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6月20日今日のPAX金価格予測 – PAXGテクニカル分析PAXゴールドの価格予測では、コインが2346ドルのレベルに達すると、PAXGがチャネルの上限に向かうことを示しています。 PAXゴールドについて知っておくべきこと PAX Gold は、暗号通貨と金の架け橋として機能し、両者の最高の特徴を組み合わせています。各 PAXG トークンは、ロンドンの Brinks 金庫に安全に保管されている 400 オンスのロンドン グッド デリバリー金塊の少なくとも 1 トロイオンス (t oz) によって裏付けられています。 PAXゴールド予測統計データ: PAXゴールドの現在の価格 – $2316 PAXゴールドの時価総額 – 4億3,030万ドル

6月20日今日のPAX金価格予測 – PAXGテクニカル分析



PAX Gold は、暗号通貨と金の架け橋として機能し、両者の最高の特徴を組み合わせています。各 PAXG トークンは、ロンドンの Brinks 金庫に安全に保管されている 400 オンスのロンドン グッド デリバリー金塊の少なくとも 1 トロイオンス (t oz) によって裏付けられています。


PAXゴールドの現在の価格 – $2316

PAXゴールドの時価総額 – 4億3,030万ドル
6月20日現在投資すべきトップ暗号通貨 – NEAR Protocol、Injective、Polygon今日投資を検討すべきトップの暗号通貨を見つけましょう。現在の市場で成長と安定性の可能性を秘めた有望なコインとトークンを探ります。 最近、Hashdexは、ビットコインとイーサリアムを含む上場投資信託(ETF)の提案を証券取引委員会(SEC)に提出しました。この動きは、デジタル資産を従来の金融商品に統合することを目的としており、暗号通貨をより幅広い投資家にとってよりアクセスしやすくし、暗号通貨市場を大幅に活性化させる可能性があります。

6月20日現在投資すべきトップ暗号通貨 – NEAR Protocol、Injective、Polygon


今日のイーサリアムチェーンで最もトレンドの暗号通貨 – Parallel、Enjin、DEVT仮想通貨の価格発見は衰えることなく続いており、価格は特定の方向に落ち着くことができていません。仮想通貨業界の価格変動は、規制当局の影響力が増大していることと、FRBが予想されていた利下げを達​​成できなかったことで悪化しています。さらに悪いことに、仮想通貨の冬が迫っているという恐怖から、多くの投資家が不当な悲観論に陥っています。 市場全体の価格下落は、イーサリアム チェーンで人気の高い暗号通貨にも同様に影響を及ぼします。この記事では、これらの暗号通貨トークンのいくつかの価格動向に関する洞察を紹介します。これらのコインの価格動向は、突然の好況と不況の間を幅広く変動しており、投資家の間ではジレンマが高まっています。

今日のイーサリアムチェーンで最もトレンドの暗号通貨 – Parallel、Enjin、DEVT


市場全体の価格下落は、イーサリアム チェーンで人気の高い暗号通貨にも同様に影響を及ぼします。この記事では、これらの暗号通貨トークンのいくつかの価格動向に関する洞察を紹介します。これらのコインの価格動向は、突然の好況と不況の間を幅広く変動しており、投資家の間ではジレンマが高まっています。
6月20日木曜日に爆発的に増加する次の暗号通貨 — Arkham、Worldcoin、Turbo、SingularityNetAI 暗号セクターは注目を集めており、暗号の世界のさまざまな部分で需要が再燃しています。同様に、アルトコインとメタバース トークンも勢いを増しており、今後の強気相場を示唆し、アルトシーズンの始まりの可能性を示しています。 強気相場への期待から、アルトコインは今週大幅な上昇が見込まれている。アナリストは、これによりミームコインも爆発的なパフォーマンスを発揮する可能性があると考えている。しかし、ビットコインの優位性は今年全体的に上昇しており、市場が混在していることを示している。

6月20日木曜日に爆発的に増加する次の暗号通貨 — Arkham、Worldcoin、Turbo、SingularityNet

AI 暗号セクターは注目を集めており、暗号の世界のさまざまな部分で需要が再燃しています。同様に、アルトコインとメタバース トークンも勢いを増しており、今後の強気相場を示唆し、アルトシーズンの始まりの可能性を示しています。

GEGE 価格予測: GEGE は 153% 急騰、しかしトレーダーは上場している Solana のライバルに焦点を移す...GEGE の価格は過去 24 時間で 153% 上昇し、東部標準時午前 7 時 25 分現在、0.01609 ドルで取引されており、取引量は 222% 増加して 1,200 万ドルとなっている。 この急騰は、MEXC取引所が自社のプラットフォームにGEGEトークンを上場すると発表したのを受けて起こった。 @GegeAkutamiSol Kickstarter が終了し、$GEGE が#MEXCに上場されることをお知らせします。 🔹入金: 開設 🔹GEGE/USDT イノベーションゾーンでの取引: 2024-06-20 14:00 (UTC) 詳細: — MEXC (@MEXC_Official) 2024年6月20日

GEGE 価格予測: GEGE は 153% 急騰、しかしトレーダーは上場している Solana のライバルに焦点を移す...

GEGE の価格は過去 24 時間で 153% 上昇し、東部標準時午前 7 時 25 分現在、0.01609 ドルで取引されており、取引量は 222% 増加して 1,200 万ドルとなっている。


@GegeAkutamiSol Kickstarter が終了し、$GEGE が#MEXCに上場されることをお知らせします。

🔹入金: 開設
🔹GEGE/USDT イノベーションゾーンでの取引: 2024-06-20 14:00 (UTC)


— MEXC (@MEXC_Official) 2024年6月20日
マーティン・シュクレリ氏がバロン・トランプ氏がDJTトークンを作成したと主張した後、トランプコインの価格が68%上昇、一方これは...投資家たちがこの政治的なミームコインの購入に殺到したため、トランプコインの価格は過去24時間で68%上昇し、東部標準時午前7時45分現在0.01815ドルで取引されている。 DJT価格の急騰は、「ファーマブロ」としても知られるマーティン・シュクレリ氏が、ドナルド・トランプ前米大統領の18歳の息子、バロン・トランプ氏がトランプコインを立ち上げるのを手伝ったと述べた後に起きた。 🚨🇺🇸 マーティン・シュクレリ:キャメロンはバロンと友人 「私はこう言いました。『いいですか、バロンに勇気を出してもらい、弁護士たちを恐れないようにしてもらわなければなりません。




🚨🇺🇸 マーティン・シュクレリ:キャメロンはバロンと友人

Blast が NFT を再び素晴らしいものにする – 今週 Blast で最も売れた NFT 10 選主要な非代替トークン市場である Blur の Ethereum レイヤー 2 ブロックチェーン ネットワークである Blast は、トレーダーやコレクターの間で引き続き人気を集めており、非代替トークン市場を再び盛り上げています。以下に、今週最も売れた NFT コレクションをいくつか挙げます。 1. Blastr 宝くじ NFT コレクション 38,099個の限定版NFTを特徴とする非代替トークンコレクションであるBlastr Lotteryは、今週のBlastで最も売れたNFTコレクションです。過去24時間で、Blastr Lottery NFTコレクションは695 ETHの取引販売量を獲得しました。このNFTコレクションの時価総額は200万ドル、最低価格は53.77ドルです。

Blast が NFT を再び素晴らしいものにする – 今週 Blast で最も売れた NFT 10 選

主要な非代替トークン市場である Blur の Ethereum レイヤー 2 ブロックチェーン ネットワークである Blast は、トレーダーやコレクターの間で引き続き人気を集めており、非代替トークン市場を再び盛り上げています。以下に、今週最も売れた NFT コレクションをいくつか挙げます。

1. Blastr 宝くじ NFT コレクション

38,099個の限定版NFTを特徴とする非代替トークンコレクションであるBlastr Lotteryは、今週のBlastで最も売れたNFTコレクションです。過去24時間で、Blastr Lottery NFTコレクションは695 ETHの取引販売量を獲得しました。このNFTコレクションの時価総額は200万ドル、最低価格は53.77ドルです。
NVIDIA が世界で最も価値のある企業となったことで SingularityNET の価格が 25% 上昇、しかしこの新しい AI T...SingularityNET の価格は過去 24 時間で 25% 上昇し、東部標準時午前 3 時 36 分時点で 0.6853 ドルで取引され、取引量は 148% 増加して 2 億 7,800 万ドルに達した。 これは、チップメーカーのNVIDIAが、6月18日に株価が史上最高値(ATH)に上昇し、世界で最も価値のある企業となったことを受けてのことだ。同社の現在の価値は3.34兆ドルで、この価格は今年初めからほぼ2倍になっている。 同社の株価上昇は、マイクロソフト、メタ、グーグルなどのテクノロジー大手からの同社のチップに対する需要の高まりによるものだ。同社のグラフィックス・プロセッシング・ユニット(GPU)は人工知能(AI)の開発に不可欠だからだ。

NVIDIA が世界で最も価値のある企業となったことで SingularityNET の価格が 25% 上昇、しかしこの新しい AI T...

SingularityNET の価格は過去 24 時間で 25% 上昇し、東部標準時午前 3 時 36 分時点で 0.6853 ドルで取引され、取引量は 148% 増加して 2 億 7,800 万ドルに達した。


JasmyCoin 価格予測: この新しい P2E DOGE ICO が $ に近づくにつれて、JASMY は 5% の下落で最大の敗者になります...JasmyCoinの価格は過去24時間で5%下落し、東部標準時午前4時時点では0.031ドルで取引されており、取引量は18%減少して1億6,690万ドルとなっている。 同プロジェクトは最近、JasmyCoin保有者向けに、ZKロールアップを搭載したDEXであるDeGateでの新しいキャンペーンを発表した。 分散型取引所の投稿によると、キャンペーンはエアドロップを中心に展開され、DeGate残高にJASMYを保有している人は年間最大1,100%の収益でUSDCを獲得できるという。 嬉しいニュースです!🎉 Zero Knowledge Rollup を搭載した DEX#DeGateで#Jasmy保有者向けのキャンペーンが開始されました! 🚀

JasmyCoin 価格予測: この新しい P2E DOGE ICO が $ に近づくにつれて、JASMY は 5% の下落で最大の敗者になります...





Zero Knowledge Rollup を搭載した DEX#DeGateで#Jasmy保有者向けのキャンペーンが開始されました! 🚀
Turbo の価格予測: Binance 上場の噂でトレーダーがこのギャンブル市場に群がり、TURBO が 26% 急騰...Turbo の価格は過去 24 時間で 26% 上昇し、東部標準時午前 2 時 55 分現在、取引量が 107% 増加して 0.005305 ドルで取引されています。 これは、TURBOエコシステムからの強気なニュースの憶測の中で発表され、Binance上場の可能性を示唆している。 $TURBO 何か大きなものが来ます… — ロニー(@RonnieTradingCo)2024年6月19日 TURBOトークンがHiBTに上場される可能性もあるとの憶測もあります。 素晴らしいニュースです!Turbo は @HIBTGlobal に上場されます🔥🔥🔥$Turbo#TurboToad@TurboToadToken @HIBTGlobal #TurboRising

Turbo の価格予測: Binance 上場の噂でトレーダーがこのギャンブル市場に群がり、TURBO が 26% 急騰...

