Major update on CEXP token mining occurred today (and the last second on the roadmap). The big ICO of the world's first crypto brokerage (founded in 2013)! CEX.IO

Join us. Even without spending time, mining continues to run on the telegram mini app and our members mining pool, which from will be investing since today, day 1 in TG stars to upgrade the rewards pace.

All previous members have the OG Status already, but since previous phase didn’t have the mining pool option we had a closed group.

Our pool will be upgraded to the biggest pool active, with an innovative strategy of us providing stars to new players for improvement of their low level Cards (it’s cheaper to improve low level cards for higher rewards in multiple players than invest on your own at a climbing price cost of upgrading and lowering the return over investment).

Join now, it’s free and you can leave at any time:…

🚀 mine in our pool multiply your earnings by 10’s of times (you will always receive 10% of the total mined in the week and the balance will appear (frozen) already directly in @cex_io app even before launching) not an adventurer new unknown company, clear roadmap and previously known constantly updating token number rewards.

@cex_io will be forever in history of cryptocurrency:

We started in 2013, back when the total market cap of the crypto industry was still under $1 billion. Our team spent the last decade building products that remove operational and technical complexities out of crypto. Holding 5% of entire BTC mining supply and more now it’s closed for pool applying!