There was a revolution in the cryptocurrency market, and this revolution remained completely unnoticed.

Until a year ago, the crypto market existed in an isolated space. Events inside it did not affect the rest of the economy, and vice versa.

This is largely due to the lack of communication between crypto and other businesses. Almost the entire crypto business is limited by the issue of cryptocurrencies and tokens, trading crypto on exchanges and trading platforms, servicing trade infrastructure. Business is about itself. Now there are projects that use blockchains and cryptocurrencies to solve practical problems, however, they are still isolated and do not change the situation dramatically.

The relatively small volume of the crypto market also plays its role. Total capitalization is about a trillion and a half dollars, this is quite modest compared to stock and financial markets.

At first glance, there have been no significant changes in the crypto market over the past year. There has been no extension of the use of the crypto. However, Bitcoin has received a new economic positioning. From being a Frick asset, he began to evolve step by step into "digital gold", which is an asset with limited practical utility but high value associated with limited supply.

Investors have become interested in Bitcoin as an investment object. This was especially evident in the Middle East crisis. Investors, anticipating higher risks, rush to transfer funds to safe assets. Previously, such assets were gold and US Treasures. However, currently gold, as expected, is growing in price, but Treasures did not interest investors, many of them chose to invest in Bitcoin.

This is quite unexpected. At the level of theoretical research, many thought it would happen sooner or later, but few thought it would happen quickly.

This is good for our projects. Meta Force does not directly depend on the crypto rates, however, the general attention to the crypto market plays on us.

So the economy is good for us!

#Silentrevolution #cryptomarket #MetaForce