Binance Square
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Trump Memilih Senator J.D. Vance yang Ramah Kripto Sebagai Calon Wakil Presiden
Mantan Presiden Donald Trump telah mengumumkan bahwa dia telah memilih Senator J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) yang ramah kripto sebagai calon wakil presidennya.

Menurut pengungkapan keuangan federal terbarunya, Vance, seorang pemodal ventura yang berubah menjadi politisi, memiliki antara $100,001 dan $250,000 dalam bentuk Bitcoin.

Front Persatuan Trump dan Vance tentang Crypto

Awal tahun ini, sikap mantan Presiden Trump terhadap kripto berubah dari skeptis menjadi mendukung. Pada bulan Mei, timnya mulai menerima kontribusi dalam berbagai mata uang kripto melalui Coinbase. Dia juga vokal terhadap industri ini selama kampanyenya dan bersumpah akan memberikan dukungannya.
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Binance Announcement
Pelajari & Dapatkan: Selesaikan Kursus & Kuis untuk Mendapatkan Hadiah W! (2024-07-04)
Ini adalah pengumuman umum. Produk dan layanan yang dimaksud di sini mungkin tidak tersedia di wilayah Anda.
Rekan-rekan Binancian,
Binance dengan gembira mengumumkan bahwa kami akan segera meluncurkan putaran berikutnya "Binance Learn & Earn", di mana pengguna dapat memperoleh pengetahuan tentang blockchain dan mendapatkan hadiah kripto dengan menyelesaikan kursus dan kuis.
Periode Kegiatan: 04-07-2024 09:00 (UTC) hingga 18-07-2024 09:00 (UTC)
Semua pengguna terverifikasi akan memenuhi syarat untuk berpartisipasi dalam putaran "Binance Learn & Earn" ini untuk menerima jumlah W yang telah ditentukan berdasarkan siapa cepat dia dapat.
Binance Academy
Kumpulan hadiah 7 BNB untuk bonus Misi Pelajari & Dapatkan telah ditukarkan sepenuhnya!

Namun, 70 $BNB untuk kumpulan hadiah pengguna dinamis dan baru masih berlangsung. Hadiah untuk ini akan didistribusikan pasca kampanye.

Lanjutkan belajar tentang #Binance bersama kami 👇
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Binance Square Official
Posting Perjalanan#BinanceTournamentAnda di Binance Square dan Bersaing untuk mendapatkan 5.000 USDT!
Bergabunglah dalam Futures Grand Tournament untuk bersaing memperebutkan kumpulan hadiah sebesar 3 Juta USDT. Dengan berbagi pengalaman turnamen Anda di Binance Square, Anda berpeluang memenangkan bagian dari kumpulan hadiah EKSKLUSIF 5.000 USDT.
Periode Kegiatan: 13-6-2024 00:00 hingga 14-7-2024 23:59 (UTC)

Bagaimana Cara Menang?
Buat konten asli yang terkait dengan #BinanceTournament di Binance Square dan sertakan "#BinanceTournament " di konten Anda.
Pastikan konten Anda memiliki setidaknya 200 karakter dan minimal tiga interaksi (seperti emoji, komentar, pembagian, atau kutipan).
Lihat asli tautan. #ShareToWinn tautan.
Crypto Web3 Today
Shiba Inu: Peringatan Telegram Penting Dikeluarkan untuk Pemegang SHIB, Ini Alasannya.

Komunitas Shiba Inu didesak untuk berhati-hati menyusul peringatan penting tentang meningkatnya jumlah penipuan di Telegram.

Penipu meniru akun Twitter resmi ekosistem Shiba Inu di Telegram, khususnya yang terkait dengan Shibarium dan Treat, dalam upaya untuk menipu dan menipu pengguna.

Penipu mengeksploitasi popularitas ekosistem Shiba Inu dengan membuat akun Telegram palsu yang meniru akun resmi Shiba Inu X (Twitter).

