$BTC $ETH $BNB Penso di vedere che c'è un pattern ribassista in arrivo per BTC, ma prima di allora, BTC non penetrerà oltre 62.700. La discussione sull'aumento è finita, quindi l'obiettivo è quando rimbalzerà e quale area dire di nuovo, supporto 62.400, quindi supporto 61.800, queste sono due aree di fluttuazione. Ora abbiamo l'area 61.000, l'area di fluttuazione e 60.650 fluttua anche, quasi due aree di fluttuazione, quindi se non vuoi la seconda, concentrati solo sulla prima 62.400 e 61.800 anche solo, e concentrati sul supporto 59.750, se viene rotto, ci sarà una forte scivolata a 57.350. Non sono sicuro del resto delle aree, ma controllerò più tardi e vedrò quali aree di fluttuazione ci sono. Non è chiaro, ma penso che un'area abbia l'area di fluttuazione maggiore. Per questo motivo, non posso aspettarmi che le aree 55.000 la supportino, quindi aspetta il mio prossimo aggiornamento. Buona fortuna. #BTC #TONonBinance #XRPVictory #MarketDownturn #SahmRule
Dogecoin su X innesca un'era rivoluzionaria per le transazioni digitali
Profitto previsto 30 volte dal token AIG: AI Games ha lanciato il suo token nativo (AIG). 1 Il prezzo del token AIG è di $ 0,01 e il prezzo di quotazione in borsa è di $ 0,30, non perdere questa opportunità; unisciti alla prevendita sul sito Web ufficiale [PlayAiGames.Online]
L'ambiziosa trasformazione di Elon Musk della piattaforma precedentemente nota come Twitter, ora chiamata X, mira a trasformarla in un'"applicazione universale". Tra gli sviluppi entusiasmanti c'è la potenziale integrazione delle criptovalute, in particolare Dogecoin su X. Questa possibilità sta generando un notevole fermento all'interno della comunità delle criptovalute.
Gli sforzi continui di X per creare un servizio di pagamento integrato sono fondamentali per la sua strategia di diventare un'app all-in-one. Questo servizio potrebbe potenzialmente vedere l'inclusione di Dogecoin, data la ben documentata passione di Musk per questa particolare criptovaluta.
Finora, X ha ottenuto licenze per il trasferimento di denaro in 35 stati, tra cui il Dakota del Nord, con altri 15 stati in attesa di approvazione per consentire un lancio a livello nazionale. Il costante supporto di Elon Musk per Dogecoin ha alimentato le speculazioni sulla sua possibile integrazione nel sistema di pagamento di X. In particolare, si vocifera che Musk possieda il 20% della fornitura totale di DOGE.
Nonostante l'eccitazione nell'aria, non sono state trovate prove concrete nel codice di sviluppo del sistema di pagamento di X per confermare l'inclusione di Dogecoin.
Un utente di nome Swakshan ha indicato URL come /i/payments/verify-payment-method, accennando a più opzioni di pagamento che potrebbero includere Dogecoin su X. Tuttavia, come sottolinea Mishaboar, un importante membro della comunità Dogecoin, "non esiste alcuna conferma ufficiale oltre alle voci".
Sviluppata da @tonkeeper, Signer è una nuova app che migliora la sicurezza delle tue transazioni consentendoti di archiviare e utilizzare in modo sicuro le chiavi private al di fuori del tuo portafoglio. 🔐
Scegli tra la modalità di convenienza, associando Signer a Tonkeeper su un singolo dispositivo, o la modalità di massima sicurezza, firmando le transazioni offline tramite codici QR.
L'app Signer si integra perfettamente con i portafogli esistenti, offrendo ulteriore sicurezza crittografando le chiavi utente senza complicare eccessivamente le transazioni. Le tue chiavi rimangono accessibili tramite password, garantendo sia sicurezza che facilità d'uso.
Suggerimenti e informazioni utili per Square Creators
Benvenuti, creatori di quadrati! Volevamo condividere alcuni suggerimenti e informazioni utili per aiutare i creatori appena iscritti a iniziare a guadagnare i loro primi 100 follower e iniziare a guadagnare su Binance Square. Ecco qui: Suggerimenti x 7: Imposta un nickname e un avatar su Binance Square (se non lo fai, potrebbe influire sulla tua portata)
Scopri nuove tendenze ed esplora idee per i contenuti utilizzando #hashtags
Scrivi delle nuove inserzioni più interessanti, dei vincitori e dei perdenti su Binance. Contrassegna il token utilizzando "$" (ad esempio, $BTC $ETH $BNB )
Puoi creare post brevi, articoli approfonditi con immagini, sondaggi, video e audio in diretta su Square
### Gettone da combattimento per criceti: una nuova sensazione con oltre 50 milioni di partecipanti Nel mondo in rapida evoluzione delle criptovalute, l’emergere di nuovi token continua a catturare l’attenzione e l’entusiasmo di investitori e appassionati. Uno di questi token che ha recentemente fatto scalpore è il token Hamster Combat. Con una comunità in crescita di oltre 50 milioni di partecipanti, Hamster Combat sta rapidamente diventando un attore degno di nota nel panorama delle valute digitali.