Turbo の価格は過去 24 時間で 26% 上昇し、東部標準時午前 2 時 55 分現在、取引量が 107% 増加して 0.005305 ドルで取引されています。


$TURBO 何か大きなものが来ます…

— ロニー(@RonnieTradingCo)2024年6月19日


素晴らしいニュースです!Turbo は @HIBTGlobal に上場されます🔥🔥🔥$Turbo#TurboToad@TurboToadToken @HIBTGlobal #TurboRising
原文参照 の価格予測: FET が 26% 上昇して値上がり銘柄のトップに。しかし専門家は、この他の AI ミームは の価格は過去 24 時間で 26% 上昇し、東部標準時午前 2 時現在、取引量が 120% 急増して 1.6339 ドルで取引されています。 FETは6月20日に最も好調な主要アルトコインであり、その反発は少なくとも1人の売り手を驚かせた。 信じられない気持ちの$FET販売者 — ProfessorAstrones (@Astrones2) 2024年6月20日 これは、FET をリアルワールドアセット (RWA) の分野でどのように使用するかについての議論の最中に発表された。ブロックチェーンの研究および諮問グループである House of Chimera は、「FET 自律エージェントは、最適なルートを分析および予測し、コストを削減し、配達時間を改善することで、物流を最適化できる可能性がある」と述べている。 の価格予測: FET が 26% 上昇して値上がり銘柄のトップに。しかし専門家は、この他の AI ミームは... の価格は過去 24 時間で 26% 上昇し、東部標準時午前 2 時現在、取引量が 120% 急増して 1.6339 ドルで取引されています。



— ProfessorAstrones (@Astrones2) 2024年6月20日

これは、FET をリアルワールドアセット (RWA) の分野でどのように使用するかについての議論の最中に発表された。ブロックチェーンの研究および諮問グループである House of Chimera は、「FET 自律エージェントは、最適なルートを分析および予測し、コストを削減し、配達時間を改善することで、物流を最適化できる可能性がある」と述べている。
Basenji の価格予測: Base Meme コインが急騰する中、BENJI は 9% 上昇、一方この新しい Brett のライバルは...バセンジーの価格は過去24時間で9%上昇し、東部標準時午前3時33分時点で0.07347ドルで取引され、取引量は60%増加して900万ドルとなった。 CoinGecko によると、Base エコシステムのミームコインが急騰し、時価総額が 15% 上昇して 21 億ドルに達したことが背景にあります。Berf (BERF) は 175% 上昇し、最大の上昇率を記録しました。 バセンジーの価格は強気のペナントパターンを超えて急騰する見込み BENJIUSD チャート分析 出典: GeckoTerminalのデータによると、Basenjiの価格は5月から調整局面にあり、0.020ドルの範囲内で取引されている。しかし、6月には強気派が優位を争う戦いに勝利し、トークンはマークアップ局面を経て、6月10日に史上最高値(ATH)の0.105ドルまで急騰した。

Basenji の価格予測: Base Meme コインが急騰する中、BENJI は 9% 上昇、一方この新しい Brett のライバルは...


CoinGecko によると、Base エコシステムのミームコインが急騰し、時価総額が 15% 上昇して 21 億ドルに達したことが背景にあります。Berf (BERF) は 175% 上昇し、最大の上昇率を記録しました。


BENJIUSD チャート分析 出典:

Best Meme Coins To Invest In Today Wednesday, June 19 – Dymension, X, Froggies, SealanaMeme tokens have grown since Dogecoin was introduced into the crypto market. Several notable meme tokens, like Pepe, Shiba Inu, Bonk, and Dogwifhat. They have leveraged Dogecoin’s success to climb to vast market caps, posting remarkable profits that have made several millionaires.  Consequently, with the achievement of these prominent meme coins, others have entered the market. This analysis features three tokens with the potential to deliver impressive ROI. We will examine what makes them profitable investment selections. Best Meme Coins to Invest In Today Analysts predict a continued surge in meme coins in June. The current surge in the value of meme coins, fueled by an increase in investors’ interest, has led many to tag it as the season of meme tokens. Therefore, this analysis offers investors some profitable tokens they could look into.  Today’s exploration of the best meme coins to invest in includes Dymension, X, and Froggies. We also analyze a presale token, Sealana, which is generating waves in the crypto market. We will analyze the latest developments, market movements, and other circumstances prompting the uptick of these tokens. 1. Dymension (DYM) Dymension utilizes an L1 blockchain using Proof-of-Stake (PoS) technology. Traditional blockchains faced scalability issues during peak activity, leading to congestion and high fees. Dymension addresses these issues with a modular framework, spreading functions across specialized platforms. Furthermore, the token’s rollout included an airdrop for eligible EVM, Cosmos, and Solana ecosystems users. Dymension enhances blockchain ecosystems through its modular RollApps. It is powered by the Dymension RollApp Development Kit (RDK), improving security and interoperability. Moreover, Dymension enables developers to create their rollups, called RollApps. These RollApps offer fast, cheap, customized transactions for different use cases. Dymension also provides a liquidity layer and a data market for RollApps. This feature makes it easier for users to access and exchange tokens across the network. Users can quickly deploy their consensus-free blockchain and accrue more token value. However, the $DYM token is an integral part of the Dymension ecosystem. The token facilitates transaction processing, staking, and governance on the platform. It is also utilized as a medium for cross-chain value transfer. 🚀 Ready to build your startup? The RollApp Incubator kicks off on 2nd Jul! Designed for @dymension builders, this 8-week programme offers weekly workshops, personalised sessions & expert guidance to turn your project into a business. Apply by 21st Jun: — Encode Club (@encodeclub) June 18, 2024 Moreover, Dymension has collaborated with Chromia. This partnership seeks to enhance fan engagement. It does this through a platform that promises increased security, transparency, and seamless integration. This partnership aims to innovate how fans interact and experience. Despite occasional dips, Dymension’s current price indicates a 1.2% increase in the last 24 hours. The token is currently priced at $1.63. The prevailing sentiment among investors appears favorable, with a Fear & Greed Index of 79, signifying extreme greed. It suggests that investors are optimistic about Dymension’s future trajectory, anticipating further growth and potential price increases. 2. Sealana (SEAL) Sealana has demonstrated its potential by raising over $5 million since going live. However, the presale ends in about 5 days. Meanwhile, analysts predict that the token has the potential to go on a 100x trajectory.  The strength of Sealana lies in its unique and relatable story. It combines popular trends like integrating with Solana and sending coins directly to wallets while staying true to its original and amusing theme. However, with the project indicating no predetermined hard cap on its website, potential investors should act quickly before it launches. Meanwhile, the token is priced at $0.022 as of the time of writing. 🚀 Send $SOL, and watch #Sealana 🛹 skate his way into the #Solana blockchain! 🌐🦭 The #Presale ends on Tuesday, June 25th at 6 pm UTC! ⏳ Make the most of the time left and push for those dreams of Lambos 🏎️💨 and Freedom! 🗽✨ — Sealana (@Sealana_Token) June 18, 2024 Furthermore, the Solana meme coin introduces a “send-to-wallet” feature alongside a traditional “Buy Now” widget to accommodate different investor preferences. Sealana will launch around the anniversary of the Pepe Coin surge, which might not be a mere coincidence.  Analysts believe that Sealana has the potential to replicate Pepe’s success. It is expected to follow the trajectory of the popular meme coin in 2023 and become the next meme token to generate significant returns for investors. Visit Sealana Presale  3. Froggies (FRGST) FRGST is an innovative token operating on the BNB network. It aims to embody a community-driven meme token that prioritizes stability and vibrancy. With its core mission focused on collaborative building, the token rewards its holders and steadily enhances the community’s utility and usability. Emphasizing “play to earn,” “buy to burn,” and “hold to get rewarded” strategies actively engage users and provide incentives. The roadmap delineates a path toward enhanced functionality and community development, bolstering the long-term viability of Froggies Token. The recent surge in trading volume is remarkable, particularly on the decentralized exchange PancakeSwap, indicating increased market activity. Moreover, the overwhelmingly positive sentiment among users underscores strong community support. Froggies has numerous utilities and benefits for users. It includes staking, play-to-earn, entertainment, DEX integration, and a casino feature. These features make the coin valuable and helpful to users. A good community is like a family, providing support, warmth, and a sense of belonging. As Froggies, we embody this spirit, ensuring that every member feels valued and connected. Here, we’re not just a group; we’re a family. Join us and experience the true essence of community! — Froggies Token Official (@FroggiesToken) June 5, 2024 Furthermore, Noahswap recently partnered with FroggiesToken. Users may now mint $NOAH with $FRGST on Noah Swap. Meanwhile, Froggies completed its first community burn event by burning 80 billion FRGST with a current value of $800. This action consequently drove up the token’s price by 43%.  $FROGGIES has impressively outperformed 88% of the top 100 crypto assets in the past year. Also, its price recently increased by 10,000% before stabilizing. Froggies trades at $0.0000003932. 4. X (X) X is a community-centric cryptocurrency project sparked by Elon Musk’s tweet and the mysterious letter “X.” Functioning as a multichain decentralized NFT marketplace, it is collectively owned and operated by the X community. Governance is facilitated by the X DAO, granting voting privileges to users who have staked their X tokens to obtain the veX governance token.  Artists often need truer stakeholding, with involvement limited to surface-level interactions. The absence of participation in this backing poses significant challenges for artists and collectors. The solution lies in a genuinely decentralized NFT marketplace owned by the NFT community, which is precisely why X was created. This decentralized project was developed to be cross-chain compatible. It does this by seamlessly integrating Ethereum and Fantom, with plans to include additional chains. Moreover, its marketplace allows users to transact based on their preferred chain. X leverages viral marketing, NFT integration, and robust security measures to attract a broad audience while ensuring the platform’s safety. To demonstrate its safety, the project has been fully audited. Also, its tokenism ensures that it remains a deflationary token. Furthermore, its new product, XCALLER, has gained significant traction since its launch. Renowned for its effectiveness, XCALLER is touted as the safest, fastest, and most cost-effective trading solution. Industry experts have endorsed these claims. Users have also verified the trading signals from XCALLER, saying it led to substantial gains. X’s current sentiment is Bullish, while the Fear & Greed Index shows 60 (Greed). It recorded 24/30 (80%) green days with 13.10% price volatility over the last 30 days. $X trades at $0.0003016 today, indicating a 5% price increase. Learn More Best Meme Coins – Full List

Best Meme Coins To Invest In Today Wednesday, June 19 – Dymension, X, Froggies, Sealana

Meme tokens have grown since Dogecoin was introduced into the crypto market. Several notable meme tokens, like Pepe, Shiba Inu, Bonk, and Dogwifhat. They have leveraged Dogecoin’s success to climb to vast market caps, posting remarkable profits that have made several millionaires. 

Consequently, with the achievement of these prominent meme coins, others have entered the market. This analysis features three tokens with the potential to deliver impressive ROI. We will examine what makes them profitable investment selections.

Best Meme Coins to Invest In Today

Analysts predict a continued surge in meme coins in June. The current surge in the value of meme coins, fueled by an increase in investors’ interest, has led many to tag it as the season of meme tokens. Therefore, this analysis offers investors some profitable tokens they could look into. 

Today’s exploration of the best meme coins to invest in includes Dymension, X, and Froggies. We also analyze a presale token, Sealana, which is generating waves in the crypto market. We will analyze the latest developments, market movements, and other circumstances prompting the uptick of these tokens.

1. Dymension (DYM)

Dymension utilizes an L1 blockchain using Proof-of-Stake (PoS) technology. Traditional blockchains faced scalability issues during peak activity, leading to congestion and high fees. Dymension addresses these issues with a modular framework, spreading functions across specialized platforms.

Furthermore, the token’s rollout included an airdrop for eligible EVM, Cosmos, and Solana ecosystems users. Dymension enhances blockchain ecosystems through its modular RollApps. It is powered by the Dymension RollApp Development Kit (RDK), improving security and interoperability.

Moreover, Dymension enables developers to create their rollups, called RollApps. These RollApps offer fast, cheap, customized transactions for different use cases. Dymension also provides a liquidity layer and a data market for RollApps. This feature makes it easier for users to access and exchange tokens across the network. Users can quickly deploy their consensus-free blockchain and accrue more token value.

However, the $DYM token is an integral part of the Dymension ecosystem. The token facilitates transaction processing, staking, and governance on the platform. It is also utilized as a medium for cross-chain value transfer.

🚀 Ready to build your startup? The RollApp Incubator kicks off on 2nd Jul!

Designed for @dymension builders, this 8-week programme offers weekly workshops, personalised sessions & expert guidance to turn your project into a business.

Apply by 21st Jun:

— Encode Club (@encodeclub) June 18, 2024

Moreover, Dymension has collaborated with Chromia. This partnership seeks to enhance fan engagement. It does this through a platform that promises increased security, transparency, and seamless integration. This partnership aims to innovate how fans interact and experience.

Despite occasional dips, Dymension’s current price indicates a 1.2% increase in the last 24 hours. The token is currently priced at $1.63. The prevailing sentiment among investors appears favorable, with a Fear & Greed Index of 79, signifying extreme greed. It suggests that investors are optimistic about Dymension’s future trajectory, anticipating further growth and potential price increases.

