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$ BTC: Wow. Altcoin: Lmao!! Seriamente, $BTC ha pompato $ 2000, ma le altcoin non si sono nemmeno mosse. La semplice ragione di ciò è la dominanza di Bitcoin: è in continua crescita, il che non va bene per le altcoin. Da qui, anche se $BTC scendesse $ 500, gli alt ne risentirebbero pesantemente. Quindi fai attenzione nelle tue operazioni. Tieni gli occhi solo sul dominio di BTC!!
$ BTC: Wow.
Altcoin: Lmao!!
Seriamente, $BTC ha pompato $ 2000, ma le altcoin non si sono nemmeno mosse. La semplice ragione di ciò è la dominanza di Bitcoin: è in continua crescita, il che non va bene per le altcoin. Da qui, anche se $BTC scendesse $ 500, gli alt ne risentirebbero pesantemente. Quindi fai attenzione nelle tue operazioni.
Tieni gli occhi solo sul dominio di BTC!!
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Le previsioni sul rally delle Altcoin del 2024 hanno iniziato ad arrivare: famosi analisti si stanno preparando per il periodo Super Bull di Bitcoin. Mentre il mercato rialzista delle criptovalute si attenua a metà del secondo trimestre del 2024, gli analisti stanno cercando di combattere il FUD con previsioni altcoin super rialziste. Il popolare account di criptovaluta Altcoin Daily ha pubblicato un lungo elenco di previsioni all'inizio di questa settimana, prevedendo che#Bitcoin(BTC) raggiungerà i 120.000 dollari,#Ether(ETH) raggiungerà gli 8.800 dollari e#Solana(SOL) raggiungerà i 720 dollari. Secondo queste previsioni, Bitcoin aumenterà di quasi il 100% arrivando a 60.600 dollari, mentre Ether e Solana guadagneranno rispettivamente del 200% e del 400%. Un altro famoso analista crittografico, Deezy.eth, ha condiviso le sue previsioni. Prevede che Cardano (ADA) aumenterà di 13,25x (1,225%) rispetto ai livelli attuali, passando da $ 0,445 a $ 5,90. Prevede che#XRP(XRP) salirà a $ 1,80 e#Dogecoin(DOGE) salirà a $ 0,50. Ciò significa un aumento rispettivamente del 260% e del 250%. Queste previsioni super rialziste sulle altcoin arrivano in un momento in cui il FUD (paura, incertezza e dubbio) è in aumento nel mercato delle criptovalute. Molte altcoin e monete meme sono aumentate tra febbraio e marzo quando Bitcoin ha raggiunto nuovi massimi record sopra i 70.000 dollari. Tuttavia, nel mercato si sono verificate forti correzioni a causa del calo di interesse per gli ETF spot su Bitcoin e dell’impatto dei venti contrari a livello macroeconomico. Mentre Bitcoin è sceso del 17% rispetto al massimo di marzo di 74.000 dollari, molte altcoin hanno registrato cali più marcati: Solana ha perso il 30%, XRP ha perso il 32%, Dogecoin ha perso il 37% e Cardano ha perso il 45%. Storicamente, è noto che i rally di BTC post-halving iniziano solitamente entro 4-6 mesi. Ci si aspettava che il dimezzamento di aprile non avrebbe innescato immediatamente un’ondata rialzista. La recessione post-halving coincide solitamente con la stagione estiva del mercato delle criptovalute, insieme al processo di consolidamento. Non bisogna quindi aspettarsi un rialzo improvviso, ma non si può negare il fatto che ci troviamo nel mezzo di un nuovo mercato rialzista. Tuttavia, 10x Research ha avvertito che lo sblocco dei token potrebbe ostacolare il rally delle altcoin se i VC (capitale di rischio) si ritirassero. $SOL $XRP $DOGE
Le previsioni sul rally delle Altcoin del 2024 hanno iniziato ad arrivare: famosi analisti si stanno preparando per il periodo Super Bull di Bitcoin.
Mentre il mercato rialzista delle criptovalute si attenua a metà del secondo trimestre del 2024, gli analisti stanno cercando di combattere il FUD con previsioni altcoin super rialziste.
Il popolare account di criptovaluta Altcoin Daily ha pubblicato un lungo elenco di previsioni all'inizio di questa settimana, prevedendo che#Bitcoin(BTC) raggiungerà i 120.000 dollari,#Ether(ETH) raggiungerà gli 8.800 dollari e#Solana(SOL) raggiungerà i 720 dollari.

Secondo queste previsioni, Bitcoin aumenterà di quasi il 100% arrivando a 60.600 dollari, mentre Ether e Solana guadagneranno rispettivamente del 200% e del 400%.
Un altro famoso analista crittografico, Deezy.eth, ha condiviso le sue previsioni. Prevede che Cardano (ADA) aumenterà di 13,25x (1,225%) rispetto ai livelli attuali, passando da $ 0,445 a $ 5,90.
Prevede che#XRP(XRP) salirà a $ 1,80 e#Dogecoin(DOGE) salirà a $ 0,50. Ciò significa un aumento rispettivamente del 260% e del 250%.
