Binance Square
let's dream big and crypto makes its true
皆さん、気をつけてください! スクエア投稿の 90% は、自分のウォレットにあるコインを宣伝しようとする人々から来ています。 $PEPE に関する偽の情報を宣伝して共有する人は、#pepe の株をたくさん持っている人です。一方、$BTTC を持っている人は、常に他の人に #BTTC. を購入するよう説得しようとします。 同様に、注意して、これらのトリックに陥らないようにしてください。代わりに、特定のコインが発売された理由を調べてください。特定のコインの背後にあるものは何ですか? テクノロジー、将来、グローバリゼーションにおける役割など。 私の意見では、暗号通貨の世界に慣れていない場合は、新しく発売された価値のあるコインに 10 ドル未満で投資し、売却して財務状況を変えることに納得するまで保有し続けるようにしてください。市場が下落しているときは、決して狂ってはいけません。冷静さを保ちましょう。 フォロー、いいね、シェア @crypto_indian

スクエア投稿の 90% は、自分のウォレットにあるコインを宣伝しようとする人々から来ています。

$PEPE に関する偽の情報を宣伝して共有する人は、#pepe の株をたくさん持っている人です。一方、$BTTC を持っている人は、常に他の人に #BTTC. を購入するよう説得しようとします。

同様に、注意して、これらのトリックに陥らないようにしてください。代わりに、特定のコインが発売された理由を調べてください。特定のコインの背後にあるものは何ですか? テクノロジー、将来、グローバリゼーションにおける役割など。

私の意見では、暗号通貨の世界に慣れていない場合は、新しく発売された価値のあるコインに 10 ドル未満で投資し、売却して財務状況を変えることに納得するまで保有し続けるようにしてください。市場が下落しているときは、決して狂ってはいけません。冷静さを保ちましょう。

フォロー、いいね、シェア @india_crypto
HELLO 👋 $BTTC HOLDERS AND INVESTOR As you all knew that the demand for#BTTC coin has reduced in the market thus highly impacting #BitTorrent price. At the other hand a total of 21.75 Trillion BTTC still available for sale. As soon as the remaining coins (21.7 Trillion) are sold, $BTTC price will go bullish until you all become millionaire. The current lowest price is a green signal for buyers. It means #BitTorrent wants to kick all the coins out to the market on a lower price in order to achieve its dream heights. Be patient and try to purchase additional $BTTC at the lower price to cover your losses as soon as the total supply limit of the coin is reached. As per the predictions from experts, if the remaining 21.75 trillion #BTTC coins enter into supply market by the end of June 2024, #BTTC: will go Bullish in July to achieve its heights. follow, like, share @crypto_indian

As you all knew that the demand for#BTTC coin has reduced in the market thus highly impacting #BitTorrent price. At the other hand a total of 21.75 Trillion BTTC still available for sale. As soon as the remaining coins (21.7 Trillion) are sold, $BTTC price will go bullish until you all become millionaire.

The current lowest price is a green signal for buyers. It means #BitTorrent wants to kick all the coins out to the market on a lower price in order to achieve its dream heights.

Be patient and try to purchase additional $BTTC at the lower price to cover your losses as soon as the total supply limit of the coin is reached. As per the predictions from experts, if the remaining 21.75 trillion #BTTC coins enter into supply market by the end of June 2024, #BTTC: will go Bullish in July to achieve its heights.