2. Sealana (SEAL)

Sealana has demonstrated its potential by raising over $5 million since going live. However, the presale ends in about 5 days. Meanwhile, analysts predict that the token has the potential to go on a 100x trajectory. 

The strength of Sealana lies in its unique and relatable story. It combines popular trends like integrating with Solana and sending coins directly to wallets while staying true to its original and amusing theme.

However, with the project indicating no predetermined hard cap on its website, potential investors should act quickly before it launches. Meanwhile, the token is priced at $0.022 as of the time of writing.

🚀 Send $SOL, and watch #Sealana 🛹 skate his way into the #Solana blockchain! 🌐🦭

The #Presale ends on Tuesday, June 25th at 6 pm UTC! ⏳ Make the most of the time left and push for those dreams of Lambos 🏎️💨 and Freedom! 🗽✨

— Sealana (@Sealana_Token) June 18, 2024

Furthermore, the Solana meme coin introduces a “send-to-wallet” feature alongside a traditional “Buy Now” widget to accommodate different investor preferences. Sealana will launch around the anniversary of the Pepe Coin surge, which might not be a mere coincidence. 

Analysts believe that Sealana has the potential to replicate Pepe’s success. It is expected to follow the trajectory of the popular meme coin in 2023 and become the next meme token to generate significant returns for investors.

Visit Sealana Presale 

3. Froggies (FRGST)

FRGST is an innovative token operating on the BNB network. It aims to embody a community-driven meme token that prioritizes stability and vibrancy. With its core mission focused on collaborative building, the token rewards its holders and steadily enhances the community’s utility and usability.

Emphasizing “play to earn,” “buy to burn,” and “hold to get rewarded” strategies actively engage users and provide incentives. The roadmap delineates a path toward enhanced functionality and community development, bolstering the long-term viability of Froggies Token.

The recent surge in trading volume is remarkable, particularly on the decentralized exchange PancakeSwap, indicating increased market activity. Moreover, the overwhelmingly positive sentiment among users underscores strong community support.

Froggies has numerous utilities and benefits for users. It includes staking, play-to-earn, entertainment, DEX integration, and a casino feature. These features make the coin valuable and helpful to users.

A good community is like a family, providing support, warmth, and a sense of belonging. As Froggies, we embody this spirit, ensuring that every member feels valued and connected. Here, we’re not just a group; we’re a family. Join us and experience the true essence of community!

— Froggies Token Official (@FroggiesToken) June 5, 2024

Furthermore, Noahswap recently partnered with FroggiesToken. Users may now mint $NOAH with $FRGST on Noah Swap. Meanwhile, Froggies completed its first community burn event by burning 80 billion FRGST with a current value of $800. This action consequently drove up the token’s price by 43%. 

$FROGGIES has impressively outperformed 88% of the top 100 crypto assets in the past year. Also, its price recently increased by 10,000% before stabilizing. Froggies trades at $0.0000003932.

4. X (X)

X is a community-centric cryptocurrency project sparked by Elon Musk’s tweet and the mysterious letter “X.” Functioning as a multichain decentralized NFT marketplace, it is collectively owned and operated by the X community. Governance is facilitated by the X DAO, granting voting privileges to users who have staked their X tokens to obtain the veX governance token. 

Artists often need truer stakeholding, with involvement limited to surface-level interactions. The absence of participation in this backing poses significant challenges for artists and collectors. The solution lies in a genuinely decentralized NFT marketplace owned by the NFT community, which is precisely why X was created.

This decentralized project was developed to be cross-chain compatible. It does this by seamlessly integrating Ethereum and Fantom, with plans to include additional chains. Moreover, its marketplace allows users to transact based on their preferred chain.

X leverages viral marketing, NFT integration, and robust security measures to attract a broad audience while ensuring the platform’s safety. To demonstrate its safety, the project has been fully audited. Also, its tokenism ensures that it remains a deflationary token.

Furthermore, its new product, XCALLER, has gained significant traction since its launch. Renowned for its effectiveness, XCALLER is touted as the safest, fastest, and most cost-effective trading solution. Industry experts have endorsed these claims. Users have also verified the trading signals from XCALLER, saying it led to substantial gains.

X’s current sentiment is Bullish, while the Fear & Greed Index shows 60 (Greed). It recorded 24/30 (80%) green days with 13.10% price volatility over the last 30 days. $X trades at $0.0003016 today, indicating a 5% price increase.

Learn More

Best Meme Coins – Full List
BILLY を買うのは遅すぎますか? Billy の価格が 45% 上昇、これが次に爆発する暗号通貨になるかもしれませんビリーの価格は過去24時間で45%上昇し、東部標準時午前6時45分現在、0.05644ドルで取引されており、取引量は232%増加して4,500万ドルとなっている。 ビリー・プライスは上昇チャネル内で徐々に上昇傾向にある BILLY の価格は現在上昇傾向にあり、強気派は上昇チャネルを突破しようとしています。しかし、0.07154 ドルの抵抗が彼らの進歩を止め、弱気派はチャネル内で弱気トレンドで価格を押し下げることができました。 BILLYUSDT (出典: ビリー市場は蓄積の兆しを見せており、強気の投資家は0.07054ドルの主要抵抗に注目している。ビリーがこの水準を超えてローソク足を閉じることができれば、強気のラリーの舞台が整う、堅固な技術的基盤が形成される可能性がある。

BILLY を買うのは遅すぎますか? Billy の価格が 45% 上昇、これが次に爆発する暗号通貨になるかもしれません



BILLY の価格は現在上昇傾向にあり、強気派は上昇チャネルを突破しようとしています。しかし、0.07154 ドルの抵抗が彼らの進歩を止め、弱気派はチャネル内で弱気トレンドで価格を押し下げることができました。


5 Best Altcoins to Buy Now June 19 –, Toncoin, Conflux, Immutable X Stakeholders have started to pay more attention to interoperability and tokenizing real-world assets. The values of these altcoins are surging despite the market’s bearish sentiment. The objective is to identify the best altcoins investors can invest in.  With the excitement building for this year’s bull run, investors need to know the significant altcoins poised for gains in the market. This article overviews altcoins gaining popularity in the growing crypto market. These coins have unique features and the potential to generate massive gains for investors. 5 Best Altcoin to Buy Now  Immutable X’s holders are structuring their portfolios ahead of a proposed partnership deal. The token displays robust resilience, with the Fear and Greed Index registering 76. Meanwhile,’s impressive 16% surge in 24 hours signals a distinct shift in investor sentiment towards the token. Furthermore, Bitcoin’s recent blockchain ventures are gaining notice. Among them is 99Bitcoins, a Learn-to-Earn token that has swiftly gained popularity since its presale commenced. 99Bitcoins has raised over $2.2 million, indicating significant interest in this novel concept. 1. Conflux (CFX) Meta Intelligence and Conflux have entered into a partnership deal to launch a digital human NFT. These NFTs are based on real individuals, offering an innovative way to access the Metaverse. Also, the team has announced the upgrade to Hydra Version 2.3.5. This upgrade strengthens node compatibility, stability, and transaction handling while enabling faster reboots and improved snapshot support. CFX’s price indicates that bulls have ignited a solid buying pressure as CFX overturned selling confidence by heading toward the $0.19 mark. Further analysis revealed that sellers are strongly defending a decline as the 24-hour volume has seen an uptick to $11.2 million, indicating a heightened interest in trading activity today.  Meanwhile, CFX trades at $0.18 today, signifying a 3.7% increase in the last 24 hours. The RSI-14 trend line has risen from its last level to trade above the midline, implying more bullish tendencies. Moreover, the SMA-14 level suggests volatility due to its market cap in the next few hours.  🎁 The NFTs released this time are divided into standard and copyright editions. Users who hold the standard edition will receive a commemorative frame featuring the same NFT image. Those who hold the copyright edition will not only receive a deluxe gift package but also a… — Conflux Network Official (@Conflux_Network) June 17, 2024 Furthermore, the hourly price movement shows that Conflux struggles to hold above the immediate support line; however, bulls are eyeing further recovery in the upcoming hours. If CFX’s price successfully holds its momentum above $0.2085, it will fuel a bullish rally to $0.2425. Moreover, the MACD movement has formed bullish candles above the signal line. The MACD indicator aims for a positive momentum to strengthen long-position holders’ confidence. Besides, the recent approval of spot Ether ETF might stimulate the surge of Chinese crypto tokens, and we might witness an uptick in CFX prices in the coming days. 2. (FET) Elon Musk’s support for crypto AI through his tweets has dramatically influenced the position and growth of Meanwhile, the token has collaborated with SingularityNET and Ocean Protocol to form the Artificial Superintelligence Alliance. The Alliance is set to be launched on July 15.  The collaboration will see FET, AGIX, and OCEAN tokens combined into ASI on July 15, although the tokens will continue trading independently until the merger. Furthermore, the protocol leaders have stressed the Alliance’s dedication to building a decentralized superintelligence network.  Meanwhile, the current VM ratio of the FET indicates a bullish momentum in the token’s price. FET is currently trading near the value of $1.25, with an intraday increase of 16%. The token also trades at 216.58% and 667% above its YTD and post-launch value, respectively.  We are extremely excited to be supporting Outlier Ventures @OVioHQ with their AI x Crypto Base Camp program🚀 Congratulations to the startups that have been selected! We look forward to supporting your journey✨ @axonexyz @dricity_ai @FungiAgent @redpill_gpt @statelessapi… — (@Fetch_ai) June 18, 2024 Meanwhile, FET is currently in a solid bullish upward climb. It is trading above the 50 and 100 EMAs on the 24-hour chart. However, the upward ascent of the token can see a break near the $1.8 mark, while the support of might move closer to $1. 3. Toncoin (TON) TON, the native token of The Open Network, has had one of the best performances this cycle. The token hit a new all-time high (ATH) thrice between Friday and today and flipped Ethereum’s active users this week. Investors believe this breakout and recent performance could set the stage for a rally toward the $10 mark. Analysis of Toncoin’s price movement indicates that the token was on the verge of a significant breakout. The 24-hour price movement shows an ascending triangle pattern on TON’s chart. This formation implies the token is gearing up for a 40% breakout to reclaim the $8 price mark. The token tested the $7.7 resistance level, surpassing its all-time high of $7.76 before retracting today. TON had seen a price rally, briefly breaking above the $8 resistance level. After setting its new ATH, Toncoin retraced below the $8 mark. The token hovers between the $6.5 and $7.9 price range today. Moreover, TON displays a 7.7% and 17.6% increase in the weekly and monthly timeframes. In the latest feature of TON Culture Kings, where we dive into the wild world of memecoins and community projects on #TON, we interviewed @arbuz_ton 🍉 Discover how $ARBUZ is making waves by offering users a fresh and fun way to earn juicy rewards ➡️ — TON 💎 (@ton_blockchain) June 19, 2024 Meanwhile, Toncoin’s performance highlights its green days amid the market slowdown. This recent performance has caught the attention of market players. Several analysts predict a double-digit target for the token before June ends. The bullish sentiment toward TON has set the next target for the token above the $10 price range. Due to its real-life use and adoption, Toncoin recently surpassed Ethereum in daily active addresses. This feat was attributed to its integration with Telegram and its 900 million user base. This highlights TON’s performance and the community’s optimism in closing its gap with Solana. 4. Immutable X (IMX) Immutable X emerges as Ethereum’s premier layer-two NFT scaling solution, addressing scalability, user experience, market liquidity, and development speed. The platform offers a streamlined and efficient framework for NFT transactions and applications, overcoming Ethereum’s inherent constraints.  Immutable has recently experienced a significant price rally, marking a 175% increase over the last year. Speculation suggests that IMX could surge by 50,000%, reaching unprecedented highs. This upward trajectory positions Immutable as a promising player in the NFT space. Immutable’s price has increased by 8.3% in the last 24 hours, indicating a significant bullish trend. The token has posted 25 green days in the last 30 days and trades above its 200-day SMA. Also, the Fear and Greed index displays greed. .@immutable has now signed more well funded games in the first 5 months of 2024 than all of 2023 (record year). 147 – or nearly a game a day. Immutable zkEVM launched in beta ~3 months ago. This is the impact of 3-4 games + gems We have 60+ games launching over next 5 months. — Robbie Ferguson 🅧 | Immutable (@0xferg) June 19, 2024 In summary, IMX’s growth is attributed to increased trading activity and heightened investor interest. Immutable’s emphasis on scalability and user-friendly solutions for developers and gamers has strengthened its position in the market, suggesting potential for further gains if the current momentum sustains. 5. 99Bitcoins (99BTC) 99Bitcoins continues to attract attention for its built-in staking protocol. It also offers a yield of 1,140% per year and has been fully audited by SolidProof. As the presale continues, the potential for 99Bitcoins looks promising. The approval of spot ETH ETFs in the US could drive capital into the crypto market, boosting demand for tokens like 99BTC. Moreover, the project has raised over $2.2 million in its ongoing presale. Its innovative “Learn-to-Earn” strategy is aimed at transforming crypto education. Rather than passively absorbing content, users will engage with courses. These courses will include quizzes and interactive tutorials to earn 99BTC tokens, providing financial incentives for learning. Meanwhile, the gamified Learn-to-Earn feature is just the beginning for 99Bitcoins Token. Its developers have announced plans to migrate 99BTC from the ERC-20 chain to the BRC-20 chain. This strategic move aims to create a cross-chain bridge protocol for the project.  🎉 Exciting milestone alert! 🎉 We have now raised over $2.2 MILLION in our $99BTC presale! 🚀 Secure your spot now before the #Presale price increases! 👀 Don’t miss out—get started today! 👉 #BTC #Crypto #L2E — 99Bitcoins (@99BitcoinsHQ) June 17, 2024 Furthermore, this transition could position 99Bitcoins as a disruptive force in crypto. It will also ensure it attracts significant attention from Bitcoin maximalists. The project’s $99,999 BTC airdrop campaign has also fueled presale excitement, with 99 early adopters set to share in the prize pool. Visit 99Bitcoins Presale Learn More Best Altcoin to Invest in Today Our Previous Best Altcoin to Invest in Today Post 

