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Nessuno te lo dirà perché a loro non importa. Lo faccio davvero e voglio aiutarti a vincere questo ciclo bitcoin. Quindi prendi i profitti, Perché se non lo fai, tutti i tuoi profitti verranno spazzati via. Non vuoi passare dal sentirti in cima al mondo, Con il tuo portafoglio ai massimi storici, Di nuovo a 0 piatto. Se non vuoi perderti il ​​top, Seguimi perché non ti dico solo quando acquistare, Ti dirò anche quando vendere. #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear #Memecoins #Megadrop
Nessuno te lo dirà perché a loro non importa.
Lo faccio davvero e voglio aiutarti a vincere questo ciclo bitcoin.
Quindi prendi i profitti,
Perché se non lo fai, tutti i tuoi profitti verranno spazzati via.
Non vuoi passare dal sentirti in cima al mondo,
Con il tuo portafoglio ai massimi storici,
Di nuovo a 0 piatto.
Se non vuoi perderti il ​​top,
Seguimi perché non ti dico solo quando acquistare,
Ti dirò anche quando vendere.
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Ciao ragazzi, È un grosso e grosso#alertsu $ADA !!! Il fondatore di Cardano difende le altcoin dalle affermazioni di Michael Saylor Charles Hoskinson, fondatore di Cardano, critica la visione di Michael Saylor secondo cui solo Bitcoin è una merce, non altre criptovalute come Ethereum, XRP e Cardano. Le tensioni tra i massimalisti di Bitcoin e i sostenitori di altre criptovalute sono diventate molto evidenti. Charles Hoskinson, fondatore di Cardano, ha recentemente espresso le sue preoccupazioni sull'atteggiamento sprezzante dei massimalisti di Bitcoin nei confronti di altre criptovalute sulla scia delle recenti osservazioni di Michael Saylor. Bitcoiners: "Perché Charles sta attaccando Bitcoin? Gli altcoiner sono così tossici". Bitcoin Maxi's: "Letteralmente tutto tranne Bitcoin è illegale e una truffa" Hoskinson ha osservato che i sostenitori di Bitcoin etichettano gli appassionati di altre criptovalute come tossici, con una propensione ad attaccarli, ma non si rendono conto che i loro continui commenti sprezzanti contro le altcoin sono responsabili dell'attivazione di queste risposte. La critica di Hoskinson e la posizione di Saylor Saylor, presidente esecutivo di MicroStrategy, ha suggerito che tutte le criptovalute diverse da Bitcoin, tra cui Ethereum, XRP di Ripple, Solana, Binance Coin e Cardano, saranno probabilmente trattate come titoli non registrati piuttosto che come materie prime. Ha espresso scetticismo riguardo all'approvazione di ETF basati su queste criptovalute, prevedendo che gli investitori istituzionali e Wall Street potrebbero continuare a evitarli. I commenti di Saylor hanno seguito l'approvazione da parte della SEC di diversi ETF Bitcoin all'inizio di quest'anno, scatenando dibattiti sul futuro normativo di altre criptovalute. La delibera della SEC sugli ETF Ethereum In mezzo a queste controversie, la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) degli Stati Uniti sta deliberando sugli ETF spot Ethereum proposti da Grayscale e Franklin Templeton. La decisione, inizialmente prevista a breve, è stata rinviata all'11 giugno 2024.
Ciao ragazzi,
È un grosso e grosso#alertsu $ADA !!!
Il fondatore di Cardano difende le altcoin dalle affermazioni di Michael Saylor
Charles Hoskinson, fondatore di Cardano, critica la visione di Michael Saylor secondo cui solo Bitcoin è una merce, non altre criptovalute come Ethereum, XRP e Cardano.
Le tensioni tra i massimalisti di Bitcoin e i sostenitori di altre criptovalute sono diventate molto evidenti. Charles Hoskinson, fondatore di Cardano, ha recentemente espresso le sue preoccupazioni sull'atteggiamento sprezzante dei massimalisti di Bitcoin nei confronti di altre criptovalute sulla scia delle recenti osservazioni di Michael Saylor.
Bitcoiners: "Perché Charles sta attaccando Bitcoin? Gli altcoiner sono così
tossici". Bitcoin Maxi's: "Letteralmente tutto tranne Bitcoin è illegale e una truffa"
Hoskinson ha osservato che i sostenitori di Bitcoin etichettano gli appassionati di altre criptovalute come tossici, con una propensione ad attaccarli, ma non si rendono conto che i loro continui commenti sprezzanti contro le altcoin sono responsabili dell'attivazione di queste risposte.
La critica di Hoskinson e la posizione di Saylor
Saylor, presidente esecutivo di MicroStrategy, ha suggerito che tutte le criptovalute diverse da Bitcoin, tra cui Ethereum, XRP di Ripple, Solana, Binance Coin e Cardano, saranno probabilmente trattate come titoli non registrati piuttosto che come materie prime.
Ha espresso scetticismo riguardo all'approvazione di ETF basati su queste criptovalute, prevedendo che gli investitori istituzionali e Wall Street potrebbero continuare a evitarli. I commenti di Saylor hanno seguito l'approvazione da parte della SEC di diversi ETF Bitcoin all'inizio di quest'anno, scatenando dibattiti sul futuro normativo di altre criptovalute.
La delibera della SEC sugli ETF Ethereum
In mezzo a queste controversie, la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) degli Stati Uniti sta deliberando sugli ETF spot Ethereum proposti da Grayscale e Franklin Templeton. La decisione, inizialmente prevista a breve, è stata rinviata all'11 giugno 2024.