follow, like, share @india_crypto
$SHIB チームが重大な警告を発する?🤯💥📈 コミュニティ内では単に Lucie として知られている Shiba Inu チームのソーシャル メディア エキスパートが、#SHIB 軍に警告する重大な声明を発表しました。この警告を発する際に、Lucie は科学界の「世界最高の知性」であるアルバート アインシュタインを引用しました。 Lucie のツイートでは、SHIB ファンと #Shibarium 開発者に「ネガティブな人々から離れてください。彼らはあらゆる解決策に問題を抱えています」と勧めています。 最近、SHIB のマーケティング リーダー Lucie と他のチーム メンバーは、Shiba Inu のグローバル コミュニティにさまざまな重要な警告を頻繁に発表しています。これらの声明は主に 1 つの目標を追求していました。それは、最近出現し、現在、新進気鋭で経験の浅い投資家でいっぱいのコミュニティをターゲットにしている暗号通貨詐欺の危険性について SHIB 軍に警告することです。 SHIB バーン レートの急激な低下。 #Shibburn 分析プラットフォームが共有したデータによると、過去 24 時間で、流通している柴犬の供給を減らすための SHIB コミュニティの取り組みは急激に減少しました。 プラットフォームによって公開されたデータによると、昨朝以来、SHIB のバーン率は 18.78% 減少しています。それでも、このマイナスの数値にもかかわらず、合計 8,748,598 $SHIB ミーム コインがバーンされ、つまり使用できないブロックチェーン ウォレットに転送され、そこに永久にロックされました。 #SHIB، 価格はマイナスのパフォーマンスです。 6 月 8 日金曜日、時価総額で 2 番目に大きいミーム 暗号通貨である SHIB は、1 時間足チャートで 3 本連続の赤いローソク足が記録され、8.4% 近くの急激な価格下落に直面しました。 この価格下落は、世界最大の暗号通貨であるビットコインの同様のマイナス価格変動に続くもので、ビットコインは3.7%急落し、71,650ドル超から69,030ドルのゾーンに落ち込んだ。この急落は、第1四半期のゲームストップの収益が低迷し、それに続いてGMEの価格が39%下落したことが原因と思われる。さらに、#BTC は、米国政府の雇用報告が期待外れだったことで押し下げられた。 フォローミー@crypto_indian
$SHIB チームが重大な警告を発する?🤯💥📈

コミュニティ内では単に Lucie として知られている Shiba Inu チームのソーシャル メディア エキスパートが、#SHIB 軍に警告する重大な声明を発表しました。この警告を発する際に、Lucie は科学界の「世界最高の知性」であるアルバート アインシュタインを引用しました。

Lucie のツイートでは、SHIB ファンと #Shibarium 開発者に「ネガティブな人々から離れてください。彼らはあらゆる解決策に問題を抱えています」と勧めています。

最近、SHIB のマーケティング リーダー Lucie と他のチーム メンバーは、Shiba Inu のグローバル コミュニティにさまざまな重要な警告を頻繁に発表しています。これらの声明は主に 1 つの目標を追求していました。それは、最近出現し、現在、新進気鋭で経験の浅い投資家でいっぱいのコミュニティをターゲットにしている暗号通貨詐欺の危険性について SHIB 軍に警告することです。

SHIB バーン レートの急激な低下。
#Shibburn 分析プラットフォームが共有したデータによると、過去 24 時間で、流通している柴犬の供給を減らすための SHIB コミュニティの取り組みは急激に減少しました。

プラットフォームによって公開されたデータによると、昨朝以来、SHIB のバーン率は 18.78% 減少しています。それでも、このマイナスの数値にもかかわらず、合計 8,748,598 $SHIB ミーム コインがバーンされ、つまり使用できないブロックチェーン ウォレットに転送され、そこに永久にロックされました。

#SHIB، 価格はマイナスのパフォーマンスです。

6 月 8 日金曜日、時価総額で 2 番目に大きいミーム 暗号通貨である SHIB は、1 時間足チャートで 3 本連続の赤いローソク足が記録され、8.4% 近くの急激な価格下落に直面しました。

この価格下落は、世界最大の暗号通貨であるビットコインの同様のマイナス価格変動に続くもので、ビットコインは3.7%急落し、71,650ドル超から69,030ドルのゾーンに落ち込んだ。この急落は、第1四半期のゲームストップの収益が低迷し、それに続いてGMEの価格が39%下落したことが原因と思われる。さらに、#BTC は、米国政府の雇用報告が期待外れだったことで押し下げられた。

