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Non perdetevelo ragazzi 😍🔥 CARV #binanceweb3airdrop
Non perdetevelo ragazzi 😍🔥
CARV #binanceweb3airdrop
Crypto Revolution Masters
Informazioni sul protocollo Carv e tutto ciò che devi sapere, incluso l'airdrop Binance e CARV
Il protocollo CARV è un progetto di finanza decentralizzata (DeFi) che mira a fornire una piattaforma sicura e affidabile per gli utenti per negoziare e scambiare asset digitali. Opera sulla blockchain di Ethereum e utilizza contratti intelligenti per automatizzare le transazioni senza la necessità di intermediari.
Scambio decentralizzato (DEX): il protocollo CARV offre un DEX in cui gli utenti possono negoziare varie criptovalute e token in modo sicuro.
Pool di liquidità: gli utenti possono fornire liquidità alla piattaforma depositando i propri asset in pool di liquidità e guadagnare ricompense in cambio.
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Crypto Revolution Masters
Lista Dao - 2° Progetto su Binance Megadrop! Bullish Insights e come partecipare
Ehi gente, Lista Dao è il 2° progetto su Binance Megadrop. Immergiamoci in cos'è esattamente Lista Dao e come ottenere il massimo dei premi dalla campagna Megadrop!
Lista DAO è un protocollo di staking liquido di BNB e una piattaforma di stablecoin decentralizzata che consente agli utenti di mettere in staking i propri BNB in ​​cambio del token LS slisBNB. Lo slisBNB, insieme ad altri LST, può essere utilizzato non solo negli LP di varie applicazioni DeFi, ma anche come garanzia per prendere in prestito la stablecoin lisUSD fornendo LST come garanzia sulla sua piattaforma.
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Crypto Revolution Masters
MANTA - Tutto quello che devi sapere e perché sono ottimista al riguardo!
Nel 2023, Manta Network ha registrato una crescita esplosiva, caratterizzata da notevoli progressi, lanci di prodotti rivoluzionari e un impegno costante per l'innovazione nel campo della tecnologia a conoscenza zero (ZK). Fungendo da ecosistema modulare rivoluzionario su misura per le applicazioni ZK, Manta Network ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo come prima piattaforma applicativa ZK equivalente a EVM. L'ecosistema offre un'esperienza senza pari per lo sviluppo e l'adozione di applicazioni web3 avanzate, grazie all'uso efficace della crittografia ZK. Oggi daremo uno sguardo all'ecosistema Manta Network, esplorando il suo viaggio verso il successo e cosa ci aspetta per la rete in futuro.
Let's go 🔥🔥🔥 #BOUNCEBITLAUNCHPOOL #Megadrop
Let's go 🔥🔥🔥
Crypto Revolution Masters
Ultimi giorni per partecipare a BounceBit-Il primo progetto su Binance Megadrop. Tutto quello che devi sapere
Cos'è BounceBit (BB)?
BounceBit (BB) è la prima catena di staking nativa per Bitcoin. Introduce un nuovo approccio allo staking attraverso un sistema a doppio token. Questa piattaforma innovativa sfrutta la sicurezza di Bitcoin insieme alla piena compatibilità con Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) per offrire un'esperienza di restaking comoda e sicura per gli utenti.
🔥 Opinione personale su BounceBit 🔥
Dopo il fallimento di Genesis Trading, Babel Finance e Celsius, l’ecosistema Bitcoin è rimasto con un vuoto significativo nella fornitura di servizi finanziari. Ciò ha causato il sottoutilizzo degli asset BTC e la perdita di opportunità di profitto, soprattutto in settori come DeFi e NFT
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Crypto Revolution Masters
Renzo è il 53° Progetto al #BinanceLaunchpool

Renzo Protocol è una piattaforma di staking liquido e gestore della strategia EigenLayer. Consente agli utenti di mettere in staking i propri ETH in cambio di APR staking e restaking, nonché di ezETH LST che può essere utilizzato in varie applicazioni DeFi per guadagnare premi aggiuntivi. È alimentato dal token nativo Renzo ($REZ), che verrà utilizzato per partecipare al voto sulla governance della piattaforma.

Per partecipare al $REZ IEO su Binance, devi avere un account registrato e completare la verifica KYC su Binance. Quindi, dovresti acquisire alcuni token BNB o FDUSD sul tuo account Binance, visitare la pagina launchpool, scegliere una pagina Renzo IEO e mettere in staking quei token.

Su base oraria, riceverai premi proporzionali alla tua quota negli staking pool FDUSD e BNB, mentre i premi totali per ciascun staking pool sono:

212.500.000 $REZ per staking pool BNB (85% dei premi totali);
37.500.000 $REZ per staking pool FDUSD (15% dei premi totali).

🔥PRO TIP 1: Sebbene i premi per lo staking pool di BNB siano molto più alti rispetto a quelli per FDUSD, considera che il pool FDUSD di solito ha molto meno valore bloccato. Ciò significa che la tua quota nel pool FDUSD potrebbe essere significativamente più alta rispetto a quella nel pool BNB, portando a premi più elevati.

🔥PRO TIP 2: Staking sul tuo $BNB offre anche ottimi vantaggi perché sei iscritto anche al programma Binance Megadrop dove puoi guadagnare altri token gratuiti!


