• I decided to change my story. Enough was enough.

  • I hated the person I was seeing in the mirror. So, I decided to kill my old self.

  • I decided to quit bad habits like drinking alcohol, smoking weed, and swearing recklessly.

  • I started reading books, instead of procrastinating and watching porn.

  • I stopped complaining and started appreciating the life God has given me.

  • I decided to unpack myself, and live a completely different life.

  • I decided if I was to run my life, I was too reckless I would end up destroying it. So I gave my life to Christ to run it for ME.

  • I stopped other people from deciding things for me. I started a new chapter of my life where I would be the only author.

  • I embraced loneliness and started reinventing myself.

  • I stopped giving a damn about the opinions of other people after realizing I also had something to say.

  • I said goodbye to people who were not adding positive energy to my life.

  • I got rid of my TV and subscribed to YouTube channels that contributed to my personal growth.

  • I picked one skill that I thought I would still be in love with after 25 years.

  • I dropped all the girls I knew and married just one special person that I thought I was compatible with and we could grow together.

  • I committed myself to one life long goal that I thought would fulfil my life and never looked back.

  • I decided to sweat it out every day to boost my mood.

  • I decided even if I must fail I will only fail forward.