$PEPE は 3 頭のクジラによって下落しました。 ペペは 3 頭の大きなクジラによって大きな打撃を受けました。1 頭のクジラは 13711179 万ペペコインを引き出し、2 頭目のクジラは 23728,900 万ペペコインを引き出し、小さな引き出しは 9115,565 万ペペでした。 ペペは 12% 下落し、時価総額は 5.31 地金ドルに下落しました。ペペグラフが下落して 3 日目となり、新しい投資家に新たな機会が生まれます。 フォロー + いいね + コメント + シェア @crypto_indian #PEPE_EXPERT #pepe⚡ #PEPEATH
$PEPE は 3 頭のクジラによって下落しました。

ペペは 3 頭の大きなクジラによって大きな打撃を受けました。1 頭のクジラは 13711179 万ペペコインを引き出し、2 頭目のクジラは 23728,900 万ペペコインを引き出し、小さな引き出しは 9115,565 万ペペでした。

ペペは 12% 下落し、時価総額は 5.31 地金ドルに下落しました。ペペグラフが下落して 3 日目となり、新しい投資家に新たな機会が生まれます。

フォロー + いいね + コメント + シェア @india_crypto

今週の $FLOKI Inu の価格予測はいくらですか。$0.1 に到達できますか? 🔸当社の Floki Inu 価格予測モデルに基づくと、#FLOKI は今週 $0.000309 から $0.000373 の間で取引されると予想されます。より高い目標に向かってトレンドが進む場合、2024 年 6 月 9 日までに 20.86% 増加して $0.000373 に達する可能性があります。 🔸ただし、$0.1 に到達するには 31,657.90% の大幅な増加が必要であり、これは当社のアルゴリズムでは予測されていません。当社の分析によると、予測される最高価格は 2049 年 1 月 1 日までに $0.013663 です。 🔸当社のテクニカル分析によると、現在の Floki Inu のセンチメントは強気です。テクニカル指標の大半は買いを示しています。 #FLOKISKYROCKET #BTC フォローしてください @crypto_indian
今週の $FLOKI Inu の価格予測はいくらですか。$0.1 に到達できますか?

🔸当社の Floki Inu 価格予測モデルに基づくと、#FLOKI は今週 $0.000309 から $0.000373 の間で取引されると予想されます。より高い目標に向かってトレンドが進む場合、2024 年 6 月 9 日までに 20.86% 増加して $0.000373 に達する可能性があります。

🔸ただし、$0.1 に到達するには 31,657.90% の大幅な増加が必要であり、これは当社のアルゴリズムでは予測されていません。当社の分析によると、予測される最高価格は 2049 年 1 月 1 日までに $0.013663 です。

🔸当社のテクニカル分析によると、現在の Floki Inu のセンチメントは強気です。テクニカル指標の大半は買いを示しています。

フォローしてください @india_crypto
Who are you in memecoin trading? A lucky duck or a paper hand? 🤠 Cryptocurrencies are a wild ride, and #Memecoins 🤑🤑 are like surfing a tsunami 🌊. If you’re brave enough to ride the wave, you might find yourself in a golden paradise or become fish food 🐡. 📝 Check out these fresh tales from the crypto seas 🏝: ▪️ On January 31, 2021, a user bought 48 billion $SHIB for $2700, This hodler held tight for over 3 years and cashed out yesterday, scoring a cool $1.2 million. 🙀 ▪️ Meanwhile, another trader splurged $1.14 million on $TURBO on May 7, 2023, only to sell it five days later at a painful loss of $658k (-58%). If he’d just held on, he could’ve made over $4 million by today! 😎 Looks like the winning move is to buy a #shitcoin and forget about it for three years. But always remember to #DYOR , and you might just find your pot of gold! 🌈 #EarnFreeCrypto2024 follllllllow @crypto_indian
Who are you in memecoin trading?
A lucky duck or a paper hand?

🤠 Cryptocurrencies are a wild ride, and #Memecoins 🤑🤑 are like surfing a tsunami 🌊. If you’re brave enough to ride the wave, you might find yourself in a golden paradise or become fish food 🐡.

