Binance Square
"Looking to connect with like-minded crypto enthusiasts. Let's build a community!"
柴犬の価格が一時50%下落 このトークンは、過去24時間で規制取引所で17億ドル以上の取引高を記録しており、他のトークンの中では最大となっている。 柴犬の価格は、不安定な仮想通貨取引セッション中に下落した。 このような下落は通常、売り注文が利用可能な市場の深さを超えた場合に発生する。 柴犬(SHIB)の価格は、火曜日のアジア早朝に米国取引所で一時50%下落した後、異例の動きで正常に戻った。 主要トークンの間でビットコイン(BTC)主導の売りが起きた中、SHIBはCoinbaseで0.000044ドルから​​0.000022ドルに下落した。他の取引所では、価格は平均0.000036ドルに下落した。 このような下落は通常、売り注文が利用可能な市場の深さ、つまり特定の取引所の任意の時点での流動性を超えた場合に発生する。ヨーロッパの朝の時点で、SHIBの市場の深さは120万ドルである。 そのため、過去 24 時間の SHIB スポット取引量は 17 億ドルを超え、他の取引所よりも高い水準となった。この規制された取引所は、米国を拠点とする個人投資家が仮想通貨市場に参加できる数少ない手段の 1 つである。 午前中の売りにもかかわらず、SHIB 価格は過去 24 時間で 45% 上昇している。 $BTC $BNB

そのため、過去 24 時間の SHIB スポット取引量は 17 億ドルを超え、他の取引所よりも高い水準となった。この規制された取引所は、米国を拠点とする個人投資家が仮想通貨市場に参加できる数少ない手段の 1 つである。

午前中の売りにもかかわらず、SHIB 価格は過去 24 時間で 45% 上昇している。

毎日無料でMATICトークンをマイニングできる素晴らしい機会です!3つの簡単な手順に従うだけです。まず、このリンクアドレスをコピーして、お持ちのブラウザに貼り付けます。 次に、ウォレットをプラットフォームに接続します。接続すると、すぐに収益を得ることができます。報酬を最大化するには、5分ごとに「収穫」をクリックすることを忘れないでください。この限定オファーをお見逃しなく!BNBチェーンの#HotTrends コミュニティに参加して、#BOME 、#ID 、#POLYX. の可能性を探ってください。今日からマイニングして収益を上げましょう! 免責事項:暗号通貨への投資には、市場のボラティリティ、規制の変更、技術的な障害、サイバーセキュリティの脅威など、固有のリスクが伴います。暗号通貨の価格は大きく変動する可能性があり、大きな経済的損失につながる可能性があります。過去のパフォーマンスは将来の結果を示すものではありません。暗号通貨市場で投資判断を下す前に、徹底的な調査を実施し、資格のある金融専門家にアドバイスを求めることが重要です。さらに、ユーザーは、暗号通貨分野で蔓延している潜在的な詐欺、フィッシングの試み、不正行為に注意する必要があります。ここで提供される情報は、教育および情報提供のみを目的としており、金融アドバイスとして解釈されるべきではありません。ユーザーは、投資判断について単独で責任を負い、常に注意と勤勉さを払う必要があります。 $BTC $ETH $BNB

次に、ウォレットをプラットフォームに接続します。接続すると、すぐに収益を得ることができます。報酬を最大化するには、5分ごとに「収穫」をクリックすることを忘れないでください。この限定オファーをお見逃しなく!BNBチェーンの#HotTrends コミュニティに参加して、#BOME #ID #POLYX. の可能性を探ってください。今日からマイニングして収益を上げましょう!


