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Primex Finance annuncia la campagna di premi della comunità con CoinListNew York, 8 aprile 2024 -- Primex Finance, un protocollo non custodito per il trading a margine su scambi decentralizzati, annuncia il lancio di una nuova iniziativa di premi comunitari basata su punti in collaborazione con CoinList. L'obiettivo della campagna Contribuisci e guadagna premi è incentivare il coinvolgimento degli utenti, nonché aumentare l'attività di prestito e scambio all'interno dell'ecosistema Primex. Allo stesso tempo, il programma offre un'eccellente opportunità per gli utenti attivi di accumulare punti e rivendicare le prime posizioni nell'istantanea bisettimanale. Assegnando il 2% della fornitura totale di Primex Token (PMX) all'iniziativa, Primex distribuirà i premi Early Primex Token (ePMX) ai partecipanti con le migliori prestazioni.

Primex Finance annuncia la campagna di premi della comunità con CoinList

New York, 8 aprile 2024 -- Primex Finance, un protocollo non custodito per il trading a margine su scambi decentralizzati, annuncia il lancio di una nuova iniziativa di premi comunitari basata su punti in collaborazione con CoinList.
L'obiettivo della campagna Contribuisci e guadagna premi è incentivare il coinvolgimento degli utenti, nonché aumentare l'attività di prestito e scambio all'interno dell'ecosistema Primex. Allo stesso tempo, il programma offre un'eccellente opportunità per gli utenti attivi di accumulare punti e rivendicare le prime posizioni nell'istantanea bisettimanale. Assegnando il 2% della fornitura totale di Primex Token (PMX) all'iniziativa, Primex distribuirà i premi Early Primex Token (ePMX) ai partecipanti con le migliori prestazioni.
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Fusione futuristica: l'intelligenza artificiale incontra la blockchainFusione futuristica: l'intelligenza artificiale incontra la blockchain - e AWS co-ospitano l'evento collaterale dell'Hong Kong Web3 Festival 7 aprile, Hong Kong -, uno dei principali scambi di criptovalute su scala globale, è lieto di annunciare il suo co-hosting di un illustre evento collaterale all'Hong Kong Web3 Festival in collaborazione con AWS, un importante partner tecnologico. Sponsorizzato da Qraft e Masa, l'evento è intitolato "Futuristic Fusion: AI Meets Blockchain", i partecipanti possono anticipare un dialogo approfondito sull'integrazione dell'intelligenza artificiale con la tecnologia blockchain. Previsto per l'8 aprile 2024, questo evento si svolgerà presso il prestigioso Eaton Club Central, situato nel vivace quartiere centrale di Hong Kong, il centro dell'innovazione e del dinamismo dell'Asia.

Fusione futuristica: l'intelligenza artificiale incontra la blockchain

Fusione futuristica: l'intelligenza artificiale incontra la blockchain - e AWS co-ospitano l'evento collaterale dell'Hong Kong Web3 Festival
7 aprile, Hong Kong -, uno dei principali scambi di criptovalute su scala globale, è lieto di annunciare il suo co-hosting di un illustre evento collaterale all'Hong Kong Web3 Festival in collaborazione con AWS, un importante partner tecnologico. Sponsorizzato da Qraft e Masa, l'evento è intitolato "Futuristic Fusion: AI Meets Blockchain", i partecipanti possono anticipare un dialogo approfondito sull'integrazione dell'intelligenza artificiale con la tecnologia blockchain. Previsto per l'8 aprile 2024, questo evento si svolgerà presso il prestigioso Eaton Club Central, situato nel vivace quartiere centrale di Hong Kong, il centro dell'innovazione e del dinamismo dell'Asia.
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Pioniere del collegamento tra i mondi Fiat e CryptoPionieri nel collegamento tra i mondi Fiat e Crypto: presentazione di IVEX, la piattaforma rivoluzionaria per investimenti inclusivi, sicuri e dinamici IVEX è entusiasta di svelare un progresso senza precedenti nel regno finanziario introducendo una piattaforma che collega in modo innovativo le tradizionali valute fiat e l’universo dinamico delle criptovalute. Unendo la sofisticatezza della finanza convenzionale con la tecnologia blockchain all'avanguardia, IVEX ha progettato una piattaforma che introduce una miriade di nuove opportunità di investimento, promuovendo al contempo un ambiente equo per tutti i partecipanti.

Pioniere del collegamento tra i mondi Fiat e Crypto

Pionieri nel collegamento tra i mondi Fiat e Crypto: presentazione di IVEX, la piattaforma rivoluzionaria per investimenti inclusivi, sicuri e dinamici

IVEX è entusiasta di svelare un progresso senza precedenti nel regno finanziario introducendo una piattaforma che collega in modo innovativo le tradizionali valute fiat e l’universo dinamico delle criptovalute. Unendo la sofisticatezza della finanza convenzionale con la tecnologia blockchain all'avanguardia, IVEX ha progettato una piattaforma che introduce una miriade di nuove opportunità di investimento, promuovendo al contempo un ambiente equo per tutti i partecipanti.
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Landshare annuncia la campagna di inserimento in elenco dei punti di riferimento CEXLandshare è un ecosistema immobiliare tokenizzato che consente investimenti senza soluzione di continuità in RWA sulla blockchain ha appena annunciato un'importante campagna di quotazione per tutto il 2024 per portare il token LAND a un pubblico più ampio e rendere il settore immobiliare accessibile a tutti. Questa mossa strategica è stata approvata tramite Landshare DAO poche settimane prima e, come parte di questa iniziativa, Landshare collaborerà con diversi scambi centralizzati, espandendo l'accessibilità e la liquidità per il token LAND. Dare priorità alla scelta dell'utente e all'accessibilità

Landshare annuncia la campagna di inserimento in elenco dei punti di riferimento CEX

Landshare è un ecosistema immobiliare tokenizzato che consente investimenti senza soluzione di continuità in RWA sulla blockchain ha appena annunciato un'importante campagna di quotazione per tutto il 2024 per portare il token LAND a un pubblico più ampio e rendere il settore immobiliare accessibile a tutti. Questa mossa strategica è stata approvata tramite Landshare DAO poche settimane prima e, come parte di questa iniziativa, Landshare collaborerà con diversi scambi centralizzati, espandendo l'accessibilità e la liquidità per il token LAND.
Dare priorità alla scelta dell'utente e all'accessibilità
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ByteTrade Lab e UC Berkeley collaborano per esplorare la prossima generazione di intelligenza artificiale decentralizzataCALIFORNIA, 3 aprile 2024] - ByteTrade Lab, partner industriale del FHL Vive Center dell'Università della California, Berkeley ("Berkeley"), ha annunciato oggi che la partnership ha portato al lancio di GaiaNet, un nuovo progetto di infrastruttura AI decentralizzata. GaiaNet è una rete decentralizzata che fornisce agenti di intelligenza artificiale sicuri, resistenti alla censura e monetizzabili che incorporano le conoscenze e le competenze proprietarie di ciascun individuo preservando la privacy. Invece di creare server centralizzati, GaiaNet sta costruendo una rete distribuita di nodi di edge computing controllati da individui e aziende, per ospitare modelli di intelligenza artificiale ottimizzati, basati sulla conoscenza e sull’esperienza del dominio proprietario dell’operatore del nodo. Ogni nodo GiaiaNet è un gemello digitale di un esperto o di una personalità del mondo reale, come un assistente universitario, un insegnante di scuola superiore, un commerciante di criptovalute o un agente del servizio clienti, che svolge compiti di conoscenza qualificata per conto del suo creatore o operatore. GaiaNet sfida coraggiosamente i giganti del settore centralizzato che hanno dominato il ciclo di vita dell'intelligenza artificiale, dalla raccolta dei dati alla formazione e alla messa a punto dei modelli.

ByteTrade Lab e UC Berkeley collaborano per esplorare la prossima generazione di intelligenza artificiale decentralizzata

CALIFORNIA, 3 aprile 2024] - ByteTrade Lab, partner industriale del FHL Vive Center dell'Università della California, Berkeley ("Berkeley"), ha annunciato oggi che la partnership ha portato al lancio di GaiaNet, un nuovo progetto di infrastruttura AI decentralizzata.

GaiaNet è una rete decentralizzata che fornisce agenti di intelligenza artificiale sicuri, resistenti alla censura e monetizzabili che incorporano le conoscenze e le competenze proprietarie di ciascun individuo preservando la privacy. Invece di creare server centralizzati, GaiaNet sta costruendo una rete distribuita di nodi di edge computing controllati da individui e aziende, per ospitare modelli di intelligenza artificiale ottimizzati, basati sulla conoscenza e sull’esperienza del dominio proprietario dell’operatore del nodo. Ogni nodo GiaiaNet è un gemello digitale di un esperto o di una personalità del mondo reale, come un assistente universitario, un insegnante di scuola superiore, un commerciante di criptovalute o un agente del servizio clienti, che svolge compiti di conoscenza qualificata per conto del suo creatore o operatore. GaiaNet sfida coraggiosamente i giganti del settore centralizzato che hanno dominato il ciclo di vita dell'intelligenza artificiale, dalla raccolta dei dati alla formazione e alla messa a punto dei modelli.
5 New Cryptocurrencies in the Telegram Blockchain Ecosystem with Potential for 100x GrowthThe Telegram Open Network ecosystem (TON), built upon the infrastructure developed by the team behind Telegram messenger, is currently the fastest-growing blockchain platform in the cryptocurrency market.  Within the TON ecosystem, there are already over 600 dApps, including DEXes, staking protocols, and farming games.  New coins are being launched on the TON blockchain, some of which have already demonstrated phenomenal growth in a very short time.  The integration of TON into Telegram has significantly increased liquidity flow, further giving a boost to the prices of coins within the ecosystem. Here’s a list of five of the most popular cryptocurrencies currently live on TON that have the potential to grow 100X in the near future. Gramcoin (GRAM) Growth potential: High GRAM is the talk of the town in the Telegram ecosystem in the CIS. It's a token that can be mined using GPUs via Givers – special smart contracts containing computational tasks to carry out blockchain transactions on the TON network. Miners are rewarded for completing these tasks. If you’re familiar with the technology, this is exactly how Bitcoin's network operates. However, the key difference is that GRAM special contracts can be resolved without expensive ASICs. GRAM is so easy to mine that anyone can start mining it even with just one graphics card.  This level of accessibility allows the token to be highly decentralized – the control of the entire network belongs to the community at large without any kind of domination by large data centers or “whales” in the market. GRAM didn’t have a pre-mine, which means the creator of the token didn’t reserve any coins for themselves or for marketing purposes.  This is reminiscent of the early years of Bitcoin, when anyone could mine the coins and the project was truly decentralized. Additionally, Bitcoins were never appropriated to large-scale investors who could later dump or hold the tokens for market manipulation tactics. That’s why the GRAM community enthusiasts call it the “New Bitcoin on Telegram”. The main driving force behind GRAM is its community, which now consists of over 30,000 holders. The coin is traded on decentralized platforms within the TON ecosystem such as, Ton Diamonds, DeDust, and also via the Cryptorg bot on the Telegram messenger.  The community also awaits listings on major centralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Users have noticed large transfers of GRAM – over 1 million coins worth around $80,000 – to MEXC and OKX exchanges.  The number of GRAM holders grew to 30,000 in less than two months, and the price surged an incredible 28,000 times from $0.00000107 to $0.03 since its launch in January. Notcoin (NOT) Growth potential: Moderate NOT is a meme coin from the Notcoin game in the TON ecosystem. It gained popularity among crypto enthusiasts after its free distributions this winter.  By mid-March 2024, the number of Notcoin players on Telegram exceeded 30 million, with 5 million active players daily. Notcoin is a straightforward gaming bot on Telegram that allows users to farm tokens by repeatedly tapping on a button. The game gives users limited “energy” which depletes with each click but replenishes over time, preventing users from clicking 24/7.  You can also earn NOT for completing other tasks, such as inviting friends via referral links or joining Telegram chats and channels.  Users with Telegram Premium subscriptions were offered special bonuses, such as a welcome bonus of 50,000 Notcoins. Notcoin actively interacts with other projects in the TON ecosystem. For example, one recent task that rewarded users with 100,000 NOT was related to the aforementioned GRAM project.  However, the team behind the Notcoin Web3 gaming project recently announced that they will cease mining of the coin from April 1, 2024.