📝 Check out these fresh tales from the crypto seas 🏝:

▪️ On January 31, 2021, a user bought 48 billion $SHIB for $2700, This hodler held tight for over 3 years and cashed out yesterday, scoring a cool $1.2 million. 🙀

▪️ Meanwhile, another trader splurged $1.14 million on $TURBO on May 7, 2023, only to sell it five days later at a painful loss of $658k (-58%). If he’d just held on, he could’ve made over $4 million by today!

😎 Looks like the winning move is to buy a #shitcoin and forget about it for three years. But always remember to #DYOR , and you might just find your pot of gold! 🌈


follllllllow @india_crypto
ついに $SHIB が動き始めました。 私が長期保有している 2 つのコインは $SHIB と $PEPE です。Shib はかなり安定したコインですが、大きな利益を得るには少なくとも 2 ~ 3 年後の利益を考える必要があります。 2012 年は #BTC あたり 12 ドルでしたが、現在の価格がどうなっているか見てみましょう。良い報酬が欲しい場合は、安定していて価値が 0.5 セント未満のコインに投資し、200 ドルを投資して少なくとも 10 年間は忘れてください。 市場は上がったり下がったりしますが、最後には忍耐が実を結びます。 注: これは金融アドバイスではなく、私の個人的な見解と経験を共有するものです。市場は常に予測不可能であり、どちらに転ぶか予測することしかできません。 免責事項: 第三者の意見が含まれます。財務アドバイスではありません。スポンサーコンテンツが含まれる場合があります。 フォロー @crypto_indian #Shibainuholder #shiba⚡ #PepeCoinToTheMoon
ついに $SHIB が動き始めました。

私が長期保有している 2 つのコインは $SHIB $PEPE です。Shib はかなり安定したコインですが、大きな利益を得るには少なくとも 2 ~ 3 年後の利益を考える必要があります。

2012 年は #BTC あたり 12 ドルでしたが、現在の価格がどうなっているか見てみましょう。良い報酬が欲しい場合は、安定していて価値が 0.5 セント未満のコインに投資し、200 ドルを投資して少なくとも 10 年間は忘れてください。


注: これは金融アドバイスではなく、私の個人的な見解と経験を共有するものです。市場は常に予測不可能であり、どちらに転ぶか予測することしかできません。

免責事項: 第三者の意見が含まれます。財務アドバイスではありません。スポンサーコンテンツが含まれる場合があります。

フォロー @india_crypto

#Shibainuholder #shiba⚡ #PepeCoinToTheMoon
Long-term investors in BitTorrent($BTTC ) need to have a solid understanding of its technology to make informed decisions. 1. Peer-to-Peer (#P2P ) Networking 2. Torrent Files and Magnet Links 3. Trackers and DHT (Distributed Hash Table) 4. Seeding and Leeching 5. Incentive Mechanisms 6. BitTorrent Protocol Evolution 7. Use Cases and Applications 8. Security and Privacy By comprehensively understanding these technological aspects, long-term investors can better evaluate BitTorrent's potential, make informed decisions, and anticipate future developments and challenges in the ecosystem. #BitTorrent #BTTC follow me for more updates @crypto_indian
Long-term investors in BitTorrent($BTTC ) need to have a solid understanding of its technology to make informed decisions.

1. Peer-to-Peer (#P2P ) Networking

2. Torrent Files and Magnet Links

3. Trackers and DHT (Distributed Hash Table)

4. Seeding and Leeching

5. Incentive Mechanisms

6. BitTorrent Protocol Evolution

7. Use Cases and Applications

8. Security and Privacy

By comprehensively understanding these technological aspects, long-term investors can better evaluate BitTorrent's potential, make informed decisions, and anticipate future developments and challenges in the ecosystem. #BitTorrent #BTTC