Queste previsioni super rialziste sulle altcoin arrivano in un momento in cui il FUD (paura, incertezza e dubbio) è in aumento nel mercato delle criptovalute. Molte altcoin e monete meme sono aumentate tra febbraio e marzo quando Bitcoin ha raggiunto nuovi massimi record sopra i 70.000 dollari.
Tuttavia, nel mercato si sono verificate forti correzioni a causa del calo di interesse per gli ETF spot su Bitcoin e dell’impatto dei venti contrari a livello macroeconomico.
Mentre Bitcoin è sceso del 17% rispetto al massimo di marzo di 74.000 dollari, molte altcoin hanno registrato cali più marcati: Solana ha perso il 30%, XRP ha perso il 32%, Dogecoin ha perso il 37% e Cardano ha perso il 45%.
Storicamente, è noto che i rally di BTC post-halving iniziano solitamente entro 4-6 mesi. Ci si aspettava che il dimezzamento di aprile non avrebbe innescato immediatamente un’ondata rialzista. La recessione post-halving coincide solitamente con la stagione estiva del mercato delle criptovalute, insieme al processo di consolidamento.
Non bisogna quindi aspettarsi un rialzo improvviso, ma non si può negare il fatto che ci troviamo nel mezzo di un nuovo mercato rialzista. Tuttavia, 10x Research ha avvertito che lo sblocco dei token potrebbe ostacolare il rally delle altcoin se i VC (capitale di rischio) si ritirassero.
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📈 Prezzo della moneta Pepe: aumento dell'attività delle balene sostiene PEPE per $ 0,000013 a maggio? La mania delle monete meme continua anche mentre Bitcoin e le principali altcoin come Ethereum, Binance Coin, Solana e altri combattono per trovare la direzione. Come discusso in precedenza, l'analisi dei prezzi di Shiba Inu ha rivelato che è probabile che le monete meme ricevano maggiore attenzione, soprattutto da parte dei trader che cercano asset alternativi per evitare la letargica azione generale dei prezzi sul mercato. La previsione del prezzo di Pepe Coin, ad esempio, ritrae il potenziale per sostenere la tendenza rialzista puntando a un nuovo massimo storico. 🔸 Il futuro mentre il PEPE aumenta a doppia cifra Pepe Coin si distingue come una delle criptovalute di tendenza su CoinMarketCap lunedì. Il suo valore è aumentato di oltre l'11% in 24 ore, attestandosi a 0,0000972$ durante l'orario lavorativo negli Stati Uniti. L’aumento del prezzo è stato accompagnato da un notevole aumento del volume degli scambi del 142% a 1,06 miliardi di dollari, spingendo PEPE nella top ten delle monete più scambiate. Un successivo aumento del valore complessivo del mercato del 10% a 4,08 miliardi di dollari ha rafforzato la stretta presa rialzista. Questa analisi mira a valutare la struttura tecnica e fondamentale del PEPE nella speranza di un breakout a 0,000013$ a maggio. Gli altcoin, in particolare quelli noti per essere altamente volatili, probabilmente metteranno in scena movimenti di prezzo durante questo periodo mentre Bitcoin si consolida. Sebbene tali movimenti possano essere limitati entro intervalli chiave, indicano il potenziale per una maggiore crescita del valore nelle prossime settimane. 🔸 Previsione del prezzo della moneta Pepe: come navigare nella volatilità di PEPE Pertanto, l'impennata in corso di Pepe Coin ha il potenziale per raggiungere il livello più alto nel primo trimestre di $ 0,00001083. Tieni presente che il token a tema rana si mantiene al di sopra di diversi livelli chiave, a partire dalla media mobile esponenziale (EMA) a 200 giorni a 0,000004437 $, alla EMA a 50 giorni a 0,0000072 $ e alla EMA a 20 giorni a 0,00000801 $. Sedersi al di sopra degli indicatori del mercato rialzista, come osservato, segnala il potenziale per sostenere il trend rialzista. 9919702021#PEPE#memecoin
📈 Prezzo della moneta Pepe: aumento dell'attività delle balene sostiene PEPE per $ 0,000013 a maggio?
La mania delle monete meme continua anche mentre Bitcoin e le principali altcoin come Ethereum, Binance Coin, Solana e altri combattono per trovare la direzione. Come discusso in precedenza, l'analisi dei prezzi di Shiba Inu ha rivelato che è probabile che le monete meme ricevano maggiore attenzione, soprattutto da parte dei trader che cercano asset alternativi per evitare la letargica azione generale dei prezzi sul mercato. La previsione del prezzo di Pepe Coin, ad esempio, ritrae il potenziale per sostenere la tendenza rialzista puntando a un nuovo massimo storico.
🔸 Il futuro mentre il PEPE aumenta a doppia cifra
Pepe Coin si distingue come una delle criptovalute di tendenza su CoinMarketCap lunedì. Il suo valore è aumentato di oltre l'11% in 24 ore, attestandosi a 0,0000972$ durante l'orario lavorativo negli Stati Uniti.
L’aumento del prezzo è stato accompagnato da un notevole aumento del volume degli scambi del 142% a 1,06 miliardi di dollari, spingendo PEPE nella top ten delle monete più scambiate.
Un successivo aumento del valore complessivo del mercato del 10% a 4,08 miliardi di dollari ha rafforzato la stretta presa rialzista. Questa analisi mira a valutare la struttura tecnica e fondamentale del PEPE nella speranza di un breakout a 0,000013$ a maggio.