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Niente panico! Ciò che sta accadendo sul mercato è normale 📉💼 Ciao a tutti, Come avrete notato, l'intero mercato sta attraversando una fase di ribasso, in particolar modo Bitcoin. Ma non preoccupatevi, è del tutto normale e ci sono due ragioni principali per gli eventi di oggi: 1. **Tensioni tra Iran e Israele:** Le tensioni geopolitiche hanno portato molte persone nella regione del Medio Oriente a vendere i propri asset, contribuendo al declino del mercato. 2. **Halving di Bitcoin:** Storicamente, Bitcoin tende a subire un calo del 25-40% prima degli eventi di dimezzamento. Tuttavia, di solito c'è un'impennata e prezzi massimi storici in seguito. Quindi se avete già delle monete, niente panico! Aspettate l'impennata post-halving. In realtà, questo è un ottimo momento per investire, ma ricordate, la pazienza è fondamentale nel mercato spot. Non vendete mai in perdita. Mantenete i vostri asset e aspettate il momento giusto per vendere per ottenere profitti. Ricorda il mantra: tieni duro e aspetta, acquista al ribasso e vendi per ottenere profitti. Questo è il nome del gioco nel mercato spot. Resta forte e resta al sicuro. Segui per altri aggiornamenti e segnali. #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving #BTC
Niente panico! Ciò che sta accadendo sul mercato è normale 📉💼
Ciao a tutti,
Come avrete notato, l'intero mercato sta attraversando una fase di ribasso, in particolar modo Bitcoin. Ma non preoccupatevi, è del tutto normale e ci sono due ragioni principali per gli eventi di oggi:
1. **Tensioni tra Iran e Israele:** Le tensioni geopolitiche hanno portato molte persone nella regione del Medio Oriente a vendere i propri asset, contribuendo al declino del mercato.
2. **Halving di Bitcoin:** Storicamente, Bitcoin tende a subire un calo del 25-40% prima degli eventi di dimezzamento. Tuttavia, di solito c'è un'impennata e prezzi massimi storici in seguito. Quindi se avete già delle monete, niente panico! Aspettate l'impennata post-halving.
In realtà, questo è un ottimo momento per investire, ma ricordate, la pazienza è fondamentale nel mercato spot. Non vendete mai in perdita. Mantenete i vostri asset e aspettate il momento giusto per vendere per ottenere profitti. Ricorda il mantra: tieni duro e aspetta, acquista al ribasso e vendi per ottenere profitti. Questo è il nome del gioco nel mercato spot.
Resta forte e resta al sicuro. Segui per altri aggiornamenti e segnali.
FOUR SOLANA MEMECOINS THAT COULD SKYROCKET 9,000% AND CHALLENGE SHIBA INU AND DOGECOIN 🚀 Some of you have been requesting this.... so here you have it! Please KNOW: This is extremely dangerous, and you might lose all your money. Better not do it, and if you do it.. put just a little! 🐶 Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) have captured the limelight with their meteoric rises, but the spotlight is shifting to Solana memecoins as retail investors seek the next big opportunity. 🌟 Amid the sea of newly launched tokens, identifying potential winners can be daunting. Here are four Solana memecoins with promising prospects, akin to the early days of SHIB and DOGE: 1. Dapper Duck (DAPDUCK) Market Cap: $3,000 Contract Address: Aeem6NMbRzcLCFxJWCYWatevYLEKEi1P1YkkYJv7dgUd 2. Crazy Wolf (CRAWOLF) Market Cap: $16,000 Contract Address: 4cra6VGCDowfFz3HDz5ctXtCSAhQQ5FEscKMLGzB56ML 3. Flying Penguin (FLYPEN) Market Cap: $15,000 Contract Address: 37Tfn3F5E84KvitHHQVK37KzZZ3qAPCdxjGgBJd8XoVs 4. Joey Bonk (JOEBONK) Market Cap: $19,000 Contract Address: AiqeRZVZgPkDVVXNTYqz7xGA7bgwuTgE1ShqCkC7C7Em 💰 How to Buy Solana Memecoins 💰 🔗 Solana memecoins are typically not available on centralized exchanges like Binance or Coinbase. Instead, they're acquired through decentralized Solana exchanges such as Raydium or Jupiter. Connect your Solflare, Phantom, or MetaMask wallet to the exchange, and swap Solana for the token using its contract address. Don't miss out on the next big opportunity in the crypto market!
Some of you have been requesting this.... so here you have it!
Please KNOW: This is extremely dangerous, and you might lose all your money. Better not do it, and if you do it.. put just a little!
🐶 Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) have captured the limelight with their meteoric rises, but the spotlight is shifting to Solana memecoins as retail investors seek the next big opportunity.
🌟 Amid the sea of newly launched tokens, identifying potential winners can be daunting. Here are four Solana memecoins with promising prospects, akin to the early days of SHIB and DOGE:
1. Dapper Duck (DAPDUCK)
Market Cap: $3,000
Contract Address: Aeem6NMbRzcLCFxJWCYWatevYLEKEi1P1YkkYJv7dgUd
2. Crazy Wolf (CRAWOLF)
Market Cap: $16,000
Contract Address: 4cra6VGCDowfFz3HDz5ctXtCSAhQQ5FEscKMLGzB56ML
3. Flying Penguin (FLYPEN)
Market Cap: $15,000
Contract Address: 37Tfn3F5E84KvitHHQVK37KzZZ3qAPCdxjGgBJd8XoVs
4. Joey Bonk (JOEBONK)
Market Cap: $19,000
Contract Address: AiqeRZVZgPkDVVXNTYqz7xGA7bgwuTgE1ShqCkC7C7Em
💰 How to Buy Solana Memecoins 💰
🔗 Solana memecoins are typically not available on centralized exchanges like Binance or Coinbase. Instead, they're acquired through decentralized Solana exchanges such as Raydium or Jupiter. Connect your Solflare, Phantom, or MetaMask wallet to the exchange, and swap Solana for the token using its contract address.