Akun palsu ini memiliki nama yang sama dengan akun resmi Shiba Inu X dan dimaksudkan untuk menyesatkan pengguna agar percaya bahwa mereka terlibat dengan proyek Shiba Inu yang sah, sehingga mendapatkan kepercayaan mereka dan berpotensi mencuri aset mereka.

Sehubungan dengan hal ini, Shibarmy Scam Alerts, atau @susbarium, akun X yang didedikasikan untuk mengungkap penipuan, telah mengeluarkan peringatan keamanan bagi komunitas Shiba Inu untuk berhati-hati terhadap akun Telegram palsu karena penipu meniru akun resmi ekosistem Shiba Inu.

Menurut akun X yang berfokus pada Shiba Inu, teh Shiba Inu menjalankan akun @Shibariumnet dan @Treatsforshib di X. Ceritanya berbeda di Telegram karena akun ini dijalankan oleh penipu.

Komunitas Shiba Inu diimbau untuk tetap waspada dan berhati-hati dalam berinteraksi dengan akun Telegram. Mereka harus selalu memverifikasi identitas serta pengumuman atau penawaran apa pun terhadap situs resmi Shiba Inu dan akun X. Mereka juga tidak boleh mengungkapkan informasi pribadi, kunci pribadi, atau frase awal dompet kepada siapa pun yang mengaku mewakili Shiba Inu. Hal ini karena perwakilan resmi tidak akan pernah meminta informasi sensitif tersebut.

Seperti diberitakan, tim Shiba Inu tidak melakukan token airdrop, juga tidak ada hadiah yang direncanakan dalam waktu dekat; oleh karena itu, komunitas SHIB dihimbau untuk tetap skeptis terhadap klaim tersebut.

Secara keseluruhan, pesan utamanya adalah tetap aman, jangan pernah mengeklik tautan yang mencurigakan, dan jangan membagikan kunci dompet atau informasi pribadi kepada siapa pun.
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Konten yang dikutip telah dihapus
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Mastering Crypto
Cara Menggunakan Binance Untuk Menghasilkan Uang: Panduan Singkat 🗝

Click Here To Collect Your USDT

Untuk menghasilkan uang dari Binance, Anda dapat menjelajahi beberapa opsi:

1. **Perdagangan**: Beli dengan harga rendah dan jual dengan harga tinggi menggunakan perdagangan spot atau perdagangan margin. Memanfaatkan analisis teknis dan tren pasar untuk membuat keputusan yang tepat.

2. **Staking**: Kunci mata uang kripto Anda di Binance Staking untuk mendapatkan hadiah seiring waktu. Koin yang berbeda menawarkan hasil taruhan yang berbeda-beda.

3. **Tabungan**: Gunakan Tabungan Binance, yang mencakup Tabungan Fleksibel dan Tabungan Terkunci, untuk mendapatkan bunga atas aset menganggur Anda.

4. **Investasi Ganda**: Berpartisipasi dalam produk Investasi Ganda, yang memungkinkan Anda mengalokasikan aset untuk pengembalian lebih tinggi, dengan potensi konversi ke mata uang kripto lain.

5. **Launchpool**: Mempertaruhkan Binance Coin (BNB), Binance USD (BUSD), atau token lainnya untuk mengumpulkan koin baru yang terdaftar di Binance Launchpool.

6. **Penambangan Likuiditas**: Menyediakan likuiditas di Binance Liquid Swap untuk mendapatkan biaya transaksi dan hadiah.

7. **Program Referensi**: Dapatkan komisi dengan merujuk pengguna baru ke Binance. Anda mendapatkan persentase dari biaya perdagangan mereka.

8. **Airdrops dan Promosi**: Berpartisipasi dalam berbagai airdrop, promosi, dan kompetisi yang diselenggarakan oleh Binance untuk peluang penghasilan tambahan.

Dengan mendiversifikasi strategi Anda pada opsi-opsi ini, Anda dapat memaksimalkan potensi penghasilan Anda di Binance.


