Avere una prospettiva a lungo termine: gli investimenti in criptovalute sono spesso più fruttuosi con una prospettiva a lungo termine. Non farsi prendere dal panico vendendo durante le flessioni del mercato e avere pazienza.
Surely you have heard about burning cryptocurrencies 🤔🤔Burning is the destruction of part of the coin. Its importance revolves around limiting the supply of that currency and thus raising its price - as we know -. All of these burning operations are recorded on the blockchain as a transaction, but how does the process take place?By sending the number to be burned ( on the platforms) to one of the burning or death wallets, the most famous one, the wallet (0x000000000000000000000000000000000000
Inizia ora su Binance Square e avrai la possibilità di vincere fantastici premi!
Vuoi ottenere un iPhone 15 o vincere buoni FDUSD come premi? Inizia su Binance Square tra il 4 e l'11 marzo 2024 e cogli questa opportunità d'oro! Inizia con queste semplici attività e ogni passaggio ti avvicinerà a grandi ricompense:
Compito 1 - Diventa parte di Binance Square Configura il tuo profilo Binance Square. Aggiungi il tuo nickname, avatar e una breve biografia;
يتعرض آلالاف المستخدمين يوميا للعديد من أشكال الاحتيال والقرصنة،فبحسب آخر إحصائيات عام 2023 تم فقدان مايقارب 889 مليون دولار من الأصول المشفرة ، ويعزى ذلك للعديد من الأسباب والثغرات منها التقني ومنها البرمجي ومنها وليد الصدفة ربما لجهل المستخدم وقلة وعيه أو تهاونه.فمعظم السرقات التي تحدث تكون مرتبطة بطريقة مباشرة أو مبنية على أحد هذه الطرق:-الهندسة الإجتماعية:-●من الطرق البدائية ،قائمة على التصيد الإحتيالي وفيها يقوم المهاجم بدراسة اهتمام الضحية-عادة يستهدف الضحايا السذج- ويعتمد على رسائل ترويج
Andrew Tate ha annunciato l'intenzione di lanciare il proprio token di criptovaluta, sostenendo che lo manterrà a tempo indeterminato. L'anno scorso ha detto: "Non ho niente a che fare con le criptovalute... non ho bisogno di rubarmi i fan".
A memecoin developer on the #Solana network called #JEET stopped the project (RUG PULL) and went live on Twitch, where he accidentally leaked his face during the stream💀💀!!
BlackRock has announced JP Morgan as an approved partner in its Bitcoin ETFs.
JPMorgan said at the beginning of this month: We will close all trading operations in cryptocurrencies.
Today they are BlackRock partners.
It is truly shameful for large companies to say that cryptocurrencies are “money laundering and fraud” while they trade, buy and participate behind closed doors.
This person bought 290,750 #link coins at a price of $7.8 ($2.26 million) between 2022 and 2023, earning approximately $2.4 million. Unfortunately for him, he accidentally entered a phishing link and was tricked into signing a transaction and lost everything.
I'm telling you this so you know how easy it is to deceive anyone 🚨⚠️Please do not access any link or verify any transaction without verifying it.
Almost all second layer projects such as Arbitrum | Polygon | Optimisim uses a multi-signature wallet method to secure network assets.
This means that billions of dollars on these networks are controlled (literally) by a small number of individuals. (3~5 mostly).
Of course, there are risks: -Technically these people can steal all network assets. - The presence of a central authority that controls network assets = the possibility of it being subject to regulation and government orders. - Wallet keys can be stolen/leaked and entire network assets stolen.
The last scenario is exactly what happened in the Ronin network hack, the largest theft in the industry, as hackers succeeded in stealing 5 of the 9 keys required to sign a theft worth $625 million.