Don't miss out on the next big opportunity in the crypto market!
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Il sollievo di CZ: un nuovo capitolo per Binance 🔐 Changpeng Zhao (CZ), il fondatore di Binance, può finalmente tirare un sospiro di sollievo dopo l'annuncio del tanto atteso verdetto. Dopo un'agonia di almeno 8 mesi, la decisione ha portato chiarezza e il periodo di attesa di 4 mesi passerà presto. Nonostante l’incertezza, lo status miliardario di CZ e il dominio di Binance sul mercato rimangono invariati. In effetti, è probabile che Binance ne emerga ancora più forte, dando l’esempio del fatto che nessuno è troppo grande o troppo potente per affrontare le sfide. La resilienza e la forza di CZ lo aiuteranno a superare questo periodo e continuerà a prosperare sul mercato. Binance manterrà la sua prima posizione e la sua leadership sarà difficile da superare nel prossimo futuro." 2° Aggiornamento: Il Fondatore di Binance CZ riceve una condanna a 4 mesi! A seguito di una recente udienza in tribunale, Changpeng Zhao (CZ), il fondatore di Binance, è stato condannato a 4 mesi di carcere. In una dimostrazione di sostegno, il giudice ha riconosciuto l'effusione di amore e apprezzamento per CZ da parte della comunità. Continuiamo a dimostrare il nostro sostegno alla CZ durante questo periodo. Lascia un cuore (❤️) nei commenti per dimostrare la tua solidarietà!"
Il sollievo di CZ: un nuovo capitolo per Binance 🔐
Changpeng Zhao (CZ), il fondatore di Binance, può finalmente tirare un sospiro di sollievo dopo l'annuncio del tanto atteso verdetto. Dopo un'agonia di almeno 8 mesi, la decisione ha portato chiarezza e il periodo di attesa di 4 mesi passerà presto. Nonostante l’incertezza, lo status miliardario di CZ e il dominio di Binance sul mercato rimangono invariati. In effetti, è probabile che Binance ne emerga ancora più forte, dando l’esempio del fatto che nessuno è troppo grande o troppo potente per affrontare le sfide. La resilienza e la forza di CZ lo aiuteranno a superare questo periodo e continuerà a prosperare sul mercato. Binance manterrà la sua prima posizione e la sua leadership sarà difficile da superare nel prossimo futuro."
2° Aggiornamento: Il Fondatore di Binance CZ riceve una condanna a 4 mesi!
A seguito di una recente udienza in tribunale, Changpeng Zhao (CZ), il fondatore di Binance, è stato condannato a 4 mesi di carcere.
In una dimostrazione di sostegno, il giudice ha riconosciuto l'effusione di amore e apprezzamento per CZ da parte della comunità.
Continuiamo a dimostrare il nostro sostegno alla CZ durante questo periodo. Lascia un cuore (❤️) nei commenti per dimostrare la tua solidarietà!"
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È stato svelato il motivo della caduta di Bitcoin: perché BTC sta crollando? Una delle ragioni più importanti dietro il declino di Bitcoin è la prevista decisione della Fed sui tassi di interesse e le dichiarazioni del presidente della Fed Powell. I mercati stanno vivendo ansia per le possibili dichiarazioni di Powell in seguito alla decisione che verrà annunciata oggi. Anche la diminuzione degli investimenti in ETF ha contribuito al declino delle criptovalute, in particolare di Bitcoin. Nell'ultima settimana, tutti gli ETF Bitcoin hanno chiuso ogni giorno in negativo. C'è stato un deflusso netto di investimenti di oltre 500 milioni di $ dagli ETF in pochi giorni. Parlando con Reuters, l'analista di ricerca di Fineqia Matteo Greco ha affermato: "La recente tendenza al ribasso può essere attribuita all'aumento delle prese di profitto da parte degli investitori che sono entrati nel mercato durante le crisi del 2022 e del 2023, nonché dagli investitori in ETF che hanno assistito a un significativo aumento del prezzo delle loro azioni dopo essere entrati nel mercato nelle prime settimane del 2024", ha commentato. Secondo Reuters, da una prospettiva macro, non ci si aspetta che la Fed apporti alcuna modifica ai tassi di interesse, ma tra gli investitori si sta radicando l'opinione che la banca centrale potrebbe non tagliare affatto i tassi di interesse quest'anno e potrebbe dare un duro colpo alle attività sensibili ai tassi di interesse come criptovalute, azioni e obbligazioni dei mercati emergenti e persino materie prime. D'altro canto, si nota che i trader preoccupati che la Fed manterrà i tassi di interesse a livelli elevati per un periodo più lungo stanno considerando la possibilità di un grande movimento nel mercato azionario. La Fed annuncerà la sua decisione sui tassi di interesse alle 21:00 di questa sera. La conferenza stampa di Powell si terrà alle 21:30.
È stato svelato il motivo della caduta di Bitcoin: perché BTC sta crollando?
Una delle ragioni più importanti dietro il declino di Bitcoin è la prevista decisione della Fed sui tassi di interesse e le dichiarazioni del presidente della Fed Powell. I mercati stanno vivendo ansia per le possibili dichiarazioni di Powell in seguito alla decisione che verrà annunciata oggi.
