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USD gratis tidak sepadan. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini
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[Binance free usdt]( USD gratis tidak sepadan. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini Tidak ada penipuan, cobalah dengan pemindai binanca atau klik biannce free usdt
Binance free usdt
USD gratis tidak sepadan. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini
Tidak ada penipuan, cobalah dengan pemindai binanca atau klik biannce free usdt
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Di kota metropolitan yang ramai, seorang programmer berbakat bernama Mark sedang berjuang dengan tekanan kehidupan kota dan pekerjaannya yang monoton dari jam 9 pagi sampai jam 5 sore. Dia selalu terpesona dengan cryptocurrency dan teknologi blockchain. Suatu hari, dia menemukan ide unik - sebuah platform berbasis blockchain untuk memberi insentif pada praktik energi berkelanjutan. Didorong oleh visinya, Mark memutuskan untuk menginvestasikan tabungannya ke dalam Bitcoin, dengan harapan nilainya akan meningkat seiring waktu, memberinya modal yang dibutuhkan untuk mengembangkan proyeknya. Dia memulai perjalanan untuk mempelajari semua yang dia bisa tentang perdagangan mata uang kripto dan strategi investasi. Keputusan Mark untuk berinvestasi di Bitcoin ternyata merupakan keputusan yang bijaksana. Selama bertahun-tahun, ia melihat investasi awalnya tumbuh secara signifikan, sehingga memberinya sarana finansial untuk mewujudkan proyek energi berkelanjutannya. Dengan tim yang terdiri dari individu-individu yang berpikiran sama, mereka menciptakan platform terdesentralisasi yang memberi penghargaan kepada pengguna karena menggunakan sumber energi terbarukan dan mengurangi jejak karbon mereka. Ketika proyeknya mendapatkan momentum dan dukungan dari komunitas cryptocurrency, kehidupan Mark mengalami perubahan yang berarti. Ia menemukan tujuan dalam karyanya dan berkontribusi terhadap perubahan global menuju praktik energi berkelanjutan. Kisahnya menjadi inspirasi bagi banyak orang, menunjukkan dampak positif cryptocurrency seperti Bitcoin selain keuntungan finansial. Kisah Mark ini menggambarkan bagaimana Bitcoin dapat berfungsi sebagai alat bagi individu untuk mengejar impian mereka dan memberikan dampak positif bagi dunia. Hal ini menekankan potensi teknologi blockchain untuk mendorong inovasi dan perubahan positif, lebih dari sekadar investasi finansial #BTC #BtcStories
Di kota metropolitan yang ramai, seorang programmer berbakat bernama Mark sedang berjuang dengan tekanan kehidupan kota dan pekerjaannya yang monoton dari jam 9 pagi sampai jam 5 sore. Dia selalu terpesona dengan cryptocurrency dan teknologi blockchain. Suatu hari, dia menemukan ide unik - sebuah platform berbasis blockchain untuk memberi insentif pada praktik energi berkelanjutan.

Didorong oleh visinya, Mark memutuskan untuk menginvestasikan tabungannya ke dalam Bitcoin, dengan harapan nilainya akan meningkat seiring waktu, memberinya modal yang dibutuhkan untuk mengembangkan proyeknya. Dia memulai perjalanan untuk mempelajari semua yang dia bisa tentang perdagangan mata uang kripto dan strategi investasi.

Keputusan Mark untuk berinvestasi di Bitcoin ternyata merupakan keputusan yang bijaksana. Selama bertahun-tahun, ia melihat investasi awalnya tumbuh secara signifikan, sehingga memberinya sarana finansial untuk mewujudkan proyek energi berkelanjutannya. Dengan tim yang terdiri dari individu-individu yang berpikiran sama, mereka menciptakan platform terdesentralisasi yang memberi penghargaan kepada pengguna karena menggunakan sumber energi terbarukan dan mengurangi jejak karbon mereka.

