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Anche la moneta Bittensor (TAO) segue un meccanismo di dimezzamento. Ecco alcuni dettagli sul dimezzamento della moneta TAO: Fornitura totale: la moneta TAO ha una fornitura totale preprogrammata di 21 milioni di monete. Ciclo di dimezzamento: ogni 4 anni, il tasso di emissione delle monete TAO verrà dimezzato. Ciò significa che una volta emessa la metà dell’offerta, il tasso di emissione sarà ridotto della metà. Riduzione dell'inflazione: attualmente, ogni blocco estratto assegna 1 TAO a minatori e validatori. Secondo l'attuale programma di inflazione, ciò si traduce nell'emissione di 7200 nuovi TAO ogni 24 ore, che attualmente sono divisi equamente tra miner e validatori. Tuttavia, una volta emessa la metà della fornitura, il tasso di emissione verrà dimezzato. Programma di dimezzamento: ecco il programma di dimezzamento per la moneta TAO: Halving 1 (H1): 8 ottobre 2025 Halving 2 (H2): 5 ottobre 2029 Halving 3 (H3): 2 ottobre 2033 Halving 4 (H4): 30 settembre 2037 Dimezzamento 5 (H5): 27 settembre 2041 Dimezzamento 6 (H6): 24 settembre 2045 Halving 7 (H7): 22 settembre 2049 Dimezzamento 8 (H8): 19 settembre 2053 Dimezzamento 9 (H9): 16 settembre 2057 Dimezzamento 10 (H10): 14 settembre 2061 Dimezzamento 11 (H11): 11 settembre 2065 Halving 12 (H12): 8 settembre 2069 Tutti questi dimezzamenti avverranno in base alla fornitura totale di monete TAO, non a un numero specifico di blocchi. Ciascuna metà dell'offerta rimanente creerà un nuovo evento di dimezzamento finché tutti i 21 milioni di TAO non saranno in circolazione. #TAO #
Anche la moneta Bittensor (TAO) segue un meccanismo di dimezzamento. Ecco alcuni dettagli sul dimezzamento della moneta TAO:

Fornitura totale: la moneta TAO ha una fornitura totale preprogrammata di 21 milioni di monete.

Ciclo di dimezzamento: ogni 4 anni, il tasso di emissione delle monete TAO verrà dimezzato. Ciò significa che una volta emessa la metà dell’offerta, il tasso di emissione sarà ridotto della metà.

Riduzione dell'inflazione: attualmente, ogni blocco estratto assegna 1 TAO a minatori e validatori. Secondo l'attuale programma di inflazione, ciò si traduce nell'emissione di 7200 nuovi TAO ogni 24 ore, che attualmente sono divisi equamente tra miner e validatori. Tuttavia, una volta emessa la metà della fornitura, il tasso di emissione verrà dimezzato.

Programma di dimezzamento: ecco il programma di dimezzamento per la moneta TAO:

Halving 1 (H1): 8 ottobre 2025

Halving 2 (H2): 5 ottobre 2029

Halving 3 (H3): 2 ottobre 2033

Halving 4 (H4): 30 settembre 2037

Dimezzamento 5 (H5): 27 settembre 2041

Dimezzamento 6 (H6): 24 settembre 2045

Halving 7 (H7): 22 settembre 2049

Dimezzamento 8 (H8): 19 settembre 2053

Dimezzamento 9 (H9): 16 settembre 2057

Dimezzamento 10 (H10): 14 settembre 2061

Dimezzamento 11 (H11): 11 settembre 2065

Halving 12 (H12): 8 settembre 2069

Tutti questi dimezzamenti avverranno in base alla fornitura totale di monete TAO, non a un numero specifico di blocchi. Ciascuna metà dell'offerta rimanente creerà un nuovo evento di dimezzamento finché tutti i 21 milioni di TAO non saranno in circolazione.
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watcher. dice il guru, APPENA IN: Elon Musk dice che Tesla consentirà i pagamenti $DOGE "ad un certo punto, Dogecoin sulla luna". $DOGE non c'è tempo per discutere, ma compra e tieniti il ​​tempo. dichiarazione di non responsabilità: DYOR
watcher. dice il guru, APPENA IN: Elon Musk dice che Tesla consentirà i pagamenti $DOGE "ad un certo punto, Dogecoin sulla luna". $DOGE non c'è tempo per discutere, ma compra e tieniti il ​​tempo.

dichiarazione di non responsabilità: DYOR
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Grazie a voi $$FLOKI to $BONK $PEPE Ho preso un sacco di soldi dal vostro ATH, ora vi lascio andare tutti, voglio tornare dove ero prima, cioè $shib.
Grazie a voi $$FLOKI to $BONK $PEPE Ho preso un sacco di soldi dal vostro ATH, ora vi lascio andare tutti, voglio tornare dove ero prima, cioè $shib.
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Pensiero intelligente, le opportunità non si presentano due volte. da ChatGPT4 $1000SATS $BTC
Pensiero intelligente, le opportunità non si presentano due volte.
da ChatGPT4