🫂Ingat: Banyak Kerja Keras yang dilakukan untuk memberikan Anda Artikel Investasi Terbaik. Tip Dermawan Anda akan Memberdayakan Misi kami dan membantu kami bekerja lebih keras lagi agar Anda dapat memberikan Saran Investasi Terbaik.

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Launchpool #Megadrop
Binance Square Official
Share to Win kembali dengan hadiah LEBIH BESAR di mana pengguna terverifikasi dapat berpartisipasi untuk membuka hadiah lebih dari 100 USDT. 

Periode Kegiatan: 23-05-2024 09:00 (UTC) hingga 06-06-2024 09:00 (UTC)

Aktivitas 1: Bagikan Tautan Binance Square dengan Referensi Anda untuk Mendapatkan hingga 100 USDT dalam Paket Merah Kripto

Anda dan seorang teman dapat membuka hingga 2USDT dalam paket merah ketika teman Anda mengklik tautan konten Square mana pun yang Anda bagikan!

Nikmati hadiah LEBIH BESAR saat Anda mengirimkannya ke teman baru di Binance!

Aktivitas 2: Eksklusif Pengguna Baru - Daftar ke Binance & Selesaikan Tugas untuk Mendapatkan Hadiah tambahan hingga 5,5 USDT

1. Buka sepuluh tautan unik Binance Square saat masuk ke akun Binance Anda.

2. Selesaikan perdagangan minimal setara $100 di Spot, Futures, Margin, Options, atau Convert.

Aktivitas ini mungkin tidak tersedia di wilayah Anda. 
Hadiah untuk kedua Aktivitas didistribusikan berdasarkan siapa cepat dia dapat, dengan penukaran terbatas yang tersedia.
BPUPDCFBB6 is the code... Its 0.1 usdt per person for 50 people..first come first served#red packet
BPUPDCFBB6 is the code... Its 0.1 usdt per person for 50 people..first come first served#red packet
New updates out
New updates out
Binance Square Official
Pembaruan Fitur Binance Square – 15 April 2024
Hai Binancians,
Kami sangat gembira mengumumkan bahwa pembaruan terbaru Binance Square kini tersedia di aplikasi versi 2.81. Untuk pengalaman penjelajahan yang lebih lancar dan efisien, sebaiknya perbarui aplikasi Anda. Berikut rincian fitur terbaru kami:
Deteksi Koin Otomatis
Sistem kami akan langsung mengidentifikasi dan menghubungkan koin yang disebutkan ke halaman perdagangan mereka, meningkatkan kejelasan konten dan navigasi. Ada dua skenario:
Koin yang Disebutkan Secara Manual: Setiap kali Anda memasukkan koin yang relevan ke dalam teks Anda menggunakan ikon koin, koin tersebut akan secara otomatis ditautkan ke halaman perdagangannya.
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Hai teman-teman, silakan klaim kode BPXY2WL5YK. Terima kasih
Hai teman-teman, silakan klaim kode BPXY2WL5YK. Terima kasih
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Konten yang dikutip telah dihapus
It was a cafe where I was using a messenger that time. I heard about Digital currency. A future Currency. that Time I had $12 in my pocket. I was about to buy BTC but transaction was not successful and As I was not serious to buy because people were saying it's a joke and scam. I was buying it only for Fun.
The "what ifs" of life! It's fascinating to think about how things could have turned out differently. If I had invested that $12 in Bitcoin in 2010, it would be worth a staggering amount today!

To put it into perspective, in 2010, the price of Bitcoin was around $0.0008 per coin. With $12, I could have bought approximately 15,000 Bitcoins. Today, with Bitcoin's price around $65000, my investment would be worth around $975,000,000!

It's understandable that I had doubts back then, given the skepticism and uncertainty surrounding Bitcoin at the time. But it's a great lesson in the power of taking risks and believing in innovative ideas.

Remember, hindsight is always 20/20, and it's essential to focus on the present and future. Who knows what other opportunities await you? Keep exploring, learning, and staying open to new possibilities!
#BinanceSquarelinks $ETH $MATIC this one is for the guys struggling to move coins on erc20 network. Try polygon bridge
#BinanceSquarelinks $ETH $MATIC this one is for the guys struggling to move coins on erc20 network. Try polygon bridge
Binance Academy
How to Use the Polygon Bridge?

