Binance Square
Fem the-truth-sayer
6 years ago, I almost ended my life when I lost close to 90k dollars in crypto, but I never gave up, I pushed on. I dedicate my crypto life in exposing scammers
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🚨BERITA TERKINI:💥 Ini sangat penting. Baca ini jika Anda benar-benar ingin mendapatkan airdrop Dogs!!! Sebenarnya, semua orang harus bersabar, Anda mungkin menerima airdrop sebelum hari makan siang di Binance. Jika Anda melihat "Woof" di bot Telegram Anda dan belum menerima airdrop apa pun pada atau setelah makan siang, ketahuilah bahwa Dog yang sabar telah menelan semua koin Anda. Hormat saya, tempat terbaik untuk mendapatkan koin gratis yang terjamin adalah di pool Binance Lunch, dengan BNB atau USDT Anda. Lebih aman, lebih damai, dan lebih terjamin. Saya sudah mendapatkannya dan siap untuk bersulang di atas kapal pesiar dengan pacar saya dari Karibia. Mari kita berharap dan waspada. Saya berharap yang terbaik untuk Anda semua. #Dogs #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS #dosgcommunity

Ini sangat penting.

Baca ini jika Anda benar-benar ingin mendapatkan airdrop Dogs!!!

Sebenarnya, semua orang harus bersabar, Anda mungkin menerima airdrop sebelum hari makan siang di Binance. Jika Anda melihat "Woof" di bot Telegram Anda dan belum menerima airdrop apa pun pada atau setelah makan siang, ketahuilah bahwa Dog yang sabar telah menelan semua koin Anda.

Hormat saya, tempat terbaik untuk mendapatkan koin gratis yang terjamin adalah di pool Binance Lunch, dengan BNB atau USDT Anda. Lebih aman, lebih damai, dan lebih terjamin. Saya sudah mendapatkannya dan siap untuk bersulang di atas kapal pesiar dengan pacar saya dari Karibia.

Mari kita berharap dan waspada. Saya berharap yang terbaik untuk Anda semua.

#Dogs #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS #dosgcommunity
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mohon balasan segera. mohon bantuannya!!! Selamat siang semuanya. Semoga hari kalian semua lancar? Sudah hampir sebulan kita semua berpartisipasi dalam Revox dan Snift Airdrop di Binance Web3, dan saya belum menerima airdrop apa pun dari platform mana pun. Tolong kalau ada yang sudah mendapatkannya, tolong ajari saya cara mendapatkannya. Saya akan sangat menghargai bantuannya. Semoga berkah. #Web3 #Binance #Revox #Snif
mohon balasan segera. mohon bantuannya!!!

Selamat siang semuanya. Semoga hari kalian semua lancar? Sudah hampir sebulan kita semua berpartisipasi dalam Revox dan Snift Airdrop di Binance Web3, dan saya belum menerima airdrop apa pun dari platform mana pun. Tolong kalau ada yang sudah mendapatkannya, tolong ajari saya cara mendapatkannya. Saya akan sangat menghargai bantuannya.

Semoga berkah.

#Web3 #Binance #Revox #Snif
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Pesan yang Sangat Penting!!! Segera Tangani. Saya pernah mengatakan sebelumnya bahwa hampir 99 persen Airdrop Telegram, game, dan sampah canggih lainnya yang dibuat oleh orang-orang bodoh yang cerdas semuanya adalah penipuan. Lindungi dompet dan uang Anda dengan seluruh hidup Anda, karena mereka ada untuk membantu siapa pun kecuali diri mereka sendiri. Semakin cepat orang mulai memahami bahwa tidak ada yang gratis, bahkan di 'Surga', Tidak ada yang gratis! Para penipu generasi ini tidak akan berhenti sampai saluran pembuangan Anda kering dan mati. Jangan beri mereka kesempatan untuk menang. Gambar yang dilampirkan pada pesan ini adalah kotak telegram Mbox yang mencoba menipu saya untuk mengirim bnb. bijaklah bersabarlah kuatlah...kita pasti menang, minum anggur dan makan malam. Tetaplah Positif! #Airdrop #Binance #BTC
Pesan yang Sangat Penting!!!