ビットコイン(BTC)の将来価格 [Claim Free rewards upto 3 Fdusd]( スタンダード・チャータード銀行は大幅に強気で、2024年末の予測を15万ドルに引き上げ、2025年の最高値を25万ドルと予想しています。その理由は、米国で最近開始されたスポットビットコインETFと、金ETFの歴史的影響との比較に関連しています。 バイナンスも楽観的な見方をしており、2030年までにビットコインが85,528.60ドルになるという長期予測を提示しています。 免責事項:これらは単なる予測であり、暗号通貨市場は本質的に不安定であることを考慮することが重要です。また、短期的には後退を予測するアナリストもおり、反対の見解もあります。 $BTC $ETH $BNB #HotTrends #BTC #BOME

Claim Free rewards upto 3 Fdusd




$BTC $ETH $BNB #HotTrends #BTC #BOME
ホエールウォッチング:ビットコインの急落の背後には大口投資家がいるのか? ビットコインの価格はさまざまな要因により変動します。最近の下落の理由として考えられるのは以下のとおりです。 1. 市場心理: 恐怖、不確実性、疑念(FUD):暗号通貨を取り巻くネガティブなニュースや出来事はパニック売りを引き起こし、価格を下落させる可能性があります。規制:暗号通貨に対する政府の潜在的な規制は不確実性を生み出し、投資家が投資を控えたり売却したりすることにつながります。 2. マクロ経済要因: 金利の上昇:金利が上昇すると、従来の投資がより魅力的になり、暗号通貨から資金が引き揚げられます。株式市場のパフォーマンス:株式市場の低迷はドミノ効果を引き起こし、投資家がビットコインのようなリスクの高い資産を売却することにつながります。 3. 需要と供給: 供給の制限:ビットコインの供給量は2100万枚に制限されています。需要が停滞または減少すると、価格が下落する可能性があります。クジラの動き: 大規模な投資家 (クジラ) は、大量のビットコインを売買することで、価格に大きな影響を与える可能性があります。 4. テクニカル分析: チャートパターン: テクニカルアナリストは、過去の価格チャートを調査して、将来の価格変動を予測する可能性のあるパターンを特定します。弱気なチャートパターンは、売りを誘発する可能性があります。 $BTC $BNB $ETH 免責事項: この暗号通貨アップデートで提供される情報は、情報提供のみを目的としており、金融アドバイスとして解釈されるべきではありません。暗号通貨市場は不安定で、さまざまな影響を受けます。投資決定を行う前に、常に独自の調査とデューデリジェンスを実施する必要があります。 暗号通貨への投資には、元本損失の可能性を含む大きなリスクが伴います。 今後のアップデートについては、私をフォローしてください。 @blockchain_explorer


1. 市場心理:


2. マクロ経済要因:


3. 需要と供給:

供給の制限:ビットコインの供給量は2100万枚に制限されています。需要が停滞または減少すると、価格が下落する可能性があります。クジラの動き: 大規模な投資家 (クジラ) は、大量のビットコインを売買することで、価格に大きな影響を与える可能性があります。

4. テクニカル分析:

チャートパターン: テクニカルアナリストは、過去の価格チャートを調査して、将来の価格変動を予測する可能性のあるパターンを特定します。弱気なチャートパターンは、売りを誘発する可能性があります。





Bitcoin (BTC) update as of Thursday, March 14, 2024 Price: $73,012.99 (up 2.91% in the last 24 hours) Market Cap: $1,431.63 Billion USD Trading Volume: $44.67 Billion USD (last 24 hours) There's been a positive surge in Bitcoin's price over the past day. Some analysts believe this rally could be short-lived, while others like Bernstein are more bullish, expecting the price to hit $150,000 Here's some additional information you might find helpful: Next Bitcoin Halving: Expected in April 2024. This event will cut the block rewards for miners in half, potentially impacting the price in the long run. $BTC $ETH $BNB
Bitcoin (BTC) update as of Thursday, March 14, 2024

Price: $73,012.99 (up 2.91% in the last 24 hours)

Market Cap: $1,431.63 Billion

USD Trading Volume: $44.67 Billion USD (last 24 hours)

There's been a positive surge in Bitcoin's price over the past day. Some analysts believe this rally could be short-lived, while others like Bernstein are more bullish, expecting the price to hit $150,000

Here's some additional information you might find helpful:

Next Bitcoin Halving: Expected in April 2024. This event will cut the block rewards for miners in half, potentially impacting the price in the long run.