Gli altcoin, in particolare quelli noti per essere altamente volatili, probabilmente metteranno in scena movimenti di prezzo durante questo periodo mentre Bitcoin si consolida. Sebbene tali movimenti possano essere limitati entro intervalli chiave, indicano il potenziale per una maggiore crescita del valore nelle prossime settimane.
🔸 Previsione del prezzo della moneta Pepe: come navigare nella volatilità di PEPE
Pertanto, l'impennata in corso di Pepe Coin ha il potenziale per raggiungere il livello più alto nel primo trimestre di $ 0,00001083. Tieni presente che il token a tema rana si mantiene al di sopra di diversi livelli chiave, a partire dalla media mobile esponenziale (EMA) a 200 giorni a 0,000004437 $, alla EMA a 50 giorni a 0,0000072 $ e alla EMA a 20 giorni a 0,00000801 $. Sedersi al di sopra degli indicatori del mercato rialzista, come osservato, segnala il potenziale per sostenere il trend rialzista.
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$PEPE è ora di un grande calo perché tornerà al vecchio prezzo dall'oggi al domani ed è ora di trarre profitto e non perdere denaro perché questa è solo una moneta mene che viene pompata e scende normalmente...
$PEPE è ora di un grande calo perché tornerà al vecchio prezzo dall'oggi al domani ed è ora di trarre profitto e non perdere denaro perché questa è solo una moneta mene che viene pompata e scende normalmente...
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🚨Sviluppi importanti: 💫Oggi alle 13:00, BounceBit (#BB) sarà quotato su molti scambi di criptovaluta. 🇺🇸L'indice dei prezzi alla produzione statunitense (PPI) sarà annunciato martedì 14 maggio alle 15:30. •Attesa: 0,3% •Precedente: 0,2% 🗣️Il presidente della Fed Jerome Powell terrà un discorso martedì 14 maggio alle 17:00. 📣Mercoledì 15 maggio Aevo (#AEVO) farà un annuncio. 📣A partire da mercoledì 15 maggio, alle 03:00, Binance terminerà i depositi di token BEP2. 💫L'aggiornamento della rete eCash (#XEC) avrà luogo mercoledì 15 maggio. 🇺🇸L'indice dei prezzi al consumo degli Stati Uniti sarà annunciato mercoledì 15 maggio alle 15:30. •Attesa: 3,4% •Precedente: 3,5% 🇺🇸Giovedì 16 maggio, alle 15:30, verranno annunciate le domande per i sussidi di disoccupazione statunitensi. •Previsto: 220K •Precedente: 231K 🇪🇺L'indice dei prezzi al consumo della regione europea sarà annunciato venerdì 17 maggio alle 12:00. •Attesa: 2,4% •Precedente: 2,4%
🚨Sviluppi importanti:
💫Oggi alle 13:00, BounceBit (#BB) sarà quotato su molti scambi di criptovaluta.
🇺🇸L'indice dei prezzi alla produzione statunitense (PPI) sarà annunciato martedì 14 maggio alle 15:30.
•Attesa: 0,3% •Precedente: 0,2%
🗣️Il presidente della Fed Jerome Powell terrà un discorso martedì 14 maggio alle 17:00.
📣Mercoledì 15 maggio Aevo (#AEVO) farà un annuncio.
📣A partire da mercoledì 15 maggio, alle 03:00, Binance terminerà i depositi di token BEP2.
💫L'aggiornamento della rete eCash (#XEC) avrà luogo mercoledì 15 maggio.
🇺🇸L'indice dei prezzi al consumo degli Stati Uniti sarà annunciato mercoledì 15 maggio alle 15:30.
•Attesa: 3,4% •Precedente: 3,5%
🇺🇸Giovedì 16 maggio, alle 15:30, verranno annunciate le domande per i sussidi di disoccupazione statunitensi.
•Previsto: 220K •Precedente: 231K
🇪🇺L'indice dei prezzi al consumo della regione europea sarà annunciato venerdì 17 maggio alle 12:00.
•Attesa: 2,4% •Precedente: 2,4%
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Siamo nel 2025, Trump ha vinto La corsa dei tori è 10 volte più grande rispetto al 2021 $BTC equivale a $200.000 $ETH è $15.000 $SOL è $1.000 Trump ha appena annunciato la costruzione di un gigantesco berretto intrecciato in cima al Campidoglio degli Stati Uniti
Siamo nel 2025, Trump ha vinto
La corsa dei tori è 10 volte più grande rispetto al 2021
$BTC equivale a $200.000
$ETH è $15.000
$SOL è $1.000
Trump ha appena annunciato la costruzione di un gigantesco berretto intrecciato in cima al Campidoglio degli Stati Uniti
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Oggi si è verificato un significativo movimento di balene con quasi tutte le partecipazioni in PEPE inviate a Binance. 😲 Solo poche ore fa, 0x4cff ha inviato l'incredibile somma di 121 miliardi di PEPE (1 milione di dollari) a un indirizzo di deposito di Binance. Sorprendentemente, in questo indirizzo rimangono solo 1,1 miliardi di PEPE ($ 10.000). Indirizzo: 0x4cffb1e55422d03671057c35431d3d6ecc64fd52 $PEPE #pepe
Oggi si è verificato un significativo movimento di balene con quasi tutte le partecipazioni in PEPE inviate a Binance. 😲
Solo poche ore fa, 0x4cff ha inviato l'incredibile somma di 121 miliardi di PEPE (1 milione di dollari) a un indirizzo di deposito di Binance.