5 New Cryptocurrencies in the Telegram Blockchain Ecosystem with Potential for 100x Growth

The Telegram Open Network ecosystem (TON), built upon the infrastructure developed by the team behind Telegram messenger, is currently the fastest-growing blockchain platform in the cryptocurrency market. 
Within the TON ecosystem, there are already over 600 dApps, including DEXes, staking protocols, and farming games. 
New coins are being launched on the TON blockchain, some of which have already demonstrated phenomenal growth in a very short time. 
The integration of TON into Telegram has significantly increased liquidity flow, further giving a boost to the prices of coins within the ecosystem.
Here’s a list of five of the most popular cryptocurrencies currently live on TON that have the potential to grow 100X in the near future.
Gramcoin (GRAM)
Growth potential: High
GRAM is the talk of the town in the Telegram ecosystem in the CIS. It's a token that can be mined using GPUs via Givers – special smart contracts containing computational tasks to carry out blockchain transactions on the TON network.
Miners are rewarded for completing these tasks. If you’re familiar with the technology, this is exactly how Bitcoin's network operates. However, the key difference is that GRAM special contracts can be resolved without expensive ASICs.
GRAM is so easy to mine that anyone can start mining it even with just one graphics card. 
This level of accessibility allows the token to be highly decentralized – the control of the entire network belongs to the community at large without any kind of domination by large data centers or “whales” in the market.
GRAM didn’t have a pre-mine, which means the creator of the token didn’t reserve any coins for themselves or for marketing purposes. 
This is reminiscent of the early years of Bitcoin, when anyone could mine the coins and the project was truly decentralized. Additionally, Bitcoins were never appropriated to large-scale investors who could later dump or hold the tokens for market manipulation tactics.
That’s why the GRAM community enthusiasts call it the “New Bitcoin on Telegram”. The main driving force behind GRAM is its community, which now consists of over 30,000 holders.
The coin is traded on decentralized platforms within the TON ecosystem such as, Ton Diamonds, DeDust, and also via the Cryptorg bot on the Telegram messenger. 
The community also awaits listings on major centralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Users have noticed large transfers of GRAM – over 1 million coins worth around $80,000 – to MEXC and OKX exchanges. 
The number of GRAM holders grew to 30,000 in less than two months, and the price surged an incredible 28,000 times from $0.00000107 to $0.03 since its launch in January.
Notcoin (NOT)
Growth potential: Moderate
NOT is a meme coin from the Notcoin game in the TON ecosystem. It gained popularity among crypto enthusiasts after its free distributions this winter. 
By mid-March 2024, the number of Notcoin players on Telegram exceeded 30 million, with 5 million active players daily.
Notcoin is a straightforward gaming bot on Telegram that allows users to farm tokens by repeatedly tapping on a button. The game gives users limited “energy” which depletes with each click but replenishes over time, preventing users from clicking 24/7. 
You can also earn NOT for completing other tasks, such as inviting friends via referral links or joining Telegram chats and channels. 
Users with Telegram Premium subscriptions were offered special bonuses, such as a welcome bonus of 50,000 Notcoins.
Notcoin actively interacts with other projects in the TON ecosystem. For example, one recent task that rewarded users with 100,000 NOT was related to the aforementioned GRAM project. 
However, the team behind the Notcoin Web3 gaming project recently announced that they will cease mining of the coin from April 1, 2024.
NobleBlocks: A New Approach to Scientific Publishing through Decentralized Science (DeSci)Singapore, March 30th – NobleBlocks introduces a fresh perspective to scientific publishing with its blockchain-based platform, emphasizing Decentralized Science (DeSci). Striving for gradual and meaningful change, NobleBlocks offers an innovative solution to several longstanding challenges in scientific publishing, including inefficiencies, biases, and limited access to scientific research. Addressing Scientific Publishing Challenges with Modesty and Innovation Recognizing the intricate dynamics of scientific publishing, NobleBlocks introduces a thoughtful approach to enhancing accessibility and fairness in the dissemination of scientific knowledge. This is achieved through: Decentralizing Scientific Publishing: Creating a more inclusive platform for researchers from diverse backgrounds to publish their work.Efficient Peer-to-Peer Review Process: Streamlining the review process to ensure timely and objective evaluations of scholarly work.Immutable Publication Records: Leveraging blockchain technology to maintain a permanent and unalterable record of publications.Reduced Costs for Researchers: Lowering the financial barriers to publication, making it more accessible to a wider range of scientists. Empowering the Scientific Community NobleBlocks is more than a publishing platform; it is a network that fosters collaboration and social interaction among its users: Social Peer Review Networking: Facilitating connections and discussions among peers to enhance the review process.Collaboration-Focused Platform: Encouraging partnerships and collaborative efforts across various scientific disciplines.Tokenized Rewards System: Recognizing and rewarding the contributions of reviewers and editors, fostering a community-driven approach. A Multidisciplinary and Integrated Future Embracing various fields, NobleBlocks encourages submissions from an array of disciplines, promoting a multidisciplinary approach to research. The integration of Web3 technology highlights the platform's commitment to data ownership and user privacy, aligning with modern digital trends. Future Prospects: AI Integration NobleBlocks plans to incorporate AI to assist in managing the publication process more efficiently, further enhancing the platform's capabilities. Navigating New Paths in Scientific Publishing While acknowledging the inherent challenges and risks associated with introducing new technologies, NobleBlocks is dedicated to navigating these challenges with a focus on responsible innovation and sustainability within the scientific publishing sector. A Call to Join a Growing Scientific Network NobleBlocks warmly invites researchers, academics, and innovators to participate in this evolving journey. Together, we aim to foster a more connected, accessible, and fair scientific publishing environment. For more information about NobleBlocks and to join our network, please visit 

NobleBlocks: A New Approach to Scientific Publishing through Decentralized Science (DeSci)

Singapore, March 30th – NobleBlocks introduces a fresh perspective to scientific publishing with its blockchain-based platform, emphasizing Decentralized Science (DeSci). Striving for gradual and meaningful change, NobleBlocks offers an innovative solution to several longstanding challenges in scientific publishing, including inefficiencies, biases, and limited access to scientific research.
Addressing Scientific Publishing Challenges with Modesty and Innovation
Recognizing the intricate dynamics of scientific publishing, NobleBlocks introduces a thoughtful approach to enhancing accessibility and fairness in the dissemination of scientific knowledge. This is achieved through:
Decentralizing Scientific Publishing: Creating a more inclusive platform for researchers from diverse backgrounds to publish their work.Efficient Peer-to-Peer Review Process: Streamlining the review process to ensure timely and objective evaluations of scholarly work.Immutable Publication Records: Leveraging blockchain technology to maintain a permanent and unalterable record of publications.Reduced Costs for Researchers: Lowering the financial barriers to publication, making it more accessible to a wider range of scientists.
Empowering the Scientific Community
NobleBlocks is more than a publishing platform; it is a network that fosters collaboration and social interaction among its users:
Social Peer Review Networking: Facilitating connections and discussions among peers to enhance the review process.Collaboration-Focused Platform: Encouraging partnerships and collaborative efforts across various scientific disciplines.Tokenized Rewards System: Recognizing and rewarding the contributions of reviewers and editors, fostering a community-driven approach.
A Multidisciplinary and Integrated Future
Embracing various fields, NobleBlocks encourages submissions from an array of disciplines, promoting a multidisciplinary approach to research. The integration of Web3 technology highlights the platform's commitment to data ownership and user privacy, aligning with modern digital trends.
Future Prospects: AI Integration
NobleBlocks plans to incorporate AI to assist in managing the publication process more efficiently, further enhancing the platform's capabilities.
Navigating New Paths in Scientific Publishing
While acknowledging the inherent challenges and risks associated with introducing new technologies, NobleBlocks is dedicated to navigating these challenges with a focus on responsible innovation and sustainability within the scientific publishing sector.
A Call to Join a Growing Scientific Network
NobleBlocks warmly invites researchers, academics, and innovators to participate in this evolving journey. Together, we aim to foster a more connected, accessible, and fair scientific publishing environment.
For more information about NobleBlocks and to join our network, please visit 
Finrex Enhances Trading Dynamics with the Launch of Copy Trading in the Spot MarketIn an exciting development for the financial and cryptocurrency trading communities, Finrex has announced the introduction of its copy trading function in the spot market. This innovative feature is designed to democratize trading by enabling users to replicate the trades of successful traders on the platform. By tapping into the expertise of seasoned market participants, Finrex aims to level the playing field, making sophisticated trading strategies accessible to a wider audience. Empowering Users Through Copy Trading Copy trading represents a significant leap forward in making trading more inclusive and accessible. This function allows both novice and experienced traders to benefit from the knowledge and strategies of top performers. For newcomers, it offers a unique opportunity to learn and gain insights into trading without the steep learning curve typically associated with financial markets. Experienced traders, on the other hand, can enhance their strategies by observing and incorporating the approaches of their peers. The introduction of copy trading in the spot market by Finrex is not just an addition of a new feature; it's a fundamental shift towards collaborative and informed trading. Users can now engage with the market more confidently, knowing they have the tools and resources to make well-informed decisions. This feature also opens up new avenues for traders to explore diverse asset classes, including cryptocurrencies, forex, and commodities, all within a single, unified platform. A Major Milestone for Finrex Launching copy trading in the spot market marks a major milestone for Finrex. It underscores the platform's commitment to innovation and its dedication to providing users with a comprehensive and user-friendly trading experience. By integrating this function, Finrex is not only enhancing its service offering but also reinforcing its position as a leading trading platform that stays ahead of market trends and user needs. Copy trading is more than just a feature; it's a testament to Finrex's forward-thinking approach and its mission to make trading accessible to all. It reflects the platform's understanding of the challenges and barriers that traders face and its ongoing efforts to address them effectively. With this launch, Finrex is set to attract a broader user base, catering to the needs of a diverse group of investors and traders seeking to maximize their trading potential. About Finrex Finrex stands at the forefront of the trading world, offering a top platform that encompasses a wide range of asset classes including, cryptocurrencies, forex, and commodities. Founded with the vision of democratizing access to the financial markets, Finrex has emerged as a one-stop solution for traders and investors worldwide. The platform is distinguished by its commitment to low transaction fees, allowing for greater portfolio diversification and a more equitable trading environment. Leveraging Blockchain technology, Finrex provides a secure, transparent, and decentralized trading experience. Its ecosystem is designed to support traders in achieving their investment goals, offering tools and features such as pre-market and intraday trading, dynamic copy trading, and a vibrant community for sharing strategies and insights. Contact us:  Email: Website:

Finrex Enhances Trading Dynamics with the Launch of Copy Trading in the Spot Market

In an exciting development for the financial and cryptocurrency trading communities, Finrex has announced the introduction of its copy trading function in the spot market. This innovative feature is designed to democratize trading by enabling users to replicate the trades of successful traders on the platform. By tapping into the expertise of seasoned market participants, Finrex aims to level the playing field, making sophisticated trading strategies accessible to a wider audience.
Empowering Users Through Copy Trading
Copy trading represents a significant leap forward in making trading more inclusive and accessible. This function allows both novice and experienced traders to benefit from the knowledge and strategies of top performers. For newcomers, it offers a unique opportunity to learn and gain insights into trading without the steep learning curve typically associated with financial markets. Experienced traders, on the other hand, can enhance their strategies by observing and incorporating the approaches of their peers.
The introduction of copy trading in the spot market by Finrex is not just an addition of a new feature; it's a fundamental shift towards collaborative and informed trading. Users can now engage with the market more confidently, knowing they have the tools and resources to make well-informed decisions. This feature also opens up new avenues for traders to explore diverse asset classes, including cryptocurrencies, forex, and commodities, all within a single, unified platform.
A Major Milestone for Finrex
Launching copy trading in the spot market marks a major milestone for Finrex. It underscores the platform's commitment to innovation and its dedication to providing users with a comprehensive and user-friendly trading experience. By integrating this function, Finrex is not only enhancing its service offering but also reinforcing its position as a leading trading platform that stays ahead of market trends and user needs.
Copy trading is more than just a feature; it's a testament to Finrex's forward-thinking approach and its mission to make trading accessible to all. It reflects the platform's understanding of the challenges and barriers that traders face and its ongoing efforts to address them effectively. With this launch, Finrex is set to attract a broader user base, catering to the needs of a diverse group of investors and traders seeking to maximize their trading potential.
About Finrex
Finrex stands at the forefront of the trading world, offering a top platform that encompasses a wide range of asset classes including, cryptocurrencies, forex, and commodities. Founded with the vision of democratizing access to the financial markets, Finrex has emerged as a one-stop solution for traders and investors worldwide.
The platform is distinguished by its commitment to low transaction fees, allowing for greater portfolio diversification and a more equitable trading environment. Leveraging Blockchain technology, Finrex provides a secure, transparent, and decentralized trading experience. Its ecosystem is designed to support traders in achieving their investment goals, offering tools and features such as pre-market and intraday trading, dynamic copy trading, and a vibrant community for sharing strategies and insights.
Contact us: 
AlphaGuilty Emerges as Qappi:A New Chapter BeginsLisbon, Portugal – [March 28th] – AlphaGuilty, a pioneering tech entity based in Lisbon, is thrilled to announce its transformation to Qappi, marking a significant milestone in its journey. This rebranding strategy reflects the company's evolution and its commitment to harnessing cutting-edge technology to deliver unparalleled solutions. Qappi, derived from its innovative quest in the tech landscape, signifies a leap towards a future where technology creates endless possibilities. The rebranding encompasses a refreshed corporate identity, symbolizing dynamism, innovation, and the drive to exceed customer expectations. The transition from AlphaGuilty to Qappi is not merely a change of name but a reaffirmation of the company's dedication to pushing the boundaries of innovation. With a foundation laid by its core team, Qappi is poised for groundbreaking advancements in the tech arena. "We are excited to embark on this new journey as Qappi," said Dmitry Klim, CBDO. "Our rebranding reflects our growth, vision, and the innovative solutions we aim to provide to our clients. With the support of our dedicated team and partners, we are confident in our ability to make a significant impact in the industry." Qappi's seed round, successfully closed with contributions from friends and family, underscores the confidence in the company's vision and the potential for substantial growth. This funding will bolster Qappi's mission to develop and implement cutting-edge technologies that address real-world challenges. The Qappi Miner — the beginning stage of the rebranding The Qappi Miner is a Telegram Mini App that marks the beginning of our platform's rebranding phase. In the app, users can farm QAP tokens up to the TGE through the app's gaming mechanics, as well as by completing various tasks within the app. Each user can invite referrals and will be rewarded with additional QAP tokens. The first line of referrals gives 7% of the claimed tokens to the friend who brought in the referral. The second line of referrals gives 3% of the claimed tokens to the friend who brought in the referral. In addition to the significant rebranding, Qappi is set to unveil a series of innovative projects and collaborations as part of its launch. This series will showcase Qappi's capabilities and strategic vision, reinforcing its position at the forefront of technological innovation. Each project and collaboration has been carefully selected to highlight the diversity and scalability of Qappi's solutions, from advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning to pioneering digital optimization techniques. About Qappi Qappi is the community building dApp to onboard & retain web3 users via gamified experience and in-built progression system. Anchored in Lisbon, Qappi leverages cutting-edge technology to provide comprehensive solutions aimed at enhancing online experiences and driving digital success. Its innovative framework and user-centric methodologies empower clients with the tools needed for effective engagement, optimization, and growth in the digital realm. Qappi is dedicated to delivering excellence and fostering sustainable growth for businesses in the digital age. For media inquiries:  Dmitry Klim, CBDO Email:

AlphaGuilty Emerges as Qappi:A New Chapter Begins

Lisbon, Portugal – [March 28th] – AlphaGuilty, a pioneering tech entity based in Lisbon, is thrilled to announce its transformation to Qappi, marking a significant milestone in its journey. This rebranding strategy reflects the company's evolution and its commitment to harnessing cutting-edge technology to deliver unparalleled solutions.
Qappi, derived from its innovative quest in the tech landscape, signifies a leap towards a future where technology creates endless possibilities. The rebranding encompasses a refreshed corporate identity, symbolizing dynamism, innovation, and the drive to exceed customer expectations.
The transition from AlphaGuilty to Qappi is not merely a change of name but a reaffirmation of the company's dedication to pushing the boundaries of innovation. With a foundation laid by its core team, Qappi is poised for groundbreaking advancements in the tech arena.
"We are excited to embark on this new journey as Qappi," said Dmitry Klim, CBDO. "Our rebranding reflects our growth, vision, and the innovative solutions we aim to provide to our clients. With the support of our dedicated team and partners, we are confident in our ability to make a significant impact in the industry."
Qappi's seed round, successfully closed with contributions from friends and family, underscores the confidence in the company's vision and the potential for substantial growth. This funding will bolster Qappi's mission to develop and implement cutting-edge technologies that address real-world challenges.

The Qappi Miner — the beginning stage of the rebranding

The Qappi Miner is a Telegram Mini App that marks the beginning of our platform's rebranding phase. In the app, users can farm QAP tokens up to the TGE through the app's gaming mechanics, as well as by completing various tasks within the app.

Each user can invite referrals and will be rewarded with additional QAP tokens. The first line of referrals gives 7% of the claimed tokens to the friend who brought in the referral. The second line of referrals gives 3% of the claimed tokens to the friend who brought in the referral.

In addition to the significant rebranding, Qappi is set to unveil a series of innovative projects and collaborations as part of its launch. This series will showcase Qappi's capabilities and strategic vision, reinforcing its position at the forefront of technological innovation. Each project and collaboration has been carefully selected to highlight the diversity and scalability of Qappi's solutions, from advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning to pioneering digital optimization techniques.
About Qappi
Qappi is the community building dApp to onboard & retain web3 users via gamified experience and in-built progression system. Anchored in Lisbon, Qappi leverages cutting-edge technology to provide comprehensive solutions aimed at enhancing online experiences and driving digital success. Its innovative framework and user-centric methodologies empower clients with the tools needed for effective engagement, optimization, and growth in the digital realm. Qappi is dedicated to delivering excellence and fostering sustainable growth for businesses in the digital age.

For media inquiries: 
Dmitry Klim, CBDO
CZOLANA launches CZOL TRENDING, an innovative trending bot for Solana tokens to gain exposureCZOLANA Headquarters, BVI 28 March 2024 - In the rapidly expanding realm of cryptocurrency, CZOL Trending Bot emerges as a game-changer, offering a cost-effective solution for Solana token projects seeking to amplify their presence and engage with the community. Developed by the talented CZOLANA Team, CZOL Trending Bot is poised to disrupt the market with its competitive pricing and robust features. CZOL Trending was a community incentive that was initially proposed in the CZOLANA DAO. The community DAO manages 20% of the total token supply, which currently amounts to a value of more than $2000000.  CZOLANA started a hashtag trend #cryptosupportCZ, which aims to support the crypto pioneer Chanpeng Zhao, founder of Binance. As he faces legal issues.  Unlike its counterparts, CZOL Trending Bot offers an affordable alternative without compromising functionality, making it accessible to a wide range of token projects, including new entrants in the Solana ecosystem. With its user-friendly interface and powerful analytics tools, CZOL Trending Bot equips token projects with a powerful marketing tool both on Telegram and Twitter. At CZOLANA, we understand the challenges that Solana token projects face in gaining traction and reaching their target audience," said by key board members of the CZOLANA Team. "With CZOL Trending Bot, we aim to level the playing field by providing an affordable yet powerful tool that enables projects to elevate their visibility, engage with the community, and drive sustainable growth. 70% of the fees earned by CZOL Trending will buy back $CZOL and burn it, making the native token in the ecosystem deflationary. 30% will go towards operational costs and marketing of the Trending service.   As the Solana ecosystem continues to grow and evolve, CZOL Trending Bot emerges as an indispensable tool for token projects looking to gain a competitive edge and achieve their goals. For more information about CZOL Trending Bot and how it can empower your token project contact X CZOLANA: X CZOL TRENDING: Telegram CZOL TRENDING: Telegram CZOLANA: Website CZOLANA:

CZOLANA launches CZOL TRENDING, an innovative trending bot for Solana tokens to gain exposure

CZOLANA Headquarters, BVI 28 March 2024 - In the rapidly expanding realm of cryptocurrency, CZOL Trending Bot emerges as a game-changer, offering a cost-effective solution for Solana token projects seeking to amplify their presence and engage with the community. Developed by the talented CZOLANA Team, CZOL Trending Bot is poised to disrupt the market with its competitive pricing and robust features.
CZOL Trending was a community incentive that was initially proposed in the CZOLANA DAO. The community DAO manages 20% of the total token supply, which currently amounts to a value of more than $2000000. 
CZOLANA started a hashtag trend #cryptosupportCZ, which aims to support the crypto pioneer Chanpeng Zhao, founder of Binance. As he faces legal issues. 
Unlike its counterparts, CZOL Trending Bot offers an affordable alternative without compromising functionality, making it accessible to a wide range of token projects, including new entrants in the Solana ecosystem. With its user-friendly interface and powerful analytics tools, CZOL Trending Bot equips token projects with a powerful marketing tool both on Telegram and Twitter.

At CZOLANA, we understand the challenges that Solana token projects face in gaining traction and reaching their target audience," said by key board members of the CZOLANA Team. "With CZOL Trending Bot, we aim to level the playing field by providing an affordable yet powerful tool that enables projects to elevate their visibility, engage with the community, and drive sustainable growth.

70% of the fees earned by CZOL Trending will buy back $CZOL and burn it, making the native token in the ecosystem deflationary. 30% will go towards operational costs and marketing of the Trending service.  
As the Solana ecosystem continues to grow and evolve, CZOL Trending Bot emerges as an indispensable tool for token projects looking to gain a competitive edge and achieve their goals.
For more information about CZOL Trending Bot and how it can empower your token project contact

Telegram CZOLANA:
Website CZOLANA:
Quppy Introduces AML Compliance Bot on Telegram for Improved Cryptocurrency Transaction SafetyIn an exciting development for the cryptocurrency community, Quppy, the innovative financial services platform, has made headlines once again. Alongside its already impressive array of services, Quppy is now introducing a groundbreaking Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Telegram Bot designed to enhance the security and transparency of crypto transactions and wallets. This latest innovation allows users to effortlessly check their cryptocurrency transactions and wallets for compliance with AML standards, directly through Telegram. This move is not only about ensuring security but also about providing users with peace of mind, knowing that their transactions align with global regulatory requirements. The launch of the AML Telegram Bot comes at a time when the digital financial landscape is increasingly complex and scrutinized. Regulatory bodies worldwide are intensifying their focus on the cryptocurrency sector, making compliance more crucial than ever. Quppy’s AML Telegram Bot is a timely solution, offering an easy-to-use tool that integrates seamlessly with users’ daily operations. Quppy’s commitment to security and regulatory compliance is evident in its continuous efforts to innovate and improve its service offerings. The AML Telegram Bot is part of Quppy’s broader strategy to make cryptocurrency usage safer, more accessible, and compliant with international laws. This aligns with Quppy’s mission to provide a secure and user-friendly platform that caters to the needs of both novice and experienced cryptocurrency users. The AML Telegram Bot is not the only noteworthy feature of Quppy. The platform has been making waves in the financial technology sector with its comprehensive suite of services, including a multi-currency wallet, a digital bank, and now, the ability to top up IBAN accounts using any bank card. This feature significantly simplifies the process of managing finances across fiat and digital currencies, further enhancing the user experience on the Quppy platform. Quppy’s introduction of the AML Telegram Bot represents a significant step forward in the fight against money laundering in the cryptocurrency space. By offering a simple, effective tool for transaction and wallet checks, Quppy is not only enhancing the security of its platform but also leading by example in the broader financial technology industry. As Quppy continues to expand its services and innovate, it reaffirms its position as a leading provider of secure, comprehensive financial solutions in the digital age.

Quppy Introduces AML Compliance Bot on Telegram for Improved Cryptocurrency Transaction Safety

In an exciting development for the cryptocurrency community, Quppy, the innovative financial services platform, has made headlines once again. Alongside its already impressive array of services, Quppy is now introducing a groundbreaking Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Telegram Bot designed to enhance the security and transparency of crypto transactions and wallets.
This latest innovation allows users to effortlessly check their cryptocurrency transactions and wallets for compliance with AML standards, directly through Telegram. This move is not only about ensuring security but also about providing users with peace of mind, knowing that their transactions align with global regulatory requirements.
The launch of the AML Telegram Bot comes at a time when the digital financial landscape is increasingly complex and scrutinized. Regulatory bodies worldwide are intensifying their focus on the cryptocurrency sector, making compliance more crucial than ever. Quppy’s AML Telegram Bot is a timely solution, offering an easy-to-use tool that integrates seamlessly with users’ daily operations.
Quppy’s commitment to security and regulatory compliance is evident in its continuous efforts to innovate and improve its service offerings. The AML Telegram Bot is part of Quppy’s broader strategy to make cryptocurrency usage safer, more accessible, and compliant with international laws. This aligns with Quppy’s mission to provide a secure and user-friendly platform that caters to the needs of both novice and experienced cryptocurrency users.
The AML Telegram Bot is not the only noteworthy feature of Quppy. The platform has been making waves in the financial technology sector with its comprehensive suite of services, including a multi-currency wallet, a digital bank, and now, the ability to top up IBAN accounts using any bank card. This feature significantly simplifies the process of managing finances across fiat and digital currencies, further enhancing the user experience on the Quppy platform.
Quppy’s introduction of the AML Telegram Bot represents a significant step forward in the fight against money laundering in the cryptocurrency space. By offering a simple, effective tool for transaction and wallet checks, Quppy is not only enhancing the security of its platform but also leading by example in the broader financial technology industry. As Quppy continues to expand its services and innovate, it reaffirms its position as a leading provider of secure, comprehensive financial solutions in the digital age.
Querio, the Decentralized Future of Web Search, Just Listed on BitMartQuerio recently made headlines with the listing of its native token, $QRO, on BitMart, signifying a significant milestone in its journey. With a fixed supply of 100,000,000 tokens, $QRO symbolizes Querio's commitment to fostering a thriving ecosystem of decentralized web search. In the fast-evolving realm of technology, Querio has emerged as a beacon of innovation, propelling itself from a mere concept to a revolutionary force in the Web3 landscape. But for Querio, this journey marks just the inception of a much grander decentralized odyssey. The Technological Foundation of Querio Built on the robust foundation of blockchain technology, Querio differentiates itself by ensuring absolute user privacy and security. In contrast to conventional search engines that rely on cloud services for data storage, Querio uses blockchain technology, ensuring that data is stored on-chain. It operates without tracking user activity, emphasizing the importance of anonymity in the quest for digital freedom. This fundamental principle of operation sets Querio apart as a stalwart against surveillance and data exploitation. Querio News: A New Era of Information Consumption Central to Querio's ethos is the democratization of information. With an initial focus on the Web3 ecosystem, Querio News aims to redefine news consumption by offering a platform devoid of big tech's influence. This initiative ensures access to a broad spectrum of viewpoints, facilitating informed decision-making and nurturing a culture of critical thinking among its users. Querio stands apart as a universal search engine tailored for the crypto and blockchain sphere. Unlike conventional search engines, Querio empowers users to delve into the depths of Web3 by facilitating: Comprehensive dApp Discovery: Users can explore a vast array of decentralized applications (dApps) across popular blockchains like Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot, NEAR, and more, all at their fingertips.Access to Latest Crypto News: Querio keeps users abreast of the latest developments in Web3 through curated articles sourced from over 20 established top platforms, including News and CoinDesk.Privacy-Centric Approach: With Querio, privacy is paramount. Utilizing blockchain technology, Querio securely stores user information, ensuring that browsing remains anonymous and free from targeted advertising.Unbiased Information Access: Unlike conventional search engines influenced by corporate agendas, Querio aims to deliver unbiased search results, enabling users to make well-informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of the digital landscape. At its core, Querio harbors a visionary ambition: to cultivate a community-driven search platform that embodies principles of fairness and transparency. It envisions a future where web exploration is not only private and secure but also rewarding for all participants. Looking ahead, Querio's roadmap includes: User Empowerment: Transitioning towards a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) model, wherein the community plays a pivotal role in shaping the platform's direction.Content Provider Rewards: Establishing a decentralized rewards system to incentivize contributors who furnish real-time, reliable data to the Querio search engine.Integration of Querio Drive: Offering a blockchain-based platform for secure data storage, enhancing user privacy and data sovereignty.Development of Querio AI: Implementing an intelligent module to cater to user queries, leveraging data aggregated from diverse blockchains.Bridging the Web Gap: Ensuring seamless integration of Web3 and Web2 content, fostering a unified search experience for users across both realms. $QRO Token Just Listed on BitMart! Join Querio in shaping the future of decentralized search 👇 Token Name: Querio Symbol: QRO Chain: Ethereum Fixed Supply: 100,000,000 Website: X / Twitter: Telegram: Whitepaper:

Querio, the Decentralized Future of Web Search, Just Listed on BitMart

Querio recently made headlines with the listing of its native token, $QRO, on BitMart, signifying a significant milestone in its journey. With a fixed supply of 100,000,000 tokens, $QRO symbolizes Querio's commitment to fostering a thriving ecosystem of decentralized web search.
In the fast-evolving realm of technology, Querio has emerged as a beacon of innovation, propelling itself from a mere concept to a revolutionary force in the Web3 landscape. But for Querio, this journey marks just the inception of a much grander decentralized odyssey.
The Technological Foundation of Querio
Built on the robust foundation of blockchain technology, Querio differentiates itself by ensuring absolute user privacy and security. In contrast to conventional search engines that rely on cloud services for data storage, Querio uses blockchain technology, ensuring that data is stored on-chain. It operates without tracking user activity, emphasizing the importance of anonymity in the quest for digital freedom. This fundamental principle of operation sets Querio apart as a stalwart against surveillance and data exploitation.
Querio News: A New Era of Information Consumption
Central to Querio's ethos is the democratization of information. With an initial focus on the Web3 ecosystem, Querio News aims to redefine news consumption by offering a platform devoid of big tech's influence. This initiative ensures access to a broad spectrum of viewpoints, facilitating informed decision-making and nurturing a culture of critical thinking among its users.

Querio stands apart as a universal search engine tailored for the crypto and blockchain sphere. Unlike conventional search engines, Querio empowers users to delve into the depths of Web3 by facilitating:
Comprehensive dApp Discovery: Users can explore a vast array of decentralized applications (dApps) across popular blockchains like Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot, NEAR, and more, all at their fingertips.Access to Latest Crypto News: Querio keeps users abreast of the latest developments in Web3 through curated articles sourced from over 20 established top platforms, including News and CoinDesk.Privacy-Centric Approach: With Querio, privacy is paramount. Utilizing blockchain technology, Querio securely stores user information, ensuring that browsing remains anonymous and free from targeted advertising.Unbiased Information Access: Unlike conventional search engines influenced by corporate agendas, Querio aims to deliver unbiased search results, enabling users to make well-informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of the digital landscape.
At its core, Querio harbors a visionary ambition: to cultivate a community-driven search platform that embodies principles of fairness and transparency. It envisions a future where web exploration is not only private and secure but also rewarding for all participants.
Looking ahead, Querio's roadmap includes:
User Empowerment: Transitioning towards a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) model, wherein the community plays a pivotal role in shaping the platform's direction.Content Provider Rewards: Establishing a decentralized rewards system to incentivize contributors who furnish real-time, reliable data to the Querio search engine.Integration of Querio Drive: Offering a blockchain-based platform for secure data storage, enhancing user privacy and data sovereignty.Development of Querio AI: Implementing an intelligent module to cater to user queries, leveraging data aggregated from diverse blockchains.Bridging the Web Gap: Ensuring seamless integration of Web3 and Web2 content, fostering a unified search experience for users across both realms.
$QRO Token Just Listed on BitMart!
Join Querio in shaping the future of decentralized search 👇

Token Name: Querio
Symbol: QRO
Chain: Ethereum
Fixed Supply: 100,000,000

X / Twitter:
LendFi Revolutionizes DeFi Landscape with Comprehensive App LaunchIn an exhilarating development for the decentralized finance (DeFi) community, LendFi announces the launch of its innovative app, now available for download on both the iOS Store and Google PlayStore. This groundbreaking app introduces a suite of utility features designed to enhance user experience and financial empowerment. Among these are staking, peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, cryptocurrency swaps, integration with GameFi and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and the pioneering use of artificial intelligence (AI). A New Era of Financial Tools LendFi's app brings to the forefront a collection of services that redefine the way users interact with digital assets. The staking feature allows LendFi token holders to earn rewards by participating in network security, while the P2P lending platform offers a streamlined, intermediary-free borrowing and lending experience. The swap functionality facilitates easy and efficient token exchanges, and the GameFi integration opens up new avenues for earning through play. Additionally, the NFT marketplace leverages AI to tailor loan offers and valuations, ensuring a personalized and risk-adjusted experience for all participants. Exciting Opportunities: Private Sale and IDO In tandem with the app launch, LendFi is excited to announce its Initial DEX Offering (IDO). The private sale round one generated buzz within the DeFi community raising $600,000 within a few hours of launch.  LendFi is set to launch the round 2 of the private sale on March 30th and it's attractively priced at $0.2. Thereby offering investors the opportunity to purchase the token at a very affordable price.  This will be followed by the IDO, where tokens will be available at $0.4, providing an excellent opportunity for early adopters to participate in the project's growth. In anticipation of these events, LendFi also hints at an upcoming listing on Centralized Exchanges (CEX), promising broader access and liquidity for its users. Strategic Partnerships and Future Plans LendFi's commitment to security, innovation, and growth is underscored by its strategic partnerships with industry leaders such as Certik, Hela_Labs, and Socrates. These collaborations not only enhance the platform's security posture but also bring a wealth of knowledge and resources to support LendFi's ambitious roadmap. Additionally, the recent listing on Coingecko marks a significant milestone, increasing the project's visibility and credibility within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Over the next 12 months, LendFi is poised for aggressive expansion. With secured investments and a clear strategy, the platform aims to dominate the DeFi protocols space. Key to this strategy is the planned listing on all top-tier exchanges, further enhancing LendFi's accessibility and appeal to a global audience. In summary, LendFi's app launch marks a significant leap forward in the DeFi space, bringing an array of innovative financial tools to the fingertips of users worldwide. With its private and IDO sales underway and plans for substantial growth, LendFi is a beacon for those looking to navigate the promising yet complex waters of decentralized finance. To Learn More About LendFi  Website:  Twitter:  Whitepaper: LendFi

LendFi Revolutionizes DeFi Landscape with Comprehensive App Launch

In an exhilarating development for the decentralized finance (DeFi) community, LendFi announces the launch of its innovative app, now available for download on both the iOS Store and Google PlayStore. This groundbreaking app introduces a suite of utility features designed to enhance user experience and financial empowerment. Among these are staking, peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, cryptocurrency swaps, integration with GameFi and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and the pioneering use of artificial intelligence (AI).
A New Era of Financial Tools
LendFi's app brings to the forefront a collection of services that redefine the way users interact with digital assets. The staking feature allows LendFi token holders to earn rewards by participating in network security, while the P2P lending platform offers a streamlined, intermediary-free borrowing and lending experience. The swap functionality facilitates easy and efficient token exchanges, and the GameFi integration opens up new avenues for earning through play. Additionally, the NFT marketplace leverages AI to tailor loan offers and valuations, ensuring a personalized and risk-adjusted experience for all participants.
Exciting Opportunities: Private Sale and IDO
In tandem with the app launch, LendFi is excited to announce its Initial DEX Offering (IDO). The private sale round one generated buzz within the DeFi community raising $600,000 within a few hours of launch. 
LendFi is set to launch the round 2 of the private sale on March 30th and it's attractively priced at $0.2. Thereby offering investors the opportunity to purchase the token at a very affordable price. 
This will be followed by the IDO, where tokens will be available at $0.4, providing an excellent opportunity for early adopters to participate in the project's growth. In anticipation of these events, LendFi also hints at an upcoming listing on Centralized Exchanges (CEX), promising broader access and liquidity for its users.
Strategic Partnerships and Future Plans
LendFi's commitment to security, innovation, and growth is underscored by its strategic partnerships with industry leaders such as Certik, Hela_Labs, and Socrates. These collaborations not only enhance the platform's security posture but also bring a wealth of knowledge and resources to support LendFi's ambitious roadmap. Additionally, the recent listing on Coingecko marks a significant milestone, increasing the project's visibility and credibility within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
Over the next 12 months, LendFi is poised for aggressive expansion. With secured investments and a clear strategy, the platform aims to dominate the DeFi protocols space. Key to this strategy is the planned listing on all top-tier exchanges, further enhancing LendFi's accessibility and appeal to a global audience.
In summary, LendFi's app launch marks a significant leap forward in the DeFi space, bringing an array of innovative financial tools to the fingertips of users worldwide. With its private and IDO sales underway and plans for substantial growth, LendFi is a beacon for those looking to navigate the promising yet complex waters of decentralized finance.

To Learn More About LendFi 

Whitepaper: LendFi
BEVM Bitcoin Layer2 Closes Seed Round with RockTree Capital, Sathoshi Lab & 20 OthersThe Bitcoin Layer2 project BEVM has announced the completion of its seed round, and also a part of its Series A round, raising tens of million USD. The 20+ investors include RockTree Capital, Waterdrip Capital, Arkstream Capital, ViaBTC Capital, Satoshi Lab, Web3port, Cogitent Ventures, MH Ventures, Mapleblock, Electrum Capital, Zephyrus Capital, Lotus Capital, 7UPDAO, TimeTells plus others. BEVM's Series A valuation reached $200 million and accelerates the project’s international development and roll-out.  BEVM is the first EVM-compatible Bitcoin Layer2 network built on Taproot Consensus and uses $BTC as gas, aiming to bring 10% of $BTC into its Layer2 network environment. BEVM’s testnet Canary network went live in July 2023, which to date has nearly 100,000 on-chain users, processed over 6 million transactions and currently has more than 30 ecosystem projects. BEVM’s mainnet is scheduled to launch on March 28th. Gavin Guo, Core Builder of BEVM said “Taproot Consensus is the final result of our team’s six years of exploring Bitcoin Layer2 solutions. BEVM architecture is the most native and decentralized implementation of Bitcoin primitive & ethos into a Layer2, with the complete BEVM product shipped to the community based on MuSig2 + Bitcoin SPVs. BEVM is currently the most decentralized and secure BTC layer2 solution.”  BEVM has already implemented decentralized Bitcoin cross-chain custody services through Schnorr Signature, MAST and Bitcoin SPVs. In the future, BEVM will also launch “BEVM-Stack” to help developers launch ‘BTC layer2’ with one click; and will launch the DBFX protocol to allow $BTC to circulate on any chain in a decentralized manner. Omer Ozden, Chairman of RockTree Capital said “We anticipate significant scaling in the Bitcoin ecosystem space over the coming years, as crypto purists seek the most decentralized chain, and also into the longer term future, as TradFi investors with tens of billions of dollars of digital assets seek the highest safety of Bitcoin chain from a Securities Law perspective and the Lindy Effect. BEVM is one of the foremost innovation advancements in this space and is years more advanced in development and users than other L2s we have seen. It won major technical competitions and has significant traction in the Asian market already, the geography where we see the most Bitcoin ecosystem innovation and usage.”  The BTC EVM is the primary vision of BEVM, building a decentralized BTC Layer2 compatible with EVM allows seamless deployment of various EVM ecosystem applications on BEVM, increasing Bitcoin usage and commercial scenarios. To find out more about BEVM visit or contact  Media Contact:  Jhon Zhang Email :

BEVM Bitcoin Layer2 Closes Seed Round with RockTree Capital, Sathoshi Lab & 20 Others

The Bitcoin Layer2 project BEVM has announced the completion of its seed round, and also a part of its Series A round, raising tens of million USD.