$1000SATS $BTC
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Shibarium Shiba Inu subisce con successo il primo hard fork, questo l'aggiornamento presentatoL'ecosistema crittografico Shiba Inu (SHIB) ha recentemente raggiunto un importante traguardo con l'hard fork inaugurale della sua soluzione layer 2, Shibarium. Questo evento, guidato dallo sviluppatore di Shibarium DaVinci, segna un importante passo avanti nel miglioramento dei meccanismi di masterizzazione on-chain Shiba Inu . Annunciato martedì tramite Discord, l'hard fork si è verificato al blocco di perforazione 1.962.000, segnando una nuova era per SHIB e la sua tecnologia. “L'hard fork Shibarium arriverà presto! Gli sviluppatori stanno lavorando duramente per la comunità Shibarmy!", ha detto Jolt, uno dei membri del team Shiba Inu, in un tweet. Shibarium Shiba Inu Prime Hard Fork Come parte di questo sviluppo, i membri della comunità Shiba Inu sono stati incaricati di aggiornare il loro Genesis Drill file alla configurazione più recente. Questo passaggio è fondamentale per garantire una transizione fluida durante il processo di hard fork. Per aiutare in questo, all'esercito SHIB sono stati forniti i file Genesis necessari e le istruzioni per aggiornare i nodi della rete principale L2 di Shibarium, garantendo la loro compatibilità con la nuova configurazione. , l'hard fork introduce in anteprima diverse innovazioni in Shibarium. Uno degli obiettivi principali di questo aggiornamento è la migrazione della testnet Shibarium, conosciuta come Puppynet, dalla rete Goerli alla rete Sepolia su Ethereum. Questa migrazione rappresenta un passo importante nel miglioramento delle prestazioni e della scalabilità di Shibarium, allineandolo con la rete Ethereum. ecosistema Ethereum più ampio.Un'altra caratteristica significativa introdotta nell'hard fork Shibarium è l'implementazione di un meccanismo double burn, in particolare focalizzato sulla governance ufficiale di Shibarium e sul token per la commissione del gas, Bone ShibaSwap (BONE). Nuovo meccanismo di masterizzazione In precedenza, i membri della comunità Shiba Inu potevano partecipare solo al masterizzazione del token SHIB primario. Questo nuovo meccanismo espande questa capacità, consentendo ustioni anche per BONE, creando così un sistema di burn a due token. Si prevede che questo meccanismo avrà un impatto positivo sul prezzo di BONE, poiché aggiunge un nuovo livello di utilità e domanda per il prodotto. gettone.Storicamente, la comunità SHIB ha monitorato il consumo quotidiano di token SHIB attraverso piattaforme come Shibburn. L'efficacia di questo nuovo approccio è stata dimostrata nell'iniziale burn cumulativo on-chain di Shibarium, che ha portato alla scomparsa di 8,2 miliardi di token Shiba Inu. Inoltre, questo significativo burn si è verificato poco dopo che la mainnet layer-2 di Shibarium ha raggiunto un numero record di transazioni giornaliere , con un picco di 7,84 milioni. Questo aumento di attività ha portato anche all'accumulo di commissioni di transazione, che hanno raggiunto la soglia di 50.000 BONE. Queste commissioni sono state poi convertite in SHIB per il processo di burn, illustrando l'efficacia economica del nuovo token di Shibarium. le sue caratteristiche associate sottolineano l'impegno della comunità Shiba Inu verso l'innovazione e il miglioramento continuo. Introducendo un meccanismo di doppia masterizzazione e migrando verso una rete più robusta, Shibarium si posiziona come la soluzione leader di livello 2 nello spazio crittografico. Questa mossa non solo aumenta l'utilità e la domanda di token SHIB e BONE, ma mostra anche l'adattabilità e la reattività del progetto ai bisogni della comunità. In breve, l'hard fork Shibarium rappresenta un momento importante nell'evoluzione dell'ecosistema Shiba Inu. Con le sue caratteristiche innovative e funzionalità migliorate, stabilisce un nuovo standard per le soluzioni layer-2 e apre la strada a ulteriori progressi nel mondo della finanza decentralizzata e delle criptovalute. Fonte: #shibaInu

Shibarium Shiba Inu subisce con successo il primo hard fork, questo l'aggiornamento presentato

L'ecosistema crittografico Shiba Inu (SHIB) ha recentemente raggiunto un importante traguardo con l'hard fork inaugurale della sua soluzione layer 2, Shibarium. Questo evento, guidato dallo sviluppatore di Shibarium DaVinci, segna un importante passo avanti nel miglioramento dei meccanismi di masterizzazione on-chain Shiba Inu . Annunciato martedì tramite Discord, l'hard fork si è verificato al blocco di perforazione 1.962.000, segnando una nuova era per SHIB e la sua tecnologia. “L'hard fork Shibarium arriverà presto! Gli sviluppatori stanno lavorando duramente per la comunità Shibarmy!", ha detto Jolt, uno dei membri del team Shiba Inu, in un tweet. Shibarium Shiba Inu Prime Hard Fork Come parte di questo sviluppo, i membri della comunità Shiba Inu sono stati incaricati di aggiornare il loro Genesis Drill file alla configurazione più recente. Questo passaggio è fondamentale per garantire una transizione fluida durante il processo di hard fork. Per aiutare in questo, all'esercito SHIB sono stati forniti i file Genesis necessari e le istruzioni per aggiornare i nodi della rete principale L2 di Shibarium, garantendo la loro compatibilità con la nuova configurazione. , l'hard fork introduce in anteprima diverse innovazioni in Shibarium. Uno degli obiettivi principali di questo aggiornamento è la migrazione della testnet Shibarium, conosciuta come Puppynet, dalla rete Goerli alla rete Sepolia su Ethereum. Questa migrazione rappresenta un passo importante nel miglioramento delle prestazioni e della scalabilità di Shibarium, allineandolo con la rete Ethereum. ecosistema Ethereum più ampio.Un'altra caratteristica significativa introdotta nell'hard fork Shibarium è l'implementazione di un meccanismo double burn, in particolare focalizzato sulla governance ufficiale di Shibarium e sul token per la commissione del gas, Bone ShibaSwap (BONE). Nuovo meccanismo di masterizzazione In precedenza, i membri della comunità Shiba Inu potevano partecipare solo al masterizzazione del token SHIB primario. Questo nuovo meccanismo espande questa capacità, consentendo ustioni anche per BONE, creando così un sistema di burn a due token. Si prevede che questo meccanismo avrà un impatto positivo sul prezzo di BONE, poiché aggiunge un nuovo livello di utilità e domanda per il prodotto. gettone.Storicamente, la comunità SHIB ha monitorato il consumo quotidiano di token SHIB attraverso piattaforme come Shibburn. L'efficacia di questo nuovo approccio è stata dimostrata nell'iniziale burn cumulativo on-chain di Shibarium, che ha portato alla scomparsa di 8,2 miliardi di token Shiba Inu. Inoltre, questo significativo burn si è verificato poco dopo che la mainnet layer-2 di Shibarium ha raggiunto un numero record di transazioni giornaliere , con un picco di 7,84 milioni. Questo aumento di attività ha portato anche all'accumulo di commissioni di transazione, che hanno raggiunto la soglia di 50.000 BONE. Queste commissioni sono state poi convertite in SHIB per il processo di burn, illustrando l'efficacia economica del nuovo token di Shibarium. le sue caratteristiche associate sottolineano l'impegno della comunità Shiba Inu verso l'innovazione e il miglioramento continuo. Introducendo un meccanismo di doppia masterizzazione e migrando verso una rete più robusta, Shibarium si posiziona come la soluzione leader di livello 2 nello spazio crittografico. Questa mossa non solo aumenta l'utilità e la domanda di token SHIB e BONE, ma mostra anche l'adattabilità e la reattività del progetto ai bisogni della comunità. In breve, l'hard fork Shibarium rappresenta un momento importante nell'evoluzione dell'ecosistema Shiba Inu. Con le sue caratteristiche innovative e funzionalità migliorate, stabilisce un nuovo standard per le soluzioni layer-2 e apre la strada a ulteriori progressi nel mondo della finanza decentralizzata e delle criptovalute. Fonte: #shibaInu
BTTC sekarang memiliki utilitas yang banyakBTTc adalah token baru yang digunakan pada platform BitTorrent Chain, sebuah jaringan blockchain yang terintegrasi dengan BitTorrent, sebuah layanan berbagi file peer-to-peer yang terdesentralisasi. BTTc memiliki beberapa kegunaan, antara lain:- Menjadi validator di jaringan BitTorrent Chain dengan menyetor BTTc sebagai jaminan dan mendapatkan hadiah dari biaya transaksi dan inflasi³.- Mempertaruhkan BTTc untuk mendukung validator yang dipilih dan mendapatkan sebagian dari hadiah mereka³.- Berpartisipasi dalam tata kelola komunitas BitTorrent Chain dengan memberikan suara atau usulan tentang perubahan protokol, parameter, atau fitur³.- Membayar biaya gas dengan token asli BTTc untuk melakukan transaksi atau menjalankan kontrak pintar di jaringan BitTorrent Chain³.- Mengakses berbagai layanan dan aplikasi yang dibangun di atas BitTorrent Chain, seperti BitTorrent File System, BitTorrent Speed, BitTorrent Streaming, dan lainnya³.BTTc adalah hasil dari migrasi token BitTorrent (BTT) yang lama, yang sekarang disebut BTTOLD, dengan rasio 1 BTTOLD = 1000 BTTc. Migrasi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja, efisiensi, dan skalabilitas platform BitTorrent dengan memanfaatkan mekanisme Proof of Stake (PoS) dan interoperabilitas dengan jaringan blockchain lain seperti TRON, Ethereum, dan Binance Smart Chain¹².Sumber :Percakapan dengan Bing, 8/12/2023#BTTC

