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altro $BTC
altro $BTC
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Penso che questo sarà ribassista ma chi lo sa $BTC
Penso che questo sarà ribassista ma chi lo sa $BTC
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si spera $BTC
si spera $BTC
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è possibile che il bitcoin superi i $ 58.000? $BTC
è possibile che il bitcoin superi i $ 58.000?

The Bitcoin Pizza Day Celebration, held over a thrilling 48 hours, proved to be a remarkable success, powered by the collaboration between #TonGifts and 10 exceptional partners. This event, which commemorates the historic first real-world transaction using Bitcoin, saw an overwhelming 200,000 friends eagerly claiming joint red packets, thereby giving a significant boost to 10 partner projects spanning 18 different communities. The celebration’s outreach was impressive, cumulatively reaching a staggering 3.6 million users. This widespread engagement underscores the growing enthusiasm and participation within the cryptocurrency community. The event not only celebrated a pivotal moment in Bitcoin history but also strengthened the bonds among various crypto projects and their communities. A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone who participated and contributed to the event's success. As we look to the future, both #TonGifts and their partners are promising even more exciting gifts and surprises. Participants are encouraged to stay tuned for upcoming events and rewards that aim to continue fostering community spirit and engagement. The Bitcoin Pizza Day Celebration is a testament to the power of collaboration and the vibrant energy within the crypto world. don't worry you can claimed usdt after this event ended :
The Bitcoin Pizza Day Celebration, held over a thrilling 48 hours, proved to be a remarkable success, powered by the collaboration between #TonGifts and 10 exceptional partners. This event, which commemorates the historic first real-world transaction using Bitcoin, saw an overwhelming 200,000 friends eagerly claiming joint red packets, thereby giving a significant boost to 10 partner projects spanning 18 different communities.

The celebration’s outreach was impressive, cumulatively reaching a staggering 3.6 million users. This widespread engagement underscores the growing enthusiasm and participation within the cryptocurrency community. The event not only celebrated a pivotal moment in Bitcoin history but also strengthened the bonds among various crypto projects and their communities.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone who participated and contributed to the event's success. As we look to the future, both #TonGifts and their partners are promising even more exciting gifts and surprises. Participants are encouraged to stay tuned for upcoming events and rewards that aim to continue fostering community spirit and engagement. The Bitcoin Pizza Day Celebration is a testament to the power of collaboration and the vibrant energy within the crypto world.

don't worry you can claimed usdt after this event ended :
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AVAX: il perdente delle criptovalute che sta abbaiando l'albero sbagliatoOk, gente delle criptovalute, allacciatevi le cinture perché le cose si stanno scatenando nella giungla delle monete meme. Avalanche (AVAX), quel piccolo sfavorito perdente con un nome che suona come un brutto gruppo hair metal degli anni '80, sta facendo un cambio di criptovaluta. Ha appena superato Shiba Inu (SHIB) come un cucciolo che insegue uno scoiattolo in fuga, scalando la top ten delle classifiche crittografiche per capitalizzazione di mercato. Ora, AVAX è alle calcagna di Dogecoin (DOGE), il nonno di tutte le monete meme. È come guardare un Chihuahua con il Complesso di Napoleone inseguire un Alano: un po' divertente, un po' terrificante.

AVAX: il perdente delle criptovalute che sta abbaiando l'albero sbagliato

Ok, gente delle criptovalute, allacciatevi le cinture perché le cose si stanno scatenando nella giungla delle monete meme. Avalanche (AVAX), quel piccolo sfavorito perdente con un nome che suona come un brutto gruppo hair metal degli anni '80, sta facendo un cambio di criptovaluta. Ha appena superato Shiba Inu (SHIB) come un cucciolo che insegue uno scoiattolo in fuga, scalando la top ten delle classifiche crittografiche per capitalizzazione di mercato.
Ora, AVAX è alle calcagna di Dogecoin (DOGE), il nonno di tutte le monete meme. È come guardare un Chihuahua con il Complesso di Napoleone inseguire un Alano: un po' divertente, un po' terrificante.
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Ehi, siete pronti per l'halving di Bitcoin? Allacciate le cinture perché sta per diventare pazzesco!Va bene, fanatici di Bitcoin, diventiamo reali su tutta questa faccenda dell'Halving. È come il Super Bowl per i nerd delle criptovalute, ma con molta più confusione e molte meno cheerleader. Quindi lascia che ti spieghi meglio, perché questa non è la lezione finanziaria di tua madre. I minatori muoiono di fame: The Bitcoin Hunger Games Immagina questo: Bitcoin è una gigantesca miniera d'oro digitale, e i minatori sono quei tizi sudati che brandiscono picconi, sperando di diventare ricchi. Ora, il dimezzamento è come se il proprietario della miniera dicesse: "Ehi, ti taglierò la paga a metà! Ma continua a scavare, ritardato!" Sì, è brutale là fuori.

