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FAQ - Domande frequenti
Binance Pay
What Is the Fruit Fusion Game and Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Fruit Fusion Game and Frequently Asked Questions

2023-05-11 00:00
The Fruit Fusion Game on Binance Pay lets players combine the same fruits to earn points and rewards. You can play the game by tapping [Start Game] or [Challenge a Friend] in the Binance App.
The top 3 users with the highest [Total Weekly Score] can stand a chance to earn a Crypto Box worth 50 USDT. You can use your points to earn either a Crypto Box worth up to 100 USDT or 3,000 points.
Activity Period: 2023-06-16 09:00 (UTC) to 2023-06-22 23:59 (UTC)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Am I eligible to participate in the Fruit Fusion Game?
To participate in the Fruit Fusion Game, you must have a verified Binance account.
For more information on verifying your Binance account, check out the step-by-step guide on How to Complete Identity Verification.
2. Why can't I find the Fruit Fusion Game on the Binance App?
Please ensure that your Binance App is updated (iOS v2.62.0 or Android v2.62.0, or above).
3. How do I participate in the Fruit Fusion Game?
(i) Go to [Pay] on the Binance App, and tap the [Fruit Fusion] icon.
(ii) Tap on either [Start Game] or [Challenge a Friend] to start a game. Each user has 1 free play daily.
(iii) For [Start Game], you can start and complete a game by yourself immediately.
(iv) For [Challenge a Friend], send your friend the game invitation link and wait for them to start the game before starting yours. The player with the higher score will earn an additional 1,000 score. If both players score a tie, you’ll get 500 points each. If you invite a friend new to Binance to play the game, and they've completed Identity Verification, you can get an extra 3000 points.
(v) To earn more chances to play, tap [+] to complete Binance Pay tasks.
4. How do I earn a score in the game?
Combine the same fruits to earn points. The score distribution of the fruits will follow the Fruits Score Table below:
FruitFruit ImagePointsBonus Points
Mandarin Orange
5. How can I increase my final score with Score Boosters?
Tap on [Rewards] and scroll to the [Complete Tasks to Boost Score] section. Complete Binance Pay task(s) to obtain a 2x, 3x, or 10x Score Boosters.
Tasks may include, but are not limited to:
  • Send Crypto to a Friend
  • Receive Crypto from a Friend
  • Create a Crypto Box
  • Make a Purchase via Binance Pay
Note: Some tasks may not be available in some countries
If you already have Score Booster(s), you will be prompted via a pop-up window to use one to boost your score after your game ends (your stacked fruits have reached the top line of the screen). You can only use one Score Booster per game.
6. How do I earn the additional points through [Challenge a Friend] mode?
Tap on [Challenge a Friend] and send the invite link to a friend to start a competition.
Once your friend clicks the link and starts a game, you need to start your game within 2 hours for the challenge to be deemed valid. The challenge results will be released instantly after both players have completed the game and obtained a score. The player with the higher score will get an additional 1,000 points. If both players have the same score, each player will receive 500 points.
If the inviter invites a new user to complete a competition game with them, the inviter will be entitled to additional 3,000 points at the end of the game, regardless of the results of the competition.
7. What is the difference between [Total Weekly Score] and [Lifetime Score]?
[Total Weekly Score] refers to the accumulated score you’ve earned through playing the game for the week. This score will determine your ranking for the [Weekly Leaderboard Challenge]. The top 3 scorers will be awarded a Crypto Box worth 50 USDT.
Tap on [Rewards] and scroll to the [Weekly Leaderboard Challenge] section to view your [Total WeeklyScore].
[Lifetime Score] refers to the accumulated score you’ve earned through playing the game for the entire activity period. You can use this score to earn a Crypto Box worth up to 50 USDT or 3,000 points at the [Earn Gifts with Scores] activity.
Tap [Rewards] to view your [Lifetime Score].
8. How do I earn rewards from the [Weekly Leaderboard Challenge]?
There will be one round of the [Weekly Leaderboard Challenge]:
  • 2023-06-16 09:00 (UTC) to 2023-06-22 23:59 (UTC)
For each round, the top 3 users with the highest [Total Weekly Score] will be awarded a Crypto Box worth 50 USDT according to the table shown below:
Top 3 Users with the Highest [Total Weekly Score]50 USDT Crypto Box Each
If more than one user has the same [Total Weekly Score], the user who obtained the [Total Weekly Score] at an earlier time will be determined as the winner. The [Total Weekly Score] will reset once the new round begins.
9. Where do I view the rewards that I have earned from the [Weekly Leaderboard Challenge]?
Rewards from the [Weekly Leaderboard Challenge] will be credited to your Funding Wallet. You can also check the transaction records via your [Pay History].
10. When will the results of the [Weekly Leaderboard Challenge] be released?
The results of each round will be released four hours after it ends.
11. How do I earn rewards from [Earn Gifts with Scores]?
Tap [Rewards] and scroll down to the [Earn Gifts with Scores] section.
You can use 6,000 points to play [Earn Gifts with Scores] up to 2 times daily.
  • If you earned a cumulative score of at least 6,000 points from the previous week, the 6,000 points will be deducted from your [Lifetime Score]. In this case, your weekly ranking won't be affected.
    • For example, if you have a [Lifetime Score] of 12,000, [Total Weekly Score] of 3,000, and a score of 9,000 points earned from the previous week, 6,000 points will be deducted from your [Lifetime Score]. Your [Lifetime Score] would be 6,000, and your [Total Weekly Score] would stay at 3,000 after playing [Earn Gifts with Scores].
  • If you don't have points from the previous week, the 6,000 points will be deducted from your [Lifetime Score] and [Total Weekly Score]. In this case, your weekly ranking may be affected.
  • For example, if you have a [Lifetime Score] of 7,000 and [Total Weekly Score] of 7,000, both scores will be reduced to 1,000 points after playing [Earn Gifts with Scores].
  • If you earned points in the previous week(s) but don't have enough to deduct from, points will be taken from both your [Lifetime Score] and [Total Weekly Score] balance to make up 6,000 points. In this case, your weekly ranking may be affected.
  • For example, if your [Lifetime Score] is 7,000 and [Total Weekly Score] is 4,000, and you only have 3,000 points from the previous week(s). You’ll need more point balance to deduct 6,000 points. The points will be deducted from both your [Lifetime Score] and [Total Weekly Score]. Both [Lifetime Score] and [Total Weekly Score] will be reduced to 1,000 points after playing [Earn Gifts with Scores].
You can earn one of the rewards shown in the table below:
Reward TypeReward
Crypto Box10 SHIB
Crypto Box20 SHIB
Crypto Box30 SHIB
Crypto Box50 SHIB
Crypto Box100 SHIB
Crypto Box500 SHIB
Crypto Box1,000 SHIB
Crypto Box2,000 SHIB
Crypto Box10,000 SHIB
Crypto Box20,000 SHIB
Crypto Box100,000 SHIB
Crypto Box100 USDT
Score3,000 Points
All rewards are limited and are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
12. Where do I view the points I have earned from [Earn Gifts with Scores]?
If you receive additional points via [Earn Gifts with Scores], they’ll immediately go towards your current [Total Weekly Score] and [Lifetime Score].
If you qualify for the Crypto Box reward, you will immediately receive the crypto contained in the Crypto Box in your Funding Wallet. You can find more details on the transaction records by visiting your [Pay History].
Note: This is a general FAQ. The products and services mentioned may not be available in your region.