as a pivotal objective for 2024.

If Manta Network effectively executes its roadmap, it is primed to become a preferred choice for developers entering the dApp ecosystem. The ongoing evolution of Manta Network underscores a commitment to refining its offerings, expanding its influence, and bridging the web2 and web3 domains while upholding user privacy and data security.
Pretty Bullish on $MANTA and everything coming 🔥🔥
Crypto Revolution Masters
Last few days to participate in BounceBit-The 1st Project on Binance Megadrop. All you need to know
What is BounceBit (BB)?
BounceBit (BB) is the first native staking chain for Bitcoin. It introduces a novel approach to staking through a dual-token system. This innovative platform leverages the security of Bitcoin alongside full Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility to offer a convenient and secure restaking experience for users.
🔥 Personal Opinion about BounceBit 🔥
After the bankruptcy of Genesis Trading, Babel Finance, and Celsius, the Bitcoin ecosystem was left with a significant void in financial service provision. This caused underutilization of BTC assets and missed opportunities for profit, especially in sectors like DeFi and NFTs
The inherent conservatism of Bitcoin holders is not the only thing that prevents them from missing out on lucrative yield opportunities. On the inside, the absence of a robust smart contract platform within the Bitcoin ecosystem also limits the development of complex decentralized applications (dApps).
This is where BounceBit steps in to fill the gap. BounceBit is building a BTC restaking infrastructure that provides a foundational layer for different restaking products, secured by the regulated custody of Mainnet Digital (a premier asset management and fintech platform) and Ceffu ( a secure environment for storing digital currencies for institutional entities).
BounceBit’s TVL soared to over $600 million within a month after Early Access Launch ($550 million as of April 23), complemented by securing $6 million in seed funding from leading investors Blockchain Capital and Breyer Capital.

👉 Currently OTC Prices are around $0.75-$0.80 I am expecting $2-$3 once it's listed on Binance! Long-term I'm expecting 2 digits in the next Bull Cycle!
Binance will then list BounceBit (BB) at 2024-05-13 10:00 (UTC) and open trading with BB/BTC, BB/USDT, BB/BNB, BB/FDUSD and BB/TRY trading pairs.
BounceBit Megadrop Period:
2024-04-26 00:00:00 (UTC) to 2024-05-12 23:59:59 (UTC)
BNB Locked Products Snapshot Period:
To maximize Locked BNB Scores, users may start locking their BNB in BNB Locked Products before 2024-04-26 00:00:00 (UTC), as hourly snapshots of users’ subscription amounts will be taken during this period.
Web3 Quest Period:
Users may complete Web3 Quest(s) during the Quest Period.
Web3 Quest 1: “Stake 0.0001 BTCB to BounceBit”
👉You can find more information here:
How BounceBit (BB) Works
1. Dual-Token Staking Mechanism
BounceBit offers a unique dual-token restaking mechanism. By staking both Bitcoin and BounceBit tokens (BB), participants play a vital role in securing the network. This approach not only enhances security but also introduces a diversified stakeholder base and helps boost the resilience of the ecosystem.
2. Proof-of-Stake Consensus
BounceBit adopts a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, known as Dual-Token PoS, where validators stake BB and/or BBTC (BounceBit's native token backed by Bitcoin) to record and verify transactions on the network. In return, validators receive transaction fees as staking rewards. This creates perpetual engagement and network reinforcement.
3. Transparent Financial Services
Addressing the transparency and misuse issues prevalent in traditional Bitcoin finance, BounceBit implements on-chain proof of reserve and transparent activities. This commitment to transparency rebuilds trust among users and creates a secure platform for earning yields on idle BTC.
4. Enhancing Bitcoin Utility
By providing avenues for BTC holders to actively engage their assets in DeFi and CeFi markets, BounceBit aims to enhance liquidity and expand utility for BTC in a transparent and efficient environment. Through its inclusive ecosystem catering to both retail and institutional investors, BounceBit democratizes access to Bitcoin-based financial products, thereby broadening yield opportunities and expanding use cases.
5. Smart Contract Features
Recognizing the importance of smart contract capabilities, BounceBit integrates full compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and Solidity programming language. This compatibility allows developers to easily migrate their projects and build sophisticated dApps on the BounceBit platform, thereby enhancing the diversity of applications and utility of Bitcoin.
6. Unification Across Multiple Chains
By developing a unified platform that integrates various forms of Wrapped BTC across different blockchain networks, BounceBit centralizes liquidity and streamlines transactions. This initiative will enhance the efficiency and liquidity of BTC assets across multiple blockchains.
How to Participate in the Megadrop? Instructions
Step 1: Log in to your Binance account. You can use either the website or the app.
Step 2: Navigate to "More" (Services) and select "Megadrop"

You will see Megadrop icon below:

Step 3: Subscribe to BNB Locked Products and/or complete Web3 Quests to accumulate points. The higher your points, the greater your rewards.