🔥Con il successo dell'aggiornamento ai contratti EigenLayer M2, il team di Renzo ha dato priorità alla collaborazione con diverse società di revisione per preparare il protocollo per il ritiro della Mainnet:
🔥HalbornSecurity, un partner di fiducia fin dal primo giorno, sta eseguendo un nuovo audit completo del protocollo che sarà completato a metà maggio
🔥Sigma Prime, un nuovo partner per la revisione, dovrebbe essere completato entro la fine di maggio
🔥Il concorso di audit Code4rena inizierà la prima settimana di maggio.

👉Mancano circa 3 giorni per Farming Folks, non aspettare l'ultimo momento! Metti in staking i tuoi BNB o FDUSD qui:

Crypto Revolution Masters
Renzo è il 53° Progetto al #BinanceLaunchpool

Renzo Protocol è una piattaforma di staking liquido e gestore della strategia EigenLayer. Consente agli utenti di mettere in staking i propri ETH in cambio di APR staking e restaking, nonché di ezETH LST che può essere utilizzato in varie applicazioni DeFi per guadagnare premi aggiuntivi. È alimentato dal token nativo Renzo ($REZ), che verrà utilizzato per partecipare al voto sulla governance della piattaforma.

Per partecipare al $REZ IEO su Binance, devi avere un account registrato e completare la verifica KYC su Binance. Quindi, dovresti acquisire alcuni token BNB o FDUSD sul tuo account Binance, visitare la pagina launchpool, scegliere una pagina Renzo IEO e mettere in staking quei token.

Su base oraria, riceverai premi proporzionali alla tua quota negli staking pool FDUSD e BNB, mentre i premi totali per ciascun staking pool sono:

212.500.000 $REZ per staking pool BNB (85% dei premi totali);
37.500.000 $REZ per staking pool FDUSD (15% dei premi totali).

🔥PRO TIP 1: Sebbene i premi per lo staking pool di BNB siano molto più alti rispetto a quelli per FDUSD, considera che il pool FDUSD di solito ha molto meno valore bloccato. Ciò significa che la tua quota nel pool FDUSD potrebbe essere significativamente più alta rispetto a quella nel pool BNB, portando a premi più elevati.

🔥PRO TIP 2: Staking sul tuo $BNB offre anche ottimi vantaggi perché sei iscritto anche al programma Binance Megadrop dove puoi guadagnare altri token gratuiti!


🔥Con il successo dell'aggiornamento ai contratti EigenLayer M2, il team di Renzo ha dato priorità alla collaborazione con diverse società di revisione per preparare il protocollo per il ritiro della Mainnet:
🔥HalbornSecurity, un partner di fiducia fin dal primo giorno, sta eseguendo un nuovo audit completo del protocollo che sarà completato a metà maggio
🔥Sigma Prime, un nuovo partner per la revisione, dovrebbe essere completato entro la fine di maggio
🔥Il concorso di audit Code4rena inizierà la prima settimana di maggio.

👉Mancano circa 3 giorni per Farming Folks, non aspettare l'ultimo momento! Metti in staking i tuoi BNB o FDUSD qui:

Crypto Revolution Masters
Renzo - Tutto quello che devi sapere sul 53° Progetto Binance Launchpool + Aggiornamenti recenti
Il protocollo Renzo è una piattaforma di staking liquido e un gestore di strategia costruito su EigenLayer. Consente agli utenti di mettere in staking i propri ETH in cambio di APR dallo staking e restaking nativo su EigenLayer, nonché dallo staking liquido del token di Renzo (ezETH), che può essere utilizzato in varie applicazioni DeFi. Il livello di governance della piattaforma è alimentato dal token $REZ nativo, il cui ruolo principale è garantire agli utenti l'accesso alle votazioni DAO all'interno della piattaforma.
Sin dalla sua nascita a metà del 2023, la società ha attirato l'attenzione di importanti fondi e investitori come Binance Labs, OKX Ventures e altri, ottenendo da loro oltre 3,2 milioni di dollari.
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Crypto Revolution Masters
RENZO - 53th Project on Binance Launchpool. Insights and how to Farm!
Hey Folks, time to get to know #RENZO
After the Dencun upgrade, Liquid staking surged in popularity with higher TVL. Renzo Protocol ranked in the top three in LSDfi market projects by TVL and received an investment from Binance Labs on February 22, 2024, marking the second liquid restaking protocol funded by Binance Labs after Puffer Finance.
What Is Renzo?
Renzo, a cross-chain Liquid Restaking protocol on the EigenLayer, allows users to stake ETH and other liquid staking tokens (LSTs) on platforms like Ethereum, Arbitrum, and BNB Chain. Staking rewards users with ezETH, which can earn ezPoint rewards for future airdrops and restaking.
By optimizing capital utilization, users can maximize their return on investment. Currently, Renzo ranks as the third-largest project in the Liquid Staking segment in terms of Total Value Locked (TVL), reflecting its increasing popularity and user trust.
Renzo is a Liquid Derivatives platform built on the innovative EigenLayer blockchain. As a project, it serves as a crucial interface for the entire EigenLayer ecosystem, ensuring Actively Validated Services (AVS) and, in doing so, offering significantly higher returns compared to the returns that come from simple ETH staking.

