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Marketing at The DAO Labs
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Rewarding $MATIC: Polygon accepts Social MiningIn the realm of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), collaboration breeds success, like the partnership between DAO Labs and Polygon giving birth to Polygon HUB. The HUB stands as a testament to the potential of Social Mining to elevate blockchain projects, and after a year and a half of operations, the results speak volumes. As of its 18th month of operations, Polygon Hub has achieved remarkable milestones, showcasing its impact and influence within the crypto community: Platform Users: Polygon Hub now boasts a vibrant community of 2,101 active participants, demonstrating significant growth and engagement within the ecosystem.Rewards Distributed: Almost $26,000 has been distributed to diligent hubbers, further incentivizing active participation and contribution to the Polygon ecosystem. Additionally, hubbers have earned an impressive 1,748, 713 points as of the latest update, reflecting their dedication to Polygon's growth and success.Task Submissions: The commitment to growth is evident in the 1,470 task submissions, reflecting the active participation of hubbers in advancing the Polygon ecosystem.X Accounts: With 1,421 X accounts connected to Polygon Hub, users are amplifying their impact and rewards potential within the community. Twitter Engagement Metrics paint a vivid picture of Polygon Hub's influence on social media platforms: Reposts: A remarkable 54,140 reposts have amplified the reach of Polygon's message, spreading awareness far and wide.Total Engagements: Polygon Hub has garnered an impressive 819,350 engagements, indicating a high level of interest and interaction. Likes: 432,403 Replies: 43,168 Retweets: 343,779 Impressions: Polygon Hub's content has reached an astounding 16,229,777 impressions, leaving a lasting impression on audiences.Unique Posts: A total of 855 unique posts dedicated to Polygon further solidify its presence and relevance in the social media sphere. Performance Metrics: Performance on average showcases the effectiveness of Polygon Hub's engagement strategies: Impressions per Tweet: 787.26Engagement per Tweet: 51.11Likes per Tweet: 26.97Retweets per Tweet: 18.91 Contributions to Polygon X-Engagements: Polygon Hub users contributed significantly to Polygon X-engagements (Reposts), reaching an all-time high of 36.91% in May 2023, showcasing the impact and influence of the community within the broader Polygon ecosystem. Roles: These roles encompass a diverse array of skills and expertise, each vital to the success and growth of the Polygon Hub ecosystem. Influencer - 25.7%Marketing - 21.8%Blockchain Enthusiast - 15.2%Content Writer - 14.7%Graphics Designer - 9.3%Business Development - 3.5%Developer - 2.9%Content Translator - 2.9%Strategic Partner - 2.2%Web Designer - 1.5% How Polygon Hub Works: Polygon Hub empowers users to earn rewards while boosting engagement for the Polygon ecosystem through Social Mining: Operational Model: Complete Tasks: Users choose from a range of tasks, from articles to videos, tailored to their skills.Twitter Program: Users tweet and retweet Polygon content, earning points based on quality and engagements. Through this model, Polygon Hub fosters active participation, rewards, and growth within the Polygon community. How to Use Social Mining in Polygon: Participating in Social Mining on Polygon is easy. Just sign up as a hubber on Polygon Hub and start completing tasks and engaging with the community. Each action helps Polygon grow and thrive. Getting Started: Create an Account: Sign up on Polygon Hub using Twitter, Gmail, or manually.Connect Your Wallet: Link your wallet to your Polygon Hub Profile and make sure you set up a Polygon Mainnet Network for seamless transactions.Connect Your X Account: Connect your X account to Polygon Hub for better engagement. Having at least 50 followers on X boosts your impact and rewards potential. By following these steps, you can join the Social Mining community on Polygon, contribute to its success, and earn rewards. As #PolygonHub continues to thrive and evolve, there's a sense of anticipation for the future. With growth on the horizon and new milestones to achieve, #Polygon invites you to join its vibrant community and be part of the journey towards decentralized innovation. Embrace the power of #SocialMining in Polygon today and unlock the potential for both personal and collective growth. Sign up now:

Rewarding $MATIC: Polygon accepts Social Mining

In the realm of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), collaboration breeds success, like the partnership between DAO Labs and Polygon giving birth to Polygon HUB. The HUB stands as a testament to the potential of Social Mining to elevate blockchain projects, and after a year and a half of operations, the results speak volumes.