Step 4: Complete subscriptions to BNB Locked Products on the Earn feature to accumulate points.

You can keep your BNB and BTC on Spot and participate.
Reward Mechanism Based on Points
Total Points = (Locked BNB Score * Web3 Quest Multiplier) + Web3 Quest Bonus
Locked BNB Score is based on the amount of BNB locked and the lock duration. The Web3 Quest Multiplier is applied to the Locked BNB Score when all Web3 Quests are completed.
The higher your total points, the greater your rewards.
Binance Megadrop marks a significant step forward in the evolution of token launch platforms. With its unique combination of features and the introduction of projects like BounceBit, it promises to offer users exciting opportunities to engage with the crypto community and unlock valuable rewards. As Megadrop continues to grow and welcome new projects, it remains an essential platform for crypto enthusiasts looking to maximize their potential in the ever-expanding world of decentralized finance.
How is Megadrop Different from Launchpool?
Some key differences between Megadrop and Launchpool include:
Participation Method: Megadrop allows users to participate by subscribing to BNB and/or completing Web3 tasks. Binance Launchpool only allows users to participate by subscribing to BNB or designated tokens.
Token Subscription: Megadrop only utilizes BNB Locked Products for token subscription. Binance Launchpool offers more diversity by allowing users to subscribe to tokens through BNB Locked Products, BNB Vault, or direct staking in Launchpool.
Reward Calculation: Megadrop rewards are based on the amount of BNB locked by users and the duration of lock, combined with the completion of Web3 Quests. Binance Launchpool rewards are based on the volume of subscriptions to Launchpool.
Reward Enhancement: Megadrop allows users to enhance their rewards by completing tasks within the Binance Web3 Wallet. Binance Launchpool does not offer this feature.

Crypto Revolution Masters
BounceBit on Binance Megadrop. Insights and How to participate and maximize your Earnings!
Megadrop represents Binance's latest innovation, serving as a novel token introduction platform that features airdrops and Web3 assignments. Participants can pledge BNB to Fixed Products and engage in Web3 Wallet activities to secure early rewards from select Web3 initiatives, ahead of their token listings on the Binance Exchange.
It bears resemblance to Launchpool, yet it integrates Binance’s Web3 wallet tasks, enhancing user familiarity and proficiency with its operations. Through the completion of straightforward tasks, participants accumulate points that translate into future rewards.
The formula for calculating total points is given by:
Total Points=(Locked BNB Points×Web3 Task Multiplier)+Web3 Task Rewards
About BounceBit - The 1st Project on Megadrop
BounceBit is a unique platform designed specifically for Bitcoin, offering a restaking chain that is supported by notable investors such as Blockchain Capital and Breyer Capital. Its main goal is to establish a dedicated smart contract execution environment for Bitcoin. The platform introduces innovative concepts like the App Store and BounceBox, which allow users to quickly deploy decentralized applications within the Bitcoin ecosystem.
Furthermore, BounceBit is recognized as the first native staking chain for Bitcoin, employing a dual-token system to enhance the staking process. It combines the security of Bitcoin with full Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility, providing a secure and convenient restaking experience. The platform uses a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism and offers transparent financial services to address issues in traditional Bitcoin finance. By enabling BTC holders to participate in DeFi and CeFi markets, BounceBit aims to increase liquidity and utility for Bitcoin in a transparent and efficient manner.
In summary, BounceBit is redefining the interaction with Bitcoin by offering a more inclusive and dynamic financial ecosystem through its restaking chain, smart contract features, and unification across multiple chains.
The BounceBit PoS Chain will be the first showcase of BTC Restaking infrastructure. It is secured by validators staking BTC and staking BounceBit’s native token — A dual-token system leveraging native Bitcoin’s security, liquidity and low volatility. Unlike existing Layer 2 solutions, BounceBit interacts with Bitcoin only on the asset level instead of the protocol level, taking a Layer 1 Proof of Stake approach.
BTC in regulated CeFi Custody is locked so that the user can mint a wrapped version of BTC on the BounceBit chain, we call it bounceBTC. This BTC can be delegated to node operators, that return a voucher to the staker, stBTC. This liquid staking derivative can then be restaked to other SSCs, like sidechains, bridges and oracles, or be used to participate in further yield generation. All of this happens, while the BTC in the regulated custody is earning risk-free yield through funding rate arbitrage.

