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Good morning UIC family, where we let love lead in our hearts and whatever we are doing, I hope everyone is prepared for wife changing 🤑💵🤑🤑🤑, who is seeing what am seeing, the market is heat up, time to load up on your favourite altcoins , if you miss September, probably you will buy at 30% increase, the next few months everyone will be happy, Cheers 🥂🥂🥂
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Uptober è qui, da questa settimana in poi, il mercato delle criptovalute sarà positivo, spero che tu abbia caricato i tuoi preferiti, #Bitcoin #bnb #sol #MemesCoins2024 puoi unirti a Premium per la narrativa più interessante per guidare il gioco,
Uptober è qui, da questa settimana in poi, il mercato delle criptovalute sarà positivo, spero che tu abbia caricato i tuoi preferiti, #Bitcoin #bnb #sol #MemesCoins2024 puoi unirti a Premium per la narrativa più interessante per guidare il gioco,
Good morning UIC family, where we let love lead in our hearts and whatever we are doing, I hope everyone is prepared for wife changing 🤑💵🤑🤑🤑, who is seeing what am seeing, the market is heat up, time to load up on your favourite altcoins , if you miss September, probably you will buy at 30% increase, the next few months everyone will be happy, Cheers 🥂🥂🥂
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La prossima settimana sarà super positiva per le criptovalute, preparati ora
La prossima settimana sarà super positiva per le criptovalute, preparati ora
Good morning UIC family, where we let love lead in our hearts and whatever we are doing, I hope everyone is prepared for wife changing 🤑💵🤑🤑🤑, who is seeing what am seeing, the market is heat up, time to load up on your favourite altcoins , if you miss September, probably you will buy at 30% increase, the next few months everyone will be happy, Cheers 🥂🥂🥂
Good morning UIC family, where we let love lead in our hearts and whatever we are doing, I hope everyone is prepared for wife changing 🤑💵🤑🤑🤑, who is seeing what am seeing, the market is heat up, time to load up on your favourite altcoins , if you miss September, probably you will buy at 30% increase, the next few months everyone will be happy, Cheers 🥂🥂🥂
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https:/hamster_kOmbat_bot/start?startapp=kentId2034394323 se non ti sei ancora iscritto a telegram tap to earn game che ha guadagnato oltre 200 milioni di giocatori, fallo, #hamsterkombat24 #binance #TapToEarn

se non ti sei ancora iscritto a telegram tap to earn game che ha guadagnato oltre 200 milioni di giocatori, fallo, #hamsterkombat24 #binance #TapToEarn
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La maggior parte delle persone non è ancora consapevole del fatto che alt vs btc sono morti ormai. Perché la rottura è lenta. E ANCORA... manterrei alta la mia convinzione... perché il costo di perdere qualcosa, se sbaglio, è troppo alto. Perché se non c'è guasto, allora corsa al rialzo. Credo che stiano crollando. Non scommetto su nient'altro che cose di cui detesterei fare a meno in caso di corsa. A parte questo, ho intenzione di rientrare un po' più tardi. Ancora una volta, storia del giorno del giudizio, e una volta mi sbaglierò, e quella volta riderai di me, tuttavia, nel frattempo, per coloro che hanno riso le ultime due volte, i loro portafogli sarebbero molto migliori se lo facessero almeno considerato che Mr Love ha ragione. Ora, voglio correre in alternativa quanto te, ma per ora mi sembra che si stia andando verso una correzione. Il rovescio della medaglia: prima della maggior parte delle mosse di grande impatto, c'è una bella mossa finta molto convincente e delle "conferme". Questo non credo sia il caso, ma come trader intelligente, devi tenerne conto. Saluti! UIC Alla fine di questa settimana, sarò in grado di darti una conferma n. 2. La conferma n. 3 arriverà probabilmente in ritardo o in fase avanzata (da entrambe le parti), ma arriverà la settimana successiva. La conferma n. 2 è sufficiente nel 70%+ dei casi. Condivisione con un fratello! #uic #BNBHODLer #BTC☀
La maggior parte delle persone non è ancora consapevole del fatto che alt vs btc sono morti ormai. Perché la rottura è lenta.

