#pixel $PIXEL

Hello Cryptans! We've received many questions about Pixeltap, and we're here to provide a comprehensive guide for beginners along with answers to the most frequently asked questions.

For those encountering PixelTab for the first time, let's dive into the latest project from top developers – Pixelverse. We'll explore what this promising creation entails, the opportunities it offers for the future, and why you shouldn't miss the chance to get involved. Plus, a special bonus for all my subscribers! 🌟

### Brief Description of Pixeltap

**Pixeltap by Pixelverse**:

A pioneering Web3 project that fuses gaming and finance. Pixeltap takes gamers on an exciting journey into the cyberpunk universe of the Pixelverse, where they can earn tokens by participating in in-game events. This project introduces a unique Play-to-Airdrop system that allows gamers to earn Pixfi tokens through participation in games, tournaments, and trading. 🎮💰✨

### Detailed Guide and Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

#### Question 1: How to Start Playing?

To start playing Pixeltap, follow these steps:

1. Visit my Telegram channel(@OroCryptoTrends ) and check my profile for a post with all the details.

#### START GAME Pixeltap 👈

**Welcome Bonus:**

- **2,000 coins + 2X multiplier** for the first 24 hours.

- **10,000 coins + 3X multiplier** if you have Telegram Premium.

#### Question 2: How to Collect Coins?

On the main screen:

- Log in once every 8 hours and click “brand.”

- The number of coins depends on your “Yield.”

- Yield is influenced by how well your pet is upgraded.

#### Question 3: How to Upgrade Your Pet?

To upgrade your pet:

1. Go to the “battle” tab.

2. Click the “improve” button under your pet.

3. Upgrading increases your coin yield and makes your pet stronger in battle.

#### Question 4: How to Collect Daily Combos for Coins?

In the "Rewards" tab, there is a daily combo feature:

- Place pets in the correct order as shown.

- We publish daily combos on our Telegram channel.

#### Question 5: How to Get a New Pet?

In the “Battle” tab:

- Click the “buy pet” button at the top right.

- You can purchase a new pet once every 24 hours.

- Upgrade your new pet to increase profitability.

#### Question 6: What is More Important: Coins or Profitability?

Both coins and profitability are crucial:

- Profitability increases the coin yield.

- Pets become NFT objects that can be sold for cryptocurrency.

#### Question 7: Additional Ways to Earn Coins in PixelTab

- Complete tasks and collect daily login stamps in the rewards tab.

- Earn coins by winning battles, but beware: losing battles means other players take coins from you.

#### Question 8: How to Prepare for AirDrop and Link a Crypto Wallet?

Visit my Telegram channel for detailed instructions on linking a crypto wallet to receive drops in Pixeltap. Instructions are in the “attachment” section link below copy paste in telegram.👉/pixelversexyzbot?start=390052389👈

### Conclusion

Pixeltap is a top-notch project, and now is the perfect time to join. Here’s why:

**Accessibility and Ease of Use**: Activating Pixeltap's functionality doesn’t require in-depth technical knowledge or blockchain experience. The platform offers comprehensive tools and support for users at all stages.

**User Maintenance and Reward**: Pixelverse supports its early users by providing opportunities to earn money from their activities. The platform’s minimal commission system ensures fair rewards.

**Community and Collaboration**: Pixeltap fosters a community where players can share experiences, interact, and inspire each other. This collaborative environment aids in the growth and promotion of the gaming and blockchain industries.

Stay updated on new projects, game life hacks, and various bonuses on my Telegram channel! If you have questions about Pixeltap, ask in the channel chat for assistance.

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