Ketika proyeknya mendapatkan momentum dan dukungan dari komunitas cryptocurrency, kehidupan Mark mengalami perubahan yang berarti. Ia menemukan tujuan dalam karyanya dan berkontribusi terhadap perubahan global menuju praktik energi berkelanjutan. Kisahnya menjadi inspirasi bagi banyak orang, menunjukkan dampak positif cryptocurrency seperti Bitcoin selain keuntungan finansial.

Kisah Mark ini menggambarkan bagaimana Bitcoin dapat berfungsi sebagai alat bagi individu untuk mengejar impian mereka dan memberikan dampak positif bagi dunia. Hal ini menekankan potensi teknologi blockchain untuk mendorong inovasi dan perubahan positif, lebih dari sekadar investasi finansial #BTC #BtcStories
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Alex, seorang investor awal Bitcoin, menghadapi mimpi buruk ketika dia menemukan bahwa sebagian besar kepemilikan Bitcoinnya telah dicuri meskipun dia telah melakukan tindakan pengamanan yang ketat. Bertekad untuk memulihkan asetnya dan melacak pencurinya, dia meluncurkan penyelidikannya. Dia terhubung dengan komunitas online yang mendukung para penggemar mata uang kripto yang pernah menghadapi pencurian serupa, dan bersama-sama, mereka memulai perjalanan yang menantang untuk melacak Bitcoin yang dicuri. Upaya kolektif mereka mengungkap jaringan kompleks pertukaran mata uang kripto dan dompet yang digunakan oleh pencuri, mengungkap jaringan kriminal yang canggih. Alex dan sekutunya berkolaborasi dengan pakar keamanan siber dan lembaga penegak hukum untuk mengidentifikasi pencuri dan menemukan tempat persembunyiannya. Setelah berbulan-bulan melakukan pengejaran tanpa henti, aparat penegak hukum berhasil menggerebek lokasi penjahat, menangkap pencuri, dan memulihkan Bitcoin yang dicuri. Meskipun Alex hanya mendapatkan kembali sebagian asetnya, pengalaman ini menekankan pentingnya keamanan digital dan menunjukkan kekuatan persatuan dalam memerangi kejahatan dunia maya. Kisah ini menjadi sebuah kisah peringatan dan inspiratif di dunia yang semakin didominasi oleh mata uang digital, menyoroti pentingnya melindungi aset seseorang dan potensi tindakan kolektif dalam mencari keadilan di dunia digital. #BTC #BtcStories
Alex, seorang investor awal Bitcoin, menghadapi mimpi buruk ketika dia menemukan bahwa sebagian besar kepemilikan Bitcoinnya telah dicuri meskipun dia telah melakukan tindakan pengamanan yang ketat. Bertekad untuk memulihkan asetnya dan melacak pencurinya, dia meluncurkan penyelidikannya. Dia terhubung dengan komunitas online yang mendukung para penggemar mata uang kripto yang pernah menghadapi pencurian serupa, dan bersama-sama, mereka memulai perjalanan yang menantang untuk melacak Bitcoin yang dicuri.

Upaya kolektif mereka mengungkap jaringan kompleks pertukaran mata uang kripto dan dompet yang digunakan oleh pencuri, mengungkap jaringan kriminal yang canggih. Alex dan sekutunya berkolaborasi dengan pakar keamanan siber dan lembaga penegak hukum untuk mengidentifikasi pencuri dan menemukan tempat persembunyiannya.

Setelah berbulan-bulan melakukan pengejaran tanpa henti, aparat penegak hukum berhasil menggerebek lokasi penjahat, menangkap pencuri, dan memulihkan Bitcoin yang dicuri. Meskipun Alex hanya mendapatkan kembali sebagian asetnya, pengalaman ini menekankan pentingnya keamanan digital dan menunjukkan kekuatan persatuan dalam memerangi kejahatan dunia maya.