5 Best Altcoins to Buy Now June 19 –, Toncoin, Conflux, Immutable X 

Stakeholders have started to pay more attention to interoperability and tokenizing real-world assets. The values of these altcoins are surging despite the market’s bearish sentiment. The objective is to identify the best altcoins investors can invest in. 

With the excitement building for this year’s bull run, investors need to know the significant altcoins poised for gains in the market. This article overviews altcoins gaining popularity in the growing crypto market. These coins have unique features and the potential to generate massive gains for investors.

5 Best Altcoin to Buy Now 

Immutable X’s holders are structuring their portfolios ahead of a proposed partnership deal. The token displays robust resilience, with the Fear and Greed Index registering 76. Meanwhile,’s impressive 16% surge in 24 hours signals a distinct shift in investor sentiment towards the token.

Furthermore, Bitcoin’s recent blockchain ventures are gaining notice. Among them is 99Bitcoins, a Learn-to-Earn token that has swiftly gained popularity since its presale commenced. 99Bitcoins has raised over $2.2 million, indicating significant interest in this novel concept.

1. Conflux (CFX)

Meta Intelligence and Conflux have entered into a partnership deal to launch a digital human NFT. These NFTs are based on real individuals, offering an innovative way to access the Metaverse. Also, the team has announced the upgrade to Hydra Version 2.3.5. This upgrade strengthens node compatibility, stability, and transaction handling while enabling faster reboots and improved snapshot support.

CFX’s price indicates that bulls have ignited a solid buying pressure as CFX overturned selling confidence by heading toward the $0.19 mark. Further analysis revealed that sellers are strongly defending a decline as the 24-hour volume has seen an uptick to $11.2 million, indicating a heightened interest in trading activity today. 

Meanwhile, CFX trades at $0.18 today, signifying a 3.7% increase in the last 24 hours. The RSI-14 trend line has risen from its last level to trade above the midline, implying more bullish tendencies. Moreover, the SMA-14 level suggests volatility due to its market cap in the next few hours. 

🎁 The NFTs released this time are divided into standard and copyright editions. Users who hold the standard edition will receive a commemorative frame featuring the same NFT image. Those who hold the copyright edition will not only receive a deluxe gift package but also a…

— Conflux Network Official (@Conflux_Network) June 17, 2024

Furthermore, the hourly price movement shows that Conflux struggles to hold above the immediate support line; however, bulls are eyeing further recovery in the upcoming hours. If CFX’s price successfully holds its momentum above $0.2085, it will fuel a bullish rally to $0.2425.

Moreover, the MACD movement has formed bullish candles above the signal line. The MACD indicator aims for a positive momentum to strengthen long-position holders’ confidence. Besides, the recent approval of spot Ether ETF might stimulate the surge of Chinese crypto tokens, and we might witness an uptick in CFX prices in the coming days.

2. (FET)

Elon Musk’s support for crypto AI through his tweets has dramatically influenced the position and growth of Meanwhile, the token has collaborated with SingularityNET and Ocean Protocol to form the Artificial Superintelligence Alliance. The Alliance is set to be launched on July 15. 

The collaboration will see FET, AGIX, and OCEAN tokens combined into ASI on July 15, although the tokens will continue trading independently until the merger. Furthermore, the protocol leaders have stressed the Alliance’s dedication to building a decentralized superintelligence network. 

Meanwhile, the current VM ratio of the FET indicates a bullish momentum in the token’s price. FET is currently trading near the value of $1.25, with an intraday increase of 16%. The token also trades at 216.58% and 667% above its YTD and post-launch value, respectively. 

We are extremely excited to be supporting Outlier Ventures @OVioHQ with their AI x Crypto Base Camp program🚀
Congratulations to the startups that have been selected! We look forward to supporting your journey✨ @axonexyz @dricity_ai @FungiAgent @redpill_gpt @statelessapi…

— (@Fetch_ai) June 18, 2024

Meanwhile, FET is currently in a solid bullish upward climb. It is trading above the 50 and 100 EMAs on the 24-hour chart. However, the upward ascent of the token can see a break near the $1.8 mark, while the support of might move closer to $1.

3. Toncoin (TON)

TON, the native token of The Open Network, has had one of the best performances this cycle. The token hit a new all-time high (ATH) thrice between Friday and today and flipped Ethereum’s active users this week. Investors believe this breakout and recent performance could set the stage for a rally toward the $10 mark.

Analysis of Toncoin’s price movement indicates that the token was on the verge of a significant breakout. The 24-hour price movement shows an ascending triangle pattern on TON’s chart. This formation implies the token is gearing up for a 40% breakout to reclaim the $8 price mark.

The token tested the $7.7 resistance level, surpassing its all-time high of $7.76 before retracting today. TON had seen a price rally, briefly breaking above the $8 resistance level. After setting its new ATH, Toncoin retraced below the $8 mark. The token hovers between the $6.5 and $7.9 price range today. Moreover, TON displays a 7.7% and 17.6% increase in the weekly and monthly timeframes.

In the latest feature of TON Culture Kings, where we dive into the wild world of memecoins and community projects on #TON, we interviewed @arbuz_ton 🍉

Discover how $ARBUZ is making waves by offering users a fresh and fun way to earn juicy rewards ➡️

— TON 💎 (@ton_blockchain) June 19, 2024

Meanwhile, Toncoin’s performance highlights its green days amid the market slowdown. This recent performance has caught the attention of market players. Several analysts predict a double-digit target for the token before June ends. The bullish sentiment toward TON has set the next target for the token above the $10 price range.

Due to its real-life use and adoption, Toncoin recently surpassed Ethereum in daily active addresses. This feat was attributed to its integration with Telegram and its 900 million user base. This highlights TON’s performance and the community’s optimism in closing its gap with Solana.

4. Immutable X (IMX)

Immutable X emerges as Ethereum’s premier layer-two NFT scaling solution, addressing scalability, user experience, market liquidity, and development speed. The platform offers a streamlined and efficient framework for NFT transactions and applications, overcoming Ethereum’s inherent constraints. 

Immutable has recently experienced a significant price rally, marking a 175% increase over the last year. Speculation suggests that IMX could surge by 50,000%, reaching unprecedented highs. This upward trajectory positions Immutable as a promising player in the NFT space.

Immutable’s price has increased by 8.3% in the last 24 hours, indicating a significant bullish trend. The token has posted 25 green days in the last 30 days and trades above its 200-day SMA. Also, the Fear and Greed index displays greed.

.@immutable has now signed more well funded games in the first 5 months of 2024 than all of 2023 (record year). 147 – or nearly a game a day.

Immutable zkEVM launched in beta ~3 months ago. This is the impact of 3-4 games + gems

We have 60+ games launching over next 5 months.

— Robbie Ferguson 🅧 | Immutable (@0xferg) June 19, 2024

In summary, IMX’s growth is attributed to increased trading activity and heightened investor interest. Immutable’s emphasis on scalability and user-friendly solutions for developers and gamers has strengthened its position in the market, suggesting potential for further gains if the current momentum sustains.

5. 99Bitcoins (99BTC)

99Bitcoins continues to attract attention for its built-in staking protocol. It also offers a yield of 1,140% per year and has been fully audited by SolidProof. As the presale continues, the potential for 99Bitcoins looks promising. The approval of spot ETH ETFs in the US could drive capital into the crypto market, boosting demand for tokens like 99BTC.

Moreover, the project has raised over $2.2 million in its ongoing presale. Its innovative “Learn-to-Earn” strategy is aimed at transforming crypto education. Rather than passively absorbing content, users will engage with courses. These courses will include quizzes and interactive tutorials to earn 99BTC tokens, providing financial incentives for learning.

Meanwhile, the gamified Learn-to-Earn feature is just the beginning for 99Bitcoins Token. Its developers have announced plans to migrate 99BTC from the ERC-20 chain to the BRC-20 chain. This strategic move aims to create a cross-chain bridge protocol for the project. 

🎉 Exciting milestone alert! 🎉

We have now raised over $2.2 MILLION in our $99BTC presale! 🚀

Secure your spot now before the #Presale price increases! 👀

Don’t miss out—get started today!
👉 #BTC #Crypto #L2E

— 99Bitcoins (@99BitcoinsHQ) June 17, 2024

Furthermore, this transition could position 99Bitcoins as a disruptive force in crypto. It will also ensure it attracts significant attention from Bitcoin maximalists. The project’s $99,999 BTC airdrop campaign has also fueled presale excitement, with 99 early adopters set to share in the prize pool.