Renzo mints equivalent ezETH for each LST or ETH deposit to maintain balance. It’s designed for Ethereum restaking, previously an unserved blockchain market area. It uses smart contracts and operational nodes for effective restaking strategy implementation, serving as an on-ramp and off-ramp.
The withdrawal process, influenced by restaking strategies and EigenLayer’s requirements, takes at least 7 days and varies per AVS. Renzo guarantees users total rewards from EigenLayer. User-paid fees are used for the protocol treasury and Renzo node operator payments.
In other words, Renzo is not only a means of ingress into the world of Ethereum restaking, but it also provides an exit strategy. This dual functionality makes it an essential tool for anyone looking to explore the potential of Ethereum restaking.
Renzo ezPoints
From the official Beta launch of Renzo on December 18, 2023, users who hold ezETH in their wallets earn 1 Renzo ezPoint per hour per ezETH held. Renzo runs ezPoints promotions, such as an additional gift of 200 ezPoints for every 1 ETH deposited within a specific timeframe.
However, exploiting the system by repeatedly selling and buying ezETH to earn multiple rewards is prohibited, and any user detected doing this will be excluded from the ezPoints program. Liquidity providers earn double the ezPoints. If you provide liquidity to pools on DEX, you’ll receive 2x ezPoints. You can also earn extra ezPoints by referring new users to join and deposit ETH into Renzo. You’ll earn 10% of the ezPoints that your referred users earn.
The system has a points accumulation feature allows you to earn more Renzo Points. The more active users you refer, the more ETH you deposit into Renzo. The Renzo ezPoints system rewards users based on their activity and participation in the Renzo system, from holding ezETH to providing liquidity and referring new users.
I'm very bullish on Price here long-term since this is one of the most hyped restaking Protocols out there!
Renzo Protocol’s future, particularly its Liquid Restaking project, looks promising due to the investment from Binance Labs. This venture capital arm of Binance is renowned for supporting innovative blockchain and cryptocurrency projects. This investment provides Renzo Protocol with not just financial backing but also access to expertise and resources within the Binance ecosystem.
Renzo Protocol’s Liquid Restaking introduces a unique approach to staking in decentralized finance (DeFi). It allows users to stake their assets while preserving liquidity, addressing a significant challenge in traditional staking mechanisms. This innovative feature could attract users who want to earn staking rewards while maintaining the freedom to access their assets when necessary.
In summary, with Binance Labs’ support and the unique offering of its Liquid Restaking project, Renzo Protocol is well-positioned for growth and success in the DeFi sector’s future.
Binance will then list REZ at 2024-04-30 12:00 (UTC) and open trading with REZ/BTC, REZ/USDT, REZ/BNB, REZ/FDUSD and REZ/TRY trading pairs. The Seed Tag will be applied to REZ.
REZ Launchpool Details:
👉Token Name: Renzo (REZ)
👉Max Token Supply: 10,000,000,000 REZ
👉Launchpool Token Rewards: 250,000,000 REZ (2.5% of max token supply)
👉Initial Circulating Supply: 1,050,000,000 REZ (10.50% of max token supply)
👉Smart Contract Details: Ethereum
👉Staking Terms: KYC required
👉Hourly Hard Cap per User:
🔥147,569.44 REZ in BNB pool
🔥26,041.67 REZ in FDUSD pool
👉Supported Pools:
🔥Stake BNB:
👉Now here comes the best Benefits for all the people that will stake their BNB to farm Renzo!
Binance has announced the launch of the Binance Megadrop. It is a token-launch platform that hosts airdrops and Web3 quests.

This new platform enables users to subscribe to BNB for locked products and complete tasks within their Web3 Wallet. Users will receive early access to rewards from selected Web3 projects before the exchange lists their tokens.
And as I said the best for all users is that you can buy and stake BNB on both Binance Launchpool and Binance Megadrop Platforms and earn a juicy Rewards which is super good in my opinion and nobody else out there is offering this!
🔥 Stake FDUSD:
#BinanceLaunchpool #RENZOLAUNCHPOOL
Hurry guys $OMNI 🔥🔥🔥
Hurry guys $OMNI 🔥🔥🔥
Crypto Revolution Masters
Less than 2 days to farm $OMNI ! Don't miss it Folks!
The Omni Network is redefining Ethereum’s infrastructure by integrating rollups to provide universal access to the platform’s liquidity and functionalities without any compromises. As a pioneering Actively Validated Service (AVS), it has secured over $1B in restaked ETH commitments, marking its position as a keystone for Ethereum-native interoperability.
The Omni Network serves as a pivotal blockchain platform designed to enhance Ethereum’s functionality by securely uniting all rollups. This integration infrastructure not only optimizes for speed but also leverages Ethereum’s robust security measures, making it a cornerstone for rollup ecosystems. Here are some key features and components of the Omni Network:
🔥Operational Mechanics:

👉Utilizes a novel architecture centered around ‘restaking’ where validators manage protocol integrity and rewards, while delegators enhance network security by staking their Ethereum tokens.

👉Combines the Tendermint consensus mechanism with the flexibility of the Cosmos SDK, facilitating smooth EVM integration and enabling Solidity use across multiple chains.
🔥Ecosystem and Development:

👉Supports a growing number of projects including EigenLayer, Sushi, Injective, Arbitrum, Flow, and Optimism.