Of course for me every single Project coming on Binance I am super Bullish on BounceBit as well and I believe long-term will give really good ROI!
How to participate in Megadrop?
Step 1: Go to Earn section

Step 2: Search for BNB. Select 15-120 days

You can choose a fixed lock from 15 to 120 days, the longer the lock, the higher the score coefficient. Of course saying that 120 days will be the best option to maximize your Earnings!
Step 3: Select quantity and click "Confirm" to complete the step of locking BNB on the exchange

How to access Binance Megadrop?
👉Binance App > More > Others > Megadrop > BounceBit > Quest
Web3 Quests on BounceBit
👉The quest for our Megadrop is as follows: “Stake 0.0001 BTCB to BounceBit”
You’ll need BNB for gas fees and a little bit more than 0.0001 BTCB, since the withdrawal fee for BTCB is paid in BTCB, we suggest withdrawing at least 0.000111 BTCB.

How to complete the quest?
👉Ensure you have enough BNB for the gas fee.
👉Click “Start Now” via Binance Web3 Wallet.
👉Select “BNB Chain” as your network.
👉Enter the amount of BTCB to deposit.
👉The first transaction approves your spending cap on BTCB with BounceBit.
👉The second transaction deposits your BTCB into BounceBit.
🔥The best in the Megadrop Program is that you can keep your $BTC and $BNB on Spot! Don't forget that!
Crypto Revolution Masters
Renzo - Lastest Updates. Less than 2 days to farm on Binance Launchpool
Hey Folks, if you still wondering what to do with your BNB or FDUSD the best is to stake them and start farming Renzo! Also when you stake your BNB you also participate in Binance Megadrop Program!
Renzo is a Liquid Restaking Token (LRT) and Strategy Manager for EigenLayer. It is the interface to the EigenLayer ecosystem securing Actively Validated Services (AVSs) and offering a higher yield than ETH staking.
The protocol abstracts all complexity from the end-user and enables easy collaboration between users and EigenLayer node operators.
Lastest Updates
Based on Community Feedback Renzo team updated:
🔥Claim timeline
🔥Airdrop eligibility
💪Snapshot & Claim Timeline:
👉Snapshot date remains on April 26th, 2024
👉Claim date is changing to April 30th, 2024
(1 hour before Binance listing)
💪Tokenomics Update:
👉Community: Total increasing from 30% to 32%
👉Total Airdrop allocation increasing from 10% to 12%
🔥Season 1 increased from 5% to 7% total supply
🔥(2% increase is coming from Liquidity (MMs) & Foundation)
Season 2 allocation remains at 5% total supply
💪Binance Launch pool:
👉Remains at 2.5% total supply
🔥Airdrop Eligibility:
👉Minimum qualification is 360 ezPoints per wallet
👉Majority of all eligible wallets, greater than 99%, are fully unlocked at TGE
👉Higher threshold is being applied for the largest wallets. Wallets with more than 500k ezPoints will unlock 50% at TGE with the remainder now vesting linearly over 3 months.
They also announced the start of Season 2 of ezPoints which will run for 3 months
✅ 5% of total supply
🔥 Season 1 participants will receive a 10% boost
🔍 Explore new rewards for key DeFi partners
🚀 Claims go live April 30th at 11:00 UTC
New ezPoints Rewards:
🔥pendle_fi - 4X ezPoints boost
🔥Balancer / AuraFinance - 4X ezPoints boost
🔥CurveFinance - 4X ezPoints boost
🔥ThrusterFi / hyperlockfi Juice_Finance - 4X ezPoints boost
🔥kimprotocol - 4X ezPoints boost
🔥NileExchange - 4X ezPoints boost
🔥Starting April 30th at 11:00 UTC, 1 hour prior to the binance listing, the Season 1 airdrop claim window will open. Users will have 30 days to claim their $REZ at Any unclaimed tokens will be added to the Season 2 airdrop.
👉Stake your BNB or FDUSD and start farming Renzo here:
Happy Farming 🚜🚜🚜
#BinanceLaunchpool #RENZOLAUNCHPOOL
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