The Polygon Bridge allows users to quickly transfer ERC tokens and NFTs to the Polygon sidechain. There are primarily two bridges on Polygon, the Proof of Stake (PoS) Bridge and the Plasma Bridge. Both can bridge assets from Ethereum to Polygon (and vice versa), but they adopt different security methods.

The PoS Bridge uses the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm to secure its network. It supports the transfer of Ether (ETH) and most ERC tokens. It’s the recommended option for most users.

The Plasma Bridge is for devs that need increased security. It uses the Ethereum Plasma scaling solution and supports the transfer of MATIC, ETH, ERC-20, and ERC-721 tokens.


With the number of blockchains rising in the crypto space, sharing data and tokens between different networks has been challenging. Some projects are tackling this problem by building bridges between networks to facilitate asset transfers.

The Polygon Bridge is designed to increase interoperability between the Polygon and Ethereum blockchains. With a compatible cryptocurrency wallet, users can easily transfer tokens back and forth.

What is the Polygon Bridge?

Polygon is a framework for creating Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks and scaling solutions. It aims to enrich the Ethereum ecosystem by providing tools to build scalable decentralized applications (DApps) and increase Ethereum's transaction throughput with lower fees. Some popular Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platforms have already been deployed on Polygon, such as Aave, Curve, and SushiSwap.

To interact with DApps and tools on Polygon, you need to transfer your assets to the Polygon network. This is where the Polygon Bridge comes in. The Polygon Bridge is a trustless cross-chain transaction channel between Polygon and Ethereum. It allows users to transfer ERC tokens and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to the Polygon sidechain, all through the use of smart contracts.

How does the Polygon Bridge work?

The Polygon Bridge uses a dual-consensus architecture to optimize for speed and decentralization. It also supports arbitrary state transitions on sidechains, which are compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Cross-chain token transfers can be achieved instantly without third-party risks or market liquidity limitations.

When bridging tokens across the Polygon Bridge, there won't be any changes to the circulating supply of the token. Tokens that leave the Ethereum network are locked, and the same number of tokens will be minted on the Polygon network as pegged tokens on a 1:1 basis. When bridging the tokens back to Ethereum, the pegged tokens on Polygon will be burned, and those on Ethereum will be unlocked during the process.

There are two types of bridge on Polygon for asset transfer, the Proof of Stake (PoS) Bridge and the Plasma Bridge. The PoS Bridge, as the name suggests, adopts the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm to secure its network. Deposits on the PoS Bridge are completed almost instantly, but withdrawals may take a while to confirm. The PoS Bridge supports the transfer of ether (ETH) and most ERC tokens.

On the other hand, the Plasma Bridge supports the transfer of Polygon's native token MATIC and certain Ethereum tokens (ETH, ERC-20, and ERC-721). It uses the Ethereum Plasma scaling solution to offer increased security. Please refer to the official documentation for more technical details.

How to bridge tokens from Ethereum to Polygon via the PoS Bridge?

To bridge tokens from Ethereum to Polygon, you need a compatible cryptocurrency wallet, such as MetaMask. If you don't have a MetaMask wallet, follow the steps in this tutorial to create one. You'll also need to download and install the MetaMask browser extension.

1. Log in to the Polygon Web Wallet by clicking [Polygon Bridge].

2. Next, you need to connect your crypto wallet. In this example, we will use Metamask.

3. You'll be asked to sign a message to connect your MetaMask wallet to your Polygon wallet. This signature won't cost any fees. Double-check the URL to make sure you are on the correct website and click [Sign] to proceed.

4. You should be redirected to the Polygon Bridge interface. If not, click [Bridge] on the left menu bar.

5. To send your tokens from the Ethereum mainnet to Polygon, go to the [Deposit] tab. Click on the token name to choose the token to bridge. In this example, we'll use ether (ETH). Enter the amount and click [Transfer].