Ehi, siete pronti per l'halving di Bitcoin? Allacciate le cinture perché sta per diventare pazzesco!

Va bene, fanatici di Bitcoin, diventiamo reali su tutta questa faccenda dell'Halving. È come il Super Bowl per i nerd delle criptovalute, ma con molta più confusione e molte meno cheerleader. Quindi lascia che ti spieghi meglio, perché questa non è la lezione finanziaria di tua madre.

I minatori muoiono di fame: The Bitcoin Hunger Games

Immagina questo: Bitcoin è una gigantesca miniera d'oro digitale, e i minatori sono quei tizi sudati che brandiscono picconi, sperando di diventare ricchi. Ora, il dimezzamento è come se il proprietario della miniera dicesse: "Ehi, ti taglierò la paga a metà! Ma continua a scavare, ritardato!" Sì, è brutale là fuori.
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Lambo Who? I veri Crypto Bros investono in occhiali AIDimentica quelle fastidiose Lambo su cui hai sbavato. Il futuro della ricchezza criptata sta nel vederlo, e per "vederlo" intendo con gli occhiali AI, amici miei. Ammettiamolo, guardare i grafici sul tuo telefono è così 2024. Abbiamo bisogno di qualcosa di più elegante, qualcosa di più sexy, qualcosa che gridi "Ho appena incassato un accordo NFT a sette cifre". Entra negli occhiali AI, il prossimo grande flex crittografico. Stanco di sembrare un cyborg con gli occhi insidiosi e occhiali non corrispondenti? Li abbiamo visti tutti: quei fratelli cripto che indossano due lenti diverse: una per il loro occhio reale, l'altra per il loro occhio permanentemente iniettato di sangue che "esplora il mercato tutta la notte". E se ti dicessi che il futuro si autoregolamenta? Immagina occhiali AI che eliminano il disordine non corrispondente e si adattano automaticamente per complimentarsi perfettamente con i tuoi guardoni! Non sembrerà più un Roomba malfunzionante con un coniglietto di polvere ribelle attaccato al suo telaio. Questi ragazzi cattivi dotati di intelligenza artificiale leggeranno i tuoi occhi stanchi e privati ​​del sonno dopo una notte di grafici e regoleranno le lenti di conseguenza. Rialzista su Bitcoin? Gli occhiali potrebbero illuminarti. Ti senti un po' ribassista? Aggiungeranno una delicata tonalità seppia per adattarsi al tuo umore.

Lambo Who? I veri Crypto Bros investono in occhiali AI

Dimentica quelle fastidiose Lambo su cui hai sbavato. Il futuro della ricchezza criptata sta nel vederlo, e per "vederlo" intendo con gli occhiali AI, amici miei. Ammettiamolo, guardare i grafici sul tuo telefono è così 2024. Abbiamo bisogno di qualcosa di più elegante, qualcosa di più sexy, qualcosa che gridi "Ho appena incassato un accordo NFT a sette cifre". Entra negli occhiali AI, il prossimo grande flex crittografico.