E ANCORA... manterrei alta la mia convinzione... perché il costo di perdere qualcosa, se sbaglio, è troppo alto. Perché se non c'è guasto, allora corsa al rialzo.

Credo che stiano crollando. Non scommetto su nient'altro che cose di cui detesterei fare a meno in caso di corsa.

A parte questo, ho intenzione di rientrare un po' più tardi.

Ancora una volta, storia del giorno del giudizio, e una volta mi sbaglierò, e quella volta riderai di me, tuttavia, nel frattempo, per coloro che hanno riso le ultime due volte, i loro portafogli sarebbero molto migliori se lo facessero almeno considerato che Mr Love ha ragione.

Ora, voglio correre in alternativa quanto te, ma per ora mi sembra che si stia andando verso una correzione.

Il rovescio della medaglia: prima della maggior parte delle mosse di grande impatto, c'è una bella mossa finta molto convincente e delle "conferme". Questo non credo sia il caso, ma come trader intelligente, devi tenerne conto.


Alla fine di questa settimana, sarò in grado di darti una conferma n. 2. La conferma n. 3 arriverà probabilmente in ritardo o in fase avanzata (da entrambe le parti), ma arriverà la settimana successiva. La conferma n. 2 è sufficiente nel 70%+ dei casi. Condivisione con un fratello!
#uic #BNBHODLer #BTC☀
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Per quanto riguarda la liquidità, se rimaniamo in questa zona per altre due settimane dovremmo visitare la zona 75-77k. Al di sopra dei massimi si sta accumulando molta liquidità. Se vogliamo scendere senza raggiungere i massimi, la prossima settimana è un’ottima settimana per farlo a livello strutturale. #uic #ETHETFsApproved
Per quanto riguarda la liquidità, se rimaniamo in questa zona per altre due settimane dovremmo visitare la zona 75-77k. Al di sopra dei massimi si sta accumulando molta liquidità.

Se vogliamo scendere senza raggiungere i massimi, la prossima settimana è un’ottima settimana per farlo a livello strutturale.

#uic #ETHETFsApproved
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Attacco alla struttura. Immagina di essere un oggetto attraente agli occhi di qualche stronza. Fa qualcosa di insolito. Dille di calmarsi. Molte volte cercherà di attaccare all'interno della struttura recandosi da uno dei tuoi amici. Ora, se la struttura è forte, un amico è un amico, si schianterà e brucerà miseramente. Tuttavia, per una struttura che non ti coinvolga in questo caso un amico deve essere 1) un buon amico e 2) un uomo forte, cioè in grado di resistere alla fica in un modo brutto che non gli ha fatto torto. Fratello, il 70% degli uomini nella tua cerchia non ne è capace o la prenderà nel modo sbagliato. È più facile chiedere soldi a un amico maschio che non entrare in qualche fica, perché possono essere seducenti. Questa è debolezza. Questo è il punto di rottura. Lo stesso vale per l’azione dei prezzi nelle criptovalute. Se padroneggi il supporto, la resistenza, la lettura dei movimenti, tutto ciò cambia comportandosi in modo diverso in un giorno diverso. Se lo impari, cambia il ritmo velocemente, velocemente, velocemente e poi piano piano... Una volta padroneggiato tutto ciò, il ciclo cambia da orso a rialzista. Tuttavia, padroneggiare tutto da soli è molto possibile. Affidarsi a 20 "amici" su Twitter che ti guideranno adeguatamente attraverso tutti questi cambiamenti... praticamente impossibile. Abbi fiducia in te stesso prima, fratello mio. Te stesso. E tuo fratello, signor amore E chi ti dice più velocemente i negativi che i positivi. Evita di pubblicizzare i ragazzi come la peste. Evita "xxxx sulla luna!" tipo di merda. LA MAGGIOR PARTE delle monete, la MAGGIOR PARTE degli asset commerciabili, sono ESATTAMENTE dove il mercato percepisce che dovrebbero essere. Ci sono molti meno asset sottovalutati di quanto i trader vogliano credere. Bitcoin è ormai sottovalutato? NO fratello, non lo è. Per questo TEMPO, per questi ambienti economici, bitcoin è ESATTAMENTE dove dovrebbe essere. Puoi aspettarti un ambiente positivo, essere felice di conservare e bloccare i tuoi liquidi in qualche altcoin, ecc... e poi ottenere un rendimento positivo? Assolutamente. Basta essere avvisati quando senti che qualcosa va sulla luna in un luogo pubblico e quella cosa non si muove il primo giorno. Vuol dire che, per quell'epoca e per quell'ambiente, non era né sottovalutato né trascurato.
Attacco alla struttura.

