Hari ini, pengumuman delisting lainnya dirilis, sehubungan dengan itu saya memperingatkan agar tidak bekerja dengan koin-koin dari tag pemantauan di paruh pertama minggu ini. Sekarang koin-koin yang tidak termasuk dalam pengumuman menjadi menarik. Pertama-tama, ini adalah VITE, yang paling oversold saat ini. Minggu lalu, sebuah sinyal ditinggalkan untuk overshooting lebih lanjut dan kemungkinan pengujian level kunci 0,025, membuka jalan menuju 0,035-50. Mengingat penugasan tag pemantauan, saya tidak berpikir bahwa harga akan dengan mudah mendapatkan pijakan di atas level ini, meskipun ada sinyal kuat untuk pengujian ulang sekitar 0,035.
🚨🚨 APAKAH MUSIM ALT TELAH BERAKHIR! & Apa yang harus dilakukan? 😮
☀️ Pada bulan Desember hampir seluruh pasar kripto mengalami penurunan ekstrem & hampir semua trader khawatir dan harus berpikir di dalam pikiran mereka bahwa "APAKAH MUSIM ALT TELAH BERAKHIR".
☀️ Trader profesional sudah tahu tentang sentimen pasar & perilakunya berdasarkan pengalaman mereka & data historis tetapi pemula sering khawatir & menjual aset mereka dengan kerugian.
🔥 Jadi Jangan khawatir! Cukup tahan! Musim Altcoin belum berakhir & saatnya untuk membeli lebih banyak & dalam konteks kripto ini disebut Koreksi Pasar.
ALTSEASON Inilah sebabnya mengapa Anda tidak boleh menunda membeli alt lagi!
Panggilan Altseason terakhir kami tepat dua bulan yang lalu (18 Oktober, lihat grafik di bawah) yang ternyata menjadi level yang tepat di mana reli baru dari total kapitalisasi pasar kripto (tidak termasuk 10 teratas) dimulai: Seperti yang Anda lihat, Siklus saat ini (2022 - 2025) menunjukkan kemiripan yang luar biasa dengan periode 2014 - 2017. Fase Akumulasi mereka selama transisi dari Siklus Bear ke Bull sangat mirip, dengan garis tren Pivot awalnya berfungsi sebagai Resistensi dan kemudian berubah menjadi Dukungan pada pembentukan Bull Flag pertama. Itu adalah pola yang menarik kembali ke level retracement Fibonacci 0,382, menguji dan menahan MA50 2W (garis tren biru) sebagai Dukungan, yang memberikan kami panggilan beli yang akurat 2 bulan yang lalu. Bahkan fraktal RSI dan MACD antara kedua Siklus adalah identik, dengan RSI mencapai titik terendah pada pola yang persis sama dan MACD membentuk pola Bearish-into-Bullish-Cross sementara pasar membentuk Bull Flag. Saat ini kita telah memasuki fase Parabolic Rally (saluran hijau naik), di mana pasar harus terus naik tanpa penarikan besar menuju level ekstensi Fibonacci -1,5. Selain level itu, yang menandakan puncak pasar pada Januari 2018 adalah RSI yang membentuk Triple Top dan MACD yang membentuk Cross Bearish ke-3. Gunakan itu sebagai indikator tambahan untuk keluar dengan keuntungan besar. Silakan LIKE 👍, FOLLOW ✅, SHARE 🙌 dan COMMENT ✍ jika Anda menikmati ide ini!
Jadi altcoin akan mengamuk begitu garis biru dominasi ethereum ini ditembus, Tunggu saja dan saksikan 👀 Itulah altseason sesungguhnya yang Anda tunggu sejak 2 tahun terakhir, semua grafik akan menyusut, akan ada jutawan baru di dunia.
