Prezzo Polymesh (POLYX)

1 Polymesh equivale a €0.223328 EUR-1.58%1G
Ultimo aggiornamento della pagina: 2025-01-28 02:54 (UTC+0)
Che ne pensi di Polymesh oggi?
Nota: queste informazioni sono solo di riferimento.

Prezzo di POLYX oggi

Il prezzo in tempo reale di Polymesh è  €0.223328 per (POLYX / EUR) con una capitalizzazione di mercato attuale di €205.91M EUR. Il volume di trading in 24 ore è di €10.30M EUR. Il prezzo da POLYX a EUR viene aggiornato in tempo reale. Polymesh è al -1.58% nelle ultime 24 ore con un'offerta in circolazione di 922.01M.
Storico dei prezzi POLYX EUR
Confronto dateVariazione importoVariazione %
30 giorni€-0.045023-16.78%
60 giorni€-0.131237-37.01%
90 giorni€-0.00477-2.09%

Informazioni sul mercato POLYX

Minimo e massimo in 24H
Minimo: €0.210745
Massimo: €0.235127
Il prezzo più alto e più basso pagato per questo asset in 24 ore.
Massimo storico
Il prezzo più alto pagato per questo asset da quando è stato lanciato o quotato.
Variazione valore (1h)
La variazione percentuale del prezzo di questo asset rispetto a 1 ora fa.
Variazione valore (24h)
La variazione percentuale del prezzo di questo asset rispetto a 24 ore fa.
Variazione valore (7g)
La variazione percentuale del prezzo di questo asset rispetto a 7 giorni fa.

Informazioni sul mercato POLYX

La popolarità si basa sulla relativa capitalizzazione di mercato degli asset.
Market cap
Il market cap è calcolato moltiplicando l'offerta in circolazione dell'asset per il suo prezzo attuale.
Volume (24 ore)
Il valore totale in dollari di tutte le transazioni per questo asset nelle ultime 24 ore.
Offerta in circolazione
Il numero di crypto che circolano sul mercato e che sono disponibili al pubblico per il trading, analogamente alle azioni quotate in borsa.
Offerta massima totale
Il numero totale di unità che verranno create per la criptovaluta, simile alle azioni completamente diluite nel mercato azionario. Se questi dati non sono forniti o verificati da CoinMarketCap, l'offerta massima viene visualizzata come "--".
Capitalizzazione di mercato diluita interamente
Il numero totale di unità che verranno create per la criptovaluta, simile alle azioni completamente diluite nel mercato azionario. Se questi dati non sono forniti o verificati da CoinMarketCap, l'offerta massima viene visualizzata come "--".
Data di emissione

Cosa puoi fare con Polymesh (POLYX)?

Scopri come utilizzare le tue criptovalute con Binance.

What is Polymesh (POLYX)?

Polymesh is a layer 1 blockchain solution developed to support regulated assets, mainly in the form of security tokens. Polymesh aims to enable enterprise clients and organizations in the financial and business sectors to digitally securitize and distribute fractional increments of real assets in the blockchain environment.

Security tokens have multiple use cases which can help enterprises scale profitability, distribute leverage and risk in a balanced and healthy model. Polymesh has aimed and built its network and functionality around security tokens created from tokenizing real-world assets and supporting their deployment and development.

Polymesh implements Nominated Proof-of-stake (NPoS) as the underlying consensus mechanism which secures the platform. The mechanism utilizes node operators and stakers to delegate network validation responsibilities among permissioned node operators. 

In contrast to the standard permissionless model prevalent in fully decentralized systems, node operators in this secured blockchain are permissioned. This is due to the need for additional security measures to ensure the safe distribution of regulated assets among network participants. As a result, node operators are licensed financial entities with permission to operate within the system.

Issuers, investors, stakers, and node operators are all said to be required to complete identity verification processes to be permitted to participate in blockchain operations. Network security is looked after in this way by the Polymesh team, as larger enterprise-grade institutional clients make up a significant part of the network’s ideal client based on its developed proposition.

The network cryptocurrency POLYX is used to incentivize node operators, stakers. It is also used for governance functions within the Polymesh blockchain ecosystem. The digital asset associated with the Polymesh blockchain project is known by its token ticker $POLYX. The current price of Polymesh is updated and available in real-time on Binance.

Further details into the deeper aspects of the Polymesh technology can be found by reading the What Is Polymesh article on Binance Academy.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Polymesh

  1. What is Polymesh Built For?

    Polymesh was designed to integrate key features such as governance, identity management, compliance, confidentiality, and deterministic finality directly into its blockchain infrastructure.

  2. What is POLYX Used For?

    POLYX is used as an incentivization token in the Polymesh network consensus. POLYX is used to reward node operators who are selected to the NPoS validator pool afresh every 24 hours. When nodes are selected, they receive rewards, along with stakers.

    POLYX is also used by node operators and stakers to stake in the initial action required to occupy the positions in the network design. POLYX is also a governance token staked by holders to participate in the network governance model. On-chain governance exists, which is said to enable a council of key stakeholders to resolve any issue quickly.

    The POLYX crypto price can be affected by network usage, other processes, trade, and open cryptocurrency market influences.

  3. What Consensus Mechanism Does Polyx Use?

    Polymesh implements Nominated Proof-of-stake (NPoS) blockchain consensus to secure the network. The method was developed and popularized by the Polkadot network.

    For the security needed to guard the Polymesh blockchain, NPoS provides a community of node operators and stakers who work together to validate transactions and participate productively in the network security measure.

  4. Who is the Founder of Polymesh?

    Polymath is the technology company behind the development and upkeep of the Polymesh network. Trevor Koverko and Chris Housser, both notable figures from the blockchain industry, are the co-founders of Polymesh.

    Polymesh went live on October 28th, 2021, when its genesis block was launched by the Polymesh Association.

  5. What is the Maximum Token Supply of POLYX?

    At the time of writing, the total circulating supply of the Polymesh network cryptocurrency is 635,710,465 POLYX coins. 

  6. What Makes Polymesh Different From Others?

    Polymesh is focused solely on registered instruments and all forms of securities which can be mobilized in the blockchain environment. The NPoS consensus algorithm and the identity verification process for node operators, stakers, investors, and issuers are all distinct processes. 

    Polymesh seeks to enable enterprise-grade clients with a whole and complete blockchain environment. The network is suitable for such clients to deploy and manage registered securitized instruments held to lawful financial regulations and standards.

  7. How To Buy Polymesh (POLYX)?

    Polymesh (POLYX) can be purchased directly from Binance using a debit or credit card. Polymesh (POLYX) can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies on Binance. The live price of POLYX is updated in real-time. POLYX crypto price and purchase information are available for users in our How to Buy Polymesh (POLYX) Guide.

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