ビットコインブロック半減の報酬は何ですか?210,000 ブロックがマイニングされるごとに (約 4 年ごと)、ブロック報酬は半減し、ブロックあたりのブロック報酬が 0 になるまで (約 2140 年までに) 半減し続けます。現時点では、ブロック報酬はブロックあたり 6.25 コインですが、半減後はブロックあたり 3.125 コインに減少します。


210,000 ブロックがマイニングされるごとに (約 4 年ごと)、ブロック報酬は半減し、ブロックあたりのブロック報酬が 0 になるまで (約 2140 年までに) 半減し続けます。現時点では、ブロック報酬はブロックあたり 6.25 コインですが、半減後はブロックあたり 3.125 コインに減少します。
ビットコイン価格予測(2) 当社の現在のビットコイン価格予測によると、ビットコインの価格は2.25%上昇し、2024年3月12日までに67,569ドルに達すると予測されています。当社のテクニカル指標によると、現在のセンチメントは強気ですが、恐怖と貪欲指数は82を示しています(極度の貪欲さ)。ビットコインは、過去 30 日間で 21/30 (70%) の緑色の日を記録し、価格変動率は 12.18% でした。ビットコインの予測に基づくと、今がビットコインを購入するのに良い時期です。 2025 年のビットコイン価格予測は現在、下限で 66,742 ドルから上限で 156,548 ドルの間です。現在の価格と比較して、BTC が目標価格の上限に達した場合、ビットコインは 2025 年までに 134.23% 上昇する可能性があります。 2030年のビットコイン価格予測 2030年のビットコイン価格予測は現在、下限で228,047ドルから上限で308,078ドルの間です。現在の価格と比較すると、ビットコインが目標価格の上限に達すれば、2030年までに360.97%上昇する可能性がある。 #BTC 免責事項: これは投資アドバイスではありません。提供される情報は一般的な情報提供のみを目的としています。このページで提供される情報、資料、サービス、その他のコンテンツは、勧誘、推奨、推奨、または財務、投資、その他のアドバイスを構成するものではありません。投資決定を下す前に、法的、財務的、財務上のアドバイスという形で独立した専門家に相談してください。

当社の現在のビットコイン価格予測によると、ビットコインの価格は2.25%上昇し、2024年3月12日までに67,569ドルに達すると予測されています。当社のテクニカル指標によると、現在のセンチメントは強気ですが、恐怖と貪欲指数は82を示しています(極度の貪欲さ)。ビットコインは、過去 30 日間で 21/30 (70%) の緑色の日を記録し、価格変動率は 12.18% でした。ビットコインの予測に基づくと、今がビットコインを購入するのに良い時期です。

2025 年のビットコイン価格予測は現在、下限で 66,742 ドルから上限で 156,548 ドルの間です。現在の価格と比較して、BTC が目標価格の上限に達した場合、ビットコインは 2025 年までに 134.23% 上昇する可能性があります。




免責事項: これは投資アドバイスではありません。提供される情報は一般的な情報提供のみを目的としています。このページで提供される情報、資料、サービス、その他のコンテンツは、勧誘、推奨、推奨、または財務、投資、その他のアドバイスを構成するものではありません。投資決定を下す前に、法的、財務的、財務上のアドバイスという形で独立した専門家に相談してください。
Bitcoin price surges past $67,000, driven by retail buying. The price of Bitcoin has surged past $67,000, its highest level since November 2021, fueled by a surge in retail buying. The rally comes after a strong weekend for Bitcoin, which saw the price rise by over 10%. Analysts believe that the recent surge is due to a number of factors, including increased institutional adoption, growing demand from retail investors, and the perception of Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation. The outlook for Bitcoin remains uncertain. However, the recent rally suggests that there is still a lot of life left in the world's first and largest cryptocurrency. The chart you sent shows the price of Bitcoin over the past four months. As you can see, the price has been on a tear recently, rising by over 50% in the past month. It is important to note that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. The price of Bitcoin is highly volatile and could decline sharply in the future. #BTC @Binance_News @Binance_Announcement @CZ
Bitcoin price surges past $67,000, driven by retail buying.