As Soon as you sell the price increase and as soon as you buy,the price decreases
I'll explain why this is so, it's very simple! This phenomenon is a classic example of cognitive distortion, when a person feels that the market is working against him. In fact, such situations are often explained by psychological and market factors: 1. The crowd effect. Most people buy on hype and sell in panic. This leads to the market being able to correct at precisely those moments when identical decisions are made en masse. 2. Difficulty of forecasting. The market, especially the cryptocurrency market, is extremely volatile and unpredictable. Even experienced analysts make mistakes when trying to guess the price movement. 3. Algorithms and big players. Not only private investors participate in the game, but also institutional players, trading bots and hedge funds. They analyze mass behavior using complex algorithms and adjust their actions to maximize profits. Billions of dollars are spent annually to study how most participants in financial markets, including cryptocurrency, will behave. There are specialized institutions for this purpose, such as: 🛑 Quantitative research centers developing mathematical models. 🛑 Psychological laboratories studying the behavior of investors under stress and uncertainty. 🛑 Data analytics companies using machine learning to predict prices. All this research helps the big players stay one step ahead. Therefore, it is important not only to follow the market, but also to understand its fundamental logical mechanisms. 💡 What should I do? How many times a day do you check the price and look at the chart? Every time you look at the prices, you start thinking like the crowd. Wait for the price at which you plan to sell, do not be too greedy. If emotions are off the charts during the correction, do not go in or temporarily delete all applications related to cryptocurrency and do something else, this will help you think sensibly and be firm in your decisions! Don't be like everyone else, know more!
10 عملات بديلة يمكن أن تجعلك مليونيرًا بحلول عام 2025
1. Polkadot (DOT) توقع السعر (2025): $100–$150 لماذا DOT؟ يسمح تركيز Polkadot على التشغيل البيني لسلاسل الكتل المختلفة بالتواصل بسلاسة. مع الحوكمة اللامركزية وزيادة الاعتماد في حالات الاستخدام في العالم الحقيقي، يتم وضع DOT كحجر أساس في نظام blockchain المتطور. 2. Solana (SOL) توقع السعر (2025): $200–$300 لماذا SOL؟ تجعل المعاملات عالية السرعة والرسوم المنخفضة للغاية في Solana الخيار المفضل لمشاريع DeFi وNFTs وWeb3. لقد عزز نظامها البيئي المتنامي بسرعة والشراكات مكانة Solana كمنافس جاد للنمو على المدى الطويل. 3. Chainlink (LINK) توقع السعر (2025): $50–$75 لماذا LINK؟ تعتبر شبكة Chainlink اللامركزية للتنبؤات ضرورية للعقود الذكية، مما يمكّنها من الاتصال بأمان مع البيانات من العالم الحقيقي. مع اعتماد المزيد من منصات blockchain على حلول LINK، من المتوقع أن يرتفع الطلب والقيمة. 4. Cardano (ADA) توقع السعر (2025): $10–$20 لماذا ADA؟ تضمن نهج Cardano الفريد، المبني على أبحاث أكاديمية تمت مراجعتها من قبل الأقران، قابليتها للتوسع واستدامتها. تضع التحديثات المستمرة للشبكة والتركيز على الحوكمة اللامركزية ADA كمنافس على المدى الطويل. 5. Cosmos (ATOM) توقع السعر (2025): $20–$30 لماذا ATOM؟ تبسط Cosmos التشغيل البيني لسلاسل الكتل، حيث تعمل كهيكل أساسي لمجموعة متنوعة من نظم DeFi. تجعل هندستها المبتكرة ونشاط المطورين المتزايد منها منافسًا رائدًا من أجل تقدير كبير في السعر. 6. Avalanche (AVAX) توقع السعر (2025): $150–$200 لماذا AVAX؟ تم تصميم منصة Avalanche عالية الإنتاجية لتتنافس مع Ethereum بسرعات معاملات أسرع ورسوم أقل. تجعل بروتوكول التوافق الفريد ونظامها البيئي المتنامي منها مرشحًا قويًا للنمو الكبير. 7. VeChain (VET) توقع السعر (2025): $0.50–$1 لماذا VET؟ يتيح تركيز VeChain على اللوجستيات في سلسلة التوريد وتطبيقات الأعمال في العالم الحقيقي لها ميزة مميزة. يمكن أن تدفع شراكاتها مع شركات كبرى وحالات الاستخدام القوية في تتبع والتحقق من المنتجات الطلب على VET. 8. Algorand (ALGO) توقع السعر (2025): $5–$10 لماذا ALGO؟ تقدم Algorand منصة قابلة للتوسع بشكل كبير وآمنة ولا مركزية لمجموعة متنوعة من التطبيقات، بما في ذلك DeFi وNFTs وحلول الشركات. تدعم تقنيتها المبتكرة ومجتمع التطوير النشط إمكاناتها على المدى الطويل. 9. Elrond (EGLD) توقع السعر (2025): $300–$400 لماذا EGLD؟ تدعم بنية Elrond القابلة للتوسع بشكل كبير عددًا كبيرًا من المعاملات مع رسوم منخفضة. يضع تركيزها على السرعة والكفاءة، إلى جانب مجتمع المطورين المتنامي، Elrond للنمو الكبير في المستقبل. 10. Tezos (XTZ) توقع السعر (2025): $15–$20 لماذا XTZ؟ تشتهر Tezos بسلسلة الكتل ذات التعديل الذاتي، مما يسمح لها بالتحديث والتطور دون الحاجة إلى تغييرات كبيرة. هذه المرونة، إلى جانب الحوكمة القوية والتركيز على تبني المؤسسات، تجعل Tezos استثمارًا واعدًا. كيف تعظم مكاسبك قم بالبحث بشكل شامل: المعرفة قوة. اغمر نفسك في الأوراق البيضاء والشراكات وحالات الاستخدام. تنويع: وزع استثمارك عبر هذه العملات وغيرها من الأصول الواعدة لتقليل المخاطر. حدد أهدافًا واقعية: خطط لنقاط دخولك وخروجك وهوامش الربح بحكمة. استخدم أوامر وقف الخسارة لمزيد من الأمان. ابق على اطلاع: تتبع الاتجاهات السوقية والأحداث الاقتصادية الكلية والتنظيمات المتعلقة بالعملات المشفرة لتحسين استراتيجيتك. فكر على المدى الطويل: تعتبر العملات المشفرة متقلبة. الصبر والتخطيط الاستراتيجي هما المفتاح لتعظيم العوائد. تعظيم استراتيجيتك الاستثمارية ابق على اطلاع: تحقق بانتظام من التحديثات والأخبار حول هذه المشاريع. إدارة المخاطر: استخدم أوامر وقف الخسارة ووزع محفظتك لتقليل المخاطر. انضم إلى المجتمعات: تفاعل مع المجتمعات والمنتديات عبر الإنترنت للبقاء على اطلاع بمشاعر السوق وتطورات المشروع. حدد المعالم: عرّف أهداف استثمارك والمعالم لتتبع التقدم. تعلم بنفسك: استمر في التعلم حول تكنولوجيا blockchain واتجاهات السوق لاتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة. $LINK
Will Altcoin Season Begin Without a Market Crash? Highly Unlikely! Here’s the Brutal Truth 🧠
The c
Will Altcoin Season Begin Without a Market Crash? Highly Unlikely! Here’s the Brutal Truth 🧠 The crypto market is a well-oiled machine controlled by whales and institutional players who manipulate prices to secure massive profits—often at the expense of retail investors. To succeed in this volatile landscape, you must understand their strategies and learn how to adapt. Let’s uncover the mechanics of market manipulation and how you can stay ahead of the curve. 🐋 The Whale Playbook: How They Manipulate the Market 1. Dump at the Top to Create Panic Whales sell their large holdings when prices peak, triggering a rapid decline that sparks fear and uncertainty. 2. Trigger Retail Fear As prices tumble, retail traders panic-sell, accelerating the downward spiral and driving the market even lower. 3. The “Fake Recovery” Trap A short-lived bounce tricks traders into buying back in, only for the price to crash further—trapping late entrants. 4. Accumulate at the Bottom Once prices bottom out, whales quietly buy back coins at a massive discount, building positions for the next bull cycle. 🛡️ How You Can Stay One Step Ahead While you can’t stop whales from playing the game, you can protect your capital and turn the tide in your favor with these key strategies: 1. Take Profits Gradually Don’t wait for “all-time highs” or unrealistic gains. Secure profits regularly—consistent wins beat sudden, devastating losses. 2. Always Set Stop-Loss Orders Protect your downside with a stop-loss strategy. For example, if a trade drops 3-5% below your entry, convert to stablecoins immediately to avoid further risk. 3. Stick to a Clear Plan Define your entry, exit, and profit-taking targets before you trade. Emotional decisions lead to losses; discipline ensures survival. 🔑 Key Takeaways to Master the Market You can’t control market manipulation, but you can control how you react. Small, consistent profits accumulate into substantial long-term gains. Success in crypto comes from strategic planning and discipline—not impulsive moves or luck. 💡 Pro Tip for Survival: The crypto market isn’t a quick sprint—it’s a marathon. Stay patient, stick to your strategy, and make decisions based on data, not emotions. Adapt to the game, and you’ll thrive where others stumble. 🚀 Stay focused. Stay disciplined. Stay profitable. #AltcoinSeason #MarketWisdom #CryptoStrategy #StayAhead
There will be altseason when everyone is sure that there is no alt season 😅 1) isolate from the herd😉 2) think objectively 3) implement risk management
Is Altseason a Lie? Market Cycles 2021 vs 2024! Here's What Next
Over the years, one of the most common things I’ve noticed among traders especially newer (newbie) for crypto is the frustration that comes with market downturns. When prices dip, traders lose hope, and many question everything they've learned. Recently, someone commented on my last post, "Altseason is a lie." So, is it really a lie, or is there something deeper happening in the market? Let’s break down what’s actually going on, using what I’ve learned over the past 5+ years of trading and what I’ve observed in the market, as well as the questions I get from my followers and students. I’m not just another random technical analyst throwing guesses I’ve spent over 5 years mastering this craft, and experience has been my best teacher. Some laughed at my last update, but those who took it seriously saw the results play out just as I predicted.
