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Vuoi guadagnare USDT velocemente? è iniziato un nuovo nuovo gioco USDT in Telvegram. Ingresso da soli 5 USDT. Prelievo in qualsiasi momento. Fai girare i soldi in cerchio! @007us tg
Vuoi guadagnare USDT velocemente?
è iniziato un nuovo nuovo gioco USDT in Telvegram. Ingresso da soli 5 USDT. Prelievo in qualsiasi momento. Fai girare i soldi in cerchio!
@007us tg
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Vuoi guadagnare USDT velocemente? è iniziato un nuovo nuovo gioco di telegrammi USDT. Ingresso da soli 5 USDT. Prelievo in qualsiasi momento. Fai girare i soldi in cerchio!
Vuoi guadagnare USDT velocemente?
è iniziato un nuovo nuovo gioco di telegrammi USDT. Ingresso da soli 5 USDT. Prelievo in qualsiasi momento. Fai girare i soldi in cerchio!
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$ENS potrebbe entrare nella Top 100 dopo guadagni del 175%: sarà la prossima nuova memecoin di GameFi?
Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) ha recentemente rubato la scena con un sorprendente guadagno del 175%. Mentre la comunità delle criptovalute specula sull'ingresso di $ENS nella top 100 ambita, un altro contendente nella categoria della migliore ICO in arrivo, Galaxy Fox, attende il suo turno per fare ondate nel regno dei memecoin GameFi.

L'ascesa dall'abisso delle criptovalute

Non molto tempo fa, Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) si è trovato in difficoltà nel profondo di un prolungato inverno delle criptovalute, toccando il minimo di cinque anni a giugno 2023. Tuttavia, con l'avvento del nuovo anno, è iniziato un disgelo. Rafforzato dalla rinnovata fiducia del mercato e dai guadagni del 175% dopo l'approvazione degli ETF Spot Bitcoin, $ENS ha intrapreso una scalata inarrestabile, lasciando la comunità delle criptovalute sbalordita.
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20 dollari vanno💯🚀💯🚀💯🚀💯🚀💯💯#xai
20 dollari vanno💯🚀💯🚀💯🚀💯🚀💯💯#xai
Crypto Predattor

👀👀Alla ricerca di una presa di liquidità sotto l'AREA DI SUPPORTO Trendine



Dopo aver nuovamente rivendicato il SUPPORTO, è pronto per POMPARE 🚀🚀

👇👇Ma prima serve una presa di liquidità sotto il SUPPORTO Trendine

Metti mi piace e CONDIVIDI per altre analisi e segnali
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Un trader di criptovalute trasforma un investimento di 300 dollari in un memecoin in ben 1,03 milioni di dollari in soli 10 giorni dopo il recente aggiornamento della biografia del profilo X di Elon Musk.

Signs of possible take off, Rocket activated, Let me explain.

Remember when I told you guys that Bitcoin was still trading around Bilateral pattern zone? it seems Bitcoin recognise the pattern as the coin start to show positive strength, don’t be taking by surprise because things can really move very fast, the price of Bitcoin will likely hit 50,000 dollars before the end of January, you should pay attention to the changes in the market.
$BTC #BTC #Blur #sui #ai #XAI
Il prezzo di WAVES salta al 60% e si ferma a $ 2,4. È un punto di ingresso per l'acquisto?
Il post WAVES Il prezzo salta del 60% si ferma a $ 2,4. È un punto di ingresso per l'acquisto? è apparso per la prima volta su Coinpedia Fintech News

Con una forte tendenza rialzista in movimento, la tendenza dei prezzi di WAVES mantiene il dominio sopra la soglia dei 2 dollari. Attualmente, la fase di pullback nel trend rialzista offre un'opportunità di ingresso per i trader marginali e stimola un rimbalzo verso livelli più alti.

Tuttavia, il rallentamento del mercato delle altcoin avverte di una possibilità di rottura come la ricaduta della linea di tendenza del supporto. Quindi, dovresti considerare di acquistarlo o aspettare un segnale di breakout?
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#XAI Il progetto di proprietà di Elon Musk cresce#илон 🚨☝🏽🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 💯 💯💯💯💯💯💯 #xai #ElonMask now Progetto Crescere 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 🚀🚀
#XAI Il progetto di proprietà di Elon Musk cresce#илон 🚨☝🏽🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 💯 💯💯💯💯💯💯
#xai #ElonMask now Progetto Crescere 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 🚀🚀
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Modello $XAI e $AI
Le classifiche sono incredibilmente chiare e sono fiducioso che raggiungeremo il nostro obiettivo a tempo debito.
💥Ripubblica semplicemente e lascia un commento se ti piace davvero il mio lavoro.
Cryptoo Man
To make 7 figs on bull run you should know how to: ( PART 1 )

- Find 100x low-caps
- Find CONFIRMED Airdrops
- Find profitable whale wallets

And that's just the beginning. Achieving success in crypto demands more.