Kisah ini menjadi sebuah kisah peringatan dan inspiratif di dunia yang semakin didominasi oleh mata uang digital, menyoroti pentingnya melindungi aset seseorang dan potensi tindakan kolektif dalam mencari keadilan di dunia digital. #BTC #BtcStories
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Ketika setiap Bitcoin bernilai $12 pada tahun 2011, Erik Fineman meminjam $1000 dari neneknya dan dengan bantuan saudara laki-lakinya pada usia 11 tahun, dia berinvestasi dalam bitcoin, pada akhir tahun 2013 ketika nilai Bitcoin menjadi $1200, dia menghasilkan keberuntungan. Pada Januari 2015, Fineman memiliki perusahaan pendidikannya sendiri, dan dia menjual perusahaan pendidikannya dan diberi pilihan untuk menerima $100.000 atau 300 Bitcoin. Dia mengambil Bitcoin. Fineman juga mencapai tujuannya menjadi jutawan berusia 18 tahun dan tidak akan melanjutkan kuliah. Dia bilang dia senang belajar dari pengalaman dunia nyata. Namun, Fineman tetap sibuk dengan berbagai proyek, termasuk keterlibatannya dengan NASA. Aktivitas tersebut – dan naluri bisnis yang cerdas – sangat membantunya mencapai posisinya saat ini. Dukungan dengan Tip #cryptojourney
Ketika setiap Bitcoin bernilai $12 pada tahun 2011, Erik Fineman meminjam $1000 dari neneknya dan dengan bantuan saudara laki-lakinya pada usia 11 tahun, dia berinvestasi dalam bitcoin, pada akhir tahun 2013 ketika nilai Bitcoin menjadi $1200, dia menghasilkan keberuntungan.
Pada Januari 2015, Fineman memiliki perusahaan pendidikannya sendiri, dan dia menjual perusahaan pendidikannya dan diberi pilihan untuk menerima $100.000 atau 300 Bitcoin.
Dia mengambil Bitcoin. Fineman juga mencapai tujuannya menjadi jutawan berusia 18 tahun dan tidak akan melanjutkan kuliah. Dia bilang dia senang belajar dari pengalaman dunia nyata.
Namun, Fineman tetap sibuk dengan berbagai proyek, termasuk keterlibatannya dengan NASA. Aktivitas tersebut – dan naluri bisnis yang cerdas – sangat membantunya mencapai posisinya saat ini.
Dukungan dengan Tip #cryptojourney
Shiba Inu: $1000 in 2020, Is Worth $7.5 Million in November 2023 Shiba Inu (SHIB) witnessed a meteoric rise soon after its launch in August 2020. Within just one year, the token reached its all-time high. Early investors who got into SHIB when it was trading with about ten zeros after the decimal became multi-millionaires and, in some cases, even billionaires. If you put $1000 into Shiba Inu (SHIB) in August 2020, you would have received tens of trillions of SHIB tokens. The value of the $1000 investment would have grown to a whopping $7.58 million in November 2023. The increase in the portfolio's value translates to a growth of about 758,703%. However, if you had decided to sell when Shiba Inu (SHIB) reached its all-time high in October 2021, you would have walked away with an eye-watering $75.39 million. The trade would have resulted in a profit of about 7,539,215%. $SHIB #SHIBCommunity #ShibaInuMystery #ShibariumBlockchain #ShibaInuPriceForecast
Shiba Inu: $1000 in 2020, Is Worth $7.5 Million in November 2023
Shiba Inu (SHIB) witnessed a meteoric rise soon after its launch in August 2020. Within just one year, the token reached its all-time high. Early investors who got into SHIB when it was trading with about ten zeros after the decimal became multi-millionaires and, in some cases, even billionaires.
If you put $1000 into Shiba Inu (SHIB) in August 2020, you would have received tens of trillions of SHIB tokens. The value of the $1000 investment would have grown to a whopping $7.58 million in November 2023. The increase in the portfolio's value translates to a growth of about 758,703%.
However, if you had decided to sell when Shiba Inu (SHIB) reached its all-time high in October 2021, you would have walked away with an eye-watering $75.39 million. The trade would have resulted in a profit of about 7,539,215%. $SHIB #SHIBCommunity #ShibaInuMystery #ShibariumBlockchain #ShibaInuPriceForecast
Such an unlucky guy! He received 20,789 $USDC and spent 1,000 $USDC to buy $Milk The 19,789 SUSDC was stolen by Unibot Exploiter, but he has not noticed yet. He sold $Milk for 2,194 SUSDC and made 1,194 +120%) But the 2,194 $USDC was stolen again an hour later. $#usdc
Such an unlucky guy!
He received 20,789 $USDC and spent 1,000
