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Stati Uniti e Regno Unito reprimono subito Gaza per finanziare Hamas con le criptovalute Stati Uniti e Regno Unito sanzionano Gaza Now per aver aiutato i finanziamenti di Hamas tramite criptovalute, rilevando un contributo di 21.000 dollari in criptovalute dopo l'attacco del 7 ottobre. Gli Stati Uniti e il Regno Unito hanno imposto sanzioni a Gaza Now, un media online accusato di contribuire al finanziamento di Hamas, soprattutto in seguito all’attacco del 7 ottobre in Israele. Queste sanzioni si applicano anche a Mustafa Ayash, il fondatore di Gaza Now, così come ad altri ed entità associate agli sforzi di raccolta fondi dell’organizzazione. "Il sito di media e raccolta fondi 'Gaza Now' vi dice qualcosa?

Stati Uniti e Regno Unito reprimono subito Gaza per finanziare Hamas con le criptovalute

Stati Uniti e Regno Unito sanzionano Gaza Now per aver aiutato i finanziamenti di Hamas tramite criptovalute, rilevando un contributo di 21.000 dollari in criptovalute dopo l'attacco del 7 ottobre.

Gli Stati Uniti e il Regno Unito hanno imposto sanzioni a Gaza Now, un media online accusato di contribuire al finanziamento di Hamas, soprattutto in seguito all’attacco del 7 ottobre in Israele. Queste sanzioni si applicano anche a Mustafa Ayash, il fondatore di Gaza Now, così come ad altri ed entità associate agli sforzi di raccolta fondi dell’organizzazione.
"Il sito di media e raccolta fondi 'Gaza Now' vi dice qualcosa?
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Ultime novità: LSE conferma la disponibilità ad accettare le richieste di quotazione di Bitcoin ETN La Borsa di Londra (LSE) ha confermato che inizierà ad accettare richieste per la quotazione di prodotti crittografici, inclusi i prodotti Bitcoin ed Ethereum Exchange Traded Note (ETN). Secondo l’annuncio fatto lunedì dal colosso del trading, si dice che l’inizio delle negoziazioni è previsto già nel secondo trimestre dell’anno. Bitcoin ETN potrebbe presto essere disponibile per gli investitori del Regno Unito Lo stallo nell'esposizione degli investitori finanziari al mondo dei Bitcoin ETN o Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) è stato interrotto quando la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) degli Stati Uniti ha approvato 11 offerte per la negoziazione a gennaio. Con questa importante approvazione, le autorità di regolamentazione di altri paesi, tra cui Hong Kong e ora il Regno Unito, sono ora aperte a una variazione del prodotto.

Ultime novità: LSE conferma la disponibilità ad accettare le richieste di quotazione di Bitcoin ETN

La Borsa di Londra (LSE) ha confermato che inizierà ad accettare richieste per la quotazione di prodotti crittografici, inclusi i prodotti Bitcoin ed Ethereum Exchange Traded Note (ETN). Secondo l’annuncio fatto lunedì dal colosso del trading, si dice che l’inizio delle negoziazioni è previsto già nel secondo trimestre dell’anno.

Bitcoin ETN potrebbe presto essere disponibile per gli investitori del Regno Unito
Lo stallo nell'esposizione degli investitori finanziari al mondo dei Bitcoin ETN o Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) è stato interrotto quando la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) degli Stati Uniti ha approvato 11 offerte per la negoziazione a gennaio. Con questa importante approvazione, le autorità di regolamentazione di altri paesi, tra cui Hong Kong e ora il Regno Unito, sono ora aperte a una variazione del prodotto.
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Il prezzo di Avalanche (AVAX) aumenta del 12% mentre l'annuncio di Binance rafforza il sentiment del mercatoOggi il mercato delle criptovalute ha registrato un picco del prezzo di Avalanche (AVAX), con un aumento di quasi il 12%. In particolare, questo significativo rally arriva dopo un annuncio strategico da parte di Binance, il principale scambio di criptovalute. Nel frattempo, il rally del prezzo di AVAX suggerisce che gli investitori stanno mostrando una forte fiducia nella criptovaluta mentre Binance estende il suo supporto, introducendo un contratto perpetuo AVAX con margine in USDC con leva fino a 75x sulla sua piattaforma Futures. Il prezzo di una valanga aumenta durante l’annuncio di Binance Il recente aumento del prezzo di Avalanche (AVAX) ha attirato l'attenzione sia degli appassionati di criptovalute che degli investitori. Gli analisti indicano l'ultima mossa di Binance come un fattore significativo che alimenta questo slancio.

Il prezzo di Avalanche (AVAX) aumenta del 12% mentre l'annuncio di Binance rafforza il sentiment del mercato

Oggi il mercato delle criptovalute ha registrato un picco del prezzo di Avalanche (AVAX), con un aumento di quasi il 12%. In particolare, questo significativo rally arriva dopo un annuncio strategico da parte di Binance, il principale scambio di criptovalute.
Nel frattempo, il rally del prezzo di AVAX suggerisce che gli investitori stanno mostrando una forte fiducia nella criptovaluta mentre Binance estende il suo supporto, introducendo un contratto perpetuo AVAX con margine in USDC con leva fino a 75x sulla sua piattaforma Futures.
Il prezzo di una valanga aumenta durante l’annuncio di Binance
Il recente aumento del prezzo di Avalanche (AVAX) ha attirato l'attenzione sia degli appassionati di criptovalute che degli investitori. Gli analisti indicano l'ultima mossa di Binance come un fattore significativo che alimenta questo slancio.
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Il rimbalzo di Bitcoin avrà un impatto sui prezzi degli orologi di lusso: BloombergIl mercato degli orologi di lusso ha risposto alla ripresa di Bitcoin, con prezzi stabilizzati e anticipazione per le nuove uscite di Rolex e Patek Philippe. Una recente analisi dei dati di Bloomberg indica una notevole stabilizzazione nel mercato degli orologi di lusso, in coincidenza con una ripresa dei prezzi di Bitcoin. Questa stabilizzazione è particolarmente evidente nei prezzi degli orologi Rolex e Patek Philippe di seconda mano di fascia alta, suggerendo un potenziale punto di svolta dopo un prolungato crollo di due anni. Il Bloomberg Subdial Watch Index, un parametro affidabile che monitora i prezzi degli orologi, ha osservato un calo marginale, suggerendo una potenziale cessazione della traiettoria discendente del mercato. Questa stabilità può essere attribuita a diversi fattori, tra cui la solida performance dei mercati azionari e la rinascita di Bitcoin. Inoltre, il prossimo evento Watches and Wonders di aprile, in cui Rolex e Patek Philippe presenteranno nuovi modelli, ha suscitato attesa sia tra gli investitori che tra gli appassionati.

Il rimbalzo di Bitcoin avrà un impatto sui prezzi degli orologi di lusso: Bloomberg

Il mercato degli orologi di lusso ha risposto alla ripresa di Bitcoin, con prezzi stabilizzati e anticipazione per le nuove uscite di Rolex e Patek Philippe.

Una recente analisi dei dati di Bloomberg indica una notevole stabilizzazione nel mercato degli orologi di lusso, in coincidenza con una ripresa dei prezzi di Bitcoin. Questa stabilizzazione è particolarmente evidente nei prezzi degli orologi Rolex e Patek Philippe di seconda mano di fascia alta, suggerendo un potenziale punto di svolta dopo un prolungato crollo di due anni.
Il Bloomberg Subdial Watch Index, un parametro affidabile che monitora i prezzi degli orologi, ha osservato un calo marginale, suggerendo una potenziale cessazione della traiettoria discendente del mercato. Questa stabilità può essere attribuita a diversi fattori, tra cui la solida performance dei mercati azionari e la rinascita di Bitcoin. Inoltre, il prossimo evento Watches and Wonders di aprile, in cui Rolex e Patek Philippe presenteranno nuovi modelli, ha suscitato attesa sia tra gli investitori che tra gli appassionati.
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Bitcoin FOMO: le persone acquistano Bitcoin oltre il prezzo di $ 70.000Anche ai massimi storici, le persone continuano a detenere Bitcoin, il che indica la gravità della FOMO di Bitcoin Il prezzo del Bitcoin è sceso a $ 68.091,34 dopo aver fissato il valore ATH di $ 73.750,07 il 14 marzo. Dopo anni di lotta nella zona ribassista, ha raggiunto un prezzo meritevole. Nel 2022, c'è stato un periodo in cui Bitcoin ha toccato il minimo di 15.885 dollari, e molti investitori esperti l'hanno colta come un'opportunità per acquistare al minimo e vendere al massimo, cosa che sta accadendo proprio adesso. Molti indirizzi acquistano ancora più BTC quando il prezzo è così alto. Ciò ha scioccato la comunità su ciò che si stanno perdendo. Allora cosa sta succedendo? Discutiamone.

Bitcoin FOMO: le persone acquistano Bitcoin oltre il prezzo di $ 70.000

Anche ai massimi storici, le persone continuano a detenere Bitcoin, il che indica la gravità della FOMO di Bitcoin

Il prezzo del Bitcoin è sceso a $ 68.091,34 dopo aver fissato il valore ATH di $ 73.750,07 il 14 marzo. Dopo anni di lotta nella zona ribassista, ha raggiunto un prezzo meritevole. Nel 2022, c'è stato un periodo in cui Bitcoin ha toccato il minimo di 15.885 dollari, e molti investitori esperti l'hanno colta come un'opportunità per acquistare al minimo e vendere al massimo, cosa che sta accadendo proprio adesso.
Molti indirizzi acquistano ancora più BTC quando il prezzo è così alto. Ciò ha scioccato la comunità su ciò che si stanno perdendo. Allora cosa sta succedendo? Discutiamone.
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Bitcoin consolida il dominio sull'oro, registrando afflussi netti di 23,6 miliardi di dollariGli ETF su Bitcoin registrano un monumentale afflusso di 23,6 miliardi di dollari, mentre gli ETF sull’oro registrano deflussi di 5 miliardi di dollari nel 2024. L’ascesa di Bitcoin nel panorama finanziario è stata a dir poco notevole, come evidenziato dal significativo afflusso di capitali negli exchange-traded fund (ETF) di Bitcoin. Dall'inizio dell'anno sono confluiti l'incredibile cifra di 23,6 miliardi di dollari negli ETF Bitcoin, escluso il GBTC di Grayscale. Questa impennata degli investimenti è in netto contrasto con i deflussi sperimentati dagli ETF sull’oro globali, che hanno assistito a una sostanziale uscita di fondi da 5 miliardi di dollari nel solo 2024.

Bitcoin consolida il dominio sull'oro, registrando afflussi netti di 23,6 miliardi di dollari

Gli ETF su Bitcoin registrano un monumentale afflusso di 23,6 miliardi di dollari, mentre gli ETF sull’oro registrano deflussi di 5 miliardi di dollari nel 2024.

L’ascesa di Bitcoin nel panorama finanziario è stata a dir poco notevole, come evidenziato dal significativo afflusso di capitali negli exchange-traded fund (ETF) di Bitcoin. Dall'inizio dell'anno sono confluiti l'incredibile cifra di 23,6 miliardi di dollari negli ETF Bitcoin, escluso il GBTC di Grayscale. Questa impennata degli investimenti è in netto contrasto con i deflussi sperimentati dagli ETF sull’oro globali, che hanno assistito a una sostanziale uscita di fondi da 5 miliardi di dollari nel solo 2024.
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Possiamo vedere le commissioni del gas scomparire nelle criptovalute? Web3 ottiene una spinta in più nella semplicitàSe hai utilizzato o giocato con le criptovalute, hai familiarità con le tariffe del gas: le spese che gli utenti di criptovaluta devono pagare nella moneta nativa di una blockchain per elaborare transazioni o eseguire contratti intelligenti. Costituiscono un ostacolo significativo ma necessario per una più ampia adozione delle criptovalute e pongono un limite alla scalabilità delle piattaforme Web3. Le commissioni sul gas sulla blockchain di Ethereum possono raggiungere le centinaia di dollari quando il traffico di rete è elevato, rendendo molto più costoso trasferire denaro sulla blockchain rispetto a una banca tradizionale o a una piattaforma di pagamento. E anche in una buona giornata, dovrai prendere in considerazione almeno qualche dollaro per fare qualcosa on-chain.