BTTC sekarang memiliki utilitas yang banyak

BTTc adalah token baru yang digunakan pada platform BitTorrent Chain, sebuah jaringan blockchain yang terintegrasi dengan BitTorrent, sebuah layanan berbagi file peer-to-peer yang terdesentralisasi. BTTc memiliki beberapa kegunaan, antara lain:- Menjadi validator di jaringan BitTorrent Chain dengan menyetor BTTc sebagai jaminan dan mendapatkan hadiah dari biaya transaksi dan inflasi³.- Mempertaruhkan BTTc untuk mendukung validator yang dipilih dan mendapatkan sebagian dari hadiah mereka³.- Berpartisipasi dalam tata kelola komunitas BitTorrent Chain dengan memberikan suara atau usulan tentang perubahan protokol, parameter, atau fitur³.- Membayar biaya gas dengan token asli BTTc untuk melakukan transaksi atau menjalankan kontrak pintar di jaringan BitTorrent Chain³.- Mengakses berbagai layanan dan aplikasi yang dibangun di atas BitTorrent Chain, seperti BitTorrent File System, BitTorrent Speed, BitTorrent Streaming, dan lainnya³.BTTc adalah hasil dari migrasi token BitTorrent (BTT) yang lama, yang sekarang disebut BTTOLD, dengan rasio 1 BTTOLD = 1000 BTTc. Migrasi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja, efisiensi, dan skalabilitas platform BitTorrent dengan memanfaatkan mekanisme Proof of Stake (PoS) dan interoperabilitas dengan jaringan blockchain lain seperti TRON, Ethereum, dan Binance Smart Chain¹².Sumber :Percakapan dengan Bing, 8/12/2023#BTTC
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Quante persone sanno su #JTO E #SOL l'occasione non si presenta due volte.
Quante persone sanno su #JTO E #SOL
l'occasione non si presenta due volte.
PENGGUNAAN XRP SEMAKIN MASIFBerikut adalah daftar semua perusahaan yang sudah menggunakan XRP dalam transaksi lintas batas mereka, berdasarkan data dari [situs resmi Ripple]:- Santander- Axis Bank- Yes Bank- MoneyGram- SBI Remit- American Express- Standard Chartered- Nium- TransferGo- Bitso- Azimo- BeeTech- InstaReM- FlashFX- Cuallix- Zip Remit- IDT Corporation- Mercury FX- Viamericas- SendFriend- Ria Money Transfer- goLance- Interbank- QNB- Euro Exim Bank- Banco Rendimento- SABB- Faysal Bank- BFC Bahrain- National Bank of Fujairah- AsiaMTM- SCB- bKash- Mobile Money- Novatti- Tranglo- dLocalSemoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda. 😊


Berikut adalah daftar semua perusahaan yang sudah menggunakan XRP dalam transaksi lintas batas mereka, berdasarkan data dari [situs resmi Ripple]:- Santander- Axis Bank- Yes Bank- MoneyGram- SBI Remit- American Express- Standard Chartered- Nium- TransferGo- Bitso- Azimo- BeeTech- InstaReM- FlashFX- Cuallix- Zip Remit- IDT Corporation- Mercury FX- Viamericas- SendFriend- Ria Money Transfer- goLance- Interbank- QNB- Euro Exim Bank- Banco Rendimento- SABB- Faysal Bank- BFC Bahrain- National Bank of Fujairah- AsiaMTM- SCB- bKash- Mobile Money- Novatti- Tranglo- dLocalSemoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda. 😊
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Secondo i dati di CoinGlass⁵, l'attuale importo di BTC su tutti gli scambi è di circa *1,3 milioni di BTC*. Ciò significa che solo il *6,3%* dell'offerta totale di BTC, ovvero *21 milioni di BTC*, è disponibile sugli scambi. Questo numero è diminuito dal dimezzamento di BTC nel 2020, quando le ricompense dei blocchi furono dimezzate⁷. Ciò indica che la domanda di BTC è superiore all’offerta e molti investitori tengono BTC nei loro portafogli privati ​​piuttosto che negli scambi. AFFARE RIALZISTA
Secondo i dati di CoinGlass⁵, l'attuale importo di BTC su tutti gli scambi è di circa *1,3 milioni di BTC*. Ciò significa che solo il *6,3%* dell'offerta totale di BTC, ovvero *21 milioni di BTC*, è disponibile sugli scambi. Questo numero è diminuito dal dimezzamento di BTC nel 2020, quando le ricompense dei blocchi furono dimezzate⁷. Ciò indica che la domanda di BTC è superiore all’offerta e molti investitori tengono BTC nei loro portafogli privati ​​piuttosto che negli scambi.