Segera Tangani.

Saya pernah mengatakan sebelumnya bahwa hampir 99 persen Airdrop Telegram, game, dan sampah canggih lainnya yang dibuat oleh orang-orang bodoh yang cerdas semuanya adalah penipuan. Lindungi dompet dan uang Anda dengan seluruh hidup Anda, karena mereka ada untuk membantu siapa pun kecuali diri mereka sendiri. Semakin cepat orang mulai memahami bahwa tidak ada yang gratis, bahkan di 'Surga', Tidak ada yang gratis!

Para penipu generasi ini tidak akan berhenti sampai saluran pembuangan Anda kering dan mati. Jangan beri mereka kesempatan untuk menang.

Gambar yang dilampirkan pada pesan ini adalah kotak telegram Mbox yang mencoba menipu saya untuk mengirim bnb.



kuatlah...kita pasti menang, minum anggur dan makan malam.

Tetaplah Positif!

#Airdrop #Binance #BTC
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Yaaah!!! Ya! Ya, Selamat datang di acara gabungan Binance Web3 Wallet & StarryNift! Jangan lewatkan kesempatan gratis ke surga ini. Buat Dompet MPC Binance Web3 (Dompet Tanpa Kunci), buat kartu Kewarganegaraan Anda di sini:, dan bagikan kumpulan hadiahnya! Silakan gunakan Kode rujukan saya: E2Y_zVu1qJ untuk menikmati lebih banyak manfaat. #Megadrop #BinanceTournament #Airdrop #StarryNift #Web3
Yaaah!!! Ya! Ya, Selamat datang di acara gabungan Binance Web3 Wallet & StarryNift!

Jangan lewatkan kesempatan gratis ke surga ini.

Buat Dompet MPC Binance Web3 (Dompet Tanpa Kunci), buat kartu Kewarganegaraan Anda di sini:, dan bagikan kumpulan hadiahnya!

Silakan gunakan Kode rujukan saya: E2Y_zVu1qJ
untuk menikmati lebih banyak manfaat.

#Megadrop #BinanceTournament
#Airdrop #StarryNift #Web3
I'm a Binancian for Life! Happy Glorious Birthday to @Binance. It has been an outstanding and emotional journey with Binance. I pray that they would last Forever! Binance has been saving me and my twin babies and i deeply appreciate it all. When things were super tough for me, I could hardly pay for my wife's hospital bills when she gave birth to twins. it was highly complicated, but Binance saved me. Many, many more outstanding years #BinanceTurn7 #binance4ever #Binanceaward
I'm a Binancian for Life!

Happy Glorious Birthday to @Binance. It has been an outstanding and emotional journey with Binance. I pray that they would last Forever! Binance has been saving me and my twin babies and i deeply appreciate it all. When things were super tough for me, I could hardly pay for my wife's hospital bills when she gave birth to twins. it was highly complicated, but Binance saved me. Many, many more outstanding years #BinanceTurn7 #binance4ever #Binanceaward
Binance Announcement
#BinanceTurns7: Bergabunglah dalam Perayaan Komunitas Kami untuk Berbagi Hadiah BNB senilai $7.000, Lencana Digital & Merchandise Eksklusif Binance!
Ini adalah pengumuman umum. Produk dan layanan yang dimaksud di sini mungkin tidak tersedia di wilayah Anda.
Periode Aktivitas: 05-07-2024 12:00 (UTC) hingga 10-07-2024 11:59 (UTC)
Dalam rangka merayakan ulang tahun ketujuh kami (7YA), Binance dengan gembira memperkenalkan giveaway baru di saluran sosial dan komunitas kami, bersamaan dengan berbagai acara di lokasi dan pertemuan langsung yang diadakan di seluruh dunia selama periode ini. 
Bergabunglah dengan salah satu dari tiga hadiah berikut selama Periode Aktivitas untuk mendapatkan kesempatan berbagi hadiah voucher token BNB senilai total $7.000, membuka merchandise eksklusif Binance, dan menerima lencana digital!
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A Must Read: untuk menyelamatkan hidup dan dompet Anda Sepanjang waktu, saya membaca tentang penipu yang dilacak dan ditangkap. Namun pertanyaan besarnya adalah: a) kemana perginya semua uang dan koin yang diperoleh kembali? b) seberapa jauh petugas kejahatan menelusuri orang-orang yang telah ditipu dan uang mereka dikirim kembali kepada mereka, sedikit demi sedikit atau seluruhnya. c) apakah orang yang tidak bersalah mendapat kompensasi? Semua pertanyaan ini begitu membekas di benak saya, karena yang saya dengar hanyalah si pencuri telah dijatuhi hukuman penjara, dan saya belum pernah mendengar atau melihat di mana orang-orang yang patah hati itu menetap. Narasi ini harus diubah! Saya percaya bahwa hal benar yang harus dilakukan pertama-tama, setelah pencuri/penipu dikirim ke neraka, langkah kedua adalah menjual segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan pencuri/penipu dan membayar kembali ke dompet tempat para penipu mencuri. Tolong, saya berlutut, memohon kepada pejabat pemerintah untuk mulai melakukan hal yang benar dengan segera. Terima kasih. #crypto #scammers #btc #BinanceSquareFamily #binance
A Must Read: untuk menyelamatkan hidup dan dompet Anda