Possiamo vedere le commissioni del gas scomparire nelle criptovalute? Web3 ottiene una spinta in più nella semplicità

Se hai utilizzato o giocato con le criptovalute, hai familiarità con le tariffe del gas: le spese che gli utenti di criptovaluta devono pagare nella moneta nativa di una blockchain per elaborare transazioni o eseguire contratti intelligenti.
Costituiscono un ostacolo significativo ma necessario per una più ampia adozione delle criptovalute e pongono un limite alla scalabilità delle piattaforme Web3.
Le commissioni sul gas sulla blockchain di Ethereum possono raggiungere le centinaia di dollari quando il traffico di rete è elevato, rendendo molto più costoso trasferire denaro sulla blockchain rispetto a una banca tradizionale o a una piattaforma di pagamento. E anche in una buona giornata, dovrai prendere in considerazione almeno qualche dollaro per fare qualcosa on-chain.
The New Meme Coins Outperforming Dogecoin And Bitcoin In MarchHolding newer, lower market cap meme tokens has returned a higher ROI this month than DOGE and BTC, the standout performer being Dogwifhat (WIF). Solana meme coin WIF is still +33% on the week despite Bitcoin dipping into the red, correcting from yesterday’s all-time high of $73,950 to an intraday low of $65,550 on Friday. Bonk, FLOKI, Milady Meme Coin, Myro, Pepe, and Shiba Inu have also outperformed in March versus the $23 billion market cap of Dogecoin – over eight times the valuation of Dogwifhat. Best Meme Coins To Watch – Analyst Picks The DOGE price has doubled since as recently as mid-February – pumping from $0.08 to $0.16 today – but many traders are looking elsewhere for even higher potential Dogecoin alternatives. This week popular meme coin investor and Discord trading group founder Jacob Crypto Bury listed his top tokens to watch, including old and new meme coins: Dogecoin20 Brand new meme coin launch Dogecoin20 (DOGE20) topped his list being a multi-stage presale with high APY staking. He compared it to the success of recent projects Techopedia also reviewed such as Meme Kombat (MK) which rose over 500% from its stage one presale price to its current ATH. 🚀 #DOGE20 isn't just another Shiba Inu-inspired derivative.Upholding Dogecoin’s ethos to Do Only Good Everyday, it offers passive rewards through on-chain staking. 🌱🌟Embracing a greener, more sustainable future with the most widely loved #Memecoin in the world! 🐶— Dogecoin20 (@DOGE_COIN20) March 14, 2024 Built on the Ethereum chain, DOGE20 aims to be a greener and more versatile version of Dogecoin with a capped total supply, in contrast to the inflationary Dogecoin with its infinite supply. Dogecoin20 has raised over $280,000 at the time of writing and its APY is just over 1,800%, giving early buyers who opt to stake a significant reward rate. Shiba Inu Despite being the second largest meme coin with a $17 billion market cap, Shiba Inu has had a strong 2024 so far – up 180% year to date. Jacob predicts the Shiba Inu price could rise ‘another 2-3x in the coming days’ after a period of consolidation to hit the 2.618 Fib of its current uptrend at $0.00008675. He notes that the Shibarium ecosystem is constantly building and a Robinhood-linked SHIB whale wallet has accumulated over 332 billion tokens. Bol Another low market cap meme coin that Solana developers including the Phantom wallet CEO have engaged with is Bol (BOL). Winners of meme contest: 🐀🐀🐀🏀🏀🏀— bol (@bolratcoin) March 15, 2024 A play on Dogwifhat, this ‘rat with a ball’ meme token currently has a market cap of just $1.6 million. Still, very early in its roadmap, Bol launched on Raydium on March 11th and is steadily building up a community on Twitter. Jacob is expecting a bounce on $BOL with its first CEX listing, rumored to be on MEXC. Smog Jacob tipped another Solana meme coin Smog (SMOG) at $0.01 and its current all-time high is just under $0.39. An early buyer, potentially one of my Discord VIPs made $75k profit from a $9k investment in $SMOG launch yesterday, join Discord here for calls –— Jacob Crypto Bury (@BuryCrypto) February 8, 2024 Today trading at $0.21 with a $290 million market cap, $SMOG launched on Feb 7th and centers around building a community with its airdrop campaign and 42% APY staking rewards. Baby DogeCoin One of Jacob’s reasons for watching Dogecoin-related tokens such as Dogecoin20 was Elon Musk recently stating at Giga Berlin that it will be possible at some point to buy a Tesla with DOGE. The billionaire’s support for the DOGE meme could have a knock-on effect on lower market cap alternatives, with Baby DogeCoin (BABYDOGE) being another popular derivative. $BABYDOGE is up over 110% in the past month and currently is ranked as the 8th largest meme coin on CoinMarketCap, just behind Memecoin (MEME). Unlike the meme coins in the top seven spots above, BABYDOGE is not yet listed on Binance, potentially making it undervalued. Related New and Upcoming Binance Listings in 2024New Meme Coins to Invest In 2024 About Techopedia's Editorial Process Techopedia’s editorial policy is centered on delivering thoroughly researched, accurate, and unbiased content. We uphold strict sourcing standards, and each page undergoes diligent review by our team of top technology experts and seasoned editors. This process ensures the integrity, relevance, and value of our content for our readers.

The New Meme Coins Outperforming Dogecoin And Bitcoin In March

Holding newer, lower market cap meme tokens has returned a higher ROI this month than DOGE and BTC, the standout performer being Dogwifhat (WIF).
Solana meme coin WIF is still +33% on the week despite Bitcoin dipping into the red, correcting from yesterday’s all-time high of $73,950 to an intraday low of $65,550 on Friday.
Bonk, FLOKI, Milady Meme Coin, Myro, Pepe, and Shiba Inu have also outperformed in March versus the $23 billion market cap of Dogecoin – over eight times the valuation of Dogwifhat.
Best Meme Coins To Watch – Analyst Picks
The DOGE price has doubled since as recently as mid-February – pumping from $0.08 to $0.16 today – but many traders are looking elsewhere for even higher potential Dogecoin alternatives.

This week popular meme coin investor and Discord trading group founder Jacob Crypto Bury listed his top tokens to watch, including old and new meme coins:
Brand new meme coin launch Dogecoin20 (DOGE20) topped his list being a multi-stage presale with high APY staking.
He compared it to the success of recent projects Techopedia also reviewed such as Meme Kombat (MK) which rose over 500% from its stage one presale price to its current ATH.
🚀 #DOGE20 isn't just another Shiba Inu-inspired derivative.Upholding Dogecoin’s ethos to Do Only Good Everyday, it offers passive rewards through on-chain staking. 🌱🌟Embracing a greener, more sustainable future with the most widely loved #Memecoin in the world! 🐶— Dogecoin20 (@DOGE_COIN20) March 14, 2024

Built on the Ethereum chain, DOGE20 aims to be a greener and more versatile version of Dogecoin with a capped total supply, in contrast to the inflationary Dogecoin with its infinite supply.
Dogecoin20 has raised over $280,000 at the time of writing and its APY is just over 1,800%, giving early buyers who opt to stake a significant reward rate.
Shiba Inu
Despite being the second largest meme coin with a $17 billion market cap, Shiba Inu has had a strong 2024 so far – up 180% year to date.
Jacob predicts the Shiba Inu price could rise ‘another 2-3x in the coming days’ after a period of consolidation to hit the 2.618 Fib of its current uptrend at $0.00008675.
He notes that the Shibarium ecosystem is constantly building and a Robinhood-linked SHIB whale wallet has accumulated over 332 billion tokens.
Another low market cap meme coin that Solana developers including the Phantom wallet CEO have engaged with is Bol (BOL).
Winners of meme contest:
🐀🐀🐀🏀🏀🏀— bol (@bolratcoin) March 15, 2024

A play on Dogwifhat, this ‘rat with a ball’ meme token currently has a market cap of just $1.6 million.
Still, very early in its roadmap, Bol launched on Raydium on March 11th and is steadily building up a community on Twitter.
Jacob is expecting a bounce on $BOL with its first CEX listing, rumored to be on MEXC.
Jacob tipped another Solana meme coin Smog (SMOG) at $0.01 and its current all-time high is just under $0.39.
An early buyer, potentially one of my Discord VIPs made $75k profit from a $9k investment in $SMOG launch yesterday, join Discord here for calls –— Jacob Crypto Bury (@BuryCrypto) February 8, 2024

Today trading at $0.21 with a $290 million market cap, $SMOG launched on Feb 7th and centers around building a community with its airdrop campaign and 42% APY staking rewards.
Baby DogeCoin
One of Jacob’s reasons for watching Dogecoin-related tokens such as Dogecoin20 was Elon Musk recently stating at Giga Berlin that it will be possible at some point to buy a Tesla with DOGE.
The billionaire’s support for the DOGE meme could have a knock-on effect on lower market cap alternatives, with Baby DogeCoin (BABYDOGE) being another popular derivative.
$BABYDOGE is up over 110% in the past month and currently is ranked as the 8th largest meme coin on CoinMarketCap, just behind Memecoin (MEME).
Unlike the meme coins in the top seven spots above, BABYDOGE is not yet listed on Binance, potentially making it undervalued.
New and Upcoming Binance Listings in 2024New Meme Coins to Invest In 2024