There is no guarantee that BONK Inu will be listed on the Binance spot market, as there are several criteria that crypto projects must meet before they can be listed on Binance. Some of these criteria are¹: - Having a proven team, a useful product, and a large user base. - Regularly updating project progress to the community and Binance (e.g., weekly or monthly). - Incorporating BNB/BUSD into the project's ecosystem and/or collecting BNB/BUSD during fundraising phases. - Supporting Binance within the project's community. Additionally, crypto projects must undergo rigorous due diligence from the Binance team, involving various aspects such as technical, security, legal, and others¹. Therefore, not all projects with potential on Binance futures will automatically be listed on the Binance spot market. However, BONK Inu futures can enhance exposure and market awareness of the BONK Inu project, potentially increasing its chances of being listed on the Binance spot market in the future. BONK Inu futures can also indicate the performance and price volatility of BONK Inu, which may be one of Binance's considerations in evaluating the project². So, the possibility of BONK Inu being listed on the Binance spot market depends on many factors and cannot be assured solely by the existence of BONK Inu futures on Binance. Sources: (1) Binance Listing | How to List Your Coins on Binance | Binance Support. (2) New Cryptocurrency Listing | Binance Support. (3) How to View Delisting Information for Tokens & Spot/Margin ... - Binance.
There is no guarantee that BONK Inu will be listed on the Binance spot market, as there are several criteria that crypto projects must meet before they can be listed on Binance. Some of these criteria are¹:

- Having a proven team, a useful product, and a large user base.

- Regularly updating project progress to the community and Binance (e.g., weekly or monthly).

- Incorporating BNB/BUSD into the project's ecosystem and/or collecting BNB/BUSD during fundraising phases.

- Supporting Binance within the project's community.

Additionally, crypto projects must undergo rigorous due diligence from the Binance team, involving various aspects such as technical, security, legal, and others¹.

Therefore, not all projects with potential on Binance futures will automatically be listed on the Binance spot market. However, BONK Inu futures can enhance exposure and market awareness of the BONK Inu project, potentially increasing its chances of being listed on the Binance spot market in the future.

BONK Inu futures can also indicate the performance and price volatility of BONK Inu, which may be one of Binance's considerations in evaluating the project². So, the possibility of BONK Inu being listed on the Binance spot market depends on many factors and cannot be assured solely by the existence of BONK Inu futures on Binance.

(1) Binance Listing | How to List Your Coins on Binance | Binance Support.
(2) New Cryptocurrency Listing | Binance Support.
(3) How to View Delisting Information for Tokens & Spot/Margin ... - Binance.
Here is the price analysis of Bonk Inu (BONK) based on a 4-hour time frame: When I asked AI, its response was truly surprising.Here is the price analysis of Bonk Inu (BONK) based on a 4-hour time frame:- According to the BONK price chart I obtained from [CoinMarketCap](^1^), BONK has been on a downward trend in the last four hours, from $0.00000539 on November 29, 2023, at 00:00 GMT+07:00 to $0.00000436 on November 29, 2023, at 04:00 GMT+07:00, a decrease of 19.11% in four hours.- BONK's trading volume has also decreased in the last four hours, from $9,000 million on November 29, 2023, at 00:00 GMT+07:00 to $8,386 million on November 29, 2023, at 04:00 GMT+07:00, a decrease of 6.82% in four hours.- The technical indicators I use to analyze BONK are Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) and Relative Strength Index (RSI). MACD is an indicator that measures momentum and trend direction, while RSI is an indicator that measures the strength and speed of price movements.- According to MACD, BONK experienced a bearish crossover on November 29, 2023, at 01:00 GMT+07:00, indicating that the MACD line (the difference between two exponential moving averages) crossed the signal line (exponential moving average of the MACD line) from above to below. This indicates that BONK's momentum is decreasing, and a downward trend is forming.- According to RSI, BONK experienced oversold conditions on November 29, 2023, at 03:00 GMT+07:00, indicating that the RSI value is less than 30. This indicates that BONK is experiencing high buying pressure and is likely to experience an increase or price reversal.- Based on this analysis, I can conclude that BONK is currently in a bearish condition in the 4-hour time frame but also has the potential for a price increase in the near future due to being oversold. Therefore, I recommend exercising caution and monitoring BONK's price movements continuously.- According to the price prediction for BONK I obtained from [DigitalCoinPrice](^9^), the price of BONK is expected to rise in the next four hours, from $0.00000436 on November 29, 2023, at 04:00 GMT+07:00 to $0.00000491 on November 29, 2023, at 08:00 GMT+07:00, an increase of 12.61% in four hours. This means that the opportune time to buy BONK is now, while the price is still low and has the potential to rise. However, please note that this price prediction for BONK does not guarantee definite results and can change at any time. You should conduct thorough research and analysis before deciding to invest or trade with BONK. You should also be aware of the risks and responsibilities involved in dealing with cryptocurrencies. I cannot provide financial or investment advice. I can only provide information and facts obtained from reliable sources. I hope my answer is helpful to you. 😊Follow us for more opportunity and more information.

Here is the price analysis of Bonk Inu (BONK) based on a 4-hour time frame:

When I asked AI, its response was truly surprising.Here is the price analysis of Bonk Inu (BONK) based on a 4-hour time frame:- According to the BONK price chart I obtained from [CoinMarketCap](^1^), BONK has been on a downward trend in the last four hours, from $0.00000539 on November 29, 2023, at 00:00 GMT+07:00 to $0.00000436 on November 29, 2023, at 04:00 GMT+07:00, a decrease of 19.11% in four hours.- BONK's trading volume has also decreased in the last four hours, from $9,000 million on November 29, 2023, at 00:00 GMT+07:00 to $8,386 million on November 29, 2023, at 04:00 GMT+07:00, a decrease of 6.82% in four hours.- The technical indicators I use to analyze BONK are Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) and Relative Strength Index (RSI). MACD is an indicator that measures momentum and trend direction, while RSI is an indicator that measures the strength and speed of price movements.- According to MACD, BONK experienced a bearish crossover on November 29, 2023, at 01:00 GMT+07:00, indicating that the MACD line (the difference between two exponential moving averages) crossed the signal line (exponential moving average of the MACD line) from above to below. This indicates that BONK's momentum is decreasing, and a downward trend is forming.- According to RSI, BONK experienced oversold conditions on November 29, 2023, at 03:00 GMT+07:00, indicating that the RSI value is less than 30. This indicates that BONK is experiencing high buying pressure and is likely to experience an increase or price reversal.- Based on this analysis, I can conclude that BONK is currently in a bearish condition in the 4-hour time frame but also has the potential for a price increase in the near future due to being oversold. Therefore, I recommend exercising caution and monitoring BONK's price movements continuously.- According to the price prediction for BONK I obtained from [DigitalCoinPrice](^9^), the price of BONK is expected to rise in the next four hours, from $0.00000436 on November 29, 2023, at 04:00 GMT+07:00 to $0.00000491 on November 29, 2023, at 08:00 GMT+07:00, an increase of 12.61% in four hours. This means that the opportune time to buy BONK is now, while the price is still low and has the potential to rise. However, please note that this price prediction for BONK does not guarantee definite results and can change at any time. You should conduct thorough research and analysis before deciding to invest or trade with BONK. You should also be aware of the risks and responsibilities involved in dealing with cryptocurrencies. I cannot provide financial or investment advice. I can only provide information and facts obtained from reliable sources. I hope my answer is helpful to you. 😊Follow us for more opportunity and more information.
Here is the information regarding the development of Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) in Oct and Nov- In October, LUNC experienced significant price fluctuations, ranging from $0.00006 to $0.00010⁵. These fluctuations were influenced by various factors such as market sentiment, volatility, demand and supply, and competition from other protocols². Early in the month, LUNC saw a significant price increase, reaching $0.00010 on October 2, 2023, rising 62% in the last 24 hours and 145% in the last seven days⁴. This increase was driven by the V22 network upgrade of LUNC, halting the printing of new UST, and the migration of some DApps from Terra to Terra Classic⁴. However, in the second week of the month, LUNC experienced a sharp price decline, dropping to $0.00006 on October 9, 2023, down 17% in the last 24 hours and 43% since the peak of the previous week³. This decline was caused by negative market sentiment, high volatility, and competition from other protocols³. In the third week of the month, LUNC successfully recovered from the previous decline, rising again to $0.00008 on October 16, 2023, up 48% in the last 24 hours and 33% in the last seven days². This recovery was influenced by a 1.2% burn tax on all exchanges, increasing demand and the value of LUNC in the market². In the fourth week of the month, LUNC experienced price fluctuations but remained in the range of $0.00006 to $0.00010¹. These fluctuations were influenced by various factors such as network development, DApps adoption, regulations, and competition².- In November, LUNC experienced a more stable price increase, ranging from $0.00010 to $0.00013⁵. This increase was influenced by various factors such as increased security, scalability, and network interoperability, increased activity and adoption of DApps, recognition and support from governments and authorities, and healthy competition with other protocols². Early in the month, LUNC experienced a moderate price increase, reaching $0.00010 on November 2, 2023, up 6% in the last 24 hours and 12% in the last seven days¹. This increase was driven by increased trust and interest from investors and traders, who saw the potential of LUNC as a governance token for the Terra Classic network². In the second week of the month, LUNC experienced a more significant price increase, reaching $0.00012 on November 9, 2023, up 12% in the last 24 hours and 25% in the last seven days¹. This increase was driven by increased activity and adoption of DApps, offering valuable stable global payment solutions such as Mirror Protocol, Anchor Protocol, Spar Protocol, Pylon Protocol, Nebula Protocol, Loop Finance, and Orion Money². In the third week of the month, LUNC experienced a more consistent price increase, reaching $0.00012 on November 16, 2023, up 5% in the last 24 hours and 19% in the last seven days¹. This increase was driven by increased security, scalability, and network interoperability, allowing LUNC to compete with other protocols offering valuable stable global payment solutions such as MakerDAO, Synthetix, or Frax². In the fourth week of the month, LUNC experienced a higher price increase, reaching $0.00013 on November 23, 2023, up 5% in the last 24 hours and 25% in the last seven days¹. This increase was driven by recognition and support from governments and authorities, issuing regulations supporting or recognizing Terra Classic and LUNC, such as South Korea, Singapore, and Switzerland².Here is a complete analysis of Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) in the 1-hour time frame:- According to the LUNC price chart I obtained from [CoinMarketCap](^1^), LUNC has been on an upward trend in the last hour, from $0.000054 at 03:00 GMT+07:00 to $0.000060 at 04:00 GMT+07:00, up 11.11% in one hour.- LUNC's trading volume has also increased in the last hour, from $18.5 million at 03:00 GMT+07:00 to $19.2 million at 04:00 GMT+07:00, up 3.78% in one hour.- The technical indicators I use to analyze LUNC are Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) and Relative Strength Index (RSI). MACD is an indicator that measures momentum and trend direction, while RSI is an indicator that measures the strength and speed of price movements.- According to MACD, LUNC experienced a bullish crossover at 03:30 GMT+07:00, indicating that the MACD line (the difference between two exponential moving averages) crossed the signal line (exponential moving average of the MACD line) from below to above. This indicates that LUNC's momentum is increasing, and an upward trend is forming.- According to RSI, LUNC experienced overbought conditions at 03:45 GMT+07:00, indicating that the RSI value exceeded 70. This indicates that LUNC is experiencing high selling pressure and is likely to undergo a correction or price reversal.- Based on this analysis, I can conclude that LUNC is in a bullish condition in the 1-hour time frame but also has the potential for a price decrease in the near future due to being overbought. Therefore, I recommend exercising caution and monitoring LUNC's price movements continuously. I cannot provide trading or investment advice. I can only provide information and facts obtained from reliable sources. Follow us for more updates and other information.

Here is the information regarding the development of Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) in Oct and Nov

