Prezzo Render (RENDER)

1 Render equivale a A$8.631527 AUD-10.87%1G
Ultimo aggiornamento della pagina: 2025-02-02 02:39 (UTC+0)
Che ne pensi di Render oggi?
Nota: queste informazioni sono solo di riferimento.

Prezzo di RENDER oggi

Il prezzo in tempo reale di Render è  A$8.631527 per (RENDER / AUD) con una capitalizzazione di mercato attuale di A$4.47B AUD. Il volume di trading in 24 ore è di A$132.07M AUD. Il prezzo da RENDER a AUD viene aggiornato in tempo reale. Render è al -10.87% nelle ultime 24 ore con un'offerta in circolazione di 517.72M.
Storico dei prezzi RENDER AUD
Confronto dateVariazione importoVariazione %
30 giorniA$-3.739988-30.23%
60 giorniA$-5.551461-39.14%
90 giorniA$1.433814+19.92%

Informazioni sul mercato RENDER

Minimo e massimo in 24H
Minimo: A$8.59129
Massimo: A$9.695658
Il prezzo più alto e più basso pagato per questo asset in 24 ore.
Massimo storico
Il prezzo più alto pagato per questo asset da quando è stato lanciato o quotato.
Variazione valore (1h)
La variazione percentuale del prezzo di questo asset rispetto a 1 ora fa.
Variazione valore (24h)
La variazione percentuale del prezzo di questo asset rispetto a 24 ore fa.
Variazione valore (7g)
La variazione percentuale del prezzo di questo asset rispetto a 7 giorni fa.

Informazioni sul mercato RENDER

La popolarità si basa sulla relativa capitalizzazione di mercato degli asset.
Market cap
Il market cap è calcolato moltiplicando l'offerta in circolazione dell'asset per il suo prezzo attuale.
Volume (24 ore)
Il valore totale in dollari di tutte le transazioni per questo asset nelle ultime 24 ore.
Offerta in circolazione
Il numero di crypto che circolano sul mercato e che sono disponibili al pubblico per il trading, analogamente alle azioni quotate in borsa.
Offerta massima totale
Il numero totale di unità che verranno create per la criptovaluta, simile alle azioni completamente diluite nel mercato azionario. Se questi dati non sono forniti o verificati da CoinMarketCap, l'offerta massima viene visualizzata come "--".
Capitalizzazione di mercato diluita interamente
Il numero totale di unità che verranno create per la criptovaluta, simile alle azioni completamente diluite nel mercato azionario. Se questi dati non sono forniti o verificati da CoinMarketCap, l'offerta massima viene visualizzata come "--".
Data di emissione

Cosa puoi fare con Render (RENDER)?

Scopri come utilizzare le tue criptovalute con Binance.

About Render Token (RNDR)

The Render Network ($RENDER) is a peer-to-peer GPU compute network on Solana connecting users needing GPU compute services (e.g., GPU rendering and machine learning inferences) to idle GPU owners willing to fulfill compute requests for profit. The network provides a distributed GPU compute marketplace where users can monetize idle GPU power while offering creators or compute clients more accessible computing services.

The Render Network, which is based on a 2010 patent for tokenized distributed rendering, was launched in 2017 with its initial token sale occurring in October that year. The network underwent a private sale from January to May 2018, followed by a beta test phase leading up to its public launch on April 27, 2020. In March 2023, the RNDR community reportedly voted to transition from $RNDR (ETH) to $RENDER (SOL) to enhance speeds and align with leading DePIN projects. This decision was part of several community-driven votes through the Render Network Proposal process, including the adoption of a Burn-and-Mint Equilibrium model and support for external compute clients and integrations.

The Render Network ($RENDER) has successfully upgraded from the ERC-20 ($RNDR) network to the Solana network ($RENDER). The core vision of the Render Network, as per the project, remains the same - to provide near real-time rendering using a decentralized GPU processing model to meet users’ increasing GPU compute needs — both for current 3D rendering tasks and for emerging 3D applications.

$RENDER is an upgrade from $RNDR, as voted by the community, changing the project from ETH to SOL, joining leading DePIN projects. The live price of RENDER is updated in real time on Binance. RENDER is available for purchase and trade on Binance. 

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Render Token

  1. How does The Render Network work?

    The Render Network ($RENDER) connects node operators looking to monetize their idle GPU compute power with artists looking to scale intensive 3D rendering work and applications to the cloud. Through a decentralized peer-to-peer network, the Render Network achieves unprecedented levels of scale, speed, and economic efficiency. On top of a decentralized GPU computing network, Render provides a platform for artists and developers to build services and applications for the emerging digital economy.

  2. What is the Render Network Used For?

    The Render Network provides near real-time rendering using a decentralized GPU processing model to meet users’ increasing GPU compute needs — both for current 3D rendering tasks and for emerging 3D applications. The Network allows for a model that improves render speed for artists, while reducing costs and increasing scale. It improves capital efficiency by utilizing idle GPU compute capability, and rewarding GPU providers for their service. It also creates the opportunity for open-access to a growing suite of render and render-related software providers.

     The Render Network also provides an open, decentralized compute platform for emerging applications in Artificial Intelligence and Spatial Computing. Over the past year, a number of Compute Clients have integrated with the Render Network, enabling network Node Operators to process emerging machine learning and artificial intelligence tasks. Developers have also integrated with the Render Network API to harness the power of decentralized GPU computing for next generation 3D products and services. Artists have leveraged the Render Network for applications in immersive location based entertainment, advanced 3D visualization, and spatial media.

  3. What is $RENDER Used For?

    RENDER tokens are paid to Node Operators through emissions that are outlined in RNP-001: The Burn Mint Equilibrium and which passed Render Network governance in 2023. In the Burn-Mint-Equilibrium, RENDER is paid in proportion to the rendering work a Node Operator performs during an epoch, as well as the time a node is available on the network during an epoch. Rendering work is calculated using OctaneBench, an industry standard GPU benchmarking tool, and is tracked deterministically based on the amount of OctaneBench compute work a node performs.

    Additionally, holding the $RENDER token allows all users the ability to participate in governance of the network. Instances of this can be seen in Render Network Proposals (RNP) where token holders are actively encouraged to vote on the direction the network should move forward. 

  4. How Do Network Consensus and Validation Work On The Render Network?

    A node renders a job, records a watermark-encoded 'proof of render' on the blockchain, and submits the rendered work to the creator. If the work is approved, the node receives the RENDER tokens as payment. The proof of render ensures that the job was completed satisfactorily and that the node is rightfully compensated.

  5. Who Is The Founder of The Render Network?

    Jules Urbach is the co-founder of The Render Network, the world's first blockchain-based distributed GPU rendering network.

  6. What is the Maximum and Circulating Token Supply of $RENDER?

    The maximum token supply is 644,168,762 RENDER and the current circulating supply stands at 543,634,620.

  7. How does The Render Network differ from similar projects in its category?

    The Render Network ($RENDER) is used by leading artists and designers in the 3D space with millions of frames rendered. With the support of OTOY, the ability to cater to compute clients requiring more GPU power, and the unique feature of compatibility with multiple leading render engines such as Octane Render, Redshift, and Cycles, The Render Network is reportedly the only go-to blockchain based rendering platform for professional artists and studios. There are technical aspects that make $RENDER similar to other DePIN projects such as Helium and Hivemapper. 

  8. How To Buy RENDER Token?

    Render Token (RENDER) can be purchased directly from Binance. RENDER can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies. The live price of the RENDER is updated in real-time on Binance. Additionally, RENDER price and purchase information is available for users in our How to Buy RENDER guide.

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