About Techopedia's Editorial Process
Techopedia’s editorial policy is centered on delivering thoroughly researched, accurate, and unbiased content. We uphold strict sourcing standards, and each page undergoes diligent review by our team of top technology experts and seasoned editors. This process ensures the integrity, relevance, and value of our content for our readers.
Toncoin (TON) Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030As demand for decentralized technology grows, Toncoin ($TON) has emerged as a platform expanding its utility and practical use cases. Especially with Telegram integrating a Web3 wallet via the TON Foundation, many investors are eager to know the Toncoin price prediction. This article explores TON’s price history, exploring its performance peaks and lows. It also expands on TON’s future utility and gathers predictions from renowned analysts to form a well-rounded perspective on the Toncoin price. TON Price Forecast 2024 to 2030 – Summary Let’s take a quick look at some key points giving an overview of the Toncoin price prediction until 2030: The token has been pumping in recent days after Telegram’s announcement and is now up 86% in the last month and 108% from the start of August.By 2024 and 2025, with positive market sentiment and increasing developer engagement around Toncoin, the coin could reach a potential high of $4.50 and $7, respectively.By 2030, given the blockchain sector’s projected growth and Toncoin’s strategic upgrades, plus its Telegram functionality, the token price might ascend to approximately $25 under favorable conditions. YearPotential LowAverage PricePotential High2024$3.70$4.10$4.502025$5.40$6$6.602030$19$22$25 Toncoin Token Price History Soon after Toncoin’s debut, its price stayed in a tight range as it saw a consolidation phase on its charts till October 2021. The coin spiked past the $5 mark in early November 2021, reaching its ATH. This occurred after a staking event organized by the OKX crypto exchange. One million TON coins were set to reward those who staked their OKB tokens. But the ATH levels were short-lived, as prices soon fell. In 2022, Toncoin experienced a downturn. Despite this, the coin returned from a $0.80 low mid-year, to reach $2.40 by the end of the year, showing its ability to rebound. TON started 2023 with a few months of sideways action – between $2 and $2.40.From March 2023, Toncoin struggled with a downturn after hitting a hurdle at the $2.50 resistance level. It fell below the 20/50/200 EMAs. EMA stands for Exponential Moving Average. Think of it as a way to track an asset’s price over time but with more emphasis on recent prices. In simple terms, if you’re looking at a 20-day EMA, it’s like getting an average of the past 20 days’ prices but with more weight given to the prices from the last few days. This decline below the EMAs hinted at a bearish bias. Soon after, Toncoin charted a double-bottom setup on its daily chart. A double-bottom setup is a chart pattern that looks like the letter ‘W’ and is typically seen as a sign that the current downtrend may reverse into an uptrend. But the sellers invalidated this reversal pattern as the TON market continued to display a strong edge for bears. As a result, by June 10, it plunged to a 10-month low and then fell even further in July, and by early August the price had dipped below $1.20 – its lowest price in more than a year. While September is typically a negative month for Bitcoin and the rest of the crypto market, an announcement by Telegram that the TON Foundation would be building its Web3 ecosystem has seen the price spike. Telegram, which has almost 800 million users globally, is a wildly popular messaging app – especially in crypto circles – with projects built on the TON blockchain getting priority access to the messaging app’s advertising platform, and TON Foundation also developing the crypto wallet feature on the app. In just one month, TON is up 86%, with the majority of those games coming since the announcement was made on September 13. Summarizing Toncoin’s price journey: Launched in late 2021, prices consolidated till late October.Prices surged past $5 in early November, only to fall shortly after.2022 was largely bearish, with a notable rebound from a mid-year low of $0.80.In March 2023, the coin faced a downturn, falling below 20/50/200 EMAs.The coin charted a double-bottom setup, signaling a potential shift in trend, but the bears invalidated this trend.The price hit a low in August 2023, dipping below $1.20, its lowest price in a year.The recovery trend formed a descending triangle pattern, indicating potential bearishness.However, the announcement of a major partnership with messaging app Telegram has seen the price soar in recent weeks and currently sit at $2.48. Toncoin Token Price Prediction 2024 As we enter 2024, Toncoin's (TON) performance will be influenced by several factors, with market momentum being a key player and continued interest in their Telegram partnership. If bullish trends take hold, we might see TON break the $3 resistance level, potentially pushing the coin to around $4.50. Meanwhile, the $3.70 level can support the year’s lows. Another crucial aspect is the growing developer engagement around Toncoin. TON has seen a 102% jump in developer activity in the past year. A proactive developer community might also introduce innovative uses for TON’s blockchain, expanding its practicality and demand and Telegram has further incentivized projects to build on the blockchain as they get priority access to Telegram Ads and the messaging app's near-800 million user base. Moreover, a recent development in the TON ecosystem is the introduction of the ETH-TON Bridge by the TON Foundation. This bridge intends to enable transactions between Ethereum and TON, initially supporting a maximum of four different assets. After a successful security audit in 2022, the Foundation plans to quickly broaden the bridge’s functionality, adding more tokens. The ETH-TON Bridge could have potential ramifications for TON’s value. TON could draw a larger user base by linking two prominent cryptos, boosting demand and driving its price. The bridge also strengthens TON’s connection with the broader crypto ecosystem, making it one of the top cryptos to watch. Analysts are also predicting a crypto bull run at some point in 2024 with the Bitcoin halving expected to take place in Apil, a catalyst for historical bull runs in 2021, 2017, and 2013. However, while these developments appear promising, it’s crucial to understand that investor sentiment can greatly influence the price. TON Price Prediction 2025 Investors are searching for the best cryptos to trade, especially after the recent market slump that creates potential for significant upside. In 2025, Toncoin’s performance will primarily be influenced by overall market conditions, but we can’t overlook the role of TON’s strategic developments. As well as continuing to build on Telegram, one such development is the planned introduction of the ‘Elector and Config Update.’ This update is designed to ease the creation of staking smart contracts and allow staking pool members to vote on-chain during network-wide voting.  This may improve network functionality, enhancing its appeal to developers and potential users and encouraging network expansion. TON’s roadmap also features ‘Slashing Optimization,’ a plan to better identify and penalize inefficient validators. This optimization may improve network effectiveness and dependability, improving user trust. Furthermore, TON has declared a ‘Scalability and Speed Showcase’ to reveal its ability to process multiple transactions while maintaining efficient scalability under heavy load. This greatly increases TON’s appeal, highlighting the coin’s capability to handle extensive activity without sacrificing performance. The collective impact of these updates and features may draw more users to the TON network. Monitoring key indicators like the active user count can help assess whether these updates drive user growth. Given these factors, it’s possible that TON could reach around $6.60 by 2025. Conversely, the price could find support near the $5.40 mark if market conditions turn unfavorable. TON Price Prediction 2030 As we examine Toncoin’s future, it’s crucial to understand the blockchain tech sector’s growth. In 2022, it was valued at about $11.14 billion and is projected to rise to nearly $470 billion by 2030, indicating a 60% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). TON aims to capitalize on this sector’s growth by introducing strategic upgrades to increase its use case. One such upgrade is the ‘Jetton Bridge,’ enabling cross-chain jetton transfers from TON to other big players like Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. Another significant feature of TON is the ‘Collator and Validator Separation.’ It aims to divide the validator role into two parts — the collator and the validator — for efficient load management. This could amplify TON’s capacity to process high-volume transactions without hindering performance. Additionally, TON’s plan to introduce TON Payment Channels and TON Storage reflects its dedication to improving user experience. The Payment Channels will allow users to establish channels for limitless quick micropayments between two participants, charging network fees only for opening and closing the channel.  On the other hand, TON Storage will enable file sharing and storage of any size on the decentralized TON network. These upgrades could notably broaden TON’s range of use and popularity. Coupled with more developer interest in TON because of its Telegram partnership – which may well lead to other major brands and firms partnering with them if successful – plus overall market trends, TON’s price could reach approximately $25 by 2030. However, the price could stabilize under unfavorable conditions at roughly $19. From a long-term perspective, the sentiment surrounding Bitcoin and larger macroeconomic conditions should also be considered when forecasting prices to spot the best long-term investment. Potential Highs & Lows of Toncoin Price Here’s an overview of our TON price forecast until 2030: YearPotential LowAverage PricePotential High2024$3.70$4.10$4.502025$5.40$6$6.602030$19$22$25 What Do Other Analysts Predict For Toncoin? Considering projections from several credible sources is vital to form a well-informed opinion on the Toncoin price prediction. The team at Digital Coin Price predicts that Toncoin might reach up to $14.08 in the coming years. Their detailed forecast for the next decade is as follows: By 2024, they foresee the price increasing to a minimum of $2.89, an average of $3.44, and a maximum of $3.49.Their projections continue to rise yearly, peaking at a minimum price of $13.11, an average price of $13.76, and a maximum of $14.08 by 2030. On the other hand, Telegaon presents a slightly different view of Toncoin’s future. Their predictions are generally more optimistic: For 2024 they predict the price could ascend between $5.32 and $7.91.By 2030, they predict a significant surge with a price range of $25.53 to $30.73, showing a noteworthy potential for growth. CoinCodex takes a unique approach by offering predictions based on tech sector growth. They anticipate: A Toncoin price between $1.688339 and $5.07 by 2024, implying a potential growth of 271.79%.A price range of $2.16 and $11.25 by 2025, suggesting an expected rise of 724.73%.For 2026, they expect the price to be between $2.77 and $24.95, indicating a potential surge of 1,729.51%. Lastly, predicts: In 2024, they foresee a price between $3.87 and $4.49.Their most optimistic prediction is for 2030, with a price ranging from $37.33 to $44.05. What is Toncoin? The Open Network (TON) is a decentralized, comprehensive internet platform composed of components: TON Blockchain, TON Storage, TON DNS, and TON Sites. The TON Blockchain integrates these distinct parts as a core element, forming a holistic TON Ecosystem. The network aims to enhance cross-chain interoperability in a scalable and secure environment, aspiring to support hundreds of millions of users and handle millions of TPS (transactions per second). But what exactly is Toncoin? Toncoin, or TON, is a unique, community-driven layer-1 blockchain native to this network. Launched in 2018 by founders Nikolai Durov and Pavel Durov, it’s characterized by its fast, cheap, and energy-efficient transactions.  The TON Blockchain’s scalability and reliability stem from its Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. By supporting third-party applications, TON allows users to securely send, receive, and store funds. The TON ecosystem envisions a decentralized environment featuring storage & services, a domain name system (DNS equivalent), an instant payment platform, an anonymous network, and swift transaction processing. In a test run previously, the blockchain processed an impressive 55,000 TPS. The platform leverages a sharding-based multi-level structure, with each shard performing specific tasks. This innovative design helps reduce latencies, prevent the buildup of unverified blocks, and accelerate transactions. Additional unique elements, such as the self-healing vertical blockchain mechanism and Toncoin wallet, further contribute to the system’s speed, reliability, and scalability. Finally, TON’s utility extends to TON storage, allowing private encryption via the owner’s wallet key. The TON DNS operates on a decentralized name system, enabling traditional websites to function on the TON network, and the TON proxy provides access to the TON blockchain through decentralized VPNs. TON Overview CryptocurrencyToncoinTicker SymbolTONPrice$2.50Price Change (24hr)5.86%Market Cap$8,568,666,840Circulating Supply3,431,892,088Trading Volume (24hr)$50.087,707All-Time High$5.29All-Time Low$0.519364 What Factors Influence the Price of Toncoin? Like any other crypto, TON’s price is influenced by various factors. Let’s look at these factors specific to TON. Network Utility: Toncoin’s utility within the TON Ecosystem can also impact its price. As these services gain traction, it could increase TON’s demand, pushing its price. For instance, The TON Foundation’s partnership with messaging app Telegram has pushed the price up nearly 90% in just a month, with the blockchain building a Web3 ecosystem for one of the most popular messaging apps in the world.Adoption of Toncoin Wallet: The Toncoin wallet, designed to facilitate fast, cheap, and energy-efficient transactions, is a vital part of the TON ecosystem. If it becomes widely adopted due to its unique benefits, it could help Toncoin surge.Adoption & Use: Toncoin powers TON’s many services, such as TON Storage and TON DNS, offering private encryption and a decentralized naming system. As these services gain popularity and more users join, Toncoin demand might increase, boosting its price.Overall Market Sentiment: Like any other crypto, the overall sentiment in the crypto market can heavily impact TON’s price. Positive news about TON or the broader crypto market can increase investment, driving up the price.Regulatory News: Lastly, crypto regulations can affect TON’s price. Positive regulatory news can boost investor confidence, whereas negative news can cause price declines. Conclusion Despite a mixed start to the year, Toncoin has shown incredible growth in recent weeks after a major partnership with Telegram was announced. The messaging app, which has nearly 800 million users, is having its entire Web3 ecosystem built by the TON Foundation, with a crypto wallet to be rolled out globally on the app from November. That partnership could lead to other partnerships and will also come with benefits for projects that build on the TON blockchain, further enhancing its utility and popularity. With future strategic upgrades potentially boosting utility and demand, Toncoin could see long-term growth, making it a crypto to watch. Before investing in any crypto, understanding risk tolerance and keeping tabs on market changes is crucial. However, with over 10,000 active cryptos, investors need to stay updated on promising coins. Interested in knowing more? Our ‘Best Cryptos’ page provides a detailed analysis of other rising tokens. Visit the page today for more information.

Toncoin (TON) Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030

As demand for decentralized technology grows, Toncoin ($TON) has emerged as a platform expanding its utility and practical use cases.
Especially with Telegram integrating a Web3 wallet via the TON Foundation, many investors are eager to know the Toncoin price prediction.
This article explores TON’s price history, exploring its performance peaks and lows. It also expands on TON’s future utility and gathers predictions from renowned analysts to form a well-rounded perspective on the Toncoin price.
TON Price Forecast 2024 to 2030 – Summary
Let’s take a quick look at some key points giving an overview of the Toncoin price prediction until 2030:
The token has been pumping in recent days after Telegram’s announcement and is now up 86% in the last month and 108% from the start of August.By 2024 and 2025, with positive market sentiment and increasing developer engagement around Toncoin, the coin could reach a potential high of $4.50 and $7, respectively.By 2030, given the blockchain sector’s projected growth and Toncoin’s strategic upgrades, plus its Telegram functionality, the token price might ascend to approximately $25 under favorable conditions.