Stanco di sembrare un cyborg con gli occhi insidiosi e occhiali non corrispondenti?
Li abbiamo visti tutti: quei fratelli cripto che indossano due lenti diverse: una per il loro occhio reale, l'altra per il loro occhio permanentemente iniettato di sangue che "esplora il mercato tutta la notte". E se ti dicessi che il futuro si autoregolamenta? Immagina occhiali AI che eliminano il disordine non corrispondente e si adattano automaticamente per complimentarsi perfettamente con i tuoi guardoni! Non sembrerà più un Roomba malfunzionante con un coniglietto di polvere ribelle attaccato al suo telaio. Questi ragazzi cattivi dotati di intelligenza artificiale leggeranno i tuoi occhi stanchi e privati ​​del sonno dopo una notte di grafici e regoleranno le lenti di conseguenza. Rialzista su Bitcoin? Gli occhiali potrebbero illuminarti. Ti senti un po' ribassista? Aggiungeranno una delicata tonalità seppia per adattarsi al tuo umore.
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Bitcoin arriva sulla Luna, ma siamo tutti solo scimmie che inseguono le banane?Bitcoin ha appena infranto un altro record: è scambiato più in alto di Snoop Dogg al Coachella. Tutta questa mania delle criptovalute sta diventando davvero selvaggia. Anche Ethereum sta cercando di tenere il passo, come quel ragazzo in classe sempre un passo indietro rispetto alle tendenze più interessanti. Ora, non mentirò, l'idea che alcuni soldi casuali su Internet salgano alle stelle è divertente. Ad esempio, mia nonna potrebbe essere seduta su una fortuna criptata e nemmeno saperlo. Forse quelle strane monete che ho comprato nel 2017 perché avevano il buffo logo di un cane valgono davvero qualcosa adesso?

Bitcoin arriva sulla Luna, ma siamo tutti solo scimmie che inseguono le banane?

Bitcoin ha appena infranto un altro record: è scambiato più in alto di Snoop Dogg al Coachella. Tutta questa mania delle criptovalute sta diventando davvero selvaggia. Anche Ethereum sta cercando di tenere il passo, come quel ragazzo in classe sempre un passo indietro rispetto alle tendenze più interessanti.
Ora, non mentirò, l'idea che alcuni soldi casuali su Internet salgano alle stelle è divertente. Ad esempio, mia nonna potrebbe essere seduta su una fortuna criptata e nemmeno saperlo. Forse quelle strane monete che ho comprato nel 2017 perché avevano il buffo logo di un cane valgono davvero qualcosa adesso?
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Crypto Ramadan: accumulare buone azioni e sati questo meseRamadan Mubarak, amico! Questo mese sacro è un momento di riflessione, generosità e, naturalmente, di buone azioni. Ma sapevi che puoi combinarlo con l’entusiasmante mondo delle criptovalute? Immergiamoci e vediamo come puoi migliorare la tua esperienza del Ramadan con un tocco crittografico. Donare con le Criptovalute: Zakat 2.0 Tradizionalmente, la Zakat (beneficenza) viene data sotto forma di denaro o beni. Ma con l’ascesa delle criptovalute, molti studiosi islamici ora considerano alcune criptovalute accettabili per la Zakat. Questo apre un modo completamente nuovo per adempiere al tuo obbligo di Zakat. Assicurati solo che la criptovaluta che doni sia ben consolidata e conforme alla Shariah (segue la legge islamica).

Crypto Ramadan: accumulare buone azioni e sati questo mese

Ramadan Mubarak, amico! Questo mese sacro è un momento di riflessione, generosità e, naturalmente, di buone azioni. Ma sapevi che puoi combinarlo con l’entusiasmante mondo delle criptovalute? Immergiamoci e vediamo come puoi migliorare la tua esperienza del Ramadan con un tocco crittografico.