$USDC to buy $Milk
The 19,789 SUSDC was stolen by Unibot Exploiter, but he has not noticed yet.
He sold $Milk for 2,194 SUSDC and made 1,194
But the 2,194 $USDC was stolen again an hour later. $#usdc
Famous Whale "czsamsunsb.eth" is making waves in the crypto world! In a stunning move, this crypto giant borrowed $3.4 million in Bitcoin (100 WBTC) from Aave, converting it all into a whopping 1,526 Ethereum on October 30. But the action didn't stop there! Shortly after, czsamsunsb.eth transferred $4.2 million worth of Ethereum (2,374 ETH) from Binance to their private wallet. This whale's appetite for Ethereum is insatiable! But that's not all! They deposited $108 million worth of assets (44,280 stETH and 16,313 ETH) across DeFi platforms like Compound, Aave, and Spark. With Ethereum as collateral, czsamsunsb.eth borrowed an additional $6.9 million in 200 WBTC, 8.7 million USDC, and 8.5 million DAI, potentially amplifying their Ethereum positions even further. DeBank data reveals this crypto titan now holds a staggering $158 million in Ethereum #EthereumWhaleActivity #EthereumBull
Famous Whale "czsamsunsb.eth" is making waves in the crypto world!
In a stunning move, this crypto giant borrowed $3.4 million in Bitcoin (100 WBTC) from Aave, converting it all into a whopping 1,526 Ethereum on October 30. But the action didn't stop there!
Shortly after, czsamsunsb.eth transferred $4.2 million worth of Ethereum (2,374 ETH) from Binance to their private wallet. This whale's appetite for Ethereum is insatiable!
But that's not all! They deposited $108 million worth of assets (44,280 stETH and 16,313 ETH) across DeFi platforms like Compound, Aave, and Spark.
With Ethereum as collateral, czsamsunsb.eth borrowed an additional $6.9 million in 200 WBTC, 8.7 million USDC, and 8.5 million DAI, potentially amplifying their Ethereum positions even further.
DeBank data reveals this crypto titan now holds a staggering $158 million in Ethereum #EthereumWhaleActivity #EthereumBull
I keep hearing things like XRP going to $300 to $5000, this is height of stup*dity and insan*ty. How could a coin with total supply of 100Billion can reach to such an un justified price value.?? If you accept something like $10-$20 or even $40. Makes sense. You need to understand the monetary aspect of #XRPFuture too. Stop chasing such dreams. Instead accumulate projects with supplies less than 300Million, they have much more potential than Ripple Organization. #DYOR #XRPFuture #BTC BTC #ordinals $BTC $XRP
I keep hearing things like XRP going to $300 to $5000, this is height of stup*dity and insan*ty.
How could a coin with total supply of 100Billion can reach to such an un justified price value.?? If you accept something like $10-$20 or even $40.
Makes sense.
You need to understand the monetary aspect of #XRPFuture too. Stop chasing such dreams.
Instead accumulate projects with supplies less than 300Million, they have much more potential than Ripple Organization. #DYOR
#XRPFuture #BTC BTC #ordinals $BTC $XRP
Quick #BTC🔥🔥 Analysis Bitcoin is moving calmly with some positive momentum above $34,000. Following the pattern and market opening, if it dumps in asian markets, it dumps in US market too. This is what we have seen regularly. In any case #BTC+0.25% & major alts will remain bullish, you can short from here to $33800. But this doesn't last longer. Infact it is important for bitcoin to grab liquidity from 28K zone as soon as possible. But we need to understand the whales & exchanges manipulation too. Stay low, benefit from every little and follow it, just don't go against the masses. #DYOR🟢 Follw for more
Quick #BTC🔥🔥 Analysis
Bitcoin is moving calmly with some positive momentum above $34,000. Following the pattern and market opening, if it dumps in asian markets, it dumps in US market too. This is what we have seen regularly.
In any case #BTC+0.25% & major alts will remain bullish, you can short from here to $33800. But this doesn't last longer.
Infact it is important for bitcoin to grab liquidity from 28K zone as soon as possible. But we need to understand the whales & exchanges manipulation too. Stay low, benefit from every little and follow it, just don't go against the masses. #DYOR🟢 Follw for more