Immagina di essere un oggetto attraente agli occhi di qualche stronza.

Fa qualcosa di insolito. Dille di calmarsi.

Molte volte cercherà di attaccare all'interno della struttura recandosi da uno dei tuoi amici.

Ora, se la struttura è forte, un amico è un amico, si schianterà e brucerà miseramente. Tuttavia, per una struttura che non ti coinvolga in questo caso un amico deve essere 1) un buon amico e 2) un uomo forte, cioè in grado di resistere alla fica in un modo brutto che non gli ha fatto torto.

Fratello, il 70% degli uomini nella tua cerchia non ne è capace o la prenderà nel modo sbagliato.

È più facile chiedere soldi a un amico maschio che non entrare in qualche fica, perché possono essere seducenti.

Questa è debolezza.

Questo è il punto di rottura.

Lo stesso vale per l’azione dei prezzi nelle criptovalute.

Se padroneggi il supporto, la resistenza, la lettura dei movimenti, tutto ciò cambia comportandosi in modo diverso in un giorno diverso. Se lo impari, cambia il ritmo velocemente, velocemente, velocemente e poi piano piano...

Una volta padroneggiato tutto ciò, il ciclo cambia da orso a rialzista.

Tuttavia, padroneggiare tutto da soli è molto possibile.
Affidarsi a 20 "amici" su Twitter che ti guideranno adeguatamente attraverso tutti questi cambiamenti... praticamente impossibile.

Abbi fiducia in te stesso prima, fratello mio.

Te stesso.

E tuo fratello, signor amore
E chi ti dice più velocemente i negativi che i positivi.

Evita di pubblicizzare i ragazzi come la peste.
Evita "xxxx sulla luna!" tipo di merda.

LA MAGGIOR PARTE delle monete, la MAGGIOR PARTE degli asset commerciabili, sono ESATTAMENTE dove il mercato percepisce che dovrebbero essere. Ci sono molti meno asset sottovalutati di quanto i trader vogliano credere.

Bitcoin è ormai sottovalutato?

NO fratello, non lo è.

Per questo TEMPO, per questi ambienti economici, bitcoin è ESATTAMENTE dove dovrebbe essere.

Puoi aspettarti un ambiente positivo, essere felice di conservare e bloccare i tuoi liquidi in qualche altcoin, ecc... e poi ottenere un rendimento positivo? Assolutamente. Basta essere avvisati quando senti che qualcosa va sulla luna in un luogo pubblico e quella cosa non si muove il primo giorno. Vuol dire che, per quell'epoca e per quell'ambiente, non era né sottovalutato né trascurato.
♟ Playing chess on TON EdChess is a rapidly growing chess ecosystem with Play-To-Earn mechanics. Where you can learn to play chess or turn your knowledge into real TON for winning the game.🤑 According to the founder Vladislav Korshunov, the goal of the project is to create the best platform for chess lovers! ♟ The EdChess team strives to create a complete chess ecosystem, combining tournaments, various game modes, educational resources and opportunities to earn money on acquired skills. What awaits us in EdChess ? 📖 Educational resources for developing gaming skills - from puzzles and studies to advanced game analysis and training from award-winning players 🏅 Leagues, seasonal competitions and exclusive rewards 🏆 A variety of game modes, from duels with other players to exciting tournaments EdChess already has the opportunity to earn real TON tokens for winning games.💵 Also in honor of the launch of the project, the team announced a tournament until June 6 with prize money up to 200 TON.📱 With nominations: ⏺ most frequent player ⏺ most productive player ⏺ the most sociable player ⏺ fate's favorite Hurry up to pick up one of the nominations in EdChess . Or just make money on your skill in games. See you on the chessboard♟ #unitedincrypto #binance #hamsterkombat24
♟ Playing chess on TON

