Binance Live
Fraxtal Hackathon Opening Ceremony
2024-05-28 16:00
Fraxtal Hackathon Opening Ceremony Time: May 28th, 9am PST Register for the hackathon: Welcome to the 'Fraxtal: Build on the Fractal' Hackathon! Frax Finance, one of the most well-known DeFi protocols in the world, has just released their modular rollup Fraxtal. Frax is calling all hackers and builders to build 'anywhere on the fractal' by deploying innovative applications on Fraxtal mainnet, building L3s that settle on Fraxtal, and infrastructure for the chain. Developers will feel right at home to have a blank slate network to build on early, capture first-mover advantage, become one of the flagship applications on a chain that will be a blue-chip crypto powerhouse, and win millions in prizes at the same time. This is the first and only chance for teams that want to be first-to-market to become the dominant protocol, infrastructure provider, or L3 on Fraxtal! Join DoraHacks Communities Twitter: @DoraHacks Telegram: @dorahacksofficial
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ラむブ配信は終了したした。 ご芧いただきありがずうございたす!