Visit 99Bitcoins Presale

Learn More

Best Altcoin to Invest in Today

Our Previous Best Altcoin to Invest in Today Post 
Why PlayDoge Could Be the Best Play-to-Earn Token to Invest in Now – New 10X Crypto PresalePlayDoge presale experiences rapid growth even as the crypto market declines, surpassing milestones and building a strong community. PlayDoge recently showcased its solid community backing by raising $4.8 million at the time of writing. This impressive fundraising feat highlights the growing interest and confidence in the project. This new venture combines the iconic Doge meme with a nostalgic, Tamagotchi-style virtual pet game, offering a unique blend of entertainment and potential financial rewards. Harnessing PlayDoge’s Staking Rewards During the Crypto Market Downturn The broader crypto market, including meme coins, is currently experiencing a downturn following a period of rapid growth and exuberance. However, this lull presents a strategic opportunity for investors to position themselves ahead of potential bullish trends expected in the latter part of 2024. PlayDoge offers a fresh and innovative take on the play-to-earn (P2E) meme coin market, merging nostalgic gameplay with the potential for crypto rewards. Players can enjoy a retro experience by caring for an 8-bit Doge pet, feeding it, and playing mini-games. The unique aspect is the ability to earn $PLAY tokens based on how attentively players nurture their virtual companion, presenting a novel way to earn crypto rewards through gameplay. Beyond gaming, PlayDoge provides an additional earning avenue through its integrated staking protocol, which currently offers an impressive estimated annual yield of 151%. This has led to over 124 million $PLAY tokens being locked up for staking. Players can utilize a dual strategy by earning tokens through gameplay and subsequently staking them to accumulate substantial rewards. To facilitate this process, 12% of the total supply has been designated to fund the staking rewards pool. PlayDoge has recently expanded its staking feature, now available on both Binance and Ethereum chains. This move aims to enable a broader user base to earn rewards by staking $PLAY tokens. Although staking rewards may differ between chains, this offers a valuable opportunity for users to earn additional rewards through staking $PLAY tokens. The project’s roadmap includes future phases focused on development, marketing expansion, and potential ecosystem growth, indicating a robust strategy for long-term success. For more updates and detailed analysis on PlayDoge presale view the video above and make sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel. Also join Jacob Bury Discord server for trading advice and updates on the upcoming crypto presales. Maximize Your Returns – Invest in PlayDoge Before the Next Price Hike Despite the prevailing market volatility, the $PLAY token presale is attracting significant demand and performing exceptionally well. For those looking to capitalize on the project’s potential before the game launch, the PlayDoge presale offers a ground-floor opportunity. Currently priced at $0.0051, the next price increase is less than 24 hours away. Investors can purchase tokens using $BNB, $ETH, and $USDT (ERC-20 and BEP-20). PlayDoge has implemented a fair distribution model, ensuring $PLAY tokens cannot be traded on unofficial markets during the presale. This guarantees that all investors receive their tokens only after the presale ends. PlayDoge Meme Coin Hits New Heights with $4.5M Presale Raise, Analyst Forecasts Big Gains @PlayDogeGame — News (@BTCTN) June 17, 2024 Presale investors must manually claim their tokens by returning to the PlayDoge website, connecting their wallet, and confirming when the claim function opens. Once the presale concludes, PlayDoge will list $PLAY on a decentralized exchanges (DEXs). In the subsequent phase, PlayDoge plans to secure listings on centralized exchanges (CEXs), although specific platforms have yet to be announced. For latest update on the PlayDoge presale follow their X account or join their Telegram channel. To take part in the $PLAY token presale visit Related Best Meme Coins To Buy Today Monday, June 17 – Mong, Banano, TG.Casino, PlayDoge Is the Fusion of Play-to-Earn and Meme Coin in PlayDoge the Next 10X Crypto Contender? Tamagotchi Crypto Remake PlayDoge Unveils Ethereum Staking And Multi-Chain Bridging After Raising Almost $4m In First Two Weeks Top Meme Coins To Watch Today Friday, June 14 – LiteDoge, GameStop, Kingdomverse, PlayDoge

Why PlayDoge Could Be the Best Play-to-Earn Token to Invest in Now – New 10X Crypto Presale

PlayDoge presale experiences rapid growth even as the crypto market declines, surpassing milestones and building a strong community.

PlayDoge recently showcased its solid community backing by raising $4.8 million at the time of writing. This impressive fundraising feat highlights the growing interest and confidence in the project.

This new venture combines the iconic Doge meme with a nostalgic, Tamagotchi-style virtual pet game, offering a unique blend of entertainment and potential financial rewards.

Harnessing PlayDoge’s Staking Rewards During the Crypto Market Downturn

The broader crypto market, including meme coins, is currently experiencing a downturn following a period of rapid growth and exuberance. However, this lull presents a strategic opportunity for investors to position themselves ahead of potential bullish trends expected in the latter part of 2024.

PlayDoge offers a fresh and innovative take on the play-to-earn (P2E) meme coin market, merging nostalgic gameplay with the potential for crypto rewards. Players can enjoy a retro experience by caring for an 8-bit Doge pet, feeding it, and playing mini-games.

The unique aspect is the ability to earn $PLAY tokens based on how attentively players nurture their virtual companion, presenting a novel way to earn crypto rewards through gameplay.

Beyond gaming, PlayDoge provides an additional earning avenue through its integrated staking protocol, which currently offers an impressive estimated annual yield of 151%. This has led to over 124 million $PLAY tokens being locked up for staking.

Players can utilize a dual strategy by earning tokens through gameplay and subsequently staking them to accumulate substantial rewards. To facilitate this process, 12% of the total supply has been designated to fund the staking rewards pool.

PlayDoge has recently expanded its staking feature, now available on both Binance and Ethereum chains. This move aims to enable a broader user base to earn rewards by staking $PLAY tokens.

Although staking rewards may differ between chains, this offers a valuable opportunity for users to earn additional rewards through staking $PLAY tokens.

The project’s roadmap includes future phases focused on development, marketing expansion, and potential ecosystem growth, indicating a robust strategy for long-term success.

For more updates and detailed analysis on PlayDoge presale view the video above and make sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel. Also join Jacob Bury Discord server for trading advice and updates on the upcoming crypto presales.

Maximize Your Returns – Invest in PlayDoge Before the Next Price Hike

Despite the prevailing market volatility, the $PLAY token presale is attracting significant demand and performing exceptionally well. For those looking to capitalize on the project’s potential before the game launch, the PlayDoge presale offers a ground-floor opportunity.

Currently priced at $0.0051, the next price increase is less than 24 hours away. Investors can purchase tokens using $BNB, $ETH, and $USDT (ERC-20 and BEP-20).

PlayDoge has implemented a fair distribution model, ensuring $PLAY tokens cannot be traded on unofficial markets during the presale. This guarantees that all investors receive their tokens only after the presale ends.

PlayDoge Meme Coin Hits New Heights with $4.5M Presale Raise, Analyst Forecasts Big Gains @PlayDogeGame

— News (@BTCTN) June 17, 2024

Presale investors must manually claim their tokens by returning to the PlayDoge website, connecting their wallet, and confirming when the claim function opens. Once the presale concludes, PlayDoge will list $PLAY on a decentralized exchanges (DEXs).

In the subsequent phase, PlayDoge plans to secure listings on centralized exchanges (CEXs), although specific platforms have yet to be announced. For latest update on the PlayDoge presale follow their X account or join their Telegram channel. To take part in the $PLAY token presale visit


Best Meme Coins To Buy Today Monday, June 17 – Mong, Banano, TG.Casino, PlayDoge

Is the Fusion of Play-to-Earn and Meme Coin in PlayDoge the Next 10X Crypto Contender?

Tamagotchi Crypto Remake PlayDoge Unveils Ethereum Staking And Multi-Chain Bridging After Raising Almost $4m In First Two Weeks

Top Meme Coins To Watch Today Friday, June 14 – LiteDoge, GameStop, Kingdomverse, PlayDoge
Ethereum Name Service Price Surges 16% As The SEC Drops Its Ethereum 2.0 Probe And This AI Meme C...The Ethereum Name Service price surged 16% in the last 24 hours to trade at $26.08 as of 05:23 a.m. EST on trading volume that rose 26% to $288 million. The pump comes after Consensys said that the US Securities and Exchange Commission is dropping its investigation into whether Ethereum is a security. After the announcement, the Ethereum price surged, breaching the critical resistance level at $3,500. The surge seen in Ethereum was also evident in other ERC-20 tokens, as the Consensys news was seen easing recent concerns about potential securities law violations. After @Consensys posted that the #SEC had closed its investigation into #Ethereum 2.0, the whale bought another 5,603 $ETH($19.6M). The whale has withdrawn 16,604 $ETH($59M) at an average price of $3,600 from #Binance since May 30. — Lookonchain (@lookonchain) June 19, 2024 At the beginning of June, the ENS bulls failed to capitalize on the rounding bottom pattern to push the price of Ethereum Name Service over the $28.57 resistance, with the token retracing to the $19.67 support, according to data from GeckoTerminal. However, the ENS price seems to be rebounding, forming the handle part of the cup and handle pattern, which could see the Ethereum Name Service price breach its resistance. Ethereum Name Service Price Prediction ENSUSD Chart Analysis Source: The Ethereum Name Service trades well above both the 50-day and 200-day Simple Moving Averages (SMAs), which is a confirmation of the bullish prospects. Moreover, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) trades up as it hurtles towards the 70-overbought region, currently trading at 61, indicating intense buying pressure as the bulls remain optimistic. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is also bullish, with the blue MACD line crossing over the orange signal line, a representation of a bullish crossover. A bullish crossover, with the green bars on the histogram beginning to form over the zero line, is a signal for investors to add to their positions, which could propel the token. Ethereum Name Service Prediction As per the Ethereum Name Service price analysis, ENS shows strong bullish prospects, as the bulls capitalize on the major technical indicators to buy more. The 50-day SMA is also crossing above the 200-day SMA, forming a golden cross at $17.47, affirming the general upside potential. In such a scenario, if the bulls take control of the token to push it over the $28.57 resistance, the long-term target is set at $45. However, with the RSI and MACD showing that the token is being overbought, there may be an incoming price correction, which could drive the token down to the support zone around $20.05 and $18.29 (50-day and 200-day SMAs, respectively). Even as the ENS price soars, some investors are diversifying their portfolios with a token that merges AI and blockchain technology. It’s called WienerAI (WAI) and the 99Bitcoins YouTube channel says it could potentially soar 100X after its launch. WienerAI Presale Surges Past $6 Million WienerAI (WAI), a new AI-powered meme coin project, is surpassing expectations. Despite its humorous name, the token has already raised over $6 million in its limited-time token presale phase. More Wieners every day – Our WienerAI family is growing fast! 🐾 More holders = More excitement for our launch! Ready to join the pack? 🌭🚀 — WienerAI (@WienerDogAI) June 13, 2024 One reason behind its success is a plan to introduce an innovative trading bot that uses predictive technology and a user-friendly interface to give token holders advice on when to buy and sell crypto. More than just a bot–WienerAI is your ultimate crypto trading companion. We're delighted to share some sneak peeks with our incredible and supportive community. (1/4) — WienerAI (@WienerDogAI) June 11, 2024 WienerAi is following in the paw prints of another recent token launch by the name of Scotty the AI (SCOTTY), which garnered over $10 million in its presale. The WAI project also allows holders to earn passively through its staking function, which provides an annual percentage yield (APY) of 205%. You can be part of the presale by buying WAI tokens for $0.00072 each. But hurry as the price will increase in a little more than two days. Buy WAI tokens on the official website here using ETH, BNB, USDT, or a bank card. Related News  🚀💰 Are Crypto Presales Worth It? The Pros and Cons You Need to Know! 💸🤔  🚀 Bitcoin Price Prediction: Experts Forecast Bullish Trends for 2024 📈💰 Best Crypto Apps – Top 7 Crypto Trading App Platforms

Ethereum Name Service Price Surges 16% As The SEC Drops Its Ethereum 2.0 Probe And This AI Meme C...

The Ethereum Name Service price surged 16% in the last 24 hours to trade at $26.08 as of 05:23 a.m. EST on trading volume that rose 26% to $288 million.

The pump comes after Consensys said that the US Securities and Exchange Commission is dropping its investigation into whether Ethereum is a security. After the announcement, the Ethereum price surged, breaching the critical resistance level at $3,500.

The surge seen in Ethereum was also evident in other ERC-20 tokens, as the Consensys news was seen easing recent concerns about potential securities law violations.

After @Consensys posted that the #SEC had closed its investigation into #Ethereum 2.0, the whale bought another 5,603 $ETH($19.6M).

The whale has withdrawn 16,604 $ETH($59M) at an average price of $3,600 from #Binance since May 30.

— Lookonchain (@lookonchain) June 19, 2024

At the beginning of June, the ENS bulls failed to capitalize on the rounding bottom pattern to push the price of Ethereum Name Service over the $28.57 resistance, with the token retracing to the $19.67 support, according to data from GeckoTerminal.

However, the ENS price seems to be rebounding, forming the handle part of the cup and handle pattern, which could see the Ethereum Name Service price breach its resistance.

Ethereum Name Service Price Prediction

ENSUSD Chart Analysis Source:

The Ethereum Name Service trades well above both the 50-day and 200-day Simple Moving Averages (SMAs), which is a confirmation of the bullish prospects.

Moreover, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) trades up as it hurtles towards the 70-overbought region, currently trading at 61, indicating intense buying pressure as the bulls remain optimistic.

The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is also bullish, with the blue MACD line crossing over the orange signal line, a representation of a bullish crossover. A bullish crossover, with the green bars on the histogram beginning to form over the zero line, is a signal for investors to add to their positions, which could propel the token.

Ethereum Name Service Prediction

As per the Ethereum Name Service price analysis, ENS shows strong bullish prospects, as the bulls capitalize on the major technical indicators to buy more.

The 50-day SMA is also crossing above the 200-day SMA, forming a golden cross at $17.47, affirming the general upside potential.