As of its 18th month of operations, Polygon Hub has achieved remarkable milestones, showcasing its impact and influence within the crypto community:
Platform Users: Polygon Hub now boasts a vibrant community of 2,101 active participants, demonstrating significant growth and engagement within the ecosystem.Rewards Distributed: Almost $26,000 has been distributed to diligent hubbers, further incentivizing active participation and contribution to the Polygon ecosystem. Additionally, hubbers have earned an impressive 1,748, 713 points as of the latest update, reflecting their dedication to Polygon's growth and success.Task Submissions: The commitment to growth is evident in the 1,470 task submissions, reflecting the active participation of hubbers in advancing the Polygon ecosystem.X Accounts: With 1,421 X accounts connected to Polygon Hub, users are amplifying their impact and rewards potential within the community.

Twitter Engagement Metrics paint a vivid picture of Polygon Hub's influence on social media platforms:
Reposts: A remarkable 54,140 reposts have amplified the reach of Polygon's message, spreading awareness far and wide.Total Engagements: Polygon Hub has garnered an impressive 819,350 engagements, indicating a high level of interest and interaction.
Likes: 432,403 Replies: 43,168 Retweets: 343,779
Impressions: Polygon Hub's content has reached an astounding 16,229,777 impressions, leaving a lasting impression on audiences.Unique Posts: A total of 855 unique posts dedicated to Polygon further solidify its presence and relevance in the social media sphere.

Performance Metrics:
Performance on average showcases the effectiveness of Polygon Hub's engagement strategies:
Impressions per Tweet: 787.26Engagement per Tweet: 51.11Likes per Tweet: 26.97Retweets per Tweet: 18.91

Contributions to Polygon X-Engagements:

Polygon Hub users contributed significantly to Polygon X-engagements (Reposts), reaching an all-time high of 36.91% in May 2023, showcasing the impact and influence of the community within the broader Polygon ecosystem.


These roles encompass a diverse array of skills and expertise, each vital to the success and growth of the Polygon Hub ecosystem.
Influencer - 25.7%Marketing - 21.8%Blockchain Enthusiast - 15.2%Content Writer - 14.7%Graphics Designer - 9.3%Business Development - 3.5%Developer - 2.9%Content Translator - 2.9%Strategic Partner - 2.2%Web Designer - 1.5%
How Polygon Hub Works:
Polygon Hub empowers users to earn rewards while boosting engagement for the Polygon ecosystem through Social Mining:
Operational Model:
Complete Tasks: Users choose from a range of tasks, from articles to videos, tailored to their skills.Twitter Program: Users tweet and retweet Polygon content, earning points based on quality and engagements.
Through this model, Polygon Hub fosters active participation, rewards, and growth within the Polygon community.

How to Use Social Mining in Polygon:
Participating in Social Mining on Polygon is easy. Just sign up as a hubber on Polygon Hub and start completing tasks and engaging with the community. Each action helps Polygon grow and thrive.
Getting Started:
Create an Account: Sign up on Polygon Hub using Twitter, Gmail, or manually.Connect Your Wallet: Link your wallet to your Polygon Hub Profile and make sure you set up a Polygon Mainnet Network for seamless transactions.Connect Your X Account: Connect your X account to Polygon Hub for better engagement. Having at least 50 followers on X boosts your impact and rewards potential.
By following these steps, you can join the Social Mining community on Polygon, contribute to its success, and earn rewards.
As #PolygonHub continues to thrive and evolve, there's a sense of anticipation for the future. With growth on the horizon and new milestones to achieve, #Polygon invites you to join its vibrant community and be part of the journey towards decentralized innovation. Embrace the power of #SocialMining in Polygon today and unlock the potential for both personal and collective growth.
Sign up now:
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ottimo post!
ottimo post!
Analisi di $EGLD di MultiversX: una blockchain ad alto rendimento per il futuro
Scegliere un investimento responsabile e potenzialmente gratificante nel settore delle criptovalute può essere difficile. Con particolare attenzione alla sicurezza finanziaria e alla promessa tecnologica, #MultiversX (ex Elrond) e il suo token nativo eGold ($EGLD ) si distinguono. Questa blockchain ad alto rendimento mira a supportare il fiorente metaverso con velocità di transazione senza precedenti e funzionalità innovative.
Ispirazione per la scelta di MultiversX ($EGLD)
MultiversX si distingue per i suoi progressi tecnologici e il robusto ecosistema. Nei suoi primi anni, #DaoLabs ha svolto un ruolo cruciale nel suo sviluppo. Con l'obiettivo di fornire un throughput 1000 volte superiore rispetto alle blockchain esistenti, MultiversX si posiziona come attore chiave nella gestione dell'adozione massiccia da parte degli utenti, essenziale per il metaverso e oltre. Elrond (ora MultiversX) è cresciuto in modo significativo grazie al contributo di #SocialMining , ottenendo un supporto sostanziale dalla sua comunità.
Visualizza originale
Akahilz Academy
$ 1,2 milioni in palio! Binance World Championship 🏆 Spot Trading (Offerta limitata 😲)
Campionato Mondiale Binance 2024 x KAVA 🏆
Questa è la tua ultima possibilità di partecipare al Torneo di Trading Spot del Binance World Championship 🏆📈📉