Sorprendentemente, in questo indirizzo rimangono solo 1,1 miliardi di PEPE ($ 10.000).
$PEPE #pepe
🚫 **Warning: Three Meme Coins Approaching Crash Zone!** In the dynamic crypto realm, three meme coins are on the brink of a potential crash and burn scenario in May. ⏳👉 **Shiba Inu (SHIB-USD):** - 📉 Primarily driven by speculative investments and hype. - ❌ Lacks substantial utility, raising concerns about long-term sustainability. - 📉 Market corrections and discerning investors could spell trouble for SHIB's future. ⏳👉 **Bonk (BONK-USD):** - 📉 Reliant on airdrops and social media buzz for growth. - 📉 Faces challenges amidst a saturated meme coin market. - ❌ Limited utility beyond speculative trading, risking loss of momentum. ⏳👉 **ApeCoin (APE-USD):** - 📉 Linked to the declining NFT market and internal issues within the Bored Ape Yacht Club project. - 📉 Declining investor enthusiasm amid waning interest in NFTs. - ❌ Faces uncertainty about its future amidst doubts surrounding the project. In conclusion, while these meme coins experienced hype and rapid growth, their susceptibility to market sentiment and limited utility make them risky investments. Investors should consider selling before a potential market downturn. Stay informed with #CryptoWatchMay2024 ! 📉🔍
🚫 **Warning: Three Meme Coins Approaching Crash Zone!**
In the dynamic crypto realm, three meme coins are on the brink of a potential crash and burn scenario in May.
⏳👉 **Shiba Inu (SHIB-USD):**
- 📉 Primarily driven by speculative investments and hype.
- ❌ Lacks substantial utility, raising concerns about long-term sustainability.
- 📉 Market corrections and discerning investors could spell trouble for SHIB's future.
⏳👉 **Bonk (BONK-USD):**
- 📉 Reliant on airdrops and social media buzz for growth.
- 📉 Faces challenges amidst a saturated meme coin market.
- ❌ Limited utility beyond speculative trading, risking loss of momentum.
⏳👉 **ApeCoin (APE-USD):**
- 📉 Linked to the declining NFT market and internal issues within the Bored Ape Yacht Club project.
- 📉 Declining investor enthusiasm amid waning interest in NFTs.
- ❌ Faces uncertainty about its future amidst doubts surrounding the project.
In conclusion, while these meme coins experienced hype and rapid growth, their susceptibility to market sentiment and limited utility make them risky investments. Investors should consider selling before a potential market downturn.
Stay informed with #CryptoWatchMay2024 ! 📉🔍
Top 3 Crypto That Can Make You Rich in 2024 🌀 In 2024, certain cryptocurrencies hold potential for significant gains amid the ongoing bull run. Here are three coins to watch: 1. CYBRO Presale: - CYBRO, part of Blast's L2 blockchain, offers high earnings. - Presale tokens are at $0.02 (66% discount), with potential for 200% ROI. - Limited supply available, with perks for token holders. 2. Sei Token Analysis: - Sei token shows mixed sentiment, holding steady but uncertain. - Future performance depends on market trends and user interest. 3. Optimism (OP) Outlook: - OP faces challenges but has shown slight positive shifts. - Market confidence and core features will impact future growth. **Conclusion:** CYBRO stands out with its unique position in Blast's ecosystem, offering early investment opportunities. While Sei and OP show potential, CYBRO's presale could be attractive for investors seeking new opportunities. [Disclaimer: This content is not endorsed. Readers are advised to do their own research before investing.] ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT 🫂Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles.Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice. #Megadrop #BB
Top 3 Crypto That Can Make You Rich in 2024 🌀
In 2024, certain cryptocurrencies hold potential for significant gains amid the ongoing bull run. Here are three coins to watch:
1. CYBRO Presale:
- CYBRO, part of Blast's L2 blockchain, offers high earnings.
- Presale tokens are at $0.02 (66% discount), with potential for 200% ROI.
- Limited supply available, with perks for token holders.
2. Sei Token Analysis:
- Sei token shows mixed sentiment, holding steady but uncertain.
- Future performance depends on market trends and user interest.
3. Optimism (OP) Outlook:
- OP faces challenges but has shown slight positive shifts.
- Market confidence and core features will impact future growth.
CYBRO stands out with its unique position in Blast's ecosystem, offering early investment opportunities. While Sei and OP show potential, CYBRO's presale could be attractive for investors seeking new opportunities.
[Disclaimer: This content is not endorsed. Readers are advised to do their own research before investing.]
🫂Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles.Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice.