Anche la diminuzione degli investimenti in ETF ha contribuito al declino delle criptovalute, in particolare di Bitcoin. Nell'ultima settimana, tutti gli ETF Bitcoin hanno chiuso ogni giorno in negativo. C'è stato un deflusso netto di investimenti di oltre 500 milioni di $ dagli ETF in pochi giorni.
Parlando con Reuters, l'analista di ricerca di Fineqia Matteo Greco ha affermato: "La recente tendenza al ribasso può essere attribuita all'aumento delle prese di profitto da parte degli investitori che sono entrati nel mercato durante le crisi del 2022 e del 2023, nonché dagli investitori in ETF che hanno assistito a un significativo aumento del prezzo delle loro azioni dopo essere entrati nel mercato nelle prime settimane del 2024", ha commentato. Secondo Reuters, da una prospettiva macro, non ci si aspetta che la Fed apporti alcuna modifica ai tassi di interesse, ma tra gli investitori si sta radicando l'opinione che la banca centrale potrebbe non tagliare affatto i tassi di interesse quest'anno e potrebbe dare un duro colpo alle attività sensibili ai tassi di interesse come criptovalute, azioni e obbligazioni dei mercati emergenti e persino materie prime.
D'altro canto, si nota che i trader preoccupati che la Fed manterrà i tassi di interesse a livelli elevati per un periodo più lungo stanno considerando la possibilità di un grande movimento nel mercato azionario.
La Fed annuncerà la sua decisione sui tassi di interesse alle 21:00 di questa sera. La conferenza stampa di Powell si terrà alle 21:30.
People all over crypto are crying. They made losses, they expect more blood to come, they are panic-selling, they tell others to stop buying right now and that crypto is only going down now. This is the first cycle where we actually see a new ATH prior to the halving! It never had happened before! Instead of seeing this "overdue correction***"*** after a non-stop straight up bullmarket, people scream. Strangely the opposite will happen if the markets start to recover. Then people will call to stop FOMO, tell you to wait a bit, advice you to not catch falling knives. Not a Warren Buffet fan here, but be bullish if blood is on the streets. Is more blood to come? Who know? If anyone is telling you that they do know, they straight up lying to you. We cannot buy the exact bottom, but if markets go down, it would be a wise play to invest a little bit. DCA in time instead of panic selling time. Hint: History suggest that real new ATHs happen around 6 months after #halving. Happy DCAing!
People all over crypto are crying.
They made losses, they expect more blood to come, they are panic-selling, they tell others to stop buying right now and that crypto is only going down now.
This is the first cycle where we actually see a new ATH prior to the halving!
It never had happened before!
Instead of seeing this "overdue correction***"*** after a non-stop straight up bullmarket, people scream.
Strangely the opposite will happen if the markets start to recover. Then people will call to stop FOMO, tell you to wait a bit, advice you to not catch falling knives.
Not a Warren Buffet fan here, but be bullish if blood is on the streets. Is more blood to come? Who know? If anyone is telling you that they do know, they straight up lying to you.
We cannot buy the exact bottom, but if markets go down, it would be a wise play to invest a little bit. DCA in time instead of panic selling time.
Hint: History suggest that real new ATHs happen around 6 months after #halving. Happy DCAing!
A meme coin trader fell victim to insider trading and lost $152,000 in half an hour! 🙀 A user became a victim of insider trading with the meme coin CoolCoin ($COOL) on the Solana network, reported by analysts at #Lookonchain . 🤷 The trader spent 1600 SOL to buy 2.2 million $COOL, but managed to 🙈 sell them for only 532.58 SOL less than half an hour later, losing 1067.42 SOL($152,000) in the transaction. 👆 Previously, Lookonchain had noticed suspicious activity on the network that resembled 👀 insider trading. They identified a trader who owned the majority of the issued CoolCoin #tokens . According to their findings, he 💰bought 574.27 million COOL for 35.4 SOL($5000) and distributed them across several addresses. Within 🕐 an hour, the insider sold 22.81 million COOL from five wallets, earning 11,896 $SOL ($1.69 million). ✔️ Currently, he still owns 551 million COOL (55.1% of the total supply) valued at over $20 million.
A meme coin trader fell victim to insider trading and lost $152,000 in half an hour!
🙀 A user became a victim of insider trading with the meme coin CoolCoin ($COOL) on the Solana network, reported by analysts at #Lookonchain .
🤷 The trader spent 1600 SOL to buy 2.2 million $COOL, but managed to 🙈 sell them for only 532.58 SOL less than half an hour later, losing 1067.42 SOL($152,000) in the transaction.
👆 Previously, Lookonchain had noticed suspicious activity on the network that resembled 👀 insider trading. They identified a trader who owned the majority of the issued CoolCoin #tokens .
According to their findings, he 💰bought 574.27 million COOL for 35.4 SOL($5000) and distributed them across several addresses. Within 🕐 an hour, the insider sold 22.81 million COOL from five wallets, earning 11,896 $SOL ($1.69 million).
✔️ Currently, he still owns 551 million COOL (55.1% of the total supply) valued at over $20 million.