YearPotential LowAverage PricePotential High2024$3.70$4.10$4.502025$5.40$6$6.602030$19$22$25

Toncoin Token Price History
Soon after Toncoin’s debut, its price stayed in a tight range as it saw a consolidation phase on its charts till October 2021.
The coin spiked past the $5 mark in early November 2021, reaching its ATH. This occurred after a staking event organized by the OKX crypto exchange. One million TON coins were set to reward those who staked their OKB tokens. But the ATH levels were short-lived, as prices soon fell.
In 2022, Toncoin experienced a downturn. Despite this, the coin returned from a $0.80 low mid-year, to reach $2.40 by the end of the year, showing its ability to rebound.
TON started 2023 with a few months of sideways action – between $2 and $2.40.From March 2023, Toncoin struggled with a downturn after hitting a hurdle at the $2.50 resistance level. It fell below the 20/50/200 EMAs. EMA stands for Exponential Moving Average. Think of it as a way to track an asset’s price over time but with more emphasis on recent prices.
In simple terms, if you’re looking at a 20-day EMA, it’s like getting an average of the past 20 days’ prices but with more weight given to the prices from the last few days. This decline below the EMAs hinted at a bearish bias.

Soon after, Toncoin charted a double-bottom setup on its daily chart. A double-bottom setup is a chart pattern that looks like the letter ‘W’ and is typically seen as a sign that the current downtrend may reverse into an uptrend. But the sellers invalidated this reversal pattern as the TON market continued to display a strong edge for bears.
As a result, by June 10, it plunged to a 10-month low and then fell even further in July, and by early August the price had dipped below $1.20 – its lowest price in more than a year.
While September is typically a negative month for Bitcoin and the rest of the crypto market, an announcement by Telegram that the TON Foundation would be building its Web3 ecosystem has seen the price spike.
Telegram, which has almost 800 million users globally, is a wildly popular messaging app – especially in crypto circles – with projects built on the TON blockchain getting priority access to the messaging app’s advertising platform, and TON Foundation also developing the crypto wallet feature on the app.
In just one month, TON is up 86%, with the majority of those games coming since the announcement was made on September 13.
Summarizing Toncoin’s price journey:
Launched in late 2021, prices consolidated till late October.Prices surged past $5 in early November, only to fall shortly after.2022 was largely bearish, with a notable rebound from a mid-year low of $0.80.In March 2023, the coin faced a downturn, falling below 20/50/200 EMAs.The coin charted a double-bottom setup, signaling a potential shift in trend, but the bears invalidated this trend.The price hit a low in August 2023, dipping below $1.20, its lowest price in a year.The recovery trend formed a descending triangle pattern, indicating potential bearishness.However, the announcement of a major partnership with messaging app Telegram has seen the price soar in recent weeks and currently sit at $2.48.
Toncoin Token Price Prediction 2024
As we enter 2024, Toncoin's (TON) performance will be influenced by several factors, with market momentum being a key player and continued interest in their Telegram partnership.
If bullish trends take hold, we might see TON break the $3 resistance level, potentially pushing the coin to around $4.50. Meanwhile, the $3.70 level can support the year’s lows.

Another crucial aspect is the growing developer engagement around Toncoin. TON has seen a 102% jump in developer activity in the past year.
A proactive developer community might also introduce innovative uses for TON’s blockchain, expanding its practicality and demand and Telegram has further incentivized projects to build on the blockchain as they get priority access to Telegram Ads and the messaging app's near-800 million user base.
Moreover, a recent development in the TON ecosystem is the introduction of the ETH-TON Bridge by the TON Foundation.
This bridge intends to enable transactions between Ethereum and TON, initially supporting a maximum of four different assets. After a successful security audit in 2022, the Foundation plans to quickly broaden the bridge’s functionality, adding more tokens.
The ETH-TON Bridge could have potential ramifications for TON’s value. TON could draw a larger user base by linking two prominent cryptos, boosting demand and driving its price.
The bridge also strengthens TON’s connection with the broader crypto ecosystem, making it one of the top cryptos to watch.
Analysts are also predicting a crypto bull run at some point in 2024 with the Bitcoin halving expected to take place in Apil, a catalyst for historical bull runs in 2021, 2017, and 2013.
However, while these developments appear promising, it’s crucial to understand that investor sentiment can greatly influence the price.
TON Price Prediction 2025
Investors are searching for the best cryptos to trade, especially after the recent market slump that creates potential for significant upside. In 2025, Toncoin’s performance will primarily be influenced by overall market conditions, but we can’t overlook the role of TON’s strategic developments.
As well as continuing to build on Telegram, one such development is the planned introduction of the ‘Elector and Config Update.’ This update is designed to ease the creation of staking smart contracts and allow staking pool members to vote on-chain during network-wide voting. 
This may improve network functionality, enhancing its appeal to developers and potential users and encouraging network expansion.

TON’s roadmap also features ‘Slashing Optimization,’ a plan to better identify and penalize inefficient validators. This optimization may improve network effectiveness and dependability, improving user trust.
Furthermore, TON has declared a ‘Scalability and Speed Showcase’ to reveal its ability to process multiple transactions while maintaining efficient scalability under heavy load. This greatly increases TON’s appeal, highlighting the coin’s capability to handle extensive activity without sacrificing performance.
The collective impact of these updates and features may draw more users to the TON network. Monitoring key indicators like the active user count can help assess whether these updates drive user growth.
Given these factors, it’s possible that TON could reach around $6.60 by 2025. Conversely, the price could find support near the $5.40 mark if market conditions turn unfavorable.
TON Price Prediction 2030
As we examine Toncoin’s future, it’s crucial to understand the blockchain tech sector’s growth. In 2022, it was valued at about $11.14 billion and is projected to rise to nearly $470 billion by 2030, indicating a 60% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR).
TON aims to capitalize on this sector’s growth by introducing strategic upgrades to increase its use case. One such upgrade is the ‘Jetton Bridge,’ enabling cross-chain jetton transfers from TON to other big players like Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.
Another significant feature of TON is the ‘Collator and Validator Separation.’ It aims to divide the validator role into two parts — the collator and the validator — for efficient load management. This could amplify TON’s capacity to process high-volume transactions without hindering performance.

Additionally, TON’s plan to introduce TON Payment Channels and TON Storage reflects its dedication to improving user experience. The Payment Channels will allow users to establish channels for limitless quick micropayments between two participants, charging network fees only for opening and closing the channel. 
On the other hand, TON Storage will enable file sharing and storage of any size on the decentralized TON network. These upgrades could notably broaden TON’s range of use and popularity.
Coupled with more developer interest in TON because of its Telegram partnership – which may well lead to other major brands and firms partnering with them if successful – plus overall market trends, TON’s price could reach approximately $25 by 2030. However, the price could stabilize under unfavorable conditions at roughly $19.
From a long-term perspective, the sentiment surrounding Bitcoin and larger macroeconomic conditions should also be considered when forecasting prices to spot the best long-term investment.
Potential Highs & Lows of Toncoin Price
Here’s an overview of our TON price forecast until 2030:

YearPotential LowAverage PricePotential High2024$3.70$4.10$4.502025$5.40$6$6.602030$19$22$25

What Do Other Analysts Predict For Toncoin?
Considering projections from several credible sources is vital to form a well-informed opinion on the Toncoin price prediction.
The team at Digital Coin Price predicts that Toncoin might reach up to $14.08 in the coming years. Their detailed forecast for the next decade is as follows:
By 2024, they foresee the price increasing to a minimum of $2.89, an average of $3.44, and a maximum of $3.49.Their projections continue to rise yearly, peaking at a minimum price of $13.11, an average price of $13.76, and a maximum of $14.08 by 2030.
On the other hand, Telegaon presents a slightly different view of Toncoin’s future. Their predictions are generally more optimistic:
For 2024 they predict the price could ascend between $5.32 and $7.91.By 2030, they predict a significant surge with a price range of $25.53 to $30.73, showing a noteworthy potential for growth.
CoinCodex takes a unique approach by offering predictions based on tech sector growth. They anticipate:
A Toncoin price between $1.688339 and $5.07 by 2024, implying a potential growth of 271.79%.A price range of $2.16 and $11.25 by 2025, suggesting an expected rise of 724.73%.For 2026, they expect the price to be between $2.77 and $24.95, indicating a potential surge of 1,729.51%.
Lastly, predicts:
In 2024, they foresee a price between $3.87 and $4.49.Their most optimistic prediction is for 2030, with a price ranging from $37.33 to $44.05.
What is Toncoin?
The Open Network (TON) is a decentralized, comprehensive internet platform composed of components: TON Blockchain, TON Storage, TON DNS, and TON Sites.
The TON Blockchain integrates these distinct parts as a core element, forming a holistic TON Ecosystem. The network aims to enhance cross-chain interoperability in a scalable and secure environment, aspiring to support hundreds of millions of users and handle millions of TPS (transactions per second). But what exactly is Toncoin?
Toncoin, or TON, is a unique, community-driven layer-1 blockchain native to this network. Launched in 2018 by founders Nikolai Durov and Pavel Durov, it’s characterized by its fast, cheap, and energy-efficient transactions. 
The TON Blockchain’s scalability and reliability stem from its Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. By supporting third-party applications, TON allows users to securely send, receive, and store funds.

The TON ecosystem envisions a decentralized environment featuring storage & services, a domain name system (DNS equivalent), an instant payment platform, an anonymous network, and swift transaction processing. In a test run previously, the blockchain processed an impressive 55,000 TPS.
The platform leverages a sharding-based multi-level structure, with each shard performing specific tasks. This innovative design helps reduce latencies, prevent the buildup of unverified blocks, and accelerate transactions.
Additional unique elements, such as the self-healing vertical blockchain mechanism and Toncoin wallet, further contribute to the system’s speed, reliability, and scalability.
Finally, TON’s utility extends to TON storage, allowing private encryption via the owner’s wallet key. The TON DNS operates on a decentralized name system, enabling traditional websites to function on the TON network, and the TON proxy provides access to the TON blockchain through decentralized VPNs.
TON Overview

CryptocurrencyToncoinTicker SymbolTONPrice$2.50Price Change (24hr)5.86%Market Cap$8,568,666,840Circulating Supply3,431,892,088Trading Volume (24hr)$50.087,707All-Time High$5.29All-Time Low$0.519364