6. Read the important notes and click [Continue] when you are ready.

7. You'll also see the estimated gas fee for this transaction. If you are ok with the gas costs, click [Continue] to proceed.

8. Review your transaction details, including the token amount and the estimated transaction fee, before clicking [Continue].

Note that the PoS bridge is secured by validators. If you decide to move funds back to the Ethereum network, it can take up to 3 hours.

9. You'll then be prompted to sign and approve the transfer in your MetaMask wallet. Check if the details are correct and click [Confirm].

10. Once confirmed, wait for the tokens to arrive in your Polygon wallet. You may click [View on Etherscan] to check the transaction status.

How to bridge tokens from Polygon to Ethereum via the PoS Bridge?

You can also use the Polygon Bridge to transfer tokens from Polygon to Ethereum. Similarly, you'll need a compatible crypto wallet, such as MetaMask.

As mentioned, there are two bridges on the Polygon network: the Plasma Bridge and the PoS Bridge. The withdrawal time varies depending on which Polygon Bridge you're using. The PoS Bridge withdrawal usually takes from 45 minutes to 3 hours, while the Plasma Bridge can take up to 7 days.

Let's see how to transfer from Polygon to Ethereum via the PoS Bridge. 

1. Click [Withdrawal] on the [Bridge] interface. Choose the tokens you want to transfer to the Ethereum network.

2. You'll probably notice there's a [SWITCH BRIDGE] button next to [Transfer Mode]. The platform will automatically select the compatible bridge for your transfer based on the token you choose.

The PoS Bridge is recommended for transferring tokens from Polygon to Ethereum. It supports the transfer of Ether (ETH) and other Ethereum tokens, including ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155, and more.

3. After selecting the token, enter the amount you want to send and click [Transfer].

4. Read the important notes and click [Continue] when you are ready.

5. You'll also see the [Transfer Overview] pop-up with the estimated gas fee for this transaction. If you are ok with the gas costs, click [Continue] to proceed.

6. You can review your transaction details, including the token amount, the bridge you're using, and the estimated gas fee before you click [Continue].

7. You need to sign and approve the transfer in your MetaMask wallet. Check if the details are correct and click [Confirm].

 Once confirmed, wait for the tokens to arrive in your Polygon wallet. You may click [View on Etherscan] to check the transaction status.

8. Next, you’ll see the transfer progress. Your withdrawal will be initiated on the network, and the PoS validators will verify your transaction. It might take up to 3 hours to complete, but there is no action required from you.

9. Once your transaction is validated, you need to claim the tokens to your MetaMask wallet. Click [Continue], and you can see the assets when the withdrawal is complete.

How to bridge tokens from Polygon to Ethereum via the Plasma Bridge? 

If you wish to transfer MATIC or other Polygon tokens to Ethereum, you can do it via the Plasma Bridge. Note that the Plasma Bridge only supports the transfer of ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens, which include ETH and MATIC.

In this example, we'll transfer MATIC tokens from Polygon to Ethereum using MetaMask. By default, the MetaMask wallet is only connected to the Ethereum mainnet. You need to add the Polygon network to your wallet before you can view your MATIC and start the process.

Step 1: Adding Polygon to MetaMask

There are two methods to add the Polygon network to your MetaMask wallet. The default method is to add it manually (see How to Add Polygon to MetaMask). However, you can also use the Polygon Wallet interface to quickly add Polygon to the network list of your MetaMask.

1. To do so, click the [Switch to Polygon] button on the top. Make sure that you've already connected your MetaMask wallet.

2. You'll see a pop-up from your MetaMask extension with the Polygon network details. Click [Approve].

3. Done. The Polygon network has been added to your MetaMask. Now, you need to switch your MetaMask from the Ethereum Mainnet to the Polygon network. You can do so by clicking [Switch network].

4. You can now see MATIC in your MetaMask wallet.

Step 2: Bridging MATIC to Ethereum using MetaMask

1. Go to the [Bridge] interface and click [Withdrawal]. Choose [Matic Token] from the token list, enter the amount and click [Transfer].

