Prezzo Synthetix (SNX)

1 Synthetix equivale a ₺65.49 TRY-2.26%1G
Ultimo aggiornamento della pagina: 2025-01-18 06:17 (UTC+0)
Che ne pensi di Synthetix oggi?
Nota: queste informazioni sono solo di riferimento.

Prezzo di SNX oggi

Il prezzo in tempo reale di Synthetix è  ₺65.49 per (SNX / TRY) con una capitalizzazione di mercato attuale di ₺22.23B TRY. Il volume di trading in 24 ore è di ₺1.46B TRY. Il prezzo da SNX a TRY viene aggiornato in tempo reale. Synthetix è al -2.26% nelle ultime 24 ore con un'offerta in circolazione di 339.47M.
Storico dei prezzi SNX TRY
Confronto dateVariazione importoVariazione %
30 giorni₺-18.65-22.17%
60 giorni₺2.055505+3.24%
90 giorni₺13.65+26.33%

Informazioni sul mercato SNX

Minimo e massimo in 24H
Minimo: ₺64.90
Massimo: ₺71.00
Il prezzo più alto e più basso pagato per questo asset in 24 ore.
Massimo storico
Il prezzo più alto pagato per questo asset da quando è stato lanciato o quotato.
Variazione valore (1h)
La variazione percentuale del prezzo di questo asset rispetto a 1 ora fa.
Variazione valore (24h)
La variazione percentuale del prezzo di questo asset rispetto a 24 ore fa.
Variazione valore (7g)
La variazione percentuale del prezzo di questo asset rispetto a 7 giorni fa.

Informazioni sul mercato SNX

La popolarità si basa sulla relativa capitalizzazione di mercato degli asset.
Market cap
Il market cap è calcolato moltiplicando l'offerta in circolazione dell'asset per il suo prezzo attuale.
Volume (24 ore)
Il valore totale in dollari di tutte le transazioni per questo asset nelle ultime 24 ore.
Offerta in circolazione
Il numero di crypto che circolano sul mercato e che sono disponibili al pubblico per il trading, analogamente alle azioni quotate in borsa.
Offerta massima totale
Il numero totale di unità che verranno create per la criptovaluta, simile alle azioni completamente diluite nel mercato azionario. Se questi dati non sono forniti o verificati da CoinMarketCap, l'offerta massima viene visualizzata come "--".
Capitalizzazione di mercato diluita interamente
Il numero totale di unità che verranno create per la criptovaluta, simile alle azioni completamente diluite nel mercato azionario. Se questi dati non sono forniti o verificati da CoinMarketCap, l'offerta massima viene visualizzata come "--".
Data di emissione

Cosa puoi fare con Synthetix (SNX)?

Scopri come utilizzare le tue criptovalute con Binance.

About Synthetix (SNX)

Synthetix is a decentralized protocol built on Ethereum and Optimism, which allows users to mint and trade synthetic assets. These synthetic assets, also known as cryptocurrencies, derive their values from a variety of associated commodities, fiat currencies, stocks, and other synthetics.

The protocol recently deployed its Version 3 (v3) on the Ethereum mainnet, introducing a more efficient architecture that facilitates the creation of faster and more complex decentralized financial applications.

Synthetix uses ERC-20-based contracts, known as synths, which act as the critical elements that make up the synthetically priced tokens available on the platform. Each asset's price on Synthetix is reflected accurately without the holder needing to own any stake, differing from tokenization, where tokens represent actual ownership of underlying assets. This allows Synthetix to function as a decentralized market completely based on algorithms, purportedly eliminating concerns about the settlement of underlying assets upon sale or other liquidation measures.

Synthetix's native cryptocurrency, SNX, powers the protocol. It is used to mint synthetic assets, which can then be traded on decentralized exchanges like Kwenta and others. Thus, SNX acts as collateral that backs the minted tokens within the Synthetix ecosystem. Market maker and investment firm DWF Labs recently made a significant investment in Synthetix, purchasing a substantial amount of SNX tokens.

The protocol also launched the Synthetix Perps Optimism Trading Incentives program, an initiative designed to boost trading activity on the Optimism network. The program offers trading rewards to users, starting from the first week of trading.

Synthetix reached a new milestone with $490 million in daily trading volume, as of March 2023 and holds over $450 million in locked tokens over the Ethereum and Optimism blockchains. Synthetix price is updated and available in real time on Binance.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Synthetix

  1. What is Kwenta?

    Kwenta is a DEX developed by and for the Synthetix ecosystem. Contracts — called Synths — represent the value of associated synthetic assets and are tradeable on the Kwenta DEX, as well as other existing protocols in the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape.

  2. What is SNX Used For?

    SNX tokens are used as currency and a form of collateral for users to create and mint new synthetic asset tokens. SNX price fluctuates in accordance with the multiple elements in its interconnected ecosystem.

  3. Who is the Synthetix Founder?

    Synthetic was founded in 2017 by Kain Warwick, an Australian-born tech entrepreneur.

  4. What is the Maximum Token Supply of SNX?

    SNX has a maximum supply of 308 million tokens, with approximately 259 million in circulation at the time of writing.

  5. What Makes Synthetix Different From Others?

    Synthetix’s DEX, Kwenta, enables users to trade ETH for Synth-USD (sUSD) and any of the available Synths on the platform. Synths can also be created when a user stakes the cryptocurrency on the Minta decentralized app (DApp).

    Synths created through staked SNX tokens are backed by a 600% collateralization ratio, which is reportedly determined by a joint governance vote. Governance on Synthetix is shared among community members, core contributors, and several other committees and councils on which SNX holders vote. The network transitioned into a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) community in 2020.

    Another function of Synthetix involve its associated synthetic assets. According to Synthetix, its users are able to hold and trade assets associated with a variety of derivatives, such as commodities, fiat currencies, and stocks.

  6. How To Buy SNX?

    SNX can be purchased directly from Binance using a debit or credit card and traded for other cryptocurrencies on the exchange. Live Synthetix price is updated in real time on Binance. Additional SNX price and purchase information is available in our How to Buy Synthetix (SNX) Guide.

Sezione video

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