EdChess is a rapidly growing chess ecosystem with Play-To-Earn mechanics. Where you can learn to play chess or turn your knowledge into real TON for winning the game.🤑

According to the founder Vladislav Korshunov, the goal of the project is to create the best platform for chess lovers! ♟

The EdChess team strives to create a complete chess ecosystem, combining tournaments, various game modes, educational resources and opportunities to earn money on acquired skills.

What awaits us in EdChess ?

📖 Educational resources for developing gaming skills - from puzzles and studies to advanced game analysis and training from award-winning players

🏅 Leagues, seasonal competitions and exclusive rewards

🏆 A variety of game modes, from duels with other players to exciting tournaments

EdChess already has the opportunity to earn real TON tokens for winning games.💵

Also in honor of the launch of the project, the team announced a tournament until June 6 with prize money up to 200 TON.📱

With nominations:
⏺ most frequent player
⏺ most productive player
⏺ the most sociable player
⏺ fate's favorite

Hurry up to pick up one of the nominations in EdChess . Or just make money on your skill in games. See you on the chessboard♟
#unitedincrypto #binance #hamsterkombat24
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❤️Da dove iniziare a imparare The Open Network: è il sito ufficiale della Fondazione TON, contiene tutte le informazioni fondamentali sulla blockchain. - Directory ufficiale delle applicazioni TON, tutto diviso in sezioni Centro app di Telegram: directory delle applicazioni all'interno di Telegram 👛Portafogli TON popolari: @portafoglio | Tonkeeper | MyTonWallet 🚀Scambi di criptovalute all'interno di Telegram: @xRocket | @portafoglio | @cryptobot 🌉 Borse CEX che operano sulla rete TON: PerBit | MEXC | KuCoin | OKX 🌅 Scambi DEX per l'acquisto di token TON: | Depolverare
❤️Da dove iniziare a imparare The Open Network: è il sito ufficiale della Fondazione TON, contiene tutte le informazioni fondamentali sulla blockchain. - Directory ufficiale delle applicazioni TON, tutto diviso in sezioni

Centro app di Telegram: directory delle applicazioni all'interno di Telegram

👛Portafogli TON popolari:
@portafoglio | Tonkeeper | MyTonWallet

🚀Scambi di criptovalute all'interno di Telegram:
@xRocket | @portafoglio | @cryptobot

🌉 Borse CEX che operano sulla rete TON:
PerBit | MEXC | KuCoin | OKX

🌅 Scambi DEX per l'acquisto di token TON: | Depolverare
Time to talk about something you have, yet take for granted... can wreck havoc in your life, yet easy to ignore... ... FRIENDS! I don't consider friend someone who for example will be ignorant about something mine, yet caring about the same thing that is his. Most often or most easily you can see it with money and materialistic things, however, not everyone is materialistic, it goes beyond too. Further, I don't consider a friend someone who is not loyal in bad times. Brother, loyalty in good times is nothing. It's not loyalty, it's convenience. To determine friends, you have two methods - one shallow, and one proper. The shallow, easy, quick method is - ask yourself how many friends you have — if over ten, I can almost guarantee you you're missing some bad fruit in the group you call friends. There ARE exceptions. Some of us actively work on finding, maintaining friendships, however, that's a red flag for 90% people to see they need to work on it. Deeper is - TEST THEM! Brother, you can test small. I test potential girlfriend by seeing which chunk of food they will give me - if she gives me the dirt part, she is not the one who loves. People reveal themselves on little things. TEST. And critically important, be OK, be more than OK to LOSE them as friends/partners/chicks... If you're not, your tests are meaningless. TEST. On the flip side, there is good news this time brother Mr love has for you! I heard this long time ago and couldn't forget it, it reminded me many times in life: "people you're not even thinking about might be thinking about you, might be wanting you good" - in other words, you might have a friend where you didn't even notice, etc. Seek to find and nurture those! With chicks I'd think nobody notices me except the chicks I talk with. After this quote, I'd focus and realize so many talk about me because then one chick knows something that was told to other chick means they talked. And chicks talk. The point is not the chicks, the point is, knowing there might be hidden gems you need to nurture, and maybe even not so hidden
Time to talk about something you have, yet take for granted... can wreck havoc in your life, yet easy to ignore...


