Life lessons I learnt from Market dump :

🔸 Building something big requires a lot of work. Sleepless nights. And a lot of sacrifices

🔸 Be patient. Nothing great comes fast. It all needs a lot of time

🔸 Don't be the smartest person in the room. Connect with more successful people, and become their friend. Subconsciously you'll become like them

🔸 Build a huge network. You should know people from different crypto sectors

🔸 Share value for free. That may cost you 5 min, but change the whole life of the person

🔸 Be yourself. No need to play another role here. Since sooner or later people will discover the truth

🔸 Build high-income skills that can be transferred between Web2 and Web3. Think about coding, drawing, video editing, and writing.

🔸 Plan your time. That's the most expensive asset you have.

🔸 Crypto holds a lot of opportunities for everyone. You should learn how to identify them.

🔸 Stay humble. Always remember from what point you started. Cause it's super easy to get from hero to zero