What Factors Influence the Price of Toncoin?
Like any other crypto, TON’s price is influenced by various factors. Let’s look at these factors specific to TON.
Network Utility: Toncoin’s utility within the TON Ecosystem can also impact its price. As these services gain traction, it could increase TON’s demand, pushing its price. For instance, The TON Foundation’s partnership with messaging app Telegram has pushed the price up nearly 90% in just a month, with the blockchain building a Web3 ecosystem for one of the most popular messaging apps in the world.Adoption of Toncoin Wallet: The Toncoin wallet, designed to facilitate fast, cheap, and energy-efficient transactions, is a vital part of the TON ecosystem. If it becomes widely adopted due to its unique benefits, it could help Toncoin surge.Adoption & Use: Toncoin powers TON’s many services, such as TON Storage and TON DNS, offering private encryption and a decentralized naming system. As these services gain popularity and more users join, Toncoin demand might increase, boosting its price.Overall Market Sentiment: Like any other crypto, the overall sentiment in the crypto market can heavily impact TON’s price. Positive news about TON or the broader crypto market can increase investment, driving up the price.Regulatory News: Lastly, crypto regulations can affect TON’s price. Positive regulatory news can boost investor confidence, whereas negative news can cause price declines.
Despite a mixed start to the year, Toncoin has shown incredible growth in recent weeks after a major partnership with Telegram was announced.
The messaging app, which has nearly 800 million users, is having its entire Web3 ecosystem built by the TON Foundation, with a crypto wallet to be rolled out globally on the app from November.
That partnership could lead to other partnerships and will also come with benefits for projects that build on the TON blockchain, further enhancing its utility and popularity.
With future strategic upgrades potentially boosting utility and demand, Toncoin could see long-term growth, making it a crypto to watch.
Before investing in any crypto, understanding risk tolerance and keeping tabs on market changes is crucial. However, with over 10,000 active cryptos, investors need to stay updated on promising coins.
Interested in knowing more? Our ‘Best Cryptos’ page provides a detailed analysis of other rising tokens. Visit the page today for more information.
Bitcoin Triumphs Gold In Investor Portfolio Allocation: JPMorganJPMorgan recently reported that Bitcoin has already overtaken gold in terms of investor portfolio allocation thanks to the ETF offerings. JPMorgan analysts have noted that allocation of Bitcoin (BTC) in investor portfolios has surpassed that of gold when adjusted for volatility. Specifically, Bitcoin’s allocation is 3.7 times greater than that of gold. Moreover, they pointed out a net inflow of $9 billion into Bitcoin ETFs since their inception, which offsets outflows from Grayscale. Bitcoin Achieves Milestone Against Gold JPMorgan’s declaration suggests a potential Bitcoin ETF market size of $62 billion if gold is used as a benchmark. Furthermore, February marked a notably optimistic period for the cryptocurrency market, with the total market capitalization soaring by nearly 40% month-over-month to $2.2 trillion. This surge was primarily driven by a 45% increase in Bitcoin and a 47% rise in Ethereum. While altcoins didn’t perform as strongly, they still recorded double-digit gains. In addition, the decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible token (NFT) sectors also saw gains during this rally. Moreover, the net sales for Spot Bitcoin ETFs surged to $6.1 billion in February, up from $1.5 billion in January. Additionally, the crypto market Bitcoin’s value surged by 31% in a month, reaching a new all-time high at over $73,800. This rise coincided with significant inflows into Spot Bitcoin ETFs. Similarly, crypto mining stocks also reached new record highs in February. Also Read: JPMorgan Sounds Alarm Over MicroStrategy’s $20B Bitcoin Buying Spree BTC Price Crashes However, after attaining the peak, the Bitcoin price experienced a substantial drop today. As of press time, BTC plummeted by 5.86% to $68,105.40 on Friday, March 15, while maintaining a market valuation of $1.33 trillion. Interestingly, the 24-hour trade volume for BTC surged by 91.58% to $85.95 billion. The recent downturn in Bitcoin’s price is being attributed to a spike in inflation rates, notably reflected in the US Producer Price Index (PPI). In February, the PPI, which encompasses raw material costs influencing selling prices, rose by 0.6%, surpassing the expected 0.3% increase. The unexpected surge in inflation is likely to draw close attention from the Federal Reserve during their March meeting. Moreover, a notable liquidation event is cited as another contributing factor to the decline in BTC’s price. According to CoinglassCoinglass data, a total of $270.69 million was liquidated, with $207.44 million originating from long positions within the past 24 hours. This significant liquidation adds to the downward pressure on Bitcoin’s value.

Bitcoin Triumphs Gold In Investor Portfolio Allocation: JPMorgan

JPMorgan recently reported that Bitcoin has already overtaken gold in terms of investor portfolio allocation thanks to the ETF offerings.

JPMorgan analysts have noted that allocation of Bitcoin (BTC) in investor portfolios has surpassed that of gold when adjusted for volatility. Specifically, Bitcoin’s allocation is 3.7 times greater than that of gold. Moreover, they pointed out a net inflow of $9 billion into Bitcoin ETFs since their inception, which offsets outflows from Grayscale.
Bitcoin Achieves Milestone Against Gold
JPMorgan’s declaration suggests a potential Bitcoin ETF market size of $62 billion if gold is used as a benchmark. Furthermore, February marked a notably optimistic period for the cryptocurrency market, with the total market capitalization soaring by nearly 40% month-over-month to $2.2 trillion. This surge was primarily driven by a 45% increase in Bitcoin and a 47% rise in Ethereum.
While altcoins didn’t perform as strongly, they still recorded double-digit gains. In addition, the decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible token (NFT) sectors also saw gains during this rally. Moreover, the net sales for Spot Bitcoin ETFs surged to $6.1 billion in February, up from $1.5 billion in January.
Additionally, the crypto market Bitcoin’s value surged by 31% in a month, reaching a new all-time high at over $73,800. This rise coincided with significant inflows into Spot Bitcoin ETFs. Similarly, crypto mining stocks also reached new record highs in February.
Also Read: JPMorgan Sounds Alarm Over MicroStrategy’s $20B Bitcoin Buying Spree
BTC Price Crashes
However, after attaining the peak, the Bitcoin price experienced a substantial drop today. As of press time, BTC plummeted by 5.86% to $68,105.40 on Friday, March 15, while maintaining a market valuation of $1.33 trillion. Interestingly, the 24-hour trade volume for BTC surged by 91.58% to $85.95 billion.
The recent downturn in Bitcoin’s price is being attributed to a spike in inflation rates, notably reflected in the US Producer Price Index (PPI). In February, the PPI, which encompasses raw material costs influencing selling prices, rose by 0.6%, surpassing the expected 0.3% increase. The unexpected surge in inflation is likely to draw close attention from the Federal Reserve during their March meeting.
Moreover, a notable liquidation event is cited as another contributing factor to the decline in BTC’s price. According to CoinglassCoinglass data, a total of $270.69 million was liquidated, with $207.44 million originating from long positions within the past 24 hours. This significant liquidation adds to the downward pressure on Bitcoin’s value.
Ethereum Dencun Upgrade: Everything You Need To KnowAfter weeks of continuous hikes, Ethereum has surged over the $4K mark, an impressive milestone for the coin. Ethereum Price is currently trading at $4,065.08, aiming for the ATH value of $4,891.70, which is just 16% higher than the current one. It is just a start for the coin, as there’s more coming with the Ethereum Dencum upgrade. This blog covers everything you should know about the most awaited Dencum upgrade. Introducing Ethereum Dencun Upgrade Ethereum Deneb-Cancun or Dencun is a network upgrade that is taking place today to improve the user experience and help in lowering transaction fees for users. With this, some Layer-2 blockchain users will be relieved with the highly charged transaction fees. In an effort to prioritize scalability, efficiency, and security, the Ethereum network has opted for  Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) like EIP-4844, which focuses on proto-dank sharding. This upgrade will focus on three main objectives, beginning with improving the scalability so that a large volume of transactions can be handled easily. Secondly, to offer a reduced gas cost for the Ethereum users. And lastly, it simplifies the integration of Layer 2 solutions and enhances Ethereum’s dApps and Smart Contract capabilities. What’s Changing After This Ethereum Upgrade? Compared to the layer-1 blockchain, the Layer-2 network offers better transaction speed and lower gas fees, but they depend on Ethereum for security and data storage. To scale up the transaction volume, the layer-2 transactions are bundled up by the rollups. After this Ethereum Dencun upgrade, this information will be stored on the base layer with the help of a ‘blob’ in a temporary way, rather than permanently, which used to happen before. It is to decrease costs and enhance the efficiency of the platform. This blob data will be available for around 18 days. Polymarket is predicting that blobs (~125 kB) will cost ~0.001 ETH.Today, 125 kB calldata costs ~30 gwei per gas 16 gas per byte 125000 gas ~= 0.06 ETHAnd if you think polymarket's guess that blobs will be 60x cheaper is over-optimistic, you can use the market to hedge!— vitalik.eth (@VitalikButerin) March 3, 2024 Any layer 2 data that gets stored on Ethereum costs around 16 gas, but now it will decrease to 1 per byte of data stored, accounting for a 96% reduction in cost. This gas fee relaxation is offered for the layer-2 solutions only, the mainnet or layer-1 solution won’t be benefited from it. 9 Major EIPs of  Ethereum Dencun Upgrade EIPsPropertiesEIP-4844 (Proto-dank sharding) Introducing “Blob” for better store of transactionsIncrease efficiency of Layer-2 Solutions. EIP-1153 Temporarily store data in Smart ContractsReducing storage data loads because of the permanent storing EIP-6780 Restricts SELFDESTRUCT function of Smart Contracts EIP-5656 Simplifying MEMORY AMANGENET IN THE EVM Efficient Smart Contract processing EIP-4788 Access to Beacon Chain’s Block RootsDirect Access of Smart Contract to Network Consensus State without relying on external oraclesImprove Cross-Chain Communication EIP-7045 Maximum Slot increment EIP-7044 Management of the Validator’s exit process EIP-7514 Limiting the churn limit to 8 per epoch for Ethereum Validator Activation EIP-7516 Introduction to BLOBBASETEE OpcodeManagement and prediction of blob cost efficiently Conclusion Ethereum Dencun chain is the next prominent upgrade after the Ethereum Merge. It is to streamline the scalability and gas fee issues on the network for the layer-2 solutions. Though it won’t be able to solve all the ongoing problems with Ethereum, it will play a prominent role in improving the scalability of Ethereum.

Ethereum Dencun Upgrade: Everything You Need To Know

After weeks of continuous hikes, Ethereum has surged over the $4K mark, an impressive milestone for the coin. Ethereum Price is currently trading at $4,065.08, aiming for the ATH value of $4,891.70, which is just 16% higher than the current one. It is just a start for the coin, as there’s more coming with the Ethereum Dencum upgrade.
This blog covers everything you should know about the most awaited Dencum upgrade.
Introducing Ethereum Dencun Upgrade
Ethereum Deneb-Cancun or Dencun is a network upgrade that is taking place today to improve the user experience and help in lowering transaction fees for users. With this, some Layer-2 blockchain users will be relieved with the highly charged transaction fees.
In an effort to prioritize scalability, efficiency, and security, the Ethereum network has opted for  Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) like EIP-4844, which focuses on proto-dank sharding.
This upgrade will focus on three main objectives, beginning with improving the scalability so that a large volume of transactions can be handled easily. Secondly, to offer a reduced gas cost for the Ethereum users. And lastly, it simplifies the integration of Layer 2 solutions and enhances Ethereum’s dApps and Smart Contract capabilities.
What’s Changing After This Ethereum Upgrade?
Compared to the layer-1 blockchain, the Layer-2 network offers better transaction speed and lower gas fees, but they depend on Ethereum for security and data storage. To scale up the transaction volume, the layer-2 transactions are bundled up by the rollups.
After this Ethereum Dencun upgrade, this information will be stored on the base layer with the help of a ‘blob’ in a temporary way, rather than permanently, which used to happen before. It is to decrease costs and enhance the efficiency of the platform. This blob data will be available for around 18 days.
Polymarket is predicting that blobs (~125 kB) will cost ~0.001 ETH.Today, 125 kB calldata costs ~30 gwei per gas 16 gas per byte 125000 gas ~= 0.06 ETHAnd if you think polymarket's guess that blobs will be 60x cheaper is over-optimistic, you can use the market to hedge!— vitalik.eth (@VitalikButerin) March 3, 2024