Rimangono solo 3 giorni!
Un appello a tutti i trader di criptovalute! 🗣️

Non perdere l'occasione di partecipare al <t-57/>Torneo di trading spot del Binance World Championship 2024, dove potrai vincere una quota dei token USDC da 1,2 milioni di dollari. Le iscrizioni sono ancora aperte e mancano solo 3 giorni per iscriversi.
Catena KAVA 🌐

Diventa un Kava Pro 🔺🔻
Scambia coppie spot KAVA/BTC e <t-11/>>#KAVA/USDT per dimostrare le tue capacità e il tuo orgoglio nella comunità $KAVA . Sei il prossimo Magnus Carlsen del trading di criptovalute? Dimostralo nel Campionato Mondiale Binance 2024!
Visualizza originale
Fiero minatore filippino
Fiero minatore filippino
DAO Labs
L'insegnante Pinoy trova il successo con il social mining di DAOLabs
🌍🌏🌎Il nostro adorabile pianeta, questa "grande biglia blu" è purtroppo la casa di molte persone che lottano per arrivare a fine mese, non sono in grado di pagare le bollette e ritardano i loro bisogni a causa della cattiva gestione economica o delle scarse risorse, in molti paesi di molti continenti .

🇵🇭Le Filippine sono una di quelle terre dove i problemi economici sono la norma e Caren, una Pinoy, non è diversa.

👩‍🎓👩‍💻👼Di notte lavora come insegnante mentre di giorno si prende cura della casa e del bambino. Eppure fa ancora fatica a pagare le bollette.
Another one! Lets bring it down!
Another one! Lets bring it down!
DAO Labs
La procedura Kinetix Airdrop: una spiegazione


Hubber! Ormai avrai sicuramente familiarità con il fermento che circonda Kinetix Finance, il punto di svolta nella DeFi e un punto di riferimento nel settore.

ecosistema. Questa piattaforma all'avanguardia sta facendo scalpore con le sue funzionalità adatte ai trader progettate per offrire agli utenti un vantaggio significativo nell'arena del trading di criptovalute. E ora è il momento del lancio per Kinetix Finance e siamo entusiasti di invitarti a contribuire a spargere la voce.

L’airdrop di Kinetix Finance rappresenta una fantastica opportunità per la comunità Kava di essere coinvolta e condividere questa entusiasmante notizia. Il tuo compito è creare un Maxy Post accattivante e informativo o un X Thread che spieghi la procedura di airdrop in un modo divertente, facile da capire e cristallino.
Go for it $KAVA Fanboys!
Go for it $KAVA Fanboys!
DAO Labs
Interagisci con Houdini Swap: post e meme!