According to Foresight News, data intelligence network Web3Go has been selected for the 39th Hong Kong Cyberport Incubation Program. The company will leverage Hong Kong's geographical location and policy advantages, combined with its years of expertise in the data field, to explore the construction of an 'AI+Web3' application and service network. Cyberport data reveals that 43 companies were ultimately selected for the incubation program, including eight blockchain technology companies represented by Web3Go. Web3Go has previously completed brand upgrades and product splits, and now owns the on-chain data open platform Analytix and the AI-native data asset platform Reiki. The Cyberport community has gathered over 380 fintech companies, covering various fields such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and big data, making it the largest fintech community in Hong Kong. The incubation program provides multifaceted support for resident companies, including up to HKD 500,000 in funding, talent and research subsidies, professional training, business development support, and expert consultation.
According to Foresight News, data intelligence network Web3Go has been selected for the 39th Hong Kong Cyberport Incubation Program. The company will leverage Hong Kong's geographical location and policy advantages, combined with its years of expertise in the data field, to explore the construction of an 'AI+Web3' application and service network. Cyberport data reveals that 43 companies were ultimately selected for the incubation program, including eight blockchain technology companies represented by Web3Go.
Web3Go has previously completed brand upgrades and product splits, and now owns the on-chain data open platform Analytix and the AI-native data asset platform Reiki. The Cyberport community has gathered over 380 fintech companies, covering various fields such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and big data, making it the largest fintech community in Hong Kong. The incubation program provides multifaceted support for resident companies, including up to HKD 500,000 in funding, talent and research subsidies, professional training, business development support, and expert consultation.
Binance will tentatively plan to list Celestia (TIA) at 00:00 on November 1, 2023 (Eastern Eighth District time), and open the following spot trading pairs. You are invited to experience it! * Spot trading pairs: TIA/BTC, TIA/USDT, TIA/TRY * The TIA recharge channel is expected to open at 22:00 on October 31, 2023 (East Eighth District time) * TIA withdrawals are expected to be open at 00:00 on November 2, 2023 (East Eighth District time) * TIA's listing fee is 0 BNB. In addition, Binance isolated margin will add TIA assets within 48 hours starting from 00:00 on November 1, 2023 (Eastern Eighth District time), and open the following trading pairs: * Isolated margin trading pair: TIA/USDT #NewToken #tia #newcoin
Binance will tentatively plan to list Celestia (TIA) at 00:00 on November 1, 2023 (Eastern Eighth District time), and open the following spot trading pairs. You are invited to experience it!
* Spot trading pairs: TIA/BTC, TIA/USDT, TIA/TRY
* The TIA recharge channel is expected to open at
22:00 on October 31, 2023 (East Eighth District time)
* TIA withdrawals are expected to be open at
00:00 on November 2, 2023 (East Eighth District time)
* TIA's listing fee is 0 BNB.
In addition, Binance isolated margin will add TIA assets within 48 hours starting from 00:00 on November 1, 2023 (Eastern Eighth District time), and open the following trading pairs:
* Isolated margin trading pair: TIA/USDT #NewToken #tia #newcoin
Smooth Love Potion price prediction 2025 The Smooth Love Potion price prediction for 2025 is currently between $ 0.004931 on the lower end and $ 0.019933 on the high end. Compared to today’s price, Smooth Love Potion could gain 661.79% by 2025 if SLP reaches the upper price target. Smooth Love Potion price prediction 2030 The Smooth Love Potion price prediction for 2030 is currently between $ 0.014421 on the lower end and $ 0.018254 on the high end. Compared to today’s price, Smooth Love Potion could gain 597.60% by 2030 if it reaches the upper price target. ##SLP $SLP
Smooth Love Potion price prediction 2025