- In October, LUNC experienced significant price fluctuations, ranging from $0.00006 to $0.00010⁵. These fluctuations were influenced by various factors such as market sentiment, volatility, demand and supply, and competition from other protocols². Early in the month, LUNC saw a significant price increase, reaching $0.00010 on October 2, 2023, rising 62% in the last 24 hours and 145% in the last seven days⁴. This increase was driven by the V22 network upgrade of LUNC, halting the printing of new UST, and the migration of some DApps from Terra to Terra Classic⁴. However, in the second week of the month, LUNC experienced a sharp price decline, dropping to $0.00006 on October 9, 2023, down 17% in the last 24 hours and 43% since the peak of the previous week³. This decline was caused by negative market sentiment, high volatility, and competition from other protocols³. In the third week of the month, LUNC successfully recovered from the previous decline, rising again to $0.00008 on October 16, 2023, up 48% in the last 24 hours and 33% in the last seven days². This recovery was influenced by a 1.2% burn tax on all exchanges, increasing demand and the value of LUNC in the market². In the fourth week of the month, LUNC experienced price fluctuations but remained in the range of $0.00006 to $0.00010¹. These fluctuations were influenced by various factors such as network development, DApps adoption, regulations, and competition².- In November, LUNC experienced a more stable price increase, ranging from $0.00010 to $0.00013⁵. This increase was influenced by various factors such as increased security, scalability, and network interoperability, increased activity and adoption of DApps, recognition and support from governments and authorities, and healthy competition with other protocols². Early in the month, LUNC experienced a moderate price increase, reaching $0.00010 on November 2, 2023, up 6% in the last 24 hours and 12% in the last seven days¹. This increase was driven by increased trust and interest from investors and traders, who saw the potential of LUNC as a governance token for the Terra Classic network². In the second week of the month, LUNC experienced a more significant price increase, reaching $0.00012 on November 9, 2023, up 12% in the last 24 hours and 25% in the last seven days¹. This increase was driven by increased activity and adoption of DApps, offering valuable stable global payment solutions such as Mirror Protocol, Anchor Protocol, Spar Protocol, Pylon Protocol, Nebula Protocol, Loop Finance, and Orion Money². In the third week of the month, LUNC experienced a more consistent price increase, reaching $0.00012 on November 16, 2023, up 5% in the last 24 hours and 19% in the last seven days¹. This increase was driven by increased security, scalability, and network interoperability, allowing LUNC to compete with other protocols offering valuable stable global payment solutions such as MakerDAO, Synthetix, or Frax². In the fourth week of the month, LUNC experienced a higher price increase, reaching $0.00013 on November 23, 2023, up 5% in the last 24 hours and 25% in the last seven days¹. This increase was driven by recognition and support from governments and authorities, issuing regulations supporting or recognizing Terra Classic and LUNC, such as South Korea, Singapore, and Switzerland².Here is a complete analysis of Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) in the 1-hour time frame:- According to the LUNC price chart I obtained from [CoinMarketCap](^1^), LUNC has been on an upward trend in the last hour, from $0.000054 at 03:00 GMT+07:00 to $0.000060 at 04:00 GMT+07:00, up 11.11% in one hour.- LUNC's trading volume has also increased in the last hour, from $18.5 million at 03:00 GMT+07:00 to $19.2 million at 04:00 GMT+07:00, up 3.78% in one hour.- The technical indicators I use to analyze LUNC are Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) and Relative Strength Index (RSI). MACD is an indicator that measures momentum and trend direction, while RSI is an indicator that measures the strength and speed of price movements.- According to MACD, LUNC experienced a bullish crossover at 03:30 GMT+07:00, indicating that the MACD line (the difference between two exponential moving averages) crossed the signal line (exponential moving average of the MACD line) from below to above. This indicates that LUNC's momentum is increasing, and an upward trend is forming.- According to RSI, LUNC experienced overbought conditions at 03:45 GMT+07:00, indicating that the RSI value exceeded 70. This indicates that LUNC is experiencing high selling pressure and is likely to undergo a correction or price reversal.- Based on this analysis, I can conclude that LUNC is in a bullish condition in the 1-hour time frame but also has the potential for a price decrease in the near future due to being overbought. Therefore, I recommend exercising caution and monitoring LUNC's price movements continuously. I cannot provide trading or investment advice. I can only provide information and facts obtained from reliable sources. Follow us for more updates and other information.
I still remember the significant contributions made by CZ Binance to the world.- CZ Binance founded Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange platform, offering a variety of products and services, including spot trading, margin trading, futures, options, P2P, OTC, staking, savings, launchpad, launchpool, liquid swap, and more. Binance also introduced its own cryptocurrency, Binance Coin (BNB), a BEP-20 token running on the Binance Smart Chain.- CZ Binance created and popularized the concept of Initial Exchange Offering (IEO), a scheme for initial coin offerings conducted through cryptocurrency exchange platforms, benefiting both developers and crypto investors. Binance Launchpad, one of the leading IEO platforms, has successfully launched projects such as BitTorrent, Matic, Harmony, Elrond, Band Protocol, and others.- CZ Binance supported and promoted social and environmental initiatives, including Binance Charity, Binance Green, and Binance NFT¹. Binance Charity is a non-profit organization utilizing crypto and blockchain technology to assist those in need, such as disaster victims, impoverished children, and women. Binance Green aims to reduce the environmental impact of the crypto industry by minimizing energy consumption and carbon emissions. Binance NFT is a platform providing a marketplace for unique and rare digital artworks called non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which can be bought and sold with cryptocurrency.These are some of the significant contributions CZ Binance has made to the world. He is a highly influential and innovative figure in the crypto space, facing challenges and issues such as regulatory warnings and bans, cyber attacks, and competition from other platforms."Your sacrifices are a blessing for all of humanity."Thank's CZ#CZBINANCE Follow Us for opportunity and more information.

I still remember the significant contributions made by CZ Binance to the world.

- CZ Binance founded Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange platform, offering a variety of products and services, including spot trading, margin trading, futures, options, P2P, OTC, staking, savings, launchpad, launchpool, liquid swap, and more. Binance also introduced its own cryptocurrency, Binance Coin (BNB), a BEP-20 token running on the Binance Smart Chain.- CZ Binance created and popularized the concept of Initial Exchange Offering (IEO), a scheme for initial coin offerings conducted through cryptocurrency exchange platforms, benefiting both developers and crypto investors. Binance Launchpad, one of the leading IEO platforms, has successfully launched projects such as BitTorrent, Matic, Harmony, Elrond, Band Protocol, and others.- CZ Binance supported and promoted social and environmental initiatives, including Binance Charity, Binance Green, and Binance NFT¹. Binance Charity is a non-profit organization utilizing crypto and blockchain technology to assist those in need, such as disaster victims, impoverished children, and women. Binance Green aims to reduce the environmental impact of the crypto industry by minimizing energy consumption and carbon emissions. Binance NFT is a platform providing a marketplace for unique and rare digital artworks called non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which can be bought and sold with cryptocurrency.These are some of the significant contributions CZ Binance has made to the world. He is a highly influential and innovative figure in the crypto space, facing challenges and issues such as regulatory warnings and bans, cyber attacks, and competition from other platforms."Your sacrifices are a blessing for all of humanity."Thank's CZ#CZBINANCE Follow Us for opportunity and more information.
Exploring the Unique Dynamics of Comsats and Ordinals in the Bitcoin Ecosystem. In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, two distinct projects, Comsats and Ordinals, have emerged as key players in enhancing the functionalities of the Bitcoin network. While both utilize the Ordinals protocol, they diverge in their token standards and overarching objectives.Comsats: Pioneering DApp Development with ORC20Comsats positions itself at the forefront of decentralized application (DApp) development for the Bitcoin network, employing the ORC20 token standard. Mirroring Ethereum's ERC20, ORC20 facilitates the creation and utilization of fungible tokens within the Bitcoin ecosystem. Comsats' vision is to establish a robust platform where developers and users can seamlessly engage with DApps, capitalizing on the security, scalability, and cost-effectiveness inherent to the Bitcoin network.The projects in Comsats' pipeline encompass a decentralized exchange, a lending platform, a gaming platform, and even a social media platform. These endeavors underscore Comsats' commitment to diversifying the utility of Bitcoin, transcending its traditional role as a store of value.Ordinals: Revolutionizing NFTs with BRC20In contrast, Ordinals stands out as a protocol dedicated to the creation and trading of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Bitcoin network, utilizing the BRC20 token standard. BRC20, akin to Ethereum's ERC721, empowers users to mint and utilize non-fungible tokens, each representing a unique digital asset. Ordinals takes this a step further by allowing users to assign distinct identities to individual satoshis, paving the way for rare and collectible digital assets.The Ordinals protocol provides users with the ability to create, trade, and transfer NFTs directly on the Bitcoin network, leveraging the Ordinals wallet or compatible alternatives. From digital art and music to memes and games, the versatility of NFTs created using Ordinals illustrates the expansive creative possibilities within the Bitcoin blockchain.Harmony in Diversity: Comsats vs. OrdinalsWhile both Comsats and Ordinals harness the Ordinals protocol to embed data in the Bitcoin blockchain, their divergence in token standards and use cases underscores the diversity of applications within the Bitcoin ecosystem. Comsats pioneers fungible tokens for DApps with ORC20, whereas Ordinals empowers users to delve into the realm of non-fungible tokens using BRC20.As the blockchain space continues to evolve, the narratives of Comsats and Ordinals exemplify the dynamic interplay of innovation within the broader Bitcoin ecosystem, pushing the boundaries of what is achievable on this decentralized frontier.Follow us for more information and opportunity

