
1.在投资的世界里,恐惧与贪婪,往往让人迷失方向。Fear and greed, in the world of investing, often lead people astray.

2.投资的成功不是靠预测市场,而是靠应对市场。Success in investing is not by predicting the market, but by responding to it.

3.投资必须是理性的!如果你不能理解它,那么就不要做。Investing must be rational! If you can't understand it, then don't do it.

4.如果是职业投资者、如果对自己有信心,我建议高度集中。对于其他普通人,如果不懂投资,我建议高度分散。If one is a professional investor, if one is confident in oneself, I would recommend a high degree of concentration. For the rest of the general public, if they don't know how to invest, I recommend a high degree of diversification.

5.成长性当然好,但我们更喜欢好生意。Growth is certainly good, but we prefer good business.

6.不能承受股价下跌50%的人就不应该炒股。People who can't afford a 50% drop in stock prices shouldn't speculate.

7.投资的过程,就是做大量决策的过程,不犯错不可能。The process of investing is the process of making a lot of decisions, and it's impossible not to make mistakes.

8.对于大多数投资者而言,重要的不是他到底知道什么,而是他们是否真正明白自己到底不知道什么。For most investors, what matters is not what he really knows, but whether they really understand what they really don't know.

9.不要用属于你、并且你也需要的钱,去挣那些不属于你、你也不需要的钱。Don't use money that belongs to you, and that you need, to make money that doesn't belong to you and that you don't need.

10.我们想的不是怎么获得超高的回报率,而是始终牢记永远不亏钱。Instead of thinking about how to get a super high rate of return, we always keep in mind to never lose money.

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