Sepanjang waktu, saya membaca tentang penipu yang dilacak dan ditangkap. Namun pertanyaan besarnya adalah:
a) kemana perginya semua uang dan koin yang diperoleh kembali?

b) seberapa jauh petugas kejahatan menelusuri orang-orang yang telah ditipu dan uang mereka dikirim kembali kepada mereka, sedikit demi sedikit atau seluruhnya.

c) apakah orang yang tidak bersalah mendapat kompensasi?

Semua pertanyaan ini begitu membekas di benak saya, karena yang saya dengar hanyalah si pencuri telah dijatuhi hukuman penjara, dan saya belum pernah mendengar atau melihat di mana orang-orang yang patah hati itu menetap. Narasi ini harus diubah! Saya percaya bahwa hal benar yang harus dilakukan pertama-tama, setelah pencuri/penipu dikirim ke neraka, langkah kedua adalah menjual segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan pencuri/penipu dan membayar kembali ke dompet tempat para penipu mencuri.
Tolong, saya berlutut, memohon kepada pejabat pemerintah untuk mulai melakukan hal yang benar dengan segera.
Terima kasih.
#crypto #scammers #btc #BinanceSquareFamily #binance
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Segera! Segera! Perhatian dibutuhkan! #Revox Tolong, saya butuh perhatian dan saran Anda segera. Apakah benar membeli koin kepada seseorang yang tidak memilikinya saat dia tidak memilikinya setelah pergi... lol. Abaikan tulisan tentang bahaya biologis. Hanya ingin menghibur suasana hati. Saat ini sulit, kita tidak boleh mati karena tekanan darah tinggi. Kita harus belajar untuk menghibur diri kapan saja. Saya tahu bahwa semuanya akan baik-baik saja, akhirnya. Mari terus terlibat dalam Megadrop baru: Revox. Daftar, dan kumpulkan poin Anda. Anda dapat bergabung dengan kampanye airdrop REVOX dengan Dompet Web3 Binance! Gunakan kode undangan saya POW7FP untuk mendapatkan AIRDROP $RGT REVOX! Temukan kampanye REVOX di Dompet Web3 Binance.#REVOX#binanceweb3 @ReadOnMe3 #Revox $BNB $BTC $ETH
Segera! Segera! Perhatian dibutuhkan!

Tolong, saya butuh perhatian dan saran Anda segera. Apakah benar membeli koin kepada seseorang yang tidak memilikinya saat dia tidak memilikinya setelah pergi... lol.

Abaikan tulisan tentang bahaya biologis. Hanya ingin menghibur suasana hati. Saat ini sulit, kita tidak boleh mati karena tekanan darah tinggi. Kita harus belajar untuk menghibur diri kapan saja. Saya tahu bahwa semuanya akan baik-baik saja, akhirnya. Mari terus terlibat dalam Megadrop baru: Revox. Daftar, dan kumpulkan poin Anda.