In such a scenario, if the bulls take control of the token to push it over the $28.57 resistance, the long-term target is set at $45.

However, with the RSI and MACD showing that the token is being overbought, there may be an incoming price correction, which could drive the token down to the support zone around $20.05 and $18.29 (50-day and 200-day SMAs, respectively).

Even as the ENS price soars, some investors are diversifying their portfolios with a token that merges AI and blockchain technology.

It’s called WienerAI (WAI) and the 99Bitcoins YouTube channel says it could potentially soar 100X after its launch.

WienerAI Presale Surges Past $6 Million

WienerAI (WAI), a new AI-powered meme coin project, is surpassing expectations. Despite its humorous name, the token has already raised over $6 million in its limited-time token presale phase.

More Wieners every day – Our WienerAI family is growing fast! 🐾

More holders = More excitement for our launch!

Ready to join the pack? 🌭🚀

— WienerAI (@WienerDogAI) June 13, 2024

One reason behind its success is a plan to introduce an innovative trading bot that uses predictive technology and a user-friendly interface to give token holders advice on when to buy and sell crypto.

More than just a bot–WienerAI is your ultimate crypto trading companion.

We're delighted to share some sneak peeks with our incredible and supportive community. (1/4)

— WienerAI (@WienerDogAI) June 11, 2024

WienerAi is following in the paw prints of another recent token launch by the name of Scotty the AI (SCOTTY), which garnered over $10 million in its presale.

The WAI project also allows holders to earn passively through its staking function, which provides an annual percentage yield (APY) of 205%.

You can be part of the presale by buying WAI tokens for $0.00072 each. But hurry as the price will increase in a little more than two days.

Buy WAI tokens on the official website here using ETH, BNB, USDT, or a bank card.

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Top Trending Cryptos on Solana Chain Today – Tooker Kurlson, Gummy, Fatality CoinThe Solana chain is seeing growing competition across the market, particularly from the TON ecosystem. Ton emerged as one of the best-performing cryptocurrencies despite the overall shift in the crypto market sentiment.  However, the top trending cryptocurrencies on the Solana chain maintain their intriguing pumps. Some of these tokens have posted price movements that outperform the market by the broad market. Today’s post examines the factors that contribute to the gains of these tokens and provides insight into their market data.  Top Trending Cryptos on Solana Chain This article also includes a special mention of the Sealana presale, an upcoming project that’s earmarked to go live in about seven days. As a meme coin, it projects a fun narrative and focuses on driving its value through community effort. The details of the token’s presale offering and other information are provided below.  1. Tooker kurlson (TOOKER) The Tooker Kurlson project, launched on Solana on March 10, 2024, is quickly gaining significant traction and community engagement. Since its debut, the project has achieved impressive milestones, including acquiring over 47,000 holders, reaching a market cap of $30 million, and generating $3.15 million in 24-hour trading volume. One of Tooker Kurlson’s standout features is its unique focus on powerful mock interviews within the meme culture space. This approach resonated well with the community, leading to high engagement through multiple AMAs, engaging videos, and an extensive collection of memes. The robust and active community further strengthens the project’s appeal. Moreover, the price of Tooker Kurlson (TOOKER) is $0.02268, with a 24-hour trading volume of $832,870.70. Despite a slight 0.85% increase in the last 24 hours, the token has experienced a -32.77% decline over the past seven days. With a circulating supply of 970 million TOOKER tokens, the project is currently valued at a market cap of $22,019,708. 🎬 Today, the Tooker team celebrates a milestone: our 100th video! A massive THANK YOU to our community for being on this journey with us. It's genuinely hard to believe it's only been just over 3 months since we launched. This is just the beginning. The Tooker universe is… — tooker kurlson (@tookerkurlson) June 15, 2024 TOOKER tokens are available for trading on both decentralized and centralized exchanges. The most popular exchange for buying and trading TOOKER is Raydium, where the TOOKER/SOL trading pair has seen a 24-hour trading volume of $434,663. Other popular exchanges include Raydium (CLMM) and XT.COM. Overall, Tooker Kurlson is making a notable impact on the Solana ecosystem. Its innovative approach, strong community engagement, and strategic trading presence make it a project to watch. 2. Gummy (GUMMY) $GUMMY—a meme coin themed as a 420 weed gummy bea— is poised to impact the Solana ecosystem significantly. Unlike many cryptocurrencies that take themselves too seriously, $GUMMY brings a fun and lighthearted approach to the crypto world. It aims to show that sometimes, the sweetest returns come from not sweating the small stuff. Meanwhile, the price of GUMMY is $0.04228, with a 24-hour trading volume of $6,302,444.95. This represents a notable 25.30% increase in price over the last 24 hours. However, it has seen a 30.01% decline over the past seven days. These fluctuations highlight the volatile yet potentially rewarding nature of investing in $GUMMY. Furthermore, $GUMMY tokens can be traded on decentralized and centralized exchanges. Raydium is the most popular exchange for trading GUMMY, where the most active trading pair, GUMMY/SOL, has a 24-hour trading volume of $945,370. Other popular exchanges for trading GUMMY include HTX and Bybit. Not seeing your staked $GUMMY? Click on the staked/locked and it will refresh to the accurate amount. Let me know if that worked fam 👇🏼 — GUMMY (@gummyonsolana) June 18, 2024 In summary, $GUMMY is not just another meme coin; it is a token with a dedicated community and a unique, fun approach to the crypto market. Its recent performance and availability on multiple trading platforms make it an exciting option for investors looking to diversify their portfolios within the Solana ecosystem. 3. Fatality Coin (FATALITY) $FATALITY is proving to be more than just another fleeting meme coin. With a dedicated community and innovative utilities like the $FATALITY Rank Bot, $FATALITY helps projects reach DexScreener’s top 10. It is positioning itself as a strategic player in the Solana ecosystem. Today, the price of Fatality Coin (FATALITY) stands at $0.009434, with a 24-hour trading volume of $49,224.53. This represents a significant 50.40% price increase in the last 24 hours. However, a 16.05% decline has also been seen in the past seven days. When comparing performance, $FATALITY has underperformed against the global cryptocurrency market, which is down -4.10%. Moreover, it has also lagged behind similar Solana ecosystem cryptocurrencies, up 16.20%. FATALITY tokens can be traded on decentralized exchanges. The most popular exchange is Raydium, where the FATALITY/SOL trading pair saw a 24-hour trading volume of $49,256.59. In summary, while $FATALITY has faced some challenges recently, its strong community and unique features, like the $FATALITY Rank Bot, could help it gain a more significant foothold in the Solana ecosystem. As always, potential investors should monitor market trends and developments. What Might Be The Next Top Trending  Crypto Despite growing pessimism and declining crypto trading volume, meme culture still engulfs the crypto market. Recently, some of the top trending cryptocurrencies in the market are predominantly meme coins. Upcoming cryptos like the Sealana project are also making thrilling progress with the presale offering of their native cryptocurrencies.  🚀 Send $SOL, and watch #Sealana 🛹 skate his way into the #Solana blockchain! 🌐🦭 The #Presale ends on Tuesday, June 25th at 6 pm UTC! ⏳ Make the most of the time left and push for those dreams of Lambos 🏎️💨 and Freedom! 🗽✨ — Sealana (@Sealana_Token) June 18, 2024 In the case of the SEAL presale, the project has achieved over $5 million in presale funding, notwithstanding the widespread uncertainties in the market. The increasing interest of investors in the project validates the prospect of the Sealana movement.  According to the post on the project’s official Twitter handle, Investors should expect a launch in another seven days.  Not only is it achieving its funding milestone, as seen on its presale website, but the project also has a growing community of engaged investors. This alone gives it a high probability of recording the much-anticipated listing pump.  Participating in the SEAL presale involves a basic procedure designed to match the degen mindset of meme culture. Investors can send SOL to the address provided on the presale page or follow the detailed guide on the website.  Also, the project’s official Twitter handle is constantly updated with information regarding the ongoing presale program. Investors can find information on the platform and engage with other community members.  Visit Sealana Presale Read More Most Trending Cryptocurrency

Top Trending Cryptos on Solana Chain Today – Tooker Kurlson, Gummy, Fatality Coin

The Solana chain is seeing growing competition across the market, particularly from the TON ecosystem. Ton emerged as one of the best-performing cryptocurrencies despite the overall shift in the crypto market sentiment. 

However, the top trending cryptocurrencies on the Solana chain maintain their intriguing pumps. Some of these tokens have posted price movements that outperform the market by the broad market. Today’s post examines the factors that contribute to the gains of these tokens and provides insight into their market data. 

Top Trending Cryptos on Solana Chain

This article also includes a special mention of the Sealana presale, an upcoming project that’s earmarked to go live in about seven days. As a meme coin, it projects a fun narrative and focuses on driving its value through community effort. The details of the token’s presale offering and other information are provided below. 

1. Tooker kurlson (TOOKER)

The Tooker Kurlson project, launched on Solana on March 10, 2024, is quickly gaining significant traction and community engagement. Since its debut, the project has achieved impressive milestones, including acquiring over 47,000 holders, reaching a market cap of $30 million, and generating $3.15 million in 24-hour trading volume.

One of Tooker Kurlson’s standout features is its unique focus on powerful mock interviews within the meme culture space. This approach resonated well with the community, leading to high engagement through multiple AMAs, engaging videos, and an extensive collection of memes. The robust and active community further strengthens the project’s appeal.

Moreover, the price of Tooker Kurlson (TOOKER) is $0.02268, with a 24-hour trading volume of $832,870.70. Despite a slight 0.85% increase in the last 24 hours, the token has experienced a -32.77% decline over the past seven days. With a circulating supply of 970 million TOOKER tokens, the project is currently valued at a market cap of $22,019,708.

🎬 Today, the Tooker team celebrates a milestone: our 100th video!

A massive THANK YOU to our community for being on this journey with us. It's genuinely hard to believe it's only been just over 3 months since we launched.

This is just the beginning. The Tooker universe is…

— tooker kurlson (@tookerkurlson) June 15, 2024

TOOKER tokens are available for trading on both decentralized and centralized exchanges. The most popular exchange for buying and trading TOOKER is Raydium, where the TOOKER/SOL trading pair has seen a 24-hour trading volume of $434,663. Other popular exchanges include Raydium (CLMM) and XT.COM.

Overall, Tooker Kurlson is making a notable impact on the Solana ecosystem. Its innovative approach, strong community engagement, and strategic trading presence make it a project to watch.

2. Gummy (GUMMY)

$GUMMY—a meme coin themed as a 420 weed gummy bea— is poised to impact the Solana ecosystem significantly. Unlike many cryptocurrencies that take themselves too seriously, $GUMMY brings a fun and lighthearted approach to the crypto world. It aims to show that sometimes, the sweetest returns come from not sweating the small stuff.

Meanwhile, the price of GUMMY is $0.04228, with a 24-hour trading volume of $6,302,444.95. This represents a notable 25.30% increase in price over the last 24 hours. However, it has seen a 30.01% decline over the past seven days. These fluctuations highlight the volatile yet potentially rewarding nature of investing in $GUMMY.

Furthermore, $GUMMY tokens can be traded on decentralized and centralized exchanges. Raydium is the most popular exchange for trading GUMMY, where the most active trading pair, GUMMY/SOL, has a 24-hour trading volume of $945,370. Other popular exchanges for trading GUMMY include HTX and Bybit.

Not seeing your staked $GUMMY?

Click on the staked/locked and it will refresh to the accurate amount.

Let me know if that worked fam 👇🏼

— GUMMY (@gummyonsolana) June 18, 2024

In summary, $GUMMY is not just another meme coin; it is a token with a dedicated community and a unique, fun approach to the crypto market. Its recent performance and availability on multiple trading platforms make it an exciting option for investors looking to diversify their portfolios within the Solana ecosystem.

3. Fatality Coin (FATALITY)

$FATALITY is proving to be more than just another fleeting meme coin. With a dedicated community and innovative utilities like the $FATALITY Rank Bot, $FATALITY helps projects reach DexScreener’s top 10. It is positioning itself as a strategic player in the Solana ecosystem.

Today, the price of Fatality Coin (FATALITY) stands at $0.009434, with a 24-hour trading volume of $49,224.53. This represents a significant 50.40% price increase in the last 24 hours. However, a 16.05% decline has also been seen in the past seven days.