The Smooth Love Potion price prediction for 2025 is currently between $ 0.004931 on the lower end and $ 0.019933 on the high end. Compared to today’s price, Smooth Love Potion could gain 661.79% by 2025 if SLP reaches the upper price target.

Smooth Love Potion price prediction 2030

The Smooth Love Potion price prediction for 2030 is currently between $ 0.014421 on the lower end and $ 0.018254 on the high end. Compared to today’s price, Smooth Love Potion could gain 597.60% by 2030 if it reaches the upper price target. ##SLP $SLP
#MyFirstFeedPost Hello, Binance Square! Market Overview Bitcoin Dominance: As of October 2023, Bitcoin (BTC) continues to be the dominant force in the crypto market. It maintains its position as the largest and most recognized cryptocurrency, serving as a benchmark for the entire market. However, its dominance has decreased slightly due to the growing popularity of other cryptocurrencies. Ethereum's Upgrade: Ethereum (ETH), the second-largest cryptocurrency, has undergone significant changes with the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade. This transition from a proof-of-work (PoW) to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism has aimed to improve scalability, energy efficiency, and transaction speed. NFTs and Metaverse: Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have continued to gain popularity and are at the forefront of the crypto market. Digital artists, content creators, and even traditional art industries have embraced NFTs. The concept of the metaverse, a virtual, interconnected world, has also emerged as a dominant trend, with several crypto projects working towards its realization. DeFi Ecosystem: The decentralized finance (DeFi) sector remains a significant player, providing financial services such as lending, borrowing, and trading on blockchain platforms. However, the sector's rapid growth has raised concerns about security and regulatory compliance. Challenges and Regulatory Developments Regulatory Scrutiny: Governments worldwide are paying more attention to cryptocurrencies. They aim to establish regulatory frameworks to prevent illegal activities like money laundering and tax evasion. Some countries have embraced cryptocurrencies, while others have banned or restricted their use. Scams and Fraud: The crypto market continues to grapple with scams, Ponzi schemes, and fraudulent projects, making it essential for investors to exercise caution. Increased awareness and education are crucial in mitigating these risks.
#MyFirstFeedPost Hello, Binance Square!

Market Overview

Bitcoin Dominance: As of October 2023, Bitcoin (BTC) continues to be the dominant force in the crypto market. It maintains its position as the largest and most recognized cryptocurrency, serving as a benchmark for the entire market. However, its dominance has decreased slightly due to the growing popularity of other cryptocurrencies.
Ethereum's Upgrade: Ethereum (ETH), the second-largest cryptocurrency, has undergone significant changes with the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade. This transition from a proof-of-work (PoW) to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism has aimed to improve scalability, energy efficiency, and transaction speed.
NFTs and Metaverse: Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have continued to gain popularity and are at the forefront of the crypto market. Digital artists, content creators, and even traditional art industries have embraced NFTs. The concept of the metaverse, a virtual, interconnected world, has also emerged as a dominant trend, with several crypto projects working towards its realization.
DeFi Ecosystem: The decentralized finance (DeFi) sector remains a significant player, providing financial services such as lending, borrowing, and trading on blockchain platforms. However, the sector's rapid growth has raised concerns about security and regulatory compliance.
Challenges and Regulatory Developments

Regulatory Scrutiny: Governments worldwide are paying more attention to cryptocurrencies. They aim to establish regulatory frameworks to prevent illegal activities like money laundering and tax evasion. Some countries have embraced cryptocurrencies, while others have banned or restricted their use.
Scams and Fraud: The crypto market continues to grapple with scams, Ponzi schemes, and fraudulent projects, making it essential for investors to exercise caution. Increased awareness and education are crucial in mitigating these risks.
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