The system will automatically select [Plasma Bridge] for the transfer mode.

2. Read the important notes and click [Continue] when you are ready.

3. You'll also see the estimated gas fee for this transaction. If you are ok with the gas costs, click [Continue] to proceed. 

4. Review your transaction details before clicking [Continue].

5. A MetaMask pop-up will appear for you to confirm the transaction. Click [Confirm], and you'll see the transfer in progress.

You need to manually confirm three transactions for a Plasma Bridge transfer. The first one is to initiate your withdrawal from the Polygon wallet, which could take up to 3 hours.

6. Once the checkpoint arrives, it means that your transaction is validated on the Ethereum blockchain. You need to confirm a second transaction to start the challenge period. This is a measure to offer increased security for withdrawal transactions.

7. After the challenge period, all you need to do is click [Continue] to send the MATIC tokens to your MetaMask wallet.

Closing thoughts

The interoperability of the Polygon Bridge enables users to transfer their assets between Ethereum and Polygon blockchains. The Polygon Bridge offers an alternative to users looking to experience different DeFi platforms and DApps available on the Polygon network.
Binance Square Official
Only 4 more days for you to win a share of 35,000 USDT in rewards!

Activity 1: Share Binance Square Links With Your Referrals to Get Up to 5 USDT in Crypto Red Packet

Tip: Users may unlock Crypto Red Packets containing greater rewards by ensuring that their friends sign up with Binance after opening the Binance Square link(s) sent

Activity 2: New Users Only - Sign Up With Binance & Complete Tasks to Earn Up to 5.5 USDT in Rewards

1. Click into any ten unique Binance Square links while being logged in to your Binance accounts.

2. Complete a trade of at least $100 equivalent on Spot, Futures, Margin, Options or Convert.

Unlock your crypto red packets now
Binance Square Official
Predict the price of BTC at 20th April 00:00 (UTC+0) to win up to $10000 of SATS token rewards!
To mark this milestone of Bitcoin Halving, all verified users can complete specific tasks on Binance Square during the Activity Period, and qualify for up to $10,000 of SATS token voucher reward.  Activity Period: 2024-03-04 09:00 (UTC) to 2024-04-14 09:00 (UTC)All KYC-verified Binance users who log into their Binance accounts and complete the following tasks during the Activity Period will qualify for the $10,000 of SATS reward. Tasks: Comment your prediction for the price of BTC on 20th April 00:00 (UTC+0)  on this post. Share this post on your social media and #HalvingHorizonsThe user with the closest prediction will win $5000. If more than one user shares the same prediction, you’ll share the price pool. AndIf you correctly guessed the price and signed up for a Binance account during the activity period through the shared link of this post or the Binance Square referral link, you can unlock a share of extra $2000 price poolAndIf you correctly guessed the price and completed at least 10 trades during the activity period, you will unlock a share of the extra $3000 price poolEach user can only submit 1 entry. Terms & ConditionsThis activity may not be available in your region. Eligible users must be logged in to their verified Binance accounts whilst completing tasks during the Activity Period in order to qualify.The $10,000 of SATS token voucher rewards pool will be divided equally among all qualified users.Winners will be notified via a push notification under Creator Center > Square Assistant. Voucher rewards will be distributed within 21 working days after the activity ends. Users may check their voucher rewards via Profile > Rewards Hub. The validity period for the voucher is set at seven days from the day of distribution. Learn how to redeem a voucher.Illegally bulk registered accounts or sub-accounts shall not be eligible to participate or receive any rewards. Binance reserves the right to cancel a user’s eligibility in this activity if the account is involved in any behavior that breaches the Binance Square Community Management Guidelines or Binance Square Community Platform Terms and Conditions.Binance reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to determine and/or amend or vary these terms and conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, terminating or suspending this activity, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done, and all participants shall be bound by these amendments.Binance reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity.Additional promotion terms and conditions can be accessed here.There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise. 
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