Exploring the Unique Dynamics of Comsats and Ordinals in the Bitcoin Ecosystem.

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, two distinct projects, Comsats and Ordinals, have emerged as key players in enhancing the functionalities of the Bitcoin network. While both utilize the Ordinals protocol, they diverge in their token standards and overarching objectives.Comsats: Pioneering DApp Development with ORC20Comsats positions itself at the forefront of decentralized application (DApp) development for the Bitcoin network, employing the ORC20 token standard. Mirroring Ethereum's ERC20, ORC20 facilitates the creation and utilization of fungible tokens within the Bitcoin ecosystem. Comsats' vision is to establish a robust platform where developers and users can seamlessly engage with DApps, capitalizing on the security, scalability, and cost-effectiveness inherent to the Bitcoin network.The projects in Comsats' pipeline encompass a decentralized exchange, a lending platform, a gaming platform, and even a social media platform. These endeavors underscore Comsats' commitment to diversifying the utility of Bitcoin, transcending its traditional role as a store of value.Ordinals: Revolutionizing NFTs with BRC20In contrast, Ordinals stands out as a protocol dedicated to the creation and trading of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Bitcoin network, utilizing the BRC20 token standard. BRC20, akin to Ethereum's ERC721, empowers users to mint and utilize non-fungible tokens, each representing a unique digital asset. Ordinals takes this a step further by allowing users to assign distinct identities to individual satoshis, paving the way for rare and collectible digital assets.The Ordinals protocol provides users with the ability to create, trade, and transfer NFTs directly on the Bitcoin network, leveraging the Ordinals wallet or compatible alternatives. From digital art and music to memes and games, the versatility of NFTs created using Ordinals illustrates the expansive creative possibilities within the Bitcoin blockchain.Harmony in Diversity: Comsats vs. OrdinalsWhile both Comsats and Ordinals harness the Ordinals protocol to embed data in the Bitcoin blockchain, their divergence in token standards and use cases underscores the diversity of applications within the Bitcoin ecosystem. Comsats pioneers fungible tokens for DApps with ORC20, whereas Ordinals empowers users to delve into the realm of non-fungible tokens using BRC20.As the blockchain space continues to evolve, the narratives of Comsats and Ordinals exemplify the dynamic interplay of innovation within the broader Bitcoin ecosystem, pushing the boundaries of what is achievable on this decentralized frontier.Follow us for more information and opportunity
Community Demands Bonk Inu Developer to Buy Back and Burn 90% of Total SupplyBonk Inu (BONK) is the first dog-themed coin on Solana, launched on December 25, 2022, with 50% of the total crypto supply airdropped to the Solana community. BONK has contributed significantly to Solana by distributing nearly half of the total supply, i.e., 50 trillion coins, among those nurturing the Solana blockchain and contributing to community development in various ways. BONK has also increased trading volume and liquidity on Solana-based decentralized exchanges (DEX), becoming a payment option for NFTs in several projects built on Solana.However, since BONK was listed on several popular crypto exchanges on December 30, 2022, the token has experienced extreme price fluctuations influenced by large-scale token sales by early investors, futures contracts allowing traders to bet against the token, and a lack of transparency from the BONK developer team. Despite the BONK developers burning all tokens allocated to their team, i.e., 5% of the total supply, on January 5, 2023, many Solana community members are dissatisfied with BONK's performance and direction.Therefore, the community is demanding that the BONK developer conducts a buyback and burns 90% of the total supply, currently reaching 100 trillion coins. This demand is based on BONK's critical role in saving Solana, considered a heroic action deserving appreciation with a higher and more stable token value. The community argues that by reducing the circulating token amount, BONK will become rarer, more sought-after, and more valuable. Additionally, the community wants the BONK developer to be more open and transparent about their plans and vision for the future of BONK, as well as to actively engage with the Solana community. The community hopes that by meeting these demands, the BONK developer will demonstrate their commitment and responsibility to the Bonk Inu project, a coin "for the people, by the people."

Community Demands Bonk Inu Developer to Buy Back and Burn 90% of Total Supply

Bonk Inu (BONK) is the first dog-themed coin on Solana, launched on December 25, 2022, with 50% of the total crypto supply airdropped to the Solana community. BONK has contributed significantly to Solana by distributing nearly half of the total supply, i.e., 50 trillion coins, among those nurturing the Solana blockchain and contributing to community development in various ways. BONK has also increased trading volume and liquidity on Solana-based decentralized exchanges (DEX), becoming a payment option for NFTs in several projects built on Solana.However, since BONK was listed on several popular crypto exchanges on December 30, 2022, the token has experienced extreme price fluctuations influenced by large-scale token sales by early investors, futures contracts allowing traders to bet against the token, and a lack of transparency from the BONK developer team. Despite the BONK developers burning all tokens allocated to their team, i.e., 5% of the total supply, on January 5, 2023, many Solana community members are dissatisfied with BONK's performance and direction.Therefore, the community is demanding that the BONK developer conducts a buyback and burns 90% of the total supply, currently reaching 100 trillion coins. This demand is based on BONK's critical role in saving Solana, considered a heroic action deserving appreciation with a higher and more stable token value. The community argues that by reducing the circulating token amount, BONK will become rarer, more sought-after, and more valuable. Additionally, the community wants the BONK developer to be more open and transparent about their plans and vision for the future of BONK, as well as to actively engage with the Solana community. The community hopes that by meeting these demands, the BONK developer will demonstrate their commitment and responsibility to the Bonk Inu project, a coin "for the people, by the people."
Opportunities don't come twice.The total circulating supply of Bitcoin can be explained as the overall amount of Bitcoin that has been mined and is currently in circulation. Bitcoin has a capped maximum supply of 21 million. Currently, approximately 18.8 million Bitcoins have been mined and are in circulation.The process of mining Bitcoin involves solving complex mathematical puzzles through a consensus mechanism known as proof-of-work to validate transactions and add new blocks to the blockchain. Over time, the mining rewards given to miners decrease, and the newly mined Bitcoin supply continues to decrease until it reaches the maximum of 21 million.Data sources for this information can come from various places, including cryptocurrency exchange platforms, financial websites, and blockchain monitoring. It is essential to refer to reliable and official sources for the most up-to-date information on the circulating supply of Bitcoin.Follow Us for more information and opportunity.