🚨 Big Scam Exposed on Binance! Please Stay Safe Recently, scammers on Binance have found a new way to fool innocent people where they ask users to send them tips on Binance Square to get big rewards like 1 BTC or 0.5 BTC. Many people have fallen prey to these scams and later found out that they were scammed and lost their money . I have quoted the post of the scammer which goes as 1 Dollar Tip = 0.1 BTC 3 Dollars Tip = 0.3 BTC 5 Dollars Tip = 0.5 BTC 10 Dollars Tip = 1 BTC 100 Dollars Tip = 10 BTC 410 People Got a huge amount of Bitcoin from me. I don't need dollars . The reason why you have to tip is to participate fairly. Because everyone want free money. I can't send money to everyone. I will send money to 3000 People. Latest Winners : @SpaceHelix01 Cryptos   ( 0.5 BTC ) @Dodie Venuto spn9  ( 1 BTC ) @James Kennerly sPb4  ( 0.3 BTC ) @Hsiu Bandarra sPsN  ( 10 BTC ) @Giovanni Desormeaux sNSo  ( 0.1 BTC ) @Phyliss Adlam SPB4   ( 0.3 BTC ) @Osniel Anzola  ( 1 BTC ) These scammers after getting large tips change their username and run out with your money. I request all of you not to send any tip to the user who post fake promises and please report the post immediately to save people being scammed on Binance and keeping Binance Square Clean. Please feel free to post your experience as well as suggestions to keep these scammers out of the square. #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear #BTC
🚨 Big Scam Exposed on Binance! Please Stay Safe
Recently, scammers on Binance have found a new way to fool innocent people where they ask users to send them tips on Binance Square to get big rewards like 1 BTC or 0.5 BTC. Many people have fallen prey to these scams and later found out that they were scammed and lost their money . I have quoted the post of the scammer which goes as
1 Dollar Tip = 0.1 BTC
3 Dollars Tip = 0.3 BTC
5 Dollars Tip = 0.5 BTC
10 Dollars Tip = 1 BTC
100 Dollars Tip = 10 BTC
410 People Got a huge amount of Bitcoin from me. I don't need dollars . The reason why you have to tip is to participate fairly. Because everyone want free money. I can't send money to everyone. I will send money to 3000 People.
Latest Winners :
@SpaceHelix01 Cryptos   ( 0.5 BTC )
@Dodie Venuto spn9  ( 1 BTC )
@James Kennerly sPb4  ( 0.3 BTC )
@Hsiu Bandarra sPsN  ( 10 BTC )
@Giovanni Desormeaux sNSo  ( 0.1 BTC )
@Phyliss Adlam SPB4   ( 0.3 BTC )
@Osniel Anzola  ( 1 BTC )
These scammers after getting large tips change their username and run out with your money. I request all of you not to send any tip to the user who post fake promises and please report the post immediately to save people being scammed on Binance and keeping Binance Square Clean.
Please feel free to post your experience as well as suggestions to keep these scammers out of the square.
#bitcoinhalving #BullorBear
💥 BITCOIN ETF HONG KONG! BTC IS DUMPING !!! We all hoped that the Hong Kong Spot Bitcoin ETF would have a #Bullish effect on the market... It did not! Sometimes, the whales and big guys are a few steps ahead. That's why we should never get excited and all-knowing, and that's why I warned you in my last post, too. I hope you didn't play with leverage and set the stop loss. Let's see what happens next. I talked with some Frenz in Hong Kong, and they said that everything is positive and it's going to be a long-term play. #BearishAlert #Fed #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear
We all hoped that the Hong Kong Spot Bitcoin ETF would have a #Bullish effect on the market...
It did not!
Sometimes, the whales and big guys are a few steps ahead. That's why we should never get excited and all-knowing, and that's why I warned you in my last post, too.
I hope you didn't play with leverage and set the stop loss.
Let's see what happens next.
I talked with some Frenz in Hong Kong, and they said that everything is positive and it's going to be a long-term play.
🗞️🗞️ Exciting News from Binance Today! Here's what's happening: - *Binance Exiting U.S. Market*: Due to regulatory challenges, Binance is leaving the U.S. market, settling with fines totaling $3.4 billion to FinCEN and $968 million to OFAC. - *Changpeng Zhao's Verdict*: Binance's founder and former CEO, Changpeng Zhao, faces sentencing on April 30 after pleading guilty to money laundering charges in November 2023. - *Philippines SEC Action*: The Philippines SEC has ordered the removal of the Binance app from local app stores, citing investor security concerns and potential economic impact. - *BNB Chain Innovation*: BNB Chain is relocating its native liquid staking feature to Binance Smart Chain (BSC), offering users unique opportunities in decentralized finance. - *DOJ's Stance*: The Department of Justice is pushing for a tougher sentence of 3 years for former Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao. Stay informed with Binance for more updates! 🚀 #BinanceLaunchpool #ScamRiskWarning #NFP
🗞️🗞️ Exciting News from Binance Today! Here's what's happening:
- *Binance Exiting U.S. Market*: Due to regulatory challenges, Binance is leaving the U.S. market, settling with fines totaling $3.4 billion to FinCEN and $968 million to OFAC.
- *Changpeng Zhao's Verdict*: Binance's founder and former CEO, Changpeng Zhao, faces sentencing on April 30 after pleading guilty to money laundering charges in November 2023.
- *Philippines SEC Action*: The Philippines SEC has ordered the removal of the Binance app from local app stores, citing investor security concerns and potential economic impact.
- *BNB Chain Innovation*: BNB Chain is relocating its native liquid staking feature to Binance Smart Chain (BSC), offering users unique opportunities in decentralized finance.
- *DOJ's Stance*: The Department of Justice is pushing for a tougher sentence of 3 years for former Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao.