When comparing performance, $FATALITY has underperformed against the global cryptocurrency market, which is down -4.10%. Moreover, it has also lagged behind similar Solana ecosystem cryptocurrencies, up 16.20%.

FATALITY tokens can be traded on decentralized exchanges. The most popular exchange is Raydium, where the FATALITY/SOL trading pair saw a 24-hour trading volume of $49,256.59.

In summary, while $FATALITY has faced some challenges recently, its strong community and unique features, like the $FATALITY Rank Bot, could help it gain a more significant foothold in the Solana ecosystem. As always, potential investors should monitor market trends and developments.

What Might Be The Next Top Trending  Crypto

Despite growing pessimism and declining crypto trading volume, meme culture still engulfs the crypto market. Recently, some of the top trending cryptocurrencies in the market are predominantly meme coins. Upcoming cryptos like the Sealana project are also making thrilling progress with the presale offering of their native cryptocurrencies. 

🚀 Send $SOL, and watch #Sealana 🛹 skate his way into the #Solana blockchain! 🌐🦭

The #Presale ends on Tuesday, June 25th at 6 pm UTC! ⏳ Make the most of the time left and push for those dreams of Lambos 🏎️💨 and Freedom! 🗽✨

— Sealana (@Sealana_Token) June 18, 2024

In the case of the SEAL presale, the project has achieved over $5 million in presale funding, notwithstanding the widespread uncertainties in the market. The increasing interest of investors in the project validates the prospect of the Sealana movement.  According to the post on the project’s official Twitter handle, Investors should expect a launch in another seven days. 

Not only is it achieving its funding milestone, as seen on its presale website, but the project also has a growing community of engaged investors. This alone gives it a high probability of recording the much-anticipated listing pump. 

Participating in the SEAL presale involves a basic procedure designed to match the degen mindset of meme culture. Investors can send SOL to the address provided on the presale page or follow the detailed guide on the website. 

Also, the project’s official Twitter handle is constantly updated with information regarding the ongoing presale program. Investors can find information on the platform and engage with other community members. 

Visit Sealana Presale

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Most Trending Cryptocurrency
Next Cryptocurrency to Explode Wednesday, June 19 — Arweave Ethereum Name Service, Conflux, Mog C...Cryptocurrency prices have been on the rise lately, and the overall feeling in the market is favorable. Recently, Bitcoin (BTC) has been hovering around $65K to $66K, and Ethereum (ETH) is striving to reach $3,600, creating mixed sentiments among investors. However, identifying the next cryptocurrencies to explode might take some work as most funds are attracted to pumping assets. Today’s article explores the performance of cryptocurrencies that have dominated the gainers list in the last 24 hours. The objective is to identify coins with some potential and inform investors and traders about each token.  Next Cryptocurrency To Explode Today’s article discusses the performance of potentially explosive cryptos that investors should add to their watchlist. It also includes a special mention of Base Dawgz, one of the newest memecoin launches on the Base Network. It features a distinctive multi-chain experience with smooth interoperability across various blockchains. The details of its presale and the performance of the top-performing cryptos today are shared below. 1. Lido DAO (LDO) Lido DAO (LDO), a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, has experienced a significant price increase in the last 24 hours, following a bullish trend. On Wednesday, the altcoin was valued at $2.36, showing a robust 15% rise during the US trading session. Data from CoinMarketCap reveals that Lido DAO’s token saw a notable spike in trading volume, jumping over 31% to roughly $309 million. Additionally, its market capitalization surged by about 15.83%, reaching around $2.12 billion. This increase moved LDO to the 43rd position in market cap rankings. Over the past week, Lido DAO’s price has risen by more than 27%, fueled by growing investor interest and positive market sentiment. LDO has been trading between $1.82 and $2.39, indicating increased trading activity. In the last 30 days, LDO has experienced an overall rise of approximately 36%, demonstrating a bullish trend. Lido DAO is one of the top gainers, showing a notable uptrend that could mark the start of a bullish period. If it continues, this positive momentum may soon break the $3 resistance level. A sustained rise could push its value towards $4, hoping to reach $5 in the forthcoming bullish cycle. 2. Ethereum Name Service (ENS) Despite increased market volatility, the price of ENS has risen by 15.46% in the past day, with a 34.59% increase in trading volume. Over the past month, this Ethereum-based token has surged by 82.75% and has a year-to-date return of 158.21%. The ENS Simple Moving Average (SMA) shows a strong upward trend on the price chart, indicating positive price action for the Ethereum Name Service token this week. Additionally, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) has retested its neutral point, pushing ENS closer to its overbought range. Moreover, the SMA shows a bullish trend on the price chart, signaling a positive outlook for the altcoin soon. If the market keeps the ENS price above the resistance level of $26.50, the bulls will aim to test the critical resistance level of $30. That wraps up another great week in the ENS ecosystem! Your support means a lot to us and we're eager to bring you more updates soon 🤝 — ens.eth (@ensdomains) June 14, 2024 Santiment’s data shows that ENS’s total open interest increased by 27% in the past day, rising from $60.32 million to $76.45 million. When open interest surges suddenly, it often leads to higher price volatility due to more liquidations. Detailed analysis reveals that the Ethereum Name Service price has moved above the Ichimoku cloud, indicating a bullish trend. The cloud ahead turning green suggests that this bullish trend might continue. Additionally, the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) line is above the signal line, supporting the bullish trend. Positive histogram bars further confirm this bullish momentum. At the time of writing, Ethereum Name Service was trading at $25.91, up by 13.22% in the last 24 hours. 3. Conflux (CFX) Conflux Network (CFX) is a fast layer-one blockchain that uses proof-of-work and proof-of-stake mechanisms. Based in China, it complies with local laws, earning the nickname “Chinese Ethereum.” The CFX token has multiple uses, including being a store of value and for governance. Additionally, staking CFX tokens can generate passive income in the form of more CFX tokens. Recently, Conflux’s price has been rising along with Bitcoin’s approach to the $70K mark. However, sellers are now active and trying to prevent further price increases in the near future. Despite this, the recent introduction of a spot Ethereum ETF may positively impact Chinese crypto tokens, potentially leading to a significant increase in the CFX price soon. Conflux aims to enhance its global presence by establishing offices in Dubai, Europe, and other regions. This expansion could boost the popularity of the Conflux Network token and its blockchain in 2024 and beyond. 🚀 NFT in China, on #Conflux we build! 🌐🎉 🪁 Princess Mononoke is an anime film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The cymirror has collaborated with Conflux to launch digital collectibles of Princess Mononoke's hand-drawn original artworks, reminiscing their wonderful childhood with… — Conflux Network Official (@Conflux_Network) June 17, 2024 Moreover, Conflux Network is committed to educating Chinese artists on using its platform for NFTs throughout 2024. They are also promoting existing projects on the network, such as ConFi’s Friends and the MEI PROJECT sneakers, which have successfully introduced NFT-themed products. This initiative might increase the demand for CFX tokens in the Chinese market. 4. Base Dawgz (DAWGZ)  Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ) raised $200,000 on its first day and reached $1 million within a week. It then secured $1.6 million during its presale. The token, $DAWGZ, is gaining attention in the crypto community and aims to lead the Base chain as the top meme coin. The price of $DAWGZ, initially $0.00527, increased by 5% to $0.005271 in under six days. Base Dawgz has all the features of a successful meme coin. Its integration into the fast-growing Base chain suggests it might see a significant rise when listed on exchanges. The coin’s popularity is likely boosted by its share-to-earn protocol, which rewards supporters for promoting $DAWGZ through social content. Dog-themed meme coins are trendy in the crypto market. Examples include Dogecoin ($DOGE), Shiba Inu ($SHIB), Dogwifhat ($WIF), and Floki ($FLOKI). These four coins alone represent over $35 billion of the $51 billion market capitalization of all meme coins. Additionally, they have all performed well since the start of the year. Base Dawgz’s Shiba Inu mascot significantly boosts its appeal and popularity, capturing the essence of virality. Additionally, Base Dawgz is building a solid community through its soon-to-be-launched share-to-earn feature. This feature will allow users to earn points by sharing content on social media, which can be exchanged for $DAWGZ tokens after the presale. These aspects position Base Dawgz as a leading meme coin, potentially surpassing other popular options. The funds raised demonstrate substantial community support, suggesting a high likelihood of success. Investors are encouraged to purchase tokens now during the presale to gain an early advantage. Visit Base Dawgz Presale 5. Mog Coin (MOG) Mog Coin stands out for its engaging, community-driven features and playful branding. This meme coin uses its lively community to offer an interactive crypto experience. Additionally, Mog Coin supports cat rescues and other charitable causes, adding a layer of social good to its humor. The token has experienced steady growth and is expected to increase in value as its ecosystem expands and develops. The price outlook for Mog Coin is positive, though some analysts predict a temporary dip from current levels. With a market capitalization of just $315.93 million, there is potential for further growth, especially given the strong buying interest reflected on the price chart. Last month, Mog experienced substantial gains, and its price surpassed the resistance zone established during the March rally. Additionally, the price saw a notable increase of over 20% in the past 24 hours. The overall outlook for Mog Coin remains positive. Moreover, consolidation could strengthen the bulls, but a drop in Bitcoin below $65k might negatively impact market sentiment. MOG’s price has ranged between $0.000001164 and $0.00000154. However, if MOG does not maintain a level above $0.000001300, bears might take over. The MOG cryptocurrency has seen a significant rise in volume, resulting in increased volatility and price instability at the supply level. Nonetheless, sustained high demand could push MOG’s price higher. Read More Next Cryptocurrency To Explode 2024

Next Cryptocurrency to Explode Wednesday, June 19 — Arweave Ethereum Name Service, Conflux, Mog C...

Cryptocurrency prices have been on the rise lately, and the overall feeling in the market is favorable. Recently, Bitcoin (BTC) has been hovering around $65K to $66K, and Ethereum (ETH) is striving to reach $3,600, creating mixed sentiments among investors.

However, identifying the next cryptocurrencies to explode might take some work as most funds are attracted to pumping assets. Today’s article explores the performance of cryptocurrencies that have dominated the gainers list in the last 24 hours. The objective is to identify coins with some potential and inform investors and traders about each token. 

Next Cryptocurrency To Explode

Today’s article discusses the performance of potentially explosive cryptos that investors should add to their watchlist. It also includes a special mention of Base Dawgz, one of the newest memecoin launches on the Base Network. It features a distinctive multi-chain experience with smooth interoperability across various blockchains. The details of its presale and the performance of the top-performing cryptos today are shared below.

1. Lido DAO (LDO)

Lido DAO (LDO), a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, has experienced a significant price increase in the last 24 hours, following a bullish trend. On Wednesday, the altcoin was valued at $2.36, showing a robust 15% rise during the US trading session.

Data from CoinMarketCap reveals that Lido DAO’s token saw a notable spike in trading volume, jumping over 31% to roughly $309 million. Additionally, its market capitalization surged by about 15.83%, reaching around $2.12 billion. This increase moved LDO to the 43rd position in market cap rankings.

Over the past week, Lido DAO’s price has risen by more than 27%, fueled by growing investor interest and positive market sentiment. LDO has been trading between $1.82 and $2.39, indicating increased trading activity. In the last 30 days, LDO has experienced an overall rise of approximately 36%, demonstrating a bullish trend.

Lido DAO is one of the top gainers, showing a notable uptrend that could mark the start of a bullish period. If it continues, this positive momentum may soon break the $3 resistance level. A sustained rise could push its value towards $4, hoping to reach $5 in the forthcoming bullish cycle.

2. Ethereum Name Service (ENS)

Despite increased market volatility, the price of ENS has risen by 15.46% in the past day, with a 34.59% increase in trading volume. Over the past month, this Ethereum-based token has surged by 82.75% and has a year-to-date return of 158.21%.

The ENS Simple Moving Average (SMA) shows a strong upward trend on the price chart, indicating positive price action for the Ethereum Name Service token this week. Additionally, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) has retested its neutral point, pushing ENS closer to its overbought range.

Moreover, the SMA shows a bullish trend on the price chart, signaling a positive outlook for the altcoin soon. If the market keeps the ENS price above the resistance level of $26.50, the bulls will aim to test the critical resistance level of $30.