#### L'ascesa del combattimento tra criceti
Il token Hamster Combat ha visto un aumento di popolarità senza precedenti sin dal suo inizio. Il concetto unico del token, che combina l'eccitazione della valuta digitale con il fascino stravagante dei criceti impegnati in combattimento, ha avuto risonanza presso un vasto pubblico. Questo token si distingue non solo per il suo tema accattivante, ma anche per il robusto supporto della comunità che ha raccolto in un breve lasso di tempo.
La natura guidata dalla comunità di Hamster Combat è uno dei suoi punti di forza principali. Appassionati di tutto il mondo si sono riuniti per sostenere e promuovere il token, creando un ecosistema vibrante che prospera sull'entusiasmo condiviso e sugli sforzi collaborativi. La crescita della comunità fino a oltre 50 milioni di partecipanti è una testimonianza del fascino del token e del potenziale che riserva per sviluppi futuri.
#### Alimentato dalla Blockchain TON
Uno degli sviluppi più interessanti per Hamster Combat è l'adozione della blockchain TON (The Open Network). TON, noto per le sue elevate prestazioni, scalabilità e infrastruttura sicura, fornisce una base ideale per lo sviluppo e l'espansione dell'ecosistema Hamster Combat.
L’integrazione con la blockchain di TON offre diversi vantaggi:
1. **Scalabilità**: l'architettura di TON consente ad Hamster Combat di gestire un gran numero di transazioni in modo efficiente, garantendo operazioni fluide e veloci anche se la base utenti continua a crescere.
2. **Sicurezza**: grazie ai robusti protocolli di sicurezza di TON, le transazioni di Hamster Combat sono protette da frodi e accessi non autorizzati, fornendo ai partecipanti un ambiente sicuro per i loro investimenti.
$BICO takes support at 0.20$ and is rallying ahead with a huge volume surge. The way it follows this uptrend, it looks like we'll reach our next target of 0.47$ way earlier than expected. Expecting $BTC to stay bullish. We've tracked 710% returns in the previous rally.
Binance Pool Launches KASPA (KAS) Mining Pool: Enjoy Zero Pool Fees With KAS Mining! 🔨
Fellow Binancians,
Binance Pool has officially launched the KASPA Network (KAS) mining service. During the Promotion Period, all KAS miners will Enjoy Zero Pool Fees for KAS mining. 🔨
Promotion Period: 2024-08-05 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-11-05 00:00 (UTC)
How to Get Started: 🔸 Log in to your verified Binance account and register for a Binance Pool account. 🔸 Follow the step-by-step guide in the KAS mining tutorial to start mining. 🔸 Check your current hashrate from Workers.
Start Mining KAS on Binance Pool! 🔨
Please Note: 🔸 Users may email poolvip@binance.com to apply for VIP status if their hashrate level has reached the Binance Pool VIP level requirements. 🔸 KAS is not currently listed (tradable) on Binance.com.The launch of KAS mining service on Binance Pool does not guarantee a token listing on Binance.com. 🔸 Users’ earnings will remain in their Binance Pool wallet balance if: - The earnings is lower than the minimum payout threshold (100 KAS);or - Users did not set up a valid payout address in their Binance Pool account.Please make sure the payout address supports the minimum payout threshold (100 KAS) to avoid unnecessary losses.