I don't consider friend someone who for example will be ignorant about something mine, yet caring about the same thing that is his.

Most often or most easily you can see it with money and materialistic things, however, not everyone is materialistic, it goes beyond too.

Further, I don't consider a friend someone who is not loyal in bad times. Brother, loyalty in good times is nothing. It's not loyalty, it's convenience.

To determine friends, you have two methods - one shallow, and one proper.

The shallow, easy, quick method is - ask yourself how many friends you have — if over ten, I can almost guarantee you you're missing some bad fruit in the group you call friends.

There ARE exceptions. Some of us actively work on finding, maintaining friendships, however, that's a red flag for 90% people to see they need to work on it.

Deeper is - TEST THEM!

Brother, you can test small. I test potential girlfriend by seeing which chunk of food they will give me - if she gives me the dirt part, she is not the one who loves.

People reveal themselves on little things.

TEST. And critically important, be OK, be more than OK to LOSE them as friends/partners/chicks...

If you're not, your tests are meaningless.


On the flip side, there is good news this time brother Mr love has for you!

I heard this long time ago and couldn't forget it, it reminded me many times in life: "people you're not even thinking about might be thinking about you, might be wanting you good" - in other words, you might have a friend where you didn't even notice, etc. Seek to find and nurture those!

With chicks I'd think nobody notices me except the chicks I talk with. After this quote, I'd focus and realize so many talk about me because then one chick knows something that was told to other chick means they talked. And chicks talk.

The point is not the chicks, the point is, knowing there might be hidden gems you need to nurture, and maybe even not so hidden
Would the Advent of MoonBag on Coinbase Affect Floki Inu and Shiba Inu’s Value?
Are you aware that taking opportunities in the cryptocurrency space might ensure wealth? Those who profited from Shiba Inu’s past success made millions. The meme coin’s listing on Coinbase also contributed to its great popularity, and with Floki Inu expected to follow suit, this might signify plenty for the meme coin market.

But with whispers about MoonBag Coin’s launch on Coinbase, Shiba Inu and Floki Inu’s future is unclear. MoonBag’s debut in the market has been remarkable, with the coin showing promise. A potential listing on Coinbase would see the coin surpass the performance of more well-known meme coins and show a significant leap in its trip to the moon.

Shiba Inu Secures Coinbase Spot, Sees Massive Surge In Adoption  

Shiba Inu has had some outstanding achievements since listing on the well-known exchange Coinbase. The meme coin has established supremacy in the cryptocurrency market in the past year thanks to a surge of over 190%. 

Shiba Inu’s inclusion on Coinbase makes it more readily available to new and experienced traders, boosting its acceptance and use. However, with rumours of MoonBag’s listing, investors want to migrate for better opportunities.

Floki Inu Records Huge Yearly Surge, More to Come With Coinbase Listing

Rising beyond 800% in the past year, Floki Inu has maintained a good trajectory. Over the past thirty days, the Ethereum-based coin has also climbed beyond 60%.