That wraps up another great week in the ENS ecosystem!

Your support means a lot to us and we're eager to bring you more updates soon 🤝

— ens.eth (@ensdomains) June 14, 2024

Santiment’s data shows that ENS’s total open interest increased by 27% in the past day, rising from $60.32 million to $76.45 million. When open interest surges suddenly, it often leads to higher price volatility due to more liquidations. Detailed analysis reveals that the Ethereum Name Service price has moved above the Ichimoku cloud, indicating a bullish trend. The cloud ahead turning green suggests that this bullish trend might continue.

Additionally, the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) line is above the signal line, supporting the bullish trend. Positive histogram bars further confirm this bullish momentum. At the time of writing, Ethereum Name Service was trading at $25.91, up by 13.22% in the last 24 hours.

3. Conflux (CFX)

Conflux Network (CFX) is a fast layer-one blockchain that uses proof-of-work and proof-of-stake mechanisms. Based in China, it complies with local laws, earning the nickname “Chinese Ethereum.” The CFX token has multiple uses, including being a store of value and for governance. Additionally, staking CFX tokens can generate passive income in the form of more CFX tokens.

Recently, Conflux’s price has been rising along with Bitcoin’s approach to the $70K mark. However, sellers are now active and trying to prevent further price increases in the near future. Despite this, the recent introduction of a spot Ethereum ETF may positively impact Chinese crypto tokens, potentially leading to a significant increase in the CFX price soon.

Conflux aims to enhance its global presence by establishing offices in Dubai, Europe, and other regions. This expansion could boost the popularity of the Conflux Network token and its blockchain in 2024 and beyond.

🚀 NFT in China, on #Conflux we build! 🌐🎉

🪁 Princess Mononoke is an anime film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The cymirror has collaborated with Conflux to launch digital collectibles of Princess Mononoke's hand-drawn original artworks, reminiscing their wonderful childhood with…

— Conflux Network Official (@Conflux_Network) June 17, 2024

Moreover, Conflux Network is committed to educating Chinese artists on using its platform for NFTs throughout 2024. They are also promoting existing projects on the network, such as ConFi’s Friends and the MEI PROJECT sneakers, which have successfully introduced NFT-themed products. This initiative might increase the demand for CFX tokens in the Chinese market.

4. Base Dawgz (DAWGZ) 

Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ) raised $200,000 on its first day and reached $1 million within a week. It then secured $1.6 million during its presale. The token, $DAWGZ, is gaining attention in the crypto community and aims to lead the Base chain as the top meme coin. The price of $DAWGZ, initially $0.00527, increased by 5% to $0.005271 in under six days.

Base Dawgz has all the features of a successful meme coin. Its integration into the fast-growing Base chain suggests it might see a significant rise when listed on exchanges. The coin’s popularity is likely boosted by its share-to-earn protocol, which rewards supporters for promoting $DAWGZ through social content.

Dog-themed meme coins are trendy in the crypto market. Examples include Dogecoin ($DOGE), Shiba Inu ($SHIB), Dogwifhat ($WIF), and Floki ($FLOKI). These four coins alone represent over $35 billion of the $51 billion market capitalization of all meme coins. Additionally, they have all performed well since the start of the year.

Base Dawgz’s Shiba Inu mascot significantly boosts its appeal and popularity, capturing the essence of virality. Additionally, Base Dawgz is building a solid community through its soon-to-be-launched share-to-earn feature. This feature will allow users to earn points by sharing content on social media, which can be exchanged for $DAWGZ tokens after the presale.

These aspects position Base Dawgz as a leading meme coin, potentially surpassing other popular options. The funds raised demonstrate substantial community support, suggesting a high likelihood of success. Investors are encouraged to purchase tokens now during the presale to gain an early advantage.

Visit Base Dawgz Presale

5. Mog Coin (MOG)

Mog Coin stands out for its engaging, community-driven features and playful branding. This meme coin uses its lively community to offer an interactive crypto experience. Additionally, Mog Coin supports cat rescues and other charitable causes, adding a layer of social good to its humor. The token has experienced steady growth and is expected to increase in value as its ecosystem expands and develops.

The price outlook for Mog Coin is positive, though some analysts predict a temporary dip from current levels. With a market capitalization of just $315.93 million, there is potential for further growth, especially given the strong buying interest reflected on the price chart.

Last month, Mog experienced substantial gains, and its price surpassed the resistance zone established during the March rally. Additionally, the price saw a notable increase of over 20% in the past 24 hours. The overall outlook for Mog Coin remains positive.

Moreover, consolidation could strengthen the bulls, but a drop in Bitcoin below $65k might negatively impact market sentiment. MOG’s price has ranged between $0.000001164 and $0.00000154. However, if MOG does not maintain a level above $0.000001300, bears might take over.

The MOG cryptocurrency has seen a significant rise in volume, resulting in increased volatility and price instability at the supply level. Nonetheless, sustained high demand could push MOG’s price higher.

Read More

Next Cryptocurrency To Explode 2024
Bitcoin Price Prediction As HashDex Files With The SEC For A Combined Spot BTC And Ethereum ETF A...The Bitcoin price dropped a fraction of a percent in the last 24 hours to trade at $65,720 as of 04:01 a.m. EST on trading volume that dropped 5% to $34 billion. This comes as asset manager Hashdex recently proposed a combined spot Bitcoin and Ethereum ETF (exchange-traded fund) to the US Securities and Exchange Commission. The Hashdex Nasdaq Crypto Index U.S. ETF is aimed at providing investors with direct exposure to the two leading cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum. Hashdex is set to use Coinbase and BitGo to secure custody of its Bitcoin and Ethereum holdings. The SEC has 90 days to review the proposal, with a final decision expected by March 2025. James Seyffart, an ETF analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence, notes that the ETF has the potential to include other digital assets as they are approved by the SEC. @hashdex already has a crypto index ETF that's traded down in Brazil. These are the assets it currently holds and their weights in the fund. 90% is Bitcoin and Ethereum. — James Seyffart (@JSeyff) June 18, 2024 Bitcoin Price Outlook: Bulls Target $77K BTCUSD Chart Analysis Source: The Bitcoin price has since May capitalized on the inverse head and shoulders pattern to push the token to the resistance zone around $72,108, data from GeckoTerminal shows. However, the price of Bitcoin has been trading within this range, within a consolidation channel. In the last week, the bears seem to have won the struggle for dominance, pushing the token down as it breached the lower boundary of the channel. BTC price also dropped below both the 50-day and 200-day Simple Moving Averages (SMAs), which now act as the immediate resistance levels at $66,658 and $68,069. Moreover, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) also trades below the 50-midline level, currently at 47, but with signs of trading up, which could signal an incoming buying frenzy. Bitcoin Price Prediction The Bitcoin price analysis on the 4-hour chart shows that the Bitcoin price is currently on a downtrend, having breached the lower boundary of the consolidation channel. Moreover, the 50-day SMA has crossed below the 200-day SMA, forming a death cross of around $67,887. A death cross could encourage investors to sell the asset, which could further push the BTC price to the next support level of around $63,000. However, if the bulls stage a trend reversal at this level to cross the $66,658 resistance level, BTC could negate the bearish sentiments and soar above the channel as the bulls target $77,000. Meanwhile, some investors are turning to Bitcoin-themed tokens that might benefit from another bull run. Such a coin is $99BTC, which has already raised more than $2.2 million in its presale. 99Bitcoins Presale Surges Past $2.2 Million 99Bitcoins (99BTC) has been a pillar of crypto education since 2013. It has over 2 million registered users for its courses and more than 700,000 subscribers on its YouTube channel. With the inception of its ICO, the project plans to incentivize learning through the Learn-to-Earn concept, where users can enhance their blockchain knowledge via interactive courses and quizzes on the 99Bitcoins platform while earning $99BTC. What is Spatial Computing? Discover how #Blockchain is transforming AR/VR, making immersive digital worlds more interactive and secure. Dive deeper: #SpatialComputing #Web3 — 99Bitcoins (@99BitcoinsHQ) April 8, 2024 $99BTC holders can also benefit from attractive annual percentage yields (APYs), currently at 759%, when they stake their tokens. According to Jacob Bury, a crypto analyst and YouTuber, the $99BTC token could soar 10X after its launch. You can buy $99BTC tokens for $0.0011 each. With a price hike coming in less than six days, buy soon to lock in the best deal. To join the presale, buy $99BTC from the official website here using ETH, USDT, or a bank card. Related News 🐕📈 Shiba Inu Price Prediction 2024: 🚀 To The Moon Or 📉 Crash Landing? 🚀🤑💰 Best Crypto ICOs of 2024: Top Picks for Big Returns 💰🤑🚀 How to Buy Bitcoin with Credit Card

Bitcoin Price Prediction As HashDex Files With The SEC For A Combined Spot BTC And Ethereum ETF A...

The Bitcoin price dropped a fraction of a percent in the last 24 hours to trade at $65,720 as of 04:01 a.m. EST on trading volume that dropped 5% to $34 billion.

This comes as asset manager Hashdex recently proposed a combined spot Bitcoin and Ethereum ETF (exchange-traded fund) to the US Securities and Exchange Commission. The Hashdex Nasdaq Crypto Index U.S. ETF is aimed at providing investors with direct exposure to the two leading cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Hashdex is set to use Coinbase and BitGo to secure custody of its Bitcoin and Ethereum holdings. The SEC has 90 days to review the proposal, with a final decision expected by March 2025.

James Seyffart, an ETF analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence, notes that the ETF has the potential to include other digital assets as they are approved by the SEC.

@hashdex already has a crypto index ETF that's traded down in Brazil. These are the assets it currently holds and their weights in the fund. 90% is Bitcoin and Ethereum.

— James Seyffart (@JSeyff) June 18, 2024

Bitcoin Price Outlook: Bulls Target $77K

BTCUSD Chart Analysis Source:

The Bitcoin price has since May capitalized on the inverse head and shoulders pattern to push the token to the resistance zone around $72,108, data from GeckoTerminal shows. However, the price of Bitcoin has been trading within this range, within a consolidation channel.

In the last week, the bears seem to have won the struggle for dominance, pushing the token down as it breached the lower boundary of the channel.

BTC price also dropped below both the 50-day and 200-day Simple Moving Averages (SMAs), which now act as the immediate resistance levels at $66,658 and $68,069.

Moreover, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) also trades below the 50-midline level, currently at 47, but with signs of trading up, which could signal an incoming buying frenzy.

Bitcoin Price Prediction

The Bitcoin price analysis on the 4-hour chart shows that the Bitcoin price is currently on a downtrend, having breached the lower boundary of the consolidation channel.

Moreover, the 50-day SMA has crossed below the 200-day SMA, forming a death cross of around $67,887. A death cross could encourage investors to sell the asset, which could further push the BTC price to the next support level of around $63,000.

However, if the bulls stage a trend reversal at this level to cross the $66,658 resistance level, BTC could negate the bearish sentiments and soar above the channel as the bulls target $77,000.

Meanwhile, some investors are turning to Bitcoin-themed tokens that might benefit from another bull run. Such a coin is $99BTC, which has already raised more than $2.2 million in its presale.

99Bitcoins Presale Surges Past $2.2 Million

99Bitcoins (99BTC) has been a pillar of crypto education since 2013. It has over 2 million registered users for its courses and more than 700,000 subscribers on its YouTube channel.

With the inception of its ICO, the project plans to incentivize learning through the Learn-to-Earn concept, where users can enhance their blockchain knowledge via interactive courses and quizzes on the 99Bitcoins platform while earning $99BTC.

What is Spatial Computing? Discover how #Blockchain is transforming AR/VR, making immersive digital worlds more interactive and secure.

Dive deeper: #SpatialComputing #Web3

— 99Bitcoins (@99BitcoinsHQ) April 8, 2024

$99BTC holders can also benefit from attractive annual percentage yields (APYs), currently at 759%, when they stake their tokens.

According to Jacob Bury, a crypto analyst and YouTuber, the $99BTC token could soar 10X after its launch.

You can buy $99BTC tokens for $0.0011 each. With a price hike coming in less than six days, buy soon to lock in the best deal.

To join the presale, buy $99BTC from the official website here using ETH, USDT, or a bank card.

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