The price of Bitcoin has surged past $67,000, its highest level since November 2021, fueled by a surge in retail buying. The rally comes after a strong weekend for Bitcoin, which saw the price rise by over 10%.

Analysts believe that the recent surge is due to a number of factors, including increased institutional adoption, growing demand from retail investors, and the perception of Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation.

The outlook for Bitcoin remains uncertain. However, the recent rally suggests that there is still a lot of life left in the world's first and largest cryptocurrency.

The chart you sent shows the price of Bitcoin over the past four months. As you can see, the price has been on a tear recently, rising by over 50% in the past month.

It is important to note that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. The price of Bitcoin is highly volatile and could decline sharply in the future.
#BTC @Binance News @Binance Announcement @CZ
Bitcoin Price Prediction The latest price for one Bitcoin/BTC coin is $62,116. It's down by -7% in the last 24 hours. 52.97% of days, the price of BTC closed above the opening. The maximum price ever recorded in our base for one BTC is $67,505, it was 2 Years and 3 Months ago, currently price is down by -7.98% from that high. From a total of 17 technical indicators, 12 calls to buy, and 3 to sell, the prediction sentiment short-term is bullish based on technical price analysis. The 14-day relative strength index (RSI) is currently at 71.85, indicating Overbought conditions, overbought signals that price can drop in the near term. On the weekly chart, the RSI is at 63.48, indicating an Natural condition. On the daily chart, exponential moving averages show a bullish signal. Bitcoin price currently sits above all 10,20,50,100, and 200-day EMAs. Historically the price of BTC last day of March was above the open price four times out of 11, and 7 out of 11 the price was lower than the price at the start of the month. The best month for Bitcoin has been February for the last twelve years, nine times the price of BTC at the end of February was higher than the price at the start of the month. The worst month is September, eight times out of 12, the price at the end of September was lower than starting price. Check monthly performance for more details. There were three bull runs that Bitcoin had, first ATH was in November 2013, and Bitcoin reached $1,156 soon after 413 days later price dropped to its lowest point at $211.73 before the next bull run, since November 2013 approx 4 years were needed to reach a new all-time high. The last bull run was in November 2021 since then 847 days have passed. Last time BTC needed 1405 days to reach a new all time high. According to our Bitcoin price prediction, the price of BTC can hit $74,307 in the next 10 days, what's about the long-term forecast price for 2025 will be $221,485, and the prediction for 2030 is $369,701.
Bitcoin Price Prediction

The latest price for one Bitcoin/BTC coin is $62,116. It's down by -7% in the last 24 hours. 52.97% of days, the price of BTC closed above the opening. The maximum price ever recorded in our base for one BTC is $67,505, it was 2 Years and 3 Months ago, currently price is down by -7.98% from that high.
From a total of 17 technical indicators, 12 calls to buy, and 3 to sell, the prediction sentiment short-term is bullish based on technical price analysis.
The 14-day relative strength index (RSI) is currently at 71.85, indicating Overbought conditions, overbought signals that price can drop in the near term. On the weekly chart, the RSI is at 63.48, indicating an Natural condition.
On the daily chart, exponential moving averages show a bullish signal. Bitcoin price currently sits above all 10,20,50,100, and 200-day EMAs.
Historically the price of BTC last day of March was above the open price four times out of 11, and 7 out of 11 the price was lower than the price at the start of the month. The best month for Bitcoin has been February for the last twelve years, nine times the price of BTC at the end of February was higher than the price at the start of the month. The worst month is September, eight times out of 12, the price at the end of September was lower than starting price. Check monthly performance for more details.
There were three bull runs that Bitcoin had, first ATH was in November 2013, and Bitcoin reached $1,156 soon after 413 days later price dropped to its lowest point at $211.73 before the next bull run, since November 2013 approx 4 years were needed to reach a new all-time high. The last bull run was in November 2021 since then 847 days have passed. Last time BTC needed 1405 days to reach a new all time high.
According to our Bitcoin price prediction, the price of BTC can hit $74,307 in the next 10 days, what's about the long-term forecast price for 2025 will be $221,485, and the prediction for 2030 is $369,701.
Buckle Up for Bitcoin: 2024 and Beyond! The Bitcoin train is chugging along, folks, and it's showing no signs of slowing down! We just witnessed BTC break the 64,000 USDT barrier – that's a 3.56% surge in 24 hours! But where are we headed next? The future is always uncertain, but that's what makes crypto so exciting! Here's what's piquing my interest: The upcoming Bitcoin halving: Scheduled for April 24th, this event will cut the number of new BTCs generated in half, potentially impacting its price. ⏳Institutional adoption: More and more big players are entering the crypto space, potentially bringing fresh capital and stability. Emerging regulations: Governments around the world are scrambling to regulate crypto, which could bring clarity and potentially boost adoption. ⚖️ I'm not a financial advisor, but I'm definitely a crypto enthusiast! So, let's dive deeper together! Join me in the comments: What are your thoughts on Bitcoin's future?What factors are you watching closely?Are you bullish or bearish on BTC? Let's get the conversation rolling! #Bitcoin #Cryptocurrency #BTC #HalvingHorizons Remember, do your own research before making any investment decisions. This is not financial advice.
Buckle Up for Bitcoin: 2024 and Beyond!