I know if this post reaches 10,000 people, only 1% will hit the follow button because they’re serious about learning and don’t want to miss updates like this. If you’re in that 1%, follow & stay tuned I’ll break down altcoin current situation and its possible next move.
If this update helps you in any way or gives you a new perspective, do me a small favor like, repost, or leave a comment! Your support keeps me motivated to share these valuable insights. 🙌 2021 vs 2024 Altseason In the world of crypto, you hear this word history often repeats itself and that’s not just a random coincidence. It’s the natural flow of market cycles. If you think back to 2021, we saw something really interesting about 34 weeks after the Bitcoin halving, BTC dominance started to drop, and altcoins began to surge. This was the start of altseason a time when altcoins began outperforming Bitcoin.
Now, let’s fast forward to 2024. same thing in now 34 weeks after the Bitcoin halving, BTC dominance started to drop What’s happening right now? The exact same pattern. yellow lines halving date, green line 34 weeks after halving.
But now the intresting part is If you zoom in on the 1D BTC dominance chart, you’ll see that BTC dominance is starting to pump once again after the 34 weeks. In fact, it could rise another 5-7% before we see the real altseason begin same things happend in 2021.
This tells me that we could be on the brink of something exciting a possible altcoin season. But if that’s the case, Why are we seeing altcoins bleed right now? The Real Answer: BTC Dominance Isn’t the Whole Story!
When we see altcoins dropping, it’s easy to jump to the conclusion that BTC dominance is the main factor. And yes, BTC dominance does play a role, but there’s more to it. The true cause lies in market manipulation, particularly by whales and market makers. These entities control a lot of the market, and they use a tactic that can really confuse everyday traders. Let me explain in simple terms.
So now you maybe ask Who Are Whales and Market Makers? Whales: These are individuals or groups who hold large amounts of a particular cryptocurrency. They have enough capital to significantly impact the market when they buy or sell.Market Makers: These are entities or institutions that provide liquidity to the market. They make profits by manipulating the price movements and controlling the market flow.
Now, when we see altcoins bleeding, it’s often because whales and market makers are trying to wipe out the weak hands—the traders who are over-leveraged or inexperienced. They do this by creating artificial sell-offs that force traders to panic and sell their positions at a loss. How Do Whales Manipulate the Market? Let’s walk through it step by step so you can really understand the process. 1. Manipulating BTC Dominance When BTC dominance starts to rise, altcoins usually start to lose value. But here's where the manipulation comes into play: whales and market makers know that many traders are watching BTC dominance closely. When they see BTC dominance start to rise, it triggers panic among altcoin traders. They start thinking that altseason is over and begin selling off their positions. 2. The Whales Set Up Their Trap At this point, whales begin to dump the market. They sell off large amounts of BTC or altcoins, which causes prices to drop rapidly. This creates a sense of fear and uncertainty in the market. Traders, especially those with high leverage, get liquidated as their positions are wiped out. The market makers and whales make money from the liquidation fees and the price drop. 3. The "Clean-Up" Phase After wiping out the weak hands, the whales and market makers now have cheap positions in the market. They can then pump the market once the selling pressure eases off, causing the price to rise. This often happens in a sharp rally, which can trap those who sold their positions in panic, forcing them to buy back at higher prices. The Truth About Altseason So, let’s get back to the main question or the follower comment: Is altseason a lie?
No, it’s not. But it might feel like a lie if you’re caught in one of these market cycles where whales manipulate the prices. Just because altcoins are bleeding now doesn’t mean altseason is over. In fact, this bleed is often the prelude to a massive rally in altcoins. As I’ve seen in the past, once BTC dominance stabilizes and starts to drop, the altcoins tend to take the lead. We’re not far from that point in 2024, and I believe we’re about to enter altseason after BTC dominance rises a little more. This is why it’s so important to be patient and stick to your strategy, even when things seem uncertain. As always, the key to success in trading is understanding the market and staying patient. Don’t let short-term fluctuations or market manipulation shake your confidence. Stick to your strategy, trust the process, and get ready for the altcoin rally that’s coming soon! What are your thoughts on altseason? Are you ready to take advantage of the upcoming opportunities? Let me know in the comments below!