Hubber! Oggi segna una pietra miliare significativa poiché diamo il benvenuto a Houdini Swap nel prestigioso

ecosistema. Houdini Swap rivoluziona la funzionalità cross-chain consentendo scambi e trasferimenti senza interruzioni di criptovalute come


, E tra la catena Kava e altre reti.Per celebrare questa integrazione, ti invitiamo a partecipare a un compito professionale e gratificante che metta in risalto la tua creatività e il tuo impegno.Innanzitutto, crea un post X su Houdini Swap. Spiega cos'è Houdini Swap e come apporta benefici all'ecosistema Kava. Se non hai il segno di spunta blu, valuta la possibilità di creare un thread di almeno tre post per garantire una copertura completa.
Who values community the most? Yeah, you read it right. #SocialMining is the key
Who values community the most? Yeah, you read it right. #SocialMining is the key
DAO Labs
Cosa significa FIT21 per il futuro della decentralizzazione
Il 22 maggio 2024, la Camera dei Rappresentanti degli Stati Uniti ha approvato il Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act (FIT21), un nuovo quadro bipartisan per l’ecosistema degli asset digitali. Questo atto stabilisce i requisiti federali per i mercati delle risorse digitali e chiarisce cosa costituisce la “decentralizzazione” nella tecnologia blockchain.

Il test di decentralizzazione a cinque punte
FIT21 introduce un "test di decentralizzazione su cinque poli" per determinare se una blockchain può essere considerata decentralizzata. Ecco cosa comporta il test:
Bear Market? #DAOLabs : hold my beer 🍺
Bear Market?

#DAOLabs : hold my beer 🍺
DAO Labs
Bear Market Brings Joy to Social Miners: A Personal Success Story
Over the last week, cryptocurrency prices have fallen for dozens of reasons, such as profit realisations, low expectations, and the summer recession in the crypto market. There are dull days ahead for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. So, have the falling cryptocurrency prices affected the miners who have gained $MATIC , $AVAX , $KAVA , #WAX , and #TON by participating in @DAO Labs ' #SocialMining activities?

Of course, they were impressed too!

With the points they have obtained from awareness activities, they can now swap almost 2 times more tokens!

Please, the token holders, don't be mad at me.
However, social miners can make more profitable swaps during such down periods because they mine tokens with their labor.

If you ask veteran social miners, they can tell many fireside stories about the excellent bear season earnings!

I want to show you the proof of what I have written.
Today, I have 3264 points on @Polygon Hub.

I also had 3200 points last December, and I converted my points to MATIC tokens at the marketplace. Then, MATIC price was $0.90, and I was able to get 35 MATIC with my 3200 points.
Today, I'm also converting MATIC of 3200 points.
Look, you can see it below. I was able to get 55 MATICs with my 3200 points.

I will soon have another 55 MATIC coins in my wallet. It was a good trade. Right?
Amazing journey Carl! You ROCK!
Amazing journey Carl! You ROCK!
From Concept to Finalist: My Journey in the Super #SmashMiner Melee

As a participant in the Super Smash Miner Melee, I am honored to share my journey to the top of this competition. Here is a log of my contributions, detailing each task, its execution, and the impact that secured my position among the Top-4 Social Miners.

Task 1: Telegram Sticker Set Creation,
Create a Telegram sticker set for
#TheDAOLabs or other blockchain #SocialMining communities.

I designed a vibrant Telegram sticker set for the @DAOLabs community, incorporating relevant themes and humor. I used official graphics and adhered to the community’s color palette. The sticker set was well-received, fostering greater interaction within the community.

Sticker Set Link:

Task 2: Article Writing. Write an article about "Social Mining can make a difference!" and publish it on Medium.

I authored "Unlocking the Power of #SocialMining," exploring its transformative potential. The article outlined the concept, operational mechanics, and benefits. The article garnered significant attention, highlighting my ability to communicate complex ideas.

Article Link:

Task 3: Infographic Creation. Create an infographic on a relevant news event for WAX, focusing on security guidelines.

I designed an infographic detailing essential security guidelines for setting up on @WAX_io. It covered password creation, two-factor authentication (2FA), cold wallets, and phishing prevention. It also highlighted WAX's new Multi-Chain NFT & Token Bridge.
The infographic was shared widely for its clarity and practical value.

