: We will shake the crypto world!

While #DonaldTrump continues to support cryptocurrencies, the US presidential candidate's sons have also joined in. Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. announced they will soon reveal a big "thing" regarding the crypto space.

US presidential candidate Donald Trump has started to warm up to cryptocurrencies rapidly. Following Trump's many commitments regarding the crypto space, the latest move came from his two sons. Eric Trump announced yesterday and Donald Trump Jr. today that they will soon announce a new and significant crypto project.

Eric Trump said, "I fell in love with crypto. Decentralized finance... Get ready for the big announcement soon." 🎉📈

Donald Trump Jr. added, "We will shake the crypto world with a big 'thing'. Decentralized finance will come. The life of those left behind." 🌐💥

Behind the crypto world... Trump, who was skeptical of crypto in the past, has shown a completely different attitude in his election campaign and now fully supports crypto. 🌍🔗 $BTC