Donare con le Criptovalute: Zakat 2.0

Tradizionalmente, la Zakat (beneficenza) viene data sotto forma di denaro o beni. Ma con l’ascesa delle criptovalute, molti studiosi islamici ora considerano alcune criptovalute accettabili per la Zakat. Questo apre un modo completamente nuovo per adempiere al tuo obbligo di Zakat. Assicurati solo che la criptovaluta che doni sia ben consolidata e conforme alla Shariah (segue la legge islamica).
Tap Fantasy: The Shiny, Addictive, Yet Frustrating World of "Free-to-Play"Tap Fantasy, oh Tap Fantasy – a siren's call to those of us who love a good RPG grind… and who doesn't love some free crypto goodies? It draws you in with flashy visuals, promises of NFT prizes, and those sweet, sweet $MC tokens dangling just out of reach. But beware brave adventurer, for all that glitters in Tap Fantasy is not gold. The Allure: Shiny Things and That Crypto Hustle Let's be honest, Tap Fantasy is initially a blast! You're hacking away at monsters like a button-mashing maniac, collecting loot, and eyeing that shiny new NFT with dollar signs in your eyes. The game makes it ridiculously easy to earn a bit of that tempting $MC cryptocurrency, fueling your dreams of blockchain riches. Season prizes dangle in front of you like a digital carrot... it all SEEMS within your grasp. The Catch: Free-to-Play Woes and the Patience Test But then... reality hits. That stamina bar seems to drain faster than a leaky bucket. Unless you're shelling out those hard-earned dollars, you'll soon find yourself staring at the screen, twiddling your thumbs, wondering if anyone invented a real-life time-turner yet. Oh, and those epic boss fights? Sure, you can have a crack at them... if you fork over precious diamonds or spend a hefty amount of $MC. Suddenly that "free-to-play" label seems to sprout a sneaky asterisk. The Pay-to-Win Temptation Tap Fantasy becomes a tantalizing dance of what you could have, if only you were willing to open that wallet. Faster progress, cooler gear, those elusive victories...they're all just a swipe away. The game constantly whispers "Wouldn't it be EASIER if you just..." They've got your inner competitive gremlin hooked. The Verdict: Should You Tap In? Tap Fantasy is a strangely addictive yet potentially frustrating ride. If you've got money to burn, or the patience of a saint, you might have a grand time! But for those who love the free-to-play life, be warned... Tap Fantasy might have you tapping out sooner than you'd think. Since binance doesn't allow outside links, just copy the link below to try it out and happy playing! #Write2Earn‏ #nftgame

Tap Fantasy: The Shiny, Addictive, Yet Frustrating World of "Free-to-Play"

Tap Fantasy, oh Tap Fantasy – a siren's call to those of us who love a good RPG grind… and who doesn't love some free crypto goodies? It draws you in with flashy visuals, promises of NFT prizes, and those sweet, sweet $MC tokens dangling just out of reach. But beware brave adventurer, for all that glitters in Tap Fantasy is not gold.
The Allure: Shiny Things and That Crypto Hustle

Let's be honest, Tap Fantasy is initially a blast! You're hacking away at monsters like a button-mashing maniac, collecting loot, and eyeing that shiny new NFT with dollar signs in your eyes. The game makes it ridiculously easy to earn a bit of that tempting $MC cryptocurrency, fueling your dreams of blockchain riches. Season prizes dangle in front of you like a digital carrot... it all SEEMS within your grasp.
The Catch: Free-to-Play Woes and the Patience Test

But then... reality hits. That stamina bar seems to drain faster than a leaky bucket. Unless you're shelling out those hard-earned dollars, you'll soon find yourself staring at the screen, twiddling your thumbs, wondering if anyone invented a real-life time-turner yet.
Oh, and those epic boss fights? Sure, you can have a crack at them... if you fork over precious diamonds or spend a hefty amount of $MC. Suddenly that "free-to-play" label seems to sprout a sneaky asterisk.
The Pay-to-Win Temptation