The 20+ investors include RockTree Capital, Waterdrip Capital, Arkstream Capital, ViaBTC Capital, Satoshi Lab, Web3port, Cogitent Ventures, MH Ventures, Mapleblock, Electrum Capital, Zephyrus Capital, Lotus Capital, 7UPDAO, TimeTells plus others. BEVM's Series A valuation reached $200 million and accelerates the project’s international development and roll-out. 

BEVM is the first EVM-compatible Bitcoin Layer2 network built on Taproot Consensus and uses $BTC as gas, aiming to bring 10% of $BTC into its Layer2 network environment. BEVM’s testnet Canary network went live in July 2023, which to date has nearly 100,000 on-chain users, processed over 6 million transactions and currently has more than 30 ecosystem projects. BEVM’s mainnet is scheduled to launch on March 28th.
Gavin Guo, Core Builder of BEVM said “Taproot Consensus is the final result of our team’s six years of exploring Bitcoin Layer2 solutions. BEVM architecture is the most native and decentralized implementation of Bitcoin primitive & ethos into a Layer2, with the complete BEVM product shipped to the community based on MuSig2 + Bitcoin SPVs. BEVM is currently the most decentralized and secure BTC layer2 solution.” 
BEVM has already implemented decentralized Bitcoin cross-chain custody services through Schnorr Signature, MAST and Bitcoin SPVs. In the future, BEVM will also launch “BEVM-Stack” to help developers launch ‘BTC layer2’ with one click; and will launch the DBFX protocol to allow $BTC to circulate on any chain in a decentralized manner.
Omer Ozden, Chairman of RockTree Capital said “We anticipate significant scaling in the Bitcoin ecosystem space over the coming years, as crypto purists seek the most decentralized chain, and also into the longer term future, as TradFi investors with tens of billions of dollars of digital assets seek the highest safety of Bitcoin chain from a Securities Law perspective and the Lindy Effect. BEVM is one of the foremost innovation advancements in this space and is years more advanced in development and users than other L2s we have seen. It won major technical competitions and has significant traction in the Asian market already, the geography where we see the most Bitcoin ecosystem innovation and usage.” 
The BTC EVM is the primary vision of BEVM, building a decentralized BTC Layer2 compatible with EVM allows seamless deployment of various EVM ecosystem applications on BEVM, increasing Bitcoin usage and commercial scenarios.

To find out more about BEVM visit or contact 

Media Contact: 
Jhon Zhang
Email :
B2Broker's $5M Investment in B2Trader: Pioneering the Next-Generation Brokerage PlatformThe cryptocurrency market is experiencing rapid growth, with Bitcoin reaching record highs and the total crypto market cap surpassing $2.37 trillion. This growth coincides with the introduction of MiCA regulation, set to take effect on June 30, 2024, followed by another wave on December 30, 2024, aimed at enhancing credibility and transparency to foster wider crypto adoption. With over 20,000 coins and tokens and a user base exceeding 300 million traders, crypto trading is becoming an increasingly attractive option compared to the FX market's 128 currency pairs and 50 million traders. Its expansion is fueled by diverse applications across finance, fintech, payments, and other sectors, introducing innovative business models through technologies such as L2 solutions and blockchain protocols. To meet the escalating demand for crypto trading, brokerages actively seek solutions to enter the market. In response, B2Broker unveils the B2Trader Brokerage Platform (BBP) launch, a crypto spot broker solution designed to help businesses tap into this burgeoning trend and start generating revenue more swiftly. Who Can Profit from B2Trader? B2Trader presents a robust solution for various entities, including crypto brokers (CFD and Derivatives), OTC brokers, FOREX brokers, multi-asset and multi-market brokers, market makers, liquidity providers, payment systems, and even banks, allowing them to follow market trends and enter the fastest-growing industry. Here's how each business can utilise BBP: FOREX Brokers - B2Trader can serve as an excellent addition for FX brokers. In addition to traditional CFD trading platforms like MT4, MT5, and cTrader, integrating B2Trader enables the exclusive offering of crypto spot trading. This attracts a new segment of crypto traders interested in physical ownership over margin trading or CFDs, thus generating revenue through commissions, markups, and effective risk management. Moreover, BBP offers a solution for regulated FX brokers to segregate their digital asset trading under a distinct license, promoting strategic diversification and maintaining a competitive advantage in the current market.Crypto Brokers - Brokers focusing on crypto CFDs, using crypto as collateral, and offering a mix of FX and crypto CFDs can integrate B2Trader to enhance existing solutions with crypto spot trading. Given the competitive nature of client retention and acquisition, providing crypto spot trading options is crucial for brokerages to adapt swiftly to market trends, meet client expectations, and retain their clientele.Market Makers - Market makers can leverage B2Trader to access multiple exchanges, consolidate liquidity efficiently, achieve competitive spreads, optimise pricing, and enable smart routing execution across different venues.Liquidity Providers - Adding cryptocurrencies to asset offerings significantly boosts appeal to brokers, hedge funds, and professional traders. B2Trader streamlines this process, equipping liquidity providers with essential tools to expand market reach and accelerate earnings.EMIs, Payment Systems, and Banks - For EMIs, PSPs, and banks, B2Trader provides a strategic edge by enabling varied asset management, monitoring, and liquidity pool creation. It allows these entities to integrate crypto services into their existing operations, facilitate net transactions, offer crypto accounts, and enable instant swaps. BBP offers limitless opportunities as a gateway to adopting crypto and its booming trends. With its comprehensive API and a complete set of essential components and modules, B2Trader seamlessly integrates into any business model. High-Tech, Speed and Efficiency B2Trader is tailored for Enterprise-scale brokers to serve modern financial markets. Even in its basic setup, it handles 3000 trading instruments and processes up to 3000 requests per second. It offers real-time market data updates every 100 ms and ultra-fast order execution starting from 1 ms. Further enhancements can be achieved by optimising cloud resources and computing power. Today, B2Broker is a leading name in the FinTech industry. We began operating in the FOREX industry in 2014 and have been developing solutions for the crypto industry since 2017. B2Broker has earned multiple awards and recognitions, and our years of experience have allowed us to understand what the market needs exactly.That's why we created B2Trader. It's our answer to the changing trends in finance. We poured 18 months of hard work and $5 million into B2Trader. BBP is built by our dedicated in-house team of 40 engineers, each contributing to a solution that truly meets the demands of today's brokers. In the next 12 months, we are planning to double the team and enhance our offerings even further! — Arthur Azizov, CEO and Founder of B2Broker Front-Line Technology BBP prioritises reliability, scalability, and security, leveraging the latest tools and protocols. It is hosted on AWS for dependable infrastructure, minimising hardware risks. It uses MongoDB and Amazon Redshift for data management and combines TradingView for market insights. Kubernetes and Docker support scalable deployments, while CloudFlare provides DDoS protection. The FIX protocol enhances B2Trader's efficiency and reliability. Below is the comprehensive list of protocols and technologies: Influential Integrations Developed by B2Broker, B2Trader is equipped with powerful integrations. B2Broker offers a comprehensive suite of products, including a trading platform, OMS, pre-trade and post-trade control, liquidity management system, Trading User Interface, CRM, back office, blockchain wallets for processing and collecting coins/tokens, blockchain management system for automatic payouts and settlements, mobile applications, technical documentation, REST and FIX API protocols, advanced White Label options, and more. Integrated with Marksman, a crypto liquidity distribution engine, B2Trader streamlines administration and ensures market updates with the latest data. With Marksman, crypto brokers seamlessly link to top exchanges by inputting API credentials after opening an account. This enables brokers to create diverse liquidity pools from various exchanges, assign specific execution and routing rules, and establish failover protocols for both pairs and liquidity pools. B2Trader is available as a turnkey solution or for integration with any CRM via REST API. Reach out to account managers, explore the free demo, and launch your crypto spot broker within a week! Contacts: +44 208 068 8636

B2Broker's $5M Investment in B2Trader: Pioneering the Next-Generation Brokerage Platform

The cryptocurrency market is experiencing rapid growth, with Bitcoin reaching record highs and the total crypto market cap surpassing $2.37 trillion. This growth coincides with the introduction of MiCA regulation, set to take effect on June 30, 2024, followed by another wave on December 30, 2024, aimed at enhancing credibility and transparency to foster wider crypto adoption.
With over 20,000 coins and tokens and a user base exceeding 300 million traders, crypto trading is becoming an increasingly attractive option compared to the FX market's 128 currency pairs and 50 million traders. Its expansion is fueled by diverse applications across finance, fintech, payments, and other sectors, introducing innovative business models through technologies such as L2 solutions and blockchain protocols.
To meet the escalating demand for crypto trading, brokerages actively seek solutions to enter the market. In response, B2Broker unveils the B2Trader Brokerage Platform (BBP) launch, a crypto spot broker solution designed to help businesses tap into this burgeoning trend and start generating revenue more swiftly.
Who Can Profit from B2Trader?
B2Trader presents a robust solution for various entities, including crypto brokers (CFD and Derivatives), OTC brokers, FOREX brokers, multi-asset and multi-market brokers, market makers, liquidity providers, payment systems, and even banks, allowing them to follow market trends and enter the fastest-growing industry. Here's how each business can utilise BBP:
FOREX Brokers - B2Trader can serve as an excellent addition for FX brokers. In addition to traditional CFD trading platforms like MT4, MT5, and cTrader, integrating B2Trader enables the exclusive offering of crypto spot trading. This attracts a new segment of crypto traders interested in physical ownership over margin trading or CFDs, thus generating revenue through commissions, markups, and effective risk management. Moreover, BBP offers a solution for regulated FX brokers to segregate their digital asset trading under a distinct license, promoting strategic diversification and maintaining a competitive advantage in the current market.Crypto Brokers - Brokers focusing on crypto CFDs, using crypto as collateral, and offering a mix of FX and crypto CFDs can integrate B2Trader to enhance existing solutions with crypto spot trading. Given the competitive nature of client retention and acquisition, providing crypto spot trading options is crucial for brokerages to adapt swiftly to market trends, meet client expectations, and retain their clientele.Market Makers - Market makers can leverage B2Trader to access multiple exchanges, consolidate liquidity efficiently, achieve competitive spreads, optimise pricing, and enable smart routing execution across different venues.Liquidity Providers - Adding cryptocurrencies to asset offerings significantly boosts appeal to brokers, hedge funds, and professional traders. B2Trader streamlines this process, equipping liquidity providers with essential tools to expand market reach and accelerate earnings.EMIs, Payment Systems, and Banks - For EMIs, PSPs, and banks, B2Trader provides a strategic edge by enabling varied asset management, monitoring, and liquidity pool creation. It allows these entities to integrate crypto services into their existing operations, facilitate net transactions, offer crypto accounts, and enable instant swaps.
BBP offers limitless opportunities as a gateway to adopting crypto and its booming trends. With its comprehensive API and a complete set of essential components and modules, B2Trader seamlessly integrates into any business model.
High-Tech, Speed and Efficiency

B2Trader is tailored for Enterprise-scale brokers to serve modern financial markets. Even in its basic setup, it handles 3000 trading instruments and processes up to 3000 requests per second. It offers real-time market data updates every 100 ms and ultra-fast order execution starting from 1 ms. Further enhancements can be achieved by optimising cloud resources and computing power.
Today, B2Broker is a leading name in the FinTech industry. We began operating in the FOREX industry in 2014 and have been developing solutions for the crypto industry since 2017. B2Broker has earned multiple awards and recognitions, and our years of experience have allowed us to understand what the market needs exactly.That's why we created B2Trader. It's our answer to the changing trends in finance. We poured 18 months of hard work and $5 million into B2Trader. BBP is built by our dedicated in-house team of 40 engineers, each contributing to a solution that truly meets the demands of today's brokers. In the next 12 months, we are planning to double the team and enhance our offerings even further!
— Arthur Azizov, CEO and Founder of B2Broker
Front-Line Technology
BBP prioritises reliability, scalability, and security, leveraging the latest tools and protocols. It is hosted on AWS for dependable infrastructure, minimising hardware risks. It uses MongoDB and Amazon Redshift for data management and combines TradingView for market insights. Kubernetes and Docker support scalable deployments, while CloudFlare provides DDoS protection. The FIX protocol enhances B2Trader's efficiency and reliability. Below is the comprehensive list of protocols and technologies:

Influential Integrations
Developed by B2Broker, B2Trader is equipped with powerful integrations. B2Broker offers a comprehensive suite of products, including a trading platform, OMS, pre-trade and post-trade control, liquidity management system, Trading User Interface, CRM, back office, blockchain wallets for processing and collecting coins/tokens, blockchain management system for automatic payouts and settlements, mobile applications, technical documentation, REST and FIX API protocols, advanced White Label options, and more.