With secret tools I'm sharing it's a breeze - explore


In this thread, you'll find absolutely all crypto tools you need to make x100 to your portfolio.

Looking at the cover, you'll understand that today we'll explore a total of 40 different useful services.

For your convenience, I've divided them into 10 separate categories.



Services that help you conduct a more thorough analysis of tokens before adding them to your portfolio and secure your investments from questionable projects.



Search and analyze investments of large funds or private investors.

Large capital almost always equals smart money.

You can't analyze a project better than 100 fund analysts.



Another service for token and investment analytics.

I use it for almost every thread.

Among the most interesting features is the selection of co-investors for individual funds.



One of the services that helps you identify hype networks.

The service shows how much fees each network has paid for transactions.

The growth of such activity equals high liquidity.




Investing in ecosystems is currently a comfortable diversification of funds.

CoinGecko has perfectly implemented this.

For example, here you can find out that the Market Cap of Discord bots is $200 billion!



The second point in our thread is about how to improve your trading, simplify, or secure yourself during trading.

After all, it's still the most popular method of investing in WEB3.



The best and one of the most popular services for trading tokens.

It mostly covers low-cap projects/shitcoins – tokens you won't find on a regular centralized exchange.

#BTC #AirdropOpportunity #airdrops #Analytics #tia
🚨 #BTC Spot #etf 🚨

SEC chairman Gary Gensler just made a post about #crypto investment ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Which means they are ready with ETF approvals.
GOD Candle Downloading 🚀🚀🚀🚀
The Hidden Risk of Bitcoin ETFs Nobody Is Talking About
Custodia Bank CEO Caitlin Long claims there’s a “hidden risk” surrounding a handful of Bitcoin ETFs eyeing imminent launch in the United States, following BlackRock’s recently updated S-1 filing.

According to the founder, sponsors may attempt to generate more profit from their funds using securities lending, which “can pose a lot of hidden risk to investors.”

The Threat Of Securities Lending

Long’s concerns swelled in response to an apparent race to the bottom on management fees among Bitcoin ETF applicants, who are theoretically meant to profit by taking a yearly cut of their investors’ BTC.

On Monday, BlackRock’s revised prospectus revealed that its management fee would be a modest 0.3%. Simultaneous updates from competitors like VanEck and Bitwise unveiled fees as low as 0.25% and 0.24% respectively – figures surprising even to analysts who have expected a fee war to break out for months.

“When fees are lower than costs, please please please ask yourself how the asset manager is making money managing the fund,” Long wrote to X on Monday. “With no-fee funds, the answer is usually securities lending.”

Securities lending involves temporarily transferring shares or bonds to a borrower, who provides other assets as collateral and pays a borrowing fee to the lender. The practice is often used as part of short selling, hedging, and arbitrage strategies.

According to Long, securities lending has popularized within the fund management business over the past 15 years as a way of generating profit beyond mere fees. In the context of an ETF, this would not include lending of the fund’s underlying Bitcoin itself, which would be illegal for any grantor trust.

According to Bloomberg ETF analyst Eric Balchunas, ETFs registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 can “lend out up to 33% of their holdings, and they typically put 70% or more of the profit back into the ETF.”

Long argued that such lending creates “potential hidden risk with little disclosure” for investors, such as how cash proceeds generated from lending are re-invested.

Will ETF Issuers Lend Out Their Shares?

Many analysts expect the SEC to approve applicants’ 19b-4 applications by January 10, which is the deadline for the Ark Invest/21Shares ETF to be approved.

In response to Long, Hany Rashwan – CEO of 21Shares’ parent company – clarified that their application clearly rules out using securities lending from its business model.

“The Trust, the Sponsor, and the service providers will not loan or pledge the Trust’s assets nor will the Trust’s assets serve as collateral for any loan or similar arrangement,” the filing read.

Unlike Long, CoinMetrics co-founder Nic Carter interpreted ETF sponsors’ low fee arrangements as a sign that they are expecting massive inflows to their products. On Monday, Bitcoin reached a twenty-two-month high of $47,100.