The Bitcoin train is chugging along, folks, and it's showing no signs of slowing down! We just witnessed BTC break the 64,000 USDT barrier – that's a 3.56% surge in 24 hours!

But where are we headed next? The future is always uncertain, but that's what makes crypto so exciting!

Here's what's piquing my interest:

The upcoming Bitcoin halving: Scheduled for April 24th, this event will cut the number of new BTCs generated in half, potentially impacting its price.
⏳Institutional adoption: More and more big players are entering the crypto space, potentially bringing fresh capital and stability.
Emerging regulations: Governments around the world are scrambling to regulate crypto, which could bring clarity and potentially boost adoption. ⚖️

I'm not a financial advisor, but I'm definitely a crypto enthusiast! So, let's dive deeper together!
Join me in the comments:

What are your thoughts on Bitcoin's future?What factors are you watching closely?Are you bullish or bearish on BTC?

Let's get the conversation rolling!

#Bitcoin #Cryptocurrency #BTC #HalvingHorizons

Remember, do your own research before making any investment decisions. This is not financial advice.
Since you're interested in crypto news, here are some updates: Regulation: US: The SEC cracks down on unregistered crypto lending platforms, raising concerns about potential tightening regulations in the space. China: China reiterates its crypto ban, impacting mining operations and trading activity. EU: The European Union gears up for its Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation, aiming to provide a clear legal framework for digital assets. Technology: Ethereum's Shanghai upgrade: This highly anticipated upgrade, scheduled for March, will unlock staked ETH, potentially impacting the market dynamics. Metaverse projects: Facebook Meta continues to invest heavily in the metaverse, potentially driving demand for cryptocurrencies involved in virtual worlds. Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): Several central banks are exploring launching their own digital currencies, potentially impacting the future of traditional and cryptocurrencies. Adoption: PayPal: Reports suggest PayPal is developing its own stablecoin, potentially bringing crypto to a wider audience. Retail giants: Companies like Walmart and Nike are exploring ways to integrate blockchain technology and crypto payments into their operations. Institutional investors: More institutional investors are allocating a portion of their portfolios to crypto, suggesting growing recognition of its potential. Additionally: Keep an eye on: Ongoing developments in DeFi, NFTs, and play-to-earn gaming within the crypto space. Remember: The crypto market is volatile, so do your own research and invest responsibly. I hope this information is helpful! Feel free to ask if you have any questions about specific aspects of the crypto world. $BTC $BNB $SOL
Since you're interested in crypto news, here are some updates:


US: The SEC cracks down on unregistered crypto lending platforms, raising concerns about potential tightening regulations in the space.

