**Harshad Mehta: The Rise and Fall of a Financial Maverick**

Harshad Mehta, an intriguing figure in India's financial history, rose from humble beginnings to become a prominent stockbroker in the late 1980s and early 1990s. His journey epitomized the meteoric rise and subsequent downfall that often characterizes the world of high finance.

Mehta's career reached its pinnacle when he discovered a loophole in the Indian banking system known as the "Ready Forward" deal. Exploiting this, he leveraged massive sums of money, temporarily influencing stock prices and earning the moniker "Big Bull." His bold maneuvers and charisma captured the imagination of a nation enthralled by economic liberalization.

However, Mehta's empire crumbled as swiftly as it had ascended. Accusations of financial malpractice and a scandal involving significant misappropriations of funds led to his downfall. His life became a cautionary tale of unchecked ambition and the perils of financial excess.

Despite the controversy surrounding him, Harshad Mehta remains a polarizing figure, remembered for both his audacious financial strategies and the controversies that ultimately tarnished his legacy. His story serves as a reminder of the complexities and risks inherent in the world of high-stakes finance.

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