#Megadrop #BB
How to play with U-standard stable annualized 20%+? Just now a fan asked about the stable way to earn coins. I guess the market has cooled down and people have started to be conservative. Mr. Gou shared a few of his own choices: 1. Binance launchpool mining is so popular this year, there is no reason not to join. If you are afraid of risks, use FDUSD to mine. If you sell it after mining and launch, the overall annualized rate is far more than 20%. There are many new projects in the bull market, and it is the best choice. 2. What should I do if there is no mining in the bear market? Last year, Mr. Gou lent part of his funds on Bitfinex, with an annualized rate of 15%-25%, and USD is higher than USDT. It is best to use a third-party robot. I don’t know why Big B’s lending rate is so much higher than Binance OKX. . . . Mr. Gou will post a detailed tutorial later 3. For lying players, just deposit U on Binance OKX to earn interest, but looking at the whole year, the interest is at most a little higher than the bank’s US dollar fixed deposit. Are there any other good choices? Welcome to add in the comment area. If you want to know more about the currency circle and get first-hand cutting-edge information, please follow Tianmeng. Junyangli publishes market analysis and recommends high-quality potential currencies every day. #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #Meme币你看好哪一个?
How to play with U-standard stable annualized 20%+? Just now a fan asked about the stable way to earn coins. I guess the market has cooled down and people have started to be conservative. Mr. Gou shared a few of his own choices:
1. Binance launchpool mining is so popular this year, there is no reason not to join. If you are afraid of risks, use FDUSD to mine. If you sell it after mining and launch, the overall annualized rate is far more than 20%. There are many new projects in the bull market, and it is the best choice.
2. What should I do if there is no mining in the bear market? Last year, Mr. Gou lent part of his funds on Bitfinex, with an annualized rate of 15%-25%, and USD is higher than USDT. It is best to use a third-party robot. I don’t know why Big B’s lending rate is so much higher than Binance OKX. . . . Mr. Gou will post a detailed tutorial later
3. For lying players, just deposit U on Binance OKX to earn interest, but looking at the whole year, the interest is at most a little higher than the bank’s US dollar fixed deposit.
Are there any other good choices? Welcome to add in the comment area.
If you want to know more about the currency circle and get first-hand cutting-edge information, please follow Tianmeng. Junyangli publishes market analysis and recommends high-quality potential currencies every day.
#新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #Meme币你看好哪一个?
$PEPE whales knew something 📈 As explained, a breakout of a bearish pattern often lead to a very strong move! 3% Stop loss hitted. We could have booked a lot more in long! No regret. Hope you setted SL. #pepe #altcoins #ETFvsBTC #BlackRock #BTC
$PEPE whales knew something 📈
As explained, a breakout of a bearish pattern often lead to a very strong move!
3% Stop loss hitted.
We could have booked a lot more in long!
No regret.
Hope you setted SL.
#pepe #altcoins #ETFvsBTC #BlackRock #BTC
📣 Shiba Inu Can Now Be Used to Buy Nike, PS5, and Book Airbnb CoinGate, a fintech company based in Lithuania, has boosted the utility of Shiba Inu (SHIB) by integrating it with Polygon and Binance Smart Chain (BSC). This strategic move allows SHIB holders to purchase products from major brands like Nike and book services like Airbnb. 🔸 Shiba Inu Price Consolidates Despite Growing Adoption The payment gateway CoinGate acts as a link between crypto and traditional finance, facilitating digital asset transactions for goods and services. The inclusion of SHIB tokens on these platforms enhances accessibility and presents numerous opportunities for SHIB holders to participate in real-world transactions. 💬 “Shibarmy, use your SHIB to book Airbnb, grab the latest games from Steam & PS5, refresh your wardrobe with Nike & Zalando and more,” CoinGate wrote. Moreover, Shiba Inu is not just expanding its transactional use. It is trying to evolve beyond its meme coin origins. The launch of Shibarium, an Ethereum layer-2 scaling solution, represents a significant step forward in improving blockchain efficiency. This update includes a major hard fork completed earlier this month, which is expected to result in faster transactions and more stable gas fees, enhancing the overall user experience. In April, the Shiba Inu team also made headlines by raising $12 million to develop a new layer-3 blockchain. This fundraising attracted significant contributions from notable investors, including Polygon Ventures, Mechanism Capital, and Animoca Brands, highlighting the growing confidence in SHIB’s potential. Despite these advancements, the price of SHIB has been consolidating. Since May 7, it has fluctuated between $0.00002379 and $0.00002227. A breakout could propel the price to $0.00002558, marking an increase of over 13% from current market price. $SHIB #SHIB
📣 Shiba Inu Can Now Be Used to Buy Nike, PS5, and Book Airbnb
CoinGate, a fintech company based in Lithuania, has boosted the utility of Shiba Inu (SHIB) by integrating it with Polygon and Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
This strategic move allows SHIB holders to purchase products from major brands like Nike and book services like Airbnb.
🔸 Shiba Inu Price Consolidates Despite Growing Adoption
The payment gateway CoinGate acts as a link between crypto and traditional finance, facilitating digital asset transactions for goods and services. The inclusion of SHIB tokens on these platforms enhances accessibility and presents numerous opportunities for SHIB holders to participate in real-world transactions.
💬 “Shibarmy, use your SHIB to book Airbnb, grab the latest games from Steam & PS5, refresh your wardrobe with Nike & Zalando and more,” CoinGate wrote.
Moreover, Shiba Inu is not just expanding its transactional use. It is trying to evolve beyond its meme coin origins. The launch of Shibarium, an Ethereum layer-2 scaling solution, represents a significant step forward in improving blockchain efficiency.
