Pi2Day 2024 marks a significant milestone for Pi Network—it's the last Pi2Day before we launch the Open Network!

As outlined in the Open Network conditions in December 2023, our path to Open Network depends on the collective efforts of the entire Pi community, including the Core Team, community developers, and all Pioneers. Thanks to the incredible contributions and innovations of the community, we have made great progress and are right on track.

Today’s Pi2Day celebration includes updates on our progress towards meeting Open Network conditions, a review of product updates and releases since Pi Day (March 14, 2024), introductions to new releases, a preview of upcoming initiatives to advance our Open Network goals, and the launch of a community event—a new Pi2Day Open Network Challenge!

First, we are excited to announce that the Pioneer community has now surpassed 60 million engaged Pioneers!

### Open Network Conditions and Status

Today, we provide updates on the progress of our three key conditions for the Open Network.

1. Finish Preparation Work

The Core Team remains on track with technology, product, business, and legal preparations, following the consistent strategies of Pi Network. The majority of this announcement focuses on the progress made and future initiatives in these areas as we move towards Open Network.

2. Meet KYC, Migration, and Utility Creation Goals

When setting our timeline, we established three primary goals driven by community efforts:

- First, 15 million KYC’ed Pioneers: We currently have over 12 million KYC’d Pioneers, up from 9.45 million on March 14, 2024. Many KYC issues have been resolved, facilitating this increase. We expect further acceleration with additional changes and community mobilization initiatives.

- Second, migrate 10 million Pioneers to Mainnet: We now have 5.79 million Pioneers on Mainnet, compared to 4.5 million on March 14, 2024. Changes made and upcoming will continue to accelerate Mainnet migrations. Details will follow later in this post.

- Third, 100 Pi apps: These apps must be on the Mainnet or Mainnet-ready, comply with Pi platform policies, solve a true need, bring utility to the Pi ecosystem, and be distinct applications. We now have over 70 Mainnet or Mainnet-ready Pi apps that meet these criteria, up from 50 on March 14, 2024.

3. No Unfavorable External Environment

We control the Open Network launch date to avoid launching during unfavorable global conditions that could impact the crypto and traditional business ecosystems. While we don’t foresee any such events currently, we remain vigilant to ensure the best timing for our launch.

### Tech & Product Progress Towards Open Network

Since the Pi Day announcement, the Core Team has focused on advancing Open Network preparations, prioritizing KYC, Mainnet migrations, Nodes, and other initiatives like growth and post-migration lockups. Efforts to build utility and a strong community through Pioneer connections, social features, and community events have also continued. These align with the goals of achieving a critical mass of verified Pioneers on Mainnet, completing Open Network preparations, and diversifying Pi cryptocurrency utilities.

Read on to learn more and engage with the new updates available to you!

This tech and product update focuses on visible, relevant, and interesting features and work items for Pioneers, although it omits much backend work that remains crucial.


The Core Team has developed several methods to assist Pioneers in passing KYC at various stages of the application, validation, and approval processes.

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