China: China reiterates its crypto ban, impacting mining operations and trading activity.

EU: The European Union gears up for its Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation, aiming to provide a clear legal framework for digital assets.


Ethereum's Shanghai upgrade: This highly anticipated upgrade, scheduled for March, will unlock staked ETH, potentially impacting the market dynamics.

Metaverse projects: Facebook Meta continues to invest heavily in the metaverse, potentially driving demand for cryptocurrencies involved in virtual worlds.

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): Several central banks are exploring launching their own digital currencies, potentially impacting the future of traditional and cryptocurrencies.


PayPal: Reports suggest PayPal is developing its own stablecoin, potentially bringing crypto to a wider audience.
Retail giants: Companies like Walmart and Nike are exploring ways to integrate blockchain technology and crypto payments into their operations.

Institutional investors: More institutional investors are allocating a portion of their portfolios to crypto, suggesting growing recognition of its potential.


Keep an eye on: Ongoing developments in DeFi, NFTs, and play-to-earn gaming within the crypto space.

Remember: The crypto market is volatile, so do your own research and invest responsibly.

I hope this information is helpful! Feel free to ask if you have any questions about specific aspects of the crypto world.

Cryptoverse: Buckle Up for a Wild Ride with Regulations, Metaverse Mayhem, and Staked ETH ShenaniganRegulation: US: The SEC cracks down on unregistered crypto lending platforms, raising concerns about potential tightening regulations in the space.China: China reiterates its crypto ban, impacting mining operations and trading activity.EU: The European Union gears up for its Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation, aiming to provide a clear legal framework for digital assets. Technology: Ethereum's Shanghai upgrade: This highly anticipated upgrade, scheduled for March, will unlock staked ETH, potentially impacting the market dynamics.Metaverse projects: Facebook Meta continues to invest heavily in the metaverse, potentially driving demand for cryptocurrencies involved in virtual worlds.Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): Several central banks are exploring launching their own digital currencies, potentially impacting the future of traditional and cryptocurrencies. Adoption: PayPal: Reports suggest PayPal is developing its own stablecoin, potentially bringing crypto to a wider audience.Retail giants: Companies like Walmart and Nike are exploring ways to integrate blockchain technology and crypto payments into their operations.Institutional investors: More institutional investors are allocating a portion of their portfolios to crypto, suggesting growing recognition of its potential. Additionally: Keep an eye on: Ongoing developments in DeFi, NFTs, and play-to-earn gaming within the crypto space.Remember: The crypto market is volatile, so do your own research and invest responsibly.I hope this information is helpful! Feel free to ask if you have any questions about specific aspects of the crypto world. $SOL $XRP $BTC

Cryptoverse: Buckle Up for a Wild Ride with Regulations, Metaverse Mayhem, and Staked ETH Shenanigan