Market analysts predict Floki Inu’s value will keep rising in the following weeks, especially with a Coinbase listing on the horizon. But with the bear market visible, investors are hedging their risks and looking forward to MoonBag’s listing on the cryptocurrency exchange.

MoonBag on Coinbase Set To Attract Attention Following Presale Success

For some time already, the buzz of the town has been the Moonbag crypto’s arrival into the meme coin scene. With everyone fighting for a spot on its network, the cute monkey-based coin has managed to grab investors’ hearts.

With the MBAG coin registering a stunning $700,000 in presale income, MoonBag’s presale has been a fantastic success. The MBAG coin has skyrocketed recently in the third stage of its presale period, honouring its early investors. The coin’s network seeks to establish a dynamic environment where users and holders may flourish, therefore empowering its members financially.

The MoonBag Coin has among its best features liquidity provision. Unlike previous meme projects, MoonBag’s platform offers liquidity at every level of its presale until its launch. Funding this cause with more than $3.5 million, the sum is distributed over the presale period. Furthermore included on the platform is a buyback and burn mechanism that guarantees coin ecosystem stability and shortage.

Possible Listing On Coinbase

Although MoonBag currently looks promising, a listing on Coinbase would help it to reach more people and facilitate transactions. This would increase the value and price of the MBAG coin even more, hence now is the ideal moment to purchase while it is still selling for $0.00013 per coin.

Major Takeaway- Take Advantage of Opportunities 

The cryptocurrency market is a hub for opportunities that only the daring and patient minds would take advantage of. While Shiba Inu and Floki Inu have done their bit and witnessed incredible surges over the years, the MoonBag presale provides a new opportunity for investors to take advantage of. Now is the best time to act!

Know More!


Shiba Inu:

Floki Inu:

The post Would The Advent Of MoonBag On Coinbase Affect Floki Inu and Shiba Inu’s Value? appeared first on Crypto News Land.
tbis is how premium meare enjoying the ultimate accuracy , subscribe and get prepared for the biggest bullrun ever
tbis is how premium meare enjoying the ultimate accuracy , subscribe and get prepared for the biggest bullrun ever
FYI "Riot makes $950M offer to Bitfarms," . Blackrock is behind this. They want to slowly get 51% of the miners vote in order to fork btc in the future. (Hint by Mr. S) — this is obviously shit for decentralisation. Keep an eye on!
FYI "Riot makes $950M offer to Bitfarms," . Blackrock is behind this. They want to slowly get 51% of the miners vote in order to fork btc in the future. (Hint by Mr. S) — this is obviously shit for decentralisation. Keep an eye on!
Mt. Gox is theme of the day. 1. They moved their funds to one collective wallet with over 9 billion dollars worth in btc. Now, I want to give you new wallets so you can keep an eye on: They are very active. It could be the payment plan is near. On twitter there is an image of supposedly Mt. Gox trustee saying they are not paying out anyone. I think that entire document is fake and forged as they don't release partial images on twitter, instead they put it in full official doc, plus some spelling errors, plus the timezone which is not for Asia tells me that's likely done by someone who is interested in his long position succeeding. Also noobs say: "Mt. Gox fud, they play the same trick again" - brother, it's actual money changing wallets, not Mt. Gox speculation. You can see on blockchain. Anyway, you're Blockchain Whispers, you know better, and for this reason I gave you these wallets to be informed. For UIC extra edge! let love lead join premium for more real real edge market analysis on chain and off chain data,
Mt. Gox is theme of the day.

1. They moved their funds to one collective wallet with over 9 billion dollars worth in btc.

Now, I want to give you new wallets so you can keep an eye on:

They are very active.

It could be the payment plan is near.

On twitter there is an image of supposedly Mt. Gox trustee saying they are not paying out anyone. I think that entire document is fake and forged as they don't release partial images on twitter, instead they put it in full official doc, plus some spelling errors, plus the timezone which is not for Asia tells me that's likely done by someone who is interested in his long position succeeding.

Also noobs say: "Mt. Gox fud, they play the same trick again" - brother, it's actual money changing wallets, not Mt. Gox speculation. You can see on blockchain.

