The Meta Force platform has integrated all business processes into one system. To do this, blockchain technology was used, allowing to ensure the stability of the system, confidentiality, and guarantee of compliance, including payment.

Lado Okhotnikov, Meta Force founder and CEO:

«Our goal was to create a convenient and safe digital space for business. We understood the complexity of the task, we understood the resources it would require. It was a risk, but we decided right away the system should be the most advanced...»

#LadoOkhotnikov #MetaForce #blockchain

Meta Force by Lado Okhotnikov develops a unique Metaverse and various applications providing Metaverse infrastructure and user activities.

Meta Force by Lado Okhotnikov: blockchain platform for business

Meta Force develops a unique Metaverse. The company Meta Force announced the launch of its own Metaverse and a set of applications designed to improve digital space and personalize users.

Meta Force Metaverse is focused on business applications. The digital decentralized platform Meta Force provides users with the space and tools to jointly implement offline and online business projects.

Imagine: there is a complex project with a project team in which each participant has defined responsibilities and rewards. The project provides for interaction among participants, among different project teams, and with internal and external structures. Let’s complicate a task: participants may be in different countries with different laws and foreign exchange regulations.

The Meta Force platform has integrated all business processes into one system. To do this, blockchain technology was used, allowing to ensure the stability of the system, confidentiality, and guarantee of compliance, including payment. 

«Our goal was to create a convenient and safe digital space for business. We understood the complexity of the task, we understood the resources it would require. It was a risk, but we decided right away the system should be the most advanced...»

Lado Okhotnikov, Meta Force founder and CEO

Arrangement of Meta Force Metaverse digital space

The native token Forcecoin is the financial basis of Meta Force. It is used for internal settlements in the system and as an investment tool. Forcecoin is already undergoing the procedure of preparation for listing on the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges.

From the very beginning, it was obvious that Meta Force needed a sophisticated interface that would provide fast interaction, comfortable operation, and simplicity. Metaverse, where the entire control system is intuitive, is the ideal interface.

Until September 2023, Meta Force operated by means of traditional digital applications. It was fully functional, as confirmed by nearly one and a half million users actively working on the platform. 

The first stage of the Metaverse launch included a software core providing basic functionality. There is a digital space ready for development. Now it is necessary to furnish and give users everything necessary for comfortable work and recreation. Comfort is essential since many users spend a full day on the platform.

Now the Meta Force team one by one launches "enabling" modules and applications. The Real Estate module is ready to be launched. Users will soon have the opportunity to pre-purchase Real Estate digital objects. Metaverse starts a big construction!

The package of the first release also included a native cryptocurrency wallet, adapted for settlements in Metaverse. The internal financial system is ready to support project teams.

Digital 3D avatars

In addition to the Metaverse infrastructure, there are modules ensuring the user stays in the digital space. The user is represented by a 3D avatar that will be visible to everyone in Metaverse.

The creation of a "portrait" avatar is made using 3D scanning. The avatar actually connects real and virtual space, so special attention is paid to its realism. Lado Okhotnukov was one of the first to be scanned and now exists as his own avatar. In order to get an accurate image, Meta Force’s CEO had to say goodbye to his legendary hairstyle, which interfered with scanning.

«It was quite logical to act as a test of my system. It was a useful experience and an unusual feeling - now I exist in real and digital space...

Lado Okhotnikov, Meta Force founder and CEO

For the convenience of users, many business processes and operations are gamified, providing the comfort of individual and teamwork.

Meta Force Metaverse was one of the first projects to offer digital space for business.