Altcoin Season Index Dips to 57, Signaling a Potential Shift
The Altcoin Season Index (ASI) has slipped to 57, indicating a possible shift in the cryptocurrency market. The ASI, calculated by CoinMarketCap, measures the relative performance of top 100 altcoins against Bitcoin over the past 90 days. An ASI above 75 suggests an altcoin season, while below 25 indicates a Bitcoin season. The current ASI reading of 57 suggests a balanced market, with altcoins and Bitcoin experiencing comparable price fluctuations. It's worth noting that this is a dynamic indicator that can fluctuate rapidly, and investors should monitor its movements in conjunction with other market signals.
THIS may be the first time when someone will post CRYPTO market information without any filter! You'd learn a lot here (for sure).
CRYPTO SECRETS ONLY A FEW KNOW ABOUT AND THEY'RE MAKING PROFIT! Formulating possible candlestick formation before they form is essential to better understanding of the price action of a token. This provides a chance for a trader to further prepare for the possible scenario that can occur. In this way, a trader can have greater positions within the market. First step to doing the candlestick formation reading is, identify the key levels where most of the candlesticks cluster whether they are close to their support or the resistance. Next, understand the reason for this cluster formation as it's crucial to the anticipation of the candlesticks. Most reason for the formation are due to the demand increasing or supplies being loaded. Thus, once the candlesticks in every timeframe is formed for the day, you can identify the high and low price. Most of the candlesticks' formation in minutes or hours timeframe can have 2-3 bearish candlesticks and more bullish candlesticks if they're close to their support and vice versa if they're close to their resistance. As the candlesticks close, you can then formulate that since the bullish candlesticks has been consecutively formed, you can expect bearish candlestick/s to form in order to take the imbalances of the highs and lows of the daily trading range. This is just an example and you can keep on reviewing other candlestick formations within the same timeframe or varying timeframes.
There's this one secret that everyone needs to know in order to fully understand the market, may it be the phase, sentiments and other factors.
Only a handful knows this secret, most of the whales wait for the formation of altcoins to be fully realized before creating another big movement for BTC. I'll give you an example. Token A and Token B are currently moving downwards with a confirmation of an inverse head and shoulders pattern. Meanwhile Token C and D are currently in their unconfirmed inverse head and shoulders pattern with the left shoulder and head being created while the right shoulder is still on its way. Knowing this, whales will continue to patiently observe and await while the trading price for BTC is ranging, may it be hourly, daily or any timeframe. After Token C and D's inverse head and shoulders pattern has been formed, whales will then process a position in BTC with the intention of making a large move for it. In this example, it would be a long position for a rally to happen as the altcoins have formed inverse head and shoulders pattern. Other scenario also exists, if you have noticed this, you can also comment your experience. These posts are for educational purposes. To guide the people who might still be struggling within the crypto market, those who are new to the environment and volatility and everyone else who needs it. Stay wise, trade cautiously. #GAINERSPACK #TRADEANDEDUCATE #EARNINGDAILY
Have you ever thought about how the richest people do their trades in the crypto market?
You're in the right place.
Most would think that becoming rich is just a fantasy and is by pure luck. Albeit, let me tell you one thing that is clear about whales. Their cashflows didn't EXIST out of THIN AIR. They have created these cashflows.
Here are the common things they do and you don't: - They don't buy extravagant things without proper utilization. - They don't think of their money as unlimited. They know how cash is limited and they have to create a WAY to make it unlimited. - While you're busy losing money without learning. They lose money while earning. - Every drop in their networth, portfolio and overall financial status isn't an obstacle but a spring from the bottom to the top.
Therefore, the richest don't only strike in reverse than what most would do. Rather, they live in these 'depths' where most would be afraid and strive there. Take for example, when they do Dollar Cost Averaging. They know that these little bits of risks would eventually lead to a great amount of profitability for their portfolio. Money can always be earned but the 'system' to supply oneself with money will never be learned by MOST.
These posts are for educational purposes. To guide the people who might still be struggling within the crypto market, those who are new to the environment and volatility and everyone else who needs it.