follow me for more updates @india_crypto
🚀 Top Tokens to Watch in 2024: My Favorites Revealed! 🚀 Hey Binance Community! Ready to make 2024 the year you strike it rich? Let me share my top picks that I believe will skyrocket in the coming months. These are the tokens you don't want to miss: 1. LUNC: continues to show strong growth and utility. With new projects and innovations on the horizon, LUNC is set to break new records. 2. PEPE: This memecoin is not just a joke—it's a serious contender. With whales accumulating and the community growing, PEPE is poised for another major pump. 3. FLOKI: Inspired by the beloved Shiba Inu from Norse mythology, FLOKI has captured the hearts of many in the crypto space. Its unique marketing and strong community support make it a token to watch. What Are Yours? Now, I want to hear from you! What are your top token picks for 2024? Share your thoughts in the comments below and let's get this discussion going. Support @crypto_indian : Please support me with tips to my Binance ID: 737709310 to help me provide even more awesome content! Disclaimer: Remember, any news or information issued by me is not financial advice. Always do your own research! $LUNC $PEPE $FLOKI #PEPE‏ #BNB_Market_Update #FlokiRoadmap2024 #altcoins #pepe⚡
🚀 Top Tokens to Watch in 2024: My Favorites Revealed! 🚀

Hey Binance Community! Ready to make 2024 the year you strike it rich? Let me share my top picks that I believe will skyrocket in the coming months. These are the tokens you don't want to miss:

1. LUNC: continues to show strong growth and utility. With new projects and innovations on the horizon, LUNC is set to break new records.

2. PEPE: This memecoin is not just a joke—it's a serious contender. With whales accumulating and the community growing, PEPE is poised for another major pump.

3. FLOKI: Inspired by the beloved Shiba Inu from Norse mythology, FLOKI has captured the hearts of many in the crypto space. Its unique marketing and strong community support make it a token to watch.

What Are Yours?
Now, I want to hear from you! What are your top token picks for 2024? Share your thoughts in the comments below and let's get this discussion going.

Support @india_crypto :
Please support me with tips to my Binance ID: 737709310 to help me provide even more awesome content!

Disclaimer: Remember, any news or information issued by me is not financial advice. Always do your own research!

$LUNC $PEPE $FLOKI #PEPE‏ #BNB_Market_Update #FlokiRoadmap2024 #altcoins #pepe⚡
🚀 $PEPE 's Meteoric Rise: A New Crypto Star Shines Bright Pepe, the meme coin sensation, is making headlines again with a remarkable surge in value. According to the latest market data, $PEPE has shattered previous price barriers, now trading at 0.00001645 USDT. This impressive rise marks a 4.9% increase over the past 24 hours, signaling strong bullish momentum for the cryptocurrency. 📈 Why PEPE is Surging? Several factors contribute to this significant uptick: 1. Growing Market Interest: The cryptocurrency market is buzzing with activity, and PEPE is riding the wave. As more investors seek new opportunities, PEPE’s unique appeal as a meme coin is drawing considerable attention. 2. Positive Market Sentiment: The overall positive sentiment in the crypto market is fueling PEPE's rise. With Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies experiencing gains, PEPE is benefitting from the broader bullish environment. 3. Community Support: PEPE's dedicated community is a driving force behind its growth. Active engagement and promotion on social media platforms are helping to boost its visibility and attract new investors. The current trading price of 0.00001645 USDT represents a strong upward trend. This surge suggests that PEPE is not just a fleeting meme but a potential long-term player in the crypto space. However, as with any investment, it’s crucial to remain cautious and conduct thorough research. The crypto market is notoriously volatile, and price fluctuations are a common occurrence. Given its recent performance, $PEPE is poised for further growth. Investors are keeping a close watch on this meme coin, anticipating continued upward movement. The increasing interest in cryptocurrencies, coupled with PEPE’s strong community support, bodes well for its future prospects. Are you bullish on PEPE? Share your thoughts and join the discussion! Remember, this is not financial advice. Always do your own research before making any investment! #PEPE_EXPERT #MemeWatch2024 #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #altcoins #pepe⚡ follow me @crypto_indian
🚀 $PEPE 's Meteoric Rise: A New Crypto Star Shines Bright

Pepe, the meme coin sensation, is making headlines again with a remarkable surge in value. According to the latest market data, $PEPE has shattered previous price barriers, now trading at 0.00001645 USDT. This impressive rise marks a 4.9% increase over the past 24 hours, signaling strong bullish momentum for the cryptocurrency.

