According to PANews, navigating a bull market in cryptocurrency is more complex than it appears. Even if Bitcoin ($BTC) reaches $100,000, many investors might see their gains diminish. To avoid this, here are 15 rules to help maximize returns during this cycle.

1. Unrealized Gains Are Not Gains: This is the most crucial rule. Remember, gains are only real when you sell.

2. Avoid Leverage: Altcoins already offer significant volatility. Adding leverage can lead to substantial losses. As Warren Buffett says, you don't need to borrow money to make money if you're smart.

3. Gradual Selling: No one can perfectly time the market top. Plan to exit within the top third of the cycle to secure future gains.

4. Prepare For Downturns: Consider both upside potential and downside risks. Optimize your strategy to withstand worst-case scenarios.

5. Seek Asymmetric Investments: Not all opportunities are equal. Ensure the potential upside outweighs the downside risk.

6. Think Long-Term: Avoid getting lost in the hype. Step back and consider long-term trends and market liquidity over the next six months or more.

7. Be Selective: The dilution of altcoins is unprecedented. Most will go to zero by the end of the cycle. Be very selective.

8. Keep It Simple: Complexity does not equal success. Simple plans are more likely to succeed in a heated market.

9. Focus On Your Niche: The crypto industry has many sectors. Master a few niches rather than trying to be an expert in all.

10. Secure Your Crypto: Without private keys, your crypto isn't truly yours. Practice good wallet habits and diversify assets across multiple wallets or centralized exchanges (CEX).

11. Bet On Leaders: Retail investors often chase laggards, which usually fails. Winners tend to keep winning.

12. Collaborate: Your network is your net worth. Collaborate with other savvy investors and crypto enthusiasts.

13. Compare Altcoins To BTC: Focusing solely on the dollar value of altcoins is a mistake. Analyze ALT/BTC pairs and reassess your strategy if your portfolio underperforms BTC.

14. Follow Trends: In strong trends, follow the momentum. Contrarian investments only make sense at macro turning points.

15. Don't Fixate On Peak Net Worth: The market doesn't care about your gains or losses. Fixation clouds judgment. Embrace opportunities and accept losses gracefully.