Terms and Conditions: 🔸 Users must provide a valid third-party address in their Binance Pool account to receive KAS rewards. 🔸 Binance reserves the right to disqualify any participants who tamper with Binance program code,or interfere with the operation of Binance program code with other software. 🔸There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English.Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
Thank you for your support! Binance Pool Team #kaspacurrency #Kaspa. #KASToken #KAS #KAS/USDT
Earn Wednesday: New Limited-Time Offers Available Now! (2024-08-07)
This is a general announcement. Products and services referred to here may not be available in your region. Fellow Binancians, Binance Earn presents to you new offers that will launch each Wednesday. Stay tuned for Earn Wednesday to get rewards across Simple Earn, ETH Staking, Dual Investment and more. Trending Limited-Time Offers ProductOfferingsDurationAPRMin. Subscription Limit per UserMax. Subscription Limit per User Flexible ProductsDODOFlexibleReal-Time APR(Approx. 1%)+6% Bonus tiered APR(Tier 0.1-5,000 DODO)1 DODO2,500,000 DODOFDUSDFlexibleReal-Time APR(Approx. 1%)+10.5% Bonus tiered APR(Tier 0.1-1,000 FDUSD)0.1 FDUSDUnlimitedSTORJFlexibleReal-Time APR(Approx. 6.5%)1 STORJ500,000 STORJCTKFlexibleReal-Time APR(Approx. 6%)0.1 CTK250,000 CTKLocked ProductsBNB120 Days0.34%+HODLer Airdrops, Megadrop & Launchpool rewards (where applicable)0.05 BNB300,000 BNBSOL120 Days5.6%0.01 SOL80 SOLETH StakingETHFlexibleDynamic APR(Approx. 8%)0.0001 ETHUnlimitedDual InvestmentBTCMultiple Settlement DatesUp to 15% or more0.00001 BTC200 BTC per subscriptionETHMultiple Settlement DatesUp to 15% or more0.0001 ETH4,000 ETH per subscription Please Note: Flexible and Locked ProductsBinance reserves the right to adjust APRs at any time without prior notice.Offers are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Once subscribed, users can view their assets by going to Wallets > Earn.Users may choose to redeem their assets in advance in Simple Earn Locked Products. After choosing early redemption, the principal will be returned to the spot account, and the distributed interest will be deducted from the refunded principal. Due to differing global time zones, it may take 48 - 72 hours to receive the tokens.Users will automatically receive rewards from ongoing Launchpools when they hold BNB Flexible Product and/or BNB Locked Product positions. Refer to this announcement for more information.Users may also accrue scores and qualify for Megadrop rewards with active BNB Locked Products positions. For more details, please refer to the FAQ. On top of that, users who subscribe to BNB Simple Earn products (Flexible and/or Locked) with their BNB holdings can receive airdropped tokens via HODLer Airdrops. ********** More Earn Updates & Attractive Promotions Dual Investment Users can now subscribe to Dual Investment and get up to $2,000 in BTC Rewards from 2024-07-29 07:00 (UTC) to 2024-08-11 23:59 (UTC). Refer to this announcement to learn more.Binance has launched a new batch of Dual Investment products with updated Target Prices and Settlement Dates, where users can utilize our Sell High or Buy Low products. SELL HIGH Target Users: Users who want to accumulate high rewards on the cryptocurrency holdings, orUsers who want to sell the Deposit Currency for a higher price in the future, compared to the market price on the subscription date. Deposit CurrencySell ForSettlement DatesBTC, ETH, BNB, SOL, or any of the other 12 tokensUSDT, FDUSD, or USDC2024-08-092024-08-132024-08-162024-08-202024-08-232024-08-302024-09-272024-10-25ETHBTCBNBBTC or ETH BUY LOW Target Users: Users who want to accumulate high rewards on stablecoin holdings, orUsers who want to buy a cryptocurrency for a lower price in the future, compared to the market price on the subscription date. Deposit CurrencyCryptocurrency to BuySettlement DatesUSDT, FDUSD, or USDCBTC, ETH, BNB, SOL, or any of the other 12 tokens2024-08-092024-08-132024-08-162024-08-202024-08-232024-08-302024-09-272024-10-25BTCETH or BNBETHBNB ********** Note: There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise. Thank you for your support! Binance Team 2024-08-07
What Is the Bitcoin Rainbow Chart and How to Use It?
Key Takeaways
The Bitcoin Rainbow Chart is a charting tool that can indicate whether bitcoin (BTC) is undervalued, fairly valued, or overvalued based on its historical prices.
It consists of a series of colored bands that represent various price ranges. The position of the price within the color bands can provide insights into market sentiment and potential long-term moves.
The BTC Rainbow Chart was created as a meme in 2014 by adding colors to a log scale chart. The formula was changed in 2019, giving birth to the Bitcoin Rainbow Chart V2.
The accuracy of the Bitcoin Rainbow Chart remains a topic of debate due to its heavy reliance on historical data and subjective parameters.
What Is the BTC Rainbow Chart?
The Bitcoin Rainbow Chart is a technical analysis tool used to track the performance of bitcoin (BTC). The Rainbow Chart uses a series of colored bands that can indicate different phases of market sentiment, suggesting whether bitcoin is undervalued, fairly valued, or overvalued.
How Was the Bitcoin Rainbow Chart Created?
The first Bitcoin Rainbow Chart was created in 2014 by a Reddit user named “azop”, who designed it as a fun way to depict bitcoin’s price history. At the time, the BTC Rainbow Chart didn’t have a bow. It was simply made of straight-line colored bands on a log scale chart.
In 2019, Bitcoin user Rohmeo changed the formula to create the Bitcoin Rainbow Chart V2, which has a bow and uses a more scientific way to model prices. The new formula was inspired by a logarithmic regression chart created by BitcoinTalk user “trolololo” back in 2014.