Infographic Link:

Reflecting on my journey through the Super #SmashMiner Melee, I am proud of the efforts that have culminated in my standing among the Top-4 Social Miners. Each task has been an opportunity to demonstrate my skills in design, content creation, and community engagement.
A great story. #SocialMining is a mom's friend indeed. The new work from home of the 21st century is here! Powered by #DAOLabs 🔥
A great story. #SocialMining is a mom's friend indeed. The new work from home of the 21st century is here! Powered by #DAOLabs 🔥
DAO Labs
Victoria Flores: A Beacon of Passion in DAOVERSE
This article was inspired by the story of SMOTH's latest guest, Victoria Flores.

DAOVERSE, ' hub, is home to blockchain enthusiasts from all corners of the world.
They share a common belief in blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, creating a colorful, energetic, and loving environment in a mosaic of different races, religions, languages, and cultures from different continents around the world.
This beautiful community, brought together by a passion for blockchain, supports DAO Labs' idea of social mining and works with the community to raise awareness in the Social Mining Hubs of DAO Labs projects. Project teams support Social Miners' work with token rewards. social miners earn $TONs for their labor. miners earn , and #KavaHub miners earn . Hub earns for their awareness work, and members receive $WAXP.
Social miners are rewarded on , DAO Labs' Hub for their work in $USDT because DAOVERSE's token has not yet been minted.

Before I introduce Victoria, who inspired this article, I would like to introduce you to a weekly event that miners are eagerly awaiting. In the social event, which we call SMotH for short, we learn the social mining story of a successful miner who adds value to the community with her contributions, the adventure that brought her to our community, and her advice to social miners. Amara is hosting this event, which miners are eagerly awaiting. She has an infectious cheerfulness. It's really hard to be sad around her. Her positive energy puts her guests at ease and adds a special color to the conversation with her jokes.

Now I'd like to introduce the star of my article.
Victoria Flores! Every miner in our community has a unique story. But some of us are really like rare flowers.
Our Victoria Flores is one of those rare flowers. She joins the community from South America. Venezuelan Victoria. And she has all the warmth and sparkle of the tropics. She lights up the group.
A hardworking, intelligent, and determined personality with a big heart defines our tropical Latin American flower. Victoria, who joined our telegram group with a DAO Labs tweet she stumbled upon on Twitter; and then realized that she was born as a social miner and took her place in the community, is getting stronger every day by improving her mining skills. As an administrative assistant for many years, Victoria's motivation stems from her passion for social mining.
One of the most important reasons for its development is its unconditional support to the miners in its community. She has benefited from all the blessings of working together while supporting her community.
Victoria advises new social miners to stay persistent, put love into their work, and constantly learn.
Victoria Flores' story inspires all aspiring social miners, exemplifying the impact of passion, commitment, and community support in Social Mining.
Let's take a look at what this dedicated Venezuelan miner has achieved in her work, which is more focused on learning.

For a closer look into Victoria Flores's life, please read the conversation article compiled by Amara on our blog.

If you're curious about Victoria, I'm willing to bet you'll see her on the DAO Labs Global Telegram either supporting a fellow miner or sharing a message asking her friends to support her new tweet...
Want to know more about Polygon's Agglayer? then check this out! Powered by DAO Labs 🔥
Want to know more about Polygon's Agglayer? then check this out! Powered by DAO Labs 🔥
DAO Labs
About Polygon Agglayer's
When #DAOLabs ' social miners are asked about their stories of getting started in mining, you hear unique stories from people from all continents of the world, from many different racial, religious and linguistic groups, who grew up in different cultures.

But when asked about the experience of social mining, almost everyone gives the same answers.
- #SocialMining HUBs are like schools!
- I had never used photoshop or any editing techniques before
- I've never created an infographic before,
- I didn't know what a white paper was.
- I used to choose the coins I invested in based on the ads or trading communities I came across on social media.
- I didn't know how to verify/doxx project teams, product updates and roadmap and I wasn't interested.

When you really get involved in the community of a project, you start collecting information about everything you can think of about that project. Because the core team of the project commits to reward you if you create awareness for them on your social media. You will also get access to inside knowledge shared between ambassadors and heavy hitters.

Then you start producing content for the project. DAO Labs administrators and project admins prepare tasks for you to share on Polygon HUB ( Some HUBs like WAX HUB and AVAX HUB are autonomous. )

After you complete the requirements of the task and send it in for submission.

