Yesterday marked a significant day in Crypto history, and at this juncture, #Binance appears to be leading. As a participant in this space, there are valuable lessons to glean from today's events.

A few pointers:

Plan ahead and seek counsel, even if the adviser isn't a friend. Trust should be earned through demonstrated commitment to the company's interests.

As you progress, stay vigilant. The betrayal that wounded Caesar most came from Brutus.

Avoid using your project's token for transactions; opt for stablecoins to safeguard the project's stability.

Amid criticism and challenges, manage your emotions, carefully consider your thoughts before expressing them.

Embrace imperfection; no one is flawless.

It's acceptable to stumble repeatedly, but always rise again.

As @CZ steps down, a new leader #RichardTeng has ascended the throne. He now has the responsibility of leading not just Binance but the entire #Crypto industry.

Do you see greater days ahead with this move?