👉Continuously expanding with a roadmap featuring milestones like mainnet launch and the inclusion of new data availability systems.
Omni Network’s strategic design allows developers to create global applications benefiting from economic advantages across all rollups, ensuring a seamless user experience and broad application integration.
The OMNI Token is integral to the Omni Network, serving multiple roles including governance, staking, and transaction fees. Here’s a breakdown of its key metrics and functions.
The total supply of OMNI tokens stands capped at 100,000,000, strategically distributed to build a robust and sustainable network ecosystem. Here’s a breakdown of the allocation:
👉Private Sale Investors: 20.06%
👉Public Launch Allocation: 5.77%
👉Binance Launchpool: 3.50%
👉Team: 25.25% (subject to vesting schedule)
👉Advisors: 3.25% (subject to vesting schedule)
👉Ecosystem Fund: 29.50%
👉Community Fund: 12.67%
This token’s utility and capped supply, combined with its role in a growing ecosystem, underscore its potential for value appreciation influenced by market dynamics such as supply and demand.
Omni Network’s fundraising journey showcases robust investor confidence and strategic capital infusion aimed at accelerating its growth within the sharing economy. OmniNetwork is funded by 5 investors. Jump Crypto and The Spartan Group are the most recent investors.
This strategic financial backing is pivotal for Omni Network as it continues to innovate and expand its technological and market footprint.

Several factors influence OMNI’s price, each playing a significant role in its market dynamics:
🔥Platform Development: The continuous enhancement and expansion of the Omni Network are crucial. As the platform evolves, it can lead to a gradual appreciation in OMNI’s price due to increased functionality and user engagement.
🔥Adoption and User Growth: The growth in the number of users and their engagement with the platform directly impacts the demand for OMNI tokens. As more users join and participate, the intrinsic value of OMNI increases.
🔥Market Sentiment: The general sentiment towards blockchain projects, especially those related to gaming and NFTs, can significantly affect OMNI’s price. Positive perception and investor confidence tend to drive prices up.
🔥Partnerships and Collaborations: Forming strategic alliances with prominent gaming companies and other blockchain projects can enhance the network’s credibility and market exposure, attracting more investors and, consequently, increasing the token’s value.
🔥Overall Market Conditions: The broader cryptocurrency market trends, including the performance of major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, often influence OMNI’s price movements. Market volatility can lead to rapid changes in investor sentiment, impacting OMNI’s price accordingly.
🔥Whale Activity: The actions of large holders, or ‘whales,’ can have a substantial impact on OMNI’s price. A significant sell order from a whale can lead to sudden price drops, affecting market stability.
🔥Institutional Adoption and Political Regulations: The level of adoption by large institutions and the regulatory environment can also significantly impact OMNI’s value. Positive regulatory frameworks and increased institutional interest often contribute to price stability and growth.
Tracking the performance of OMNI on the OTC market reveals significant insights into its trading dynamics:

As the Omni Network continues to push the boundaries of Ethereum-native interoperability, embedding itself as a key player in the blockchain evolution, it opens up unprecedented opportunities for investors and developers alike.
👉Less than 2 days left to get your hands on some juicy OMNI
🔥 Stake BNB:
🔥 Stake FDUSD:
Happy Farming 🔥
#BinanceLaunchpool #OMNILAUNCHPOOL
Crypto Revolution Masters
OMNI Network - Next Binance Launchpool Gem! More deep insights! Road Map and how to Farm
Hey Folks, time to get more deeper into OMNI Network and take a look at #OMNICOIN Roadmap that looks pretty bullish for me!
In this Market Correction farming OMNI now is the best decision you can make actually!
The Omni Network is a Layer 1 blockchain powered by the dual Proof of Stake mechanism of the restaked ETH and the native $OMNI token. This allows developers to deploy Omni rollup smart contracts on the Omni network, enhancing the interoperability of Ethereum L2 solutions and unifying them into a single mechanism.
At the platform’s DAO and PoS mechanism lies the native $OMNI token. Its main purpose is to grant access to decentralized voting, pay fees, and reward node runners within the network.
The company’s vision towards rollup interoperability has garnered significant attention from leading funds such as Coinbase Ventures, Spartan Group, and others, securing over $18.1 million from them.
Token utility: The $OMNI token, while playing a crucial role in powering the network’s PoS mechanism, is also used for granting access to Omni’s governance votings, paying fees for utilizing the network, and rewarding node runners.
The Omni Network architecture comprises several key components:
🔥Internal Chains: Consists of a consensus layer and an execution layer, mirroring Ethereum's post-merge structure, where the execution layer uses standard Ethereum clients (e.g., Geth, Erigon) to run the Omni EVM.
🔥EigenLayer Restaking Contracts: Connect Omni with its restaking participants and are registered with EigenLayer as an Actively Validated Service (AVS).
🔥Portal Contracts: Serve as the main interface for creating cross-network messages, deployed across all supported rollup VMs and the Omni EVM.
🔥Relayer: Delivers attested cross-network messages from Omni to destination rollup VMs after receiving confirmation from the Omni validators.