When you buy $MATIC on any crypto exchange, you only act on the probability that the price of MATIC will rise. It is 100% speculation.

As a social miner, on the other hand, you know first about product updates. Such as:

Aggregated, or AggLayer, the latest technological evolution of blockchain that Polygon zkEVM announced in May.

- On @Polygon Hub you can find "The Concept of Aggregated Blockchain" task published on April 25th

#PolygonHub uses the article https://polygon.teknoloji/blog/the-beginners-guide-to-aggregated-blockchains published by Polygon developers on the blog and issued great infographics for agglayer to make it easier for their followers to understand what it is about.

- In the new task released today, you will first read the following article: - Learn about the pessimism proof for agglayer and share your thoughts about it with your followers and friends on Polygon HUB using a funny meme.

In this case, a Polygon Hub social miner can make a much more informed decision about the future of the MATIC coin. Staying at the pulse of things, following the close communication with the Polygon team, they are equipped with the knowledge of how to research unfamiliar projects.

Are you a crypto enthusiast who likes making memes?
Why not follow the project's development closely and make money while having fun at the same time?
Bullish on Avalanche Hub. Thanks DAO Labs Social Mining 🙏👏
Bullish on Avalanche Hub. Thanks DAO Labs Social Mining 🙏👏
Believing in the Power of Avalanche
An avalanche is a fascinating natural phenomenon characterised by the rapid movement of snowballs down a steep slope.
Interestingly, this concept finds a metaphorical echo in social mining studies, especially in blockchain ecosystems.

Social mining HUBs can most meaningfully generate the synergy needed for a blockchain project to promote itself, make people believe in it, and, more importantly, be sustainable.

We call this the "magic" of social mining. Once a project HUB is established, social miners can generate huge benefits from collective action in a project hub, just as snowballs can create an "avalanche" from the collective dynamics of the terrain. In the right conditions, the intimate and small-scale contribution and interaction of a Social Miner can turn into a giant community avalanche, and the project can shine as if giant spotlights were shining on it.

In 2018, the technology company Ava Labs in New York, USA, introduced a layer1 blockchain to the blockchain technology world as an alternative to classic consensus protocols.

They named their project "Avalanche", inspired by the three-stage consensus protocols (Snowflake, Snowball and Avalanche.)

The #AvalancheAVAX #AvalancheAVAXproject, which is now in the top 10 of the blockchain world, has benefited from the positive energy of the #AvalancheHub, #AvalancheHub, one of DAO Labs' most active social mining HUBs, since its testnet in 2020.

DAO Labs' Social Mining efforts represent a new approach to community management and the promotion of community work.

At #TheDAOLabs #TheDAOLabsSocial Miners come together in the Hubs of Projects. Community members, who form the core of the project community, are encouraged to produce content supporting the social mining platform's DAO, thus raising awareness of the project. These community activities empower social miners to actively participate in ecosystem growth and development and foster a sense of ownership and belonging in the hub.

HUB members are rewarded for their contributions with native tokens or other digital assets.

This symbiotic relationship between contributions and rewards underpins a thriving token economy where the value of tokens is derived from the collective efforts and contributions of the community. 

DAO Labs, a social mining platform, recognises the valuable contributions of community members through a transparent and meritocratic mechanism. Reputation points generated by community loyalty and valuable content incentivize social miners to create higher-quality content. The benefit of all these incentives goes far beyond short-term awareness-raising and plays a critical role in the long-term sustainability of the project ecosystem.

Of course, a project's community hub is not only made up of content creators; participants come from all walks of the blockchain space, including developers, web designers, graphic designers, blockchain enthusiasts, traders, business developers, holders, and influencers.

Within this community, everyone contributes their talent or skill to the project's value, locked in a common goal.

Some produce content and spread it on social media to help the project gain broader exposure in the blockchain space and reach investors.

Some contribute to network security through delegation by staking the project token or running nodes.

Projects with active Social Mining HUBs almost guarantee sustainability during bear seasons or slow periods through community power.

The Avalanche Hub is one of the most advanced examples of Project HUBs that combine project communities with DAO Labs social miners. 