Integrated with Marksman, a crypto liquidity distribution engine, B2Trader streamlines administration and ensures market updates with the latest data. With Marksman, crypto brokers seamlessly link to top exchanges by inputting API credentials after opening an account. This enables brokers to create diverse liquidity pools from various exchanges, assign specific execution and routing rules, and establish failover protocols for both pairs and liquidity pools.
B2Trader is available as a turnkey solution or for integration with any CRM via REST API. Reach out to account managers, explore the free demo, and launch your crypto spot broker within a week!
+44 208 068 8636
Meta Earth Website Goes Live, Aiming to Be Another Dark Horse in Modular BlockchainAfter over two years of thorough preparation, and with the enthusiastic support and active promotion of the global community, the Meta Earth (ME) website was officially launched on March 20, 2024, marking a significant milestone for Meta Earth in presenting its vision and mission to the world. The website serves as a gateway for global users to gain a comprehensive understanding of ME. (Slogan of Meta Earth:ME, My Way!) With the official launch of the ME website, Meta Earth, cooperating with Galxe to launch the Meta Earth Social Supporter Campaign on March 20th, aiming to reward our early supporters. For more details please refer to: Besides, ME Labs is set to launch a one-year public testing event titled “Explorer Tour” for Meta Earth v1.0, aiming to broaden community access to the global market. Despite the ME Network being in the early stages of 1.0, ME Labs is eager for global users to engage in the construction of Meta Earth from an early stage. All early supporters and contributors participating in the public testing event will receive generous AIRDROP rewards. Currently, Meta Earth released the roadmap of ME on the official website and all relevant technical developments and ecosystems are being carried out in accordance with the plan. While ME Network v1.0 hasn't completely realized the full vision of Meta Earth, both ME Labs and ME community members are optimistic, given that Meta Earth has a very clear plan for the implementation of its technology. Firstly, Meta Earth starts with its foundational infrastructure, the ME Network, adopting a decoupled, layered, modular design. It will be divided into the DA Layer (Txn consensus), the Settlement Layer (including state consensus), and the Execution Layer. This approach enhances the public chain's scalability and further improves data throughput to meet the future on-chain ecosystem's demands for big data and high concurrency processing, providing strong technical support for building a multi-dimensional integrated network. Secondly, by offering a one-stop ME SDK development toolkit that standardizes the development process, we lower the cost of building applications, enabling developers to create innovative Web3 applications or Rollup-chains in the shortest time possible. This provides a continuous stream of momentum for the construction of the Meta Earth ecosystem. Meanwhile, Meta Earth establishes a comprehensive decentralized identity verification system to protect user data security and uniqueness, returning data privacy and asset sovereignty to individual users by ME ID. Moreover, Meta Earth ensures "one person, one ME ID" through compliant KYC, adopts a national node governance model, and aligns the on-chain identity system with real-world identities, eliminating the misuse of false identities, protecting the interests of the majority, actively embracing regulatory policies of various countries, and promoting the robust, secure, and sustainable development of Meta Earth Meta Earth is not only making solid progress in technology but has also built a sufficiently broad offline community foundation. Meta Earth has established offline communities in multiple countries, including Switzerland, Turkey, Dubai, Thailand, South Korea, Vietnam, Spain, and Indonesia. These communities are not only the cornerstone supporting Meta Earth's global growth but also a powerful engine driving the prosperity of the Meta Earth ecosystem. Meta Earth not only carries the expectations of the global community but also attracts widespread attention from industry media and capital institutions. The startup funds raised by ME will be used in key areas such as technology R&D, team expansion, market promotion, compliance and security, as well as the green economy, all aimed at enhancing human happiness and promoting ecological sustainability. Over the past two years, Meta Earth has accumulated a diverse range of collaborative resources, including top universities, financial institutions, regulatory bodies, and media communities, establishing a broad network of strategic partnerships. This diverse partnership endows Meta Earth with stronger competitive advantages, providing a solid foundation and extensive support for ME's development. In the future, ME will continue to drive ecosystem construction and technological innovation. On one hand, through its official Twitter account @_MetaEarth_ , ME is establishing close ties with teams from various sectors such as other public chains, oracles, NFTs, DeFi, GameFi, and wallets, to provide developers and users with more comprehensive services and support. On the other hand, ME will insist on continuous technological innovations, enhancing high performance and security, and rolling out more technical components to build its core technological barriers, including the launch of the ME ID Protocol, cross-chain bridges, etc. Following the realization of modularity, Meta Earth will officially initiate a funding support program for the ecosystem developers community, including the issuance of Grants, hosting hackathons, etc., to accelerate the expansion and influence of the ecosystem, innovating and integrating to create technological barriers, forming a broad ecological moat. In summary, the official launch of the ME website marks Meta Earth's formal entry into a phase of rapid iteration and growth. We firmly believe that, with the joint efforts of ME Labs and the global community, ME Network will become a leading modular public chain in the data sovereignty field, providing Web3 with high-performance, compliant, privacy-protective, and multi-chain interactive infrastructure. It aims to introduce trillion-level traditional industry application scenarios, promoting the comprehensive prosperity of the digital encryption era. About Meta Earth Meta Earth (ME) is based on a modular, high-performance, infinitely scalable multi-dimensional fusion underlying value network — ME Network, which supports the high-concurrency big data processing needs of traditional industrial applications. And through an encrypted DID (Decentralized Identifier) system — ME ID & ME Pass which can effectively protect user privacy data, and a co-construction & co-governance mechanism which can fully reflect personal sovereignty and equality for all, as well as an economic model which can guarantee UBI (Unconditional Basic Income) without any distinction, Meta Earth is fully dedicated to enhancing happiness for a better life and maintaining ecological balance to promote sustainability. For more information, visit: Website: Twitter(X): Discord: Telegram: Deck: White Paper: Contact Andy

Meta Earth Website Goes Live, Aiming to Be Another Dark Horse in Modular Blockchain

After over two years of thorough preparation, and with the enthusiastic support and active promotion of the global community, the Meta Earth (ME) website was officially launched on March 20, 2024, marking a significant milestone for Meta Earth in presenting its vision and mission to the world. The website serves as a gateway for global users to gain a comprehensive understanding of ME.

(Slogan of Meta Earth:ME, My Way!)

With the official launch of the ME website, Meta Earth, cooperating with Galxe to launch the Meta Earth Social Supporter Campaign on March 20th, aiming to reward our early supporters. For more details please refer to:

Besides, ME Labs is set to launch a one-year public testing event titled “Explorer Tour” for Meta Earth v1.0, aiming to broaden community access to the global market. Despite the ME Network being in the early stages of 1.0, ME Labs is eager for global users to engage in the construction of Meta Earth from an early stage. All early supporters and contributors participating in the public testing event will receive generous AIRDROP rewards.

Currently, Meta Earth released the roadmap of ME on the official website and all relevant technical developments and ecosystems are being carried out in accordance with the plan. While ME Network v1.0 hasn't completely realized the full vision of Meta Earth, both ME Labs and ME community members are optimistic, given that Meta Earth has a very clear plan for the implementation of its technology.

Firstly, Meta Earth starts with its foundational infrastructure, the ME Network, adopting a decoupled, layered, modular design. It will be divided into the DA Layer (Txn consensus), the Settlement Layer (including state consensus), and the Execution Layer. This approach enhances the public chain's scalability and further improves data throughput to meet the future on-chain ecosystem's demands for big data and high concurrency processing, providing strong technical support for building a multi-dimensional integrated network.

Secondly, by offering a one-stop ME SDK development toolkit that standardizes the development process, we lower the cost of building applications, enabling developers to create innovative Web3 applications or Rollup-chains in the shortest time possible. This provides a continuous stream of momentum for the construction of the Meta Earth ecosystem.
Meanwhile, Meta Earth establishes a comprehensive decentralized identity verification system to protect user data security and uniqueness, returning data privacy and asset sovereignty to individual users by ME ID. Moreover, Meta Earth ensures "one person, one ME ID" through compliant KYC, adopts a national node governance model, and aligns the on-chain identity system with real-world identities, eliminating the misuse of false identities, protecting the interests of the majority, actively embracing regulatory policies of various countries, and promoting the robust, secure, and sustainable development of Meta Earth

Meta Earth is not only making solid progress in technology but has also built a sufficiently broad offline community foundation. Meta Earth has established offline communities in multiple countries, including Switzerland, Turkey, Dubai, Thailand, South Korea, Vietnam, Spain, and Indonesia. These communities are not only the cornerstone supporting Meta Earth's global growth but also a powerful engine driving the prosperity of the Meta Earth ecosystem.
Meta Earth not only carries the expectations of the global community but also attracts widespread attention from industry media and capital institutions. The startup funds raised by ME will be used in key areas such as technology R&D, team expansion, market promotion, compliance and security, as well as the green economy, all aimed at enhancing human happiness and promoting ecological sustainability.

Over the past two years, Meta Earth has accumulated a diverse range of collaborative resources, including top universities, financial institutions, regulatory bodies, and media communities, establishing a broad network of strategic partnerships. This diverse partnership endows Meta Earth with stronger competitive advantages, providing a solid foundation and extensive support for ME's development.
In the future, ME will continue to drive ecosystem construction and technological innovation. On one hand, through its official Twitter account @_MetaEarth_ , ME is establishing close ties with teams from various sectors such as other public chains, oracles, NFTs, DeFi, GameFi, and wallets, to provide developers and users with more comprehensive services and support. On the other hand, ME will insist on continuous technological innovations, enhancing high performance and security, and rolling out more technical components to build its core technological barriers, including the launch of the ME ID Protocol, cross-chain bridges, etc. Following the realization of modularity, Meta Earth will officially initiate a funding support program for the ecosystem developers community, including the issuance of Grants, hosting hackathons, etc., to accelerate the expansion and influence of the ecosystem, innovating and integrating to create technological barriers, forming a broad ecological moat.

In summary, the official launch of the ME website marks Meta Earth's formal entry into a phase of rapid iteration and growth. We firmly believe that, with the joint efforts of ME Labs and the global community, ME Network will become a leading modular public chain in the data sovereignty field, providing Web3 with high-performance, compliant, privacy-protective, and multi-chain interactive infrastructure. It aims to introduce trillion-level traditional industry application scenarios, promoting the comprehensive prosperity of the digital encryption era.

About Meta Earth
Meta Earth (ME) is based on a modular, high-performance, infinitely scalable multi-dimensional fusion underlying value network — ME Network, which supports the high-concurrency big data processing needs of traditional industrial applications.

And through an encrypted DID (Decentralized Identifier) system — ME ID & ME Pass which can effectively protect user privacy data, and a co-construction & co-governance mechanism which can fully reflect personal sovereignty and equality for all, as well as an economic model which can guarantee UBI (Unconditional Basic Income) without any distinction, Meta Earth is fully dedicated to enhancing happiness for a better life and maintaining ecological balance to promote sustainability.

For more information, visit:
White Paper:

AZTEQ Metaverse Evolves "Life" - GameFi Unlocked for EveryoneWorld's First Web3 Native Metaverse Platform Revolutionizes Digital Interaction In an era where the digital world is rapidly evolving, one particular platform has emerged as a game-changer in the realm of GameFi. This platform, the world's first web3 native metaverse, is redefining the boundaries of digital interaction with its innovative tech partnerships, exciting new IP collaborations, and advanced security and privacy measures. It is an ultra high-capacity metaverse boldly named, "Life". Under the stewardship of a project called AZTEQ Metaverse, the evolution of Life has been high-velocity and shows no signs of slowing down. Innovative Tech Expansion The strategy for growth seems to be go big or go home. Last year the project took on collaborations with major brands including Lenovo, Disney, NVIDIA, SafeSwap and Nike SWOOSH. The push for technological innovation comes with an announcement to provide staking capabilities via partner SafeSwap. The roadmap involves staking for both tokens and NFTs in combination. This will allow owners of playable items and purchased land to stake assets in an integrated and player friendly way. Another gaming innovator to join the fold is Millburn Pennybags, bringing a well loved figure from the Hasbro game Monopoly, into the AZTEQ Metaverse. With an in-world venue providing the ability to buy tickets and win prizes based on blockchain technology with jackpot bots and smart contracts to govern transactions. The player model leverages the lottery system, where the more players there are, the bigger the prizes. The team at AZTEQ Metaverse is also in talks with a trailblazing decentralised finance provider that is empowering players to launch their own tokens with ease. The crossover between day-trader and night-gamer continues. Exciting New IP Partnerships In addition to its expanding tech footprint, the platform has also entered into strategic alliances with several intellectual property (IP) holders. These collaborations have resulted in expanded access to familiar brands and fandoms of pop-culture assets. The trend continues this year with Hasbro agreeing to open up the Transformers property, Nintendo granting access to the Pokemon property and fashion and beauty icons Amiri, Maybelline and MAC Cosmetics all striking up key alliances in the first quarter alone. The brace of companies already well versed and familiar with branding, user journeys and engagement in the metaverse paradigm is growing. Combining the commercial and social media aspects of a web3 native metaverse seems to be appealing to a variety of established and well-known global brands. Another franchise making an appearance in the AZTEQ Metaverse stable is The Mandolorian. The much lauded hit show from Disney and Star Wars, is working with the design and engineering teams over at the pioneering metaverse. In another move to power-up the Visual Development program, AZTEQ Metaverse has newly partnered up with ArtKing Studio, an awarded and deeply experienced collective of graphical geniuses based in the Netherlands. They aim to bring high-end 3D art from a galaxy, far, far away, much closer to home.  Early results were already showcased in February this year, demonstrating the ability to apply custom skins from the TV franchise and add them to 3D playable models based on avatars from players own NFT collections. These currently include Nakamigos, Wonkey Donkey, BAYC, MFers, and Disney Pinnacle.  If you happen to have Pepe, Floki and Shib Inu in your virtual asset explorer you can morph into those avatars too! The options are wide-ranging and another industry first. Advanced Security and Privacy Measures Security and privacy are paramount in the digital world, and this platform has taken extensive measures to ensure that users can explore the metaverse with peace of mind. The platform utilizes state-of-the-art encryption technologies to protect user data, and its privacy policies are designed to give users control over their assets and information. These collaborations have resulted in unique features such as seamless integration with various blockchain networks, enabling users to interact with digital assets in a more immersive and intuitive way. The nexus of interconnectivity, security and privacy comes to the fore with a new alliance with BlockBlend is a suite of crypto privacy services aimed at retail crypto users that provides them the tools to secure their on-chain privacy. AZTEQ Metaverse already enables users to play, earn and spend inside the same ecosystem via it's AZTEQ coin. They now have an option to spend that AZTEQ coin as they would spend FIAT currency, on a virtual VISA/Mastercard transaction in the real world. They say that crypto never sleeps and neither does the need for vigilance in the cybersecurity arena. Work continues on all fronts for optimising player security options. Recently, the AZTEQ smart contract has been passed by security audit firm Audit.SC with flying colours. The world's first web3 native metaverse platform is not just a gaming platform; it's a revolutionary digital ecosystem that's transforming the way we can interact with the digital world. With its innovative approach to immersion, experience and security,the platform is setting the standard for what the metaverse can and should be.  Check out to the AZTEQ Metaverse team through the X platform and join our communities on Discord & Telegram for questions and news. Disclaimer: This press release is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any securities or engage in any investment activity. Please consult legal and financial professionals for investment-related advice.

AZTEQ Metaverse Evolves "Life" - GameFi Unlocked for Everyone

World's First Web3 Native Metaverse Platform Revolutionizes Digital Interaction
In an era where the digital world is rapidly evolving, one particular platform has emerged as a game-changer in the realm of GameFi. This platform, the world's first web3 native metaverse, is redefining the boundaries of digital interaction with its innovative tech partnerships, exciting new IP collaborations, and advanced security and privacy measures. It is an ultra high-capacity metaverse boldly named, "Life". Under the stewardship of a project called AZTEQ Metaverse, the evolution of Life has been high-velocity and shows no signs of slowing down.

Innovative Tech Expansion
The strategy for growth seems to be go big or go home. Last year the project took on collaborations with major brands including Lenovo, Disney, NVIDIA, SafeSwap and Nike SWOOSH. The push for technological innovation comes with an announcement to provide staking capabilities via partner SafeSwap. The roadmap involves staking for both tokens and NFTs in combination. This will allow owners of playable items and purchased land to stake assets in an integrated and player friendly way. Another gaming innovator to join the fold is Millburn Pennybags, bringing a well loved figure from the Hasbro game Monopoly, into the AZTEQ Metaverse. With an in-world venue providing the ability to buy tickets and win prizes based on blockchain technology with jackpot bots and smart contracts to govern transactions. The player model leverages the lottery system, where the more players there are, the bigger the prizes. The team at AZTEQ Metaverse is also in talks with a trailblazing decentralised finance provider that is empowering players to launch their own tokens with ease. The crossover between day-trader and night-gamer continues.

Exciting New IP Partnerships
In addition to its expanding tech footprint, the platform has also entered into strategic alliances with several intellectual property (IP) holders. These collaborations have resulted in expanded access to familiar brands and fandoms of pop-culture assets. The trend continues this year with Hasbro agreeing to open up the Transformers property, Nintendo granting access to the Pokemon property and fashion and beauty icons Amiri, Maybelline and MAC Cosmetics all striking up key alliances in the first quarter alone. The brace of companies already well versed and familiar with branding, user journeys and engagement in the metaverse paradigm is growing. Combining the commercial and social media aspects of a web3 native metaverse seems to be appealing to a variety of established and well-known global brands. Another franchise making an appearance in the AZTEQ Metaverse stable is The Mandolorian. The much lauded hit show from Disney and Star Wars, is working with the design and engineering teams over at the pioneering metaverse. In another move to power-up the Visual Development program, AZTEQ Metaverse has newly partnered up with ArtKing Studio, an awarded and deeply experienced collective of graphical geniuses based in the Netherlands. They aim to bring high-end 3D art from a galaxy, far, far away, much closer to home. 
Early results were already showcased in February this year, demonstrating the ability to apply custom skins from the TV franchise and add them to 3D playable models based on avatars from players own NFT collections. These currently include Nakamigos, Wonkey Donkey, BAYC, MFers, and Disney Pinnacle.  If you happen to have Pepe, Floki and Shib Inu in your virtual asset explorer you can morph into those avatars too! The options are wide-ranging and another industry first.

Advanced Security and Privacy Measures
Security and privacy are paramount in the digital world, and this platform has taken extensive measures to ensure that users can explore the metaverse with peace of mind. The platform utilizes state-of-the-art encryption technologies to protect user data, and its privacy policies are designed to give users control over their assets and information. These collaborations have resulted in unique features such as seamless integration with various blockchain networks, enabling users to interact with digital assets in a more immersive and intuitive way. The nexus of interconnectivity, security and privacy comes to the fore with a new alliance with BlockBlend is a suite of crypto privacy services aimed at retail crypto users that provides them the tools to secure their on-chain privacy. AZTEQ Metaverse already enables users to play, earn and spend inside the same ecosystem via it's AZTEQ coin. They now have an option to spend that AZTEQ coin as they would spend FIAT currency, on a virtual VISA/Mastercard transaction in the real world. They say that crypto never sleeps and neither does the need for vigilance in the cybersecurity arena. Work continues on all fronts for optimising player security options. Recently, the AZTEQ smart contract has been passed by security audit firm Audit.SC with flying colours.
The world's first web3 native metaverse platform is not just a gaming platform; it's a revolutionary digital ecosystem that's transforming the way we can interact with the digital world. With its innovative approach to immersion, experience and security,the platform is setting the standard for what the metaverse can and should be. 
Check out to the AZTEQ Metaverse team through the X platform and join our communities on Discord & Telegram for questions and news.

Disclaimer: This press release is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any securities or engage in any investment activity. Please consult legal and financial professionals for investment-related advice.
Monitok Unveils Points program to promote self-custody between crypto users.Vilnius, Lithuania, March  18, 2024 — Monitok, a next-gen self-custodial exchange that combines features of both decentralized and centralized trading platforms, recently announced its Monitok rewards program. To celebrate their new project's launch, the team is giving away 10,000,000 points. This announcement further hints at a future token airdrop from the pool of 100,000 USD worth of cryptocurrencies. Joining the Monitok waitlist provides participants with a unique referral link, which they can use to earn Monitok points by sharing it and referring their contacts. These 10,000,000 points are not only transferable across different incentivization campaigns within Monitok, but can also be accumulated through active engagement with the project. These points represent a potential future investment, as they can be converted into MNT tokens upon launch. What is the objective of the campaign?  At the core of Monitok's referral campaign is the goal to create a strong community of people who share a vision of one of crypto's main principles: ownership of assets.  How to join? Sign up to the Monitok waitlistReceive a personalized referral linkInvite friends, family, and followers to join the waitlist The more people you invite, the more Monitok points you accumulate, which will be convertible into MNT tokens after the token’s launch MNT tokens are a cornerstone of the Monitok ecosystem, designed to facilitate transactions, reward participation, and encourage investment within the platform. Additionally, users can acquire MNT tokens through active engagement with the app. Furthermore, MNT tokens can be utilized for payments or to obtain discounts on services, access premium features, or generate yield through staking. “Our mission is to fill up the gap between DEX and CEX by inviting more people to embrace self-custody. “  Why Participate? . By joining the waitlist and participating in the referral program, members can: Gain early access to the app: Secure early access to the platform and take advantage of its benefits.Split 10,000,000 Monitok points with fellow participants: Gather Monitok points, by engaging with the community and platform.Secure a spot in $100,000 worth of MNT token airdrops: Convert your points to MNT tokens during airdrops. To ensure a fair and transparent experience for all participants, Monitok has meticulously prepared the terms and conditions of the referral program. These guidelines define the dos and don'ts of the referral process, ensuring a rewarding and enjoyable campaign for all. About Monitok Monitok, established in 2022, is a hybrid crypto exchange with self-custody as its key feature. As the first hybrid crypto exchange built on the Arbitrum Network, Monitok is committed to helping users trade smarter by providing a secure, one-stop-shop crypto trading solution. The platform enables users to manage their assets in self-custodial wallets and access the best token rates by aggregating over 100 decentralized exchanges. Additionally, it provides easy fiat on and off-ramps and plans to launch a crypto debit card. Through its referral program, Monitok encourages the adoption of self-custodial trading, rewarding members for their support. For more information, visit: Website | Twitter | LinkedIn | Discord | Telegram  Or contact: 

Monitok Unveils Points program to promote self-custody between crypto users.

Vilnius, Lithuania, March  18, 2024 — Monitok, a next-gen self-custodial exchange that combines features of both decentralized and centralized trading platforms, recently announced its Monitok rewards program. To celebrate their new project's launch, the team is giving away 10,000,000 points. This announcement further hints at a future token airdrop from the pool of 100,000 USD worth of cryptocurrencies.
Joining the Monitok waitlist provides participants with a unique referral link, which they can use to earn Monitok points by sharing it and referring their contacts. These 10,000,000 points are not only transferable across different incentivization campaigns within Monitok, but can also be accumulated through active engagement with the project. These points represent a potential future investment, as they can be converted into MNT tokens upon launch.
What is the objective of the campaign? 
At the core of Monitok's referral campaign is the goal to create a strong community of people who share a vision of one of crypto's main principles: ownership of assets. 
How to join?
Sign up to the Monitok waitlistReceive a personalized referral linkInvite friends, family, and followers to join the waitlist The more people you invite, the more Monitok points you accumulate, which will be convertible into MNT tokens after the token’s launch
MNT tokens are a cornerstone of the Monitok ecosystem, designed to facilitate transactions, reward participation, and encourage investment within the platform. Additionally, users can acquire MNT tokens through active engagement with the app. Furthermore, MNT tokens can be utilized for payments or to obtain discounts on services, access premium features, or generate yield through staking.
“Our mission is to fill up the gap between DEX and CEX by inviting more people to embrace self-custody. “ 
Why Participate?
. By joining the waitlist and participating in the referral program, members can:
Gain early access to the app: Secure early access to the platform and take advantage of its benefits.Split 10,000,000 Monitok points with fellow participants: Gather Monitok points, by engaging with the community and platform.Secure a spot in $100,000 worth of MNT token airdrops: Convert your points to MNT tokens during airdrops.
To ensure a fair and transparent experience for all participants, Monitok has meticulously prepared the terms and conditions of the referral program. These guidelines define the dos and don'ts of the referral process, ensuring a rewarding and enjoyable campaign for all.

About Monitok
Monitok, established in 2022, is a hybrid crypto exchange with self-custody as its key feature. As the first hybrid crypto exchange built on the Arbitrum Network, Monitok is committed to helping users trade smarter by providing a secure, one-stop-shop crypto trading solution. The platform enables users to manage their assets in self-custodial wallets and access the best token rates by aggregating over 100 decentralized exchanges. Additionally, it provides easy fiat on and off-ramps and plans to launch a crypto debit card. Through its referral program, Monitok encourages the adoption of self-custodial trading, rewarding members for their support.