Let's take a look at the Road Map:
Q2 2024:
👉Mainnet launch: The highly anticipated mainnet launch marks the official debut of the Omni Network, bringing its interoperability vision to life.
👉Liquid Restaking Protocol and EigenLayer operator onboarding: This paves the way for a robust staking infrastructure, ensuring the security and decentralization of the network.
👉Token Generation Event: The official launch of the OMNI token, the lifeblood of the Omni Network, empowers users to participate in the network’s governance and economic security.
👉Onboarding the first of the $11B+ commits to deploy xERC20 secured by Omni: This signifies a major milestone, attracting significant value to the Omni Network and demonstrating its potential for widespread adoption.
Q3 2024:
👉Cohort launch of Natively Global Applications (NGAs) deployed on the Omni EVM:
👉Multi-rollup declarative deployments for smart contracts, facilitating a kubernetes-like developer experience for expanding applications across all rollups.
👉Typescript frontend library for deploying natively multi-rollup applications that work seamlessly across all rollups.
Q4 2024:
👉Expand Omni Network to include alternative Data Availability systems like EigenDA and Celestia. By incorporating additional data availability options, Omni Network enhances its flexibility and resilience, ensuring smooth operation even in unforeseen circumstances.
👉Attestation sharding to increase the rollup capacity of the network by an order of magnitude. This scalability upgrade significantly expands the network’s ability to process transactions, paving the way for wider adoption and a thriving ecosystem.
👉Onboard MPC providers to provide institutional users with access to all Ethereum rollups. This move bridges the gap between traditional finance and the decentralized world, allowing institutional players to securely participate in the vast opportunities offered by the Ethereum rollup landscape.
Guys really in the current Market Correction before Halving it's the best to start farming now and put your BNB or FDUSD at work! Binance Launchpool Projects recently do very good when it comes to TOI and OMNI Network won't be exclusion from this!
HOW to Farm?
Stake $BNB
Stake $FDUSD
Crypto Revolution Masters
OMNI Network - The 52th Project on Binance Launchpool! Farming Live now
Hey Folks, let's dive into OMNI Network - the 52th Project on #BinanceLaunchpool As always don't miss the Opportunity to 🚜 🔥
What is OMNI Network?
👉Omni Network is a Blockchain platform based on Cosmos SDK, secured by verifiers on Ethereum. This means that to ensure safety, Omni Network will use the ETH that Eigenlayer has staking. To put it simply, Omni Network combines the security of Ethereum with the flexibility and scalability of Cosmos.
👉The operating model of Omni Network can be understood as a Layer 1 platform, in which Blockchains built on Omni Network will be Rollup Chains. However, Omni Network operates differently from Ethereum and current Layer 2 solutions. The main difference is that Omni Network targets platforms built on Cross-rollup Applications.
👉Cross-rollup Applications can interact, transact and transmit information to each other easily, creating synchronization and connectivity in the Omni Network ecosystem. This also means that there is no need for cross-chain solutions to convert assets within the ecosystem of Cross-rollup Applications.
The Omni Protocol consists of two main parts:
🔥Omni EVM: This is an EVM implementation layer, capable of accepting transactions involving ETH.
🔥Omni Driver: This layer enables secure interaction and connects the Omni Validator with the ETH restaker, requiring them to participate in the consensus process.
KEY BENEFITS in my Opinion are:
🔥Broad Interoperability
🔥Connects Ethereum rollups for easy cross-rollup interactions.
🔥EVM Compatibility
🔥Familiar environment for Ethereum developers and users.
🔥Concentrated Liquidity
🔥Helps deploy dApps on multiple layers to centralize liquidity.
🔥Cross-Rollup Deployment
🔥Aggregates users and liquidity from all rollups, enhancing experiences.
🔥Investor Support
🔥Backed by notable investors, adding credibility and financial backing.
🔥ETH Restaking Feature
🔥Utilizes Eigenlayer for real-time Ethereum rollup data for dApps
Guys as always participating in #BinanceLaunchpool Projects is a Golden Opportunity in my Opinion. We all can see how the recent oner performed so far. I'm expecting very good ROI for OMNI as well!
Let's dive into the Utilities and Use Cases for the OMNI token
🔥Governance: OMNI token holders have voting rights on proposals that shape the future of the network. These proposals can address protocol upgrades, fee structures, and integrations with other blockchains.
🔥Staking: Users can stake their OMNI tokens to contribute to the security of the network and earn rewards in return. Staked OMNI, alongside restaked ETH, forms the foundation of the dual staking mechanism that safeguards the network.
🔥Transaction Fees: OMNI tokens are the primary currency used to pay transaction fees on the Omni Network. This simplifies user experience by eliminating the need for multiple tokens across different rollups.
🔥Gas Abstraction: OMNI tokens facilitate gas abstraction, a core feature of the network. Users can pay transaction fees on any rollup within the network, regardless of the location of their funds. OMNI acts as the universal fuel for transactions across the entire Omni Network.
Also it's important that OMNI Network announced Genesis Airdrop for early community members and partners. You can read more about it here:
OMNI Launchpool Details:
👉Token Name: Omni Network (OMNI)
👉Max Token Supply: 100,000,000 OMNI
👉Launchpool Token Rewards: 3,500,000 OMNI (3.5% of max token supply)
👉Initial Circulating Supply: 10,391,492 OMNI (10.39% of max token supply)
👉Smart Contract Details: Ethereum
👉Staking Terms: KYC required
👉Hourly Hard Cap per User:
🔥3,098.95 OMNI in BNB pool
🔥546.87 OMNI in FDUSD pool
💪Stake $BNB and farm Omni:
💪Stake $FDUSD and farm Omni:
Crypto Revolution Masters
Meet Saga - The New Binance Launchpool Project
Binance is excited to announce the 51st project on Binance Launchpool - Saga
Users will be able to stake their BNB and FDUSD into separate pools to farm SAGA tokens over four days, with farming starting from 2024-04-05 00:00 (UTC).
The Saga protocol was designed to streamline the creation of application-specific blockchains. This is achieved by transforming how developers and users interact with blockchain technology.
Saga simplifies the launch of bespoke blockchains, termed "Chainlets," by leveraging a model of shared security in managing validator activities, and a streamlined process for deploying blockchains. This makes the process of deploying smart contracts very straightforward.
What is super impressive about Saga for me personally:
🔥 340 projects on testnet
🔥 Gaming made up 80% testnet projects
🔥 Partnerships with Polygon, Avalanche, Celestia
🔥 Partnerships with gaming giants MarbleX & Com2us
Also they have few key events happening in April:
💪 Mainnet Launch should happen very soon
💪 They have huge announcement coming around the Mainnet release
💪 Bringing the Revolution in #GameFi which is super important cause we all know #GameFi is one of the Metas this Cycle.
Saga Protocol represents a transformative approach to blockchain development, particularly for application-specific needs. By simplifying the deployment process and democratizing access to secure, scalable blockchain infrastructure, Saga addresses critical pain points in building blockchain applications.
The protocol's innovative use of shared security, alongside mechanisms like Optimistic Coordination, not only alleviates the complexities associated with securing individual chains but ensures that every Chainlet benefits from the robust security framework of the Saga Mainnet.
Saga opens up new possibilities where developers can launch and manage their blockchain applications with ease and confidence. With its focus on scalability, flexibility, and security, Saga Protocol is set to play an important role in the evolution of the web3 infrastructure, making it an indispensable tool for developers looking to navigate the vast landscape of decentralized applications.
Just look at this super impressive statistics:

Of course when it comes to price prediction I am sure more of you reading this know my personal opinion. All #BinanceLaunchpool Projects are doing extremely well and #SAGA. won't be exclusion from that, especially if you hold long-term!
SAGA Launchpool Details:
👉Token Name: Saga (SAGA)
👉Max Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 SAGA
👉Launchpool Token Rewards: 45,000,000 SAGA (4.5% of max token supply)
👉Initial Circulating Supply: 90,000,000 SAGA (9% of max token supply)
👉Smart Contract Details: Saga Security Chain
👉Staking Terms: KYC required
👉Hourly Hard Cap per User:
👉37,500 SAGA in BNB pool
👉9,375 SAGA in FDUSD pool
Two Pools as usual:
🔥Stake $BNB : ( Pool will be live at 12 AM UTC Time, 4th of April )
🔥Stake $FDUSD : (Pool will be live at 12 AM UTC Time, 4th of April )
SAGA Socials:
🔥 Website:
🔥 Whitepaper:
🔥 Medium:
🔥 X:
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Crypto Revolution Masters
Top 100 24h Gainers 🚀

MNT      $1.38          +11.20%
CHZ      $0.1416      +8.30% 
BCH      $637.60      +7.48% 
MKR      $4040.00    +6.99% 
BNB      $593.50      +6.40% 

Top 100 24h Losers 🔻

CORE    $2.54          -23.47%
W          $1.20          -19.63%
ENA      $1.03          -14.96%
FLR      $0.0401      -7.48% 
JUP      $1.58          -7.26%
Let's farming 😍😍😍 don't miss out
Let's farming 😍😍😍 don't miss out
Crypto Revolution Masters
ETHENA - NEXT 100x On Binance Launchpool. Farming Live Now
Hey Folks, Binance Launchpool introduced another super good Project, farming already live. Let me give you a quick Introduction at what is Ethena and how you can farm it!
Brief Introduction of ETHENA
Ethena is a revolutionary Ethereum-based project aiming to revolutionize the world of money. Here’s what they offer:
1. A Banking System Alternative: Forget traditional banking infrastructure. Ethena provides crypto-native solutions for your financial needs, starting with the “Internet Bond,” a globally accessible dollar-denominated savings instrument.
2. Stable and Scalable “Synthetic Dollar”: Introducing USDe, Ethena’s innovative synthetic dollar. This first-of-its-kind token offers a censorship-resistant, scalable, and stable crypto-based alternative to traditional money. Its stability is achieved through a unique method called delta-hedging with staked Ethereum collateral.
3. Transparent and Secure: Ethena prioritizes transparency and security. USDe is fully backed by audited on-chain assets, ensuring complete visibility into its backing and free composability within the DeFi ecosystem.
4. Backed by Industry Leaders: Ethena has secured $14 million in funding from prominent investors like Binance, Dragonfly, and Wintermute, demonstrating their potential and reliability.