Anyway, you're Blockchain Whispers, you know better, and for this reason I gave you these wallets to be informed.

For UIC extra edge!
let love lead join premium for more real real edge market analysis on chain and off chain data,
Most news are inconsequential in counter-markets (bullish or bearish), but Mt. Gox news, represents a REAL sell pressure, that has a HUGE influence on the markets, that could NOT be accounted-for by price (as the date was unknown) and that has true sell intent (the guys from exchange had their funds frozen since 2014 - MOST I predict will sell, portion or everything.). We still don't know what that other wallet is, but it could be a hot wallet, wallet for distributions etc. Stay tuned. let love lead #MtGox #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #BinanceLaunchpool #BTC☀
Most news are inconsequential in counter-markets (bullish or bearish), but Mt. Gox news, represents a REAL sell pressure, that has a HUGE influence on the markets, that could NOT be accounted-for by price (as the date was unknown) and that has true sell intent (the guys from exchange had their funds frozen since 2014 - MOST I predict will sell, portion or everything.). We still don't know what that other wallet is, but it could be a hot wallet, wallet for distributions etc. Stay tuned. let love lead #MtGox #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #BinanceLaunchpool #BTC☀
Mt. Gox moved their funds. Their wallet is fat. They have plenty to sell.9+ billion in btc ready to be sold at some point. Either by Mt. Gox or by guys who since 2014 await their funds. It IS the real sell pressure if it gets distributed. Follow the news. If they start getting repaid, BTC is getting dipped. This is just the beginning. Cheers! Cheers UIC join us at
Mt. Gox moved their funds. Their wallet is fat. They have plenty to sell.9+ billion in btc ready to be sold at some point. Either by Mt. Gox or by guys who since 2014 await their funds. It IS the real sell pressure if it gets distributed. Follow the news. If they start getting repaid, BTC is getting dipped. This is just the beginning. Cheers!
Cheers UIC

join us at
we have great insights about how the market moves, top calls and the best researchers , like yesterday told my group that was not bullish , told them to short and they made incredible profits , we are UnitedInCrypto , we are one family we are crypto , join our premium group and enjoy the benefits therein, you can chat me privately and send your payments on TPzKVqAsr7etDMW15JLU6kA8bwsJmoERKv Tron network usdt,
we have great insights about how the market moves, top calls and the best researchers , like yesterday told my group that was not bullish , told them to short and they made incredible profits , we are UnitedInCrypto , we are one family we are crypto , join our premium group and enjoy the benefits therein, you can chat me privately and send your payments on TPzKVqAsr7etDMW15JLU6kA8bwsJmoERKv
Tron network usdt,
To join our premium group, for more hot crypto plays and sure deal airdrops, see the pic on my profile and choose your package , payment details will be given
To join our premium group, for more hot crypto plays and sure deal airdrops, see the pic on my profile and choose your package , payment details will be given
A very good morning to you guys, everyone was shouting bulls bull, I told you I was bearish, hope no one was liquidated, meanwhile don't fade this project for anything, start now and get big out of it while it's still early, Buddy, join our Party!🤪 And get WELCOME BONUS: 3X points within 24 hours! Hurry up!👾

Avoid fud,play smart,trade smart , cheers and let love lead
A very good morning to you guys, everyone was shouting bulls bull, I told you I was bearish, hope no one was liquidated, meanwhile don't fade this project for anything, start now and get big out of it while it's still early, Buddy, join our Party!🤪 And get WELCOME BONUS: 3X points within 24 hours! Hurry up!👾 Avoid fud,play smart,trade smart , cheers and let love lead
A very good morning to you guys, everyone was shouting bulls bull, I told you I was bearish, hope no one was liquidated, meanwhile don't fade this project for anything, start now and get big out of it while it's still early, Buddy, join our Party!🤪 And get WELCOME BONUS: 3X points within 24 hours! Hurry up!👾

Avoid fud,play smart,trade smart , cheers and let love lead
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