This update includes a major hard fork completed earlier this month, which is expected to result in faster transactions and more stable gas fees, enhancing the overall user experience.
In April, the Shiba Inu team also made headlines by raising $12 million to develop a new layer-3 blockchain. This fundraising attracted significant contributions from notable investors, including Polygon Ventures, Mechanism Capital, and Animoca Brands, highlighting the growing confidence in SHIB’s potential.
Despite these advancements, the price of SHIB has been consolidating. Since May 7, it has fluctuated between $0.00002379 and $0.00002227. A breakout could propel the price to $0.00002558, marking an increase of over 13% from current market price.
I usually see many people here writing that $PEPE will reach 1$ others say that no , it can’t happen, I think everyone use to see those discussions here and in different social media, so , this is my take on this , I am very optimistic, I always believe any thing can happen, even if this thing can not happen but #pepe is on another level, I have been trading on #Binance for years but #SHIB at this same price 0,0000109 has never sold such huge amount 74.46T It has never happen.
I usually see many people here writing that $PEPE will reach 1$ others say that no , it can’t happen, I think everyone use to see those discussions here and in different social media, so , this is my take on this , I am very optimistic, I always believe any thing can happen, even if this thing can not happen but #pepe is on another level, I have been trading on #Binance for years but #SHIB at this same price 0,0000109 has never sold such huge amount 74.46T
It has never happen.
It's truly heartbreaking to hear about someone losing such a massive amount of Bitcoin due to a scam. 😢 This scam method, where scammers create similar wallet addresses to confuse victims, is unfortunately becoming more common. It's a reminder of how important it is to double-check every detail, especially when dealing with large transactions. One crucial piece of advice is to always conduct a test transfer when sending significant amounts of cryptocurrency. Sending a small amount first and verifying the address, letter by letter and number by number, can help prevent falling victim to such scams. The story takes an unexpected turn when the fraudster, instead of disappearing with the stolen Bitcoin, decides to convert it into Ethereum and return it to the victim. 😯 It's indeed a strange twist, leaving many wondering about the fraudster's motives. Was it a bizarre attempt to send a message about the superiority of Ethereum over Bitcoin? Or perhaps there's a more complex reason behind this unexpected gesture. 😂 In any case, it's a reminder to stay vigilant and cautious in the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency. Let's hope this serves as a lesson for everyone to be extra careful and thorough when handling their digital assets. 🚨 #StaySafeCryptoCommunity #scamriskwarning
It's truly heartbreaking to hear about someone losing such a massive amount of Bitcoin due to a scam. 😢
This scam method, where scammers create similar wallet addresses to confuse victims, is unfortunately becoming more common. It's a reminder of how important it is to double-check every detail, especially when dealing with large transactions.
One crucial piece of advice is to always conduct a test transfer when sending significant amounts of cryptocurrency. Sending a small amount first and verifying the address, letter by letter and number by number, can help prevent falling victim to such scams.
The story takes an unexpected turn when the fraudster, instead of disappearing with the stolen Bitcoin, decides to convert it into Ethereum and return it to the victim. 😯
It's indeed a strange twist, leaving many wondering about the fraudster's motives. Was it a bizarre attempt to send a message about the superiority of Ethereum over Bitcoin? Or perhaps there's a more complex reason behind this unexpected gesture. 😂
In any case, it's a reminder to stay vigilant and cautious in the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency. Let's hope this serves as a lesson for everyone to be extra careful and thorough when handling their digital assets. 🚨
#StaySafeCryptoCommunity #scamriskwarning
Hey everyone! 🐶🚀 If you've been following the crypto craze, you've probably heard of DOGE, SHIB, PEPE, BONK, and FLOKI – all these funky-named coins making waves! Well, guess what? Now, it's time to turn your attention to STC! 🚀💰 Yep, that's right! STC is the next big thing, aiming for a whopping 10,000x growth in the upcoming bull run of 2024! 🐂💥 What's STC, you ask? It's the native coin of SaitaChain, a Layer0 blockchain platform. So, buckle up and keep an eye on #STC – it's ready to take off to the moon! #cryptosolutions #SaitaChainCoin
Hey everyone! 🐶🚀 If you've been following the crypto craze, you've probably heard of DOGE, SHIB, PEPE, BONK, and FLOKI – all these funky-named coins making waves!
Well, guess what? Now, it's time to turn your attention to STC! 🚀💰 Yep, that's right! STC is the next big thing, aiming for a whopping 10,000x growth in the upcoming bull run of 2024! 🐂💥 What's STC, you ask? It's the native coin of SaitaChain, a Layer0 blockchain platform.
So, buckle up and keep an eye on #STC – it's ready to take off to the moon!
