Prezzo MovieBloc (MBL)

1 MovieBloc equivale a € 0.003832 EUR+16.57%1G
Ultimo aggiornamento della pagina: 2025-01-06 01:26 (UTC+0)
Che ne pensi di MovieBloc oggi?
Nota: queste informazioni sono solo di riferimento.

Prezzo di MBL oggi

Il prezzo in tempo reale di MovieBloc è  € 0.003832 per (MBL / EUR) con una capitalizzazione di mercato attuale di € 69.44M EUR. Il volume di trading in 24 ore è di € 27.88M EUR. Il prezzo da MBL a EUR viene aggiornato in tempo reale. MovieBloc è al +16.57% nelle ultime 24 ore con un'offerta in circolazione di 18.12B.
Storico dei prezzi MBL EUR
Confronto dateVariazione importoVariazione %
Oggi€ 0.000545+16.57%
30 giorni€ -0.000331-7.94%
60 giorni€ 0.001334+53.42%
90 giorni€ 0.001143+42.48%

Informazioni sul mercato MBL

Minimo e massimo in 24H
Minimo: € 0.003263
Massimo: € 0.003838
Il prezzo più alto e più basso pagato per questo asset in 24 ore.
Massimo storico
€ 0.044606
Il prezzo più alto pagato per questo asset da quando è stato lanciato o quotato.
Variazione valore (1h)
La variazione percentuale del prezzo di questo asset rispetto a 1 ora fa.
Variazione valore (24h)
La variazione percentuale del prezzo di questo asset rispetto a 24 ore fa.
Variazione valore (7g)
La variazione percentuale del prezzo di questo asset rispetto a 7 giorni fa.

Informazioni sul mercato MBL

La popolarità si basa sulla relativa capitalizzazione di mercato degli asset.
Market cap
€ 69.44M
Il market cap è calcolato moltiplicando l'offerta in circolazione dell'asset per il suo prezzo attuale.
Volume (24 ore)
€ 27.88M
Il valore totale in dollari di tutte le transazioni per questo asset nelle ultime 24 ore.
Offerta in circolazione
Il numero di crypto che circolano sul mercato e che sono disponibili al pubblico per il trading, analogamente alle azioni quotate in borsa.
Offerta massima totale
Il numero totale di unità che verranno create per la criptovaluta, simile alle azioni completamente diluite nel mercato azionario. Se questi dati non sono forniti o verificati da CoinMarketCap, l'offerta massima viene visualizzata come "--".
Capitalizzazione di mercato diluita interamente
€ 114.96M
Il numero totale di unità che verranno create per la criptovaluta, simile alle azioni completamente diluite nel mercato azionario. Se questi dati non sono forniti o verificati da CoinMarketCap, l'offerta massima viene visualizzata come "--".
Data di emissione

Cosa puoi fare con MovieBloc (MBL)?

Scopri come utilizzare le tue criptovalute con Binance.

About MovieBlock (MBL)

MovieBloc is a decentralized, Ontology blockchain-based platform for content hosting and distribution with the goal of introducing transparency and fairness into movie streaming. The platform allows for transparent revenue sharing, audience data, and equal screening opportunities for all creators.

Filmmakers and content creators upload their work on the MovieBloc platform. In this platform, smart contracts manage both revenue sharing and rights management. Smart contracts ensure that the creator is paid appropriately, and everything is transparent. People use MBL tokens to buy content, tip, and pay for a number of services. It is a platform where viewers can participate by simply viewing, giving feedback, and rewarding the creators through MBL tokens.

In 2023, MBL partnered with DWF Labs, a global Web3 investment company, to leverage their resources and network to promote growth and awareness of the MovieBloc platform, which aims to create a community-centric future that rewards valuable contributors.

Notable partnerships of MovieBlock include, Ontology for blockchain infrastructure, Klaytn for expanding blockchain capabilities, and KMPlayer to provide seamless access to content. Pandora TV and Treasure Hunter facilitate content variety and distribution, while Cobak supports community engagement of cryptocurrency holders. MovieBloc seeks to collaborate with a huge number of independent filmmakers, studios, and content creators globally to enrich its content and increase the scale of the revealed film-positioning. The company holds quarterly film festivals whose top entries are compensated with MBL tokens to be utilized on its platform, hence providing them with increased visibility.

MBL is the native token of the MovieBloc ecosystem. Primarily, it is used for various transactions and participating in community governance. The current price of MBL is updated and available in real time on Binance.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About MovieBloc

  1. What is MBL Used For?

    Some of the functions of MBL tokens within the MovieBloc ecosystem are for accessing premium content, and buying movies; other added functionalities allow token holders certain privileges like discounts against movie tickets, priority entry into movie halls, or rewards for enthusiastic participation. Creators are rewarded with MBL tokens based on the popularity and engagement level of their content, thus ensuring high-quality content is uploaded. Moreover, MBL pledge holders are granted the right to vote on changes and other strategic decisions related to the platform.

  2. How Does Network Consensus And Validation Work On MovieBloc?

    MovieBloc uses Ontology's VBFT (Verifiable Byzantine Fault Tolerance) for consensus, combining Proof-of-Stake, Verifiable Random Function, and Byzantine Fault Tolerance. Validators, chosen based on their stakes and a random number, verify transactions and smart contract executions. This decentralized approach ensures transparency and reduces censorship risk. Validators are incentivized with transaction fees and staking rewards, maintaining network security and efficiency.

  3. Who Is The Founder of MovieBloc?

    MovieBloc was founded by Chris Kang, Jeffrey Jin, and Peter Kim in 2019.

  4. What is the Maximum Token Supply of MBL?

    The maximum supply of MBL was 30 billion MBL tokens. The circulating supply sits at 17,681,887,216 tokens at the time of writing.

  5. What Makes MovieBloc Different From Others?

    MovieBlock specifically targets the independent film industry and seeks to give opportunities to those filmmakers that are not available on other platforms. The platform uses decentralized governance through a DAO wherein token holders are able to participate in decision-making procedures for a community-centric approach. MovieBloc deploys blockchain technology to tokenize films and provide innovative fundraising and profit-sharing models in a very open and efficient form.

  6. How to Buy a MBL Token?

    MovieBloc (MBL) can be purchased directly from Binance by using a debit or credit card. MovieBloc (MBL) can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies on the Binance Exchange. Live MBL price is updated in real-time on Binance. Additionally, MBL price and purchase information is available for users on our How to Buy MovieBloc (MBL) Guide.

  7. How Much Will MBL Be Worth in Future?

    Check out our MBL Price Prediction page — when deciding on your own price targets. Data displayed are based on user input and not Binance's opinion.

Sezione video

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