US: The SEC cracks down on unregistered crypto lending platforms, raising concerns about potential tightening regulations in the space.China: China reiterates its crypto ban, impacting mining operations and trading activity.EU: The European Union gears up for its Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation, aiming to provide a clear legal framework for digital assets.
Ethereum's Shanghai upgrade: This highly anticipated upgrade, scheduled for March, will unlock staked ETH, potentially impacting the market dynamics.Metaverse projects: Facebook Meta continues to invest heavily in the metaverse, potentially driving demand for cryptocurrencies involved in virtual worlds.Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): Several central banks are exploring launching their own digital currencies, potentially impacting the future of traditional and cryptocurrencies.
PayPal: Reports suggest PayPal is developing its own stablecoin, potentially bringing crypto to a wider audience.Retail giants: Companies like Walmart and Nike are exploring ways to integrate blockchain technology and crypto payments into their operations.Institutional investors: More institutional investors are allocating a portion of their portfolios to crypto, suggesting growing recognition of its potential.
Keep an eye on: Ongoing developments in DeFi, NFTs, and play-to-earn gaming within the crypto space.Remember: The crypto market is volatile, so do your own research and invest responsibly.I hope this information is helpful! Feel free to ask if you have any questions about specific aspects of the crypto world.
Crypto Headliners, Bitcoin Stalls, Ethereum L2s Prep for Gas Fee Slash, BNB Holds SteadyBitcoin (BTC): The king of crypto continues its consolidation above $48,000, facing resistance at $49,000. Short-term holders have locked in substantial profits, potentially indicating a wait-and-see approach before pushing higher. Analysts remain divided, with some predicting a retest of $52,000 while others warn of a drop back to $43,500. Ethereum (ETH): Layer 2 solutions like Arbitrum and Optimism are expected to see a significant decrease in gas fees after the Cancun upgrade, potentially making Ethereum more user-friendly for DeFi and NFT transactions. ETH itself trades modestly higher at $2,815, mirroring Bitcoin's cautious optimism. Binance Coin (BNB): BNB maintains its relative stability around $357, showcasing its utility within the Binance ecosystem. However, some worry about potential regulatory headwinds for centralized exchanges like Binance, which could impact BNB's price in the long run. Other Highlights: Cardano (ADA) surges 8.62%, leading the top gainers on Binance.The "Cancun upgrade" for Ethereum L2s raises hopes for wider adoption.BlackRock and Fidelity ETFs see record debut, potentially boosting crypto interest. Remember: This is not financial advice. Always do your own research before making any investment decisions. Disclaimer: Information is accurate as of February 19, 2024, 01:43 PKT. Prices and market conditions can change rapidly. #Write2Earn #TradingCompetition #BinanceLaunchpool #BinanceNFT #FollowMe $BTC $ETH $BNB

Crypto Headliners, Bitcoin Stalls, Ethereum L2s Prep for Gas Fee Slash, BNB Holds Steady

Bitcoin (BTC): The king of crypto continues its consolidation above $48,000, facing resistance at $49,000. Short-term holders have locked in substantial profits, potentially indicating a wait-and-see approach before pushing higher. Analysts remain divided, with some predicting a retest of $52,000 while others warn of a drop back to $43,500.

Ethereum (ETH): Layer 2 solutions like Arbitrum and Optimism are expected to see a significant decrease in gas fees after the Cancun upgrade, potentially making Ethereum more user-friendly for DeFi and NFT transactions. ETH itself trades modestly higher at $2,815, mirroring Bitcoin's cautious optimism.

Binance Coin (BNB): BNB maintains its relative stability around $357, showcasing its utility within the Binance ecosystem. However, some worry about potential regulatory headwinds for centralized exchanges like Binance, which could impact BNB's price in the long run.

Other Highlights:
Cardano (ADA) surges 8.62%, leading the top gainers on Binance.The "Cancun upgrade" for Ethereum L2s raises hopes for wider adoption.BlackRock and Fidelity ETFs see record debut, potentially boosting crypto interest.

Remember: This is not financial advice. Always do your own research before making any investment decisions.

Disclaimer: Information is accurate as of February 19, 2024, 01:43 PKT. Prices and market conditions can change rapidly.

#Write2Earn #TradingCompetition #BinanceLaunchpool #BinanceNFT
What's the difference between a roller coaster and the crypto market? ...At least with a roller coaster, you scream when you're going down. 😁🤭
What's the difference between a roller coaster and the crypto market?

...At least with a roller coaster, you scream when you're going down. 😁🤭
Hot Crypto Headlines 1. Bitcoin Eyes Bullish Return After Dip: BTC hovered around $39k recently, but analysts predict a bounce back towards swing highs. Share your thoughts on the future of Bitcoin! #CZSaysMoon? 2. Terraform Labs Files for Bankruptcy: The stablecoin saga continues! Discuss the implications for the crypto market and Binance's role in stablecoin regulation. #CryptoRegulation 3. BlackRock IBIT ETF Surpasses $2 Billion: Institutional interest in Bitcoin is skyrocketing! Tag @cz_binance and ask what's next for Binance in the ETF space. #BitcoinAdoption 4. Binance CEO's Travel Request Denied: CZ remains grounded while crypto takes flight! Share your favorite travel story involving crypto and tag @binancesquare for a retweet. #CryptoLife 5. ️‍♀️SEC X Account Hack Update: New details emerge about the SIM swap attack! Discuss the importance of crypto security and tag . #CryptoSafetyFirst Join me on the crypto roller coaster! Follow me @blockchain_explorer on Binance Square for all the thrills, spills, and valuable lessons along the way. "This is just the beginning! " See you on the other side! ✌️