5. Earning Potential: While they currently don’t have their own token besides USDe, they offer an exciting points system called “shards.” Users can earn shards by minting, providing liquidity, and staking USDe, with additional rewards for referrals. These shards could potentially grant access to future airdrops if they launch their own governance token.
I've personally minted an USDe. The process is pretty simple and My earnings so far are pretty good!
As you can see how all Binance Launchpool Projects are performing so far I am expecting absolutely the same for ETHENA. Especially if you hold long-term!
How to mint USDe?
You can read fir the full detailed process on ETHENA Gitbook here:
General Use Cases of ETHENA
🔥Permissionless Acquire USDe. Access external AMM pools to acquire or sell USDe with stablecoin collateral such as USDT or USDC.
🔥Direct Mint USDe. Deposit stETH collateral and receive USDe, subject to clearing KYC/KYB checks for approved market making counterparties.
🔥Direct Redeem USDe. Deposit USDe & receive stETH, subject to clearing KYC/KYB checks for approved market making counterparties.
🔥Stake & Unstake USDe. Receive a proportionate share of the generated yield. Available for users in permitted jurisdictions.
Launchpool Detals:
👉Token Name: Ethena (ENA)
👉Max Token Supply: 15,000,000,000 ENA
👉Launchpool Token Rewards: 300,000,000 ENA (2% of max token supply)
👉Initial Circulating Supply: 1,425,000,000 ENA (9.5% of max token supply)
👉Smart Contract Details: Ethereum
👉Staking Terms: KYC required
👉Hourly Hard Cap per User:
🔥333,333.33 ENA in BNB pool
🔥83,333.33 ENA in FDUSD pool
Supported Pools:
1. Stake #BNB to earn ETHENA
2. Stake #FDUSD‬⁩ to earn ETHENA
Project Links
👉 Website:
Happy Farming Folks!
Crypto Revolution Masters
ETHERFI - The Next Big Project on Binance Launchpool. Farming Live
Hey Folks, Danny here, Crypto Revolution Masters Founder. I would like to introduce you #Ether.Fi the brand new Project you currently can farm on Binance Launchpool!
🔥 What is EtherFi - Truly decentralized staking. Keep your keys. Build the network. Or with simple words you stake your $ETH you get very good Rewards for it!
Let me explain deeper how you do that! Steps by steps so it's more easy!
1. To mint eETH, simply go to the dapp and stake your ETH
2. To Bond 2 ETH for BNFT or Stake a full 32 ETH Validator. This is for large Stakers where you need minimum 32 ETH to stake!
When you stake your $ETH on #Ether.Fi you also earn Loyalty Points!
Loyalty Points formula
By staking .001 Ether, you will receive 1 point / day.
This simply means that loyalty points earned = ETH staked * 1000 * days staked
Example: If you have 5 ETH staked for 6 days, you will receive 30k of loyalty points (5 * 1000 *6)
There is also different Badges you can earn while you stake. More information you can find here:

So In General what's important for me!
If you're looking for where to stake your ETH for the highest interest rate and in one of the safest places to stake ETH, then you're probably looking for EtherFi.
EtherFi is a new LSD that allows stakers to directly stake to the Ethereum network reducing risks that you may have from the protocol. You get pretty much the same rate that you would get staking from Ethereum, which the competitors aren't providing.
By holding EtherFi's eETH or EtherFan NFT, you would be earning EtherFi points and Eigenlayer points which could be assumed that is what's qualifying people for the airdrop.
Actually EtherFi Team just realized article on Medium saying that staking is just the beginning for them! It's interesting one! You can read here:
Also see some of the Investors in it:

Of course my Price Predictions like every Project on Binance Launchpool are super optimistic. Expecting personally atleast 20x!
ETHFI Launchpool Details:
👉Token Name: (ETHFI)
👉Max Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 ETHFI
👉Launchpool Token Rewards: 20,000,000 ETHFI (2% of max token supply)
👉Initial Circulating Supply: 115,200,000 ETHFI (11.52% of max token supply)
👉Smart Contract Details: Ethereum
👉Staking Terms: KYC required
👉Hourly Hard Cap per User:
👉16,666.66 ETHFI in BNB pool
👉4,166.66 ETHFI in FDUSD pool
Again Folks you have two options to farm:
1. Stake $BNB and farm ETHFI
2. Stake $FDUSD and farm ETHFI
Project Links
Don't miss this chance #aevo 🔥🔥🔥
Don't miss this chance #aevo 🔥🔥🔥
Crypto Revolution Masters
Less than 2 days to Farm AEVO! LFG 🔥
Hey Folks, Tik Tok, Tik Tok, time is ticking. So far #AEVO. Farming is on fire and you have less than 4 hours to farm some. With $BNB over $500 now don't miss the Opportunity to stake yours and get some juicy Rewards for it.
Let's go again briefly about everything you need to know about #AEVO.
1. What is #AEVO.
I've made it simple for you. Just look at the below picture and you will find everything you need to know:

I love what Aevo are building. Their DEX works super smoothly and fast. Never got any issues using it!
2. #AEVO. #AEVO. personally for me. Oh well, Folks, I am pretty bullish on every single Project on Binance Launchpool. Same with #AEVO.
It was trading OTC around $0.25 - $0.30 and I am expecting atleast 10x on Listing and of course long term with the current Bull Cycle there is no limits where we can go but definitely patience always pays off in Crypto so the key for success is to hold!
3. How to Farm 🚜
Well that's the easiest thing out there. Less than 48 hours to do it in 2 different ways!
🔥 Stake your $BNB and farm:
🔥 Stake your $FDUSD and farm:
AEVO Socials:
👉 Website:
👉 Whitepaper:
👉 X:
👉 Discord:
👉 Medium:
Happy Farming 🚜🚜🚜
Useful guide for everything #Aevo 👇🏻
Useful guide for everything #Aevo 👇🏻
Crypto Revolution Masters
Watch my video for everything AEVO - From how to farm it on Binance Launchpool to how to use AEVO DEX. And dont forget I am pretty bullish on whats coming from AEVO Team! #AEVOLAUNCHPOOL
Watch my video for everything AEVO - From how to farm it on Binance Launchpool to how to use AEVO DEX. And dont forget I am pretty bullish on whats coming from AEVO Team! #AEVOLAUNCHPOOL
Crypto Revolution Masters
AEVO - Another bullish Project on Binance Launchpool
Hey Folks, it's time to share my opinion for another Project coming on Binance Launchpool. That's AEVO! What is AEVO? Its the first Derivatives L2, focused on options & perps trading! Built on #Ethereum and backed by huge names in the Industry like Coinbase, Paradigm and Dragonfly! Why I believe AEVO will be huge and is good Long term Hold? I want you just to look at the following picture:In some days without even it's token yet AEVO got more volume than all well known DEXs out there! And the most important thing to mark here is actually that only DYDX was close to that, not any other single DEX! I am using AEVO personally since I love to trade options and so far my experience has been excellent. Everything works super fast and smooth! About the price that I think we will have let me share the Tokenomics with you:Not too many tokens are hitting the Market on Listing and also vesting for Private Sale is pretty good and no huge dump will occur. So I'm expecting good performance on Listing. And of course is Binance Launchpool Project. Everything do good Numbers. But the key is always to try and hold a bit long term and you will get the real benefits of been patient! USE Cases of AEVO:Aevo supports options, perpetual futures, and many other products within a single margin account. Combining off-chain matching with on-chain settlement, the platform allows traders to have unparalleled performance and latency while inheriting the security of Ethereum. With one account you have it all Folks, how dope is that? TWO FARMING POOLS OPENING 8TH OF MARCH:🔥 Stake BNB to earn AEVO:🔥 Stake FDUSD to earn AEVO: Pools will be live for 5 days and will start at 00.00 UTC Time on 8th of March! AEVO Socials:Website:
Happy Farming #Aevo 🔥 #AEVOLAUNCHPOOL
Happy Farming #Aevo 🔥
Crypto Revolution Masters
Hey Folks I've recently talked about #AEVO. Farming is now live and it's pretty easy to get your hands on Aevo. And don't forget you can farm in the next 5 days so the earliest you start the better.

Here is how:
1. Stake $BNB
2. Stake $FDUSD
#AEVO is a decentralized derivatives exchange platform. Let me share how it looks with you guys:

You can see that the Interface looks pretty clean, it's easy to do trading and you have all the information you need to feel comfortable when you take Desicion!
The ecosystem of Aevo products provides everything any trader needs. Trade options, perps, yield and structured products in a single place.
I am personally farming every Project on Binance Launchpool since I believe all of them are very good Long Term Hold. #Aevo is not exceptional and I think will do very good on Listing day!
And let's look again at the Utilities of the #Aevo token!
🔥Governance: Aevo token holders can vote on network upgrades, new listings and on general DAO governance
🔥Staking: Users that stake Aevo tokens will get discounted trading fees on the Aevo exchange and boosted rewards on Aevo’s trader reward program.
Happy Farming Folks!
Bullish project #Aevo 🔥🔥🔥
Bullish project #Aevo 🔥🔥🔥
Crypto Revolution Masters
AEVO - Another bullish Project on Binance Launchpool
Hey Folks, it's time to share my opinion for another Project coming on Binance Launchpool. That's AEVO! What is AEVO? Its the first Derivatives L2, focused on options & perps trading! Built on #Ethereum and backed by huge names in the Industry like Coinbase, Paradigm and Dragonfly! Why I believe AEVO will be huge and is good Long term Hold? I want you just to look at the following picture:In some days without even it's token yet AEVO got more volume than all well known DEXs out there! And the most important thing to mark here is actually that only DYDX was close to that, not any other single DEX! I am using AEVO personally since I love to trade options and so far my experience has been excellent. Everything works super fast and smooth! About the price that I think we will have let me share the Tokenomics with you:Not too many tokens are hitting the Market on Listing and also vesting for Private Sale is pretty good and no huge dump will occur. So I'm expecting good performance on Listing. And of course is Binance Launchpool Project. Everything do good Numbers. But the key is always to try and hold a bit long term and you will get the real benefits of been patient! USE Cases of AEVO:Aevo supports options, perpetual futures, and many other products within a single margin account. Combining off-chain matching with on-chain settlement, the platform allows traders to have unparalleled performance and latency while inheriting the security of Ethereum. With one account you have it all Folks, how dope is that? TWO FARMING POOLS OPENING 8TH OF MARCH:🔥 Stake BNB to earn AEVO:🔥 Stake FDUSD to earn AEVO: Pools will be live for 5 days and will start at 00.00 UTC Time on 8th of March! AEVO Socials:Website:
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