Tap Fantasy becomes a tantalizing dance of what you could have, if only you were willing to open that wallet. Faster progress, cooler gear, those elusive victories...they're all just a swipe away. The game constantly whispers "Wouldn't it be EASIER if you just..." They've got your inner competitive gremlin hooked.
The Verdict: Should You Tap In?
Tap Fantasy is a strangely addictive yet potentially frustrating ride. If you've got money to burn, or the patience of a saint, you might have a grand time! But for those who love the free-to-play life, be warned... Tap Fantasy might have you tapping out sooner than you'd think.
Since binance doesn't allow outside links, just copy the link below to try it out and happy playing!
#Write2Earn‏ #nftgame
Crypto Queens: Celebrating the Women Rocking the BlockchainYo, Happy International Women's Day! Let's ditch the formality and give a shout-out to the ladies absolutely crushing it in the wild world of cryptocurrency. We're talking about women who are shaking up a space that, let's be real, has been a bit of a boys' club for a while. But these queens are changing the game! The OGs and the Newbies There were female pioneers in crypto from way back. You've got Elizabeth Stark, CEO of Lightning Labs, working to make Bitcoin payments lightning-fast. Or Kathleen Breitman, co-founder of Tezos, a blockchain that aims to be more energy efficient. They busted through the glass ceiling early on. Now we're seeing this massive influx of awesome women getting into crypto – they're entrepreneurs, investors, coders, teachers, you name it. It's about time, right? No more dudes dominating the conversation. The world is realizing that women bring incredible smarts and unique perspectives to the table. Ladies Building the Future So, what are these crypto queens up to? Well, a lot! Some are creating killer projects. Take Sanja Kon from Utrust – offering seamless cryptocurrency payments for merchants. Or Meltem Demirors of CoinShares, a big-time crypto investment firm. These women aren't just following trends; they're actively shaping the future of finance. Then you've got the community builders. Women like Brittany Kaiser and Layah Heilpern are leading amazing organizations and meetups, making crypto more accessible and inclusive for everyone, regardless of background. They're the ones who are like "Hey girl, you totally get this!" Because let's face it, sometimes the crypto world can feel a little intimidating. Why It Matters Why's it such a big deal that women are in crypto? Diversity, people! More women on board means more brainpower, creativity, and different viewpoints. When you have a variety of perspectives, you're building better solutions. Plus, crypto is all about decentralization and tearing down old-school power structures in finance. So, having women rise in power? That's living the crypto dream right there. Crypto Still Has Homework to Do Don't get it twisted – there's still plenty of work to do. Like any male-dominated field, some corners of crypto can have, let's say, some less-than-supportive vibes. We don't need that kind of nonsense. But the tide is turning. Women are creating safe spaces, demanding respect, and calling out BS when they see it. Inspiration Alert: Women You Need to Know Want some major inspiration? Here's a quick list of ladies totally worth checking out: Laura Shin: Host of the "Unchained" podcast. The queen of crypto journalism. Galia Benartzi: Co-founder of Bancor, a decentralized exchange. Hester Peirce: SEC Commissioner also known as "Crypto Mom". Linda Xie: Co-founder of Scalar Capital, venture capitalist, and all-around badass. This is just the tip of the iceberg! There are way more incredible women out there. Yo, Ladies, You Got This! If you're a woman thinking about crypto, let this be your sign. Don't be afraid to jump in! Learn the basics, join some cool online communities, find mentors. This space is for you, too. And to all the crypto queens already working your magic, a massive high-five! You're changing the game and showing the world how it's done. Let's keep the momentum going! #Write2Earn‏ #internationalwomensday #cryptogirl

Crypto Queens: Celebrating the Women Rocking the Blockchain

Yo, Happy International Women's Day! Let's ditch the formality and give a shout-out to the ladies absolutely crushing it in the wild world of cryptocurrency. We're talking about women who are shaking up a space that, let's be real, has been a bit of a boys' club for a while. But these queens are changing the game!

The OGs and the Newbies

There were female pioneers in crypto from way back. You've got Elizabeth Stark, CEO of Lightning Labs, working to make Bitcoin payments lightning-fast. Or Kathleen Breitman, co-founder of Tezos, a blockchain that aims to be more energy efficient. They busted through the glass ceiling early on.

Now we're seeing this massive influx of awesome women getting into crypto – they're entrepreneurs, investors, coders, teachers, you name it. It's about time, right? No more dudes dominating the conversation. The world is realizing that women bring incredible smarts and unique perspectives to the table.

Ladies Building the Future

So, what are these crypto queens up to? Well, a lot! Some are creating killer projects. Take Sanja Kon from Utrust – offering seamless cryptocurrency payments for merchants. Or Meltem Demirors of CoinShares, a big-time crypto investment firm. These women aren't just following trends; they're actively shaping the future of finance.

Then you've got the community builders. Women like Brittany Kaiser and Layah Heilpern are leading amazing organizations and meetups, making crypto more accessible and inclusive for everyone, regardless of background. They're the ones who are like "Hey girl, you totally get this!" Because let's face it, sometimes the crypto world can feel a little intimidating.

Why It Matters

Why's it such a big deal that women are in crypto? Diversity, people! More women on board means more brainpower, creativity, and different viewpoints. When you have a variety of perspectives, you're building better solutions. Plus, crypto is all about decentralization and tearing down old-school power structures in finance. So, having women rise in power? That's living the crypto dream right there.