Inspiring my article title, "Avalanche" is a high-performance layer1 blockchain project coded for the development of decentralised applications (dApps)

This unique consensus protocol ensures the network is fast, reliable and scalable. The Avalanche blockchain offers flexible usage possibilities with its subnets and has taken its rightful place in the blockchain technology field with its mainnet.

DAO Labs social miners discovered this high-performance blockchain project in early 2020 when it was still in the testnet phase. Today, they are the first community members of the Avalanche HUB, home to one of the most influential communities in the blockchain space.

If we look at the values produced by Avalanche HUB, which has been growing continuously for more than four years, as of April 2024, 28,000 registered HUB members have completed nearly 8,000 team tasks to date. Avalanche HUB continues to spread the Avalanche ecosystem with 2,200 daily active social miners on Telegram, Twitter and Reddit.

The numbers generated by Avalanche HUB on X are also very striking. 6734 Avalanche HUB member users with more than 1 million engagements generated more than 54.5 million impressions.

The breakdown of Avalanche Hub's community members by country, blockchain skills, and professional skills is also remarkable.

The infographic above outlines one of the most influential aspects of the Avalanche HUB. During the testing of the Avalanche network in 2020, social miners tested their technical knowledge and skills as validators. 

Social Mining HUBs allow you to go beyond your existing skills. They are like multi-program schools.

The average social miner uses Canva and Photoshop, learns grammar and English spelling, and learns how to install and run many programs on their PC. They develop the PC skills required by blockchain technology.

If you search for what distinguishes the Avalanche project from other layer 1 projects, in addition to its technical superiority, you will definitely see the influential community among its features. This is realised through DAO Labs' social mining. 

Avalanche Hub has a reward mechanism that incentivises effective user engagement. For example, community members with Project tokens can contribute to the network's security by staking and receiving rewards. 

Developers or web designers provide technical support by checking for bugs or participating in testnets when needed. Business developers seek collaborations and partnerships that will benefit the project's expansion. 

Social miners can earn rewards for sharing developments in the ecosystem on social media. REP points incentivise those who perform quality tasks.

Here is the joyful, sincere content produced by Avalanche HUB social miners in all their sincerity.

Check out how Avalanche HUB members show loyalty to their project on their X profiles.

Everyone is wearing their Avalanche hat. 

You can find hundreds of such products on the Avalanche's official Twitter page.

Let's summarise how the collaboration between DAO Labs Social Mining and the Avalanche AVAX project created an "AVALANCHE":

The most important result achieved with establishing the Avalanche HUB is undoubtedly the adoption and awareness of the Avalanche project. By encouraging HUB members to create and share content about Avalanche's technology, use cases, and ecosystem developments, the HUB has increased the project's reach and visibility in the broader blockchain community. This increased awareness has attracted new users, developers, and investors to the Avalanche ecosystem, accelerating its growth and adoption.

The Avalanche HUB has created a fertile ground for innovation and collaboration within the Avalanche ecosystem. The social mining platform catalysed creative experimentation, idea sharing and collaborative problem-solving by bringing together a diverse community of developers, entrepreneurs and enthusiasts. This collaborative ethos has led to new DeFi protocols, decentralised applications, and ecosystem integrations, making the Avalanche ecosystem a giant and propelling it towards its vision of becoming a leading blockchain platform.


Blockchain technology has brought the financial and technological world its latest revolution with the potential to provide a decentralised and trusted structure.

However, like any revolution, it has come with many issues that need to be completed and processed.

In addition to ensuring the continuous technological development of blockchain projects, we also need to make progress on the issue of mass adoption.

From this perspective, the real solution to the 2 major handicaps of blockchain projects and cryptocurrency - volatility and sustainability - lies in large, informed and loyal holder communities. Social Mining has always played and will continue to play a critical role in creating these communities. 

As one of the first social miners of Avalanche HUB, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the founding leader of the Avalanche $AVAX project, esteemed professor Emin Gün Sirer and the AVA Lab Core team, who designed this excellent network project of which I am proud to be a citizen. Avalanche HUB was our baby; in these four years, it has grown into a giant adult ecosystem HUB. And, of course, I would like to pay my respects to the 2 managers, dear Giuseppe and Yusuf Emre, who have worked with incredible dedication since the day Avalanche HUB opened.

N.ipek Celik  DYOR
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