In terms of Risk Management #BNB is still undervalued. Its lowest is around 200$, whereas BTC is at 15.000$. Upside potential for BNB is still 2x and it generates revenue.$BNB
My opinion:
(1) BNB is great to hedge against potential crash and still possible generate 2x upsides
(2) Can and will generate earnings since the new CEO is pushing more Launchpools. December had around 4 coins launched, which would give you a yield of over 50% if we would keep going at this rate. If the amount of launchpads would increase and stay at December level, we could easily see a rise to 2000$ per BNB.
(3) BNB is directly supported by Binance, which is the biggest exchange. So if the Coinmarket in general increases, Binance will profit and so will BNB.
Potential risks are obviously that Binance had some bad news with the U.S. and is generally target to regulations and with that BNB would fall with the fall of Binance, if that should ever happen.
#MyFirstSquarePost #launchpool Ehi ragazzi! La quantità di launchpool è semplicemente incredibile. Abbiamo qualche idea se Binance manterrà questo tasso?