Crypto Still Has Homework to Do

Don't get it twisted – there's still plenty of work to do. Like any male-dominated field, some corners of crypto can have, let's say, some less-than-supportive vibes. We don't need that kind of nonsense. But the tide is turning. Women are creating safe spaces, demanding respect, and calling out BS when they see it.

Inspiration Alert: Women You Need to Know

Want some major inspiration? Here's a quick list of ladies totally worth checking out:

Laura Shin: Host of the "Unchained" podcast. The queen of crypto journalism.
Galia Benartzi: Co-founder of Bancor, a decentralized exchange.
Hester Peirce: SEC Commissioner also known as "Crypto Mom".
Linda Xie: Co-founder of Scalar Capital, venture capitalist, and all-around badass.

This is just the tip of the iceberg! There are way more incredible women out there.

Yo, Ladies, You Got This!

If you're a woman thinking about crypto, let this be your sign. Don't be afraid to jump in! Learn the basics, join some cool online communities, find mentors. This space is for you, too. And to all the crypto queens already working your magic, a massive high-five! You're changing the game and showing the world how it's done. Let's keep the momentum going!

#Write2Earn‏ #internationalwomensday #cryptogirl
Apple Introduces New 'Vacation Mode' for iPhones: Stay in the EU or No Updates for You!In a bold move that's sure to delight travel agents across Europe, Apple has announced a new feature for iPhone users: the 'Vacation Mode'. This innovative function ensures that your iPhone will only update apps from third-party app stores if you're within the European Union. Planning a trip outside the EU? Better make it a quick one, because after 30 days, your iPhone will start giving you the silent treatment on updates. "Think of it as a digital postcard from your apps," said an Apple spokesperson, "reminding you to come back and visit Europe. It's like a souvenir, but instead of a fridge magnet, it's your apps waving 'bonjour' from afar." The new policy comes hot on the heels of the EU's Digital Markets Act, which had travelers worried they'd lose app features faster than their luggage at the airport. But fear not, globe-trotters! Apple's 30-day grace period is like a travel-sized bottle of app updates – just enough to keep you going until you're back in the EU's embrace. Developers, too, are getting in on the fun. Mobivention is reportedly developing a 'Wish You Were Here' app collection, while MacPaw's Setapp store is curating a 'EuroTrip Essentials' bundle. Epic Games, however, seems to have missed the boarding call after Apple deemed them 'verifiably untrustworthy' – a status usually reserved for weather forecasts and tourist trap restaurants. So, pack your bags, update your apps, and set your iPhones to 'Vacation Mode'. Because nothing says 'relaxing getaway' quite like a countdown to your next app update. #Write2Earn‏ #news #opinion

Apple Introduces New 'Vacation Mode' for iPhones: Stay in the EU or No Updates for You!

In a bold move that's sure to delight travel agents across Europe, Apple has announced a new feature for iPhone users: the 'Vacation Mode'. This innovative function ensures that your iPhone will only update apps from third-party app stores if you're within the European Union. Planning a trip outside the EU? Better make it a quick one, because after 30 days, your iPhone will start giving you the silent treatment on updates.

"Think of it as a digital postcard from your apps," said an Apple spokesperson, "reminding you to come back and visit Europe. It's like a souvenir, but instead of a fridge magnet, it's your apps waving 'bonjour' from afar."

The new policy comes hot on the heels of the EU's Digital Markets Act, which had travelers worried they'd lose app features faster than their luggage at the airport. But fear not, globe-trotters! Apple's 30-day grace period is like a travel-sized bottle of app updates – just enough to keep you going until you're back in the EU's embrace.

Developers, too, are getting in on the fun. Mobivention is reportedly developing a 'Wish You Were Here' app collection, while MacPaw's Setapp store is curating a 'EuroTrip Essentials' bundle. Epic Games, however, seems to have missed the boarding call after Apple deemed them 'verifiably untrustworthy' – a status usually reserved for weather forecasts and tourist trap restaurants.

So, pack your bags, update your apps, and set your iPhones to 'Vacation Mode'. Because nothing says 'relaxing getaway' quite like a countdown to your next app update.

#Write2Earn‏ #news #opinion
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