Stay informed with Binance for more updates! 🚀
Here's How I've consistently earned over $1000 per month through cryptocurrencies💰 1. Launchpools: Passive income ranging from $15 to $50 monthly with minimal effort. Earnings fluctuate based on factors like the number of launchpools, distribution amounts, and currency value. 2. Retrodrops: A lucrative method yielding substantial returns, though it's not consistent. Rewards vary widely, from $500 to over $10,000, depending on project distribution timing. 3. Binance Square: Posting on Binance Square nets me $0 to $100 monthly, influenced by various factors. While the earnings aren't my primary focus, I engage to assist newcomers, share insights, and reflect on my journey. ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT 🫂Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles.Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice. #BinanceLaunchpool #Megadrop #Bitcoin❗️
Here's How I've consistently earned over $1000 per month through cryptocurrencies💰
1. Launchpools: Passive income ranging from $15 to $50 monthly with minimal effort. Earnings fluctuate based on factors like the number of launchpools, distribution amounts, and currency value.
2. Retrodrops: A lucrative method yielding substantial returns, though it's not consistent. Rewards vary widely, from $500 to over $10,000, depending on project distribution timing.
3. Binance Square: Posting on Binance Square nets me $0 to $100 monthly, influenced by various factors. While the earnings aren't my primary focus, I engage to assist newcomers, share insights, and reflect on my journey.
🫂Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles.Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice.
#Binance P2P Scam Alert! 🚨😭 I'm heartbroken to share my recent ordeal. 😓😔 I was scammed out of $22,000 on Binance P2P. Learn from my painful experience and beware of these cunning tactics. 😭😓 1. **Phishing Scams:** Scammers stole my login details through fake websites and impersonators. 📊 2. **Payment Reversal Scams:** They made deceptive payments, then feigned an error and asked for the money back. After I refunded them, they reversed their original payment! 💸 3. **Fake Payment Confirmation:** I was duped by counterfeit payment confirmations, tricking me into handing over goods without actual payment. 📝 4. **Overpayment Scams:** Fraudsters overpaid on purpose, requested a refund for the excess, and the initial transaction turned out to be fake, causing me to lose money. 💵 5. **Escrow Impersonation:** They posed as legitimate escrow services, vanished with my goods and money once I trusted them. 🕵️‍♂️ 6. **Identity Theft:** I shared my personal information for verification, which led to identity theft and more fraud. 📊 7. **Remote Access Scams:** They convinced me to install remote access software, which they used to steal sensitive information and manipulate my trades. 🤖 🛡️ **To Protect Yourself:** 1. **Use Reputable Platforms:** Always trade on well-known platforms like Binance. 💯 2. **Verify Payments:** Ensure payments are verified in your bank account before concluding any trades. 💸 3. **Secure Communication:** Communicate through the platform's secure system and be cautious with sharing personal info. 📱 4. **Educate Yourself:** Keep up with the latest scam tactics in P2P trading. 📚 Stay vigilant and safe! Remember to like, share, and spread the word to help others avoid these scams! 🙏 #BinanceLaunchpool #Megadrop #NFP
#Binance P2P Scam Alert! 🚨😭
I'm heartbroken to share my recent ordeal. 😓😔 I was scammed out of $22,000 on Binance P2P. Learn from my painful experience and beware of these cunning tactics. 😭😓
1. **Phishing Scams:** Scammers stole my login details through fake websites and impersonators. 📊

2. **Payment Reversal Scams:** They made deceptive payments, then feigned an error and asked for the money back. After I refunded them, they reversed their original payment! 💸
3. **Fake Payment Confirmation:** I was duped by counterfeit payment confirmations, tricking me into handing over goods without actual payment. 📝
4. **Overpayment Scams:** Fraudsters overpaid on purpose, requested a refund for the excess, and the initial transaction turned out to be fake, causing me to lose money. 💵
5. **Escrow Impersonation:** They posed as legitimate escrow services, vanished with my goods and money once I trusted them. 🕵️‍♂️
6. **Identity Theft:** I shared my personal information for verification, which led to identity theft and more fraud. 📊
7. **Remote Access Scams:** They convinced me to install remote access software, which they used to steal sensitive information and manipulate my trades. 🤖
🛡️ **To Protect Yourself:**
1. **Use Reputable Platforms:** Always trade on well-known platforms like Binance. 💯
2. **Verify Payments:** Ensure payments are verified in your bank account before concluding any trades. 💸
3. **Secure Communication:** Communicate through the platform's secure system and be cautious with sharing personal info. 📱
4. **Educate Yourself:** Keep up with the latest scam tactics in P2P trading. 📚
Stay vigilant and safe! Remember to like, share, and spread the word to help others avoid these scams! 🙏
Russia wants to put a BAN on crypto! Russia is making significant strides towards a complete ban on the public use of crypto. The proposed ban, set to be enforced from September 1, would prohibit the general circulation of all crypto assets, except those officially issued within Russia. Despite the announcement, there is a suggestion that Russia is not planning to outlaw crypto turnover in the country, highlighting the importance of accurate reporting over sensational headlines. This decision comes at a time when the world is closely watching how governments are responding to the growing influence of cryptocurrencies. Russia's approach contrasts sharply with that of other nations, where the focus has been on establishing regulatory frameworks to integrate cryptocurrencies into their financial systems. The ban, if implemented, could potentially isolate Russia from the global crypto community and limit its ability to engage in international trade using crypto. The proposed ban has also raised questions about its potential impact on Russian businesses and individuals who have invested in cryptocurrencies. These stakeholders might be forced to seek alternative investment options or face the risk of being left out of the global crypto ecosystem. Moreover, the ban could lead to a surge in demand for decentralized financial (DeFi) services that are not under the direct control of any government, as individuals and businesses look for ways to circumvent the ban. While the Russian government cites concerns about the stability of the ruble and the need to control the financial system, critics argue that the ban might not achieve these objectives. Crypto by its nature is decentralized and resistant to control by any single entity. Thus, attempting to ban them might only lead to the creation of underground markets and increased use of privacy-focused cryptocurrencies, making it even more challenging for the government to monitor and regulate crypto transactions. If you enjoyed this post please give it a like and don’t forget to follow me for more crypto updates!