Any layer 2 data that gets stored on Ethereum costs around 16 gas, but now it will decrease to 1 per byte of data stored, accounting for a 96% reduction in cost. This gas fee relaxation is offered for the layer-2 solutions only, the mainnet or layer-1 solution won’t be benefited from it.
9 Major EIPs of  Ethereum Dencun Upgrade
(Proto-dank sharding)
Introducing “Blob” for better store of transactionsIncrease efficiency of Layer-2 Solutions.
Temporarily store data in Smart ContractsReducing storage data loads because of the permanent storing
Restricts SELFDESTRUCT function of Smart Contracts
Efficient Smart Contract processing
Access to Beacon Chain’s Block RootsDirect Access of Smart Contract to Network Consensus State without relying on external oraclesImprove Cross-Chain Communication
Maximum Slot increment
Management of the Validator’s exit process
Limiting the churn limit to 8 per epoch for Ethereum Validator Activation
Introduction to BLOBBASETEE OpcodeManagement and prediction of blob cost efficiently
Ethereum Dencun chain is the next prominent upgrade after the Ethereum Merge. It is to streamline the scalability and gas fee issues on the network for the layer-2 solutions. Though it won’t be able to solve all the ongoing problems with Ethereum, it will play a prominent role in improving the scalability of Ethereum.
Ethereum Rich List RevealedFollowing Bitcoin’s price surge and crossing ATH value, Ethereum has succeeded in crossing the $4K mark recently as well, and with the Ethereum list out, it’s clear who the top holders are. Over the last two months, Ethereum has progressed bullishly, surging over 61% in a month. The crypto market is highly greedy, pushing cryptocurrencies up, including ETH. At this rate, Ethereum might be able to hit the ATH in the next few months. Top Holders In The Ethereum Rich List The list of the top 100 wealthiest Ethereum addresses is out, which has disclosed the information addresses information, quantity, total percentage of holding, and any changes in the seven days. There are 261,152,335 holders of Ethereum, where the top 10% are responsible for 43.55% of the total ETH amount, whereas the top 100 holders are responsible for only 55.73% of the total ETH. Compared to the one year ago data, they have grown a lot. Last year, the top 10 were responsible for 25.11%, whereas the top 100 were responsible for 38.85%. The number one address, “0x00000000219ab540356cbb839cbe05303d7705fa” alone is responsible for 34.19% of the total ETH quantity, which is 41,060,152. If we calculate that with the recent price of ETH, $4002.27, the address is carrying $164 Billion with ETH ($164,333,814,545.04). In the last seven days, it has also gathered 485,400 ETH. There is a massive difference between the first wealthiest holder and the second top. The second wealthiest address is carrying only $2.52%. The quantity on this address is 3,021,844, worth $12 Billion (12,094,235,585.88). In the last seven days, this address has transferred 77,559 out of the address. Also Read: Pepe Coin Rich List Revealed Major Ethereum Exchange Holders Binance, the biggest centralized exchange, is accountable for 5.451% of Ethereum, whereas Kraken holds 1.3558%. The list further includes Gemini (0.3077%), Bitfinex(0.3624%), OKX(0.6246), Bybit(0.1277), and Bithumb (0.0916). Conclusion Ethereum is only 18% away from reaching its ATH value of $4,891.70. With the ongoing bullish market conditions and Ethereum’s popularity, it might cross its ATH soon. The Ethereum rich list reveals that one Ethereum address is responsible for bearing 34.19% of total ETH, and no other address carries anything near that.

Ethereum Rich List Revealed

Following Bitcoin’s price surge and crossing ATH value, Ethereum has succeeded in crossing the $4K mark recently as well, and with the Ethereum list out, it’s clear who the top holders are.
Over the last two months, Ethereum has progressed bullishly, surging over 61% in a month. The crypto market is highly greedy, pushing cryptocurrencies up, including ETH. At this rate, Ethereum might be able to hit the ATH in the next few months.

Top Holders In The Ethereum Rich List
The list of the top 100 wealthiest Ethereum addresses is out, which has disclosed the information addresses information, quantity, total percentage of holding, and any changes in the seven days. There are 261,152,335 holders of Ethereum, where the top 10% are responsible for 43.55% of the total ETH amount, whereas the top 100 holders are responsible for only 55.73% of the total ETH.
Compared to the one year ago data, they have grown a lot. Last year, the top 10 were responsible for 25.11%, whereas the top 100 were responsible for 38.85%.

The number one address, “0x00000000219ab540356cbb839cbe05303d7705fa” alone is responsible for 34.19% of the total ETH quantity, which is 41,060,152. If we calculate that with the recent price of ETH, $4002.27, the address is carrying $164 Billion with ETH ($164,333,814,545.04). In the last seven days, it has also gathered 485,400 ETH.
There is a massive difference between the first wealthiest holder and the second top. The second wealthiest address is carrying only $2.52%. The quantity on this address is 3,021,844, worth $12 Billion (12,094,235,585.88). In the last seven days, this address has transferred 77,559 out of the address.
Also Read: Pepe Coin Rich List Revealed
Major Ethereum Exchange Holders
Binance, the biggest centralized exchange, is accountable for 5.451% of Ethereum, whereas Kraken holds 1.3558%. The list further includes Gemini (0.3077%), Bitfinex(0.3624%), OKX(0.6246), Bybit(0.1277), and Bithumb (0.0916).
Ethereum is only 18% away from reaching its ATH value of $4,891.70. With the ongoing bullish market conditions and Ethereum’s popularity, it might cross its ATH soon. The Ethereum rich list reveals that one Ethereum address is responsible for bearing 34.19% of total ETH, and no other address carries anything near that.
Will Toncoin Cross ATH By March End?Toncoin has surged 96% in the last month with a sharp peak formation over charts. It is just 25% away from its all-time high (ATH) value, leading to growing interest among the community. In the past few days, Toncoin has displayed an incredible performance, so will it continue to grow further and hit ATH or fall? Let’s discuss that in this blog. Toincoin Price Analysis Toncoin, a native token of The Open Network (TON), is currently trading at $4.40 after a 22.47% hike from yesterday with a market cap of $15,244,429,989. It is ranked 12th on Coinmarketcap after its market capitalization surged by 22.48% in just a day. A significant surge of 17% is also noticed in the trading volume, pushing the value to $418,372,401. A significant peak was formed on the 28th of February,  which has continued to rise till now. Before that, its price was around $2 for two years. Toncoin peaked in November 2021, when it documented its ATH value of $5.85 on 12 November. Factors That Will Push Toncoin To ATH Toncoin is already trending for days and it has gained investors attention already. But there are a few other factors, which has helped Toncoin with the recent surge and can continue to do so until it reaches the ATH. Upcoming Telegram IPO Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov has revealed plans for an initial public offering (IPO). As Toncoin was launched by Telegram, this news has led to the sudden hike of the TON token, which surged to the highest value it has been to since December 2021. In a recent interview with the Financial Times, Durov mentioned that: – “Telegram is nearing profitability, possibly this year or next.” He further mentioned that his company has rejected investment offers of more than $30 Billion. He would rather pursue an IPO to make sure that Telegram is not burdened by VCs. The news was enough to impact the Toncoin prices. Any further news and advancements with Telegram will lift Toncoin towards a better price. Whale and Community Support According to the Lookonchain report, a whale has scooped up over 209,000 Toncoin tokens worth $858,000 (at the time of buying, 1 Toncoin cost $4.10). This incident happened earlier this week, and Toncoin prices have surged. The price of $TON(#Toncoin) increased by nearly 30% today!We noticed that a whale spent 214 $ETH($858K) to buy 209,237 $TON at $4.1 on-chain.— Lookonchain (@lookonchain) March 13, 2024 Whale involvement has also played an essential role in seeing an uptrend as the community follows the similar action of buying in hopes of getting higher prices. A buying pattern is popular in the market, where people buy more after seeing the rise in the value of crypto, leading to a price surge. If the market continues to follow the same trend, there are chances that Toncoin might surge even more. Ad Platform Launch Telegram, a famous messaging app, has launched a Telegram ad built on the TON network. From the start of March, telegram channel owners of the 100 countries have started receiving financial rewards for displaying ads in their channels. The owners will get a 50% profit of all the total advertising revenue. While making the transactions, the Telegram platform has favored the TON network for the payments. It’s important news for the Toncoin community as it has the potential to impact the Toncoin’s prices. Conclusion Crypto markets’ bullish nature has played a crucial role in pushing the cryptos, including Toncoin. Being a trending crypto in the market, it has reached the 12th position on Coinmarketcap. If the trend continues to be the same, Troncoin might hit ATH by month’s end. Read more about Top Cryptos For The Start of The Week.

Will Toncoin Cross ATH By March End?

Toncoin has surged 96% in the last month with a sharp peak formation over charts. It is just 25% away from its all-time high (ATH) value, leading to growing interest among the community. In the past few days, Toncoin has displayed an incredible performance, so will it continue to grow further and hit ATH or fall? Let’s discuss that in this blog.
Toincoin Price Analysis
Toncoin, a native token of The Open Network (TON), is currently trading at $4.40 after a 22.47% hike from yesterday with a market cap of $15,244,429,989. It is ranked 12th on Coinmarketcap after its market capitalization surged by 22.48% in just a day. A significant surge of 17% is also noticed in the trading volume, pushing the value to $418,372,401.

A significant peak was formed on the 28th of February,  which has continued to rise till now. Before that, its price was around $2 for two years. Toncoin peaked in November 2021, when it documented its ATH value of $5.85 on 12 November.
Factors That Will Push Toncoin To ATH
Toncoin is already trending for days and it has gained investors attention already. But there are a few other factors, which has helped Toncoin with the recent surge and can continue to do so until it reaches the ATH.
Upcoming Telegram IPO
Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov has revealed plans for an initial public offering (IPO). As Toncoin was launched by Telegram, this news has led to the sudden hike of the TON token, which surged to the highest value it has been to since December 2021.
In a recent interview with the Financial Times, Durov mentioned that: –
“Telegram is nearing profitability, possibly this year or next.”
He further mentioned that his company has rejected investment offers of more than $30 Billion. He would rather pursue an IPO to make sure that Telegram is not burdened by VCs.
The news was enough to impact the Toncoin prices. Any further news and advancements with Telegram will lift Toncoin towards a better price.
Whale and Community Support
According to the Lookonchain report, a whale has scooped up over 209,000 Toncoin tokens worth $858,000 (at the time of buying, 1 Toncoin cost $4.10). This incident happened earlier this week, and Toncoin prices have surged.
The price of $TON(#Toncoin) increased by nearly 30% today!We noticed that a whale spent 214 $ETH($858K) to buy 209,237 $TON at $4.1 on-chain.— Lookonchain (@lookonchain) March 13, 2024

Whale involvement has also played an essential role in seeing an uptrend as the community follows the similar action of buying in hopes of getting higher prices.
A buying pattern is popular in the market, where people buy more after seeing the rise in the value of crypto, leading to a price surge. If the market continues to follow the same trend, there are chances that Toncoin might surge even more.
Ad Platform Launch
Telegram, a famous messaging app, has launched a Telegram ad built on the TON network. From the start of March, telegram channel owners of the 100 countries have started receiving financial rewards for displaying ads in their channels. The owners will get a 50% profit of all the total advertising revenue.
While making the transactions, the Telegram platform has favored the TON network for the payments. It’s important news for the Toncoin community as it has the potential to impact the Toncoin’s prices.
Crypto markets’ bullish nature has played a crucial role in pushing the cryptos, including Toncoin. Being a trending crypto in the market, it has reached the 12th position on Coinmarketcap. If the trend continues to be the same, Troncoin might hit ATH by month’s end. Read more about Top Cryptos For The Start of The Week.
Bitcoin Inscription: French Montana to Engrave New Song as BRC-420American rapper French Montana has engraved one of the songs in his latest album as Bitcoin Inscription using the BRC-420 standard Popular American rapper French Montana has made a very significant crypto move with his decision to make a Bitcoin Inscription out of the Easter egg song of his new album. French Montana and the Bitcoin Inscription Record Markedly, Montana has engraved ‘Bag Curious’ on the Bitcoin network.  According to data from GeniiData Ordinals, the Bitcoin Inscription bears the tag 64333690 and has a size of 3.956 MB. The new Ordinal, which is the third largest, will leverage the BRC-420 asset protocol. This move places the American artist’s music on a permanent spot in a global durable database. To cap his achievements, Montana is now the pioneer of this kind of media product. Montana’s pivot to Bitcoin Ordinals might also likely serve as an eye-opener to other artists who might explore the Bitcoin Inscription concept for their music or arts in the near future. It is no longer news that celebrities including music stars are showing more interest in Bitcoin and the broader crypto industry.  On the other hand, it demonstrates the versatility of the blockchain beyond finance.  Exploring Bitcoin Ordinals In Different Forms Bitcoin Ordinals are the equivalent of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) with digital data such as music, images, videos, and text attached to them. In recent times, the offering has been explored severally by some entities who are intrigued by its capabilities.  Amidst the numerous speculations about receiving approval from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on spot Bitcoin ETF applications, there was news that the agency had suddenly greenlighted the offering in early January. It turned out to be false information and Gary Gensler, the SEC Chair made a public statement emphasising the falsehood of the news. Digital artist @billyrestey quickly immortalized Gensler’s response to the false Bitcoin ETF approval post as a Bitcoin Ordinal. The NFT, created as a 24.32 KB WEBP image file, was encapsulated in Bitcoin within creation block 825,059. Even Bitcoin-critic Peter Schiff launched some gold-based Ordinals recently which he then offered for sale in BTC. It is obvious that the Bitcoin Inscription or Ordinals ecosystem is gaining good traction. At the beginning of March, Bitcoin's ordinary trading volume surged to the highest since December 2023, reaching as high as $50 million.

