They'll soon start listing low/mid caps.

The next 100x will come from these new, shiny coins.

In 2021: $FTM did 600x, $MATIC 200x.

🧵Here're 6 new projects with the highest potential

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@binance recently announced a call for small to medium-sized projects to apply for their listing programs.

This initiative aims to foster the organic and sustainable growth of blockchain projects.

For everyday users, it’s a chance to benefit from early-stage projects and potentially profit much more than on recent Binance launches.

Why did Binance make this decision?

Previously, @binance released a research report titled "Low Float & High FDV: How Did We Get Here?"

The issue highlighted in the report is that tokens launched in 2024 have the lowest capitalization to FDV ratios seen in recent years.

This year's ratio hit a low of 12.3%, with the total number of tokens issued approaching levels seen in previous years.

This imbalance is causing selling pressure and harming the market.

According to data from Binance, most recently launched tokens have low circulating supplies.

This is what leads to higher capitalization to FDV ratios.

Finally, Binance listened to the community and decided to include low/mid cap tokens in their new listings.

The main parameters of the projects from the article that Binance will pay attention to:

》Have strong communities and sustainable user growth

》A sustainable business model and an MVP

》Significant token allocations for community rewards

》Innovation in technology or design

》Compliance with regulatory standards

New coins > Old coins

The next 100x's will come from newly launched projects, grabbing all the attention.

With Binance seeking low/mid cap listings, new gems will have the chance to rise quickly this bull run.

It happened with many tokens in 2021, and it will happen again this cycle.

Considering Binance's criteria and my thesis on "new shiny coins," I've compiled a list of projects with a high chance of being listed on Binance after they launch.

Here they're:

⛁ @ionet: $IO

Sector: AI

Ionet: AI computing cloud platform empowering machine learning engineers to leverage distributed cloud clusters at a reduced cost.

》Offers 10-15 times more cost-efficient solutions

》Supports tasks such as hyperparameter tuning, reinforcement learning, preprocessing, distributed training

》Manages orchestration and fault tolerance

⛁ @Lingocoins: $LINGO

Sector: GameFi, RWA

Lingo: GameFi project where transaction fees are invested in Real World Assets that create consistent value, contributing to the rewards pool.

Different types of RWA portfolios will be available:

》Stable long-term income up to 6%

》Only major cities: Dubai, Paris, Miami

》Short-term rentals

⛁ @peaqnetwork: $PEAQ

Sector: DePIN, RWA

Peaq: Specialized blockchain designed for DePIN and RWA, enabling the creation of decentralized apps and infrastructure.

Advantages of the project:

》>100,000 transactions per second

》Environmental sustainability

》Supported decentralized economy

⛁ @movementlabsxyz: $MOVE

Sector: Modularity

Movement: Network of modular blockchains, built on the Move programming language. It empowers Sui, Aptos, and EVM users to utilize the L2.

》First parallelized Move-EVM

》<$0.01 Gas fees

》160,000+ theoretical TPS

⛁ @plumenetwork: $PLUME

Sector: RWA

Plume Network: Modular L2 blockchain designed for RWA, integrating tokenization directly into the chain.

》Enabling users to deploy any asset onto the Plume blockchain

》Simplify integration of RWA into Dapps

》Enhancing liquidity for tokenized RWAs

⛁ @getgrass_io: $GRASS

Sector: AI, DePIN

Grass: Platform that utilizes your unused Internet resources, selling it to AI companies for web scraping and AI model training.

》Developing a first-ever Layer 2 data rollup

》Allowing users to earn passively by using the internet

That's all for now.

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