Anda dapat bergabung dengan kampanye airdrop REVOX dengan Dompet Web3 Binance! Gunakan kode undangan saya POW7FP untuk mendapatkan AIRDROP $RGT REVOX! Temukan kampanye REVOX di Dompet Web3 Binance.#REVOX#binanceweb3 @ReadOnMe3
#Revox $BNB $BTC $ETH
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#$Revox Revok Selamat siang semuanya. Tolong, saya perlu jawaban segera mengenai hal ini. Apakah Revox di Web3 Mega sah? karena, tidak ada yang membicarakannya seperti yang mereka lakukan pada Lista. Saya menanyakan pertanyaan ini, karena saya berusaha sangat berhati-hati dalam menghubungkan dompet saya dengan web asing. Tolong, saya butuh balasan segera. Saat ini, di dunia kripto, kita harus sangat berhati-hati. Saya akan menunggu dengan sabar jawabannya. Tetap diberkati dan bahagia. #Revox #Megadrop #BinanceTournament

Selamat siang semuanya. Tolong, saya perlu jawaban segera mengenai hal ini. Apakah Revox di Web3 Mega sah? karena, tidak ada yang membicarakannya seperti yang mereka lakukan pada Lista. Saya menanyakan pertanyaan ini, karena saya berusaha sangat berhati-hati dalam menghubungkan dompet saya dengan web asing. Tolong, saya butuh balasan segera. Saat ini, di dunia kripto, kita harus sangat berhati-hati.
Saya akan menunggu dengan sabar jawabannya.

Tetap diberkati dan bahagia.

#Revox #Megadrop #BinanceTournament
🚨 BREAKING NEWS 🚨 Breaking Sadness It's painful to just notice that some individuals reported a post that I made today, in the morning, ...about giving back to the Binance community. It is devastating, because I was meant to send 1dollar each to 20 individuals. I know it's small, but that's my own way of giving back with the little I have. I work in Africa and the GMT has worked against me. I just got back from work, had my shower and decided to start sending out some coins, only to notice that Binance Square has removed my content because it was reported for violating their community rules. I understand, but what I don't understand is how I went against their rules. I wasn't asking anyone to send me money or share their password with me. It's saddening, because I have been in crypto now for over 9 years, and I understand that everything that doesn't look clear is a scam, but we have to understand that not all things are scam. I am a preacher of truth and awareness, and it pains me the more because all I had was good intentions. I am hurt, but this would not stop me from preaching the truth and being good and sincere. Feel free to #like_follow_comment Happy trading! $BTC $ETH $BNB

Breaking Sadness

It's painful to just notice that some individuals reported a post that I made today, in the morning, ...about giving back to the Binance community. It is devastating, because I was meant to send 1dollar each to 20 individuals. I know it's small, but that's my own way of giving back with the little I have. I work in Africa and the GMT has worked against me. I just got back from work, had my shower and decided to start sending out some coins, only to notice that Binance Square has removed my content because it was reported for violating their community rules. I understand, but what I don't understand is how I went against their rules. I wasn't asking anyone to send me money or share their password with me. It's saddening, because I have been in crypto now for over 9 years, and I understand that everything that doesn't look clear is a scam, but we have to understand that not all things are scam.
I am a preacher of truth and awareness, and it pains me the more because all I had was good intentions. I am hurt, but this would not stop me from preaching the truth and being good and sincere.

Feel free to #like_follow_comment

Happy trading!

iO In this period, everyone should think like a dolphin, and watch like a fish. I have come to realise that nothing is free, even the air we take in. Let's learn to take one step at a time... little by little, we shall surely get to the top. iO coin would pay off.

In this period, everyone should think like a dolphin, and watch like a fish. I have come to realise that nothing is free, even the air we take in. Let's learn to take one step at a time... little by little, we shall surely get to the top. iO coin would pay off.
Crypto, Hamster Kombat, TapSwap I have been doing airdrop and crypto for over 8 years now, and I have a very strong feeling pinching my heart and telling me that most of these airdrops are totally fake platforms, arranged by totally disoriented fake individuals. Please, never make the mistakes of connecting your actual main wallets to this dummy airdrops or make anykind of payment; through buying coins or etc... If you really have to connect a wallet, connect an empty wallet. If you eventually fall for the scammers, I will not cry with you, all I can do is, I will comfortably mock you, because I told you. There is going to be lots of big hit airdrops scams and scammers these seasons. Be careful! Be watchful! Be wise!
Crypto, Hamster Kombat, TapSwap