For more information, visit:
Website | Twitter | LinkedIn | Discord | Telegram 

Or contact: 
HoneyDAO Partners With Impossible Finance For The Much-Awaited Aethir Public Node OfferingAethir recently announced its highly anticipated Node Sale event, which marks a significant leap forward within the world of decentralized computing. The trailblazing GPU cloud infrastructure provider, known for its innovation and cutting-edge solutions, will commence the public sale on March 20th. Aethir’s INO (Initial Node Offering) presents a unique opportunity for everyone to become Node Operators in the Aethir ecosystem. In doing so, these participants can contribute to the decentralization of cloud computing and earn rewards in return. HoneyDAO has officially teamed up with Impossible Finance for the Aethir Node Sale. As part of the partnership, users can get a 10% discount on the purchase price of the node when they buy nodes using the HoneyDAO referral link or the code ‘valorem420’ on the checkout page.   Key Details About The Sale By looking ahead in terms of encouraging widespread adoption, the Node Sale event will introduce 100,000 nodes. The first type of node to be made available in the Aethir network is the checker node, which any user can operate to help verify the uptime, latency, quality of service, and computational power provided by future node participants. Beginning at $500 per node, users will participate using wrapped ETH (WETH) on the Arbitrum network. It is worth mentioning that there will be no limit on the amount of nodes that can be bought, which helps ensure equal opportunity for everyone involved. Moreover, any nodes bought during the sale shall be transferable after 12 months post-sale. Node operators could potentially earn up to 15% of the allocated ATH overall supply that is earmarked for CNOs (Checker Node Operators) over 4 years. As node operators, users are an important part of Aethir's ecosystem, earning rewards for critical computing contributions once the network is fully operational. Aethir's mission is to accelerate the world's transition to universal cloud computing, and users are invited to join this journey through the Initial Public Node Offering on March 20th. Why Does The Sale Matter? By operating the nodes, the verification of data and service provision can be facilitated and participants will be allowed to earn rewards in the aforementioned ATH tokens, which is the native currency of the Aethir ecosystem. In terms of why this matters, these rewards highlight Aethir’s dedication to creating and maintaining an inclusive and robust community filled with effective and passionate node providers and checkers, all of whom are fully committed to sustaining the integrity of the decentralized cloud infrastructure network. The Aethir team stated that adopting a decentralized approach is essential for the network as it allows the ecosystem to solve many of the issues commonly associated with traditional centralized cloud providers. Furthermore, this approach enables Aethir to keep up with the ever-changing computational needs of generative artificial intelligence (AI) as well as various gaming apps. About Aethir Aethir is a GPU-as-a-service provider that concentrates on solving real computational issues while empowering sectors that rely on GPUs. The company is transforming DePIN with its sophisticated, distributed enterprise-grade GPU-based infrastructure designed specifically for AI and gaming. In this way, Aethir is establishing the path for the future of decentralized computing. Aethir managed to secure a mid-seven-figure annual contract with the world's largest telco, which will increase to eight figures by the second quarter of this year. They are also on track to sign three more enterprise contracts in Q1 2024, and the team has already signed three cloud gaming contracts, with over ten more expected soon, including partnerships with the world's largest gaming company, which has 150 million+ MAU and a 22% conversion rate. As of now, the Aethir community has grown to more than 170,000 members. Lastly, Aethir is a proud member of NVIDIA's Inception Program, with a robust lineup of H100 chips. Aethir's mission is supported by top investors such as Maelstrom, Mirana Ventures, Animoca Brands, Sanctor Capital, Hashkey, Merit Circle, CitizenX, IVC, Framework Ventures, and Infinity Ventures Crypto. For more information and regular updates, visit Aethir’s official website alongside its social media channels. Media Contact: Daniel Wang - Co-founder and CBO at Mythos Venture Partners (GP); previously at IVC (Venture Partner), YGG SEA (CIO), Riot Games (Head of International Publishing Management), and Riot Games - China (Head of Operations). Kyle Okamoto - Chief Technology Officer. Kyle has previously held the positions of CEO and General Manager for Ericsson's IoT, Automotive, and Security businesses, as well as CEO of Edge Gravity and Chief Network Officer at Verizon Media. Mark Rydon - Co-founder and CEO. Mark has held key positions at NOTA Platform, Flux Capital, Gaas LTD, Kulture Athletics, Inc., and Bechtel Corporation. About HoneyDAO HoneyDAO is a group of DeFi influencers, experienced investors, crypto developers, and founders who collaborate to improve DeFi one project at a time. The group collaborates closely with funded projects to drive growth in the competitive DeFi ecosystem. About Impossible Finance Impossible Finance is a blockchain-native research advisory firm that also operates a DeFi launchpad and accelerator. The firm assists projects in getting started, raising funds, scaling, and launching their tokens, while also allowing users to learn about, discover, and invest in high-quality crypto opportunities.

HoneyDAO Partners With Impossible Finance For The Much-Awaited Aethir Public Node Offering

Aethir recently announced its highly anticipated Node Sale event, which marks a significant leap forward within the world of decentralized computing. The trailblazing GPU cloud infrastructure provider, known for its innovation and cutting-edge solutions, will commence the public sale on March 20th.
Aethir’s INO (Initial Node Offering) presents a unique opportunity for everyone to become Node Operators in the Aethir ecosystem. In doing so, these participants can contribute to the decentralization of cloud computing and earn rewards in return.
HoneyDAO has officially teamed up with Impossible Finance for the Aethir Node Sale. As part of the partnership, users can get a 10% discount on the purchase price of the node when they buy nodes using the HoneyDAO referral link or the code ‘valorem420’ on the checkout page.  

Key Details About The Sale
By looking ahead in terms of encouraging widespread adoption, the Node Sale event will introduce 100,000 nodes. The first type of node to be made available in the Aethir network is the checker node, which any user can operate to help verify the uptime, latency, quality of service, and computational power provided by future node participants.
Beginning at $500 per node, users will participate using wrapped ETH (WETH) on the Arbitrum network. It is worth mentioning that there will be no limit on the amount of nodes that can be bought, which helps ensure equal opportunity for everyone involved.
Moreover, any nodes bought during the sale shall be transferable after 12 months post-sale. Node operators could potentially earn up to 15% of the allocated ATH overall supply that is earmarked for CNOs (Checker Node Operators) over 4 years. As node operators, users are an important part of Aethir's ecosystem, earning rewards for critical computing contributions once the network is fully operational.
Aethir's mission is to accelerate the world's transition to universal cloud computing, and users are invited to join this journey through the Initial Public Node Offering on March 20th.

Why Does The Sale Matter?
By operating the nodes, the verification of data and service provision can be facilitated and participants will be allowed to earn rewards in the aforementioned ATH tokens, which is the native currency of the Aethir ecosystem. In terms of why this matters, these rewards highlight Aethir’s dedication to creating and maintaining an inclusive and robust community filled with effective and passionate node providers and checkers, all of whom are fully committed to sustaining the integrity of the decentralized cloud infrastructure network.
The Aethir team stated that adopting a decentralized approach is essential for the network as it allows the ecosystem to solve many of the issues commonly associated with traditional centralized cloud providers. Furthermore, this approach enables Aethir to keep up with the ever-changing computational needs of generative artificial intelligence (AI) as well as various gaming apps.

About Aethir
Aethir is a GPU-as-a-service provider that concentrates on solving real computational issues while empowering sectors that rely on GPUs. The company is transforming DePIN with its sophisticated, distributed enterprise-grade GPU-based infrastructure designed specifically for AI and gaming. In this way, Aethir is establishing the path for the future of decentralized computing.
Aethir managed to secure a mid-seven-figure annual contract with the world's largest telco, which will increase to eight figures by the second quarter of this year. They are also on track to sign three more enterprise contracts in Q1 2024, and the team has already signed three cloud gaming contracts, with over ten more expected soon, including partnerships with the world's largest gaming company, which has 150 million+ MAU and a 22% conversion rate. As of now, the Aethir community has grown to more than 170,000 members.
Lastly, Aethir is a proud member of NVIDIA's Inception Program, with a robust lineup of H100 chips. Aethir's mission is supported by top investors such as Maelstrom, Mirana Ventures, Animoca Brands, Sanctor Capital, Hashkey, Merit Circle, CitizenX, IVC, Framework Ventures, and Infinity Ventures Crypto.
For more information and regular updates, visit Aethir’s official website alongside its social media channels.

Media Contact:
Daniel Wang - Co-founder and CBO at Mythos Venture Partners (GP); previously at IVC (Venture Partner), YGG SEA (CIO), Riot Games (Head of International Publishing Management), and Riot Games - China (Head of Operations).
Kyle Okamoto - Chief Technology Officer. Kyle has previously held the positions of CEO and General Manager for Ericsson's IoT, Automotive, and Security businesses, as well as CEO of Edge Gravity and Chief Network Officer at Verizon Media.
Mark Rydon - Co-founder and CEO. Mark has held key positions at NOTA Platform, Flux Capital, Gaas LTD, Kulture Athletics, Inc., and Bechtel Corporation.

About HoneyDAO
HoneyDAO is a group of DeFi influencers, experienced investors, crypto developers, and founders who collaborate to improve DeFi one project at a time. The group collaborates closely with funded projects to drive growth in the competitive DeFi ecosystem.

About Impossible Finance
Impossible Finance is a blockchain-native research advisory firm that also operates a DeFi launchpad and accelerator. The firm assists projects in getting started, raising funds, scaling, and launching their tokens, while also allowing users to learn about, discover, and invest in high-quality crypto opportunities.
The Solana crypto community comes together to support Crypto Pioneer Changpeng Zhao (CZ) The Solana meme crypto community comes together to support Crypto Pioneer Changpeng Zhao (CZ) as he’s facing legal difficulties in the United States The token is governed by a DAO that controls 20 percent of the total token supply (currently valued at more than $1,000,000). $CZOL - CZOLANA focuses on shedding light on CZ’s invaluable work for the crypto community. CZOLANA is doing so by creating memes with CZ's face, in a fun way, as he spends time in the U.S. after being banned from traveling by the DoJ. The community is also developing a trending bot that will be given to other communities to use for a minimal fee. The fees earned by “CZOL Trending” will buy back $CZOL and burn it. This was a proposal that initially was submitted to the DAO and is now becoming a reality. The community is supporting each other in light of the Legend CZ, which has built the biggest exchange in the world and onboarded probably the most people into crypto. The DAO is a great opportunity for community members to submit their ideas and vote on other members' ideas, says a passionate community member. The community expects to grow exponentially as we get closer to Changpeng Zhao’s trial date on the 30th of April. The community will try its absolute best to support CZ in any way possible. It has already started a hashtag trend named #cryptosupportCZ and will do other incentives closer to the date. Crypto gives humanity the freedom to transact freely in a decentralized manner, and CZ has played an important role in that. The token $CZOL, which is the heart of the ecosystem, is based on Solana’s blockchain and has a 0% buy-and-sell tax. The smart contract has been renounced, meaning no new tokens can be minted. In addition to its recent price movement, CZOL ($CZOLANA) is making waves in the crypto community trending on CoinMarketCap: CZOLANA is trending among the most visited tokens on CoinMarketCap. Moreover, the token is now listed on both Toobit and Lbank, increasing its accessibility. About $CZOLANA CZOL ($CZOLANA) is a community-driven token built on the Solana blockchain with a mission to celebrate Changpeng Zhao (CZ) and his contributions to the cryptocurrency world. The project is governed by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that controls a significant portion of the token supply and fosters a collaborative environment where members can propose and vote on ideas. Through fun initiatives like meme creation and a fee-generating trending bot used for buybacks and burns, the CZOLANA community aims to not only show appreciation for CZ but also generate value for $CZOL token holders. For more information and regular updates please visit: the official website: Telegram: channels:

The Solana crypto community comes together to support Crypto Pioneer Changpeng Zhao (CZ)

The Solana meme crypto community comes together to support Crypto Pioneer Changpeng Zhao (CZ) as he’s facing legal difficulties in the United States

The token is governed by a DAO that controls 20 percent of the total token supply (currently valued at more than $1,000,000).
$CZOL - CZOLANA focuses on shedding light on CZ’s invaluable work for the crypto community. CZOLANA is doing so by creating memes with CZ's face, in a fun way, as he spends time in the U.S. after being banned from traveling by the DoJ.
The community is also developing a trending bot that will be given to other communities to use for a minimal fee. The fees earned by “CZOL Trending” will buy back $CZOL and burn it. This was a proposal that initially was submitted to the DAO and is now becoming a reality.

The community is supporting each other in light of the Legend CZ, which has built the biggest exchange in the world and onboarded probably the most people into crypto. The DAO is a great opportunity for community members to submit their ideas and vote on other members' ideas, says a passionate community member.
The community expects to grow exponentially as we get closer to Changpeng Zhao’s trial date on the 30th of April.
The community will try its absolute best to support CZ in any way possible. It has already started a hashtag trend named #cryptosupportCZ and will do other incentives closer to the date. Crypto gives humanity the freedom to transact freely in a decentralized manner, and CZ has played an important role in that.
The token $CZOL, which is the heart of the ecosystem, is based on Solana’s blockchain and has a 0% buy-and-sell tax. The smart contract has been renounced, meaning no new tokens can be minted.
In addition to its recent price movement, CZOL ($CZOLANA) is making waves in the crypto community trending on CoinMarketCap: CZOLANA is trending among the most visited tokens on CoinMarketCap. Moreover, the token is now listed on both Toobit and Lbank, increasing its accessibility.
CZOL ($CZOLANA) is a community-driven token built on the Solana blockchain with a mission to celebrate Changpeng Zhao (CZ) and his contributions to the cryptocurrency world. The project is governed by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that controls a significant portion of the token supply and fosters a collaborative environment where members can propose and vote on ideas. Through fun initiatives like meme creation and a fee-generating trending bot used for buybacks and burns, the CZOLANA community aims to not only show appreciation for CZ but also generate value for $CZOL token holders.
For more information and regular updates please visit:
the official website:
Telegram: channels:

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