📈 Why PEPE is Surging?
Several factors contribute to this significant uptick:

1. Growing Market Interest: The cryptocurrency market is buzzing with activity, and PEPE is riding the wave. As more investors seek new opportunities, PEPE’s unique appeal as a meme coin is drawing considerable attention.

2. Positive Market Sentiment: The overall positive sentiment in the crypto market is fueling PEPE's rise. With Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies experiencing gains, PEPE is benefitting from the broader bullish environment.

3. Community Support: PEPE's dedicated community is a driving force behind its growth. Active engagement and promotion on social media platforms are helping to boost its visibility and attract new investors.

The current trading price of 0.00001645 USDT represents a strong upward trend. This surge suggests that PEPE is not just a fleeting meme but a potential long-term player in the crypto space. However, as with any investment, it’s crucial to remain cautious and conduct thorough research. The crypto market is notoriously volatile, and price fluctuations are a common occurrence.
Given its recent performance, $PEPE is poised for further growth. Investors are keeping a close watch on this meme coin, anticipating continued upward movement. The increasing interest in cryptocurrencies, coupled with PEPE’s strong community support, bodes well for its future prospects.

Are you bullish on PEPE? Share your thoughts and join the discussion!

Remember, this is not financial advice. Always do your own research before making any investment!

#PEPE_EXPERT #MemeWatch2024 #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #altcoins #pepe⚡

follow me @india_crypto
⏩️💲100 can make you millionaire🚀 Ask me how..? 👉Okay! the steps is: 01. Buy $PEPE coin and hold it for 10-12 months 02. Buy $LUNC coin and hold it for several months 03. Buy $BTTC and hold 24-36 Months. ⏩️follow me for accurate signal and Crypto Content @crypto_indian #buythedip #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Write2Earn!
⏩️💲100 can make you millionaire🚀

Ask me how..?

👉Okay! the steps is:

01. Buy $PEPE coin and hold it for 10-12 months
02. Buy $LUNC coin and hold it for several months
03. Buy $BTTC and hold 24-36 Months.

⏩️follow me for accurate signal and Crypto Content @india_crypto

#buythedip #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Write2Earn!
Terra LUNC & $LUNC : Binance Burns Over $59B Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) Tokens The largest cryptocurrency exchange globally, confirmed an extra burn of Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens, surpassing 59 billion tokens, as reported by LUNC Burn Tracker on May 23. Binance regularly burns LUNC tokens, separate from its monthly mechanism. In early May, they burned 1.4 billion tokens, now totaling 59.07 billion, which is 51.9% of the community’s total burned tokens at 113.71 billion. The broader crypto market saw a selloff, affecting LUNC and $USTC prices. $LUNC dropped 2.45% in 24 hours to $0.0001134, while USTC fell 3.66% to $0.02274. Trading volumes also fluctuated, notably increasing by 231% recently. Investors responded to market shifts, mirroring past selloffs after SEC approvals, highlighting Binance’s continuous backing of Terra Luna Classic since 2022 as a sign of its commitment to community resurgence. #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #FIT21 #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool follow me for updates @crypto_indian
Terra LUNC & $LUNC :
Binance Burns Over $59B Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) Tokens

The largest cryptocurrency exchange globally, confirmed an extra burn of Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens, surpassing 59 billion tokens, as reported by LUNC Burn Tracker on May 23.

Binance regularly burns LUNC tokens, separate from its monthly mechanism. In early May, they burned 1.4 billion tokens, now totaling 59.07 billion, which is 51.9% of the community’s total burned tokens at 113.71 billion.

The broader crypto market saw a selloff, affecting LUNC and $USTC prices. $LUNC dropped 2.45% in 24 hours to $0.0001134, while USTC fell 3.66% to $0.02274. Trading volumes also fluctuated, notably increasing by 231% recently.