Russia wants to put a BAN on crypto!
Russia is making significant strides towards a complete ban on the public use of crypto. The proposed ban, set to be enforced from September 1, would prohibit the general circulation of all crypto assets, except those officially issued within Russia. Despite the announcement, there is a suggestion that Russia is not planning to outlaw crypto turnover in the country, highlighting the importance of accurate reporting over sensational headlines.
This decision comes at a time when the world is closely watching how governments are responding to the growing influence of cryptocurrencies. Russia's approach contrasts sharply with that of other nations, where the focus has been on establishing regulatory frameworks to integrate cryptocurrencies into their financial systems. The ban, if implemented, could potentially isolate Russia from the global crypto community and limit its ability to engage in international trade using crypto.
The proposed ban has also raised questions about its potential impact on Russian businesses and individuals who have invested in cryptocurrencies. These stakeholders might be forced to seek alternative investment options or face the risk of being left out of the global crypto ecosystem. Moreover, the ban could lead to a surge in demand for decentralized financial (DeFi) services that are not under the direct control of any government, as individuals and businesses look for ways to circumvent the ban.
While the Russian government cites concerns about the stability of the ruble and the need to control the financial system, critics argue that the ban might not achieve these objectives. Crypto by its nature is decentralized and resistant to control by any single entity. Thus, attempting to ban them might only lead to the creation of underground markets and increased use of privacy-focused cryptocurrencies, making it even more challenging for the government to monitor and regulate crypto transactions.
If you enjoyed this post please give it a like and don’t forget to follow me for more crypto updates!
Muslim Views about future trading.. Future trading is prohibited in Islam for the following reasons ¹ ² ³: - *Gharar*: Futures contracts allow individuals to buy goods that do not exist when signing a contract. It is against Islamic law, which specifies that goods must exist at the time of the actual agreement. - *Short-selling*: Futures contracts allow traders to sell goods they do not own. Islamic law demands that a seller must have ownership of the object at the time of the contract. - *No physical delivery*: Futures contracts allow buyers to resell goods or set contract obligations before actual delivery. Islamic law requires physical delivery of the object before resale or settlement. - *Riba*: Some futures contracts involve dealing in bonds, which is considered riba (usury) and is prohibited in Islam. - *Uncertainty*: Futures contracts often involve uncertainty, as the object of the contract may not exist or may not be delivered. Islamic law prohibits contracts with excessive uncertainty. - *No hand-to-hand exchange*: Some futures contracts do not involve a hand-to-hand exchange, which is required in Islamic law for a transaction to be permissible. - *Dealing in debt*: Futures contracts often involve dealing in debt, which is not allowed in Islam. - *Cash settlement*: Many futures contracts are cash-settled, which means that the contract is settled in cash rather than by delivering the underlying asset. This is not permissible in Islam. Comment yours point of view kindly ⬇️ #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear #Token2049
Muslim Views about future trading..
Future trading is prohibited in Islam for the following reasons ¹ ² ³:
- *Gharar*: Futures contracts allow individuals to buy goods that do not exist when signing a contract. It is against Islamic law, which specifies that goods must exist at the time of the actual agreement.
- *Short-selling*: Futures contracts allow traders to sell goods they do not own. Islamic law demands that a seller must have ownership of the object at the time of the contract.
- *No physical delivery*: Futures contracts allow buyers to resell goods or set contract obligations before actual delivery. Islamic law requires physical delivery of the object before resale or settlement.
- *Riba*: Some futures contracts involve dealing in bonds, which is considered riba (usury) and is prohibited in Islam.
- *Uncertainty*: Futures contracts often involve uncertainty, as the object of the contract may not exist or may not be delivered. Islamic law prohibits contracts with excessive uncertainty.
- *No hand-to-hand exchange*: Some futures contracts do not involve a hand-to-hand exchange, which is required in Islamic law for a transaction to be permissible.
- *Dealing in debt*: Futures contracts often involve dealing in debt, which is not allowed in Islam.
- *Cash settlement*: Many futures contracts are cash-settled, which means that the contract is settled in cash rather than by delivering the underlying asset. This is not permissible in Islam.
Comment yours point of view kindly ⬇️
#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ETH (first signs of the altseason) As Bitcoin hangs around 66k in the middle of the range, liquidity is starting to flow into some altcoins. I am sure Bitcoin will fall, and there is no doubt about the correction, but it may not be so drastic and sudden. In previous times when Bitcoin fell, the market just collapsed and BTC.D (domination) still grew. Now I assume that when Bitcoin falls, altcoins will not fall so much and so fast, and Bitcoin dominance will gradually decrease. I think ETH is next in line in terms of growth. It has all the fundamental signs to grow, and in fact only Bitcoin's instability and possible prolonged correction prevent it from doing so quickly. That said, I don't consider meme/shitcoins a good investment. Look very carefully at buying, and definitely shouldn't do it now even with leverage of x3 or more. But personally, I've bought a bit of ETH on the spot, although I do allow Etherium to drop even to $2400 in the worst case scenario. For bitcoin, the target is still the same 53k. Don't forget to leave your wonderful and very useful comments. #BTC #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #Megadrop
(first signs of the altseason) As Bitcoin hangs around 66k in the middle of the range, liquidity is starting to flow into some altcoins. I am sure Bitcoin will fall, and there is no doubt about the correction, but it may not be so drastic and sudden. In previous times when Bitcoin fell, the market just collapsed and BTC.D (domination) still grew. Now I assume that when Bitcoin falls, altcoins will not fall so much and so fast, and Bitcoin dominance will gradually decrease. I think ETH is next in line in terms of growth. It has all the fundamental signs to grow, and in fact only Bitcoin's instability and possible prolonged correction prevent it from doing so quickly. That said, I don't consider meme/shitcoins a good investment. Look very carefully at buying, and definitely shouldn't do it now even with leverage of x3 or more. But personally, I've bought a bit of ETH on the spot, although I do allow Etherium to drop even to $2400 in the worst case scenario. For bitcoin, the target is still the same 53k. Don't forget to leave your wonderful and very useful comments.