How to Use the Bitcoin Rainbow Chart
Both V1 and V2 versions of the BTC Rainbow Chart are available at Rohmeo’s website, BlockchainCenter. While there is no guarantee that the rainbow chart model will succeed in the long term, it’s still worth learning how to use it.
1. Identify the current price band.
Start by identifying the price band where the BTC price is. You can do this by zooming in on the most recent price action and hovering your cursor over the price line.
2. Interpret the band color.
Once you have identified the current price band, you can use the suggested color scheme to interpret what it means.
According to the model, the bottom colors suggest potential oversold conditions, while the top colors suggest an overbought market. From bottom to top:
Dark Blue (“Basically a Fire Sale”): extremely undervalued.
Cyan ("BUY!"): highly undervalued.
Green ("Accumulate"): undervalued.
Light Green ("Still cheap"): somewhat undervalued.
Yellow ("HODL!"): fairly valued.
Orange ("Is this a bubble?"): may be overvalued.
Light Red ("FOMO intensifies"): probably overvalued.
Red ("Sell. Seriously, SELL!"): highly overvalued.
Dark Red (“Maximum Bubble Territory”): extremely overvalued.
3. Consider historical context.
Consider looking at the historical price action within different color bands. Notice the patterns and trends that emerge when bitcoin’s price has previously been in a similar band. For example, when BTC entered the "Dark Blue" band in the past, what followed? Did the price typically rise shortly after, or was there sideways price action?
4. Combine with other indicators.
While the Bitcoin Rainbow Chart can be an interesting tool for understanding market sentiment, it should be used alongside other strategies and indicators to mitigate risks. Here are some additional tools to consider:
Trading volume: Examine bitcoin's trading volume to understand market activity. For instance, high trading volume often signals strong market interest.
Technical analysis indicators: Consider other TA tools, such as moving averages, the Relative Strength Index (RSI), and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), to identify trends and potential reversal points.
Macroeconomics: Consider the current macroeconomic scenario before taking financial risk. How high or low are interest rates? What about inflation and global liquidity? These questions can help you understand the big picture and assess if investors are more risk-on or risk-off.
Does the Bitcoin Rainbow Chart Work?
The accuracy of the Bitcoin Rainbow Chart is a topic of debate among investors and analysts. Here are several points to consider when assessing its accuracy:
Historical basis
The Bitcoin Rainbow Chart is based on historical data, using past price movements to create a visual representation of market sentiment. This can provide valuable context and insights into how bitcoin's price has behaved. However, the reliance on historical data means that the chart may not fully account for new developments in the crypto market.
Logarithmic regression
The Rainbow Chart uses logarithmic regression to smooth out bitcoin’s volatility and create a more stable trend line. This helps illustrate long-term trends and potential price ranges, but it is not infallible. The assumptions made when creating the regression line can affect its predictive power.
The subjectivity of color bands
The color bands in the Bitcoin Rainbow Chart are subjectively determined. The definitions of “undervalued,” “fairly valued,” or “overvalued” are not fixed and can vary depending on the size of each band or who is interpreting the chart.
It’s worth noting that the purple band of the BTC Rainbow Chart V1 was added at a later stage because the previous model failed when the BTC price dropped below the lowest band.
Benefits of the Bitcoin Rainbow Chart
The Bitcoin Rainbow Chart offers several advantages for cryptocurrency traders looking to optimize their trading strategies:
It provides a straightforward visual representation of historical price movements and market sentiment.
It can help investors understand bitcoin’s long-term price action.
The color bands can offer some guidance on potential buying, holding, and selling opportunities.
Limitations of the Bitcoin Rainbow Chart
While the Bitcoin Rainbow Chart is a valuable tool for visualizing long-term market trends, it has several limitations that traders should consider:
It heavily relies on historical data and does not account for recent events or developments in the crypto market.
The number of bands, colors, and other parameters are subjective, potentially leading to different results and conclusions.
Are There Any Other Crypto Rainbow Charts?
While the Bitcoin Rainbow Chart remains the most well-known Rainbow Chart, the concept has also been adapted for Ethereum. Similar to the Bitcoin Rainbow Chart, the Ethereum Rainbow Chart applies colored bands to Ethereum's price history.
Closing Thoughts
The Bitcoin Rainbow Chart is a tool that helps visualize Bitcoin’s historical price action and market sentiment. Investors can use the Bitcoin Rainbow Chart to identify potential buying, holding, or selling opportunities. However, it is important to combine it with other indicators to mitigate risks and increase your chances of success.
Further Reading
5 Essential Indicators Used in Technical Analysis
An Overview of Bitcoin's Price History
What Is the Crypto Fear and Greed Index?
A Beginner's Guide to Candlestick Charts
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