#cryptosolutions #SaitaChainCoin
Crucial Airdrop Warning Issued to Shiba Inu (SHIB) Community. The Shiba Inu (SHIB) community has been put on high alert following a crucial warning regarding airdrops. The warning comes in response to a series of deceptive airdrop offers that have been circulating online, particularly targeting the SHIB community. Airdrops, typically used as a promotional tool to distribute new tokens, have become a hotbed for scams. Fraudsters have been exploiting the excitement around these events to phish for personal information and gain access to digital wallets. In light of this, ShibArmy Scam Alerts @susbarium, an X handle dedicated to exposing scams and protecting the Shiba Inu community, has issued a warning emphasizing the importance of staying informed and cautious when participating in airdrops. According to Susbarium, it is crucial to stay vigilant against potential risks while navigating the crypto space. One such risk arises with the temptation to participate in airdrops. While these events promise free tokens or coins, many are fronts for scams, putting one's crypto assets at risk. "ShibArmy Scam Alerts" call for the SHIB community to remain cautious and united in the face of fraudulent airdrop offers, safeguarding their investments and personal information. As earlier reported, scammers have been creating fake profiles and channels, impersonating legitimate Shiba Inu forums on platforms like X (Twitter) and Telegram, with these fraudulent activities leading to financial losses for individuals. Shib Army Scam Alerts flags one of such fake accounts impersonating the k9 finance Dao, promoting a fake KNINE token distribution. Against this backdrop, it's essential for Shiba Inu community members to verify the authenticity of any airdrop offers and to be wary of sharing personal information or connecting wallets to unfamiliar platforms.
Crucial Airdrop Warning Issued to Shiba Inu (SHIB) Community.
The Shiba Inu (SHIB) community has been put on high alert following a crucial warning regarding airdrops. The warning comes in response to a series of deceptive airdrop offers that have been circulating online, particularly targeting the SHIB community.
Airdrops, typically used as a promotional tool to distribute new tokens, have become a hotbed for scams. Fraudsters have been exploiting the excitement around these events to phish for personal information and gain access to digital wallets.
In light of this, ShibArmy Scam Alerts @susbarium, an X handle dedicated to exposing scams and protecting the Shiba Inu community, has issued a warning emphasizing the importance of staying informed and cautious when participating in airdrops.
According to Susbarium, it is crucial to stay vigilant against potential risks while navigating the crypto space. One such risk arises with the temptation to participate in airdrops. While these events promise free tokens or coins, many are fronts for scams, putting one's crypto assets at risk.
"ShibArmy Scam Alerts" call for the SHIB community to remain cautious and united in the face of fraudulent airdrop offers, safeguarding their investments and personal information.
As earlier reported, scammers have been creating fake profiles and channels, impersonating legitimate Shiba Inu forums on platforms like X (Twitter) and Telegram, with these fraudulent activities leading to financial losses for individuals.
Shib Army Scam Alerts flags one of such fake accounts impersonating the k9 finance Dao, promoting a fake KNINE token distribution.
Against this backdrop, it's essential for Shiba Inu community members to verify the authenticity of any airdrop offers and to be wary of sharing personal information or connecting wallets to unfamiliar platforms.
Breaking News: 🚨 Whale Movement Alert 🚨 In a significant development today, a massive transfer of PEPE holdings has shaken the crypto world. Reports indicate that almost the entire PEPE stash has been routed to Binance, leaving the community astounded. The transaction, orchestrated by 0x4cff, saw a staggering 121 billion PEPE tokens, valued at approximately $1 million, being funneled into a Binance deposit address. The magnitude of this transfer is sending shockwaves through the market. What's even more astonishing is the aftermath – only a mere 1.1 billion PEPE, equivalent to around $10,000, remains in the original address: 0x4cffb1e55422d03671057c35431d3d6ecc64fd52 This jaw-dropping move has sparked intense speculation and scrutiny within the crypto community, with many eagerly awaiting further developments. Stay tuned for updates as this story unfolds. $PEPE #memecoin🚀🚀🚀 #Memecoins🤑🤑 #pepepumping #PepeIsReadyForTheBullRun #BTC
Breaking News: 🚨 Whale Movement Alert 🚨
In a significant development today, a massive transfer of PEPE holdings has shaken the crypto world. Reports indicate that almost the entire PEPE stash has been routed to Binance, leaving the community astounded.
The transaction, orchestrated by 0x4cff, saw a staggering 121 billion PEPE tokens, valued at approximately $1 million, being funneled into a Binance deposit address. The magnitude of this transfer is sending shockwaves through the market.
What's even more astonishing is the aftermath – only a mere 1.1 billion PEPE, equivalent to around $10,000, remains in the original address:
This jaw-dropping move has sparked intense speculation and scrutiny within the crypto community, with many eagerly awaiting further developments. Stay tuned for updates as this story unfolds. $PEPE
#memecoin🚀🚀🚀 #Memecoins🤑🤑 #pepepumping #PepeIsReadyForTheBullRun #BTC
Binance Market Update (2024-05-12) The global cryptocurrency market cap now stands at $2.25T, down by -3.46% over the last day, according to CoinMarketCap data. Bitcoin (BTC) has been trading between $60,487 and $61,515 over the past 24 hours. As of 09:30 AM (UTC) today, BTC is trading at $61,054, up by 0.55%. Most major cryptocurrencies by market cap are trading mixed. Market outperformers include RARE, PORTAL, and AERGO, up by 29%, 14%, and 13%, respectively. Top stories of the day: Ethereum's Value Against Bitcoin Drops by 36.4% Over Two Years Cryptocurrency Market Predicted to Experience Extreme Rally, Says Analyst Ethena Stablecoin Protocol Reserve Fund Reaches $38.7 Million As Bitcoin Volatility Dips Below Top Tech Stocks, $100K Price Forecast Gains Traction Circle Issues and Redeems 2 Billion USDC in a Week, Reducing Circulation by 100 Million Global Liquidation of Cryptocurrencies Totals $44.96 Million in 24 Hours Franklin Templeton CEO Foresees Blockchain Future for ETFs and Mutual Funds Bitcoin's Path Echoing 2016, Leading to Potential $350K Price—Crypto Traders Global Bitcoin ETFs Hold 4.5% of Total Supply Bitcoin Price Rally Stalls, Market Consolidation Continues Market movers: ETH: $2916.2 (+0.53%) BNB: $590.6 (+0.91%) SOL: $145.04 (+0.23%) XRP: $0.5044 (+0.48%) DOGE: $0.14071 (-2.20%) ADA: $0.438 (-1.62%) SHIB: $0.00002247 (-0.49%) AVAX: $33.42 (+0.06%) TRX: $0.12656 (-0.32%) DOT: $6.672 (-0.52%) Top gainers on Binance: RARE/USDT (+29%) PORTAL/USDT (+14%)
Binance Market Update (2024-05-12)
The global cryptocurrency market cap now stands at $2.25T, down by -3.46% over the last day, according to CoinMarketCap data.