Opportunities don't come twice.

The total circulating supply of Bitcoin can be explained as the overall amount of Bitcoin that has been mined and is currently in circulation. Bitcoin has a capped maximum supply of 21 million. Currently, approximately 18.8 million Bitcoins have been mined and are in circulation.The process of mining Bitcoin involves solving complex mathematical puzzles through a consensus mechanism known as proof-of-work to validate transactions and add new blocks to the blockchain. Over time, the mining rewards given to miners decrease, and the newly mined Bitcoin supply continues to decrease until it reaches the maximum of 21 million.Data sources for this information can come from various places, including cryptocurrency exchange platforms, financial websites, and blockchain monitoring. It is essential to refer to reliable and official sources for the most up-to-date information on the circulating supply of Bitcoin.Follow Us for more information and opportunity.
Ethereum ExpressWhat is theEthereum Express network?The Ethereum Express network is a faster, safer, and cheaper L1 network based on the underlying framework of the Ethereum EVM.Why ?The Ethereum network carries out more and more applications and smart contracts. As resource usage increases, the Ethereum network becomes congested, and the GAS consumed by transfers and calling contracts has soared. In this case, similar to the Ethereum Express Network, layer 1 will be more competitive and advantageous.Ethereum Express Network will be more competitiveWhy?We will build a blockchain browser independently, which will be more powerful and reliable than ETHscan over time. We will also build a wallet system and ETEswap on our network to make our customers more secure. We will abandon most of the original wormhole systems, and use CEXs(ERC20 & ETRC20)and third-party cross-chain partners to coordinate cross-chains, which is more secure and reliable.Follow Us for more information and more opportunity. I love and I need CZ #CZBINANCE

Ethereum Express

What is theEthereum Express network?The Ethereum Express network is a faster, safer, and cheaper L1 network based on the underlying framework of the Ethereum EVM.Why ?The Ethereum network carries out more and more applications and smart contracts. As resource usage increases, the Ethereum network becomes congested, and the GAS consumed by transfers and calling contracts has soared. In this case, similar to the Ethereum Express Network, layer 1 will be more competitive and advantageous.Ethereum Express Network will be more competitiveWhy?We will build a blockchain browser independently, which will be more powerful and reliable than ETHscan over time. We will also build a wallet system and ETEswap on our network to make our customers more secure. We will abandon most of the original wormhole systems, and use CEXs(ERC20 & ETRC20)and third-party cross-chain partners to coordinate cross-chains, which is more secure and reliable.Follow Us for more information and more opportunity. I love and I need CZ #CZBINANCE
The AIOZ NETWORK BlockchainINTEROPERABLEAIOZ Network is a Layer-1 blockchain built in the Cosmos ecosystem and with EVM compatibility. AIOZ Network brings unprecedented interoperability, low transaction fees, rapid throughput, and instant finality.WEB3AIOZ Network connects a global network of user-run nodes to create a dCDN. By tapping into dormant computing capacity around the world, it empowers the emerging decentralized economy.MEDIAAIOZ Network dCDN delivers content faster while removing barriers between creators and their supporters. Whether it’s text, audio, video, or games, recorded content or livestream, AR or VR. AIOZ Network dCDN powers the infrastructure that will enable the next era of media software.AIOZ Network Bring Interoperability with EVM and CosmosWith a significant edge in EVM compatibility and Cosmos IBC, AIOZ Network lays the groundwork for dApps to reach a broad spectrum of users across diverse ecosystems.FOLLOW US FOR MORE INFORMATION & OPPORTUNITY

The AIOZ NETWORK Blockchain

INTEROPERABLEAIOZ Network is a Layer-1 blockchain built in the Cosmos ecosystem and with EVM compatibility. AIOZ Network brings unprecedented interoperability, low transaction fees, rapid throughput, and instant finality.WEB3AIOZ Network connects a global network of user-run nodes to create a dCDN. By tapping into dormant computing capacity around the world, it empowers the emerging decentralized economy.MEDIAAIOZ Network dCDN delivers content faster while removing barriers between creators and their supporters. Whether it’s text, audio, video, or games, recorded content or livestream, AR or VR. AIOZ Network dCDN powers the infrastructure that will enable the next era of media software.AIOZ Network Bring Interoperability with EVM and CosmosWith a significant edge in EVM compatibility and Cosmos IBC, AIOZ Network lays the groundwork for dApps to reach a broad spectrum of users across diverse ecosystems.FOLLOW US FOR MORE INFORMATION & OPPORTUNITY
Comsats-Supports standard tokens on BitcoinThe focus is on providing ideas and decentralized solutions to grow the Bitcoin ecosystem, along with a seamless user experience and competitive fees.Comsats also supports and develops new ideas to perfect the concepts of official Bitcoin token standards such as: BRC-20, ORC-20, etc.Keywords: Bitcoin NFT, Ordinals, Inscription, Inscribe, Explorer, PSBT, Marketplace, BRC-20, ORC-20. Token DetailsToken: BRC-20Tick: CSASSupply: 1,000,000,000Limit Per Mint: 2,500Inscription Number: #38407786Explorer: ME FOR MORE INFORMATION &OPPORTUNITY

Comsats-Supports standard tokens on Bitcoin

The focus is on providing ideas and decentralized solutions to grow the Bitcoin ecosystem, along with a seamless user experience and competitive fees.Comsats also supports and develops new ideas to perfect the concepts of official Bitcoin token standards such as: BRC-20, ORC-20, etc.Keywords: Bitcoin NFT, Ordinals, Inscription, Inscribe, Explorer, PSBT, Marketplace, BRC-20, ORC-20. Token DetailsToken: BRC-20Tick: CSASSupply: 1,000,000,000Limit Per Mint: 2,500Inscription Number: #38407786Explorer: ME FOR MORE INFORMATION &OPPORTUNITY
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