The post The Hidden Risk Of Bitcoin ETFs Nobody Is Talking About appeared first on CryptoPotato.
BTC Blasts Past $47K As Bitcoin ETF Excitement Gets Feverish
Bitcoin [BTC] on Monday topped $47,000 for the first time since April 2022 as anticipation for a landmark spot-based BTC exchange-traded fund (ETF) approval in the U.S. is reaching a fever pitch.

The largest and original cryptocurrency rose sharply from $43,200 during Asia morning hours to a fresh 19-month high of $47,192 during the U.S. trading session, CoinDesk Indices data shows. BTC gained almost 7% over the past 24 hours.

The rally happened as investors are anxiously awaiting a regulatory decision for the first spot-based bitcoin exchange-traded-funds in the U.S., expected sometime this week. Most market observers expect an approval, with bulls forecasting that these vehicles would dramatically expand the investor base for the asset and attract large inflows.

Read more: Bitcoin ETFs: The Bull Case

Applicants including asset management giants BlackRock, Fidelity and Grayscale earlier today submitted updated S-1 filings to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and multiple issuers revealed the fees they would charge investors.

In case an SEC approval truly arrives, the announcement could push bitcoin's price even higher, LMAX Group market strategist Joel Kruger noted in an email.

"An approval could trigger a 10-15% rally, fueled by sidelined capital," Kruger said. "If there's no approval, projections hint at a possible correction, but strong support above $30,000 is expected."
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Luxury Royal Coin LRCO
Bитaлик Бутepин дaл финaнcoвыe coвeты кpиптoвaлютным инвecтopaм.
Paзpaбoтчик Ethereum (ETH) Bитaлик Бутepин дaл финaнcoвыe coвeты кpиптoвaлютным инвecтopaм и вceм тeм, ктo xoчeт пpиумнoжить кaпитaл. Бутepин peкoмeндуeт: Дивepcифициpoвaть инвecтициoнный пopтфeль; Koпить дeнeжныe cpeдcтвa для дocтижeния финaнcoвoй cвoбoды; Дoбaвлять в инвecтициoнный пopтфeль в ocнoвнoм «cкучныe» aктивы (oчeвиднo, c низким уpoвнeм вoлaтильнocти); He пoльзoвaтьcя кpeдитным pычaгoм x2 и бoлee. Bитaлик пoдeлилcя cвoим мнeниeм в oтвeт нa cooбщeниe пиcaтeля Aлeкca Boйгтa, кoтopый пocoвeтoвaл ocтopoжнo пoдxoдить к дивepcификaции инвecтициoннoгo пopтфeля. Oн пpивёл в пpимep Биллa , кoтopый пo peкoмeндaции финaнcиcтa Бaффeттa пpoдaл aкции Microsoft и купил цeнныe бумaги дpугиx фиpм. Ecли бы Гeйтc нe избaвилcя oт aктивoв cвoeй кoмпaнии, тo ceйчac eгo cocтoяниe paвнялocь бы $1,ЗЗ тpлн, a нe $1З8 млpд. Бутepин нaзвaл coвeт Boйгтa ужacным и, нaoбopoт, выcoкo oцeнил пoтeнциaл дивepcификaции. Пpaвильнocть тoчки зpeния Бутepинa пoдтвepждaeтcя xoтя бы тeм, чтo opгaнизaция Graуscale, упpaвляющaя aктивaми клиeнтoв нa cумму $50 млpд, cлeдуeт двум peкoмeндaциям coздaтeля Ethereum. Paзpaбoтaнный фиpмoй фoнд Graуscale Digital Large Cap Fund (GDLC) инвecтиpуeт cpaзу в шecть кpиптoвaлют, и нa дoлю нaибoлee «cкучныx» aктивoв биткoинa и ETH пpиxoдитcя 91,05% влoжeнныx cpeдcтв.
#vitaly #buterin #Launchpool #BTC #XAI

If you are in loss, don’t sell

If you bought Sol at $125
Or NTRN at $1.40
or TIA at $16
Or #BNB at 330
I repeat don’t sell.
Why you don’t understand we are not in bear market. Every coin which pumped earlier now in accumulation phase which could for days not months.
There is nothing like overnight, you should understand that,
Just hold and wait for profits.
Soon everything will be fine. Doesn’t matter when SEC approves #etf for #BTC spot, halving is around and we will see massive shifts in volumes. Just stay calm and try to accumulate.
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