Bitcoin Inscription: French Montana to Engrave New Song as BRC-420

American rapper French Montana has engraved one of the songs in his latest album as Bitcoin Inscription using the BRC-420 standard

Popular American rapper French Montana has made a very significant crypto move with his decision to make a Bitcoin Inscription out of the Easter egg song of his new album.
French Montana and the Bitcoin Inscription Record
Markedly, Montana has engraved ‘Bag Curious’ on the Bitcoin network. 
According to data from GeniiData Ordinals, the Bitcoin Inscription bears the tag 64333690 and has a size of 3.956 MB. The new Ordinal, which is the third largest, will leverage the BRC-420 asset protocol. This move places the American artist’s music on a permanent spot in a global durable database. To cap his achievements, Montana is now the pioneer of this kind of media product.
Montana’s pivot to Bitcoin Ordinals might also likely serve as an eye-opener to other artists who might explore the Bitcoin Inscription concept for their music or arts in the near future. It is no longer news that celebrities including music stars are showing more interest in Bitcoin and the broader crypto industry. 
On the other hand, it demonstrates the versatility of the blockchain beyond finance. 
Exploring Bitcoin Ordinals In Different Forms
Bitcoin Ordinals are the equivalent of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) with digital data such as music, images, videos, and text attached to them. In recent times, the offering has been explored severally by some entities who are intrigued by its capabilities. 
Amidst the numerous speculations about receiving approval from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on spot Bitcoin ETF applications, there was news that the agency had suddenly greenlighted the offering in early January. It turned out to be false information and Gary Gensler, the SEC Chair made a public statement emphasising the falsehood of the news.
Digital artist @billyrestey quickly immortalized Gensler’s response to the false Bitcoin ETF approval post as a Bitcoin Ordinal. The NFT, created as a 24.32 KB WEBP image file, was encapsulated in Bitcoin within creation block 825,059.
Even Bitcoin-critic Peter Schiff launched some gold-based Ordinals recently which he then offered for sale in BTC. It is obvious that the Bitcoin Inscription or Ordinals ecosystem is gaining good traction. At the beginning of March, Bitcoin's ordinary trading volume surged to the highest since December 2023, reaching as high as $50 million.
JPMorgan Slammed $348.2M Fine For Market Misconduct OversightThe Federal Reserve and the OCC have fined JPMorgan Chase $348.2 million for improper market impropriety supervision JPMorgan Chase & Co., a well-known American Investment Bank has found itself in hot water as it faces a $348.2 million fine by two US bank authorities. Banking Giant Facing Allegations of Financial Misconduct According to the announcement, the Federal Reserve in collaboration with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), imposed this penalty on the banking giant for failing to appropriately supervise both firm and client trading activity for market misconduct. The regulators stated that the misconduct took place between 2014 and 2023, almost a decade long. Specifically, the OCC highlighted JPMorgan’s failure to monitor billions worth of deals across at least 30 worldwide trading venues. This shortcoming, they emphasized, allowed possible abnormalities to go undetected and uncontrolled. JPMorgan has, however, maintained that it discovered the issue internally, and claimed to be actively working to resolve it. A representative for the bank gave statements that there was no evidence of willful misbehavior by personnel or any negative impact on clients or the financial market.  Despite these arguments, the amount of the fine issued against JPMorgan highlights the gravity of the breaches in its monitoring protocols. JPMorgan Chase’s Growing List of Financial Sanctions It is worth noting that the $348.2 million fine adds to the Bank’s growing list of sanctions in recent years. In February, JPMorgan disclosed that it expects to pay around $350 million in civil penalties for failing to report incomplete trading data to surveillance platforms. At the time, JPMorgan added that it was in talks with another unnamed regulator, implying that further consequences may be on the way. In 2020, JPMorgan agreed to pay almost $1 in fines after admitting to violations related to commodity market manipulation investigations. Moreover, the bank also agreed to a $200 million settlement in 2021, to address civil accusations brought by two other regulatory organizations over record-keeping misconduct.  Notably, this recurring pattern shows concerns in the broader industry about the effectiveness of Wall Street’s supervision procedures. Nonetheless, the OCC’s most recent order requires JPMorgan to revamp and improve its trade monitoring program. Furthermore, the bank must conduct a thorough third-party evaluation of its monitoring policies and seek regulatory clearance for any new trading venues.

JPMorgan Slammed $348.2M Fine For Market Misconduct Oversight

The Federal Reserve and the OCC have fined JPMorgan Chase $348.2 million for improper market impropriety supervision

JPMorgan Chase & Co., a well-known American Investment Bank has found itself in hot water as it faces a $348.2 million fine by two US bank authorities.
Banking Giant Facing Allegations of Financial Misconduct
According to the announcement, the Federal Reserve in collaboration with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), imposed this penalty on the banking giant for failing to appropriately supervise both firm and client trading activity for market misconduct.
The regulators stated that the misconduct took place between 2014 and 2023, almost a decade long. Specifically, the OCC highlighted JPMorgan’s failure to monitor billions worth of deals across at least 30 worldwide trading venues. This shortcoming, they emphasized, allowed possible abnormalities to go undetected and uncontrolled.
JPMorgan has, however, maintained that it discovered the issue internally, and claimed to be actively working to resolve it. A representative for the bank gave statements that there was no evidence of willful misbehavior by personnel or any negative impact on clients or the financial market. 
Despite these arguments, the amount of the fine issued against JPMorgan highlights the gravity of the breaches in its monitoring protocols.
JPMorgan Chase’s Growing List of Financial Sanctions
It is worth noting that the $348.2 million fine adds to the Bank’s growing list of sanctions in recent years. In February, JPMorgan disclosed that it expects to pay around $350 million in civil penalties for failing to report incomplete trading data to surveillance platforms. At the time, JPMorgan added that it was in talks with another unnamed regulator, implying that further consequences may be on the way.
In 2020, JPMorgan agreed to pay almost $1 in fines after admitting to violations related to commodity market manipulation investigations. Moreover, the bank also agreed to a $200 million settlement in 2021, to address civil accusations brought by two other regulatory organizations over record-keeping misconduct. 
Notably, this recurring pattern shows concerns in the broader industry about the effectiveness of Wall Street’s supervision procedures. Nonetheless, the OCC’s most recent order requires JPMorgan to revamp and improve its trade monitoring program. Furthermore, the bank must conduct a thorough third-party evaluation of its monitoring policies and seek regulatory clearance for any new trading venues.
Bitcoin Miner Daily Revenue Hits Record High Ahead of HalvingBitcoin miners' treasury value has skyrocketed to a record high of $131 billion despite massive selling over the past few months. As the Bitcoin (BTC) price surged to its new all-time highs, Bitcoin miners have minted record earnings during the same time. As per the on-chain data, the daily revenue of Bitcoin miners has touched a new record high since April 2021. Bitcoin Miner Daily Revenue Skyrockets According to data from CryptoQuant, daily miner revenue surged to $78.6 million on March 7, surpassing the peak reached during the last crypto bull market in April 2021. Bitcoin miners earn revenue from newly minted coins awarded for validating transactions on the blockchain and from fees paid by users. This increase in miner revenue coincides with Bitcoin’s 70% rally so far this year. The cryptocurrency reached a record high of nearly $72,881 on Monday and was trading at $72,668 as of 11:31 a.m. in Singapore on Tuesday. Just as the revenue surges for Bitcoin, so does the energy consumption. As per the latest report, Bitcoin miners have hit record levels of energy consumption in the past month. This surge in mining activity has coincided with a supply shock, contributing to the sustained and soaring prices of BTC. Based on an estimate by Coin Metrics, miners consumed a record 19.6 gigawatts of power last month, a significant increase from 12.1 gigawatts recorded during the same period in 2023. This marks a surge of more than 61%. The U.S. Treasury Department is proposing an excise tax targeting companies engaged in mining digital assets, which would amount to 30% of the electricity costs utilized for mining activities. Should the proposal be enacted, miners would be obligated to disclose details regarding the quantity and source of electricity consumed, as well as associated expenses for externally procured power. Treasury Amount at ATH Despite Miner Selling In a significant development, the Bitcoin miner treasuries have collectively decreased by 14,128 BTC, equivalent to $1 billion, since the beginning of the year. Recent data suggests that the majority of days in the past month witnessed net outflows from BTC miners. Despite this trend, miners continue to hold a substantial amount of Bitcoin, amounting to 1.82 million BTC, valued at $131 billion – marking the highest recorded value in US dollars. Interestingly, Bitcoin miners’ actions contrast with those of ETFs, as they seem to be divesting their Bitcoin holdings while institutional investors acquire coins on behalf of ETF shareholders. The imminent Bitcoin halving scheduled for April, set to halve miner rewards and reduce the coin’s supply growth, has spurred bets on price appreciation. This development marks a notable shift for miners from the challenging conditions of the crypto winter, where some faced bankruptcy. Notably, the Valkyrie Bitcoin Miners ETF, encompassing firms like CleanSpark Inc. and Marathon Digital Holdings Inc., has surged by over 100% in the past year. $BTC

Bitcoin Miner Daily Revenue Hits Record High Ahead of Halving

Bitcoin miners' treasury value has skyrocketed to a record high of $131 billion despite massive selling over the past few months.