Investors responded to market shifts, mirroring past selloffs after SEC approvals, highlighting Binance’s continuous backing of Terra Luna Classic since 2022 as a sign of its commitment to community resurgence.

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🚀📈 URGENT NEWS IF YOU OWN SHIBA YOU MUST SEE THIS $SHIB Following recent market fluctuations, the Shiba Inu token ($SHIB ) is showing strong signs of gearing up for a mega rally driven by bullish indicators and significant foundational developments. Despite its origins as a meme token, $SHIB has established itself within a vibrant community and now remains resilient in the face of market volatility. Despite low trading activity and no whale transactions exceeding $1 million, #SHIB has made a strong recovery from a robust annual support level last month. This resilience has buoyed the community, with analysts predicting potential upside for the cryptocurrency to reach the highly coveted price level of $0.001. 👍 Like | 💬 Comment | ↪️ Share🚀 🔥 Please follow @crypto_indian Binance Square account ! 🚀🔥

Following recent market fluctuations, the Shiba Inu token ($SHIB ) is showing strong signs of gearing up for a mega rally driven by bullish indicators and significant foundational developments.

Despite its origins as a meme token, $SHIB has established itself within a vibrant community and now remains resilient in the face of market volatility.

Despite low trading activity and no whale transactions exceeding $1 million, #SHIB has made a strong recovery from a robust annual support level last month.

This resilience has buoyed the community, with analysts predicting potential upside for the cryptocurrency to reach the highly coveted price level of $0.001.

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The #Terra Classic community pool continues to grow. The amount of #LUNC found in the pool reached 5.3 billion. The amount of #USTC exceeded 12 million units. The funds available here will be used for the development of the #Terra Classic chain and will reach a significant value when the price increases. $LUNC $USTC follow me @crypto_indian
The #Terra Classic community pool continues to grow.

The amount of #LUNC found in the pool reached 5.3 billion.

The amount of #USTC exceeded 12 million units.

The funds available here will be used for the development of the #Terra Classic chain and will reach a significant value when the price increases.


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$PEPE 🚀💲If experts predict the price of #Bitcoin could reach 100K USD, why do speculators say that $PEPE can't reach 1USD? The answer is easy, they only sell news. As long as we keep and hold this coin for the next 1 year. More than 1USD is a big possibility. follow me @crypto_indian
$PEPE 🚀💲If experts predict the price of #Bitcoin could reach 100K USD, why do speculators say that $PEPE can't reach 1USD?

The answer is easy, they only sell news. As long as we keep and hold this coin for the next 1 year. More than 1USD is a big possibility.

follow me @india_crypto
#Shiba Inu: $100 to $1.6 Billions If you had invested $100 in Shiba Inu at its first opening price and sold it at its all-time high, you would have made over $1.6 billion.👀👀👀 Shiba Inu was launched in August 2020 with an initial price of $0.000000000056. If you had invested $100 at that time, you would have purchased 1.8 trillion #SHIB tokens. The price of SHIB reached its all-time high of $0.00008845 in October 2021. If you had sold your SHIB tokens at this time, you would have made over $1.6 billion.🚀🚀🚀 This is a staggering return on investment, and it is a testament to the volatility of the cryptocurrency market. However, it is important to note that past performance is not indicative of future results. It is also important to remember that investing in #cryptocurrency is a risky investment, and you should only invest money that you can afford to lose.🔥🔥🔥 Here is a table that summarizes your investment:🐮🐮🐮 Investment, Purchase price, Sale price, Profit $100 in $SHIB $0.000000000056 $0.00008845 $1.6 billion Please note that this is a hypothetical calculation, and it is not guaranteed that you would have made this much profit if you had actually invested in $SHIB #ShibaFundamentalAnlysis like & follow @crypto_indian
#Shiba Inu: $100 to $1.6 Billions
If you had invested $100 in Shiba Inu at its first opening price and sold it at its all-time high, you would have made over $1.6 billion.👀👀👀

Shiba Inu was launched in August 2020 with an initial price of $0.000000000056. If you had invested $100 at that time, you would have purchased 1.8 trillion #SHIB tokens.