Hot Crypto Headlines

1. Bitcoin Eyes Bullish Return After Dip: BTC hovered around $39k recently, but analysts predict a bounce back towards swing highs. Share your thoughts on the future of Bitcoin! #CZSaysMoon?

2. Terraform Labs Files for Bankruptcy: The stablecoin saga continues! Discuss the implications for the crypto market and Binance's role in stablecoin regulation. #CryptoRegulation

3. BlackRock IBIT ETF Surpasses $2 Billion: Institutional interest in Bitcoin is skyrocketing! Tag @cz_binance and ask what's next for Binance in the ETF space. #BitcoinAdoption

4. Binance CEO's Travel Request Denied: CZ remains grounded while crypto takes flight! Share your favorite travel story involving crypto and tag @binancesquare for a retweet. #CryptoLife

5. ️‍♀️SEC X Account Hack Update: New details emerge about the SIM swap attack! Discuss the importance of crypto security and tag . #CryptoSafetyFirst

Join me on the crypto roller coaster! Follow me @HamUsh on Binance Square for all the thrills, spills, and valuable lessons along the way.

"This is just the beginning! "
See you on the other side! ✌️
Bitcoin Surges After Positive Sustainability Report and BlackRock ETF Growth.BTC price currently above $41,000, its highest level since May 2022.Sustainable energy use in Bitcoin mining reaches 54.5%, according to a new report, boosting investor confidence.BlackRock's iShares Bitcoin ETF (IBIT) crosses $2 billion in assets under management, showcasing growing institutional interest.Experts say these factors could signal a continued Bitcoin bull run in 2024. Additional points to consider:Mention Binance's recent launch of margin trading for Bitcoin, attracting more traders.Briefly discuss upcoming events that could impact BTC price, like US Federal Reserve policy decisions.Encourage engagement by asking users "What are your thoughts on Bitcoin's future?" $BTC $ETH $BNB #Bitcoin #BlackRock #BTC #SustainableCrypto #Binance @Binance @Binance_Announcement @Binance_Square_Official @CZ

Bitcoin Surges After Positive Sustainability Report and BlackRock ETF Growth.

BTC price currently above $41,000, its highest level since May 2022.Sustainable energy use in Bitcoin mining reaches 54.5%, according to a new report, boosting investor confidence.BlackRock's iShares Bitcoin ETF (IBIT) crosses $2 billion in assets under management, showcasing growing institutional interest.Experts say these factors could signal a continued Bitcoin bull run in 2024.

Additional points to consider:Mention Binance's recent launch of margin trading for Bitcoin, attracting more traders.Briefly discuss upcoming events that could impact BTC price, like US Federal Reserve policy decisions.Encourage engagement by asking users "What are your thoughts on Bitcoin's future?"


#Bitcoin #BlackRock #BTC #SustainableCrypto #Binance
@Binance Announcement
@Binance Square Official
Fidelity Bitcoin Spot ETF Records $1 Billion In Net Inflows. Data from BitMEX Research reveals that Fidelity’s Bitcoin spot EF - FBTC - has now witnessed a total inflow of over $1 billion since its launch on January 20, 2024. The ETF has attracted diverse investors, including institutional, retail, and accredited ones, and has secured 25,067 BTC in holdings3.

Fidelity Bitcoin Spot ETF Records $1 Billion In Net Inflows.

Data from BitMEX Research reveals that Fidelity’s Bitcoin spot EF - FBTC - has now witnessed a total inflow of over $1 billion since its launch on January 20, 2024. The ETF has attracted diverse investors, including institutional, retail, and accredited ones, and has secured 25,067 BTC in holdings3.
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