Binance Square
閲覧回数 370
最も指数関数的な#Bitocin の利益は第1四半期に得られます。
最も指数関数的な#Bitocin の利益は第1四半期に得られます。
最も指数関数的な#Bitocin の利益はQ1に来るでしょう。
最も指数関数的な#Bitocin の利益はQ1に来るでしょう。
ビットコインの「クレイジーにタイトな」ボリンジャーバンドは19万ドルを示唆 BTC価格目標 激しいボラティリティが襲い掛かる中、ビットコインは「大幅に」上昇するはずだと、新たな分析が予測している。 7月19日のXの投稿で、金融アドバイザリー出版物Global Macro Investorのマクロ調査責任者であるJulien Bittel氏は、BTC価格が19万ドルまで上昇すると予想した。 「圧縮された」ボリンジャーバンドが6桁のBTC価格の話題を巻き起こす ボラティリティシグナルが過去と同様に機能すれば、ビットコインは史上最高値6桁に急上昇する原動力を持っている。 Bittel氏によると、ボリンジャーバンドのボラティリティ指標の現在の「クレイジー」な状態は、BTC/USDの急上昇を要求している。 「ボリンジャーバンドは歴史的基準から見てクレイジーにタイトだ」と同氏はまとめた。 「歴史上、週次ボリンジャーバンドがこれほど縮まったのは、2016年4月と2023年7月の2か月だけです。」 ボリンジャーバンドは、最も重要な暗号通貨のボラティリティ指標の1つであり、価格トレンドの強さについての洞察も提供します。 週次時間枠では、上限バンドと下限バンドのギャップがこれほど狭くなることはめったにありません。伝統的に次に何が起こるかは、強気派にとって常に良いニュースでした。 「以前の2回の暴落では、ビットコインの価格はその後12か月で大幅に上昇した」とビットテル氏は続けた。 「今回も同様の動きが見られれば、ビットコインは14万ドルから19万ドルの範囲で推移するだろう」 今回の強気相場で、バンドがBTC価格の大幅な上昇を示唆したのは今回が初めてではない。Cointelegraphが報じたように、2023年後半には、米国のスポットビットコイン上場投資信託(ETF)の発売直前に、価格の引き締めにより、ローカル高値への上昇が阻止された。$BTC #bitocin #btc
7月19日のXの投稿で、金融アドバイザリー出版物Global Macro Investorのマクロ調査責任者であるJulien Bittel氏は、BTC価格が19万ドルまで上昇すると予想した。
今回の強気相場で、バンドがBTC価格の大幅な上昇を示唆したのは今回が初めてではない。Cointelegraphが報じたように、2023年後半には、米国のスポットビットコイン上場投資信託(ETF)の発売直前に、価格の引き締めにより、ローカル高値への上昇が阻止された。$BTC #bitocin #btc
How to get more discipline and control in trading?It takes 2 min to read this and It will change your life! Gaining control and discipline in trading is crucial for long-term success. Many traders enter the market with high hopes, but without discipline, those hopes can quickly turn into losses. Define when to enter and exit trades based on the kind of trading you are into. What does that mean? If you wanna enter the trade, before entering you have to know where to enter, where is your profit target and where your trade is invalid and you have to put your stop loss. If you don't have these 3 it means you are gambling, not trading! Trade only when you have a proper time dedicated to trading. Take this seriously, as it is an exam or something your life depends on, and I guarantee you will achieve better results! The majority and I mean the majority of people will enter a trade, lose money, put more money, and repeat. But what if you have to feed your family and your kids with this money and profits you make? You would be entering only trades that you are very sure of instead of entering 10-50 trades per day what you usually do cause you would be scared to lose that money. This is exactly what you need to think and put yourself in an imaginable situation where you need to feed your family or your kids, and if you are single put really hard imagination to imagine you have a family. I spent the majority of time losing trades and transferring more money on a futures account and losing again but look at this now! I told my wife, listen I am trading here, we have an option to watch how am I doing monthly and I want you to check on my every week how was my week with this calendar daily profit/loss and show her transfer history so she can check I did not transfer more money. I am gonna start with this amount, if I lose it don't let me deposit more money until next month. TRUST me! I was so careful not to lose and got discipline and edge with this trick as I have someone who is controlling me and I have to be really careful with my trades now. I don't enter 10 trades or more per day as I was entering before, only setups I really like and respect my strategy and I doing so much better since then. Try this and it's gonna change the way you trade! Hope this helped you learn from my mistakes and experience! Good luck! #trading #emotions #DisciplinedTrading $ARPA $LUMIA $SOL #bitocin

How to get more discipline and control in trading?

It takes 2 min to read this and It will change your life!
Gaining control and discipline in trading is crucial for long-term success.
Many traders enter the market with high hopes, but without discipline, those hopes can quickly turn into losses.

Define when to enter and exit trades based on the kind of trading you are into. What does that mean? If you wanna enter the trade, before entering you have to know where to enter, where is your profit target and where your trade is invalid and you have to put your stop loss. If you don't have these 3 it means you are gambling, not trading! Trade only when you have a proper time dedicated to trading. Take this seriously, as it is an exam or something your life depends on, and I guarantee you will achieve better results! The majority and I mean the majority of people will enter a trade, lose money, put more money, and repeat. But what if you have to feed your family and your kids with this money and profits you make? You would be entering only trades that you are very sure of instead of entering 10-50 trades per day what you usually do cause you would be scared to lose that money. This is exactly what you need to think and put yourself in an imaginable situation where you need to feed your family or your kids, and if you are single put really hard imagination to imagine you have a family.
I spent the majority of time losing trades and transferring more money on a futures account and losing again but look at this now! I told my wife, listen I am trading here, we have an option to watch how am I doing monthly and I want you to check on my every week how was my week with this calendar daily profit/loss and show her transfer history so she can check I did not transfer more money. I am gonna start with this amount, if I lose it don't let me deposit more money until next month. TRUST me! I was so careful not to lose and got discipline and edge with this trick as I have someone who is controlling me and I have to be really careful with my trades now. I don't enter 10 trades or more per day as I was entering before, only setups I really like and respect my strategy and I doing so much better since then. Try this and it's gonna change the way you trade! Hope this helped you learn from my mistakes and experience! Good luck!
#trading #emotions #DisciplinedTrading $ARPA $LUMIA $SOL #bitocin
34兆ドルの負債:購買力を節約する方法米国の国家債務は史上初めて34兆ドルを超えた。米国は過去3か月だけで1兆ドル以上の負債を抱えた。トレーディングマシン AI 専門家は、借金が増えるほどお金の価値は下がると言います。購買力を守るためには資産に投資する必要があります。米ドルには固有の価値はなく、価値の象徴的な表現です。米ドルは、政府を信頼することで価値が決まる、空中から印刷された交換手段です。米国の債務の推移:2023年: 32兆ドル


米国の国家債務は史上初めて34兆ドルを超えた。米国は過去3か月だけで1兆ドル以上の負債を抱えた。トレーディングマシン AI 専門家は、借金が増えるほどお金の価値は下がると言います。購買力を守るためには資産に投資する必要があります。米ドルには固有の価値はなく、価値の象徴的な表現です。米ドルは、政府を信頼することで価値が決まる、空中から印刷された交換手段です。米国の債務の推移:2023年: 32兆ドル
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