I have been doing airdrop and crypto for over 8 years now, and I have a very strong feeling pinching my heart and telling me that most of these airdrops are totally fake platforms, arranged by totally disoriented fake individuals. Please, never make the mistakes of connecting your actual main wallets to this dummy airdrops or make anykind of payment; through buying coins or etc... If you really have to connect a wallet, connect an empty wallet. If you eventually fall for the scammers, I will not cry with you, all I can do is, I will comfortably mock you, because I told you. There is going to be lots of big hit airdrops scams and scammers these seasons.
Be careful! Be watchful! Be wise!
Hamster Kombat needs to work on their referral friends invite. It is saddening that one goes through all the stress of convincing people to join Hamster Kombat and at the end it doesn't show up in the referral list of the invitee. I don't know if it's a glitch, but Hamster Kombat team needs to look into it and work on it, because it's depriving some players from earning from Daily Combo. I will deeply appreciate if it could be worked on as soon as possible, because, I have invited over 7 people who have not showed up in my list after countless refreshing. Thanks for your understanding. Stay happy. Stay safe. Stay motivated.
Hamster Kombat needs to work on their referral friends invite. It is saddening that one goes through all the stress of convincing people to join Hamster Kombat and at the end it doesn't show up in the referral list of the invitee. I don't know if it's a glitch, but Hamster Kombat team needs to look into it and work on it, because it's depriving some players from earning from Daily Combo. I will deeply appreciate if it could be worked on as soon as possible, because, I have invited over 7 people who have not showed up in my list after countless refreshing. Thanks for your understanding.

Stay happy. Stay safe. Stay motivated.
Guild your wallets! Guild your life! Nowadays, the easiest way to delete an influential personality, is to nuk them in the air. No questions would be raised. Don't let them get you..they are everywhere, even right in front of you, right now, through your phone, through everywhere. Don't let them get you! guild your wallets and your life! BTC. Eth. BNB. Doge.
Guild your wallets! Guild your life!

Nowadays, the easiest way to delete an influential personality, is to nuk them in the air. No questions would be raised. Don't let them get you..they are everywhere, even right in front of you, right now, through your phone, through everywhere. Don't let them get you! guild your wallets and your life!

BTC. Eth. BNB. Doge.
Let's Grow Together We shall play a sweet game: just simply follow me, and I'll follow you right back, and also show many tips on how to make more money and avoid scams...Let's go! let's make it happen...
Let's Grow Together

We shall play a sweet game: just simply follow me, and I'll follow you right back, and also show many tips on how to make more money and avoid scams...Let's go!

let's make it happen...
Not coin The advantages and disadvantages of Not coin Let me make it plain and simple, because I know that so many people would doubt this, but believe me, all you are going to read here, would surely happen. Not coin has made many people rich and super happy, but this is the problem: A) this has created an awareness for people; both novice and the aware, to want to dive into any air drop they see. B) this would create unforeseen catastrophe, that would create a lee-way for scammers to have excessive entry into people's wallets. It's going to be a pay day for the devil's apprentice. Please, and please, let's all be more careful and watchful. Don't let greed drown you. Little by little we shall all win this race of wealth. Dr. Fem.
Not coin
The advantages and disadvantages of Not coin

Let me make it plain and simple, because I know that so many people would doubt this, but believe me, all you are going to read here, would surely happen. Not coin has made many people rich and super happy, but this is the problem:

A) this has created an awareness for people; both novice and the aware, to want to dive into any air drop they see.

B) this would create unforeseen catastrophe, that would create a lee-way for scammers to have excessive entry into people's wallets. It's going to be a pay day for the devil's apprentice.

Please, and please, let's all be more careful and watchful. Don't let greed drown you. Little by little we shall all win this race of wealth.
Dr. Fem.
OMNI, BTC, Crypto The dip, war... If you’re reading this, please don't give up, don't sell! Plan more, work smarter, take less risk, step out of your zone, complain less, take wise actions, say no to fear, be courageous and never doubt your dream. Bless my day by being happy and positive. tomorrow is going to be a sweeter day.
OMNI, BTC, Crypto
The dip, war...