As the Bitcoin (BTC) price surged to its new all-time highs, Bitcoin miners have minted record earnings during the same time. As per the on-chain data, the daily revenue of Bitcoin miners has touched a new record high since April 2021.
Bitcoin Miner Daily Revenue Skyrockets
According to data from CryptoQuant, daily miner revenue surged to $78.6 million on March 7, surpassing the peak reached during the last crypto bull market in April 2021. Bitcoin miners earn revenue from newly minted coins awarded for validating transactions on the blockchain and from fees paid by users.
This increase in miner revenue coincides with Bitcoin’s 70% rally so far this year. The cryptocurrency reached a record high of nearly $72,881 on Monday and was trading at $72,668 as of 11:31 a.m. in Singapore on Tuesday.
Just as the revenue surges for Bitcoin, so does the energy consumption. As per the latest report, Bitcoin miners have hit record levels of energy consumption in the past month. This surge in mining activity has coincided with a supply shock, contributing to the sustained and soaring prices of BTC.
Based on an estimate by Coin Metrics, miners consumed a record 19.6 gigawatts of power last month, a significant increase from 12.1 gigawatts recorded during the same period in 2023. This marks a surge of more than 61%.
The U.S. Treasury Department is proposing an excise tax targeting companies engaged in mining digital assets, which would amount to 30% of the electricity costs utilized for mining activities. Should the proposal be enacted, miners would be obligated to disclose details regarding the quantity and source of electricity consumed, as well as associated expenses for externally procured power.
Treasury Amount at ATH Despite Miner Selling
In a significant development, the Bitcoin miner treasuries have collectively decreased by 14,128 BTC, equivalent to $1 billion, since the beginning of the year. Recent data suggests that the majority of days in the past month witnessed net outflows from BTC miners. Despite this trend, miners continue to hold a substantial amount of Bitcoin, amounting to 1.82 million BTC, valued at $131 billion – marking the highest recorded value in US dollars.
Interestingly, Bitcoin miners’ actions contrast with those of ETFs, as they seem to be divesting their Bitcoin holdings while institutional investors acquire coins on behalf of ETF shareholders.
The imminent Bitcoin halving scheduled for April, set to halve miner rewards and reduce the coin’s supply growth, has spurred bets on price appreciation.
This development marks a notable shift for miners from the challenging conditions of the crypto winter, where some faced bankruptcy. Notably, the Valkyrie Bitcoin Miners ETF, encompassing firms like CleanSpark Inc. and Marathon Digital Holdings Inc., has surged by over 100% in the past year.
Bitcoin’s BRC-20 Token Standard Sees Major Governance UpdateBRC-20 governance evolves with Domo's Layer 1 Foundation partnering with UniSat & Best in Slot for decentralized protocol leadership & innovation. The BRC-20 token standard, famous as an enabler of the trading of digital assets beyond BTC on the platform, is going through a governance transition. This development occurs as Domo, the pseudonymous creator of the BRC-20 standard, and his non-profit organization, the Layer 1 Foundation (L1F), partner with major Bitcoin infrastructure companies, UniSat, and Best in Slot, as the leading maintainers of the protocol. Partnership for Progress The partnership is a significant step in the evolution of the governance landscape of Bitcoin, particularly regarding the BRC-20 token standard. Under Domo’s leadership, L1F has aligned itself with Unisat and Best in Slot, enterprises deeply connected to the Bitcoin Ordinals ecosystem for co-maintenance and governance of the BRC-20 protocol. This partnership aims to create the infrastructure and services required by the new standards on Bitcoin, allowing them the opportunity to slow growth with innovation. UniSat, known for its groundbreaking work in listing BRC-20 tokens and the creation of the first BRC-20 indexer in partnership with Domo, has played an essential role in the protocol’s rise to the $5 billion market cap. Best in Slot’s participation in a decentralized BRC-20 indexing solution strengthens the concerted effort towards reducing centralization risk within the ecosystem. As a result, the BRC-20 indexer will be decentralized, which is an integral part of the governance and operational dynamics of the protocol. BRC-20’s Oversight and Governance Apart from the co-lead maintainer’s appointment, Domo has also put in place an oversight committee under the L1F umbrella to strengthen the governance structure for the BRC-20 standard. The committee consists of five ordinary companies, which are Hiro, Allium, ALEX, Oyl Dynamics, and UTXO Management, all stakeholders within the BRC-20 ecosystem. Together, their mandate is to implement governance rights, guaranteeing that the market takeover adheres to the rule of justice and market neutrality. This improvement in governance is highlighted by the formation of the Layer 1 Foundation as a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization. L1F delights in a bigger mission than that of BRC-20, intending to spur the development of metaprotocols on Bitcoin. With educational resources and developmental tools being provided, L1F stands to promote innovation within Bitcoin-native ecologies, accentuating a market-neutral approach to support. Resolving Governance Challenges The governance of Bitcoin and its associated protocols, such as BRC-20, has historically been fraught with complexities. This case was illustrated earlier this year when a possible conflict emerged between UniSat and Domo concerning the “Jubilee” upgrade of the Ordinals protocol.  However, having been faced with such obstacles, the partnership between Domo, UniSat, and Best in Slot sets the example of the quest to eliminate governance impediments and to develop a community-friendly environment for the maturation and decentralization of the Bitcoin metaprotocol ecosystem. Domo’s recognition of UniSat’s contribution to diversifying the BRC-20 ecosystem from simple tracking methods to an advanced, decentralized indexing solution illustrates the necessity of cooperation within the development of technological and governance frameworks of the cryptocurrency realm.

Bitcoin’s BRC-20 Token Standard Sees Major Governance Update

BRC-20 governance evolves with Domo's Layer 1 Foundation partnering with UniSat & Best in Slot for decentralized protocol leadership & innovation.

The BRC-20 token standard, famous as an enabler of the trading of digital assets beyond BTC on the platform, is going through a governance transition. This development occurs as Domo, the pseudonymous creator of the BRC-20 standard, and his non-profit organization, the Layer 1 Foundation (L1F), partner with major Bitcoin infrastructure companies, UniSat, and Best in Slot, as the leading maintainers of the protocol.
Partnership for Progress
The partnership is a significant step in the evolution of the governance landscape of Bitcoin, particularly regarding the BRC-20 token standard. Under Domo’s leadership, L1F has aligned itself with Unisat and Best in Slot, enterprises deeply connected to the Bitcoin Ordinals ecosystem for co-maintenance and governance of the BRC-20 protocol. This partnership aims to create the infrastructure and services required by the new standards on Bitcoin, allowing them the opportunity to slow growth with innovation.
UniSat, known for its groundbreaking work in listing BRC-20 tokens and the creation of the first BRC-20 indexer in partnership with Domo, has played an essential role in the protocol’s rise to the $5 billion market cap. Best in Slot’s participation in a decentralized BRC-20 indexing solution strengthens the concerted effort towards reducing centralization risk within the ecosystem. As a result, the BRC-20 indexer will be decentralized, which is an integral part of the governance and operational dynamics of the protocol.
BRC-20’s Oversight and Governance
Apart from the co-lead maintainer’s appointment, Domo has also put in place an oversight committee under the L1F umbrella to strengthen the governance structure for the BRC-20 standard. The committee consists of five ordinary companies, which are Hiro, Allium, ALEX, Oyl Dynamics, and UTXO Management, all stakeholders within the BRC-20 ecosystem. Together, their mandate is to implement governance rights, guaranteeing that the market takeover adheres to the rule of justice and market neutrality.
This improvement in governance is highlighted by the formation of the Layer 1 Foundation as a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization. L1F delights in a bigger mission than that of BRC-20, intending to spur the development of metaprotocols on Bitcoin. With educational resources and developmental tools being provided, L1F stands to promote innovation within Bitcoin-native ecologies, accentuating a market-neutral approach to support.
Resolving Governance Challenges
The governance of Bitcoin and its associated protocols, such as BRC-20, has historically been fraught with complexities. This case was illustrated earlier this year when a possible conflict emerged between UniSat and Domo concerning the “Jubilee” upgrade of the Ordinals protocol. 
However, having been faced with such obstacles, the partnership between Domo, UniSat, and Best in Slot sets the example of the quest to eliminate governance impediments and to develop a community-friendly environment for the maturation and decentralization of the Bitcoin metaprotocol ecosystem.
Domo’s recognition of UniSat’s contribution to diversifying the BRC-20 ecosystem from simple tracking methods to an advanced, decentralized indexing solution illustrates the necessity of cooperation within the development of technological and governance frameworks of the cryptocurrency realm.
Crypto Prices Today March 12: Bitcoin Nears 72K, Ethereum Above $4000, SOL & XRP RallyToday's crypto prices indicate a positive sentiment as Bitcoin approached the $72,000 mark while Ethereum held firmly above $4,000. Today's top crypto prices registered a bullish run as the Bitcoin (BTC) price sustained the $71,000 level after attaining a peak of over $72,000. In addition, the Ethereum price soared above the $4,000 mark. Meanwhile, other top altcoins, such as Solana (SOL), XRP, and Cardano (ADA) gained significantly. Major Crypto Prices Today The Bitcoin price neared the $72,000 mark again. The Bitcoin price was up by 4.70%, reaching $71,808.47 at the time of writing on Tuesday, March 12. On the other hand, its trading volume spiked by 76.91% to $64.61 billion in the last 24 hours. Meanwhile, the crypto boasted a market cap of $1.41 trillion. Looking at altcoins, the Ethereum price gained by 4.32% to $4,035.90 at press time with a market valuation of $484.70 billion. Whilst, ETH saw its trading volume increase by 59.33%, reaching $28.40 billion. Meanwhile, the Binance Coin (BNB) price was up by 2.54%, reaching $537.96. On the contrary, its 24-hour trade volume plunged by 27.32% to $3.71 billion. The Solana price extended above the $150 level. The Solana price rallied by 8.44%, settling at $153.79. In addition, SOL witnessed a 41.66% hike in trade volume to $5.62 billion in the last 24 hours. Whilst, the XRP price approached the $0.70 level amid the bullish run. The XRP price recorded a surge of 14.06%, reaching $0.6957. Moreover, XRP’s trading volume skyrocketed by 310.38% to $7.23 billion. Meanwhile, the Cardano price jumped by 7.23% to $0.7651 today. Whilst, ADA recorded an 82.70% spike in its 24-hour trading volume, settling at $1.32 billion. As the top crypto prices witnessed a hike, popular meme coins also followed. The Dogecoin price was up by 3.92% to $0.1747 while its rival, Shiba Inu price gained by 2.44% in value and traded at $0.00003321. Also Read: Ripple CEO: Only RWA Can Validate “Crypto is Back” Hype Top Crypto Prices Today Are Pepe Coin Remains Inert The Pepe Coin (PEPE) crypto, a popular meme coin, didn’t witness a notable change in value today. At press time, the Pepe Coin price was down by 0.03% to $0.000008424 with a market valuation of $3.54 billion. In contrast, its 24-hour trade volume was up by 16.77% to $1.46 billion. Toncoin Soars 32% Toncoin (TON), the crypto launched by Telegram, recorded an impressive surge of 32% and ranked the top crypto gainer today. The TON price soared by 32.03% to $3.69 at the time of reporting. Moreover, its trade volume skyrocketed by a whopping 304.15% to $272.07 million. Furthermore, the Toncoin crypto recorded new daily highs amid the rally recently.

Crypto Prices Today March 12: Bitcoin Nears 72K, Ethereum Above $4000, SOL & XRP Rally

Today's crypto prices indicate a positive sentiment as Bitcoin approached the $72,000 mark while Ethereum held firmly above $4,000.

Today's top crypto prices registered a bullish run as the Bitcoin (BTC) price sustained the $71,000 level after attaining a peak of over $72,000. In addition, the Ethereum price soared above the $4,000 mark. Meanwhile, other top altcoins, such as Solana (SOL), XRP, and Cardano (ADA) gained significantly.
Major Crypto Prices Today
The Bitcoin price neared the $72,000 mark again. The Bitcoin price was up by 4.70%, reaching $71,808.47 at the time of writing on Tuesday, March 12. On the other hand, its trading volume spiked by 76.91% to $64.61 billion in the last 24 hours. Meanwhile, the crypto boasted a market cap of $1.41 trillion.
Looking at altcoins, the Ethereum price gained by 4.32% to $4,035.90 at press time with a market valuation of $484.70 billion. Whilst, ETH saw its trading volume increase by 59.33%, reaching $28.40 billion. Meanwhile, the Binance Coin (BNB) price was up by 2.54%, reaching $537.96. On the contrary, its 24-hour trade volume plunged by 27.32% to $3.71 billion.
The Solana price extended above the $150 level. The Solana price rallied by 8.44%, settling at $153.79. In addition, SOL witnessed a 41.66% hike in trade volume to $5.62 billion in the last 24 hours. Whilst, the XRP price approached the $0.70 level amid the bullish run. The XRP price recorded a surge of 14.06%, reaching $0.6957. Moreover, XRP’s trading volume skyrocketed by 310.38% to $7.23 billion.
Meanwhile, the Cardano price jumped by 7.23% to $0.7651 today. Whilst, ADA recorded an 82.70% spike in its 24-hour trading volume, settling at $1.32 billion. As the top crypto prices witnessed a hike, popular meme coins also followed. The Dogecoin price was up by 3.92% to $0.1747 while its rival, Shiba Inu price gained by 2.44% in value and traded at $0.00003321.
Also Read: Ripple CEO: Only RWA Can Validate “Crypto is Back” Hype
Top Crypto Prices Today Are
Pepe Coin Remains Inert
The Pepe Coin (PEPE) crypto, a popular meme coin, didn’t witness a notable change in value today. At press time, the Pepe Coin price was down by 0.03% to $0.000008424 with a market valuation of $3.54 billion. In contrast, its 24-hour trade volume was up by 16.77% to $1.46 billion.
Toncoin Soars 32%
Toncoin (TON), the crypto launched by Telegram, recorded an impressive surge of 32% and ranked the top crypto gainer today. The TON price soared by 32.03% to $3.69 at the time of reporting. Moreover, its trade volume skyrocketed by a whopping 304.15% to $272.07 million. Furthermore, the Toncoin crypto recorded new daily highs amid the rally recently.

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