Bitcoin (BTC) has been trading between $60,487 and $61,515 over the past 24 hours. As of 09:30 AM (UTC) today, BTC is trading at $61,054, up by 0.55%.
Most major cryptocurrencies by market cap are trading mixed. Market outperformers include RARE, PORTAL, and AERGO, up by 29%, 14%, and 13%, respectively.
Top stories of the day:
Ethereum's Value Against Bitcoin Drops by 36.4% Over Two Years
Cryptocurrency Market Predicted to Experience Extreme Rally, Says Analyst
Ethena Stablecoin Protocol Reserve Fund Reaches $38.7 Million
As Bitcoin Volatility Dips Below Top Tech Stocks, $100K Price Forecast Gains Traction
Circle Issues and Redeems 2 Billion USDC in a Week, Reducing Circulation by 100 Million
Global Liquidation of Cryptocurrencies Totals $44.96 Million in 24 Hours
Franklin Templeton CEO Foresees Blockchain Future for ETFs and Mutual Funds
Bitcoin's Path Echoing 2016, Leading to Potential $350K Price—Crypto Traders
Global Bitcoin ETFs Hold 4.5% of Total Supply
Bitcoin Price Rally Stalls, Market Consolidation Continues
Market movers:
ETH: $2916.2 (+0.53%)
BNB: $590.6 (+0.91%)
SOL: $145.04 (+0.23%)
XRP: $0.5044 (+0.48%)
DOGE: $0.14071 (-2.20%)
ADA: $0.438 (-1.62%)
SHIB: $0.00002247 (-0.49%)
AVAX: $33.42 (+0.06%)
TRX: $0.12656 (-0.32%)
DOT: $6.672 (-0.52%)
Top gainers on Binance:
RARE/USDT (+29%)
The simple plan to make money in crypto :- 1) Purchase Bitcoin 500 days prior to the halving event. 2) Maintain a "hold" strategy without any active trading. 3) Sell Bitcoin 500 days after the Halving. 4) Rinse and repeat the process.
The simple plan to make money in crypto :-
1) Purchase Bitcoin 500 days prior to the halving event.
2) Maintain a "hold" strategy without any active trading.
3) Sell Bitcoin 500 days after the Halving.
4) Rinse and repeat the process.
10+ Cryptocurrencies That Could Make you Rich in 2024 For that purpose, we will review the best crypto to make you rich in 2024, including a bonus investment strategy plan. 1.Dogeverse (DOGEVERSE) – New multi-chain meme coin. 2.WienerAI ($WAI) – Groundbreaking AI and meme token merge. 3.Sealana (SEAL) – New meme coin built on Solana. 4.Mega Dice Token (DICE) – Completely new Solana GameFi token. 5.Sponge V2 (SPONGE) – New token version of a popular meme coin. 6.Smog (SMOG) – Popular meme cryptocurrency. 7.eTukTuk (TUK) – New crypto builds EV charging stations. 8.Slothana (SLOTH) – Latest Solana meme coin. 9.OppaCoin (OPPA) – The AI-Powered K-culture crypto. 10.Ripple (XRP) – Global blockchain-based payments network. Do you own research before investment. Thanks
10+ Cryptocurrencies That Could Make you Rich in 2024
For that purpose, we will review the best crypto to make you rich in 2024, including a bonus investment strategy plan.
1.Dogeverse (DOGEVERSE) – New multi-chain meme coin.
2.WienerAI ($WAI) – Groundbreaking AI and meme token merge.
3.Sealana (SEAL) – New meme coin built on Solana.
4.Mega Dice Token (DICE) – Completely new Solana GameFi token.
5.Sponge V2 (SPONGE) – New token version of a popular meme coin.
6.Smog (SMOG) – Popular meme cryptocurrency.
7.eTukTuk (TUK) – New crypto builds EV charging stations.
8.Slothana (SLOTH) – Latest Solana meme coin.
9.OppaCoin (OPPA) – The AI-Powered K-culture crypto.
10.Ripple (XRP) – Global blockchain-based payments network.
Do you own research before investment. Thanks
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