If you’re reading this, please don't give up, don't sell!

Plan more, work smarter, take less risk, step out of your zone, complain less, take wise actions, say no to fear, be courageous and never doubt your dream.

Bless my day by being happy and positive.

tomorrow is going to be a sweeter day.
Breaking News!!! In this world of crypto, there are only two rules; -winning or losing. Don't get greedy! That's the fastest way to lose all your money and get liquidated. At this time of dip: sit back, strap yourself together, don't sell, but you can buy if you want, don't do future trading! 🚫 Be wise and hopefully, surly, every bad thing is going to fall apart for the good things to fall together. If you think otherwise, sell off your remaining coins and use it to buy cheap cocaine or mari-ju-ana. To God be the glory. Stay happy Stay safe stay positive stay winning KingFemi
Breaking News!!!

In this world of crypto, there are only two rules;

-winning or losing.

Don't get greedy! That's the fastest way to lose all your money and get liquidated. At this time of dip: sit back,
strap yourself together,
don't sell, but you can buy if you want,
don't do future trading! 🚫
Be wise and hopefully, surly, every bad thing is going to fall apart for the good things to fall together.

If you think otherwise, sell off your remaining coins and use it to buy cheap cocaine or mari-ju-ana.

To God be the glory.

Stay happy
Stay safe
stay positive
stay winning

I feel SAGA is going to be a very heavy coin. After I have put in over 39 BNB into the ongoing lunchpool, I am just gaining small returns... can't wait to see the outcome Trade carefully. Be Smart. Protect your wallets.
I feel SAGA is going to be a very heavy coin. After I have put in over 39 BNB into the ongoing lunchpool, I am just gaining small returns... can't wait to see the outcome

Trade carefully. Be Smart. Protect your wallets.
I said ETHfi will do well, it has not failed. Now, i'm boldly saying that Doge coin will do justice to the crypto broken hearts. This is your time to milk millions, don't doge the will make holders sinking bloody rich... This is a financial advise. Take it to court!
I said ETHfi will do well, it has not failed. Now, i'm boldly saying that Doge coin will do justice to the crypto broken hearts. This is your time to milk millions, don't doge the will make holders sinking bloody rich...

This is a financial advise. Take it to court!
Don't Get Scammed. Don't Get Greedy! Someone asked: "how is it possible that they tap into your wallet just from the owner of the wallet clicking on a link? How do they get passwords and seed phrases? I thought a wallet should be safe from scammers unless you give them seed or password. Idk how that is possible!" The answer: The scammers doesn't need seed or pass, as the code executes when you are already signed into wallet, past the needs to have such information. When signed into own account, anything you click on can have code (malware/account drainer) ready to execute as your intention: “send all of my SOL to address = abc123456789;” which hackers set up as a trap for their benefit. Phantom will have enticing things added that appear a bonus for you such as an airdrop, rigged to drain account when opened. -the other day I had one added in Phantom named, “aSOLbonus,” with 107 SOL attached: enticing to click on to see if it's real, but that is how they get you. Please, let's be vigilant. We can't toil so hard, to loose so hard.
Don't Get Scammed. Don't Get Greedy!

Someone asked: "how is it possible that they tap into your wallet just from the owner of the wallet clicking on a link? How do they get passwords and seed phrases? I thought a wallet should be safe from scammers unless you give them seed or password. Idk how that is possible!"

The answer:

The scammers doesn't need seed or pass, as the code executes when you are already signed into wallet, past the needs to have such information.

When signed into own account, anything you click on can have code (malware/account drainer) ready to execute as your intention:

“send all of my SOL to address = abc123456789;”

which hackers set up as a trap for their benefit.

Phantom will have enticing things added that appear a bonus for you such as an airdrop, rigged to drain account when opened.
-the other day I had one added in Phantom named, “aSOLbonus,” with 107 SOL attached: enticing to click on to see if it's real, but that is how they get you.

Please, let's be vigilant. We can't toil so hard, to loose so hard.
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