The price of SHIB reached its all-time high of $0.00008845 in October 2021. If you had sold your SHIB tokens at this time, you would have made over $1.6 billion.🚀🚀🚀

This is a staggering return on investment, and it is a testament to the volatility of the cryptocurrency market. However, it is important to note that past performance is not indicative of future results. It is also important to remember that investing in #cryptocurrency is a risky investment, and you should only invest money that you can afford to lose.🔥🔥🔥

Here is a table that summarizes your investment:🐮🐮🐮
Investment, Purchase price, Sale price, Profit
$100 in $SHIB $0.000000000056 $0.00008845 $1.6 billion

Please note that this is a hypothetical calculation, and it is not guaranteed that you would have made this much profit if you had actually invested in $SHIB


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Why $PEPE is bullish? #pepe⚡ price consolidated for 66 days between March 14 and May 19, building up orders. On May 20, the frog-themed meme coin breached the $0.0000058 to $0.0000108 range to the upside and kicked-started its 65% rally. According to Santiment, the 24-hour Active Addresses, the wallets interacting with the Pepe blockchain, have spiked from 3,600 to 12,000 between May 21 and 22. This sudden uptick is similar to the spike in active addresses in mid-May, when #PEPE shot up 36%. This metric shows that the investors are interested in Pepe at the current price levels. Pepe is benefiting from the $ETH #ETF and the #FOMO that currently exists. The price could reach the $0.00002 level soon and rise to $0.00005 within some time. However, it is possible that along the way, several substantial corrections will occur. Not Financial Advice. Do your own DYOR. Follow Us and Share @crypto_indian
Why $PEPE is bullish?

#pepe⚡ price consolidated for 66 days between March 14 and May 19, building up orders. On May 20, the frog-themed meme coin breached the $0.0000058 to $0.0000108 range to the upside and kicked-started its 65% rally.

According to Santiment, the 24-hour Active Addresses, the wallets interacting with the Pepe blockchain, have spiked from 3,600 to 12,000 between May 21 and 22. This sudden uptick is similar to the spike in active addresses in mid-May, when #PEPE shot up 36%.

This metric shows that the investors are interested in Pepe at the current price levels.
Pepe is benefiting from the $ETH #ETF and the #FOMO that currently exists. The price could reach the $0.00002 level soon and rise to $0.00005 within some time.

However, it is possible that along the way, several substantial corrections will occur.

Not Financial Advice. Do your own DYOR.
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#Absolutely ! Imagine a scenario where the whimsical $PEPE coin defies all odds and soars to an outstanding $1 per coin. With a staggering total supply of 420.69 trillion coins, the market capitalization would skyrocket to an astronomical $420.69 trillion! To put that into perspective, that's more than the GDP of the entire world combined! Such an incredible market valuation would make #pepe⚡ coin the undisputed titan of the financial world, overshadowing even the most legendary investments. It would be a testament to the boundless potential of cryptocurrency, capturing the imagination of investors and enthusiasts alike. Who knows, in this extraordinary hypothetical universe, #PEPE coin might just become the ultimate symbol of prosperity and innovation in the digital age! #PEPE_EXPERT #PEPEATH Like 👍|Comment ✍️|Share 💞 follow me @crypto_indian on binance square
#Absolutely ! Imagine a scenario where the whimsical $PEPE coin defies all odds and soars to an outstanding $1 per coin.

With a staggering total supply of 420.69 trillion coins, the market capitalization would skyrocket to an astronomical $420.69 trillion!

To put that into perspective, that's more than the GDP of the entire world combined!

Such an incredible market valuation would make #pepe⚡ coin the undisputed titan of the financial world, overshadowing even the most legendary investments. It would be a testament to the boundless potential of cryptocurrency, capturing the imagination of investors and enthusiasts alike.

Who knows, in this extraordinary hypothetical universe, #PEPE coin might just become the ultimate symbol of prosperity and innovation in the digital age!


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