#TrendingTopic #Wrtite2Earn #TradeWithConfidence #BTC #Portal

Some of my experiences from trading:


1 : Never Take High Leverage Maximum Leverage you can take is 5x but try to take 2x leverage but never take leverage more than 5x.

2: It does not make how much money you make each day but make sure to make money.

3: Always withdraw The Money You earned each day no matter how much you earn.It will boast your confidence and make you realize you are doing good.

4: Try Taking less profit with small market movement instead of waiting the market to reach the point where you want.

5: Don't believe on Numbers Because most of us try to make a trade when market price is at 100s figure such as BTC(52,000) or(50,000). When ever you saw an opportunity just take a trade.

6: Don't feel bad or close your trade when market started going against you just believe in yourself And wait for market to reach your point.

7: Never Take overnight trades because it will disturb your sleep and your health worth more than money.

8: Never Do trading on that money in which your survival depends upon or the money you are not in condition to lose.

9:Never Tell anyone about your profits and loss you gets through your trading they will discourage you and you will lose your confidence.

10: Never Take a loan or borrow money from someone to do trading.

11: Always Check the BTC Chart before taking Trade In any coin. BTC is like a mother duck and other coins are like new born babies. Wherever the mother goes the babies will follow her.

12: Never use the crypto related words like BTC or Ethereum while buying or selling on p2p.

13: The only mistake you do after taking a trade is that you keep looking at the charts that makes you anxious.

14: Don't try to take a amount of profit you need try to take the amount of profit you have. Because it is not about being right or wrong its about making money.