DAY 14

If you buy a coin and hold, waiting for the price of the coin to increase to make money. If the coin crash, your capital value will reduce. If the price remain lower than your entry price for 1year long, you have to wait that long for the price to come up before you recover your money, let alone make any profit. IF I buy a coin and set it up for cashflow. If the coin crash for 1year, my initial capital value will reduce for as long as it remains lower than my entry price. My advantage over you is this: I will make money from market noise. I will make more than 1000% of my initial capital as profits from market fluctuation. And if the price later comes up, I will still make another profits on my initial capital. You can see I have a double edged sword. I have an advantage over you. Most importantly, I have inner peace while enjoying the market ups and down.