Putin has shown his intentions, and this time, he means business. Just as the United States announced a high-profile $60 billion in support for Ukraine, the Russian army inflicted a significant blow, resulting in the loss of up to 1,000 Ukrainian soldiers in a single day. This level of loss is unprecedented in previous battles and underscores Russia's ruthless approach. The aggression displayed by Russia puts immense pressure on Zelensky. Despite the substantial financial support from the United States, Russia's relentless advance poses a serious challenge. It remains unclear whether the promised $60 billion from the United States has reached Zelensky's account. War is devastating, and I sincerely hope that Zelensky can utilize the $60 billion to rebuild his homeland. The ongoing conflict is a test of Ukraine's resilience and endurance. #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #Megadrop
Putin has shown his intentions, and this time, he means business.
Just as the United States announced a high-profile $60 billion in support for Ukraine, the Russian army inflicted a significant blow, resulting in the loss of up to 1,000 Ukrainian soldiers in a single day.
This level of loss is unprecedented in previous battles and underscores Russia's ruthless approach.
The aggression displayed by Russia puts immense pressure on Zelensky. Despite the substantial financial support from the United States, Russia's relentless advance poses a serious challenge.
It remains unclear whether the promised $60 billion from the United States has reached Zelensky's account.
War is devastating, and I sincerely hope that Zelensky can utilize the $60 billion to rebuild his homeland.
The ongoing conflict is a test of Ukraine's resilience and endurance.
🚨 Urgent News Alert 🚨 $20 Billion Locked on Binance, Temporarily Halting Bitcoin Trading! The crypto community is in shock as $20 billion USD remains inaccessible on Binance, one of the largest exchanges. The origin of this massive transfer is clouded in mystery, leaving investors and analysts searching for answers. The repercussions spread worldwide, raising questions about Russia's financial stability and its response to economic challenges. Worries increase regarding Russia's economic resilience as locked crypto assets create uncertainty. Keep a close eye out for updates on the locked funds, as they could have significant ramifications for both the crypto market and the global economy. 🌐 Share with friends now #BullorBear
🚨 Urgent News Alert 🚨
$20 Billion Locked on Binance, Temporarily Halting Bitcoin Trading! The crypto community is in shock as $20 billion USD remains inaccessible on Binance, one of the largest exchanges. The origin of this massive transfer is clouded in mystery, leaving investors and analysts searching for answers.
The repercussions spread worldwide, raising questions about Russia's financial stability and its response to economic challenges. Worries increase regarding Russia's economic resilience as locked crypto assets create uncertainty. Keep a close eye out for updates on the locked funds, as they could have significant ramifications for both the crypto market and the global economy. 🌐
Share with friends now
Here are some of the owners of big cryptocurrencies: 1. *Satoshi Nakamoto* (Bitcoin): The pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, with an estimated holdings of 1 million BTC (approximately $23 billion). 2. *Vitalik Buterin* (Ethereum): Co-founder of Ethereum, with an estimated holdings of 350,000 ETH (approximately $600 million). 3. *Chris Larsen* (Ripple): Co-founder and former CEO of Ripple, with an estimated holdings of 5.2 billion XRP (approximately $2.5 billion). 4. *Brian Armstrong* (Coinbase): Co-founder and CEO of Coinbase, with an estimated holdings of 1% of all Bitcoin (approximately $2.3 billion). 5. *Changpeng Zhao* (Binance): Founder and CEO of Binance, with an estimated holdings of 40% of all Binance Coin (BNB) (approximately $2.2 billion). 6. *Joseph Lubin* (Ethereum): Co-founder of Ethereum and founder of ConsenSys, with an estimated holdings of 1% of all ETH (approximately $200 million). Note: The estimated holdings are subject to change and may not be up-to-date, as the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. Additionally, some owners may choose to remain anonymous or not publicly disclose their #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear
Here are some of the owners of big cryptocurrencies:
1. *Satoshi Nakamoto* (Bitcoin): The pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, with an estimated holdings of 1 million BTC (approximately $23 billion).
2. *Vitalik Buterin* (Ethereum): Co-founder of Ethereum, with an estimated holdings of 350,000 ETH (approximately $600 million).
3. *Chris Larsen* (Ripple): Co-founder and former CEO of Ripple, with an estimated holdings of 5.2 billion XRP (approximately $2.5 billion).
4. *Brian Armstrong* (Coinbase): Co-founder and CEO of Coinbase, with an estimated holdings of 1% of all Bitcoin (approximately $2.3 billion).
5. *Changpeng Zhao* (Binance): Founder and CEO of Binance, with an estimated holdings of 40% of all Binance Coin (BNB) (approximately $2.2 billion).
6. *Joseph Lubin* (Ethereum): Co-founder of Ethereum and founder of ConsenSys, with an estimated holdings of 1% of all ETH (approximately $200 million).
Note: The estimated holdings are subject to change and may not be up-to-date, as the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. Additionally, some owners may choose to remain anonymous or not publicly disclose their
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